Final Report - 705 Warden Ave. - ZBL Amendment & Draft Plan of Subdivision Page 1 of 55 REPORT FOR ACTION Housing Now – 705 Warden Avenue – Zoning Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision – Final Report Date: January 28, 2020 To: Planning and Housing Committee From: Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Ward 20 - Scarborough Southwest Planning Application Numbers: 19 114204 ESC 20 OZ & 19 232762 ESC 20 SB SUMMARY This report recommends approval of a City-initiated Amendment to Zoning By-law 569- 2013, as amended, for a portion of the City-owned property at 705 Warden Avenue, as part of the Housing Now Initiative. The report also outlines the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision for the site, preparing the site for the development of mixed-use development blocks, a future Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) operations centre, a new public street and expanded parkland as well as the renaturalization of lands along the Massey Creek ravine edge. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment implements the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan and will permit 58,200 square metres of development, comprising two mid-rise buildings on the Warden Avenue frontage (approximately 9 and 11 storeys), a tall building at the southeast end of the site (approximately 18 storeys) and a Toronto Transit Commission operations centre (up to four storeys). The proposed amendment will facilitate the development of approximately 500 new residential units on the site as part of the Housing Now initiative, including approximately 250 affordable rental units, as well as retail space on Roper Road and a 62-space child care facility. Redevelopment of the site in accordance with the Draft Plan of Subdivision will result in a new public street linking Mendelssohn Street and PH14.2

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Housing Now – 705 Warden Avenue – Zoning Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision – Final Report Date: January 28, 2020 To: Planning and Housing Committee From: Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Ward 20 - Scarborough Southwest

Planning Application Numbers: 19 114204 ESC 20 OZ & 19 232762 ESC 20 SB


This report recommends approval of a City-initiated Amendment to Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, for a portion of the City-owned property at 705 Warden Avenue, as part of the Housing Now Initiative. The report also outlines the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision for the site, preparing the site for the development of mixed-use development blocks, a future Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) operations centre, a new public street and expanded parkland as well as the renaturalization of lands along the Massey Creek ravine edge.

The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment implements the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan and will permit 58,200 square metres of development, comprising two mid-rise buildings on the Warden Avenue frontage (approximately 9 and 11 storeys), a tall building at the southeast end of the site (approximately 18 storeys) and a Toronto Transit Commission operations centre (up to four storeys). The proposed amendment will facilitate the development of approximately 500 new residential units on the site as part of the Housing Now initiative, including approximately 250 affordable rental units, as well as retail space on Roper Road and a 62-space child care facility.

Redevelopment of the site in accordance with the Draft Plan of Subdivision will result in a new public street linking Mendelssohn Street and


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Howe Avenue. Approximately 0.6 hectares of a new centrally located parkland will be provided and integrated with the existing parkland associated with the Warden Hilltop Community Centre. The expanded park will be redesigned for improved functionality, greater recreational use and additional parking for the Community Centre. The southern edge of the property will be renaturalized to provide an enhanced, green edge to the Massey Creek ravine with a walkway connection to the pedestrian bridge to Warden Station. The proposal also provides a new publicly-accessible pedestrian walkway connecting the Community Centre, new public street and expanded park to Warden Avenue. The street, park, ravine edge and TTC blocks will remain in City ownership with short term leases or licences to facilitate required works while the mixed-use blocks will be leased to a selected partner for 99 years for the development and operation of affordable housing and the other recommended uses. The selected partner will be responsible for detailed design and construction of the required municipal infrastructure, including streets and services, based on initial work undertaken by CreateTO. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision will enable redevelopment of the site consistent with the development concept prepared by CreateTO and refined through public engagement and the City's review process. Development of a portion of 705 Warden Avenue in accordance with this report's recommendations will ensure this City-owned property is optimized for the development of affordable and market rental housing and employment-generating TTC facility. The development of this property will provide an important building block for the creation of a complete, inclusive, livable community. The combination of retail space, community services, expanded parkland and improvements to the pedestrian experience will contribute multiple public benefits and support integration of the new development with surrounding neighbourhoods. The proposed development supports densities and a mix of land uses which efficiently use land and resources and are transit-supportive. As such, the rezoning is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2014) and conforms with the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2019), the Official Plan and the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan. City Council's decision regarding the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment and support for the subsequent registration of the Draft Plan of Subdivision will accelerate the next phase of the Housing Now Initiative, which involves procurement of a development partner by the City to develop the proposed plan of subdivision. The development partner will be responsible for submitting a Site Plan Control application in 2020 to develop and finalize detailed plans for the mixed-use development. The City will secure the terms of development, including the subdivision obligations set out in this report, as well as the subsequent housing operation through a 99-year lease. The TTC will submit a separate Site Plan Control application for its operations centre and will retain responsibility for development of its block, which will be serviced through the subdivision infrastructure.

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RECOMMENDATIONS The Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, recommends that: 1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, for a portion of the lands at 705 Warden Avenue substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 4. 2. City Council authorizes the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required. 3. In accordance with the delegated approval under By-law 229-2000, as amended, City Council be advised that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, intends to approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision for the portion of the lands at 705 Warden Avenue as generally illustrated in Attachment 5, subject to:

a. the condition that a Lease Agreement has been entered into between the City and the development partner that includes, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, standard subdivision obligations as applicable and with necessary modifications for implementation of the proposed plan as well as site specific subdivision requirements generally outlined in Attachment 6 on such terms, including details and timing, as are set out in the Lease Agreement, and;

b. revisions to the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and additional or modified subdivision requirements for inclusion in the Lease Agreement with the development partner as the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, may deem to be appropriate to address matters arising from the ongoing technical review of this development.

4. City Council request the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, to coordinate servicing planning of the TTC development block and amend, as appropriate, the Functional Servicing Report for the subdivision prepared under the direction of CreateTO to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, prior to the execution of the Lease Agreement with the development partner. 5. City Council request the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to engage City partners and the development partner to advance the detailed design of development requirements identified in Attachment 7 to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and to secure the delivery of the development requirements on terms, including details and timing, in a Lease Agreement with the development partner. 6. City Council request the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO, and the Acting President, Toronto Parking Authority, to engage the development partner on the operation of a paid public parking facility at 705 Warden Avenue and report to the Board of Directors of

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CreateTO or the Board of Directors of the relevant CreateTO corporate entity as part of the proposed transaction terms.

FINANCIAL IMPACT The recommendations in this report have no immediate financial impact. As part of its decision on January 31, 2019, City Council approved funding and financial incentives under the Open Door Program to support the creation of up to 3,700 affordable rental units in phase one of the Housing Now Initiative. The report estimated investments of approximately $280 million in City incentives (foregone revenue) over a 99-year term. The January 31, 2019 decision also recommended that the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, and Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, identify appropriate funding solutions to address operational needs identified by City divisions or agencies on the 11 Properties and to seek funding approval in future budget cycle, as required. The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.

EQUITY IMPACT The Housing Now Initiative has been analysed for potential impacts on equity-seeking groups and vulnerable residents of Toronto. The Housing Now Initiative advances a number of the City of Toronto's equity strategies and commitments, including: HousingTO 2020-2030 Action Plan, Poverty Reduction Strategy, Social Procurement Policy, Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy, Toronto Newcomer Strategy, and the Toronto Seniors Strategy. An intersectional analysis reveals that women, seniors, newcomers, and low-income residents who require access to affordable housing, access to affordable childcare, access to city spaces, access to public transit, safety and security will be positively impacted. The proposal for a portion of the lands at 705 Warden Avenue calls for a mix of retail and community uses at-grade, which includes a child care facility. At least 50% of units located on this site will be rented below the City-wide average market rent, providing lower income individuals with the opportunity to access safer, quality housing near high-order transit. A combination of housing supports and rental allowances will also be deployed to deepen the affordability of units. The new affordable homes will remain affordable for 99 years, providing quality housing for future generations. Through incorporating social procurement principles in the market offering process for the Housing Now properties, the implementation of the Housing Now Initiative can encourage local hiring and create employment, training and apprenticeship

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opportunities for people experiencing economic disadvantage, including those from equity-seeking communities.

DECISION HISTORY On December 13, 2018, City Council adopted CC1.3 "Housing Now" which approved the activation of 11 City-owned sites for the development of affordable housing as part of creating mixed-income, mixed-use and transit-oriented communities. The City Council decision can be found here: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2019.CC1.3 On January 31, 2019, City Council adopted EX1.1 Implementing the "Housing Now" Initiative. This report provided recommendations on the organizational structure and processes to deliver the Housing Now Initiative, the proposed affordable housing program, and the overall financial implications of the program. The City Council decision can be found here: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2019.EX1.1 On September 24, 2019, the Board of Directors of CreateTO adopted RA 8.2 "Housing Now Business Cases for 140 Merton Street, 50 Wilson Heights Boulevard, 705 Warden Avenue and 777 Victoria Park Avenue", which presented business cases and a recommended approach to the market offering process for the first four Housing Now properties. The CreateTO Board decision can be found here: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2019.RA8.2

HOUSING NOW OVERVIEW Housing Now is a new city-building approach to use City-owned lands to build affordable housing within mixed-use, mixed-income, complete communities. Initiated by City Council in December 2018, the Housing Now Initiative is intended to accelerate the development of affordable housing on City-owned properties across Toronto. The first phase of the Housing Now Initiative includes 11 properties with the potential to create approximately 10,000 new residential units. A minimum two-thirds of all residential units will be purpose-built rental housing with at least 50% of the rental units as affordable rental housing (approximately 3,700 units) with rents set at 80% of Toronto's average market rent. The new affordable rental units will remain affordable for 99 years, providing quality housing opportunities for future generations. The development of new housing through Toronto’s Housing Now Initiative will be guided by the following principles adopted by City Council:

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• Activate sites to achieve the highest possible public benefits; • Optimize the development of market and affordable rental housing with a mix of unit

types and sizes; • Create homes affordable for a diverse range of incomes, including deeply affordable

homes; • Appropriately address and accommodate existing City and other operations and

uses on the 11 sites; • Prioritize the public retention of sites, including long-term land leases; and • Actively engage with City Councillors and local communities in the planning and

development of each site. Through the current stage of work, City and CreateTO staff are undertaking detailed due diligence, developing business cases and preparing recommended planning framework amendments. For 705 Warden Avenue, this includes advancing a plan of subdivision process to facilitate the site's redevelopment. This work will establish a market-ready development concept and advance projects through key stages of the approval process, reducing upfront development preparation costs and providing the selected development partners with greater certainty and an expedited route to construction and occupancy. The recommended approach leverages City contributions and partnerships with experienced housing developers and operators to deliver affordable housing and complete communities at key locations in the city. Through the City's contributions of land value and incentives, the Initiative will leverage millions in third party investment and create thousands of new rental units needed by Torontonians.

705 WARDEN AVENUE WORK PROGRAM The recommendations contained in this report reflect work undertaken by City and CreateTO staff to prepare a development concept for a portion of 705 Warden Avenue (as shown in Attachment 8), in consultation with local and city-wide stakeholders.

