How Secretary EenjamNr ' in Escaped. IJarly in May lie .srf crated from the Sj^B' r i osh ie>. t".Davis.near Washirgton, BjH ihh yy.a. for the purpose-ct making h s I A >. ^assau and Havana frSm some ya'r r\ the Flofida crnst. Ke was to B^P r-rs^me pnblin business at those mm r\:>. and tlicn to rejoin the Prcsidon - trans-Mississippi, via M itamoras v } hhras. Kb traveled directly south. :v-\-: Georgia and Florida, on iior?e ,/<. .^isgtrised as a farmer in search of hi. J-on which to setiK and passed I \V. ._;!) the conn try without exciting.«« W pv-v\. or attracting attention, until In* >>*thelowcr f.i.le of the Peninsula T r ^rida. He was informed that no h were to bo found on the eastern o. and went rhcn.ce to the Gulf shore, * * .% after a months delay, i;0 succeed. i 'getting a r.hip'3 yawl boat and two _ n.-u who wer'c willing to rish their lives c> -\ the sea in it. The open beat was u wtt 15 feet in length, in which they < .> stcd the peninsula until they reached f >. *of the keys of the Fioridj reef, whore i' :y succeeded in procuring a boat somev. hut larger, Ln: still an open boat, in v idji tboy put to sea to cross the Gulf stream, ttud fortunately reached the - * - Tk * " r. J'vmr.cs upon toe cans*, niter a passage or .ixtv Lours. On Monday, tiie lOtli of J ..; -, after an unsuccessful attempt to '-ead Nnhds iilur iiOnl'51 rA,'Oa1fiiffl;1' for pur. back to the Bimines. On Use 13tli ne took passage from the Bimincs for Nassau in a small' sloop of nine ton* Vr.iheR, leaded with sponges, nnd on rridav. the 14th, this sloop foundered at sea,, when thirty miles distant from the nearest land. The vessscl wont down so rapidly that he, willi the colored men who formed the crew, had barely time to jump into a skiff in tow of the sloop befnv she sank. Ln this boat, with alight mast, sail and «>ompa*S and havingjlo.it one oa.i, thev # made for -land, and an the weather was calm and a vessel in sight, by dint of energetic icuijiag. thev reach tho li_h' house vessel a. a p m., and wcr > cordially received by C.ipr. Stewart, on hoaid :ho Georgia-?, her Britannic .\hie?:y's liglit house yacht, and were warmly and m\*i "s. coiali'div entertained. L The vessel was on an official l-virof light house inspection upon the Banks, ami at the revest of Mr. Ben jam in. return- him mora io mo i>:iin:ii s. j ,»JC.|c!im r( civil iftpJH'li r.f July, an I rrrlthj ::l i':o - 1:t. On Sajitr<I:V, In; tai'c'.! 01 J the jrood .shcoonei' lirt'iitiin, and . -reived at, iJ.vvausi;i on the "5th, safe amlssuml. Qii whole ti;p has -occupied the hcsl " part of three months, u\[t cf wIiicli mirtv davs have b on : at sen in miserable or-on bouts; at, least. twviity-oPn davs in the small.st era its thai limit, ii;s health has not suffered) iter hr.s lie been iinUsloscd l".r an iioii:* tlarii «* all the hardships and oponuo which ho has ^ Bsstcration of the S cuth & * ' v ^TlToOiigross. The Scj/ifher i p nine are elect ;: £ to < . the'vaiioc's o.Toes that they have the "vvie;':I to n.(. m-. n uam well known to iirtve bcotr active, vaor^tlie rebels. Tm-v to reconstruct n Snu.hcw Stale, "Cv ; *i wh * did mo-; to destroy it, and r ' oai'.'T it onf of the Union. They do this for n simp's r«a«on; there arc no other i men whom the people will trust. They know that, with a few exceptions, the } &o-cui!cJ''Union men" of the So'th arc slippery fellows, weak-kaeed trimmers, who were rebels when the rebellion was r.p.and Union men when it was down. Such men will not be trusted where tiny ore kDowu, and wo onght to rejoice over it us a healthy sign of tho real honest republicism of tho South. Wo ought also to regard it as a henlthy sign that the Southern people choose to be represented in peace by tho mcD who led them in war. No one has given up the rebel cause so completely as the Southern soldiers. No class of the South-v-^ci-Q people is so fair or honest, or so sincony earnest in their desire to see the -ountry pacified. These are the men that the South now put in office. It is as we say, a healthy sign.but there is to be a fight about it wiih the radicals .especially in so far as the South wishes to be represented in Congress by this class of men..iW?c York Herald. Crime attiie North..The most cx, traordinary oarniveral of crime is now HI inn uia^t au b11cj itiiiwi »'w eovr rctui'Qintrr to have hoard or read. A volume of the Newgate calender might be culled from the gigantic crimes which have boei! perpetrated there in tlie last Ttr.lt. \... In rroxTtnrc c-t-. > t c.\y horrible cases of Wipe have oceurcd, acaccomp miob in three instances with the murder of the victims.one occnriing in Bight of the chnroh spires of Boston.the tnuidcros cscap'ng. Within that time two sous have hilled their parents, one butehcriug his mother and sister, in order that he might get money onongli to marry upon, and the other shot his farther in of blood..Three prominent bank officials have robbed tlic:r banks o \ vast amounts, one escaping to France V and there becoming a madman, arm-h. commit-iiia suicide in his cell in I'. York a few : ighis sine-.-, and the Ir-.V cusos a frail woman as the cause « fa!L To t hl'io tva may add iimuineratdi crimes of 1 ss magnitude, snch as counterfeits of fmioiral currency and pctioi Icum swindles. These crimes have .a I vet in vi-ry few instances beeu traced ti ft returned soldiers. They, poor fellows secra, in a great many instances to buvi i found their wives not «»f the patient, IV ft nelope ^yp , if forty 'divorce suits, insti tutci in a single county by returned sol dicrs mean any tiling. ! & Thk Ist.mus of Panama..The can eliz-iion of tuo Istmus of Panama i H again a tiucti.ig a'-fc nfimi.- A From! Hf c- tr cj , M. ]>« urd:el, thinks. that ih m work caa be Buccessfally executed fo about $o«,000,000. ; grturwrmriitrn^ti1 r *i"i-'.fiiifg.;"" ponrEniH' y 1! 0 u.Jj.ill.tju, Provisions* r Drugs, Medicines, Fancy Articles, &C., &c. rprrn fubschiber bkgs lravr to in- i J. FORM 'lie citrons cf Cur.dcu. nnd tbo bur1"o;inc;::i."r cov.i11r:hstlic lu'S now on bond r. j is c»ns'anih* rocoivinj VI.\. CII-ARLUs. TON, a cli. iw a::d varied nsvorrircnt of t!:e i.bovo in t'e'e vr'.ich ;.c .-c-'i Law at Wholesale and i EstsIL COTTON t?ke'i in esctiansrc for jrocda or ::<n?ht st MARK!-T Pilli.'FS r.3 well ne - T-.-nt -- . MSLVIETM. Asaenv-l.T .wee? sic?.oat* tier in ui ,?ond.cwn Street. cGLr^issA, ?. c. August 11 *i'iNuu/ IP ilfifi oluiiu. % "T TIAVrn'^TTTri^n^rr-rr.rr'-3Tcrmr lOPrCGITBti.o Branch Bank, an entirely new stock of D :T CtOOPo awl G .'OCKh'IKS, consisting of nrriclo.s most SUlTABf-F to the null necessities of tlio community ni thia time. i;y stiict att'-ntion to bushes?. soiling: goods at a reasonable pric* and keeping constantly on lutv.i sncii articles » » arc most in demand, I hope to receive a fair share of custom, terms are strictly C-itft. J: JONES. August 25 Flcur and Grist Mill a,nd Besidc-nee for Sale. 'pn". srnsf mbki*. oFFK'tB bop. salf I '1 MK -Kirkwood I-'lonr and Grist i'i'l.'' Tit.' rail: i- new and in »;.-i ord-. r. situ .tod on a never f ilirp stream oi'v.mto.-. Attached the m'il is 075 acres -.v.ii wooded Piae /.and. adjacent to Camden. .A is?. His rcidonco. t Ki karaou. r. ceatly built. c'luaiirrtj: J-i.giit-Botiit y. lour unfinished! j has men1. roori.s. xvUli tv Tie places tolt.ei lioti'c. an I extensive ei:t'inii>I.ne:s. i C"*v"F -i' further par.i--tiii.rs apply <r- ! 1 - * i:. i\t:'ii,i?f!:v. i A'ijpjs: 2'i.U ;Hoiiee, Lot and Furniture For Bale. 'n:PUB?crsic:-T. ^"TLL « Iti! Ii.» NCK. siii;:t!: ri on sliC i;npar rv.r' OS' M -"i ::'!! cr. It coMnins sis i.r.ii j:; re? v. :'!i ev»rv :: i'.ii'l iiiiiioti^h.y fr.