House Concert Details Explained

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We are so excited to announce our 'Come & Sit for a While' House Concert Tours...There will be one in the Spring of 2016 and one in the Summer of 2016...If they are successful we will continue having these up close, intimate and personal, exclusive House concerts. Join us on the Journey and Host one Yourself! Check out our music at and get on the Calendar!

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  • First and foremost, THANK YOU for being a HOST for us and having a HOUSE CONCERT! We are so excited and cant wait to be there with you and all your guests and share the time with you. So, Lets get right into it. Here are some suggestions we highly advise, as they work. They are time tested and have proven to be the most beneficial for everyone and help to assure a successful event and House Concert where people are engaged, encouraged and energized.There are no upfront costs to you as the host, except maybe some refreshments or stamps for invitations. We suggest keeping it simple. It eliminates costs to you, but that is up to you. The only thing we ask is that when the concert starts, the food areas shut down and be set up in a completely different area or at the backs of those seated in the concert area.Dont miss out on this unique opportunity!There are two objectives for hosting a House Concert. It has two purposes: First, to enjoy time with our supporters, creating a unique environment where you have an opportunity to Share with others and help people reconnect with faith, family and friends in a non threatening, friendly, genuine way. Secondly, to help us promote Gracious Vine forward into increasingly larger circles and raise funds for our next cd project. When was the last time you went to a house concert? It would be a Cool Date Night for some, a fun gathering for all adults... What a unique environment to

    C A L L F O R M O R E I N F O - J OA N NA ( 6 3 1 ) 2 5 8 - 6 3 4 7O R E M A I L : G R AC I O U S V I N E @ G M A I L . C O M

    Gracious Vine Music

    Come and Sit for a While HOUSE CONCERT Tour

  • enjoy some music together! It would be a wonderful way to introduce people to Christian music and the gospel message. At our concerts we have the ability to be real, fun, and share our faith in a simple, non threatening, real life manner. It will not get spiritually weird or wild, as this is to be a safe place for your guests. It wont be preachy, We will simply share our lives with others. This is a Concert, not a church service.

    So, Lets do this!First, get out a piece of paper and start writing down the names of all your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, church members etc., People who know you, trust you, enjoy being with you and share similar interests, and have either a faith in God, or are curious about God. Second, get your calendar! Look at dates that are both unavailable - weddings, vacations, family functions etc., and then look at available dates. Depending on your distance from us, we may want the UNavailable dates, so if there are other

    people in your area that want a house party, we can draw from those and work backwards creating a viable tour in the area. If youre local enough, available dates will work in creating our tour.

    Funding: Our House Concert events are Open Donation Concerts, meaning your guests will be asked for a Donation at the END of the Concert, not at the door, and no amount is stipulated. They will get an indication of this on the invitations we will send you to mail or hand out to people. We Do NOT what to suggest a donation amount. IT is entirely based on their appreciation for the event, their engagement and their excited generosity to help support our tour and the future CD Project. The invitations prepare them for this before they arrive. As the host, you will REMIND them of it at the end of the concert, and enthusiastically encourage them to participate and show their appreciation for the event.

    C A L L F O R M O R E I N F O - J OA N NA ( 6 3 1 ) 2 5 8 - 6 3 4 7O R E M A I L : G R AC I O U S V I N E @ G M A I L . C O M

  • So here we go, The Basic Requirements:1. A decent size living room, back yard, deck,

    barn, club house - get creative....for a Minimum of 20 Adults guests.

    2.Creating an environment as a HOUSE CONCERT, not a House Party with background music. The focus is the music, with the purpose of creating community and supporting the upcoming project of Gracious Vine.

    3. Mail or Hand out Actual Invitations and make follow up phone calls to get accurate RSVPs and reminders so that people dont miss this unique opportunity.

    4.Make a Few announcements, One directing guests toward concert location at appropriate time, Opening Concert time, Closing with Open Donation Request and gratitude for guests attendance and participation.

    Pretty Simple RIGHT?! Thats it, thats all there is to it.A Few Tips to add to the unique experience - start planning early.

