How God Helps You - knowme.co.za · devotion 3 god is preparing people to receive your testimony of restored truth. he requires your faith and then your action to share fearlessly

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Page 1: How God Helps You - knowme.co.za · devotion 3 god is preparing people to receive your testimony of restored truth. he requires your faith and then your action to share fearlessly

Devotion 3









How God Helps You

Page 2: How God Helps You - knowme.co.za · devotion 3 god is preparing people to receive your testimony of restored truth. he requires your faith and then your action to share fearlessly

02 Pure Faith Walking in HIS footsteps

Scripture Reading:

The Lord is with You...Mark 10:27With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.

2 Chronicles 20:17 But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the LORD’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out there tomorrow, for the LORD is with you!


How do you respond to seemingly impossible situations?The world seems to be abounding with impossible circumstances – financial struggles, marriage problems that look impossible to fix; sicknesses that seems impossible to cure, and a host of other impossibilities. Have you been in that place where you’ve said, “This isn’t working. There’s nothing I can do”? Have you faced a situation where it feels like you can’t go on, there is no answer, but you don’t even know what you would do or where you would go if you did give up?

You pray, but now it feels like whatever faith you had is crumbling around you. Desperation begins to take over and you are beginning to direct those feelings towards God. You even begin to question just how much of a Christian you are!

If that’s the place you are in, I have good news. God is right there with you in that impossible situation waiting to get you out. If you want your situation to change however, you are going to have to get a ‘thought’ change. God is able to intervene in your situation.

NO weapon that is formed against you shall prevail, and greater is He that is in you, than the one in your problem! Some great men and women in bible have faced similar, if not worse situations and God delivered them all when they prayed to Him in faith and believed his promise.

Trust in God to lead you out of your tough circumstances... Anything is possible with God’s help. Faith and

prayer are the key to facing life’s challenges. Faith is building our lives on the fact that God is in control, and that God will fulfill His promises even when we don’t see those promises materializing. Faith takes us to Christ when we’re at the end of ourselves. Faith drives us to Christ in trust. Faith responds to Christ in obedience.

Abraham’s example in Hebrews 11:11-12 - we learn that earthly circumstances will not hinder God’s promises. One of the things that damages our faith is that we put too much faith in what we can do instead of what God can do.

Finally, we learn that when we believe in God with our impossibilities, it frees God to do the impossible, and then we reap the rewards of His promises.

Realize that God intends for you to be where you are...The vehicle which God uses to bring us to the place of depletion is the “impossible situation.” God will deliberately maneuver us into that place so that He might expose our weakness and His sovereign grace.

God led Israel into the impossible, immediately after He led them out of Egypt. He gave Israel specific instructions through Moses. He told them exactly WHERE to encamp. He told them WHY. For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, “They are entangled in the land. The wilderness has shut them in.” (Exodus 14:3)

There can be no doubt in reading this passage that God deliberately told Israel to encamp where He knew they would be trapped. In other words, Israel ended up in an impossible situation, not because they sinned, and not because they made a mistake, but because they OBEYED GOD. There entire situation had been orchestrated by God for His purposes, and for the good of Israel.

It is so easy to assume that when we find ourselves in the impossible that we got there through disobedience, a lack of faith.

But this is not necessarily so.

03 Pure Faith Walking in HIS footsteps

Father, sometimes we face impossible

situations in life. Things look really hard and

hopeless. Teach us this day that you are

dependable – that we can always count on You to carry us through

the tough times we go through and deepen our faith in You, this day.

In Jesus Name, Amen.


Page 3: How God Helps You - knowme.co.za · devotion 3 god is preparing people to receive your testimony of restored truth. he requires your faith and then your action to share fearlessly

The Wilderness Experience

We may be in an impossible situation because God Himself has led us there. But even if we did get ourselves there through some sort of disobedience, we can always surrender ourselves, in our situation, to God. It then becomes HIS situation, and one through which He is able to work.