-nishiru. *r*t:rit:ii:re to :>c v !l.l(' CIV". A J:'"« r;.! O.i-Ji' f l f.?: f.cocl S'-curi."- I-'ttr terns at )>'y at t !w 1 A>:<r. is.4t* a :: a. r. Lr.r. j j. W. iioifS02*, HA"! ultUM~n T.T: COI O 'N B US Ih -v AT 5i.s OJ.U CVA:;.\ 62 East Bay, Oh arlestor.. C©»P.iri!vu;.ir jjvcn to the >aie olCOT'J'OX, FLOUR, CORN, etc. To the laying in of suppii s for phntaj tions, or stock fw merchants. Ordrs f.»r foreign importation will be received From his Ituig experience, he feels cou; liji nl ofgiviug satisfaction. August 4 A Desirable Residence I f'/sn Ofilrt i JUJA UaiC7. TIIX SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL HIS JL REsli/ENuE 011 Lyttlcton street,also the house and lot formerly occupied by Mr. Henry Soilee, on same street. lor terms aprlv to * W.E licGHsO.N'. August 23. 4t. NOTION. The copartnership heretofore EXISTING between J. V.*. McCmry £ S. ilnmmer5lo :gli nudir tin* l'ir of "cCiirry £ Ifaninurs,..,.i:;ii i? this dry chrolvrd by nuf tool consent. Too Booh«. Noic.s and Accounts of -lie concern are in the haudj o;' J. VT, lieCurry, who will attend to the ncf.ienaout cf the concern, J. W. ycf'Tjr.?.". s. July 7. Merchant 'Tuhor^ THE MiiiiCtlAXr T _1 XhSS, Abibmcry ;i,- 'c . ALD, will be cotiiiaucd t. .. brauclus, by UCDONA ,v August IS T)rv Grt -J .-I.' - ' TfSl 111 cnvn?. A r-r- i;. BUT COM, t) r 1.T12 stock fci D17 GcCd*, cou3.sikig in part of 1'iints; black. purple and council owice Muslins. Javotiot t atiji'iits, etc.; Long Cio::>, Ill icit lid biowu Viisaie.-pi;:!. Linm ilu'kts, lathes ami gentlemen's whiicundcoL::-.-; Hose. Irish Liiiciiw1'o'.vela and Tosveliig, and various other articles loo nv.tnercu.: to mention. bail and see furyoms':if. One tlci-r .Nor h of Muikcson er.a Co. McDO.NALD &. iioCU RRY August. 13. r ._ THADDSUS STREET, ' FOilViAJtSLXO AS J/.£il CIIa j\ T, > and agcu: of In. York ai.d Charleston Steamship . L:ne, CCSA'i LESTOri",?. C\> Pays sp cinl; ttc-nti' n to tlio fnrw. rding of s: Goods from abroad, wiili tho interior, and Cotton, ' Tu.pcmii-o, Posin udotier produce from the hit-. iior to .r.y ports of the Koitli or Europe, u ^5?" Ca=h advances made on produce to his ^ cuiiSigiinieut. .»ugust 25 . 8t. H ADAMS, FROST & CO. - MAItLE^'iTOW S. </. - t REPUli.'A'tED TO £EL JGOTIOIC O'l > *A OTilr.H produce in < hark-snai, Ken tj York er .'.iverpco", as n.ay b> advantageous; ami ^ to ma te liberal advance-; in goods or_ ninnv cut e eunsignuieuis to tbcia. They v.'ill htn-ish plan " ters as lar us possible the usual i'aciliiioo. August 11. St P | .. -.;.y,: By the Provisional Governor of the, State of South Carolina. A Pi*<relatKaiton. WHEREAS HIS . EXCELLENCY * ' President, Johu3on has issued his proclamation, appointing ino (Benjamin F. Perry) Provisional Governor in and for the Slate of "South' Carolina,- with power to prescribe such rules and regulations s:p may bo necessary and proper for convening a Convention of the Slate, composed of delegates tube chosen bv that portion of the people.of said Statewho arc loyal to the Uuited States, for the purpose i.f altering or amending the Cocst:tuiion thereof; and with authority to exercise within the limits of the Stale all the powers necessary and proper to * coiil °I' ll'.l' HI vyn- 5-t.»'«. to its coiistiiUiioHfi. to the rcderul GijvernPjcnt, aval to present such a RepnWb no t>>nn ofSrcte Guvernniont r.s *.v. 11 entitle the State to I tie guarantee of theUnif'-i States their ! >.-, imd v? pvc-yio to j. rotation by tic United' Stated aiio.. sicn, bunr; cc.i and domestic violence: Now, therefore, in obedience to the proclamation of bis Excellency Andrew -b 11'o:«, President of the United States, i3ENJA?.1IN P. PKURY, Provisional .. .-i-.r .South Carol n-'/ tor toe purposeot a i incisional Govm-rmvat in South Carolina, reforming the State Constitution and restoring eiv'l ar.thotity in said State, under the Constitution nnd laws of the. United States, do lier.ehv proclaim and declare 1 unt all civil officers in South Carolina, who were in office when the Civil .Government of the State was suspended, in Aiay lust, (except those arivsto'S or nndor prosecution for tresMui.) shall, on'taking tiie oath of allegiance pvi:sciribrd in the President's Amnesty rioehwnatirn of the 29th day of Mav, Ib'tio, renmie the duties of their offices and continue to discharge tlmm under tlio Provisional Government till further appointments oro made. And 1 do further proclaim, declare aiiCl ina;:c Kiiotrn, mac u is cue miry 01 nil ci'izens of the Stale of South Oiouna to prnt'iptiv go forward and tii:-- the of alhjtif.aoo to the Unit d S'.'it-.s, tafrre.Mi]iie aianislrate or niili'Lrv uflie'.'.' of tliv Fed era i (1 veriinicnt, wjiii inny hi- .jualiivd for administering u l'is; .iiu! iueh are hereby .authorized to give C«!tilifl ropies thereof tr> the per: oils uspvu'.iveiy by v.li'ui tin y were lnr.Oo. And such M agist rates" or oftiee is ore hereby required to trntiMt'-d *.]:c originals of stjcli :.;hg, at as cariy a (lay as bo convenient. to the I Vpnnn cut of State, i>". the ci'e of \Vas|t>»if.r rn, I). (J. Aid I do farther pro-: aim. J, .-Irire and aii'lvo known, tliat the JJanagi-ix < f Klee'io- s h.c.t the State »f S.'>:s*li (.'.iio.itit* w.il l.oid ::ti o t .Iso'i lor i! embers "f a I't r:vp:il'ri:i. at their 15. s... c j,n , ,m iiu. i-:)l.-.'i' .v t : Tfititvij STKVV i »!! ii» thalsv.v* ; 11* So:; Lh Oubdl: 4 41 :v ii* y »i lb-.* ; Um 1 i;» }!« 01; District tl.-c ft?.; ? - ;] ".ii-i .1.- y i.*K-:tib.rs « : the o f;.v raid j district has members of the Ifouso of Representatives. the basis of the representation being population and taxation. This vill give one hundred ard twentyfour 'members to the Convention.u number suiicicntly large to represent every portiotvof the State most fully. Every loyal citizen who has t.fcon the Amnesty oath and not, within tln exci pt-j cd elates of the Presidents P*..clamatiuu, will oe entitled to vote, povided lie was a legal voter under the Constitution as it stood prior to the ecessio of South Carolina. And all who are within the excepted classes must tdis the oath and apply for a pardon," in odtV to entitle them to vote or become monbers of the Convention. The members of the Couventin thus elected on the first Monday it; Sefetnber next, are hereby re roi-od to entren'.- in the city nf Columbia, on "VViMXESPAY, tlic loth day of Sepfembei 1865. for.: he purp. re of altering and mv-nding the nresent Constitution of Sot.ti Caro- lina, or remodelling and tti-.Iciirj ri new o:v, wbieli v.-i51 conform to tie grout <:!.cages which have taken placj i.i the State, aud be more in accorda'Co with j Mi pubiiean ptinciples ami rips .iir ol.m vr»-»c;;t.A: ion. : '.-1 I .In farther pr.viuir. rva&e , *. 'ho at :,P. h.ws ' * Carolina p-rio xo the ; f ihfc JSn'O :vrn h'ovir in - u : tar tlie Prov'StoijulSJoie:- -' t, wherein tk.nr mr.ycont /' tit '1:0 ptyrijii-'iis of this prooiltlatio.i At/.i ilie Judges md Clntuci lloretaf the S.;-U uio hrvehy required to all the powers and peri.<rtn a'l iff dii'i.-b which appertain ; > tlteit iv.