HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT LIFE JACKET A Handy Guide from Your United States Coast Guard

HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

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Page 1: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

HoW to cHoose tHeriGHt life Jacket

A Handy Guide from YourUnited States Coast Guard

Page 2: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

A wearable life jacket for each person must be aboard.

These life jackets must be…

• U.S.CoastGuardapproved

• Thepropersizefortheintendedwearer

• Ingoodandserviceablecondition

• Properlystowed(readilyaccessible)

Whenavesselisunderwaywithchildrenunder 13yearsold,theymustbewearingalifejacketunlesstheyarebelowdeckorinanenclosedcabin.

Note: On some state waters this age require ment may vary. Boaters are encouraged to check with their respective state boating authority regarding these requirements.

U.S. Coast Guard life jacket requirements for recreationalvessels:

Page 3: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

Skydivers wear their parachutes...

Football players wear their helmets...

Drivers wear their seat belts...

Responsible boaters wear their life jackets!

Page 4: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

These fatalities occur close to shore and are causedbydrowning.Also,inmostcases, lifejacketsarestowedonboard,butnotworn.

And all are unexpected.TheU.S.CoastGuardrecommendsthat youwear—notjustcarry—alifejacketwhileboating.

One-half of all recreational boating fatalities happen in calm water.

Page 5: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

One-half of all recreational boating fatalities happen in calm water. • Cruising,paddling,waterskiing,


• Men,women,children, andevenpets

• Swimmersandnon-swimmers

• Boatersofallsizes

• Manyuses,andcomeinmanycolorsandstyles

Life jackets are available for...

Page 6: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

Itwillhelpkeepyourheadabovethewater. Toobig,andthelifejacketwillrideuparoundyourface.Toosmall,itwillnotbeabletokeepyourbodyafloat.

Lifejacketsdesignedforadultswillnotwork for children!

Try It On For Size#1 Checkthemanufacturer’slabeltoensure


#2 Makesurethejacketisproperlyfastened.

#3 Holdyourarmsstraightupoveryourhead.

#4 Askafriendtograspthetopsofthearmopeningsandgentlypullup.

#5 Makesurethereisnoexcessroomabovetheopeningsandthatthejacketdoesnotrideupoveryourchinorface.


If a life jacket fits properly...

Page 7: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

• Inflatesautomaticallyuponimmersion ormanualactivation

• Comfortableandcool

• Mayturnunconsciouswearerfaceup

• Requiresregularmaintenance*

• Notforchildrenunder16ornon-swimmers

• Notforsportswhereimmersionisexpected(whitewaterpaddling,waterskiing,etc.)

Auto Inflatable


“It only takes a second to put on a life jacket. That second could save your life.”

– Boating accident survivor

General recreational BoatinG

Page 8: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

• Onlyinflatesuponmanualactivation

• Comfortableandcool

• Mayturnunconsciouswearerfaceup

• Requiresregularmaintenance*

• Notforchildrenunder16ornon-swimmers

• Notforsportswhereimmersionisexpected(whitewaterpaddling,waterskiing,etc.)

General recreational BoatinG

Manual Inflatable


Page 9: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

• Inflatesautomaticallyuponimmersion ormanualactivation

• Extremelyeasytowear

• Requiresregularmaintenance*

• Mustbeplacedoverheadafterinflation

• Notforchildrenunder16ornon-swimmers

• Notforsportswhereimmersionisexpected(whitewaterpaddling,waterskiing,etc.)

General recreational BoatinG

Belt Pack Inflatable


“I am thankful I had my life jacket on . . . and that it wasn’t lying on the bottom of the boat. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have made it. I never get in a boat, no matter how short the ride is, without my life jacket. Never.”

– Boating accident survivor

Page 10: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

• Mayturnunconsciouswearerfaceup

• Requireslittlemaintenance*

• Goodfornon-swimmers

• Goodflotation

• Lessbulkythanoffshorevests

General recreational BoatinG

Vest Type


“I’ll remember that day for as long as I live. If I had not had my life jacket on, I know I would have died.”