Either God led you into your current circumstances, or He allowed them to occur as the result of some choices you made. Faith is not ignoring the problem. Faith is knowing that God is bigger than the problem, and that He is willing and able to help.

So many times people forget that there is a devil out there whose purpose is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10) God and the devil are not in league together to teach you anything.

Evil and darkness cannot mix with good and light.

Jesus came to deliver you from the works of the evil one (1 John 3:8).

Before you can see a change in your impossible situation, you need to understand that God is not the source of your problem, but he is the source of your deliverance.

God’s Purpose...God’s purpose in this age is to conform us to the image of His Son. He wants us to become living witnesses to His grace.

That purpose, however, IS salvation.

The impact which salvation has upon an individual, is to make them weak and spiritually bankrupt. It is to bring them to the place of utter reliance upon God.

Then, and only then, will we begin to manifest the Son of God.

God Delights in the Impossible...Where there is an impossibility, you will always

find God. However, he won’t force you to have him there with you. He’ll sit on the sidelines and wait for you to invite him in. The Bible makes it clear that God responds to faith.

Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.” (Matthew 9:29).

He honoured the Roman centurion for having the greatest faith he had seen in all Israel, and the bleeding woman drew power of healing out of him by her faith (Luke 8:43).

These people, in spite of their desperate circumstances, all had something in common. They had all established in their hearts that Jesus was NOT the source of their trouble, but the source of their deliverance.

Invite God In...In Romans 10:17 it says, ‘Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God’.

When we spend time in his word, faith comes; your faith may still seem weak at first, but faith will come! Make it your priority every day. Let it be the first thing you read or listen to in the morning. Feed on it again during the day. Feast on it again in the evening. This is how you invite God into your situation.

The 40 days of outreach campaign.

Jesus used a boat in a violent storm to teach His disciples to apply the lesson they learned with the multiplication of the loaves (Mark 6:35-52).

In our inadequacies—whether it’s storms, a lack of bread or ministry—Jesus is the resource we should draw from in order to have ample need. God shapes our character by putting us in places that require us to trust Him.

Notice what the Bible says:Then He went up into the boat to them, and the wind ceased. And they were greatly amazed in themselves beyond measure, and marveled.

For they had not understood about the loaves, because their heart was hardened. (Mark 6:51-52).

Whatever your impossible situations are, the answer remains the same. You will only

discover the power of God if you continually bring your inadequacies to Jesus and refuse to rely on yourself.

It’s easy to be brave when everything is calm. We can have faith in God’s deliverance when we don’t sense a need to be delivered.

If your storm causes you to be terrified, it is revealing that you are relying on yourself.

That day, Christ taught His disciples, in a variety

of locations, a single truth we also should never forget. We must come to Him not only by requesting provision, but also by stepping out of the boat in faith, believing that He has provided all we need to obey Him.

God can make the impossible possible. When God told 100-year-old Abraham that he and his 90-year-old wife Sarah that they would have a child, Abraham dropped to the ground in unbelieving laughter at such a ridiculous idea, and Sarah joined him in the laughter (Genesis 17:15-17; 18:10-12). But it happened. Abraham and Sarah had to wait 25 years.

There’s nothing like a period of waiting and futility to show us that blessing and success in our lives is only of God.

This is true even when success does come immediately, but the success often blinds us to the fact. Our limitations best convince us that success is of God—not of us.

God is able to make the impossible possible, in your life. Jesus Christ died for your sins so we could receive our breakthroughs. In 1 John 3:8 the bible reads “He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil”.

Faith and prayer are the keys to making the impossible possible—even though the process can be very slow and even if our faith is very small. Jesus said that faith as tiny as a mustard

seed—one of the tiniest seeds on earth—can move mountains (Matthew 17:20).