\peulivt«-(*ft»cs, ami e-peo .iliv in criminal or.si s. ,It wii. becxpotcd ot' the Federal ttvlirr authorities notv in Scull: Cnroliipifo lend their anthority to the civil officerof the Provisional Government, for the nrposc of i-nfureing the laws and prescting the peace and good order of the Star, And I do further command anjenjoin a'l good and lawful citizens of tp State ' to unite ill enforcing the laws an bringing 'o justice all disorderly persBs, all plunderers, robt-ors and niatiiuders, ;dl vagrants and idle persons (to ate wardering about without em^ymeut of any visible means of supportiti themselves. , It is also expected that nll'forraer owners, of freed persons will botind to then, and not turn off the chilren or aged' to perish ; and tho freed ien and women are earnestly enjoined t mnlce contracts, just and fair, for riiainiug with thoir former owners. In order to facilitate as mnchk possible the application for pardons rjder the excepted sections of tho Presided* Act1 r.esiv Proclamation, it is stated ir infd* niation that all applications mSt be ly petition, stating the exception, and a- cctitpaniod wit-h the oath pjscribtf.! I i L- vf; rv .i'>- t **> *s : « * . i KjgascaawM.nrT-raf. iT -nurMtMaawracan/ This petition must be first approved by the Provisional Governor, and then farwarded to' the President. The headquarters of the Provisional Governor will be at Greenville, where all cornrhim* ications to him must be addressed. ..*. In testimony whereof, I have j J ) hereunto set my hand and. seal. ( L* "* j Done at Greenville, this- 20th .<.> day of July, in tho year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty^five, and of the independence of the United .States the ninetieth. B. F.PERRY. By tho Provisional Governor: William II. Periit, "Privatf Secretary fi0*T!)e newspaper* of this State will publidi this proclamation till the election for members of tho Convention. August I OFFICE P&OVOST MARSHAL, 3d Sen-District E. S. C. [ SuMTF.lt, S. Cm August 5, 130j. j SPPC'IA G RDEliiX 0. 4. it having come to the:notice ^ th« Sub-District Provost Marshal that the citizens r.sijing in tim vicinity of Sumter are ui. iiihiig liquors and selling th-e same to tin: acridiois of this eo:utfvand, it is therefore ordered that the manufacture and sale of M#lt and Spiritnos Liquors in this Sub-District is forbidj den, exc. pt by special permission from j the Sub-DisUict Commanders or from i n is oijei Uiii ue nunin uiwiu!..)-.- (Signed) T. B. JOi'JNSTON, Cnpt. & A. Provost Marshal, 3d Sub-District E. S. C. Official : C. W. Burgess, C-apt. & A. Provost Marshal. August n OFFICE PPtOVOST MARSHAL, 3d Sub-District E. S. C.) . %jmter, Aug. 4, 18(55 «) CIRCULAR. ALL PERSON'S ARE. 1IEKEIIY NOTIFIED ilmt tire wearing of the so-called Confederate States Uniform is striolclv Ibrbi iden, and any person found wearing the same on and after the 8th day of August, lS6">, will be immediately arrested and taken before the Superior Court for trial.- Assistant Provost Marshals are charged with the execution of this order. (Signed) T. I>. JOHNSTON, Cnpt. & A. Provost Muishal, 3d Sub-Dipt. E. S. 0. Official: C. W. Bl-Roess, Capt. '< A. Provost Mnr?lml. An "list J1 ' Siz P&GVGST j 3d Sun-Omnier E. S. <\ I Si'M'/ek, August 3, lv?t»5. | Clpr UT.Mf. i p: aft with i>*. j S"'Ii!.""i,l'.)No IVOW Ilt'ssti j [ M'.I'.tmv T'i-iKi-t K. S. si! p. it-m.- | '. HU i.'Oii i-i « or Mc-».- »*:t»?.* { u-ir.-S-. j W I'll Mt i'lO -iT'll5 C-t* I P is S"lii I r IV'. \V'"I J'lrtii'vsiJi i.-pc*r: ihvir m p;.< ! <»}' I H.silMv-'S TO ill.- 1'roWi \iJV' j j ; ils*'* locsTii''; of ii;« s:::u-. " i-.i-j | ;U ki:.'l i.. aUcii i!i y sxw efrVvu.. }Vr.i'Mis fori* j.' ; > v'.'iuwith thi- Oil- i ou'roi- \>ii' l- Mid lakcii before iDe Superior Piovost Court for trial. (Signed J T. B. JOIINSTQN. Cept. <t A. Provost Mitrsliftl, flil Soli-District E. S. C. Official .* C. \V. Bl-p.gess, C«pt. <k A. Frovost Marshal. August 11 Classical and Mathemat- ical School. rBHHK SUBSt'IUBKR, ASSISTED nr dr. Jkj J. JC. MaTJIKWS, will rcsumo the ex< rcisea of bisschnolon Monday, September 5, nnd continue tlio 3nme 13 weeks. Former pupils who intend to return, and those who may wish to. enter for the Bret time, arc requited to d > so promptly, aa it will bo for the advantage of both. Terr:;: Classics, Mathematics nnd higher English, including pupils r.dvai c.d Jo Algebra S3i'; Lower English $25; French, opii.vr.ai.no extra charge Provisions will bo ttrkon in jtcri pnj-r.s may be ogr ed on. F>r payment in advance, vrb ch indeed my present ^rcuinsian'.i-s render almort requisite, a discount of 1U per cent, will ho allowed. IlE.NRi' M BRFNS, L. L. D. Aug. 25.2t Great Library Weekly Resumed. " ?/'i'IilKfORS OF THAT LOXO 1 ! .\T\i.L-.i!s) and nnonlar faiiiilnr THE SOUTHERN FIKL!> .'iND-H:»F;S!Dlf, tafce g'ent pieusnre in in toi mi: g i r numerous ' end pi'troiiS. fi1' b* publication will It j . . just fl3 SUC" 3 be iiiuii f. h: .s ! ; .: c will enable i:un to lirci'i. v : , s-ir,Hiisis nn old paper published , mnr.y ye»r& a: Augusta, 6a., and is devotvd «.ni.r.*ly '.a !TV LITER A TUBE. It is ha fireside, an ornament for the p rU. -in iu'Inpen-ible companion to .ibo !.ou»c t. i agiicu.wrist. I: i - a large, light page, sheet, handsomely printed with now type. Term Subscription one 3'ear, - $5,00. " six months, 3,00. The Key Stone, OrTR MONTHLY MASONIC MAGAZINE Win also bo resumed at the same time. This Magazine is endor.-cd, and recommended to the Fraternity at large, by the Grand Lodge ot' North Carolina. As regards matter and typography, it, will bo equal to auy similar publication in the United States. Term: Subscription for one year, - - $3,00. Address, WM. B. SMITH & Co., Raleigh, N. C. A limited number "oJ advertisements admitted into 6ach publication. Dray Notice. PARTIES HAVING HAULING TO DO CAN BE aceommodatodby calling on the subscriber on DeKalb Street. 'A. NILES. July 7 3t * * Headq's 3d Sub-Bis E SC ) SUMTER S. C., July 19th 1SG5. j GENERAL ORDER. YT WILL BE NECESSARY FOR . PARTIES shipping Cotton by rail, or otherwise, from this Sub. Diet., to procure a certificate from these Ilecad- quarters, showing that the Cotton so ship- j ped is not the property of Government. Unless su«h certificate is procured, the j cotton will be stopped at Florence, and may subject the shipper to a long delay. Any parties discovered receiving cr attempting to ship Cotton, belonging to Government, or that formerly belonged ' to the C. S. Government, will bo punished to the extent of Military law. |jg; Storekeepers are direct d tPHeep a rccoru 01 ttIC UiHiica wi jmicijtj owning ui trading cotton at their stum; and said storekeeper, or any person, is forbidden to bring cotton or receive it, in small qnan« titios, unless from responsible parties;0 and writ satisfy themselves, and be able I" to satisfy the Provost Marshall, at all times, that the cottou has not been Stolen. By order of Lieut. Col. F. H. WFTITTIER, Com'dg Sub District. Geo. G. Spear, 1st Lieut. & A. A. A. G. July 28 Headers Mil. Bis. E- S- C ... Till nil JMTUA'l E PlUUAUL, 1 } Darlington, S. 0., July IS. j CIRCULAR NO. 7. QUB-DISTKICT if COMMANDERS ^ WILL at nnce piocecd iu their respective Sub District to obtain information upon the following subjects, viz: T. The number of plantations upon which contiacts have been made with the freedmcn and women, the present ! ? .1 c ,.l. _.i 3car, ami mi; uninc ui vhuu piuuu;i wilu whom the contracts whs made. 2. The number of plantations aud the names of the owners, where contracts have not been made. 3. The number of frecdmen, women and children nn each plantation on the 1st day of January, 1SG5, and the mtnnbcr now present. 4. Whether or not the usual rations and the customary medical attention are furnished the frecdmen, women and children. This information will he forwarded to tluss Headquarters without! delay. l>v order of I'rij?. Gen. HEAL. | (Signed) C. 15. I'n.r.F.nnoWN, Lieut. & A. A. A. CL Planters are requested to furnish the information to this ollioc us soon es po<sibli'. r. W. I T' RCtKSS. C 'ftt. fi Provost Marshal JidyL'fi " 1 H£ABa*£S 2SZI.. BIST v . 