SAP Web Integrated Development Environment How-To Guide Provided by Customer Experience Group Extend the SAP FIORI app HCM Timesheet Approval Applicable Releases: SAP Web Integrated Development Environment 1.4 Version 1.2 - October 2014

How to Extend the SAP FIORI app HCM Timesheet Approval · 2019. 11. 12. · Extend the SAP FIORI app HCM Timesheet Approval 5 4. STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURE This is the sequence of steps:

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Page 1: How to Extend the SAP FIORI app HCM Timesheet Approval · 2019. 11. 12. · Extend the SAP FIORI app HCM Timesheet Approval 5 4. STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURE This is the sequence of steps:

SAP Web Integrated Development Environment How-To Guide

Provided by Customer Experience Group

Extend the SAP FIORI app HCM Timesheet Approval Applicable Releases: SAP Web Integrated Development Environment 1.4 Version 1.2 - October 2014

Page 2: How to Extend the SAP FIORI app HCM Timesheet Approval · 2019. 11. 12. · Extend the SAP FIORI app HCM Timesheet Approval 5 4. STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURE This is the sequence of steps:

Extend the SAP FIORI app HCM Timesheet Approval


Document History Document  Version   Authored  By   Description  

1.2   Customer  Experience  Group  

Name  changed  and  information  updated  

1.1   Customer  Experience  Group  

Added  chapter  about  extending  a  view  through  an  extension  point  and  changed  all  the  screenshots  

1.0   Customer  Experience  Group  

First  release  of  this  guide  

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Extend the SAP FIORI app HCM Timesheet Approval



1.   Business  Scenario  ...............................................................................................................................  4  

2.   Background  Information  ....................................................................................................................  4  

3.   Prerequisites  ......................................................................................................................................  4  

4.   Step-­‐by-­‐Step  Procedure  .....................................................................................................................  5  4.1   Creating  an  extension  project  ..............................................................................................................  5  4.2   Replacing  an  existing  view  ...................................................................................................................  9  4.3   Adding  a  button  to  the  extended  view  ...............................................................................................  11  4.4   Extending  a  controller  ........................................................................................................................  13  4.5   Extending  a  view  through  an  extension  point  ....................................................................................  16  4.6   Hiding  a  UI  control  .............................................................................................................................  19  4.7   Extending  the  i18n  Resource  Text  ......................................................................................................  22  

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Extend the SAP FIORI app HCM Timesheet Approval



SAP Web Integrated Development Environment (or SAP Web IDE) is a next-generation cloud-based meeting space where multiple project stakeholders can work together from a common web interface -- connecting to the same shared repository with virtually no setup required. It includes multiple interactive features that allow you to collaborate with your colleagues and accelerate the development of your HTML5/UI5 applications. 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION

In  this  How-­‐To  Guide  we  will  start  off  by  extending  an  existing  SAP  FIORI  app  (HCM_TS_APV)  directly  from  the  gateway  server.  We  will  extend  an  existing  view;  we  will  add  a  new  button  to  it  and  some  logic  to  the  new  button.  Finally  we  will  see  how  to  hide  an  existing  control  in  the  extended  app.  For  some  of  these  extensions  we  will  use  the  Extensibility  Pane  feature.   3. PREREQUISITES

To connect to your SAP Web IDE system, open the browser and enter the URL of your system.  


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Extend the SAP FIORI app HCM Timesheet Approval



This is the sequence of steps: 1) Create an extension project 2) Replace an existing view 3) Add a button to the extended view 4) Extend a controller 5) Extend a view through an extension point 6) Hide a UI control 7) Extending the i18n Resource Text

4.1 Creating an extension project In this exercise we will create an extension project for the FIORI application HCM_TS_APV


1. Open  SAP  Web  IDE    

2. Select  the  highest  level  in  your  project  explorer  (the  Local  root)  


3. Choose  File  à  New  à  Extension  Project    


4. Click  on  Remote…  



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5. Select  SAPUI5  ABAP  Repository  


6. In  the  next  screen,  browse  for  your  OData  server  


7. Enter  the  required  credentials  and  click  on  Log  In  


8. Wait  until  you  get  the  list  of  the  available  OData  services  



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9. Search  for  HCM_TS_APV,  select  it  in  the  list  and  click  on  OK  

  10. The  Parent  Application  and  the  Extension  Project  Name  will  be  compiled  automatically.  Do  not  enable  the  two  

checkboxes  and  click  on  Next  


11. Click  on  Finish  


12. Your  extension  project  has  been  created  successfully  


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13. To  check  if  the  Fiori  extension  app  is  running  correctly,  select  the  index.html  file  and  click  on  the  button  Run  


14. Enter  the  required  credentials  if  needed  


15. The  application  is  executed    

 16. You  have  successfully  created  and  tested  your  new  extension  project.  You  can  close  now  the  Application  

Preview  tab  



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4.2 Replacing an existing view ...  