    1.Invitations: Actual not virtual - handed/mailed out ACTUAL Invitations are still the official invitations people will associate with an important event and feel more accountable to RSVP accurately - Facebook events are looked at more as announcements, few respond, and all your maybes are most likely polite nos and your yess are actually maybes. So DONT count on social media - SO - Tell me how many you need and we will send them to you to Hand/Mail out. We feel its best to have a minimum of 20 adults at the events. A lot of work goes into an event on our end, we want to be good stewards of our energies. Plus people feel awkward in small crowds, and 20 or more people give it an official concert feel, it energizes the group and adds a certain authenticity and comfort level to everyone. Its a more than a little awkward if the band and crew out number the guests. a. Make a list knowing that more than 1/2 will not come and may not even

    rsvp. Please follow up with ALL of them, this is a unique experience, it

    C A L L F O R M O R E I N F O - J OA N NA ( 6 3 1 ) 2 5 8 - 6 3 4 7O R E M A I L : G R AC I O U S V I N E @ G M A I L . C O M

  • would be a shame that they missed it because they forgot. Talk it up, share it with others, get excited about it, get creative with it and let them know it will be an amazing time but that seating is limited and requires and RSVP. b. As host youll need to follow up and make sure they are reminded and do come. A packed Living room, basement, backyard, barn or where ever is great and creates its own exciting environment, make sure there is a seat for everyone, even if its a floor pillow or blanket on the grass. Let us know how many you think you need and we will send them to you to mail to others or hand out personally.

    c. We recommend you send them out about 3 weeks prior to the event, and follow up with a call for the RSVP or a reminder of the event about 1 week prior. If you send them out too early, more than 3 weeks prior - people will put off RSVP and then end up forgetting completely about it. 3 weeks is perfect, its fresh enough and yet far enough to put it on the calendar of a MUST DO Event.

    2.Creating the environment, cozy, know. Lighting is always a unique fun way to make it more special, break out the boxes of christmas lights and just simply string them along the back area where the stage will be. or at the entrance by the door, or perhaps hanging from a canopy outside or a tree to play beneath. Another idea might be paper Sandwich bags with a battery operated tea light in it, around the walkways or on shelves around the stage area. We like it to be moody, so if possible create that some how...have fun with it. If you have the ability to turn off the lights in the food area during the concert, that helps send a clear signal that the concert is the focus.

    3.Seating...The Area for the Concert should be the only one with seating. Removing all chairs from eating/refreshment area is important. This will set

    C A L L F O R M O R E I N F O - J OA N NA ( 6 3 1 ) 2 5 8 - 6 3 4 7O R E M A I L : G R AC I O U S V I N E @ G M A I L . C O M

  • the stage placing Music as the focus of the night, otherwise people have a tendency to talk too loud and stay around the food, then for all our hard work and travel, we are relegated to become background music. We understand people love to be around their friends, that is what the hour prior to, and

    following the concert is for, and well be right there with you all! So, Please continue to encourage your guests to be mindful of the events purpose and not miss out on the unique night.

    4.Time frame for the night, Band will arrive 1 hour before guests (two hours if very large venue and full set up is needed), guests arrive @ 7pm, 7-8pm Mingle, 8-9 Concert, 9-10 Mingle time.

    5.Staging Area: Be Creative with the space, set the mood and the stage as youd like, have fun with it!a.Do you have a covered area that creates an intimate setting

    Outdoors? Do you want to hang lights?b.We need an area for the band about 10 feet wide by 5

    feet deep...inside, outside events because we would probably have full drums there and larger equipment, will require more space about 15 by 20.

    6.Announcements by HOST: there are only Three Announcements YOU as the Host need to make. They need to be Loud, clear and energetic.

    a.Closing of the Mingle time, a countdown Announcement, The Concert will begin in two/three minutes, and we will be closing this area down until after the concert and youll be free to mingle here again.

    b.OPENING of the concert, the Band will get into position, and YOU come up and Share 3 things briefly,

    i. Express: How excited you are to host the evening,

    C A L L F O R M O R E I N F O - J OA N NA ( 6 3 1 ) 2 5 8 - 6 3 4 7O R E M A I L : G R AC I O U S V I N E @ G M A I L . C O M

