Housing Matters Housing Winter edition 2015 | Issue 72 The magazine for Council Tenants In this issue: page A Christmas Message 2 Tenant Website 5 Anti-Social Behaviour Update 7 Annual Report Summary 9 Survey Summary 14 Health Matters 16 Your Borough, Your History 19 Competitions 5, 13

Housing Matters - Swindon · Arthur Bransom Tenant from Wroughton T: ... Paul Burgess Tenant from Penhill T: 07904 557 989 Peter Armstrong Tenant from Park North ... Housing Matters

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Housing Matters


Winter edition 2015 | Issue 72

The magazine for Council Tenants

In this issue: pageA Christmas Message 2

Tenant Website 5

Anti-Social Behaviour Update 7

Annual Report Summary 9

Survey Summary 14

Health Matters 16

Your Borough, Your History 19

Competitions 5, 13

A Christmas MessageCan I start by wishing you all a very happy and peaceful

Christmas. This has been a very busy year in the

housing world and like me I am sure you are looking

forward to a well-earned break.

There have been some changes from central government

that we are working hard on to ensure we offer the best

possible service to you, our tenants. At the forefront of my

mind is ensuring that the money available to us, as a landlord,

from your rents is used as effectively as possible.

Keeping your homes in as good a condition as possible is important to us. We

value your opinions on how best we can deliver a good housing service. We will

be giving you more information in the coming months on the challenges ahead.

Now, more than ever, is a great time to get involved with helping to shape our

service for you. Making less go a lot further isn’t easy, so we can’t do it without

your help and feedback. The Housing Sounding Board is a great way to do this,

please email: [email protected] to share your views, and listen to

Swindon 105.5 FM fortnightly on a Wednesday morning between 9.00 am and

10.00am to hear officers and tenants discussing what matters the most to our


I have been delighted to see the range of awards and events that tenants can take

part in throughout the year, the Young Wardens Scheme and RE:FRESH continue

to be great examples of how you, your family and your neighbours can make a

difference to the communities in which you live.

Once again a very happy Christmas and my best wishes to you all for 2016.

Cllr Emma Faramarzi

Cabinet Member for Housing and Public Safety

Ann Marie Trigg Tenant from Walcot T: 01793 480004

Arthur Bransom Tenant from Wroughton T: 07902 836 989

John Jefferies Tenant from Rodbourne T: 01793 430008 E: [email protected]

Paul Burgess Tenant from Penhill T: 07904 557 989

Peter Armstrong Tenant from Park North T: 01793 539580

Scarlett Mills Communications Officer, Housing T: 01793 464440 E: [email protected]

Donna Liggins Communications Officer, Housing T: 01793 464427 E: [email protected]

More tenant editors wanted, please contact Donna to find out more. T: 01793 464427 E: [email protected]

Editorial team

www.swindon.gov.uk/housing 3

Warm Homes Discount could save tenants £140

Housing have this year helped a total of 271 tenants apply for a potential £140 discount to their electricity bill as part of a series of Warm Homes Discount events organised by Housing across the Borough.

Events have taken place at Toothill Community Centre, West Swindon; Sure Start Centre, Penhill and the Buckhurst Community Centre, Walcot.

A final event of the year (at time of print) is being held at Pinetrees Community Centre, Pinehurst on 18 November 2015, where we have written out to over 1000 tenants who we think may be eligible for the discount.

Tenants may be entitled to the £140 discount if they meet the eligibility

criteria which includes receiving certain benefits and/or if their household income is below £16,190. It is easy to apply and most applications can be completed on line within a few minutes.

At the event officers from Housing, and the Council’s Warm Homes Co-ordinator gave assistance to tenants to complete on-line and paper application forms.

For more information, please contact David Miles on 01793 445500.

Pay your Rent First this ChristmasThank you to all of our tenants who have paid their rent on time this year. Your rent pays for all of the repairs and services that Housing provide. Although Christmas is an expensive time of year, it is essential that you continue to pay rent on time.

If you are struggling with your finances make a resolution to sort it out NOW by contacting us. Don’t be afraid to speak to us, we have helped lots of tenants get out of debt by giving advice and assistance. We can also arrange a referral to Citizens Advice Bureau for you to get budgeting advice.More than 100 households have been taken to court this year and 16 households evicted due to rent arrears

To help you with budgeting over Christmas and to help you avoid falling into arrears we have produced 12 Tips for Christmas: 1. Pay your Rent First. Rent should always be your

priority debt. Other debts are irrelevant if you have nowhere to live.

2. Pay extra to get your rent account in advance. This may give you a little more flexibility at more expensive times of the year such as Christmas and school holidays and is especially useful if you are self-employed and there are weeks when you don’t have any money.

3. Set up a direct debit so that your rent is automatically paid every month. Visit www.swindon.gov.uk/payrent

4. Make sure your account is clear at all times to ensure that you can take the non-payment weeks & automatic entry into our quarterly incentive scheme to win £250.

5. If your benefits have stopped you will be charged full rent. Promptly answer any requests for information to prevent arrears building up.

6. If you have a low income, contact your energy supplier to see if you qualify for the warm homes discount (you could save up to £140).

7. Are you covered for what winter may throw at your home? We can offer home contents insurance for as little as 63p per week for a cover policy of £6,000*. You must have a clear rent account to apply. *Please note the price quoted is for this year and may be subject to change next year.

8. Register on www.swindon.gov.uk/myhousingtenancy to check your rent balance, make payments and report repairs.

9. If you have spare bedrooms, consider downsizing to a smaller property - you may find the rent and bills cheaper. If you are in receipt of benefits you will avoid the under occupation charge and you may find a smaller property easier to look after.

10. Visit www.entitledto.co.uk to check that you are receiving all the benefits you are able to claim

11. Use money comparison websites to shop around and reduce your bills.

12. Seek advice before applying for a loan. Contact the Money Advice Service on 0300 500 5000 for free and impartial advice.

If you choose not to pay your rent this Christmas we will be contacting you in the New Year and asking you to clear any arrears that you will have built up. If your account is already seriously in arrears then it is likely that we will take legal proceedings which will mean you may incur further costs, for example £250 in court fees.