Inter-Divisional Review To aid in the preparation of the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, City staff, CreateTO staff and consultants undertook due diligence analysis and prepared a development concept for a portion of 705 Warden Avenue for inter-divisional review. This review entailed two formal submissions by CreateTO of architectural plans, a draft plan of subdivision and a full suite of technical reports for the review of City Planning staff and commenting partners. The materials were circulated to all appropriate agencies and City divisions. City staff provided comments and participated in inter-divisional workshops in an effort to refine the development concept, confirm the obligations of the eventual developer of the site and expedite planning approvals. The following reports and studies were submitted as part of the inter-divisional review:

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• Architectural Plans • Base Park Plan • Base Park Plan Cost Estimate • Contaminated Site Assessment Phase I • Contaminated Site Assessment Phase II • Draft Plan of Subdivision • Hydrogeological Report • Geotechnical Study • Landscape and Lighting Plans • Natural Heritage Impact Study • Stormwater Management and Functional Servicing Report • Survey Plans • Toronto Green Standard Statistics Template • Transportation Impact Study • Urban Design Brief • Urban Transportation Considerations • Vibration Study The above-mentioned plans, reports and studies are available on the Application Information Centre at: www.aic.to/705WardenAve. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision, the subdivision and development requirements, and other recommendations in this report reflect the comments received, including from other groups outside the internal division review process. In addition, division and agency comments have been highlighted in the directions and requirements set out in the City's marketing materials and will be secured in the lease agreement with the development partner and through the Site Plan Control process.

Community Engagement At the beginning of June 2019, City staff led community meetings and engagement events regarding the proposed redevelopment of a portion of 705 Warden Avenue. This included two rounds of public open houses (June and September 2019) as well as additional community engagement activities. The timing, location and number of attendees for each meeting are identified in Table 1 below. Table 1: Community Engagement Summary

Meeting Date Meeting Type Meeting Location Number of Attendees

June 5, 2019 Consultation Launch Pop-Up Warden Subway Station n/a

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Meeting Date Meeting Type Meeting Location Number of Attendees

June 13, 2019 Community Meeting Open House #1

Warden Hilltop Community Centre, 25 Mendelssohn St. 160

August 22, 2019 Ward 20 Roundtable Warden Hilltop Community Centre, 25 Mendelssohn St. 40

August 28, 2019 Pop-up consultation Warden Hilltop Community Centre, 25 Mendelssohn St. n/a

September 12, 2019 Community Meeting Open House #2

Warden Hilltop Community Centre, 25 Mendelssohn St. 250

Community Engagement - Areas of Support • Support for the City prioritizing affordable housing and the overall Housing Now

Initiative • Interest in living in an affordable housing unit • Support for maximizing the number and density of affordable units • Incorporating retail uses to address unmet local demand • Child care facility • Programing in the expanded park

Community Engagement - Areas of Concern • Some opposition to the site’s inclusion in the Housing Now Initiative • Proposed building height and massing (e.g. too tall, not tall enough) • Lack of ownership units within the development • Possible impacts on property values and community safety • Parking availability in the area (e.g. for the community centre, on street) • Pedestrian and cycling safety, including on Warden Avenue to/from Warden Station • Lack of accessibility at Warden Station The two community meetings functioned as open houses with presentations and question-and-answer sessions. At Open House #1, staff introduced the overall Housing Now Initiative and presented and sought feedback on the preliminary development concept and implementation of Housing Now. At Open House #2 in September, staff presented an updated development concept, provided further information regarding the Housing Now Initiative and responded to questions from community stakeholders. The project team circulated summaries of all feedback received at and after the events to attendees and posted final summaries online on the CreateTO website: https://createto.ca/housingnow.

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City staff also conducted additional engagement activities in August 2019 to address questions raised by stakeholders and further publicize the Housing Now Initiative. Community Engagement - Outcomes Input from members of the public through the consultation process has shaped the development concept and recommendations in this report. These revisions include, among others, confirmation of retail space along Roper Road, modifications to the recommended built form to optimize affordable housing development, recommended improvements to pedestrian routes to Warden Station, reconfiguration of the community centre parking lot to provide additional parking spaces and enhanced direction regarding renaturalization of the Massey Creek edge. The Comments section of this report expands on these considerations. City staff have continued to engage with the local City Councillor and community members in advance of Planning and Housing Committee's and City Council's consideration of this report. Further consultation and project updates are planned throughout the marketing, Site Plan Control application and construction processes.

Planning Review Panel and Design Review Panel Staff presented the overall Housing Now Initiative and preliminary plans for four sites, including a portion of 705 Warden Avenue, to the City's Planning Review Panel on June 15, 2019. In addition to the above, Staff presented the Housing Now Initiative to the City's Design Review Panel on October 10, 2019. The feedback and comments from these discussions have been used to refine the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment presented in this report as well as criteria established for the developer partner through the procurement process. Staff anticipate presenting updated plans for a portion of 705 Warden Avenue to the Design Review Panel as part of the Site Plan Control process.


Zoning By-law Amendment The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment permits a mixed-use development on a portion of the site at 705 Warden Avenue, comprising a tall building, two mid-rise buildings, a TTC operations centre and a maximum of 58,200 square metres of development. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment also modifies zoning permissions for the existing park to be consistent with the proposed expanded parkland (Open Space - Recreation zone) and proposes to rezone the south end of the property for maintenance of a renaturalized ravine edge adjacent to Massey Creek (Open Space - Natural zone). The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment implements the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan and is based on a comprehensive development concept refined through community engagement and City staff review.

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The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment will permit a maximum of 44,000 square metres of residential gross floor area, a minimum of 400 square metres and maximum of 1,500 square metres of retail space, a minimum 800 square metre child care facility and a maximum of 13,000 square metres for the TTC operations centre. The permissions will facilitate the development of approximately 500 new residential units on the site, including approximately 250 affordable rental units. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment requires 2-bedroom units to account for at least 15% of all units and 3-bedroom units to account for at least 10% of all units, consistent with the unit mix identified in the City's draft Growing Up Guidelines. The amendments identify a location appropriate for the development of a tall building, at the southeast corner of the site, and a location appropriate for the development of two mid-rise buildings fronting Warden Avenue. The tall and mid-rise buildings are up to 59 metres (approximately 18 storeys) and 38 metres (approximately 11 storeys) in height, respectively. Development on the TTC block cannot exceed 22 metres in height. The developable areas (indicated on Diagram 5 of Attachment 4: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment) account for required setbacks from the property lines and other built form considerations. Stepback provisions in the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment establish podium heights and will guide the location of the upper floors of the tall and mid-rise buildings to mitigate impacts on the pedestrian realm and surrounding properties. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment provides space for improvements to the public realm on Warden Avenue, Roper Road and the new public street. Minimum setbacks are identified on all frontages. Overall, the site's organization provides 44% of the site area as public space. Diagram 5 of Attachment 4: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment indicates increased setbacks at the corner of Roper Road and the new public street to support a publicly accessible open space. In addition, a publicly accessible open space area is required fronting on Warden Avenue and between the two mid-rise buildings to facilitate pedestrian movements through the site. Recommended zoning provisions identify the minimum area to be secured as publicly-accessible open space in both locations. Diagram 5 also sets out minimum setbacks along property edges facing Massey Creek to the south and the TTC subway line to the east. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment also establishes minimum parking supply standards for residents, visitors, non-residential uses and car-share spaces. The recommended zoning includes a provision enabling the pooling of a portion of parking spaces in the mixed-use buildings for shared use between tenants, visitors, patrons of the non-residential uses on site and other users, including commuters. This permission will permit the continued provision of paid public parking on the site. The provision of paid public parking has been encouraged in the City's bid call documents. This report recommends that CreateTO and the Toronto Parking Authority advance this objective in negotiations with the successful development partner. In the context of Housing Now, community interests being recommended by staff, some of which would normally be secured in a Zoning By-law through appropriate legal agreements, including public access requirements, rights in the nature of easements,

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provision of community space and parkland improvement, will be secured through the lease agreement with the development partner. These requirements are summarized in Attachment 7: Development Requirements. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment contemplates provisions that would create opportunity for below grade construction of the development blocks to proceed concurrent with the required municipal infrastructure to facilitate efficiencies in the delivery of the housing objectives.

Reasons for Subdivision A subdivision is proposed to be registered to facilitate the orderly development of the site. The recommended Draft Plan of Subdivision identifies 10 blocks to support a mixed-use development, a new public street, expanded parkland, the restoration of the Massey Creek ravine edge and a site for the Toronto Transit Commission operations centre, all reflective of the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment. The Blocks of the subdivision are identified in Attachment 5: Draft Plan of Subdivision. The Blocks are comprised as follows and do not include the existing parkland which is also being rezoned as part of the proposal: • Block 1 to accommodate two mid-rise buildings (9 and 11 storeys); • Block 2 to accommodate an 18-storey building; • Block 3 to accommodate a TTC operations centre (4 storeys); • Blocks 4 and 7 are non-contiguous blocks proposed to form the new public street; • Block 5 is existing parkland proposed to be the subject of an internal operational

transfer from Parks, Forestry & Recreation to Transportation Services as the new public street;

• Block 6 is existing parkland proposed to be the subject of an internal operational transfer from Parks, Forestry & Recreation to the TTC as part of the TTC development block;

• Block 8 is proposed as new public parkland; • Block 9 is proposed with an open space area to be regulated by the Toronto Region

and Conservation Authority (TRCA); and • Block 10 is proposed to provide a corner rounding at Warden Avenue and Roper

Road. Construction of the street, services and infrastructure will be the responsibility of the development partner and will be coordinated with the developments to be approved on the lands. As the City will retain ownership of the lands, implementation obligations that would normally be secured in a standard subdivision agreement, under Section 51 of the Planning Act, with an owner and that are determined applicable in this context by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, will be secured through the lease agreement with the City's development partner. Such standard obligations would include, for example, matters relating to retention of a consulting engineer, release for construction of services, servicing requirements, construction management, inspections, insurance, indemnity, financial security and fees, permit requirements, acceptance and assumption. Standard requirements relating to plan registration, permit and construction

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timing, land conveyance and environmental matters in particular will be modified to reflect preliminary work undertaken by CreateTO in the context of the Housing Now Initiative and zoning permissions. The proposed new public street will be illustrated as blocks on the plan rather than a street in order to facilitate the leasing arrangement. Upon completion and acceptance of the infrastructure work, the blocks will then be dedicated as public street by by-law of City Council. In addition to standard obligations (modified as necessary), the site specific obligations identified through circulation of the draft plan of subdivision as outlined in Attachment 6: Subdivision Requirements will also be secured with additional details, including appropriate timing of obligations, through the lease agreement with the development partner to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning. Subdivision obligations that relate to the City lands that are not part of the future mixed-use development blocks will be facilitated through temporary lease arrangements and licencing requirements during construction and implementation.