5. c. j Third SJ-Itraj1!: JJiiiOAnK. > ! [>Ai:i.;\Gro.v. S. 0., Aug fl. 1805. j 9/i.i'jiHAL Q;w.;juyo. 1;. rpiE i\JiU:.\I:Y AUT!'[0K:TI!-> *- ilijs ivislrict nt\j btircL)' directed io-eaieiid to the people all necessary assistance in repairing and putting in order the public roads within their limits. To this end, the furmer Commissioners of public highways are authorized to proceed, ns heretofore in accordance with custom, in calling out and superintending a force for the accomplishment of this purpose, in which the aid of the Military authorities will be given tiicm. It is earnestly recommended that the people unite in causing the successful completion of thus work. By command of Brig. Gen. GEO. L. BEAL. Cius. B. FlLLEBROWN', Lieut & A. A. A. G. Official Copy : E. A. Fiske, Capt 30th Mass. V. Vols. Conul'g Kershaw Dist. August 18 . Headq'rs Detach- 30th Mass. Vet, Vol, In- fantry- L CAMDEN, S. C., J ill v 27tl», 1865. GENERAL ORDER' AS A SANITARY MEASURE, IT SHALL be deemed a miisnco for any Hogs It) urn at largo within the limits of the Town of Camden, sifter the (1) first day of August all Hogs found running at latge, will he sold or otherwise di-posed of, for the benefit of the poor of said town." By order of 3. D. SniPLEY. Major Cora'dg Detach. C. W. B^ugess, C'apt. and Provost Marshal. Juli* 28 */ Headq'rs Kershaw Disk CaUDEN. s. C., Aug. IS,. ISCSj GENERAL ORDER NO. 1. STOREKEEPERS ARE DIRECTED ^ to keep a record of tho natnes of parties seeing or trailing, cotton at their stores. And said Storekeepers or any - - ." . J k A Kt'A ap filO liittA [ uiau U l*> UUUlUUW'li IV v^v V* < W»v>v cotton from parties presenting the same until said partieH Lave obtained written permission from these Headquarters. The Provost Marshal is charged with the strict execution of this order. By command of E. A. FISKE. Capt. 30th Mass , V. Vols, » Comd,g District. N. K. Reed, Capt. & Asst. Provost Marshal. August 18 Plantation for Sale. \ PLANTATION AT GRANNIE'S QUARt\ TKlt CREEK, about 11 miles from Kirkwood, containing 500 acres more or less, will be eold with the the growing crop on it, or deliverable iu October who:: the crop is token off. There are 100 acrea of primebottom land, the balmce in open and wooded highland. With the plantation may bo had, , if u sirod choice stock of. Cattle and. Hogs. Apply at this office. Juno 28 I wif i III" n T 1 ITIMWMM-' Bead'qrsKil-Dis E-£ C^ Til IRQ SEPARATE BRIGADE, ); DarlikgtgTk, S. C- July tl, IffGo. y'-y GENERAL ORDER NO. 6. TT HAVING COME TO THE ' kaowiedge of tBc General G'ommnncl- r:J ing, that a large amount of property, formerly belonging to the so-called Confederate Government, is now in possession of Citizens's witkiu this District it .is hereby ordered, That all such- property, of whatever description, be immediately reported to the nearest Marshal iu the District, by person or person having it iu pos ession, that an exact account may be taken of the same for the future disposition of the Government. *' Assistant Provost Marshals are direcled to arrest oil persons wlio faiLto comply with the above order, and ta'Kb theor to the Sub District Superior Provost Court for trial. By command cf Brig. Gen. BEAD. C. B. FiMiEErOWn, Lieutenant & A.. A. A. G. August 4 - " Hd'qrg 3d Sub-Bis ESS^ SUMTER, S. C. July 13, 1865-. GENERAL ORDER NO. 2. t THE SALE OF 1NTOXICA*- TING Liquors to any eiHisr^d'fiinnv is prohibited. Any person disobeying; this order, will he arrested hy the Protot-i Marshall, nnd severely punished aiid their goods confiscated; and the 'parties making the sale, or parties interested inthe sale, will not he allowed to open tli 'ir" store again, for the sale of any merchandise whatever. - II. Any parties having property in-, their possession of whatever nature, that has formerly belonged to the U. S' Gov. erntnent, or to the so-called Confederate Government, will immediately notify the Provost Marshal of the fact.* Any parties holding property, cither real or personal estate, belonging to partie#cngrtged in the late rebellion, and who arc now absent, or of parties whose property is subject to confiscation, will im' mediately notify the Provost Marshal. A car. fill search w ill he made for such property as named above, at d parties endeavoring to secrete the sane-, in- tail to give tlie proper notice of s;«i»l property to the Provost Marshal, will Lc punished by the military law. Bv conlmand ot Lt. Col.T?. II- WHITTTER, Com'dg District. Gko. G. Speak, 1st Lieut. &. A. A. A. G. July 28. * Esadq'rs Mil- Bis- E- 3- C Third skvkiutk bkiuadk, ) f>AKU.vri'i\iy, 8. (J., July 15. [ CXXXHAL ORDER XO. 8. kgpkatkd com plaints having been made to these iieaf!ijii;trter.-v tiiet the frcc-dmi-n and women, are frequently drivei from the plnntutbtis np< » which they have been engaged iiucutli-' vstiiiig the cr-'-pfj during the prestnt* sea on, tism-lure it is ordered, That the ireetUaenr wouicb and children who, have been engaged in cultivating the lauds the present year wil^. not be driven away. They will be* ' to remaiu until the s»iowiner crotis are harvested, unless dismissed by military authority, or a Provost Court, and will be entitled to receive fair compensationfor their labor. It is therefore required that equitable coutracts in writing, be made between the planters and the froedmen and women, for the cultivation of the lands the present year. Payment in kiud will be made, and the allowance of one half the cftip is recommended as lair comp»-n-saiion for the labor. The landlords furuishing subsistence until tho crops ore liarvcsted. Their contracts will be submitted to the nearest military commander for approval. When the above requirements are com-, plied with protection will be granted as far as military necessity «ill allow, butwhen no contract is made, the crop is liable to be considered forfeited for the* use of the laborers. Should the owners refuseto cultivate the lands, or to comply with this order, they will be considered as endeavorin to embarrass the Government,, and will be treated aceordiugjy. By command of Brig. Gen. BEAE. -* 1> I? (y>igDCUj U. i>. niuctiKUHix, Lieut. & A. A. A. G. Official Copy: G£0. G. Spear,Lieut. A. A. A. G. # July 28 Headers Kershaw Dist. * Camden, S. C., August 19, 1805. CIRCULAR. TN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRTTCTIONb receiver! & »«»- +feadr.jUHrtei8 -Military District "E. S. C., the undersigned is direeted to collect the sum of" one. dollar (§1,00) fop each coutraci undo, after the above (late. E.A;FISEE: Capt. Corad'g Kershaw District.. ' August 25. Prospectus of Charleston Daily News, WILL BE PUBLISHED ABOUT TtIK FIRST Week ia .August, and regularly thereafter, The Charleston Daily News. As native Carolinians, the publishers wilE naturally look to tko interests of their ownState, and to tliat of the South; and as citizensoftho United States they will noi, ho wanting: in the propor amount of devotion and respect for the General Government. Kvery effort shall Bo made to make the Daily News a tirst class newspaper, and in every way worthy of tit- patronage of tlio public. Our terms, for the present, will be at'the rate of $10 per annum, faubseri, tioi.s received for o, 6 and 12 mouths, payable in advance. POSTsM ASTERS, atul others throughout tho country who may interest themselves in ptocuring subscriptions, will bo allowed tho usual per centage. oaxecabx,.McMillan& morion, Proprietors. No. IS ITayno Street, Charleston, y C.