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Housing Apprentice of the Year!Shakira Westmoreland has been awarded the title of Swindon College’s Housing Apprentice of the year. Due to her success she was also shortlisted for the national Public Sector Apprentice of the year Award.

Shakira and twenty other finalists were invited to Warwick Conference Centre in Coventry for a two day workshop, to decide the winner. During the workshop they received a master class in public speaking, learning how to manage nerves and keep the attention of their audience. The finalists also took part in a number of problem solving activities and thinking under pressure exercises.Shakira tells us...“It was really inspiring to meet so many people that were passionate about working in the public sector. I feel blessed to have been given the opportunity and although I did not win it was one of the best experiences of my life”.

Housing staff gain new qualificationsThe Council's Chief Executive, Gavin Jones presented certificates to housing staff for successfully completing various awards.

✓ Claire Melrose, Lead Neighbourhood Warden NVQ Assessor

✓ David Pestana, Neighbourhood Warden NVQ Assessor

✓ Andrew Dell, Neighbourhood Warden NVQ Level 2 Housing

✓ Maxine Clifford, Neighbourhood Warden NVQ Level 2 Housing

✓ Jason O’Sullivan, Neighbourhood Warden NVQ Level 2 Housing

✓ Charlotte Parker, Neighbourhood Warden NVQ Level 2 Housing

✓ Alex Brown NVQ Level 2 Housing

✓ Rachel O’Connor, Neighbourhood Housing Officer Housing Policy and Practice HNC

✓ Samantha Weedon, Neighbourhood Housing Officer Housing Policy and Practice HNC

✓ Rebecca Doherty , Neighbourhood Housing Officer Housing Policy and Practice HNC

✓ Nick Brock, Housing Participation Officer Internal Quality Assurance Award

Rebecca Doherty also received notification of a Chartered Institute of Housing award for excellence in academic achievement and will soon receive the certificate.

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Complaints leaflet“I wish to make a complaint and suggest ways to improve our services”.

The Tenant Scrutiny Panel have recently updated the advice leaflet on how to make a complaint and simplified it into 4 easy stages:

Stage 1Complain direct to the person responsible by phone, in writing, in person or by email. So, for example, if your complaint is about housing, then you can contact Housing on 01793 445503 or email: [email protected] This complaint has to be acknowledged within 10 working days.

Stage 2If you are not happy with the response to the first stage of your complaint, then you can escalate it to a stage 2 complaint to a Service Area Manager. So, for example, for a housing complaint, this would be escalated to Mike Ash, Head of Housing. A response will be made within 10 working days .

Stage 3If you are still dissatisfied, your complaint can then be escalated to a stage 3 complaint. This means that your complaint will be reffered to the Chief Executive, who will look at all aspects of the complaint, the outcome and decisions to date. He will then make a decision whether the complaint is to be upheld or dismissed. This will happen within 10 working days.

Stage 4If after all this, you are still unhappy, you have two options.You can either:• Escalate your complaint to a stage 4 complaint, which

means your complaint is heard in person, in front of the Designated Persons Panel. This panel is made up of Tenant Scrutiny members, who have undergone extensive and comprehensive training, and who can hear your complaint and make recommendations on the outcome.

All the previous history of your complaint will be considered, along with any evidence provided.• Take your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman, who

will look at all of it, and make a decision. However, if you chose to NOT involve the Designated Persons Panel (Complaints Panel) as above, then the Ombudsman will not consider your case until 8 weeks have passed since the decision from Chief Executive.

In either of the above, the Ombudsman is still always the final option.

Want to know more?If this is something that interests you or you’d like to suggest a Housing service area for us to review, then please contact the Chair of Tenant Scrutiny Panel

Kate Moore Email: [email protected]

Tenant Website - register now and be entered into a draw to win a Christmas Hamper!

Our Tenant Website, www.voiceyourviews.co.uk is now live and waiting for you to register for FREE!

The Voice Your Views website is a site for all Swindon Borough Council tenants, registration is free, quick and easy and allows you to access and take part in activities specific to your interests, location or tenant activity (group, project).A free prize draw for a Christmas Hamper worth £50 will take place

for all those who register by December 14 2015!

Tenants can take part in online surveys; submit comments and ideas, see a list of events and activities, access useful

links and documents relating to their tenancy, home and health needs.

Coming soon! A handy hints and tips area.

The site also gives tenants working on a project, scheme, or in a group the ability to work online, share documents and upload their own content to inform and engage with fellow tenants. For more information, please contact Donna Liggins T: 01793 464427 or E: [email protected]

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#MessageMike is a live question and answer session on Facebook where we invite tenants to ask Mike Ash, Head of Housing and Community Safety, any questions they may have about the housing service or their tenancy.They’re advertised on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/SwindonHousing) and on the Tenant Website (www.voiceyourviews.co.uk)and last for two hours.Enquiries during our last #MessageMike related to roofing and kitchen planned maintenance programmes for individual properties. We currently have 697 ‘Likes’ to our page with links to our Neighbourhood Wardens and Street Reps, as well as useful information for tenants re: job opportunities, events, gardening and cookery tips and furniture sales. Please join us by Liking our page!

Future Message Mike sessions will be held in time for the Rent Consultation, December 2015 – please take part and let us know your preferred rent option for 2016/17, please see page 3 for more information.

Check out our Facebook page for the next Message Mike session!

Housing Matters: On AirHousing are daring to be different with a radio show on Swindon 105.5 FM, the town’s local community radio station, called Housing Matters. The show is a fortnightly hour long programme, which began two days after International Tenants’ Day. Tenants can next tune in on November 18th for a show highlighting the National Housing Day.Housing’s Communications Officer, Donna, says, ‘The Housing Matters team are always conscious of the need to reach out to as many tenants as possible and in a way that they want. We have numerous ways for tenants to voice their views and get in contact with us, from more traditional ways such as writing in to us, to Social Media via our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/SwindonHousing) or even by the tenant website www.voiceyourviews.co.uk ; being on the radio with our own show felt like the right natural progression to try and reach out to people in a new way’.