Towards a Complete Community at Warden Woods The development concept for a mixed-use, mixed-income, complete community recommended in this report has evolved since the initial submission in July 2019. During the first review, the development concept was revised to incorporate comments related to unit mix, site organization and the size and location of commercial and community uses. In response to staff's second review and direction, the architectural consultant prepared a massing study that analysed the impacts of additional height to the two mid-rise buildings fronting Warden Avenue. Table 2 below summarizes key revisions from the July and October 2019 submissions and the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment. These revisions apply to the mixed-use development blocks only. Table 2: Development Concept Revisions and Staff Recommendations

June 2019 Development Concept

September 2019 Development Concept

Zoning By-law Amendment Change


59 metres (18-storeys) 28 metres (8-storeys) 24 metres (7-storeys)

59 metres (18-storeys) 28 metres (8 storeys) 25 metres (7 storeys)

59 metres (18-storeys) 38 metres (11-storeys) 32 metres (9-storeys)

+10 metres (3 storeys) +8 metres (2 storeys)

Residential Gross Floor Area

37,525 square metres

39,321 square metres

44,000 square metres

+6,475 square metres

Units per hectare 427 units/ha 416 units/ha 466 units/ha +39 units/ha

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In addition to delivering a mixed-use, mixed-income, complete community, the site's redevelopment provides a recommended built form and building heights that increase in a north-to-south direction on the site. This approach supports a future taller building context on City-owned lands anchoring the southeast quadrant of Warden Avenue and St. Clair Avenue adjacent to the TTC's Warden station. As a specific development proposal is prepared any future refinements to the site's proposed built form would need to appropriately relate to the emerging north-south built form context while at the same time continuing to adequately limit the shadow impact on the proposed park and public realm, and achieve good urban design outcomes.

Site and Surrounding Area The site is located near the northeast intersection of Warden Avenue and St. Clair Avenue East. The site has a total area of 31,385 square metres and is irregular in shape, with depths along Warden Avenue varying from 198 to 276 metres. The site has a frontage of 116 metres along Warden Avenue. The right-of-way width for Warden Avenue in this location is 30 metres. The site to be rezoned currently accommodates a portion of the parkland and parking lot associated with Warden Hilltop Community Centre and a surface commuter parking lot for Warden Station. The following summarizes the built form and land uses of the surrounding area: North: To the north of the site is the Warden Hilltop Community Centre and the northern portion of the associated park. The Community Centre is on land designated Parks and Open Space Areas - Parks. The Mixed Use Areas designation continues on land fronting on Warden Avenue, with four and five-storey residential buildings. Beyond the Community Centre to the north and northeast, the area comprises semi-detached and townhomes on lands designated Neighbourhoods. East: The site abuts the TTC train tracks on the east, located on lands designated Utility Corridor, beyond which is the St. Clair Ravine Park and Massey Creek, on lands designated Parks and Open Space Areas - Natural Areas. South: Immediately south of the site are lands designated Parks and Open Space Areas - Natural Areas, comprising Massey Creek. South of St. Clair Avenue East lies Warden Station, designated Mixed Use Areas. West: The lands to the west of Warden Avenue are comprised of a mix of Parks and Open Spaces Areas - Natural Areas and Neighbourhoods. Natural Areas are associated with Massey Creek. The Neighbourhoods area contains a low-rise condominium complex. Immediately west of this is the Providence Healthcare campus, a large Institutional area.

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POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Planning Act Section 2 of the Planning Act sets out matters of provincial interest which City Council shall have regard to in carrying out its responsibilities, including: the orderly development of safe and healthy communities; the adequate provision of a full range of housing, including affordable housing; the promotion of development that is designed to be sustainable, to support public transit and to be oriented to pedestrians; and the promotion of a built form that is well designed, encourages a sense of place and provides for public spaces that are of high quality, safe, accessible, attractive and vibrant.

Provincial Land-Use Policies: Provincial Policy Statement and Provincial Plans Provincial Policy Statements and geographically specific Provincial Plans, along with municipal Official Plans, provide a policy framework for planning and development in the Province. This framework is implemented through a range of land use controls such as zoning by-laws, plans of subdivision and site plans. The Provincial Policy Statement (2014) The Provincial Policy Statement (2014) (the "PPS") provides policy direction province-wide on land use planning and development to promote strong communities, a strong economy, and a clean and healthy environment. It includes policies on key issues that affect communities, such as: • The efficient and wise use and management of land and infrastructure over the long

term in order to minimize impacts on air, water and other resources; • Protection of the natural and built environment; • Building strong, sustainable and resilient communities that enhance health and

social well-being by ensuring opportunities exist locally for employment; • Residential development promoting a mix of housing; recreation, parks and open

space; and transportation choices that increase the use of active transportation and transit; and

• Encouraging a sense of place in communities, by promoting well-designed built form and by conserving features that help define local character.

The provincial policy-led planning system recognizes and addresses the complex inter-relationships among environmental, economic and social factors in land use planning. The PPS supports a comprehensive, integrated and long-term approach to planning, and recognizes linkages among policy areas. The PPS is issued under Section 3 of the Planning Act and all decisions of Council in respect of the exercise of any authority that affects a planning matter shall be consistent with the PPS. Comments, submissions or advice affecting a planning matter that are provided by Council shall also be consistent with the PPS.

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The PPS recognizes and acknowledges the Official Plan as an important document for implementing the policies within the PPS. Policy 4.7 of the PPS states that, "The official plan is the most important vehicle for implementation of this Provincial Policy Statement. Comprehensive, integrated and long-term planning is best achieved through official plans." Consistency with the PPS The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision are consistent with the PPS. As part of the Housing Now Initiative, the proposed development provides a mix of affordable and market rental units, which is consistent with Policy 1.1.1 of the PPS, which requires the efficient development and land use patterns to sustain the financial well-being of the Province and municipalities over the long term, and the accommodation of an appropriate range and mix of residential units, including affordable housing. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment advances a density and land use mix, including residential, retail, employment, parkland and community facility uses, that are consistent with the directions of Policy of the PPS. It represents an efficient use of land and resources; is appropriate for and efficiently uses available and planned infrastructure and public service facilities; and is transit supportive. Furthermore, the proposed development is within an area identified by the City as appropriate for intensification, consistent with Policy By providing an expanded park, new street, community facilities, setbacks and improved pedestrian connections, the proposal is consistent with Policy 1.5.1 of the PPS, which states that healthy, active communities should be promoted by planning public streets, spaces and facilities, and parkland to facilitate active transportation and community connectivity. By requiring a range and mix of unit types, including 2 and 3-bedroom units, the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment is consistent with Policy 1.4.3 of the PPS (2014) that requires provisions to be made for an appropriate range of housing types and densities to meet projected requirements of current and future residents. A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2019) The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2019) (the "Growth Plan") provides a strategic framework for managing growth and environmental protection in the Greater Golden Horseshoe region, of which the City forms an integral part. Policies include: • Supporting the achievement of complete communities that are designed to support

healthy and active living and meet people’s needs for daily living throughout an entire lifetime;

• Supporting a range and mix of housing options, including second units and affordable housing, to serve all sizes, incomes, and ages of households;

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• Prioritizing intensification and higher densities in strategic growth areas to make efficient use of land and infrastructure and support transit viability;

• Providing flexibility to capitalize on new economic and employment opportunities as they emerge, while providing certainty for traditional industries, including resource-based sectors;

• Improving the integration of land use planning with planning and investment in infrastructure and public service facilities, including integrated service delivery through community hubs, by all levels of government;

• Providing for different approaches to manage growth that recognize the diversity of communities in the GGH;

• Protecting and enhancing natural heritage, hydrologic, and landform systems, features and functions; and

• Integrating climate change considerations into planning and managing growth such as planning for more resilient communities and infrastructure – that are adaptive to the impacts of a changing climate – and moving towards environmentally sustainable communities by incorporating approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Growth Plan builds upon the policy foundation provided by the PPS and provides more specific land use planning policies to address issues facing the GGH region. The policies of the Growth Plan take precedence over the policies of the PPS in the event of any conflict, except where the relevant legislation provides otherwise. In accordance with Section 3 of the Planning Act, all decisions of Council with respect to the exercise of any authority that affects a planning matter shall conform with the Growth Plan. Comments, submissions or advice affecting a planning matter that are provided by Council shall also conform with the Growth Plan. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment, as described in the Comments section of this report, implements the policies and vision of the Growth Plan. Growth Plan Conformity The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision conforms with and implements the policies of the Growth Plan. By redeveloping a commuter parking lot adjacent to a transit station, the proposed development conforms with the Growth Plan (2019) as it supports the creation of complete communities by making more efficient use of land and infrastructure and supports transit infrastructure. The development concept also conforms with the Growth Plan (2019) by promoting a mix of land uses as well as a diverse range and mix of housing options. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment also provides for a compact built form, facilitates an improved public realm, expanded parkland, integrated community facilities and ravine renaturalization and supports safe, convenient active transportation and transit use. Official Plan The Official Plan is a comprehensive policy document that guides development in Toronto, providing direction for managing the size, location, and built form compatibility of different land uses and the provision of municipal services and facilities. Official Plan policies related to building complete communities include the priority of providing a full

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range of housing, in terms of form, tenure and affordability, across the City and within neighbourhoods. Official Plan policies can be found here: https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/planning-development/official-plan-guidelines/official-plan/ Chapter 2 - Shaping the City Chapter 2 of the Official Plan sets out the urban structure of the City, develops the strategy for directing growth within the structure and sets out policies for the management of change, through the integration of land use and transportation. Policy 2.4.7 states that for sites in areas well serviced by transit, such as locations around rapid transit stations and along major transit routes, consideration will be given to redevelopment of surface commuter parking lots on City-owned land. Policy 2.4.8 states that better use will be made of off-street parking by encouraging the shared use of parking and developing parking standards for mixed-use developments which reflect the potential for shared parking among uses that have different peak demand characteristics. Chapter 3 - Building a Successful City Chapter 3 of the Official Plan contains policies to guide decision making based on the Plan’s goals for the human, built, economic and natural environments. Built Form On December 17, 2019, Council adopted amendments to the built form and public realm policies of the Official Plan. The built form policies provide principles on key relationships of the location and organization of development, its shape, scale and massing, and the provision of appropriate amenity within the existing and planned context to inform building design and ensure each new building will promote and contribute to a high quality of life. The policies require development to enhance and extend, where appropriate, a public realm that supports the creation of complete communities inclusive of public streets, parks and open spaces. Section 3.1.2 Built Form requires new development to be located, organized and massed to fit with the existing and planned context, frame and define comfortable public spaces, and ensure access to direct sunlight and daylight on the public realm by providing good street proportion and transition in scale to neighbouring properties. Section 3.1.3 Built Form – Building Types provides additional guidance for townhouse and low-rise apartments, mid-rise buildings, and tall buildings. It states that tall buildings should be designed to reduce physical and visual impacts of the tower on the public realm and surrounding properties, including limiting shadows and pedestrian level wind impacts and maximizing access to sunlight and open views of the sky from the public realm. Building New Neighbourhoods Section 3.3 of Chapter 3 states that New neighbourhoods require a comprehensive planning framework that reflects the Official Plan's city-wide goals, as well as the local context, including patterns of streets, development blocks, open spaces and other