How EenjamNrponrEniH' 1! u.Jj.ill.tju, By Governor SC E-£ 0Secure Site historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067997/... · HowSecretaryEenjamNr ' inEscaped. Sj^B' IJarly in Maylie.srf

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Page 1: How EenjamNrponrEniH' 1! u.Jj.ill.tju, By Governor SC E-£ 0Secure Site historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067997/... · HowSecretaryEenjamNr ' inEscaped. Sj^B' IJarly in Maylie.srf

How Secretary EenjamNr' in Escaped.IJarly in May lie .srf crated from the

Sj^B' r i osh ie>.t".Davis.near Washirgton,BjH ihh yy.a. for the purpose-ct making h s

I A >. ^assau and Havana frSm some

ya'r r\ the Flofida crnst. Ke was to

B^P r-rs^me pnblin business at thosemm r\:>. and tlicn to rejoin the Prcsidon

- trans-Mississippi, via M itamorasv } hhras. Kb traveled directly south.

:v-\-: Georgia and Florida, on iior?e,/<. .^isgtrised as a farmer in search of

hi. J-on which to setiK and passedI \V. ._;!) the conntry without exciting.««W pv-v\. or attracting attention, until In*

>>*thelowcr f.i.le of the PeninsulaT r ^rida. He was informed that no

h were to bo found on the easterno. and went rhcn.ce to the Gulf shore,* * .% after a months delay, i;0 succeed.i 'getting a r.hip'3 yawl boat and two

_n.-u who wer'c willing to rish their livesc> -\ the sea in it. The open beat was

uwtt 15 feet in length, in which they< .> stcd the peninsula until they reached

f >. *of the keys of the Fioridj reef, whorei' :y succeeded in procuring a boat somev.hut larger, Ln: still an open boat, inv idji tboy put to sea to cross the Gulfstream, ttud fortunately reached the- * - Tk *


J'vmr.cs upon toe cans*, niter a passageor .ixtv Lours. On Monday, tiie lOtli ofJ ..; -, after an unsuccessful attempt to

'-ead Nnhds iilur iiOnl'51 rA,'Oa1fiiffl;1' forpur. back to the Bimines. On Use 13tline took passage from the Bimincs forNassau in a small' sloop of nine ton*Vr.iheR, leaded with sponges, nnd on

rridav. the 14th, this sloop foundered atsea,, when thirty miles distant from thenearest land.The vessscl wont down so rapidly that

he, willi the colored men who formed thecrew, had barely time to jump into askiff in tow of the sloop befnv she sank.Ln this boat, with alight mast, sail and«>ompa*S and havingjlo.it one oa.i, thev

# made for -land, and an the weather wascalm and a vessel in sight, by dint ofenergetic icuijiag. thev reach tho li_h'house vessel a. a p m., and wcr > cordiallyreceived by C.ipr. Stewart, on hoaid :hoGeorgia-?, her Britannic .\hie?:y's liglithouse yacht, and were warmly and m\*i

"s. coiali'div entertained.L The vessel was on an official l-virof light

house inspection upon the Banks, amiat the revest of Mr. Benjam in. return-

himmora io mo i>:iin:ii s. j ,»JC.|c!imr( civil

iftpJH'li r.f July, an I rrrlthj::l i':o - 1:t. On Sajitr<I:V,

In; tai'c'.! 01 J the jrood .shcoonei'lirt'iitiin, and .-reived at, iJ.vvausi;i on

the "5th, safe amlssuml.Qii whole ti;p has -occupied the hcsl

" part of three months, u\[t cf wIiicli mirtvdavs have b on : at sen in miserableor-on bouts; at, least. twviity-oPn davsin the small.st era its thai limit, ii;shealth has not suffered) iter hr.s lie beeniinUsloscd l".r an iioii:* tlarii «* all thehardships and oponuo which ho has

^ Bsstcration ofthe S cuth& * ' v ^TlToOiigross.

The Scj/ifher i p nine are elect ;: £ to< . the'vaiioc's o.Toes that they have the

"vvie;':I to n.(. m-. n uam well known toiirtve bcotr active, vaor^tlie rebels. Tm-v

to reconstruct n Snu.hcw Stale,"Cv ; *i wh * did mo-; to destroy it, andr


oai'.'T it onf of the Union. They do thisfor n simp's r«a«on; there arc no other

i men whom the people will trust. Theyknow that, with a few exceptions, the

} &o-cui!cJ''Union men" of the So'th arc

slippery fellows, weak-kaeed trimmers,who were rebels when the rebellion was

r.p.and Union men when it was down.Such men will not be trusted wheretiny ore kDowu, and wo onght to rejoiceover it us a healthy sign of tho realhonest republicism of tho South. Woought also to regard it as a henlthy signthat the Southern people choose to berepresented in peace by tho mcD wholed them in war. No one has givenup the rebel cause so completely as theSouthern soldiers. No class of the South-v-^ci-Qpeople is so fair or honest, or so sinconyearnest in their desire to see the-ountry pacified. These are the men

that the South now put in office. It isas we say, a healthy sign.but thereis to be a fight about it wiih the radicals.especially in so far as the South wishesto be represented in Congress by thisclass of men..iW?c York Herald.

Crime attiie North..The most cx,traordinary oarniveral of crime is now

HI inn uia^t au b11cj itiiiwi »'w

eovr rctui'Qintrr to have hoard or read. Avolume of the Newgate calender mightbe culled from the gigantic crimes whichhave boei! perpetrated there in tlie lastTtr.lt. \... In rroxTtnrc c-t-. > t c.\yhorrible cases of Wipe have oceurcd, acaccompmiob in three instances with themurder of the victims.one occnriing inBight of the chnroh spires of Boston.thetnuidcros cscap'ng. Within that timetwo sous have hilled their parents, one

butehcriug his mother and sister, in orderthat he might get money onongli to

marry upon, and the other shot his fartherin of blood..Three prominentbank officials have robbed tlic:r banks o

\ vast amounts, one escaping to FranceV and there becoming a madman, arm-h.

commit-iiia suicide in his cell in I'.York a few : ighis sine-.-, and the Ir-.Vcusos a frail woman as the cause «

fa!L To t hl'io tva may add iimuineratdicrimes of 1 ss magnitude, snch as counterfeitsof fmioiral currency and pctioiIcum swindles. These crimes have .a

I vet in vi-ry few instances beeu traced ti

ft returned soldiers. They, poor fellowssecra, in a great many instances to buvi

i found their wives not «»f the patient, IVft nelope ^yp , if forty 'divorce suits, insti

tutci in a single county by returned soldicrs mean any tiling.

! & Thk Ist.mus of Panama..The can

eliz-iion of tuo Istmus of Panama iH again a tiucti.ig a'-fc nfimi.- A From!

Hf c- tr cj , M. ]>« urd:el, thinks. that ihm work caa be Buccessfally executed fo

about $o«,000,000.


grturwrmriitrn^ti1 r *i"i-'.fiiifg.;""

ponrEniH'y 1! 0 u.Jj.ill.tju,


Drugs, Medicines, FancyArticles, &C., &c.

rprrn fubschiber bkgs lravr to in- iJ. FORM 'lie citrons cf Cur.dcu. nnd tbo

bur1"o;inc;::i."r cov.i11r:hstlic lu'S now on bondr. j is c»ns'anih* rocoivinj VI.\. CII-ARLUs.TON, a cli. iw a::d varied nsvorrircnt of t!:ei.bovo in t'e'e vr'.ich ;.c .-c-'i

Law at Wholesale and iEstsIL

COTTON t?ke'i in esctiansrc for jrocda or

::<n?ht st MARK!-T Pilli.'FS r.3 well ne- T-.-nt -- .

MSLVIETM.Asaenv-l.T .wee? sic?.oat* tier in ui ,?ond.cwnStreet.

cGLr^issA, ?. c.August 11 *i'iNuu/

IPilfifi oluiiu.%

"T TIAVrn'^TTTri^n^rr-rr.rr'-3TcrmrlOPrCGITBti.o Branch Bank, an entirelynew stock of D :T CtOOPo awl G .'OCKh'IKS,consisting of nrriclo.s most SUlTABf-F to the

null necessities of tlio community ni thiatime.

i;y stiict att'-ntion to bushes?. soiling: goodsat a reasonable pric* and keeping constantlyon lutv.i sncii articles » » arc most in demand, Ihope to receive a fair share of custom,

terms are strictly C-itft.J: JONES.

August 25

Flcur and Grist Mill a,ndBesidc-nee for Sale.

'pn". srnsf mbki*. oFFK'tB bop. salfI '1 MK -Kirkwood I-'lonr and Grist i'i'l.''

Tit.' rail: i- new and in »;.-i ord-. r. situ .tod on

a never f ilirp stream oi'v.mto.-. Attached t»the m'il is 075 acres -.v.ii wooded Piae /.and.adjacent to Camden.