Shows have had numerous tenants and officers on air, showcasing the services on offer to tenants and encouraging them to take part in opportunities to improve their homes and neighbourhoods. With updates on RE:FRESH schemes and cookery hints and tips, the show is light hearted, fun and informative – please tune in to find out more!Future shows will take place on 2nd and 16th December, discussing International day of disabled persons, Homeline, this years rent consultation, Fire safety, and a Christmas Show, with messages from Mike Ash, Head of Housing and Emma Faramarzi, Lead Councillor for Housing.For more information, please contact Donna Liggins on t 01793 464427 or e [email protected]

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Anti-Social Behaviour UpdateHousing have recently obtained an injunction against a tenant who had threatened to harm their neighbour. The injunction, initially obtained without notice to the tenant, has since been extended. Housing are currently working in partnership with Wiltshire Police who are pursuing criminal proceedings in this case. Housing have also been back to court to enforce the breach of an injunction against a tenant. The original injunction was granted against the tenant following threatening and abusive behaviour which had been directed towards their neighbours. A police power of arrest was attached to the injunction due to the serious nature of the threats, which meant that when it was breached, the tenant was arrested and appeared before the court within 24 hours. In another case, Housing successfully secured an undertaking against a sheltered housing tenant due to the nuisance they caused to their neighbours. An undertaking is a promise to the court that the person concerned will improve their behaviour and not cause further problems.

If they continue to cause problems and breach the undertaking then the court can:1. Upgrade the court order to a full injunction2. Treat the breach as contempt of court and issue either a fine or prison sentence.If you or someone you know is a victim of anti-social behaviour, please contact us on 01793445503 or email [email protected] so that help and support can be given.

Street Reps Clean up!In October Penhill Street Reps went out with the Penhill Neighbourhood Wardens to litter pick their local area. Together the group managed to pick up 30 bags of rubbish! They went around Penhill Drive, Oaksey Road and Downton Road, as well as picking up litter from around St Peters Church, the Library and John Moulton Hall.

John Paine said that he had become a Street Rep so that he could be part of something that had a common goal. “I think we all feel the same. Litter picking is just a small part of what we like to get involved in. We care about Penhill and want to make a difference, if we can”.

Emily Webb said she enjoyed getting together with like minded people working to make a positive difference. She said, “It’s all good, not just the work we do as Street Reps, but the training and support we get from the Council. Housing are interested in what we have to say and what we think. Being a Street Rep gives me and others another way to communicate with the Council”.

Glynis Hales, another Street Rep, and not a council tenant (to be a Street Rep you only need to be a resident), said she enjoyed the ‘joined-up working’ with residents and the Council. "Everyone on the estate has valuable input to give

and I am very glad that Housing have said that this is not just a scheme for tenants, but for everyone living here".

Nick Brock who manages the scheme said, “We want Street Reps to provide a local link with Housing to help improve the communication and services that neighbourhoods receive. They will act as community champions who will provide us with valuable information on how we can improve the quality of our services. If you want more detail or would like more information on becoming a Street Rep please contact Nick Brock: Tel : 01793 463673 Email: [email protected]

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Sheltered Housing residents get married!A couple who are residents at Alfred Bown Court, Rodbourne (one of Swindon Borough Council’s 33 Sheltered Housing Schemes) have got married!Susan Avery and Steve Kane had been together for 11 years before deciding to tie the knot. The wedding took place on Wednesday 9th September, an important date for Steve as this was his mum’s birthday, who sadly passed away a year ago.Getting married on this day was a great way for Susan and Steve to honour his mum, and now the happy couple will have cause to celebrate on this day.A party was held at Alfred Bown Court for all the residents and the bride and groom’s families.

Macmillan Coffee MorningOn Friday 25th September sheltered Housing Schemes in Wroughton Hastings Court and Markham Place, joined the big coffee morning to raise funds for Macmillian.Cakes of all shapes and sizes, homemade and bought were on show. Residents and friends of Hastings and Markham schemes donated some wonderful, colourful cakes.Each person paid £1.00 for a coffee and a cake, which was enjoyed with others before the cake auction began.Resident Ken Stimson who has just received his Jamie Oliver diploma through the Tenant Academy, also cooked individual hotpots along with apple crumbles made with local apples.Volunteer sheltered housing officer Lesley Rich was on duty to provide the drinks and of course the endless washing up, along with volunteers from family members of sheltered housing officer Tina Hill.We finished off the afternoon with a game of last man standing, where everyone pays £1.00 and receives a raffle ticket. Everyone stands up and when your number is called out you sit down. The ‘last man standing’ was resident Gill Hayes who won half of the £1.00 donations, while the other half went towards the charity.

A great afternoon was had by all.

Long standing tenant within Sheltered Housing celebrates 40 years at Mountbatten House!Thank you to those that attended our little coffee morning with George to celebrate being within Sheltered Housing here in Alfred Bown Court for 40 years. George & his late wife Ada moved to Mountbatten House on 13th October 1975, 40 years ago when the rent was about £14 per week.

George (98) would like to say a big thank you for the lovely surprise, he says he has seen lots of changes, had a new kitchen and bathroom fitted 8 years ago and has seen many friends and neighbours come and go over the years.

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Annual Report SummaryHow do we spend the money received from your rent? Expenditure (£ Million)Estate Management and Overheads £6.720m

Day to Day Repairs £11.641m

Other Costs £0.727m

Interest Costs £4.666m

Loan Repayment £5.000m

Capital Funding £16.578m

Transfer to Service Charge Reserves £0.176m

Transfer to HRA General Reserves £2.266m

Total £47.597m

Service Charge Costs £5.624m

Grand Total Spend £53.221m Last year the income from Council rents was £50.6 million.

In the last year the Tenant Scrutiny Panel (TSP) has carried out two reviews The first review looked at the increasing numbers of evictions of council tenants. TSP worked closely with housing officers and managers producing an easy-to-read leaflet that is now included in the new tenant pack; it outlines the reasons for eviction and how tenants can avoid this course of action. TSP also did much work to ensure all channels had been followed before eviction notices were issued. Through this work evictions have reduced, as warning signs are being spotted earlier, and both preventative measures and additional support provided to tenants.

