How to Prevent Cavities Once in a blue moon you either can’t brush your teeth or you just forget, or sometimes you are just so sleepy you are too lazy to get out of bed to do so. While this is okay once in a while, it’s not alright to do it all the time! Any Family Dentist in Millburn will tell you that mistakes do happen, but making a habit of this bad mistake is only going to lead to issues with your teeth. If you like sweets or you travel a lot or you want to eat yummy foods, but you want the cavities to stay at bay, here are a few things you can do to try and prevent them. And if is too late and you have a toothache you can always contact a top dentist in Millburn for an appointment.v Pack A Toothbrush In Your Lunch Box Sometimes brushing your teeth might seem like a pain but if you’ve ever had a cavity you know that the physical pain of getting a cavity and getting it drilled and filled, is even more of a pain! It’s important that you brush after every meal, especially dinner. One way to prevent mid-day cavities when it comes to lunch is to pack a toothbrush with you. There are travel toothbrushes which are small and

How to prevent cavities

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Sometimes brushing your teeth might seem like a pain but if you’ve ever had a cavity you know that the physical pain of getting a cavity and getting it drilled and filled, is even more of a pain! It’s important that you brush after every meal, especially dinner. One way to prevent mid-day cavities when it comes to lunch is to pack a toothbrush with you. There are travel toothbrushes which are small and compact and will fit right into a small baggie.

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How to Prevent Cavities Once in a blue moon you either can’t brush your teeth or you just forget, or sometimes you are just so sleepy you are too lazy to get out of bed to do so. While this is okay once in a while, it’s not alright to do it all the time! Any Family Dentist in Millburn will tell you that mistakes do happen, but making a habit of this bad mistake is only going to lead to issues with your teeth. If you like sweets or you travel a lot or you want to eat yummy foods, but you want the cavities to stay at bay, here are a few things you can do to try and prevent them. And if is too late and you have a toothache you can always contact a top dentist in Millburn for an appointment.v

Pack A Toothbrush In Your Lunch Box

Sometimes brushing your teeth might seem like a pain but if you’ve ever had a cavity you know that the physical pain of getting a cavity and getting it drilled and filled, is even more of a pain! It’s important that you brush after every meal, especially dinner. One way to prevent mid-day cavities when it comes to lunch is to pack a toothbrush with you. There are travel toothbrushes which are small and compact and will fit right into a small baggie.

Remove Plaque

Plaque can essentially eat away at the enamel on your teeth as well as cause other problems. If you want to prevent cavities from soft teeth when they no longer have the enamel barrier, it’s a good idea to visit your local Family Dentist and get the plaque removed with regular cleanings and make sure you floss too!

Chew Sugarless Gum

For some people not chewing gum is like not breathing. It’s not natural. If you like gum either because it keeps you busy, your an ex smoker (congrats to you!) or you just like chewing gum, why not consider sugarless gum? According to the American Dental Association, chewing sugarless gum can actually increase the saliva in your mouth and will naturally neutralize the acids in your mouth that are left over from food. But, it has to be sugarless!

Eat More Cheese!

Studies show that an ingredient or more specifically a protein found in cheese called casein can actually protect and promote healthy teeth. There are also other studies that show other foods with casein can do the same thing, like cows milk, cream, half and half, yogurt, some ice creams, butter, and pudding. But other less obvious foods include semisweet chocolate, some processed meats, etc. If you eat these foods, make sure you are not allergic to casein and one of the easiest ways to know if you are allergic to it is by knowing if you have a dairy intolerance. If you are allergic to casein or milk type products, skip this tip but try the others listed here.

Use a Straw

if you like to indulge in some sweet drinks, like soda pop, make sure you use a straw. Using a straw will make the drink pass your teeth and wont come into contact as much wit your teeth than drinking it straight from the container. Try it next time and you’ll see what I mean. Acidic sodas shouldn’t be drank a lot though because these can eat away at your teeth and often it can hurt the enamel on your teeth, add in the sugar and you have a cavity just waiting to happen. If you do drink it, make sure to brush


Combat Cavities With Raisins

Researchers found that raisins have chemicals called polyphenols and flavonoids which actually help to prevent cavities. All you need is a handful and you will be creating

healthier teeth! But, raisins do contain sugar, albeit natural, so make sure that you also brush if you have these for a snack and sometimes those sweet little raisins can get stuck in between your teeth too, so floss when possible.

Tooth healthy Foods

As with the cheese and other items listed up above, there ARE foods that are tooth healthy foods. These items include things like sugar free gum listed above, cheese, milk, fresh fruits, veggies, unsweetened coffee (not daily, but once in awhile) green tea and more so if you like these items, eat/drink them!