  • ii.How you first heard or met us, Why you enjoy Gracious Vine and wanted to share us.

    iii.To give your full undivided and open hearted attention to the music, there will be more time to hang out after its over. Assure your guests there will be plenty of time after the concert to again enjoy the refreshments and mingle.

    c.End of the Concert, (we will let you know what the last song is, come up Just as we are ending it and the last note is still ringing in the air)

    i.I so enjoyed tonight, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! I want to remind you all that this night is an OPEN DONATION EVENT, and so in support of Gracious Vine, I want us to show our appreciation for their time, talent and help support this tour and their upcoming CD project. - Here is a (Vase/bucket/hat) for your Donations, I am going to leave it right here on the Keyboard and please be AS Generous as you can tonight for ALL their energies on our behalf - After you do that, please join us by having more

    refreshments and thank you for your Time and presence tonight.ii.Weve discovered that the success of the donations has a direct relationship to the enthusiasm of the announcement the host gives at the conclusion of the concert.

    7.Children & Pets: a.For those with children, we want to offer this event as an adult only event, to create the unique experience for adults as a time out, a special time away from their children, a date night or fun adult time, creative time where they are not distracted by children their own or others.i.Should that not be possible, we ask that you as

    the host create an opportunity where children are watched in an area

    C A L L F O R M O R E I N F O - J OA N NA ( 6 3 1 ) 2 5 8 - 6 3 4 7O R E M A I L : G R AC I O U S V I N E @ G M A I L . C O M

  • that is acoustically and physically separated from the concert during the one hour time with a babysitter or adult volunteer if youd prefer. The show will have quiet moments, and it is essential to maintain an uninterrupted focus. We ask that you as host pay close attention to the distraction levels that could detract and or derail the environment that is being created.

    ii. Its understood that some kids are more mature for their age and know how to maintain themselves in a concert setting, usually that age is about 13. We ask that there be no children during the concert unless they are old enough to behave as adults.

    b. If you have pets, please keep in mind regardless of how loving, sweet and cute your pets are too you, some people may be afraid, others allergic. It is our request that they be out of sight for the event to avoid all distractions that come with pets.

    8.Outdoors: a. We prefer backyards to front, as it sets a stage of special, exclusive and

    personal. Front yards are an on display mood setter and distract from the intimate and personal setting we are trying to create with your guests.

    b. How are the bugs? Are you inundated with bees, mosquitos, fire ants or gnats? Any pesky alligators lurking around? Keep it in mind for the comfort of your guests and musicians. Have, at least, a can of Bug spray on hand. Or perhaps prepare the grass ahead of time with the sprays on the market to prevent the pesky blood suckers from coming out at dusk :)

    9.Merchandise Table: We will have a merchandise table, and would like to set it up in an area that will have traffic as well as be seen from the concert area. This area will have our CDs T-shirts and other information and email list for your guests to peruse after the concert.

    I Just have to say again THANK YOU! With out the support and the desire to share the music with others we wouldnt be able to

    successfully move forward with our next project!

    C A L L F O R M O R E I N F O - J OA N NA ( 6 3 1 ) 2 5 8 - 6 3 4 7O R E M A I L : G R AC I O U S V I N E @ G M A I L . C O M

  • I dont know about YOU, but WE are excited! This is going to be an incredible journey with YOU! The thought of sitting and sharing stories, hope, funny moments and songs of faith and inspiration just get us all stoked! We know it will be a tremendous time with You and Your guests and we couldnt be more energized at the thought of it all!Being that we are looking to utilize this as a major source of funding for our next CD Project, as a House Concert Host, you will be mentioned by Name on our Next CD if we raise enough funds. And Who knows, then you may even want to host another event once it is ready!!!!

    So Go get you calendar....and Email Joanna at [email protected] with some potential dates or any questions you have about it...and lets mark out a Event exclusively for YOU!

    C A L L F O R M O R E I N F O - J OA N NA ( 6 3 1 ) 2 5 8 - 6 3 4 7O R E M A I L : G R AC I O U S V I N E @ G M A I L . C O M

    Thank YOU for Partnering with us on The Come and Sit for a While

    House Concert Tour