His rcidonco. t Ki karaou. r. ceatly built.c'luaiirrtj: J-i.giit-Botiit y. lour unfinished!

j has men1. roori.s. xvUli tv Tie places tolt.eilioti'c. an I extensive ei:t'inii>I.ne:s.

i C"*v"F -i' further par.i--tiii.rs apply <r- !1 -


i:. i\t:'ii,i?f!:v. iA'ijpjs: 2'i.U

;Hoiiee, Lot and FurnitureFor Bale.'n:PUB?crsic:-T. ^"TLL

« Iti! Ii.» NCK. siii;:t!: ri on sliC i;npar rv.r'OS' M -"i ::'!! cr. It coMnins sis i.r.ii

j:; re? v. :'!i ev»rv:: i'.ii'l iiiiiioti^h.y fr.-nishiru. *r*t:rit:ii:re

to :>c v !l.l(' CIV".A J:'"« r;.! O.i-Ji' f l f.?: f.cocl S'-curi."-

I-'ttr terns at )>'y at t n» !w1 A>:<r. is.4t* a :: a. r. Lr.r. j

j. W. iioifS02*,HA"! ultUM~n T.T:COI O 'N B USIh-v

AT 5i.s OJ.U CVA:;.\

62 East Bay, Oh arlestor..C©»P.iri!vu;.ir jjvcn to the

>aie olCOT'J'OX, FLOUR, CORN, etc.To the laying in of suppii s for phntajtions, or stock fw merchants. Ordrsf.»r foreign importation will be receivedFrom his Ituig experience, he feels cou;liji nl ofgiviug satisfaction.

August 4

A Desirable ResidenceI f'/sn Ofilrt i


TIIX SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL HISJL REsli/ENuE 011 Lyttlcton street,also thehouse and lot formerly occupied by Mr. HenrySoilee, on same street. lor terms aprlv to


W.E licGHsO.N'.August 23. 4t.

NOTION.The copartnership heretofore

EXISTING between J. V.*. McCmry £S. ilnmmer5lo :gli nudir tin* l'ir of "cCiirry£ Ifaninurs,..,.i:;ii i? this dry chrolvrd by nuf

tool consent. Too Booh«. Noic.s and Accountsof -lie concern are in the haudj o;' J. VT, lieCurry,who will attend to the ncf.ienaout cfthe concern,

J. W. ycf'Tjr.?.".s.

July 7.

Merchant 'Tuhor^THE MiiiiCtlAXr T_1 XhSS, Abibmcry ;i,- 'c .

ALD, will be cotiiiaucd t. ..

brauclus, byUCDONA ,v

August IS

T)rv Grt-J .-I.' - '

TfSl 111 cnvn?. A r-r- i;. BUT COM,t) r 1.T12 stock fci D17 GcCd*, cou3.sikig in

part of 1'iints; black. purple and council owiceMuslins. Javotiot t atiji'iits, etc.; Long Cio::>,Ill icit lid biowu Viisaie.-pi;:!. Linm ilu'kts,lathes ami gentlemen's whiicundcoL::-.-; Hose.Irish Liiiciiw1'o'.vela and Tosveliig, and variousother articles loo nv.tnercu.: to mention. bailand see furyoms':if.

One tlci-r .Nor h of Muikcson er.a Co.McDO.NALD &. iioCURRY

August. 13.r ._


FOilViAJtSLXO ASJ/.£il CIIa j\ T,

> and agcu: of In. York ai.d Charleston Steamship. L:ne,

CCSA'i LESTOri",?. C\>Pays sp cinl; ttc-nti' n to tlio fnrw. rding of

s: Goods from abroad, wiili tho interior, and Cotton,' Tu.pcmii-o, Posin udotier produce from the

hit-. iior to .r.y ports of the Koitli or Europe,u ^5?" Ca=h advances made on produce to his^ cuiiSigiinieut.

.»ugust 25 .8t.


- t REPUli.'A'tED TO £EL JGOTIOIC O'l> *A OTilr.H produce in < hark-snai, Kentj York er .'.iverpco", as n.ay b> advantageous; ami^

to ma te liberal advance-; in goods or_ ninnv cute eunsignuieuis to tbcia. They v.'ill htn-ish plan"

ters as lar us possible the usual i'aciliiioo.August 11. St

P |.. -.;.y,:By the Provisional Governorof the, State ofSouth Carolina.

A Pi*<relatKaiton.

WHEREAS HIS . EXCELLENCY* ' President, Johu3on has issued his

proclamation, appointing ino (BenjaminF. Perry) Provisional Governor in andfor the Slate of "South' Carolina,- withpower to prescribe such rules and regulationss:p may bo necessary and properfor convening a Convention of the Slate,composed of delegates tube chosen bvthat portion of the people.of said Statewhoarc loyal to the Uuited States, forthe purpose i.f altering or amending theCocst:tuiion thereof; and with authorityto exercise within the limits of the Staleall the powers necessary and proper to

* coiil°I' ll'.l' HI vyn-5-t.»'«. to its coiistiiUiioHfi. to thercderul GijvernPjcnt, aval to presentsuch a RepnWb no t>>nn ofSrcte Guvernniontr.s *.v. 11 entitle the State to I tie guaranteeof theUnif'-i States their ! >.-, imdv? pvc-yio to j. rotation by tic United'Stated aiio.. sicn, bunr; cc.i anddomestic violence:Now, therefore, in obedience to the

proclamation of bis Excellency Andrew-b 11'o:«, President of the United States,i3ENJA?.1IN P. PKURY, Provisional

.. .-i-.r .South Carol n-'/tor toe purposeot a i incisionalGovm-rmvat in South Carolina,reforming the State Constitution andrestoring eiv'l ar.thotity in said State,under the Constitution nnd laws of the.United States, do lier.ehv proclaim anddeclare 1 unt all civil officers in SouthCarolina, who were in office when theCivil .Government of the State was suspended,in Aiay lust, (except those arivsto'Sor nndor prosecution for tresMui.)shall, on'taking tiie oath of allegiancepvi:sciribrd in the President's Amnestyrioehwnatirn of the 29th day of Mav,Ib'tio, renmie the duties of their officesand continue to discharge tlmm undertlio Provisional Government till furtherappointments oro made.

And 1 do further proclaim, declareaiiCl ina;:c Kiiotrn, mac u is cue miry 01

nil ci'izens of the Stale of SouthOiouna to prnt'iptiv go forward andtii:-- the of alhjtif.aoo to the Unit dS'.'it-.s, tafrre.Mi]iie aianislrate or niili'Lrvuflie'.'.' of tliv Federa i (1 veriinicnt,wjiii inny hi- .jualiivd for administeringu l'is; .iiu! iueh are hereby .authorized to

give C«!tilifl ropies thereof tr> the per:oils uspvu'.iveiy by v.li'ui tin y werelnr.Oo. And such M agist rates" or oftiee isore hereby required to trntiMt'-d *.]:c originalsof stjcli :.;hg, at as cariy a (lay as

bo convenient. to the I Vpnnn cutof State, i>". the ci'e of \Vas|t>»if.r rn,I). (J.Aid I do farther pro-:aim. J, .-Irire

and aii'lvo known, tliat the JJanagi-ix < fKlee'io- s h.c.t the State »f S.'>:s*li(.'.iio.itit* w.il l.oid ::ti o t .Iso'i lor i!embers

"f a I't r:vp:il'ri:i. at their 15.s... c j,n , ,m iiu. i-:)l.-.'i'!« .v t : Tfititvij STKVVi »!! ii» thalsv.v* ; 11* So:; Lh Oubdl: 4 41

:v ii* y n» »i lb-.* ;

Um 1 i;» }!« :« 01; District tl.-cft?.; ? - ;] ".ii-i .1.- y i.*K-:tib.rs « : theo f;.v raid j district has membersof the Ifouso of Representatives.

the basis of the representation beingpopulation and taxation. This vill giveone hundred ard twentyfour 'membersto the Convention.u number suiicicntlylarge to represent every portiotvof theState most fully.

Every loyal citizen who has t.fcon theAmnesty oath and not, within tln exci pt-jcd elates of the Presidents P*..clamatiuu,will oe entitled to vote, povidedlie was a legal voter under the Constitutionas it stood prior to the ecessioof South Carolina. And all who arewithin the excepted classes must tdis theoath and apply for a pardon," in odtV toentitle them to vote or become monbersof the Convention.The members of the Couventin thus

elected on the first Monday it; Sefetnbernext, are hereby re roi-od to entren'.- inthe city nf Columbia, on "VViMXESPAY,tlic loth day of Sepfembei 1865.for.: he purp. re of altering and mv-ndingthe nresent Constitution of Sot.ti Caro-lina, or remodelling and tti-.Iciirj ri new

o:v, wbieli v.-i51 conform to tie grout<:!.cages which have taken placj i.i theState, aud be more in accorda'Co with

j Mi pubiiean ptinciples ami rips .iir ol.mvr»-»c;;t.A: ion.