When you face an impossible situation, always remember:• “God is my strength and power” (2 Samuel

22:33).• “With God all things are possible”

(Matthew 19:26).• “We are more than conquerors through

Him that loved us” (Romans 8:37).• “God “is able to do immeasurably more

05 Pure Faith Walking in HIS footsteps04 Pure Faith Walking in HIS footsteps

Page 4: How God Helps You - knowme.co.za · devotion 3 god is preparing people to receive your testimony of restored truth. he requires your faith and then your action to share fearlessly

07 Pure Faith Walking in HIS footsteps

Closing Prayer

Lord, thank you that you meet us where we are, just as we are; help me to believe in the midst of my own seeming impossible situations that nothing is impossible with You.

Thank You that You are always in control.

Help us to always remember that You love us and that You have a plan and a purpose for our lives and that You will see us through every problem we face.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.


Serving GOD by Serving Others.

We hope you were blessed by this devotion

Partner Prayer

Jesus said, “…if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 18:19).

There is great power in united prayer. There is also encouragement and spiritual strength found in Christian fellowship. Because of these truths it is suggested that the participants find a prayer partner to fellowship with and pray together with either on the phone or in person every day during the 40 days of prayer and study.

06 Pure Faith Walking in HIS footsteps

The purpose of the desert

than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20).

• “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

In the Bible, God led the Israelites by way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea. Then, he guided the people around in a large circle. As the people camped at the edge of the Red Sea, they noticed that the mountains were on one side, and the sea was on the other. When the Israelites saw Pharaoh’s soldiers in the distance charging toward them, it appeared as though they were trapped with no apparent way out. But, Moses trusted God during this impossible time. Moses didn’t get upset or give up. Rather, Moses steered the people’s attention to God and calmly gave a solution as he said: “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” (Exodus 14:13-14)

God then told Moses to tell the people of Israel to “go forward.” Moses lifted up his staff and stretched out his hand over the sea and divided it.

Similar to the Israelites, at times you can be put into a temporary, yet difficult, place or a seemingly impossible circumstance. Yet, what looked like a mess for the Israelites, God turned into a miracle, and today He can do the same for you.

God’s Pattern for the Impossible...As Israel cried out to God, God told Moses what they needed to do. He said, “Fear Not, Stand Still, See Salvation, Move Forward”

This is God’s four-fold pattern for us in the impossible. Regardless of what situation we are in, and no matter how impossible it seems, we can obey these commands. They are always the result of believing in Jesus Christ. Again remember -- God orchestrates the impossible in order to reduce and deplete us, that we might obey these commands and thus pass through a death and resurrection experience. It is His vehicle for conforming us to the image of His Son

The God Who Makes the Impossible Possible...As you fill your life and mind with God’s word, remember that the enemy comes to steal the word you are putting into your heart. If he can steal the word from you, he can steal your faith, and steal your miracle. Be careful what you hear. If people speak words of doubt and unbelief about God in your company, you don’t have to believe what is said.

Protect the word in your heart, and surround yourself with people of faith. Remember that

people’s word is not the final word in your situation – God’s word is the final word.

Will you invite God who makes the impossible possible into your situation?

Today, no matter what challenge you’re encountering, do not be afraid, stand firm and go forward. You have come too far to back down and quit.

Be strong in your faith and trust God to intervene in your situation. • “God will guide you continually,” (Isaiah

58:11). • “Don’t be anxious about anything”

(Philippians 4:6), • “God is your strength and power,” (2 Samuel


For God promised to “repay two blessings for each of your troubles.” (Zechariah 9:12).

Your enemies will see your breakthrough. Your friends will see your breakthrough. Become a prayer addict today and God will indeed make the impossible, possible.

Jesus left us the Holy Spirit to help us in our weakness. The same immense power that raised Christ from the dead lives in the heart of every believer.

Page 5: How God Helps You - knowme.co.za · devotion 3 god is preparing people to receive your testimony of restored truth. he requires your faith and then your action to share fearlessly

Israel Tour 2019Every journey starts with a plan and that plan

often has it’s trials. Much like Moses leading the

Israelites out of Egypt, a trial that took 40 years.

So will we face a trial, that will test our faith. Only,

this time we will face 40 months a grain of sand

on a beach in compirson to what Moses endured.

come and join us on this journey...

Pure Faith


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Lei-La Tovטוב לילך