The second review took place in April and investigated the experiences of tenants when using the Contact Centre. Contact Centre staff were very helpful and assisted TSP by providing figures promptly, answering questions and offering explanations of some of the trickier calls. The recommendations of this Review have been made and will be published shortly; visit www.voiceyourviews.co.uk) the outcome will be an improved service with better communications and a ‘right first time’ attitude. Finally, TSP is now undergoing the long-awaited assessment and assignment process, which, at the end of it, will see TSP with a Chartered Institute of Housing qualification. This will enable TSP to work even more effectively, helping the Council to provide high quality housing services for all tenants.

What difference did/are we making?

The tenant website is now live and enabling tenants to take part online, as well as keep informed on Housing Services. The site, www.voiceyourviews.co.uk also allows tenants to work together online, share and work on documents as well as promote their own group or project activities. The Rewards and Incentives scheme for tenants who get involved has now been running for 6 months and will be reviewed on its value for money as well as impact on tenants. We have issued £155 in vouchers to 24 involved tenants. Tenant Group TrainingWe have also commissioned courses from the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) to support our existing tenant groups. Most recently we have offered 'Value for Money' training, which explored the idea of value in social housing. For tenants who were less confident at speaking up at meetings, we held training on “Getting Your Point Across” which was attended by 8 people. We also held a programme on “An Introduction to Social Housing” for interested tenants. We had 10 tenants attend and they reported that they found the training interesting and thought provoking. Social Media

Our Facebook page (Housing at Swindon) now has 712 ‘likes’. This is an increase of approximately 270 from the same time last year.Our Twitter feed has 825 followers.

10 www.swindon.gov.uk/housing

The Tenant Academy

The tenant academy has been organising personal safety training sessions in sheltered schemes across Swindon, where residents learned how to keep themselves safe at home and out in the community. The training is delivered by our trainer Ken in a friendly and relaxed way, adapting the pace of the sessions to suit the audience. Jamie Oliver cookery courses are also run through the Tenant Academy (in conjunction with Learning Curve), and is one of our most successful courses. They are always very popular and there is even a waiting list for those eager to take part! Vivienne a tenant from Penhill has completed the Level 1 course and tells us... “We all enjoyed the class so much that we were sad for it to end, and decided that we would have a picnic with our families where we all brought along something that we had learned to make. I am really excited about starting the level 2 cookery course”.

ApprenticeshipsThe tenant Academy is proud to manage the apprentice scheme for the council’s housing service. This year we have recruited 6 apprentices into different areas within Housing such as homelessness, property, and Homebid. We have also recruited 3 trade apprentices to become carpenters, and plumbers.

The Tenant Academy encourages tenants and their families to apply for apprenticeships, and so far we have had 7 tenant apprentices including Chris who says; “The apprenticeship has taught me a good work ethic which will set me in good standing for my working life. I have also realised what career I am interested in and what paths I can take”.

Working to improve - your home You told us that you wanted as a Local Offer• To agree each year an annual programme of work

to maintain and improve your homes• To measure the quality of your home against

modern day standards• All properties to be let at the standard agreed

by tenants• To continue our programme to replace old

and inefficient central heating systems and upgrade insulation.

Annual Report Summary

Programme Target 2014 – 16 Delivered so far Benefits to Tenants

Central Heating 1,000 417 Warmer homes, cheaper to heat Electrical upgrades 1,300 406 More socket outlets and improved safety Roofs 440 177 Warmer, dry homes

Kitchens 1,060 465 Modern kitchens

Bathrooms 400 200 Modern up to date bathrooms with showers PVCu Windows and Doors 900 209 Improved security and warmth (programme extended) Carbon Monoxide detectors 2,550 2,000 Improved security and safety

What have we achieved?We spent just over £6.9 million delivering improvement work during 2014/15.

The significant programmes of work to properties are shown as follows:

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You told us that when requesting a repair, you wanted a choice of appointments, the repair to be carried out within agreed timescales and the job completed at the first visit. We put in place a new IT Repairs System in March 2015 to help us make future changes to improve the efficiency of the Repairs Service. We also changed how we dealt with re-scheduling repairs, where we were unable to gain access. We gave responsibility back to the tenant to make a new appointment, which prevented unnecessary wasted visits by our workforce. It is also good news to report that satisfaction with the Repairs Service remains high with over 94% of tenants that returned a survey stating that they were satisfied with the repairs service. Just over 90% of reactive repairs were completed within the agreed time, which is a slight improvement on last year. Our Plans for 2015/16 Investment PlanWe will carry out an independent Stock Condition Survey to update the investment requirement, which will assist us with our business planning and detailed investment plan. We will involve tenants with any changes to standards to improve the quality of accommodation and take into account the essential cost of structural repairs and thermal improvements to our non-traditional housing stock.We are to carry out an options appraisal to assess the viability of refurbishing our high-rise blocks of flats in the next financial year, 2016/17. Empty HomesWe appointed new contractors to repair homes to our re-let standard and have continued to focus our effort on making sure that they are re-let as quickly as possible. We re-let just over 650 properties in an average of 25 days last year. We also decorated communal areas to low and medium rise blocks of flats, when we had a vacant flat in the block, which helps to maintain them to a presentable standard and be more welcoming for tenants.

Working to improve - your tenancy The Council introduced a new Allocations Policy in April 2014. All applications were reviewed including tenants who wanted to transfer. The policy has been informed by discussions with our Tenant Association groups, as well as responses from local residents, Elected Members and

partner organisations during a formal consultation period prior to April 2014.

Key changes:We have introduced a new local qualifying criteria - applicants must meet every criterion in order to be accepted onto the housing register.• Households must have been resident in the Borough

for the last two years, have a close relative living in the Borough for the last two years or be employed in the Borough and working more than 24 hours per week.

• Households must have a housing need.• Households must not have a history of anti-social

behaviour or a housing-related debt. Included in the new Allocations policy, are plans to give additional preference to households who meet the community contribution criteria. This will be awarded to people who are working, volunteers, in education/training or are members of the Armed Forces.

