Studenta: Musuroi Rodica Ioana Grupa: 8214 Profesor: Mihai Daniel Frumuselu How to be a better manager

How to be a better manager

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Page 1: How to be a better manager

Studenta: Musuroi Rodica Ioana

Grupa: 8214

Profesor: Mihai Daniel Frumuselu

How to be a better manager

Page 2: How to be a better manager

• In every large organization, there's a hierarchy of management that keeps the whole operation running smoothly. A good manager is able to blend into the background, changing small things here and there to great effect.

Page 3: How to be a better manager

Keep the door open• Always

remind people that if they have any questions or concerns, you're ready and willing to listen.

•  Maintaining an open channel of communication will make you aware of problems quickly, so that you can fix them as soon as possible.

Page 4: How to be a better manager

Take an interest in your employees

• Don't make every interaction with your workers strictly business. Ask after their well-being, chat with them about yourself, and establish a personal connection.

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Treat your employees well

•  If you're good to your workers and they're happy with their jobs, they'll pass that kindness on to customers and invaluably bolster the image of your company. Or, they'll do the same for their employees and maintain a positive corporate culture.

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Motivate people •  Why are the employees there? What

keeps them with your organization and stops them from going somewhere else? What makes the good days good? What makes them stick with the organization after a bad day or a bad week? Don't assume it's money - most people are more complex than that.

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Make people feel good •  The successful

manager is great at identifying his employees' strengths and applauding them every once in a while. That's because good managers know that happy people make productive people.

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• http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Good-Manager

• https://www.google.ro/search