Houston Job Search Tactics Shell Outpost – January 20 th 2011 Presenter – Jackie Verity

Houston Job Search Tactics Shell Outpost – January 20 th 2011 Presenter – Jackie Verity

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Page 1: Houston Job Search Tactics Shell Outpost – January 20 th 2011 Presenter – Jackie Verity

Houston Job Search Tactics

Shell Outpost – January 20th 2011

Presenter – Jackie Verity

Page 2: Houston Job Search Tactics Shell Outpost – January 20 th 2011 Presenter – Jackie Verity

AgendaThe Starting Point: Self – Assessment then

‘Find Your Focus’

How to ‘market’ yourself

Resume tips

The Power of Effective Networking

Houston’s Job Market

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Values, Needs and Motivators

Personal Style and Preferences

Preferred work environment – the PLACE

Skills Analysis


* STRENGTHS = where skills/abilities match your interests

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Don’t do it alone – need feedback, balance, insight

Be honest and true to your own instincts

Allow yourself freedom to ‘blue-sky’

‘Toot your own Horn’

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Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Strong Interest Inventory Kerwin Values Survey

Strengths Finder (Tom Rath) What Color is Your Parachute – Richard Bolles Values Card Sort –www.CareerNetwork.org

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Look for a MATCH between

what you have to OFFER and

what the market NEEDS

OPPORTUNITIES in your TARGET market (s)

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What sets you apart?

Your ‘differentiators’ ( Unique Selling Points USPs)

What are you offering to a prospective employer?

Who is your ‘competition’

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Concept of ‘Personal Branding’ – be AUTHENTIC

Use ‘tools’ :-

- your ‘Elevator Pitch’ or ‘30 second commercial’

- your Resume

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An overview of the skills, experience, education and accomplishments YOU have selected to highlight your key selling points

Targeted to highlight what is important to meet the needs of the hiring manager

Focused on what you have achieved (accomplishments) – not a laundry list of tasks ( ‘Sell’ versus ‘Tell’)

An honest portrayal! Present yourself accurately but focus on the positive and leave out the negative / irrelevant

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Your success stories!

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Describes features Describes benefits

Tells ‘what’ and ‘how’

Sells why the ‘what’ and ‘how’ are important

Details activities Includes results

Focuses on what you did

Details how what you did benefited your employer, your team members, customers…

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Supervised development of next-generation voice recognition software for IBM

Led 8-person team in design, development, prototype development and full-scale marketing launch of IBM’s next-generation voice recognition software. Project delivered $20 million in first-year sales

Expert Resumes for Managers and Executives, Wendy Enelow & Louise Kursmark

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CHRONOLOGICAL FUNCTIONAL/HYBRIDYour career shows steady progression

You have a ‘patchwork’ of experience in different fields

You are looking for a job in a similar field to recent work experience

You are changing careers or industries – needing to highlight transferable skills

You are applying for a job in a very traditional field

You are applying in a less ‘conservative’ field

You have no (or few) gaps in your career

You have a long gap or several gaps in employment

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Short sentences and short paragraphs - ‘sound bites’ Strong ACTION verbs to start sentences/phrases Use the first person voice but avoid ‘I’ ‘My’ etc Font – Arial, Times New Roman, Garamond (not ‘flowery’) Eleven point minimum size if possible Avoid overuse of use bold, capitals – italics best avoided * Plenty of ‘white space’ Conservative choice of paper for hard copies (white, ivory)

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Using the words ‘Curriculum Vitae’ or ‘CV’ and the CV format unless you are applying for an academic or medical job

Anything longer than two pages

Personal details like Age, Date of Birth, Marital Status, Social Security Number, Nationality, Place of Birth

Lies !!

Do…make it clear you have valid US work authorization

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Include Keywords

Use formatting that can be read electronically

Online Job Search Guide from Public Library has resources at


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The process of meeting people, making contacts, developing friendships and building professional relationships

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Relationship BuildingRelationship Building

‘Pay it Forward’‘Pay it Forward’

Be respectful of people’s timeBe respectful of people’s time

Information – gathering Interviews

Information – gathering Interviews

Mutual SupportMutual Support

Seek information and advice

Seek information and advice

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Page 20: Houston Job Search Tactics Shell Outpost – January 20 th 2011 Presenter – Jackie Verity

65% - 70% jobs are gained through personal referrals

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Relevant Professional Associations and Conferences

Chambers of Commerce

Home country affiliations (e.g. Consulates)

Ex-pat / International groups

Job Search Ministries

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Linked In

Linked In






Bebo – fallen star!

Bebo – fallen star!

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Recruiters in both agencies and corporations increasingly using Linked In to source – recommend you start there 90% of recruiters Google an applicant’s name Clean up your ‘digital dirt’ Be consistent across media Keep your promises ! (weekly, monthly, quarterly…) Never post anything that you would not want everybody to see (how confident are you setting up Privacy settings??)

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Page 25: Houston Job Search Tactics Shell Outpost – January 20 th 2011 Presenter – Jackie Verity

Houston Unemployment rate January 2011 - 8.6%, up from November 2009 rate of 8.1% [Workforce Solutions]

79% of assignees have accompanying spouse – 85% are female and 15% male

50% of spouses employed prior to move (and increasing)

What % employed after the move?

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Historically 14%... now9% spouses employed after relocation

Seen other figures – around 30%

I say ignore the statistics!

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Where should you look for a job?

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Networking ( targeting individuals and groups) – and don’t forget your social network

Online applications to job postings : company websites yield better results than major job boards

Posting resume online

Career Fairs

Recruiters and Search Firms

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See two - page Handout

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