Further information on the criteria can be found on our website www.swindonhomebid.org.uk or you can request a copy of the Allocations policy by calling 01793 445503 or emailing us at: [email protected] What have we been doing?In 2014-15, a total of 641 homes were let through Swindon HomeBid. Of all of the homes advertised, 12 were adapted properties and let to those with mobility difficulties.

Tenancy Fraud

Tenancy Fraud is unfair! It stops or delays people in housing need and entitled to our accommodation getting re-housed. It’s costing the Council money! It is estimated that there is an £18,000 saving per house recovered following fraud.Together, we can put an end to tenancy fraud! We continue to encourage the reporting of tenancy fraud which can be done confidentially to your Neighbourhood Housing Officer on 01793 445503 Email: [email protected]

Annual Report Summary

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Flexible Tenancies A reminder of the key facts:Tenancies of a fixed term period, known as flexible tenancies, are offered to all new tenants of the Council (excluding those moving into sheltered accommodation). Following a one year introductory tenancy, ten year tenancies are offered to families with children and five year tenancies are offered to people without children. Existing secure tenants are unaffected by these changes, and those looking to move homes will keep their secure tenancies if they remain tenants of Swindon Borough Council.

Anti-Social Behaviour

It’s been a busy year for those of us involved in tackling Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB). Whilst Housing have introduced a new policy, procedure, guidance and additional training for staff, the Government have established simpler and more flexible tools and powers designed to put victims and communities at the heart of the response to ASB.

The last of the powers to come into force, (and the most utilised by Housing) is the new Civil Injunction, and this forms one of the six new anti-social behaviour powers introduced by the Government under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. The injunction came into force in March 2015. It is the final stage in the Government’s overhaul of the old anti-social behaviour powers, as many had proven to be ineffective. It can be issued by courts to stop a person who is committing anti-social behaviour, such as public drunkenness or noisy and abusive behaviour towards neighbours. Quick resolution• It offers protection and a quick resolution for

victims and communities.• It can also include positive requirements to

help anti-social individuals address the root causes of their behaviour, such as attending alcohol awareness classes, or mediation sessions for neighbours to get the issue resolved.

• The Civil Injunction is one of six new powers which replace 19 pre-existing ones, including Anti-social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs).

New powersThe other five new powers are:1. The Criminal Behaviour order,2. Community protection notice,3. Public spaces protection order,4. Closure power, and5. Dispersal power. Over the last year there has been a reduction in noise related complaints - down 64% on the year before This report has been produced by the Tenant Scrutiny Panel, in consultation with Swindon Tenants Voice and Tenants Association for Sheltered Housing. Our website www.swindon.gov.uk contains further information about our services, improvements and future plans. A link to the Annual Report will also be published on the Tenant Website, www.voiceyourviews.co.uk , on the Swindon Borough Council website and Housing’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/SwindonHousing Our service standards are set out in the Local Offers booklet and on our website. Are these the services you get?Tell us what you think - get involved. For more information please contact Claire Cuthbert (Tenant Participation)T: 01793 464286 or E: [email protected]

For further information visitwww.swindon.gov.uk

Annual Report Summary

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100 Years Young!Local Wroughton resident Edna Cripps celebrated her 100th birthday on 13th August 2015.

Edna is a trained gardener and has lived in Wroughton for many years. We first met Edna at a local Country Market in Ellendune, selling eggs to the community. The wardens have known Edna over many years and have helped

her with the removal of unwanted items. She is always smiling and giving us good garden tips. Did you know tomatoes ripen at night? Did you know putting your unripened tomatoes in a closed draw ripens them?

We all love Edna and we look forward to supporting her in the coming years.

Cake and Chat at the Macmillan Coffee MorningAs part of the nationwide Macmillan Coffee morning on Friday 25th September, the Penhill Neighbourhood Wardens were out and about in St Peter’s Church hall, enjoying coffee, cakes and mingling with local residents to show support in the fight against cancer.

Alongside tea and coffee served by volunteers, there was a ‘Count the Sprinkles’ competition as well as a small raffle, where prizes included a £20 voucher, toiletries and a watch gift set. The cakes, beautifully-decorated and delicious, were donated to the event by a local resident, and were soon snapped up in return for donations to Macmillan. It was also a great opportunity for us to meet members of the community and to have a chat about various issues. The event raised approximately £267 for Macmillan. Well done to the organisers, and we hope to see you all there next year.

Housing Sounding Board reach 1000 members!The Housing Sounding Board is a platform where tenants can answer surveys and give their opinions and feedback on the way we work, without leaving the comfort of their home.

We have now reached over 1000 members of the Housing Sounding Board!This is a great achievement which means that many of our tenants have the opportunity to be heard, and shape the future of our services.We want to celebrate this milestone and increase our members!

Brian was our 1000th HSB member, and Lead Housing Participation Tenant Claire Cuthbert presented him with a £50 voucher.

We will be conducting a further prize draw in December, with 2 prizes of £25 in vouchers. Every member of the HSB will be entered in to the draw, including anyone who signs up before the closing date of Monday 14th December.

Join us now to voice your views, and be in with a chance of winning!Send your name, address, date of birth, contact number and preferred method of contact (email or post) to:Jenna Steadman, Housing, Civic Offices, Euclid Street, Swindon, SN1 2JH. Or email: [email protected] Or call: 01793 464446

Young WardensOn 4th August Park Pythons Young Wardens did a nature trail around Coate Water Country Park with the help of Linda Knight, the Park Ranger.

The young wardens had a lovely day enjoying the sunshine and having fun, while at the same time learning about the different trees and leaves that grow on them. They also learnt about the bugs that can damage the leaves, and the different spiders that can be found in the trees. A good day was had by all!

Photograph from left to right: Sue Shrewry (resident), Debbie Laker (resident), Maxine Clifford (Neighbourhood warden).


14 www.swindon.gov.uk/housing

Survey about SurveysWe recently carried out a survey through the Housing Sounding Board, to discover if we are getting it right with the questions we ask you, when we carry out a satisfaction survey after you have received a housing service from our repairs and maintenance teams.We asked questions about the most important issues or concerns that you have when work is carried out in your home, and asked you to tell us your preferred method of commenting on the service you had received.