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infrastructure, a strategy for affordable housing, community services and other policies that ensure new neighbourhoods are viable communities Housing Section 3.2.1 states that the City's quality of life, economic competitiveness, social cohesion, balance and diversity depend on access to adequate, affordable and appropriate housing. It states that adequate and affordable housing is a basic requirement for everyone. Policy states that a full range of housing, in terms of form, tenure and affordability, across the City and within neighbourhoods, will be provided and maintained to meet the current and future needs of residents. Production of affordable housing is addressed in Policy It states that where appropriate, assistance will be provided to encourage the production of affordable housing. In the case of affordable rental housing, and in order to achieve a range of affordability, municipal assistance may include: loans and grants, land at or below market rates, fees and property tax exemptions, rent supplement and other appropriate assistance. Community Services and Facilities CS&F policies in Section 3.2.2 state that strategies for providing new social infrastructure or improving existing community service facilities will be developed for areas that are inadequately serviced or experiencing major growth or change. Parks and Open Spaces The Parks and Open Spaces policies in Section 3.2.3 promote the expansion of the city's parks and open space system. The measures for maintaining, enhancing and expanding the system identified in Policy include: • adding new parks and amenities, particularly in growth areas and maintaining,

improving and expanding existing parks; and • designing high quality parks and their amenities to promote user comfort, safety,

accessibility and year-round use and to enhance the experience of “place”, providing experiential and educational opportunities to interact with the natural world.

The Official Plan also contains policies to ensure that Toronto's system of parks and open spaces are maintained, enhanced and expanded. Map 8B of the Toronto Official Plan shows local parkland provisions across the City. In addition, Policy 4.3.8 states that the sale or disposal of publicly owned lands in Parks and Open Space Areas is discouraged and no City owned lands in Parks and Open Space Areas will be sold or disposed of. However, City owned land in Parks and Open Space Areas may be exchanged for other nearby land of equivalent or larger area and comparable or superior green space utility. Natural Heritage A portion of the site is adjacent to the Natural Heritage System shown on Map 9 in the Official Plan. The Official Plan describes natural heritage areas as an evolving mosaic

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of natural habitats that supports the variety of nature in the city. Natural heritage systems are also areas where protecting, restoring and enhancing the natural features and functions have a high priority in city-building decisions. Policy 3.4.8 states that development will be set back from the following locations by at least 10 metres, or more if warranted by the severity of existing or potential natural hazards.

Policy 3.4.11 states that, where the underlying land use designation provides for development in or near the natural heritage system, development will: • recognize natural heritage values and potential impacts on the natural ecosystem as

much as is reasonable in the context of other objectives for the area; and • minimize adverse impacts and, when possible, restore and enhance the natural

heritage system. Policy 3.4.13 states that when development is proposed on or near lands shown as part of the natural heritage system, the proposed development’s impact on the system is to be evaluated and an impact study may be required. Chapter 4 - Land Use Designations The site is designated Mixed Use Areas and Apartment Neighbourhoods as shown on Map 20 - Land Use Plan of the Official Plan and Attachment 2: Official Plan Land Use Map. Mixed Use Areas are made up of a broad range of commercial, residential and institutional uses, in single use or mixed-use buildings, as well as parks, open spaces and utilities. The Official Plan states that Mixed Use Areas will absorb most of the anticipated increase in retail, office and service employment in Toronto in the coming decades, as well as much of the new housing. Within Mixed Use Areas, the Official Plan policies indicate that new buildings should be located and massed to frame streets and to provide a comfortable, safe pedestrian environment; that new development should take advantage of nearby transit services; and that new development should provide good access, parking and circulation, among other matters. Where development in Mixed Use Areas is to occur adjacent to lands designated Neighbourhoods, new buildings are to be located and massed to provide for an appropriate transition between areas of different intensity and scale through measures such as appropriate setbacks and stepping down of heights. New buildings in Mixed Use Areas are also to be located and massed to limit shadow impacts on adjacent Neighbourhoods. Apartment Neighbourhoods are comprised of apartment buildings and parks, local institutions, cultural and recreational facilities and small-scale retail, service and office uses that serve the needs of area residents. In Apartment Neighbourhoods, compatible infill development is permitted while providing good quality of life for both new and existing residents.

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Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan The site is located in the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan area. The Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan guides the implementation of Official Plan policies in the Warden Woods area by establishing a framework for the coordinated development of new mixed-use and residential neighbourhoods with all the ingredients for success including adequate community facilities, excellence in urban design and a balanced transportation system. The intent of the Secondary Plan is to support private and public investment in the creation of a new community, integrated with the surrounding residential communities and ravine system, and to establish compatible interfaces with residual and abutting employment areas. Land Use Section 2.1 of the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan generally lays out the policies supporting diverse land uses to accommodate a variety of services and economic opportunities for its residents and contribute to the vibrancy of the community. Policy 2.1.1 states that mixed-use development with mid-range densities and heights will be permitted and encouraged along the arterial street frontage of Warden Avenue and Danforth Road. The highest densities and heights will be permitted in the Mixed Use Areas and Apartment Neighbourhoods designations closest to the Warden Station, with the tallest buildings permitted at the southeast corner of the Warden and St. Clair intersection. Urban Design Section 2.2 establishes urban design policies to guide the development of the Warden Woods community. Policy 2.2.1 states that the area's public realm will be designed to support integrated and connected communities, to create a pedestrian friendly and transit supportive environment, and to promote a sense of safety and community identity. Public Realm Policy 2.2.5 states that pedestrian connections and linkages will be created throughout the Secondary Plan Area, to existing communities, schools, transit stations, existing natural areas and open spaces, and proposed new parks and open spaces. These potential linkages include: between the developments north and south of St. Clair Avenue and the Warden Station, between the development at the southeast corner of Warden Avenue and St. Clair Avenue and Warden Station, and along the northern edge of the Massey Creek ravine north of St. Clair Avenue. Parks, Open Spaces and Natural Heritage Section 2.4 lays out provisions for parks, open spaces and natural heritage in the Warden Woods area. Policy 2.4.1 states that the development of two local parks, one north and one south of St. Clair Avenue, each approximately 2.0 to 2.5 hectares in size, is of primary importance in the establishment of a healthy Warden Woods community. Policy 2.4.6 states that improvements to the environmental conditions affecting Massey Creek in and near Warden Woods, including tree planting and the introduction of appropriate vegetation and landscaping in the vicinity of the Warden and St. Clair intersection, will be pursued in consultation with area residents and other stakeholders.

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Policy 2.4.7 states that parkland contributions associated with the development of the City-owned lands north and south of St. Clair (Warden North Parking lot and the southeast corner of Warden and St. Clair Avenues) will be provided on the lands north of St. Clair Avenue. Housing Policy 2.5 states that a diversity of housing will provide opportunities for a wide range of people to call Warden Woods their home. A broad range of housing opportunities will provide residents with the ability to remain in their neighbourhoods and retain their connections and social networks as their housing needs change. Holding Provisions Policy 3.1.5 specifies the matters to be addressed prior to the removal of the holding provision from the City-owned lands (TTC), north and south of St. Clair Avenue. These include: parkland in accordance with the policies and objectives of this Plan; appropriate contributions equivalent to the contributions pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, and satisfactory arrangements to ensure that the City’s intensification objectives for transit- supportive development will be addressed. Current Zoning The site is subject to the City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, which zones the property as Commercial Residential (CR), as shown in Attachment 3: Existing Zoning By-law Map. The CR zone permits a number of uses including, but not limited to, retail store, day nursery, public parking, community centre and residential uses. The site is also subject to the following site-specific provisions contained in Exception CR 1186 exempting development on the site from specific angular plane and rear yard setback requirements. The site is also subject to Exception Numbers 1 and 2 under the Warden Woods Community Zoning By-law No. 950-2005, as amended, and zoned Commercial Residential (CR (H) 80-100-101-102-121-143-163-200-202). Exception Number 1 states that prior to the removal of the Holding (H) Provision, the site can only be used as Institutional – Public Transit (I-PT) Zone and Park (P) Zone. It further states that the Holding provision requires specific matters to be addressed through the submission of a Site Plan Control application including infrastructure improvements, environmental conditions and community benefit contributions. The work undertaken to date and implementation of the development requirements captured in this report, specifically subdivision and development requirements identified in Attachments 6 and 7, will address the matters outlined in the Holding Provision. The by-law also regulates the location of non-residential uses on the site and within buildings. Exception Number 2 requires that all non-residential uses be located 150 metres from Warden Avenue. Beyond addressing the matters identified in the Holding Provision, an amendment to the City of Toronto Zoning By-law No. 950-2005 (Warden Woods Community Zoning By-

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law), as amended, is not required as it has been determined that the City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, supersedes it. Design Guidelines Warden Woods Community Urban Design Guidelines The Warden Woods Community Urban Design Guidelines were approved by City Council together with the Secondary Plan. The Guidelines provide interpretation and illustration of the Secondary Plan policies as well as guidance for development of lands in the Secondary Plan area. The Guidelines cover four general areas, including the Public Realm, Built Form, Priority Areas and Public Art and Cultural Heritage. The Guidelines also include a Warden Woods Conceptual Master Plan illustrating key physical components of the new community, including street and block patterns, potential development, and park locations. The Conceptual Master Plan contemplates mid-range densities to the highest densities and heights close to the subway station. The Warden Woods Community Urban Design Guidelines provides a framework for evaluating the proposed development at 705 Warden Avenue. City-Wide Tall Building Design Guidelines City Council has adopted city-wide Tall Building Design Guidelines and has directed City Planning staff to use these Guidelines in City-initiated processes and the evaluation of tall building development applications. The Guidelines establish a unified set of performance measures for the evaluation of tall building proposals to ensure they fit within their context and minimize their local impacts. The link to the Guidelines is here: https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2013/pg/bgrd/backgroundfile-57177.pdf Avenues and Mid-rise Buildings Study and Performance Standards City Council adopted the Avenues and Mid-rise Buildings Study and an addendum containing performance standards for mid-rise buildings. They identify a list of best practices and establish a set of performance standards for new mid-rise buildings. Key issues addressed include maximum allowable building heights, setbacks and step backs, sunlight and skyview, pedestrian realm conditions, transition to Neighbourhoods and Parks and Open Space Areas and corner sites. The link to the guidelines is here: https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/planning-development/official-plan-guidelines/design-guidelines/mid-rise-buildings/ City Council also adopted a revised Mid-Rise Building Performance Standards Addendum, for staff to use together with the 2010 approved Mid-Rise Building Performance Standards in the preparation of area studies or during the evaluation of proposed mid-rise buildings. These Performance Standards are applicable, until such time as City Council adopts updated Mid-Rise Building Design Guidelines. Council's decision is here: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2016.PG12.7 and http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2016/pg/bgrd/backgroundfile-92537.pdf