As our first extension exercise we are going to see how to replace an existing view in the extended application.  Choose  the  menu  option  File  -­‐>  New  -­‐>  Project  

1. Open  SAP  Web  IDE    

2. Select  the  extension  project  and  choose  Tools  à  Extensibility  Pane  


3. A  new  overlapping  window  will  open.  From  this  window,  select  first  the  S2  view,  then  choose  Replace  with  copy  of  the  parent  view  and  click  on  the  OK  button  


4. Answer  No  for  now  to  this  request  since  we  have  just  replaced  the  S2  view  a  copy  of  it,  without  any  change  at  moment  



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5. Keeping  the  extended  view  always  selected,  click  on  Go  to  Code  à  Extension  Code  in  the  lower  right  corner  of  the  pane  


6. The  extension  pane  will  be  closed  and  the  S2Custom.view.xml  file  will  be  opened  on  the  right  side  


7. You  have  successfully  extended  the  original  S2  view.  

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4.3 Adding a button to the extended view ...  

We are going to see how to add a very simple button the extended view. This button, after the extension of its controller, will be used to display an alert message.  Choose  the  menu  option  File  -­‐>  New  -­‐>  Project  

1. Open  SAP  Web  IDE    

2. If  not  already  open,  double  click  on  the  S2Custom.view.xml  file  


3. In  the  source  code  window,  just  after  the  first  <content>  tag  add  the  following  line     <Button icon="sap-icon://display" tap="display"/>

Your  new  code  should  look  as  this:  


4. Save  the  file  


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5. Select  the  index.html  file  in  the  extension  project  and  click  on  Run  


6. Enter  again  the  credentials  and  click  on  Log  In  


7. You  should  be  able  to  see  a  new  button  on  the  sidebar.  If  you  click,  it  does  nothing  at  moment.  We  will  add  some  code  to  it  in  the  next  part  


8. You  have  successfully  added  a  new  button  to  the  extended  view.  You  can  now  close  the  Application  Preview  


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4.4 Extending a controller ...  

Here we can add some logic to the button we added in the previous chapter, by extending the view controller.  Choose  the  menu  option  File  -­‐>  New  -­‐>  Project  

1. Open  SAP  Web  IDE    

2. Right  click  on  the  extension  project  and  select  New  à  Extension  


3. Check  that  the  extension  project  is  correct  and  click  on  Next  


4. Select  Extend  Controller  and  click  on  Next  



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5. Choose  the  Controller  =  S2  as  the  controller  you  want  to  extend  and  Replace  with  =  Empty  Controller  


6. Click  on  Finish  


7. The  new  controller  extension  has  been  created.  Double  click  on  the  S2Custom.controller.js  name  on  the  left  side  


8. You  may  get  the  following  message  informing  you  that  the  file  will  be  automatically  formatted.  Click  on  OK    


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9. Add  the  following  code  just  after  the  first  row  of  the  source  JavaScript  code,  then  click  on  Save:  display:function(){

alert("Hi, you clicked on Display!");




10. Select  the  index.html  file  and  click  on  Run  


11. Click  on  the  new  Display  button  and  you  should  get  the  message  you  have  put  in  the  code  


12. You  have  successfully  added  some  logic  to  new  button.  You  can  close  now  the  Application  Preview  


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4.5 Extending a view through an extension point ...  

We may extend a view even by using some ad-hoc extension points that the developer made available for us. One of the advantages of using an extension point is that if the original application changes, you are pretty sure that the extended one will be still working. In the S3 view of the application used for this example there are a couple of extension points we can use. One is named extS3Header and another one is named extS3CostHeader. We will use the first one because we want simply to show an additional label in the header of the S3 view, in particular in the position shown in this picture.

 Choose  the  menu  option  File  -­‐>  New  -­‐>  Project  

1. Open  SAP  Web  IDE    

2. Select  the  extension  project  and  choose  Tools  à  Extensibility  Pane  


3. Expand  the  outline  to  S3  à  sap.m.Page  à  sap.m.content  à  sap.m.ObjectHeader  and  select  the  extS3Header  element.  Then  choose  to  Extend  View  and  click  on  OK  


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4. The  extension  will  be  created.  Choose  No  as  the  answer  to  the  following  request  


5. Keeping  the  extension  point  selected,  click  on  Go  to  Code  à  Extension  Code  


6. You  will  be  taken  to  the  source  code  where  you  can  insert  your  view  extension.  Type  the  following  code  between  line  1  and  line  3  and  save  the  file.  <ObjectAttribute id="ATTR001" text="{DetailModel>/EmpName}"/>

For  the  sake  of  simplicity,  we  are  just  displaying  again  the  employee  name  in  the  header.  