We had over 140 responses from the questionnaires sent out in the post; unfortunately we had no responses to our electronic questionnaires. If you have not heard, we have a web-site for tenants www.voiceyourviews.co.uk log on to take a look and take part in future surveys.

Here are some of the results of the Survey:Satisfaction with serviceOver 120 of you (86%) are satisfied with the service that you received regarding a repair. However, that still means that roughly 20 respondents (14%) were unhappy about a particular aspect of the service and this is where we need to improve, and why your feedback is important.

We have gathered all of your comments and will use them to help us improve our housing services. Thank you for your feedback.For more information about the Housing Sounding Board, please contact Jenna Steadman.t. 01793 464446 e: [email protected]

Which method do customers prefer for commenting on services received?

Winners from the last survey prize draw:Mrs Barbara Belcher £25Mrs Ada Browne £15Mr Mazhar £15 Well done!

Stock Condition SurveyWe have appointed a specialist consultant, Pennington Choices Ltd, to carry out a stock condition survey on a 10% sample of the housing stock, which will help us to identify the cost and prioritisation of future programmes of work within the funds available.

Pennington Choices will be carrying out the surveys over the next few months, and will write to you direct if your home is chosen to be surveyed. All surveyors will be carrying a Swindon Borough Council identification badge, which you should always ask to see before giving access to your home. Thank you in advance for your cooperation if your home forms part of the survey programme.If you would like to know more about our Stock Condition Survey please contact Gerry O’Connor, Head of Property Maintenance on Swindon 463452 or email go’[email protected]

Emergency repairsWe are currently reviewing how we manage our emergency repairs service so that it is effective to help tenants when they need it most.

Emergency repairs include making a home secure, getting into a property when someone has lost their key or they have been stolen, mending an uncontrollable water leak, mending electrics that are sparking or smoking or exposed wires etc.We are currently piloting a new process to make sure that we only attend emergency repairs within the 2 hour period to make home safe, in accordance with our service standard. This will also help us to revise our scripting to decide what priority to give a request for repairs. If you would like to be involved or know more about proposed changes to the repairs service please contact Neil Saunders, Repairs Manager on Swindon 464193 or email [email protected]




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Online Survey Telephone Call Contractor

Email Visit Postal survey

Text Focus group Other

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Keep yourself safe with the Tenant AcademyThe Tenant Academy has been organising Personal Safety training sessions in Sheltered Housing schemes across Swindon, where residents learned how to keep themselves safe at home and out in the community.

Residents of George Hall Court, Park South particularly enjoyed the training. Lesley and John tell us about the sessions…..Lesley had previously been pushed over while two young men had tried to rob her purse in the town centre, so she took these sessions seriously, and was keen to gain new tips for the future. She says; “I thought that the Personal Safety Sessions were really good and Ken (the trainer) was really friendly and easy to talk to, and it was done at our own pace. It made us all more aware of our surroundings and the sessions got me and others thinking about our safety, and how we currently go about our daily business. We discussed ways in which we can assess situations when out shopping and things.”

John also enjoyed the sessions and learnt some valuable tips for keeping safe... “I really enjoyed the training, I would rate it a ten out of ten. I have been spreading the tips I learned to my friends and my parents. For example, I now write down the amount I need from the bank so they don’t have to speak out loud and everyone know how much money you have. I also only take out the amount of money that I need and don’t carry around more than that”.

Our trainer Ken, and his sidekick “Big Merv” (a dog the size of a pony!), have been such a hit that we are currently arranging more personal safety training to meet demand. This will include ‘drop in’ sessions, held in a central location where any council tenant can take part.For more information about the Tenant Academyplease contact: Jenna Steadman on 01793 464446

Unlocking potential, developing skills and empowering tenants to take positive steps towards their future.

Hoarding - we can helpAre you, or do you know someone that is a compulsive hoarder? They are defined as:

1. A person who collects and keeps a lot of items or animals, even things that appear useless or of little value to most people, and;

2. These items clutter the living spaces and keep the person from using their rooms as they were intended, and;

3. These items cause distress or problems in day-to-day activities.

The effects of hoarding include: - • Severe clutter threatens the health and safety of those

living in or near the home, causing health problems, structural damage, fire, and even death.

• Expensive and emotionally devastating evictions or other court actions can lead to hospitalizations or homelessness.

• Conflict with family members and friends who are frustrated and concerned about the state of the home and the hoarding behaviours.

Housing have seen an increase in the number of hoarding cases in recent years. Housing officers have received training in how to identify and deal with persons who hoard. Fortunately with intensive support and help a lot of cases are resolved. However where tenants cannot be persuaded to co-operate, housing officers have had to take some tenants to court. The Council requests an injunction which allows the Council to force entry and clear the property. This process can be very upsetting for the tenant but necessary to ensure that the issues are resolved. If you are aware that a Council property occupied by a friend, family member or neighbour is being used in this way, please contact us on 01793 445503 or email [email protected]

16 www.swindon.gov.uk/housing

Health MattersPsst... a little birdie

tell us...

.. it's good to tweet!Follow @HealthSwindon

for FREE health and lifestyle related news, info and advice.

One less place to smoke, one more reason to quit!Did you know it’s now illegal to smoke in cars with a child present?

Both the driver and the smoker can be fined if anyone smokes in a vehicle with the company of someone under the age of 18.

The new legislation in England and Wales is designed to protect children from the dangers of secondhand smoke and took effect on 1st October. Every time a child breathes in secondhand smoke, they inhale thousands of chemicals, which put them at risk of serious conditions including meningitis, cancer, and respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia.Fortunately there’s help at hand and if you take advantage of it, your chances of successfully quitting are significantly higher.First time mums and former smokers Sophie and Victoria Popowicz were just children themselves when they first started, but they were determined to beat their lethal addiction after falling pregnant.Thanks to sisterly support and help from the Swindon Stop Smoking Service, they are both now smoke-free and couldn’t be happier with the results.Sophie, said: “We couldn’t have done it without each other or the support from Annabel, our stop smoking midwife. It was always going to be a struggle, having started when we were 13, but we’ve stuck with it and are so thrilled.”

