How To Code Version 1.0

How To Code

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How To Code Version – 1.0

Rahul Chhangani

Technologist & Full Stack Developer,

Co-Founder Fuzzy Innovation Street

Ex-Asst Professor Lachoo Memorial College of Sci & Tech, Jodhpur

Former Software Engineer Secure Parking, Mumbai.

Experienced with following

Web & Desktop

- Java Swings, FX, RX/TX, JEE, JAVA APIs, MVC, Collections, OpenCV

- PHP, Moodle, CodeIgniter, Wordpress, Drupal (Hands-On), web services, MySQL, Sqlite, MongoDB,


Apache, Tomcat, Wildfly & Web Logic (beginner)


Android application development, Surface API, Barcode, QRCode, Bluetooth




• bestProgram

• Design Idea First

• Programming Tokens

• Way of Writing Code

• Document your statement

• Know your loop

• Eye on bug

• Think Agile

• Decide which programming language

bestProgram = “Hello World”;





Design Idea First – Factorial Program With Recursion

First Design

Design Idea First – Factorial Program Contd…

Second Design

Design Idea First – Factorial Program Contd…

Third Design

Language Tokens – Variables & Datatypes

Variables that holds your data and Datatypes is just about what type of data variable is holding. Variable can be any thing, any name and declared with programming language rule. Both are tokens and both work together, datatype is just used to let compiler know what type of data you introduce for further processing. Variable actually never holds your data, it holds the address of the location where your data stored and that location is represent with that defined variable.

Way of writing code…. Make it readable

Variable name should be in small and meaningful format (eg: age, my_age, someone_else_age, extractage) Constant Variables are always in capital letter (eg: INIT = 10, START=0) Function name first letter small and second letter first character capital (eg: void callMe(), studentAreCalling() ) Class name having first character always capital (eg: class MyFirstClass{ }, SecondClass{ } )

Recursion…. My mom using this function

public String recursiveCallbyMom(String momTemprature) { if(momsTemprature < 30 degree) { print(“rahul uth ja…“) recursiveCallByMom(momTemprature+5 degree) } else { print(“Mom In Room With Hand Granates…”); return rahul; } }

Write your own factorial function with recursion

Document your statement….

Best way to document /* * This code is written by me * This code is used for blacklisting student */ public function blackListStudent() { //blacklist those student who … bla bla bla $blacklist_success = …………….”your code”……………….; //blacklist_success is boolean type of variable if($blacklist_success) { //whatever your statement } }

Know your loop…..

Iterative Construct.

Eye on bug….

If (you design your idea on paper) If (you know your variable) If (you know your loop delivery) If (you know your function calling) If (you already know program output) { printf(“Code Run Successfully”) } else { printf(“semantic bug”); } else{ printf(“semantic bug”); } else{ printf(“semantic bug & syntax error”); } else{ printf(“syntax error”); } else { printf(“Tere se na ho payega….”); }

Difference B/w Bug and Error

“A mistake in coding is called error , error found by tester is called defect, defect accepted by development team then it is called bug”

Think Agile – Way of solving problem

Older Way….

Agile Way…

Decide which programming language C – Something with system C++ - Something you want with object Java – Something you want parallel .NET – Something you want rapidly Android – You Mobile Python- Something you want faster with single thread

THANKYOU – 24 Sept- 2016