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7. Run  the  application  again  and  you  will  find  a  new  label  with  the  employee  name  in  the  S3  header  


8. Looking  at  the  application  structure  now,  we  see  that  a  new  file  has  been  added  to  the  view  folder.  This  file  is  the  one  containing  our  extension  fragment  


9. Looking  instead  at  the  Component.js  file  we  see  that  some  new  lines  have  been  added.  These  lines  are  the  ones  that  enable  the  extension  fragment  


10. You  have  successfully  extended  a  view  through  an  extension  point.    

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4.6 Hiding a UI control ...  

What about if you want to hide an existing SAPUI5 control? Nothing easier! You just need to open the extensibility pane again and select to hide that control: let’s see how to ide the “Notes” button in the content part of the app

 Choose  the  menu  option  File  -­‐>  New  -­‐>  Project  

1. Open  SAP  Web  IDE    

2. Select  the  extension  project  and  choose  Tools  à  Extensibility  Pane  


3. Switch  the  preview  mode  to  Large  in  order  to  make  it  easier  to  work  on  the  right  side  


4. Click  on  the  Show  button  on  the  first  row.  This  will  expand  it  


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5. Switch  from  Preview  Mode  to  Extensibility  Mode  from  the  top  toolbar  


6. Click  on  the  note  button  and  the  control  will  turn  pink.  This  means  it’s  selected.  At  the  same  time,  on  the  right  side,  the  control  ID  is  highlighted:  it’s  named  TSA_LIST_DAYENTRY_NotesCell  


7. Select  the  ID  TSA_LIST_DAYENTRY_NotesCell,  then  choose  Hide  Control  from  the  list  and  click  on  the  OK  button  



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8. This  time  answer  Yes  to  the  question  to  refresh  the  page  to  see  the  changes  immediately  


9. Looking  at  the  extensibility  pane  you  can  see  that  the  control  already  disappeared  

  10. Close  the  extensibility  pane  

   11. If  you  open  the  Component.js  file  you  see  that  some  new  code  has  been  added  in  the  viewModifications  

function  in  order  to  hide  the  selected  control  


12. If  you  run  the  application  the  Note  button  results  no  longer  visible  in  the  extended  view.  Congratulation!  You  have  successfully  extended  your  app.  

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4.7 Extending the i18n Resource Text ...  

You may also want to customize texts for some of the already available languages in the original application. You can extend your application by downloading the original text files in the extension project and change them accordingly. In this chapter we will see how to change the header text for one of the columns in the content view.

1. Open  SAP  Web  IDE    

2. Right  click  on  the  extension  project  and  select  New  à  Extension  


3. Check  that  the  extension  project  is  correct  and  click  on  Next  


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4. Select  the  i18n  Resource  Text  Customization  and  click  on  Next  


5. Click  on  Finish  


6. At  the  end  of  the  wizard  you  should  find  under  the  project’s  root  a  new  folder  named  i18n.  This  folder  contains  all  the  text  resources  used  by  your  application,  which  have  been  imported  from  the  original  one.  In  our  case  we  are  going  to  change  the  text  for  one  of  these  languages  



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7. Let’s  suppose  we  want  to  change  the  header  of  the  second  column  in  the  content  view  for  the  Italian  language.  We  want  to  change  it  from  “Registrato”  to  “Inserito”  


8. Double  click  on  the  resource  file  related  to  the  Italian  language.  The  resource  file  will  be  opened  on  the  right  


9. Locate  the  text  with  the  ID  =  TSA_RECORDED  and  change  its  value  to  “Inserito”.  Then  save  the  file  


10. If  you  run  the  application  you  may  notice  that  you  cannot  switch  to  the  Italian  language  from  the  preview  toolbar  


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11. Close  the  preview  tab  and  go  back  to  your  project.  Double  click  on  the  file  named  .project.json  you  can  find  under  your  project’s  root  


12. Go  to  the  supportedLanguages  line  and  append  there  the  “it”  string.  Then  save  the  file  


13. Run  again  the  project.  You  should  be  able  to  see  the  Italian  language  among  the  available  ones  


14. Switch  to  Italian  and  check  the  second  column’s  header  


15. Your  change  has  been  successfully  applied.    

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