: '.-1 I .In farther pr.viuir. rva&e,

*. 'ho at :,P. h.ws'

* Carolina p-rio xo the; f ihfc JSn'O :vrn h'ovir in

- u : tar tlie Prov'StoijulSJoie:- -'

t, wherein tk.nr mr.ycont/' tit '1:0 ptyrijii-'iis of this prooiltlatio.iAt/.i ilie Judges md Clntuci lloretaf theS.;-U uio hrvehy required to allthe powers and peri.<rtn a'l iff dii'i.-bwhich appertain ; > tlteit iv.\peulivt«-(*ft»cs,ami e-peo .iliv in criminal or.si s. ,It wii.becxpotcd ot' the Federal ttvlirr authoritiesnotv in Scull: Cnroliipifo lendtheir anthority to the civil officerof theProvisional Government, for the nrposcof i-nfureing the laws and prescting thepeace and good order of the Star,And I do further command anjenjoin

a'l good and lawful citizens of tp State' to unite ill enforcing the laws an bringing'o justice all disorderly persBs, all

plunderers, robt-ors and niatiiuders,;dl vagrants and idle persons (to ate

wardering about without em^ymeutof any visible means of supportiti themselves.,

It is also expected that nll'forraerowners, of freed persons will botind to

then, and not turn off the chilren or

aged' to perish ; and tho freed ien andwomen are earnestly enjoined t mnlcecontracts, just and fair, for riiainiugwith thoir former owners.

In order to facilitate as mnchk possiblethe application for pardons rjder theexcepted sections of tho Presided* Act1r.esiv Proclamation, it is stated ir infd*niation that all applications mSt be lypetition, stating the exception, and a-

cctitpaniod wit-h the oath pjscribtf.!



L- vf; rv .i'>- t **>

*s : « * .


KjgascaawM.nrT-raf. iT -nurMtMaawracan/

This petition must be first approved bythe Provisional Governor, and then farwardedto' the President. The headquartersof the Provisional Governorwill be at Greenville, where all cornrhim*ications to him must be addressed.

..*. In testimony whereof, I havej J ) hereunto set my hand and. seal.(

L* "* j Done at Greenville, this- 20th.<.> day of July, in tho year of Our

Lord one thousand eight hundred andsixty^five, and of the independence ofthe United .States the ninetieth.

B. F.PERRY.By tho Provisional Governor:

William II. Periit, "Privatf Secretaryfi0*T!)e newspaper* of this State will

publidi this proclamation till the electionfor members of tho Convention.

August I

OFFICE P&OVOST MARSHAL,3d Sen-District E. S. C. [

SuMTF.lt, S. Cm August 5, 130j. jSPPC'IA G RDEliiX 0. 4.it having come to the:notice^ th« Sub-District Provost Marshalthat the citizens r.sijing in tim vicinityof Sumter are ui. iiihiig liquors and sellingth-e same to tin: acridiois of this eo:utfvand,it is therefore ordered that themanufacture and sale of M#lt and SpiritnosLiquors in this Sub-District is forbidjden, exc. pt by special permission from

j the Sub-DisUict Commanders or from

i n is oijei Uiii ue nunin uiwiu!..)-.-

(Signed) T. B. JOi'JNSTON,Cnpt. & A. Provost Marshal,

3d Sub-District E. S. C.Official : C. W. Burgess, C-apt. & A.

Provost Marshal.August n



%jmter, Aug. 4, 18(55 «)CIRCULAR.ALL PERSON'S ARE. 1IEKEIIY

NOTIFIED ilmt tire wearing of theso-called Confederate States Uniform isstriolclv Ibrbi iden, and any person foundwearing the same on and after the 8thday of August, lS6">, will be immediatelyarrested and taken before the SuperiorCourt for trial.- Assistant Provost Marshalsare charged with the execution ofthis order.(Signed) T. I>. JOHNSTON,

Cnpt. & A. Provost Muishal,3d Sub-Dipt. E. S. 0.

Official: C. W. Bl-Roess, Capt. '< A.Provost Mnr?lml.An "list J1 '

Siz P&GVGST j3d Sun-Omnier E. S. <\ I

Si'M'/ek, August 3, lv?t»5. |Clpr UT.Mf. i

p: aftwith i>*. jS"'Ii!.""i,l'.)No IVOW Ilt'ssti j [

M'.I'.tmv T'i-iKi-t K. S.si! p. it-m.-|'. HU i.'Oii i-i '» !« « or Mc-».- »*:t»?.* { u-ir.-S-. jW I'll Mt i'lO -iT'll5 C-t* I P is S"lii I r IV'.\V'"I J'lrtii'vsiJi i.-pc*r: ihvir m p;.< !<»}' I H.silMv-'S TO ill.- 1'roWi \iJV' j

j; ils*'* locsTii''; of ii;« s:::u-. " i-.i-j| ;U ki:.'l i.. aUcii i!i y sxw efrVvu..}Vr.i'Mis fori* j.' ; > v'.'iuwith thi- Oil-

i ou'roi- \>ii' l- Mid lakcii beforeiDe Superior Piovost Court for trial.


Cept. <t A. Provost Mitrsliftl,flil Soli-District E. S. C.

Official .* C. \V. Bl-p.gess, C«pt. <k A.Frovost Marshal.

August 11

Classical and Mathemat-ical School.

rBHHK SUBSt'IUBKR, ASSISTED nr dr.Jkj J. JC. MaTJIKWS, will rcsumo the

ex< rcisea of bisschnolon Monday, September5, nnd continue tlio 3nme 13 weeks. Formerpupils who intend to return, and those whomay wish to. enter for the Bret time, arc

requited to d > so promptly, aa it will bo forthe advantage of both.

Terr:;: Classics, Mathematics nnd higherEnglish, including pupils r.dvai c.d Jo AlgebraS3i'; Lower English $25; French, opii.vr.ai.noextra charge

Provisions will bo ttrkon in jtcri pnj-r.smay be ogr ed on. F>r payment inadvance, vrb ch indeed my present ^rcuinsian'.i-srender almort requisite, a discount of1U per cent, will ho allowed.

IlE.NRi' M BRFNS, L. L. D.Aug. 25.2t

Great Library WeeklyResumed.

" ?/'i'IilKfORS OF THAT LOXO1 ! .\T\i.L-.i!s) and nnonlar faiiiilnr

THE SOUTHERN FIKL!> .'iND-H:»F;S!Dlf,tafce g'ent pieusnre in in toi mi: g i r numerous

' end pi'troiiS. fi1' b* publication will It j

. . just fl3 SUC" 3 be iiiuii f. h: .s ! ;.: c will enable i:un to lirci'i. v : ,

s-ir,Hiisis nn old paper published ,

mnr.y ye»r& a: Augusta, 6a., and is devotvd«.ni.r.*ly '.a !TV


It is ha fireside, an ornament forthe p rU. -in iu'Inpen-ible companion to

.ibo !.ou»c t. i agiicu.wrist.I: i - a large, light page, sheet, handsomely

printed with now type.Term

Subscription one 3'ear, - $5,00." six months, 3,00.

The Key Stone,OrTR MONTHLY MASONIC MAGAZINEWin also bo resumed at the same time. This

Magazine is endor.-cd, and recommended to theFraternity at large, by the Grand Lodge ot'North Carolina. As regards matter and typography,it, will bo equal to auy similar publicationin the United States.


Subscription for one year, - - $3,00.Address, WM. B. SMITH & Co.,

Raleigh, N. C.A limited number "oJ advertisements admitted

into 6ach publication.


CAN BE aceommodatodby calling on thesubscriber on DeKalb Street.

'A. NILES.July 7 3t


Headq's 3d Sub-Bis ESC )SUMTER S. C., July 19th 1SG5. j


PARTIES shipping Cotton by rail,or otherwise, from this Sub. Diet., to

procure a certificate from these Ilecad-quarters, showing that the Cotton so ship- jped is not the property of Government.Unless su«h certificate is procured, the jcotton will be stopped at Florence, andmay subject the shipper to a long delay.Any parties discovered receiving cr

attempting to ship Cotton, belonging toGovernment, or that formerly belonged '

to the C. S. Government, will bo punishedto the extent of Military law. |jg;

Storekeepers are direct d tPHeep a

rccoru 01 ttIC UiHiica wi jmicijtj owning ui

trading cotton at their stum; and said storekeeper,or any person, is forbidden to

bring cotton or receive it, in small qnan«titios, unless from responsible parties;0and writ satisfy themselves, and be able I"to satisfy the Provost Marshall, at alltimes, that the cottou has not beenStolen.By order of

Lieut. Col. F. H. WFTITTIER,Com'dg Sub District.

Geo. G. Spear, 1st Lieut. & A. A. A.G.

July 28

Headers Mil. Bis. E- S- C...Till nil JMTUA'l E PlUUAUL, 1 }

Darlington, S. 0., July IS. jCIRCULAR NO. 7.QUB-DISTKICT if COMMANDERS^ WILL at nnce piocecd iu their respectiveSub District to obtain informationupon the following subjects, viz:

T. The number of plantations uponwhich contiacts have been made withthe freedmcn and women, the present!? .1 c ,.l. _.i3car, ami mi; uninc ui vhuu piuuu;i wilu

whom the contracts whs made.2. The number of plantations aud

the names of the owners, where contractshave not been made.