The sisters calculated they’re saving nearly £100 a week, having ditched their 20-a-day habit, and it’s certainly coming in handy for the new arrivals.Victoria said: “I honestly thought it would be more difficult. Health-wise I feel better and our finances have also improved massively – I can’t believe how much money it was burning. But the best feeling is knowing our babies are safe and can breathe easily. That peace of mind is worth a fortune and we wouldn’t change it for the world.”

Through the Swindon Stop Smoking Service, free one-to-one support is available for anyone who wants to stop. For free advice and support, contact the Swindon Stop Smoking service on 0800 3892229 or 01793 465513, email [email protected] or text 07881 281797. Pharmacies or GPs also offer support to stop smoking.

Keep Flu at BayAs the weather turns autumnal, local residents are urged to protect themselves from flu and be vaccinated against this common, yet potentially very serious virus.

People considered at greater risk are entitled to a free vaccine and are urged to contact their GP as soon as possible to make an appointment.

Those groups at risk include all pregnant women, children aged between two and four years old, children in years 1 and 2, people (including children) under 65 with underlying health conditions, people aged 65 and above, and carers.Mum-of-one Helen Hicks, aged 31, from Highworth, has already had her three-year-old son Jenson vaccinated.Helen, a council support worker, said: “I didn’t hesitate to get Jenson vaccinated to protect him and also give me peace of mind. He goes to pre-school, so there’s the potential to pick up lots of things and flu can be quite nasty. I’m a busy working mum, so can’t afford not to take this chance to protect my family. I had it when I was pregnant too because it’s simply not worth the risk, particularly when there’s a vaccine freely available.”

Children aged two to four years old and in years 1 and 2 can receive the vaccine via a nasal spray, which means it’s quick and painless.For further information and to watch a film about how flu spreads, go online at www.nhs.uk/conditions/flu

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Free opportunity for whole family to kick-start healthy new lifestyle

The temptation of convenience food and computer games makes encouraging children to make healthy choices a big challenge, as Kim Couling knows only too well.The 33-year-old mum-of-two, from central Swindon, wants her son and daughter to be active and avoid eating junk food but making sure that happens on a daily basis is no mean feat.In a bid to help instil better habits, Kim enlisted the help of the council’s Alive and Kicking healthy lifestyle programme – and Tom, aged nine, and Jessica, aged eight, really enjoyed the experience.There are still some places to take part in the autumn intake Kim, a café manager, said: “It has definitely been useful and the kids got a lot out of it. They learned how to read food labels and what to watch out for, as well as discovering new forms of exercise.”Spending too long in front of the computer has never been a problem for Jessica because she prefers playing outside. But she has a very sweet tooth and regularly exceeds the recommended daily amount of sugar.“She loves anything sweet and would happily go without dinner and just have pudding instead. We try to steer her away from chocolate and sweets in favour of fruit.” Kim said.With Tom, diet and exercise are both regular battlegrounds.“Although he is generally happy to eat a varied diet, portion control can be an issue.If he likes something, he always wants more and it’s very hard to curtail a boy with a big appetite. He’s also not massively into sport and would sooner play on his computer,” she added.Whilst certain products are obviously laden with fat or sugar, Kim found the programme a real eye opener for less obvious offenders.She said: “It’s easy to be fooled by the advertising. Things that claim to be healthy and low-fat contain loads of sugar instead – like yoghurt. You’ve got to watch dried fruit, such as raisins too.”

During the 10-week programme, children were introduced to a wide range of sports and activities, including fencing,

Taekwon-do and power-hoop, and adults are encouraged to join in.Kim said: “Some of the sessions were quite exhausting, but they were also interactive and fun.”

There are different programmes tailored for children aged two to four, five to 11 and 12 to 16.Around 1 in 5 children aged 10 to 11 in the UK are obese and Swindon figures are in line with this national average. A well balanced diet, incorporating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and regular physical activity, doing at least 60 minutes daily, are proven to help with weight management and it’s important to establish these routines from an early age.Kim said: “I would definitely recommend the scheme to others – it makes you think as a whole family about what you’re eating and how much, or little, you exercise. But the real challenge is sticking with it, when you’ve got a hectic routine and there are so many easy, unhealthy options out there. We’ve definitely learned a lot and aim to keep it up.”

To find out more or register for the next intake, which starts in January, please call: (01793) 465412 or email [email protected]

Free advice and information about how to improve children’s diet and introduce more physical activity to their routine in fun ways is also available at www.change4life.co.uk

Stay warm and wellOne of the best ways to keep well during winter is to stay warm. Doing so over the winter months can help prevent colds, flu or more serious health conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression.

Top tips

■ Use a hot water bottle or electric blanket (but not both at the same time).

■ Have hot meals and drinks regularly.

■ Layer your clothing and wear shoes with a good grip outdoors.

■ Check on older neighbours or relatives to make sure they're safe and well too.

Take advantage of discounts and measures you can take to keep your home warm and energy bills down. Find out more about the Safe & Warm programme by emailing [email protected] or call: (01793) 463679.

18 www.swindon.gov.uk/housing

Foster carer encourages others to follow her dreamAs a single person with a hectic career, Helen Wing always thought her ambition to look after disadvantaged teenagers and make a difference to their lives was just a dream. But she has made it a reality and couldn’t be happier with her new role as a foster carer.

The former senior accounts clerk, from Stratton, is sharing her story in the hope of inspiring others to find out more and help meet the council’s growing demand for this vital work.Helen, aged 48, said: “This is what I’ve always wanted to do at the back of my mind. But work got in the way and, having no children of my own, I didn’t think it was possible. I’m so glad I’ve proved myself wrong and never looked back – it’s so rewarding.”

Whether the children require emotional support, more practical help or often both, Helen loves the challenge and sense of achievement when they take steps, however large or small, forward.She said: “I had a very happy childhood – my mum was always there and we had security. I’ve always wanted to give that back to those less fortunate because I know how

important it is. The feeling of making a real difference and helping them out is so fulfilling.”