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Growing Up: Planning for Children in New Vertical Communities Guidelines In July 2017, City Council adopted the City-wide Growing Up: Planning for Children in New Vertical Communities draft guidelines. The objectives of the Guidelines are rooted in the Official Plan vision to create an attractive, safe and healthy city where children are valued and residents have access to housing, support services and recreational activities. The draft guidelines implement Official Plan policies that highlight the importance of integrated community facilities and amenities, the need for a comfortable and safe public realm and the creation of a range of housing options in communities. The Guidelines and City Council decision can be found at: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/viewAgendaItemHistory.do?item=2017.PG21.3 Toronto Region and Conservation Authority The site is partially located within a TRCA Regulated Area of the Taylor-Massey Creek sub-watershed. In accordance with Ontario Regulation 166/06 (Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shoreline and Watercourse Regulation), a permit is required from the TRCA prior to any development, if in the opinion of the authority, the control of flooding, erosion, dynamic beaches or pollution or the conservation of land may be affected by the development. In support of the site's redevelopment a number of reports including a Geotechnical Investigation Report, Natural Heritage Impact Study, Architectural Plans, Stormwater Management and Hydrogeological Report have been submitted to TRCA for evaluation prior to the issuance of any permit. Ravine Control The site is subject to the provisions of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 658 – Ravine & Natural Features Protection, which regulates activities within protected areas. Chapter 658 promotes the management, protection and conservation of ravines and associated natural and woodland areas, and prohibits and regulates the injury and destruction of trees, filling, grading and dumping in defined areas. A permit is required to conduct any of the above activities on ravine protected lands. The issuance of permits may be subject to conditions. The future Site Plan Control application will be evaluated with respect to tree removals, tree planting, soil volumes and ensuring an appropriate buffer from the ravine and natural areas is provided. Development Infrastructure Policy and Standards The design and configuration of the proposed public street network related to right-of-way width, parking, landscaping and public sidewalks fall under the City's Development Infrastructure Policy and Standards. These policies and standards address issues resulting from the creation of new local residential streets and establish standards for new development infrastructure with respect to appropriate street cross-sections.

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Site Plan Control The development of a portion of 705 Warden Avenue is subject to Site Plan Control. The selected development partner will be required to submit a Site Plan Control application and enter into a Site Plan Agreement relating to the mixed use development blocks. TTC will be required to submit its own Site Plan Control application for its proposed operations centre.

COMMENTS This section sets out how the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment and the Draft Plan of Subdivision comply with Official Plan policies and respond to City guidelines while achieving the broader city-building objectives of the Housing Now Initiative.

Land Use The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment conforms with the Official Plan and the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan. The redevelopment of a commuter parking lot with an expanded public park, three mixed-use buildings incorporating retail and community uses at-grade and a TTC operations centre supports the land use policies of the Mixed-Use Areas and Apartment Neighborhoods designation on the site. The proposal also meets the requirements of Policy 4.5.2 which requires development in Mixed-Use Areas provide for new jobs and homes for Toronto’s growing population on underutilized lands, and creates a balance of high-quality commercial, residential, and open space uses that reduces automobile dependency and meets the needs of the local community. The TTC operations centre use conforms with permitted uses in Apartment Neighbourhoods, including public transit facilities and public facilities provided by the local, provincial and federal government. The proposed development meets the Apartment Neighbourhoods development criteria under policy 4.2.2 (a to h), which speaks to appropriate building location and massing between areas of different development intensity and scale, minimizing impacts of development on adjacent low-scale neighbourhoods and parks, providing ground floor uses that animate streets and open spaces, and conforms with principles of universal design. The Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan also recognizes the need for optimizing this City-owned site for transit-oriented development and the provision of community infrastructure. The introduction of residential and employment uses and the provision of supportive community and retail uses adjacent to a transit station will contribute to the mix of uses planned for this area. Affordable Housing and Housing Issues As part of the City's Housing Now Initiative, development on a portion of 705 Warden Avenue will include at a minimum 50% affordable rental units. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment permits 44,000 square metres of residential gross floor

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area, which is estimated to provide for approximately 500 new residential units, of which approximately 250 units would be affordable rental units. The affordable rental units are planned to be rented for an average cost equivalent to 80% of Toronto's Average Market Rent, as defined by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The Housing Now Initiative will require the inclusion of deeply affordable rental units within this mix (rented at approximately 40% of Toronto's Average Market Rent). This mix of units would serve households with a gross income of approximately $21,000 to $52,000 per year. The units' affordability will be secured for 99 years through the lease agreement with the development partner. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment identifies a requirement for 2 bedroom units to account for at least 15% of all units and 3-bedroom units to account for at least 10% of all units. The City's criteria for developers participating in Housing Now will require approximately 20% of units to be designed to CMHC's accessibility standards. The City's development partner will construct and operate the mixed-use blocks on a 99 year lease. The City and its development partner will advertise housing opportunities, including affordable rental opportunities, approximately one year prior to the completion of construction. Density, Height and Massing The Official Plan identifies that most of the City’s future development will be infill and redevelopment. Development will need to fit in, respect and improve the character of the surrounding area (Chapter Three – Building a Successful City). It will also be located, organized and massed to fit harmoniously with its existing and/or planned context. Furthermore, the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan establishes that mixed-use development with mid-range densities and heights will be permitted and encouraged along the arterial street frontage of Warden Avenue and that the highest densities and heights in the area will be permitted in the Mixed Use Areas and Apartment Neighbourhoods designations closest to Warden Station. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment permits a maximum gross floor area of 58,200 square metres of development, equivalent to an overall density of 3.6 times the area of three developable blocks. Density permissions on the two mixed use blocks range from 3.9 to 5.0 times the area, and the proposed TTC operation centre block has a density of 2.2 times the area for employment-related uses. This range of recommended density provides for significant intensification of the site, given the mixed use development blocks represent 54% of the overall site. The remainder of the site is dedicated to public space (parkland, renaturalized open space and public right-of-way) that supports a complete, vibrant, liveable community. The amendment will permit a tall building of up to 59 metres in height (approximately 18 storeys) at the site's southeast corner, two mid-rise buildings of up to 30 and 38 metres in height (approximately 9 and 11 storeys respectively) and a TTC operations centre up to 22 metres in height (approximately 4 storeys). Diagram 5 of Attachment 4: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment identifies developable areas, defined by setbacks

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established through the review and refinement of the development concept. Furthermore, the Diagram identifies areas for building podiums, as well as areas where buildings may be built to the maximum heights, subject to meeting other zoning provisions. The permitted building heights have also been evaluated in the context of the above-noted policy framework as well as the Tall Buildings Guidelines, the Avenues and Mid-rise Buildings Study and the Warden Woods Community Urban Design Guidelines. Policy 4.2.2 of the Official Plan sets out the development criteria for new development in Apartment Neighbourhoods. The policy requires new development to provide a transition between areas of different intensity and scale, through setbacks and/or stepping down of heights. It also requires that development limit shadow impact on adjacent neighbourhoods. The tallest building (approximately 18 storeys) is located at the southeast corner of the site on Block 2 of the Draft Plan of Subdivision, which is split between Mixed Use Areas and Apartment Neighbourhoods designations. Diagram 5 of the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment identifies the location appropriate for a tall building. Although the Diagram permits some flexibility in the final location of the tower component, it is generally prescriptive to ensure impacts to nearby properties and the adjacent park are mitigated in the final plans for the site. The tall building location is over 90 metres and downhill from the nearest existing residential dwellings to the north. A maximum 750 square metre floor plate further limits the shadows cast by a slender tower, consistent with the Tall Building Design Guidelines. The tower portion is stepped back five metres from the four-storey podium to establish a moderate streetwall along the park edge. A combination of setbacks, stepbacks and height limits are provided to ensure an appropriately scaled podium building that corresponds with the proposed TTC operations centre to the north, helps to frame the park to the west and responds to changes in elevation. Two mid-rise buildings are proposed on Block 1 of the Draft Plan of Subdivision. These lands are designated Mixed Use Areas in the Official Plan. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment applies a combination of performance standards to establish an appropriate height and massing for the mid-rise buildings. The proposed buildings will be set back by three metres from Warden Avenue, Roper Road and the new public street. Stepbacks and height limits provide a transition to the park and existing residential community to the east and north respectively. Height permissions are lowest (14 metres) adjacent to the new park to frame the space and provide a consistent streetwall. The tallest building elements for the mid-rise building (38 metres) are located at the south end of the site, at the site's lowest elevation. Angular planes related to the right-of-way width of Warden Avenue and Roper Road further sculpt the massing of the buildings to ensure good proportion relative to the street and maintain skyview and sunlight. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment establishes minimum separation distances between the two mid-rise buildings to provide privacy and enable a mid-block connection and publicly-accessible open space. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment provides a zoning envelope for the development of the TTC operations centre on Block 3 of the Draft Plan of Subdivision,

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in the site's northeast corner. These lands are designated Apartment Neighbourhoods. The recommended by-law establishes setbacks between the developable area and the new street to the west, residential properties to the north, TTC subway tracks to the east and mixed-use development to the south. The maximum building height on this block is 22 metres and is moderated by angular planes on the north and west facades. The impact of the new building on neighbouring properties to the north will be limited by the angular planes from the Residential Zone, the grade change and the required separation between buildings. Further evaluation of the architectural materials, character, expression and articulation of the main wall, ground floor retail, publicly accessible open spaces, indoor and outdoor amenity areas, and daycare facility, will be addressed through the Site Plan Control process. The recommended density, height and massing is appropriate for a site designated Mixed Use Areas and Apartment Neighbourhoods. The tower location, building heights and overall massing have been designed to minimize shadow impacts and ensure adequate access to skyviews. The permitted scale of development is consistent with the planned character of lands in the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan closest to the transit station and is compatible with the adjacent residential, park and natural area uses. Sun, Shadow and Wind The Built Form policies of the Official Plan in Chapter state that new development will limit its impact on neighbouring streets, open spaces and adjacent properties by adequately limiting any resulting shadowing. In addition, Apartment Neighbourhoods Policy 4.2.2(b) states that new development should be located and massed so as to adequately limit shadow impacts on properties in adjacent lower-scale Neighbourhoods, particularly during the spring and fall equinoxes. The development concept was reviewed against the Official Plan policies noted above and design guidelines described in this report's Policy Considerations section. This analysis included the review of shadow studies and revisions to the location of the tall building and the massing of both the tall and mid-rise buildings. Between March 21st and September 21st, the shadows cast by the proposed development are consistent with City staff direction for having core hours of sunlight on the proposed park. The location of the tall building and the tower placement above the building podium have been carefully considered to mitigate shadow impacts on surrounding land uses. The two mid-rise buildings located on Warden Avenue have been sculpted and the massing articulated to reduce cumulative impacts of both buildings on new and existing parkland. The height and location of the proposed TTC building limits additional shadowing impacts on the parkland and residential uses to the north. Adverse wind conditions can be mitigated through the siting, massing, orientation and articulation of a building's podium and the tower. The use of stepbacks at the tower base is a particularly useful strategy to dissipate down drafts. The Tall Building Design