3. The number of frecdmen, women

and children nn each plantation on the1st day of January, 1SG5, and the mtnnbcrnow present.

4. Whether or not the usual rationsand the customary medical attention are

furnished the frecdmen, women andchildren. This information will he forwardedto tluss Headquarters without!delay.

l>v order ofI'rij?. Gen. HEAL. |

(Signed) C. 15. I'n.r.F.nnoWN,Lieut. & A. A. A. CL

Planters are requested to furnish theinformation to this ollioc us soon es po<sibli'.

r. W. I T' RCtKSS.C 'ftt. fi Provost Marshal



H£ABa*£S 2SZI.. BIST v . 5. c. jThird SJ-Itraj1!: JJiiiOAnK. > !

[>Ai:i.;\Gro.v. S. 0., Aug fl. 1805. j9/i.i'jiHAL Q;w.;juyo. 1;.

rpiE i\JiU:.\I:Y AUT!'[0K:TI!->*- ilijs ivislrict nt\j btircL)'

directed io-eaieiid to the people all necessaryassistance in repairing and puttingin order the public roads withintheir limits.To this end, the furmer Commissionersof public highways are authorized to

proceed, ns heretofore in accordance withcustom, in calling out and superintendinga force for the accomplishment of thispurpose, in which the aid of the Militaryauthorities will be given tiicm. It isearnestly recommended that the peopleunite in causing the successful completionof thus work.

By command ofBrig. Gen. GEO. L. BEAL.

Cius. B. FlLLEBROWN',Lieut & A. A. A. G.

Official Copy : E. A. Fiske, Capt 30thMass. V. Vols. Conul'g Kershaw Dist.

August 18 .

Headq'rs Detach- 30thMass. Vet, Vol, In-fantry- LCAMDEN, S. C., J ill v 27tl», 1865.


SHALL be deemed a miisnco forany Hogs It) urn at largo within thelimits of the Town of Camden, sifter the(1) first day of August all Hogs foundrunning at latge, will he sold or otherwisedi-posed of, for the benefit of thepoor of said town."By order of

3. D. SniPLEY.Major Cora'dg Detach.

C. W. B^ugess, C'apt. and Provost Marshal.Juli* 28


Headq'rs Kershaw DiskCaUDEN. s. C., Aug. IS,. ISCSj


STOREKEEPERS ARE DIRECTED^ to keep a record of tho natnes of partiesseeing or trailing, cotton at theirstores. And said Storekeepers or any- -.". J k A Kt'A ap filOliittA

[ uiau U l*> UUUlUUW'li IV v^v V* < W»v>v

cotton from parties presenting the same

until said partieH Lave obtained writtenpermission from these Headquarters.The Provost Marshal is charged with

the strict execution of this order.By command of

E. A. FISKE.Capt. 30th Mass , V. Vols,

» Comd,g District.N. K. Reed, Capt. & Asst. Provost

Marshal. August 18

Plantation for Sale.\ PLANTATION AT GRANNIE'SQUARt\TKlt CREEK, about 11 miles from Kirkwood,containing 500 acres more or less, will

be eold with the the growing crop on it, or

deliverable iu October who:: the crop is tokenoff. There are 100 acrea of primebottom land,the balmce in open and wooded highland.With the plantation may bo had, , if u sirodchoice stock of. Cattle and. Hogs. Applyat this office.Juno 28 I wif i


Bead'qrsKil-Dis E-£ C^Til IRQ SEPARATE BRIGADE, );

DarlikgtgTk, S. C- July tl, IffGo. y'-yGENERAL ORDER NO. 6.


kaowiedge of tBc General G'ommnncl- r:Jing, that a large amount of property,formerly belonging to the so-called ConfederateGovernment, is now in possessionof Citizens's witkiu this District it .ishereby ordered,That all such- property, of whatever

description, be immediately reported to

the nearest Marshal iu the District, byperson or person having it iu pos ession,that an exact account may be taken ofthe same for the future disposition of theGovernment. *'

Assistant Provost Marshals are direcledto arrest oil persons wlio faiLto complywith the above order, and ta'Kb theorto the Sub District Superior ProvostCourt for trial.

By command cfBrig. Gen. BEAD.

C. B. FiMiEErOWn, Lieutenant & A..A. A. G.

August 4 -"

Hd'qrg 3d Sub-Bis ESS^SUMTER, S. C. July 13, 1865-.

GENERAL ORDER NO. 2.t THE SALE OF 1NTOXICA*-TING Liquors to any eiHisr^d'fiinnvis prohibited. Any person disobeying;this order, will he arrested hy the Protot-iMarshall, nnd severely punished aiidtheir goods confiscated; and the 'partiesmaking the sale, or parties interested inthesale, will not he allowed to open tli 'ir"store again, for the sale of any merchandisewhatever. -

II. Any parties having property in-,their possession of whatever nature, thathas formerly belonged to the U. S' Gov.erntnent, or to the so-called ConfederateGovernment, will immediately notify theProvost Marshal of the fact.* Any partiesholding property, cither real or

personal estate, belonging to partie#cngrtgedin the late rebellion, and whoarc now absent, or of parties whose propertyis subject to confiscation, will im'mediately notify the Provost Marshal.A car. fill search w ill he made for suchproperty as named above, at d partiesendeavoring to secrete the sane-, in- tailto give tlie proper notice of s;«i»l propertyto the Provost Marshal, will Lc punishedby the military law.Bv conlmand ot

Lt. Col.T?. II- WHITTTER,Com'dg District.

Gko. G. Speak, 1st Lieut. &. A. A. A. G.July 28.


Esadq'rs Mil- Bis- E- 3- CThird skvkiutk bkiuadk, )

f>AKU.vri'i\iy, 8. (J., July 15. [CXXXHAL ORDER XO. 8.kgpkatkd com plaints havingbeen made to these iieaf!ijii;trter.-v

tiiet the frcc-dmi-n and women, are frequentlydrivei from the plnntutbtis np< »which they have been engaged iiucutli-'vstiiiig the cr-'-pfj during the prestnt*sea on, tism-lure it is ordered,

That the ireetUaenr wouicb and childrenwho, have been engaged in cultivatingthe lauds the present year wil^. notbe driven away. They will be* '

to remaiu until the s»iowiner crotis are

harvested, unless dismissed by militaryauthority, or a Provost Court, and willbe entitled to receive fair compensationfortheir labor.

It is therefore required that equitablecoutracts in writing, be made betweenthe planters and the froedmen andwomen, for the cultivation of the landsthe present year. Payment in kiud willbe made, and the allowance of one halfthe cftip is recommended as lair comp»-n-saiionfor the labor. The landlords furuishingsubsistence until tho crops ore

liarvcsted.Their contracts will be submitted to

the nearest military commander for approval.When the above requirements are com-,

plied with protection will be granted as

far as military necessity «ill allow, butwhenno contract is made, the crop is liableto be considered forfeited for the* useof the laborers. Should the owners refusetocultivate the lands, or to comply withthis order, they will be considered as endeavoringto embarrass the Government,,and will be treated aceordiugjy.By command of

Brig. Gen. BEAE.-* 1> I?

(y>igDCUj U. i>. niuctiKUHix,Lieut. & A. A. A. G.

Official Copy: G£0. G. Spear,Lieut.A. A. A. G.# July 28

Headers Kershaw Dist. *

Camden, S. C., August 19, 1805.CIRCULAR.TN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRTTCTIONbreceiver! & »«»- +feadr.jUHrtei8-Military District "E. S. C., the undersignedis direeted to collect the sum of"one. dollar (§1,00) fop each coutraci undo,after the above (late.

E.A;FISEE:Capt. Corad'g Kershaw District.. '

August 25.

Prospectus ofCharlestonDaily News,

WILL BE PUBLISHED ABOUT TtIKFIRST Week ia .August, and regularlythereafter, The Charleston Daily News.

As native Carolinians, the publishers wilEnaturally look to tko interests of their ownState,and to tliat of the South; and as citizensofthoUnited States they will noi, ho wanting:in the propor amount of devotion and respectfor the General Government. Kvery effortshall Bo made to make the Daily News a tirstclass newspaper, and in every way worthyof tit- patronage of tlio public.Our terms, for the present, will be at'the rate

of $10 per annum, faubseri, tioi.s received foro, 6 and 12 mouths, payable in advance.POSTsM ASTERS, atul others throughout tho

country who may interest themselves in ptocuringsubscriptions, will bo allowed tho usualper centage.oaxecabx,.McMillan& morion,Proprietors.No. IS ITayno Street, Charleston, y C.