– Boating accident survivor

Page 11: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

• Inherentlybuoyant,alsoinflatesautomaticallyuponimmersionormanualactivation

• Requiresregularmaintenance**

• Mayturnunconsciouswearerfaceup

• Notforsportswhereimmersionisexpected(whitewaterpaddling,waterskiing,etc.)

General recreational BoatinG

Children’s Hybrid* Inflatable

* Alifejacketconstructedfromtwocomponents;inherently buoyantmaterialandaninflatablechamber


Page 12: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

• Designedforpossibleimmersion

• Maynotturnunconsciouswearerfaceup

• Requireslittlemaintenance*

• Mayhavespecialsafetyfeaturesforchildren

General recreational BoatinG

Children’s Life Jacket


“Life jackets have to fit in order to work. That’s why it’s so important that children wear life jackets especially designed for their size.”

– Boating safety advocate

Page 13: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

• Comfortable

• Stylish

• Requireslittlemaintenance*

• Maynotturnunconsciouswearerfaceup

General recreational BoatinG

Flotation Aid

“When I fell in the water and my boat disappeared, I was scared . . . but I knew I had my life jacket on and that would keep my head above water.”

– Boating accident survivor


Page 14: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

• Designedforpossibleimmersion

• Maynotturnunconsciouswearerfaceup

• Requireslittlemaintenance*

• Ruggedconstruction

• Designedforwaterskiingorotherhighimpact,highspeedactivities

Personal Watercraft, WaterskiinG, and Water sPorts

Vest-Type Flotation



Page 15: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

• Designedforwaterfowlhunting

• Quiltedshootingpatchonrightshoulder

• Meshpocketforstorage

• Specialfitallowsforfreedomofmovement

• Maynotturnunconsciouswearerfaceup


Mesh Camo

Page 16: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

• Designedforwaterfowlhunting in cold weather

• Hip-length,concealedhood,2-wayzipperwith storm flap

• Mayhelppreventhypothermia

• Maynotturnunconsciouswearerfaceup


Float Coat

“Most sportsmen think that nothing bad can happen on the water. But accidents do happen, and a life jacket or a float coat can make the difference between life and death.”

– Boating safety advocate

Page 17: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

• Inflatesautomaticallyuponimmersion ormanualactivation

• Includespocketsandstrapsforsupplies and tackle

• Mayturnunconsciouswearerfaceup

• Requiresregularmaintenance*

• Notforchildrenunder16ornon-swimmers

• Notforsportswhereimmersionisexpected(whitewaterpaddling,waterskiing,etc.)


Inflatable Fishing Vest


Page 18: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

• Intendedforcanoeing,kayaking,rafting, andwhitewateractivities

• Specialfitallowsforfreedomofmovement

• Maynotturnunconsciouswearerfaceup

• Requireslittlemaintenance


Touring & Whitewater Paddling Jacket

“When our kayak capsized, I had on my life jacket and made it to land safely. My friend did not have on his life jacket and a 20-year annual outing ended that day. He lost his life.”

– Boating accident survivor

Page 19: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

• Intendedforboatingoffshore,openwater,andcoastalcruising

• Offersthemostflotation

• Mayhelppreventhypothermia

• Bulky

• Designedtoturnanunconsciousperson face up

offsHore BoatinG and racinG

Offshore Vest

“Many people don’t realize that some life jackets, such as a vest, help with more than flotation. It can actually help your body conserve heat and ward off hypothermia.”

– Boating safety advocate

Page 20: HoW to cHoose tHe riGHt life Jacket - safekids.org · that the life jacket is a proper fit for your size and weight. #2 Make sure the jacket is properly fastened. #3 Hold your arms

The U.S. Coast Guard thanks the following partners for their support:

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary 202-372-1261


United States Power Squadrons® 888-FOR-USPS(888-367-8777)


National Association of State Boating Law Administrators


National Safe Boating Council 703-361-4294


National Water Safety Congress 440-209-9805


For more information please contact:

Brought to you by the U.S. Coast Guard