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Guidelines identify a minimum 3 metre stepback of the tower, including balconies, from the face of the base building. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment requires the tower to step back a minimum of 5 metres from the base building facing the new public street as well as to the north and south and limits projecting balconies to 1.5 metres. The permissions for the mid-rise buildings require a minimum 3 metre stepback generally at the fourth storey and greater stepbacks adjacent to the new public street and park. The sculpting of the buildings and provision of building elements noted above, in addition to setbacks at grade and the addition of street trees, can improve the wind and micro-climatic conditions of the pedestrian zones on Warden Avenue, Roper Road, as well as the new public street. Further articulation of the building facades is anticipated in the Site Plan Control application. Given that the stepbacks from the base of the building are generally in excess of those required in the Tall Building Design Guidelines to mitigate uncomfortable wind conditions - as well as stepbacks established in the Mid-rise Performance Standards - staff support approval of the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment in the absence of a pedestrian-level wind study. Further analysis of pedestrian-level wind conditions will be required at the Site Plan Control stage when a more detailed version of the development has been designed to determine if additional mitigation strategies are necessary. Any wind mitigation measures will be secured through Site Plan Control approval with the development partner. Streetscape An important consideration for new development in Mixed Use Areas is its interface with the public realm and existing pedestrian network. Development criteria for Mixed Use Areas are contained in Policy 4.5(2), which indicates that development will: • locate and mass new buildings to frame the edges of streets and parks with good

proportion and maintain sunlight and comfortable wind conditions for pedestrians on adjacent streets, parks and open spaces; and

• provide an attractive, comfortable and safe pedestrian environment. Both staff and the public identified improvements to the public realm and pedestrian experience as key objectives for development of the site. Warden Avenue is a major street and a well-travelled pedestrian connection between Warden Station, the Warden Hilltop Community Centre and surrounding neighbourhoods. The development concept is organized to support a transit-oriented and pedestrian-friendly public realm. The extension of Mendelssohn Street and Howe Avenue will be fronted by parkland on one side and at-grade residences and the child care facility's outdoor play area on the other. The extension will be connected to Warden Avenue by a pathway at the site's southwest corner as well as to Warden Station by a pathway to the existing bridge over Massey Creek. The park and street will provide new enhanced alternative routes for pedestrians traveling within the community, and to and from the subway station. The new public street will be designed to provide safe, attractive, interesting and comfortable spaces for pedestrians by providing well-designed and co-

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ordinated tree planting and landscaping, pedestrian-scale lighting and quality street furnishings and decorative paving as part of street improvements. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment establishes minimum at-grade setbacks on the site's public street frontages. The proposed mid-rise buildings would be setback by a minimum of 3 metres on Warden Avenue, Roper Road and the new public street. Where the development includes at-grade residences, the setbacks will provide space for soft landscaping and public-private transition. The entrances to retail uses will be located along Roper Road, animating the street and facilitating easy access from the surrounding community. The proposed tall building at the southeast corner of the site would be set back from the new public street by a minimum of 3 metres. These setbacks, combined with a 2.1 metre sidewalk, street trees and plantings and a buffer between the sidewalk and the street curb, will provide space for a more comfortable and pleasant pedestrian environment. The 705 Warden Avenue development concept sets out a preliminary landscape plan for the design, programming and landscaping of the site's street frontages. The scheme identifies a variety of design characters and functions served in the combined sidewalk zone and setbacks. At the southwest corner of Roper Road and the new public street, a deeper setback is required to provide publicly-accessible open space, which is intended to be programmed with hard and soft landscaping zones, trees, seating, lighting and other pedestrian amenities. A second publicly-accessible open space will be required between the two mid-rise buildings on Warden Avenue. This area would also serve as a pedestrian connection from Warden Avenue to the interior of the site and public park. The final design of these spaces will be confirmed at the Site Plan Control stage. The lease agreement between the development partner and the City will secure public access and leaseholder responsibilities, and ensure that these spaces are in place for public use prior to any residential use or occupancy of a building on the block in which they are located. The functional design and conditions pertaining to new street crossings and intersections have been reviewed under the Plan of Subdivision application. Development conditions and design and technical work pertaining to the new public street will be reflected in the lease agreement. Community Services and Facilities The Official Plan establishes and recognizes that the provision of and investment in community services and facilities (CS&F) supports healthy, safe, liveable and accessible communities. Providing for a full range of community services and facilities in areas experiencing major or incremental growth, is a responsibility shared by the City, public agencies and the development community. The development concept includes the provision of a 62-space child care facility. The inclusion of a child care facility responds to the lack of affordable child care in Ward 20. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment identifies a minimum gross floor area of 800 square metres for the child care facility in order to further direct and secure its development.

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The Children's Services Division will work with the developer partner to ensure final designs for the site meet legislative and operating requirements. In the lead-up to the opening of the centre, Children's Services will also endeavour to secure financial support for the inclusion of subsidized spaces in the centre. The detailed conditions and obligations pertaining to the child care facility will be secured in the City's lease agreement with the development partner. The proposed development on a portion of 705 Warden Avenue includes the integration of new parkland with the existing park south of the Warden Hilltop Community Centre, which includes applicable base park improvements and must address significant grade differences. The reconfiguration and redesign will include additional parking associated with the Community Centre, an improvement identified by Parks, Forestry and Recreation staff to extend access to the Community Centre to a broad segment of Torontonians and address the under-utilization of the Community Centre. Further improvements to the parkland to support the function of the Community Centre will be addressed in the Site Plan Control process and detailed design of the park and secured through the lease agreement and Site Plan Agreement with the development partner. The inclusion of a child care facility on the site and improving the park space address significant needs in the local area, are important benefits of development at 705 Warden Avenue and are examples of optimizing City-owned land for a variety of public benefits. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment requires the provision of these facilities. Schools The Toronto Land Corporation in consultation with the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has determined that the site is located in a commercial/industrial area, where there is no assigned local TDSB school. TDSB staff have advised that they will continue to monitor residential development in the area to understand the cumulative impact and determine where prospective students will attend school. To this end, TDSB will work with the City towards the timely provision of school accommodation as the application progresses through the approval process. The Toronto Catholic District School Board has advised that there is sufficient space within the local elementary and secondary schools to accommodate additional students from this residential development. Parkland The Draft Plan of Subdivision identifies blocks for new public parkland (Block 8) and blocks of existing parkland required for the construction of the new public street (Block 5). Together, the Plan provides a net addition of 3,218 square metres of new public parkland. As discussed above, the new public parkland will be combined with the existing parkland to the north. The expanded and redesigned park will provide a larger area for programming as well as new landscaped areas and paths. The site is in the second-lowest quintile of the current provision of parkland. Currently, the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan has no cap on parkland provision.

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Policy 2.4.7 of the Secondary Plan indicates that parkland contributions associated with the development of the City-owned lands north and south of St. Clair (705 Warden Avenue and the southeast corner of Warden and St. Clair Avenues) will be provided on the 705 Warden Avenue site and that any over-contribution of parkland from the development of 705 Warden Avenue will be credited to future development approvals at the southeast corner. The proposal anticipates approximately 500 residential units being built at 705 Warden Avenue and with at least 400 square metres of commercial retail space within a developable area of 1.1 hectares. Affordable rental (non-profit) units are exempt from parkland dedication requirements per the municipal code. The remaining market rental units will be used to calculate the parkland dedication for the site. The size, location and configuration of the proposed public park meets the parkland dedication requirement and is consistent with the Official Plan policies. The detailed conditions pertaining to the parkland requirements will be secured in the City's lease agreement and Site Plan Agreement with the development partner. Transportation Impact, Access, and Parking A Transportation Impact Study (TIS) was prepared by BA Group for the development concept. The TIS assessed the estimated vehicular traffic from the proposed mixed-use development and TTC operations centre as well as the mixed-use development's parking requirements and described the proposed transportation solutions and strategies. The new proposed public street generally follows the conceptual alignment as planned in the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan. Based on staff's review and comments received through public consultation, particular attention was paid to the design and function of the pedestrian realm, existing and new pedestrian connections to Warden Station and vehicular access points for the proposed developments, including the proposed TTC operations centre. Warden Avenue and the new public street will continue to facilitate an important pedestrian connection to Warden Station. City staff have assessed opportunities that would minimize conflict between vehicle and pedestrian uses on the new public street and will continue to work with the development partner regarding pedestrian safety and vehicular operations to determine the optimal organization and location of access through the Site Plan Control process. City staff are also investigating the feasibility of signalizing the intersection at Warden Avenue and Roper Road to improve the connection for both pedestrians and cyclists. City staff will continue to advance opportunities for improved pedestrian and cycling connections between 705 Warden Avenue and Warden Station in the context of the City's Vision Zero Road Safety Plan, including boulevard and sidewalk widenings between the site and St. Clair Avenue East. In addition, the role and function of the existing pedestrian bridge over Massey Creek in supporting a safe, walkable community will be considered by staff, including the TTC given the connection the bridge provides

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for TTC riders and employees between Warden Station and the local community and proposed TTC operations centre. The site's parking requirements are governed by City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended. The site is located immediately adjacent to Warden Station, which connects to the Line 2 Subway and serves as an important bus terminal with frequent bus services throughout the day. The principal planned use of the site is rental housing, with at least 50% of units constituting affordable rental. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment establishes minimum parking standards for residents (0.43 parking spaces per dwelling unit), visitors (0.1 parking spaces per dwelling unit) and publicly accessible carshare spaces. A minimum of two spaces are required for the child care facility. Parking provision for the TTC operations centre will comply with City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended. The TIS provided a parking strategy to justify the reduction of vehicular parking for residents and visitors on site. Given the transit-oriented nature of the proposed development, future users of the development can utilize the major transit infrastructure adjacent to the site. The parking surveys conducted by the transportation consultant at similar locations indicated that a reduction in parking supply rate is warranted. In addition, a robust travel demand management (TDM) strategy will be secured through the lease agreement and the Site Plan Control process to reduce single occupancy vehicle use and provide options for residents to find alternative ways to travel to and from the area. Potential TDM strategies include the following and will be confirmed and secured through the lease agreement and Site Plan Control, such as: • Dedicated parking spaces for publicly accessible carshare vehicles; • Investment in bikeshare stations on site and within the community; • Designated carpool services and spaces; • Dedicated pick-up-drop-off spaces and zones for taxis, delivery vehicles and service

vehicles; • Installation of new technologies and practices, including real-time traveller

information and parking management systems; and • Transit passes for residents in the proposed development. The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment includes a provision enabling the operation of public parking on site. The public parking would use a portion of the parking spaces required for residents and visitors for shared use between tenants, visitors, patrons of the non-residential uses on site and other users, including commuters. This provision will permit the inclusion of paid public parking as it exists on the site today. Incorporating paid public parking as part of the site's redevelopment has been encouraged in the City's bid call documents and will be advanced by CreateTO in negotiations with the development partner and in consultation with the Toronto Parking Authority. A facility operated by the Toronto Parking Authority would need to meet its design and operational requirements.