Her first placement was a hyperactive nine-year-old boy. “ It certainly didn’t put me off – the challenge is what I was looking for and all part of it,” she said.Initially Helen combined respite care work with her day job, but when the opportunity to take redundancy arose she didn’t hesitate.“I’d worked my whole life sat at a desk in an office, sorting credit control queries. But this was so much more hands-on and real – in comparison to fostering it felt like I was wasting my life. So I leapt at the opportunity and have no regrets,” she said.There are also challenging moments, when patience and understanding are essential.Previously she supported a 16-year-old, who was in and out of trouble with the police.“He arrived with a bloody nose from his latest skirmish – fights, stealing, drugs – you name it, he’d done it. But underneath all that there was a vulnerable boy and we formed a close bond. I still see him now – he’s 18 and has sorted himself out,” she said.There are 150 foster households in the Borough and another 40 are needed to meet demand, which can change at short notice. Fostering opportunities are available on short and long-term placements.Carers receive payment to help cover their time and expenses as well as free ongoing training, with 24/7 support available.Helen said: “There’s lots of support, so you feel prepared and reassured that there’s also extra help at hand if you need it. Of course you don’t do it for the money, but the allowance covers things and means you can treat them at birthdays and Christmas.”

To find out more about the opportunities, go online at www.fosteringadoptionswindon.org.uk email [email protected] or call: (01793) 464329

The Health Improvement TeamThe Health Improvement Team run various classes and activity sessions around the Borough in either Sports or Community Centres. These range from Cycling session’s at the County Ground to COPD and Gentle Circuit classes. We also run Exercise to Music, Balance and Safety and Chair based classes. All our sessions are aimed at the mature adult and those who require sessions tailored to meet their specific needs. Please see our website below for further details or contact Ros Hughes – Health Improvement Team Coordinator – Physical Activity Development - 01793 464907

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New library services!Free digital magazine service

For more information about the range of Zinio titles available through Swindon Libraries, please contact 01793 466454 or visit www.swindon.gov.uk/libraries

Snuggle up with a book or poem

Reading Ahead invites you to pick six reads and record them in a diary toget a certificate and entry into a national and a local prize draw.

To keep you reading, whenever you’ve completed a read go back to the library and tell the staff what you’ve read to get freebies from Pens to free DVD rentals!For more information visit http://readingahead.org.uk/

Your Borough, Your History: Local Studies at Swindon Central Library

Housed on the second floor of Swindon Central Library, we aim to collect anything

and everything we can about life in and around the Borough of Swindon.Contact us with any local history or family history questions you may have. Just email [email protected] or telephone (01793) 463238.

There’s no need to put your bicycle away just because the weather turns cold. With a little advice and some basic equipment you can cycle just as easily and safely in winter as you can in summer.

On clear sunny winter days it can actually be very enjoyable, you don’t tend to worry about traffic jams, breakdowns or delays, and in the winter you get some valuable fresh air just when you need it most. That’s better than being stuck inside all the time!Things to consider

For your bike

Good bike lights are a must; buy the best you can afford. When you fit them on the bike make sure they can be seen by others and are not obscured by your clothing. We have a special offer for Swindon residents, with half price bike lights! Visit the cycle page of www.swindontravelchoices.org.uk for details.Get your bike serviced by a qualified bike mechanic before the winter starts. Swindon Travel Choices offer many FREE “Doctor Bike” sessions, where a safety check on your bike is carried out. Keep an eye on the events section of www.swindontravelchoices.org.uk for details. For you

A light, waterproof coat and some ‘over trousers’ are useful for rainy days. You don’t need to spend much on these; try buying online for a bargain.Reflective ankle straps (called Slapbands) keep trousers away from the chain. E-mail with your name and address for a free slapband - [email protected] sure you can be seen. Consider having some reflective material on you or your cycle, or wear some light coloured clothing. We hope these tips are helpful, and you’ll be able to pedal your way through to spring! Swindon Tenants Voice held

its A.G.M on Thursday 22nd OctoberIt was great to see so many of our members present especially Norris Kiddle who has not been well. We hope that both he and his wife Ruth will be able to help with our recruitment drive in the near future, as they have been sadly missed. A mention also to Sandys Powell, who we are pleased to say is on the road to recovery.

Our vice-chair Peter Armstrong decided not to stand again at the election but we are delighted that he has agreed to remain a valued and active member of the group. Tom Jeffery was returned as Chair and Ann-Marie Trigg who was secretary last year, was made Vice-Chair. A big ‘thank you’ from all of us to Maggie Hathaway-Mills, who has volunteered to be the new Secretary. Members of the group who are part of the Housing Property Forum undertook our annual tour of the Borough. The purpose of the tour is to see as many of the completed and on-going projects that the council is involved in. A massive vote of thanks to all those who were so kind to us and welcomed us into their homes and play areas,

especially the two lovely girls from Abbey Meads who showed us their new garden, made possible with a grant from RE:FRESH, with so much enthusiasm.We visited George Selman Gardens, where we were invited into the home of a lovely lady who was quite happy to let us see her new kitchen. I have undertaken many tours in all weathers and I am always taken aback by the kindness which people show to us, when we interrupt their lives and the peace and quiet of their homes. On a more sombre note we met two gentlemen who were not happy with a recent job in their block of flats, and Tom gave them the name of the officer to contact.This is just a small example of the work which members of STV participate in and we would love if all tenants and leaseholders were to join us. If you would like to comment or find out more about what we do please contact:Ann-Marie Trigg (Vice-Chair)T: 07831117091 E: [email protected]

20 www.swindon.gov.uk/housing

Bringing people together to make life better, neighbourhoods happier and community ideas a reality

New Year – New Neighbourhood!Do you have a project in mind that will benefit your community and enhance the environment you live in? Swindon Borough Council has set aside funding for small projects to help improve neighbourhoods or community groups, and make them safer, tidier and greener. Whether you are a Council Tenant, Private homeowner or a leaseholder you are eligible to apply for funding as long as the project benefits council tenants.

your neighbourhoodyour view your skills





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For more information and to download an application form visit www.swindon.gov.uk/refresh or contact Anna Pearson 01793 464784

- Making ideas a reality!
