How are you the Environment? CWP Environment Unit Mr. Silvey

How are you the Environment? CWP Environment Unit Mr. Silvey

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Page 1: How are you the Environment? CWP Environment Unit Mr. Silvey

How are you the Environment?


Environment Unit

Mr. Silvey

Page 2: How are you the Environment? CWP Environment Unit Mr. Silvey

Environment: Keeping our House in Order

All students are required to read the entire handout by Thursday October 23rd.

All students will be put into expert groups and assigned a chapter to present to the class.

Presentations will take place Tuesday 10/21 and Wednesday 10/22.

Each group must identify and define 5 vocabulary words for their section.

Page 3: How are you the Environment? CWP Environment Unit Mr. Silvey

Environment Expert Groups

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Cady Katherine Conner Nathan Bianca Lenny Ray Erick Andrew Sean Amada Kayla H. Kayla J. Duke Richie Paul David Kelsey Travis Olivia Ross Lacey Yuliya Crystal Henry Sam Nick

Page 4: How are you the Environment? CWP Environment Unit Mr. Silvey

Chapter 1 Vocabulary

Biodiversity- Number and variety of species and organism found within an area.

Terrestrial- Living on or in the ground. Sustainability- to keep balanced or well maintained. Ecosystems- community of plants, animals and other

living organisms. Environmental Justice- correct decisions and actions

to keep the environment safe.

Page 5: How are you the Environment? CWP Environment Unit Mr. Silvey

Chapter 2

Desertification- process of turning farmland into dessert through the over use of the land and lack of rain fall.

Renewable Resource- resources that can be recycled and reused over and over.

Developing Countries- countries that are becoming more advance and on the rise.

Selective Harvesting- Managed logging in the forest industry.

Cash Crops- crops that are grown for sale and profit rather then to feed a local population.

Page 6: How are you the Environment? CWP Environment Unit Mr. Silvey

Chapter 3

Smog- heavy air pollution the persists for an extended period of time.

Acid Rain- caused by chemicals in the air. Transboundary- movement of air pollution across

international boundaries. Kyoto Protocol- requires countries to reduce

greenhouse effect. Cloroflourocarbons- carbon compounds in relation to

the greenhouse effect.

Page 7: How are you the Environment? CWP Environment Unit Mr. Silvey

Chapter 4

Biodiversity- variety of living things of an area Fisheries- place or business where fish are

caught or bred. Non- point source pollution- pollution from

non-specific sources like grease, oil. Aquaculture- farming of marine animals in a

controlled environment. Pathogens- disease causing organisms.

Page 8: How are you the Environment? CWP Environment Unit Mr. Silvey

Chapter 5

Economy- management of the resources of the country

Human Rights- natural rights given to all citizens Non- Govt. organizations' – not part of local, state or

federal govt. Economical Development- making life better for

citizens Structural Scarcity- not relating to political or

economical structure.