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With respect to loading, one Type 'G' loading space is required for each mixed use development block and a minimum of two Type 'B' loading spaces for the block with the TTC operations centre, which is not anticipated to have frequent deliveries given the proposed use. These requirements are secured in the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment. Servicing As part of the review of the development concept, City staff reviewed the following reports and studies: • Functional Servicing Report; • Stormwater Management Report; • Downstream Sewer Analysis; and • Hydrogeological Report. These reports, along with supplementary materials, have been reviewed by Engineering and Construction Services (ECS) staff, in conjunction with Toronto Water's EM&P Unit. The development proposes to discharge groundwater to the sanitary sewer on Warden Avenue, which will require an application to Toronto Water for temporary and permanent groundwater discharge. The development partner will need to satisfy Toronto Water requirements prior to Site Plan Control approval. The Downstream Sewer Analysis as part of Functional Servicing Report, prepared by LEA Consultant, dated October 22, 2019, has noted that the existing municipal sanitary sewer system up to the trunk has capacity to convey the peak flows from the development under dry-weather and extreme wet-weather flow. There are existing sanitary and stormwater forcemains running on the eastern boundary of the site that serve adjacent TTC infrastructure. As part of redevelopment, these are expected to be redirected to connect to municipal sewers. The above analysis did not take into account the sanitary flow from these existing force mains. Prior to release for construction, the development partner, in coordination with CreateTO and the TTC, will need to provide an updated sanitary sewer analysis up to the trunk to determine if the quality of the flow from the sanitary forcemain meets the City criteria of the servicing obligations relating to the plan of subdivision. A Discharge Agreement with Toronto Water is required. The TTC operations centre will be constructed in the manner that no discharge of private water during the construction and in the long term to the City's sewer systems. The fire flow tests on existing watermain were conducted by LEA Consultant as part of Functional Servicing Report, prepared by LEA Consultant, dated October 22, 2019, to determine if the existing City watermain is adequate to service this development. The followings requirements were not evaluated: • TTC fire demand as per Fire Underwriter Survey; and • Hydraulic analysis (skeleton model) for the entire subdivision. Additional work is required to satisfy servicing matters required by ECS and Toronto Water as set out above, and the conditions that are generally outlined under Attachment

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6: Subdivision Requirements of this report. Servicing requirements, including appropriate timing will be secured in the lease agreement with the development partner and through the Site Plan Control process all to the satisfaction of Chief Engineer and Executive Director Engineering & Construction Services, and General Manager, Toronto Water. Noise and Vibration The submission reviewed by staff included an assessment evaluating the potential impacts of vibration on and from the proposed development. The report's summary concludes that impacts of the surrounding environment on the development can be adequately controlled through feasible mitigation measures, façade designs and warning clauses. Impacts of the development on itself and on the surrounding area are anticipated to be negligible and can be adequately controlled by design guidance included in vibration report. Given the early stage of the design and the level of analysis that has been completed, A Noise Report should be submitted as part of future Site Plan Control applications. Before acceptance of the Vibration report conclusions, a third-party peer review of the report together with a detailed design of the proposed development should be conducted at the selected developer's expense during the Site Plan Control process. Public Art Policy 2.2.7 in the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan states that, in the planning and design of public and private buildings and spaces, a range of public art opportunities, some reflecting the area’s history and identity, will be pursued. To this end, the proposal has identified the southwest corner of Roper Road and the new public street as a potential location for public art. The opportunity for the provision of public art at this location will be confirmed in the Site Plan Control process and as part of the lease agreement between the City and the development partner. Toronto Region and Conservation Authority As noted previously, the underlying land use designation for the site is Mixed Use Areas and Apartment Neighbourhoods, which allows for sensitive infill development. TRCA staff have reviewed the proposed development together with the supporting reports and studies that address ecology, stormwater management and hydrogeology, and establish limits of development. Informed by this review, the following matters have been incorporated in the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment and development requirements: • The southern portion of the site limit will be rezoned to Open Space – Natural Zone; • The limit of development, including all new lot lines, will be set back a minimum of 10

metres from the long-term stable top-of-bank; • All new buildings above and below grade will be set back a minimum of three metres

from the limit of development to ensure access for future maintenance;

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• As part of the Draft Plan of Subdivision approval, the Open Space – Natural Zone will be placed into a separate block; and

• The Open Space – Natural Zone will be re-naturalized with native species. City Planning, Urban Forestry and TRCA staff will evaluate the Site Plan Control application to determine conformity with applicable natural heritage policies and other regulations.

Ravine Protection Ravine and Natural Feature Protection staff have reviewed the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision, and have advised that matters pertaining to landscaping, planting and re-naturalization, erosion and sediment control of the Open Space – Natural Zone as outlined in relevant plans are acceptable. The renaturalization of this area will be secured as part of the lease agreement between the City and the development partner. Tree Preservation Urban Forestry staff advise that there are no trees under the City Street Tree By-law and the Private Tree By-law, Municipal Code Chapter 813, Trees, Articles II and III, impacted by the development proposal. Official Plan policies call for an increase in the amount of tree canopy coverage. City Council has adopted the objective of increasing the existing 28 percent tree canopy coverage to 40 percent. The planting of large growing shade trees on both public and private lands should be an important objective for all development projects. To this end, the early co-ordination of utilities and other infrastructure elements with the soil volume and air space required to permit the growth of large growing trees is particularly important. Suitable conditions for tree planting must be considered integral to the design, planning, and construction of all development projects. Through the Site Plan Control process, the proposed development will be further reviewed to ensure there are appropriate soil volumes to support the planting of new trees on Warden Avenue, Roper Road and the new public street. Toronto Green Standard City Council has adopted the four-tier Toronto Green Standard (TGS). The TGS is a set of performance measures for green development. City Council direction requires the City's Agencies, Corporations and Divisions to apply the Toronto Green Standard Tier 2 Core performance measures to all new buildings. This standard also applies to development undertaken as part of the Housing Now Initiative. The materials prepared as part of the development concept included a summary of Toronto Green Standard performance measures incorporated at the preliminary design stage. Where possible and appropriate, these measures have been secured in the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment. In addition, the Site Plan Control application and the lease agreement with the development partner will secure Toronto Green Standard requirements at Tier 2 of Version 3.

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Draft Plan of Subdivision Section 51(24) of the Planning Act outlines the criteria for determining whether or not a proposed subdivision is appropriate. The criteria include conformity to provincial plans, whether the plan conforms to the Official Plan and adjacent plans of subdivision, the appropriateness of the proposed land use, the dimensions and shapes of the proposed lots and blocks and the adequacy of utilities and municipal services. The proposal conforms with the Mixed Use Areas and Apartment Neighbourhoods land use designation within the Official Plan and creates ten blocks to support the orderly development on the site. The proposed public street provides for a future connection to the abutting residential area to the north and to Warden Avenue. The proposed blocks will permit residential development, retail and employment uses, parks and conservation of natural areas that are consistent with the existing and planned context of the area. The mixed-use development, TTC operations centre and public park will have frontage on the new public street. The land division proposed is reflective of what is contemplated in the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment. The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision at 705 Warden Avenue is consistent with the principles for development established in the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan that provide for a new transit-supportive and affordable residential neighbourhood to be developed in this area over the longer term. The implementation of the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision requires a coordinated approach between various City divisions, CreateTO and TRCA together with the development partner, with respect to the construction of the public street network, services and stormwater management facilities and as appropriate, the potential sharing of costs for these facilities. Proposed site-specific subdivision development requirements identified through staff review of the Draft Plan of Subdivision are included in Attachment 6: Subdivision Requirements. These requirements, comparable to Draft Plan of Subdivision approval conditions, address the site-specific technical requirements of the development including, among other matters, the construction of the public street network, services, conservation of natural areas, and stormwater management facilities, external works, street tree planting, urban design, noise and safety issues and schools. Given that the land will remain City-owned, these requirements as well as applicable standard requirements relating to implementation of the plan of subdivision will be secured through the lease agreement with the development partner on terms satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning. Staff recommend that Council support the approval of the Draft Plan of Subdivision in the manner proposed relating to City lands at 705 Warden Avenue.

Next Steps In parallel with City Council's consideration of the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment in Attachment 4: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment, the City and CreateTO are advancing marketing of the project to experienced housing developers and operators. City and CreateTO staff aim to procure a development partner in early 2020.

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The development partner will be required to enter into a long-term lease for the site and submit a Site Plan Control application to confirm detailed design prior to construction. Staff propose to continue public consultation and project updates in these phases of work. The TTC is aiming to submit a Site Plan Control application related to its operations centre later in 2020. Construction of the facility will be coordinated and staged appropriately with development of streets and services serving the entirety of the subdivision.

Conclusion The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision have been reviewed against the policies of the PPS, the Growth Plan, the Official Plan and the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan. Staff are of the opinion that the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision are consistent with the PPS, and conform with and do not conflict with the Growth Plan. Furthermore, the recommended amendments are in keeping with the intent of the Official Plan and the Warden Woods Community Secondary Plan, particularly as it relates to compatibility with adjacent land uses and directing growth and density towards Mixed Use Areas and areas served by transit such as (Warden Station). Development of the site through the Housing Now Initiative will result in the creation of approximately 250 affordable rental units, secured for 99 years, advancing the Official Plan priority of adequate and affordable housing for all Torontonians. Through the course of various consultation events, staff have engaged and worked with the local community to address key concerns, including the following: clarification of the Housing Now Initiative's objectives; confirmation of a mix of residential, retail and community service uses; pedestrian safety and public realm improvements; and opportunities to enhance the programming and use of the Warden Hilltop Community Centre and expanded parkland. Staff have carefully considered these potential impacts and opportunities while developing the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision and related development requirements. The result is a planning framework that clearly establishes the City's expectations for development at 705 Warden Avenue, while permitting creativity and design excellence on the part of the development partner to be retained in 2020. The recommendations in this report will enable the development of a portion of 705 Warden Avenue in a manner that delivers much needed affordable housing in combination with community service facilities, public realm improvements, new parkland, employment, restoration of lands adjacent to Massey Creek and other attributes of a complete, livable, inclusive community. Furthermore, the recommendations will ensure the City advances towards the goal of delivering 3,700 affordable rental housing units through the first phase of the Housing Now Initiative.

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Staff recommend that Council amend Zoning By-law 569-2013 in accordance with Attachment 4: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment and be advised of the Chief Planner and Executive Director's intention to approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision as shown on Attachment 5: Draft Plan of Subdivision.

CONTACT Paul Farish, Project Manager, Strategic Initiatives, Policy & Analysis, City Planning Division, 416-392-3529, [email protected] Francis Kwashie, Senior Planner, Community Planning, City Planning Division, 416-396-7040, [email protected]

SIGNATURE Gregg Lintern, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner and Executive Director City Planning Division

ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Location Map Attachment 2: Official Plan Land Use Map Attachment 3: Existing Zoning By-law Map Attachment 4: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment Attachment 5: Draft Plan of Subdivision Attachment 6: Subdivision Requirements Attachment 7: Development Requirements Attachment 8: Development Concept Drawings

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Attachment 1: Location Map

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Attachment 2: Official Plan Land Use Map

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Attachment 3: Existing Zoning By-law Map

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Attachment 4: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment Provided separately as a PDF and posted under the Agenda Item for Planning and Housing Committee’s February 12, 2020 meeting.

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Attachment 5: Draft Plan of Subdivision

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Attachment 6: Subdivision Requirements In addition to the applicable standard obligations relating to implementation of a Plan of Subdivision, the development of a portion of 705 Warden Avenue as part of the Housing Now Initiative will include, but not be limited to, project-specific subdivision requirements which are outlined below and the terms, including details and timing, will be incorporated into the Lease Agreement with the Development Partner to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the applicable commenting Divisions or agency. CITY PLANNING 1. The Development Partner shall construct and maintain the development in accordance with Tier 2 of Version 3 core performance measures of the Toronto Green Standard, as adopted by Toronto City Council. 2. If the Lease Agreement is not entered into and the Plan of Subdivision is not registered within five (5) years of the date of draft plan approval, then this approval shall be null and void and the plans and drawings must be resubmitted to the City of Toronto for approval. ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES (ECS) 3. The Development Partner shall facilitate such rights in the nature of easements satisfactory to the City Solicitor as may be required by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services within and external to the Plan of Subdivision for existing and proposed municipal services, as applicable. 4. The Development Partner shall, at its own expense and as may be required, prepare and submit a draft Reference Plan of Survey to the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, for review and approval to describe areas of easement interest, prior to depositing it in the Land Registry Office. 5. The Development Partner shall apply stormwater management techniques in the development of this subdivision, on future public roads and blocks, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services. Prior to release for construction of services a Functional Servicing Report shall have been submitted and accepted by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services that includes discharge from blocks within the Plan of Subdivision, including the TTC blocks (Blocks 3 & 6 on the draft plan) and from the adjacent TTC corridor, as applicable. 6. The discharging of storm and sanitary forcemains to the sewers within future roads shall be subject to the quality criteria as described in Chapter 681 Municipal Code, Sewers, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Toronto Water. 7. The design of each Block within the Draft Plan of Subdivision will be required to overcompensate the stormwater management criteria to accommodate the stormwater management for the future public street.

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8. The Development Partner shall pay engineering and inspection fees in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Lease Agreement. 9. The Development Partner shall be responsible for design and construction of roads and services required for the Plan of Subdivision and shall submit financial security in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Lease Agreement to guarantee satisfactory performance of its subdivision obligations and completion of all proposed municipal infrastructure in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Lease Agreement. 10. The Development Partner shall satisfy environmental obligations relating to the development of the Plan of Subdivision and municipal infrastructure in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Lease Agreement. 11. The Development Partner shall be responsible for applicable municipal infrastructure works and improvements determined to be required that are external to the Plan of Subdivision and shall design and financially secure such improvements in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Lease Agreement. 12. The Development Partner must coordinate with the TTC's consultant engineer to obtain the latest information and studies regarding their required fire and domestic demands, sanitary and storm flow, and forcemain discharge rates relating to the adjacent TTC corridor and the proposed TTC Facility within Blocks 3 & 6 of the Draft Plan of Subdivision. 13. Prior to approval of Site Plan Control for each block within the Plan of Subdivision a completed Hydro Geological Report prepared according to the City’s terms of reference for short and long terms discharge of private water, and a servicing report and drawings shall be submitted to demonstrate how each block can address the City requirements in terms of private water. If the pump's discharge rate for each block is more than the volume identified in the final accepted Stormwater Management and Functional Servicing Report, then the analysis conducted by the above-noted consultant must be updated to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Toronto Water, and Chief Engineer and Executive Director of Engineering and Construction Services. 14. Where there are existing sanitary and storm forcemain that are being redirected to municipal sewers after quality and quantity are achieved inside the building on any block, prior to the earlier the release for construction of municipal services or final Site Plan Control approval for the block, a Discharge Agreement with Toronto Water must be obtained. 15. The proposed public street identified as Blocks 4, 5, and 7 as well as Block 10 (corner rounding) on the Draft Plan of Subdivision will be constructed and dedicated as public street to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services in accordance with terms and conditions set out in the Lease Agreement. 16. Prior to seeking the issuance of below-grade building permits for any Block within the Plan of Subdivision, the Development Partner shall have made all necessary

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submissions and obtained release for construction of services. The issuance of below-grade permits will be subject to providing and maintaining safe access for emergency vehicles and all applicable requirements of the Chief Building Official and Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services. Construction of roads and services shall be completed prior to any request for issuance of above-grade building permits for any Block within the Plan of Subdivision. 17. In the event that installation of a Traffic Control Signal is determined to be required at the intersection of Warden Avenue and Roper Road, the Development Partner shall submit financial security to guarantee performance of its obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Lease Agreement. PARKS, FORESTRY AND RECREATION 18. The Development Partner shall ensure that engineering drawings, composite utility plan and subdivision grading and building siting control plans are satisfactory to the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation in connection with the park block proposed within the Draft Plan of Subdivision (Block 8). URBAN FORESTRY-TREE PROTECTION AND PLAN REVIEW (TPPR) 19. The Development Partner shall submit all necessary reports, plans and submissions in connection with the Plan of Subdivision to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation. This includes arborist report, tree preservation plan, landscape plan and street tree planting plans co-ordinated with a composite utility plan, tree protection strategies and, as applicable, resident information booklets. 20. The Development Partner shall submit applicable applications and pay any required fees relating to proposed tree removal to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks Forestry and Recreation. 21. The Development Partner shall post financial security to guarantee the planting and maintenance of new street trees, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation. 22. The Development Partner shall implement and maintain all tree protection measures as may be required respecting the development of the Plan of Subdivision to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and shall notify all builders, contractors and agents of tree protection requirements. 23. The Development Partner shall plant street trees in accordance with the approved Landscape Plan and Composite Utility Plan, and shall provide follow up documentation upon completion, all to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation.

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CANADA POST 24. The Development Partner shall satisfy the requirements of Canada Post with respect to suitable permanent locations for the placement of Community Mailboxes and shall indicate these locations on appropriate servicing plans. SCHOOL BOARD 25. The Development Partner shall satisfy the requirements of the Toronto and District School Board with respect to matters relating to where prospective students residing within the subdivision lands will attend school. TORONTO TRANSIT COMMISSION (TTC) 26. The Development Partner shall be responsible to ensure compatibility of the slope, grading and drainage of all blocks within the plan of subdivision, including the TTC Facility on Blocks 3 and 6 on the draft plan and the adjacent TTC corridor. 27. The Development Partner shall make all applicable submissions and fee payments to satisfy the requirements relating to the TTC Technical Review of the proposed development of Block 2 given its proximity to the TTC subway corridor. 28. The Development Partner shall acknowledge Transit Operations Interference Warnings, and provide required assurances and satisfy such notification requirements as may be required by TTC relating to future residents. 29. The Development Partner shall facilitate, as applicable, such rights in the nature of easements satisfactory to the City Solicitor as may be required within the plan of subdivision by the Toronto Transit Commission for the existing stormwater and sanitary sewers relating to the adjacent TTC Corridor. 30. The Development Partner shall facilitate such rights in the nature of an easement satisfactory to the City Solicitor to provide an access easement over Block 2 to the TTC for the purposes of maintaining TTC’s existing infrastructure to the east of Block 2. The easement interest shall be to the satisfaction of the TTC and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services. 31. The Development Partner's obligations to design and construct the public street and services required to implement the plan of subdivision shall not extend to or include specific obligations related to development of the proposed TTC Facility within Blocks 3 and 6, except to the extent that may further set out in the Lease Agreement, including coordinating and sequencing of construction. ENBRIDGE 32. The Development Partner shall be responsible to co-ordinate service and meter installation and all gas piping, including any required pressure reducing regulator station, to the satisfaction of Enbridge Gas Inc. and shall be responsible, at its own expense, for the relocation of existing services that may be required.

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33. The Development Partner shall facilitate such easements or rights in the nature of easements to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor as that may be required by Enbridge Gas Inc. relating to the development of the Plan of Subdivision. UTILITIES 34. The Development Partner shall facilitate such easements or rights in the nature of easements to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor as may be required for communication/telecommunication infrastructure. In the event of any conflict with existing Bell Canada/Rogers facilities or easements, the Development Partner shall be responsible for the relocation of such facilities or easements. TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY (TRCA) Stormwater Management 35. The Development Partner shall facilitate such easements or rights in the nature of easements to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor as may be required for communication/telecommunication infrastructure. In the event of any conflict with existing Bell Canada/Rogers facilities or easements, the Development Partner shall be responsible for the relocation of such facilities or easements. Ecology 36. The Development Partner shall re-naturalized the areas zoned as Open Space – Natural Zone on the Draft Plan of Subdivision (Block 9) with native species, to the satisfaction of TRCA and Urban Forestry (RNFP) and in accordance with an approved Planting Plan. Hydrogeology 37. The Development Partner shall provide a hydrogeological review, including acceptable fluctuation analysis, to the satisfaction of TRCA to assess potential impacts to Massey Creek, mitigation measures for both construction and any long-term dewatering and opportunities for infiltration back to the natural environment.

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Attachment 7: Development Requirements In addition to the subdivisions requirements, the development of 705 Warden Avenue as part of the Housing Now Initiative will be subject to the provision of the improvements set out below on terms secured in the Lease Agreement between the City and the Development Partner, satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the City Divisions involved. Where applicable, terms will include that the final detailed scope and design will be confirmed in the Site Plan Approval process: • Publicly-accessible open spaces (design, construction, maintenance and public

access): • southwest corner of Roper Road and the new public street; and • mid-block fronting Warden Avenue and between the two mid-rise buildings;

• Pedestrian pathways:

• Connecting the new public street to the existing pedestrian bridge over Massey Creek; and

• at the southwest corner of the site connecting Warden Avenue and the new public street.

• Provision of a 62 space child care facility, including exterior space requirements; • Provision of a public park; • Base park improvements and integration of the expanded parkland with the existing

parkland south of Warden Hilltop Community Centre, which will include regrading of the existing parkland, a pathway and reconfiguration of existing parking, and other matters as may be described in the Lease Agreement;

• Renaturalization of the open space area adjacent to the Massey Creek ravine.

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Attachment 8: Development Concept Drawings Development Concept - Site Plan

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Development Concept - Mid-Rise Building A Section

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Development Concept - Mid-Rise Building B Section

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Development Concept - Tall Building C Section

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Development Concept - 3D View of the Development Concept and Area Context

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Development Concept - 3D Perspective of the Development Concept