1 4 7 3 6 5 7 11 10 8 9 2 1 5 7 8 1. Combed rye straw 2. Long wheaten straw 3. Alcove for plant, traditionally the buachaill tí, or house leek, which has medicinal properties. 4. Ships rope made from hemp fibre. 5. Exposed scollops, or hazel pins, and horizontal hazel rods, or ledgers, on the ridging. 6. Thatched chimney 7. Curved wall of double wattle frame filled with insulating materials and covered in daub, lime plastered and white washed with lime putty and water. 8. Reed thatch 9. X Shaped style scollop and rod work on ridging 10. 18th century window set in stone wall 11. 8 yrs old flax thatch Outside 1: Front of House Outside 2: Half Hipped Gable Outside 3: Full Hipped Gable 30 12 11 13 25 25 12 13 27 29 28 Inside 4: Roof left of door Inside 5: Roof over door Inside 6: Floor right of door 22 20 11 23 6 5 1 3 9 8 2 7 4 16 15 4 14 8 10 11 7 House Building Project The Education and Outreach Department of the Museum of Country Life aims to draw attention to aspects of the Museum’s exhibitions, to increase awareness of traditional materials and skills and to explore their relevance today. In Summer 2003 we undertook a house building skills project. Skilled craftspeople worked in the grounds of the museum to demonstrate and explain the variety of materials, tools and techniques that were used at different times in building traditional houses in Ireland. The resulting structure is biodegradable and was made from the sustainable, managed and renewable natural resources of wood, earth, stone and straw, locally produced, as was the case for many thousands of years in the vernacular dwellings of our ancestors. Tours and workshops to explain the project and demonstrate skills such as wattle weaving, thatching and lime-washing are held at regular intervals or can be arranged for groups. For further information contact Reception or the Education and Outreach Department Booking Office Telephone 094 90 31751 Fax 094 90 31498 Email [email protected] Booking Office Hours Monday to Friday 10.00am - 2.00pm 3a acknowledgements List of Building Craftspeople Joe Gowran, Niall Miller, Clint Taylor Wattle, Oak Brian Rogers, Brian Simpson, Susanne Bojkovsky Thatch Edward Byrne & Terry McGrogan Irish Traditional Lime Company Plastering Enda Collins, Tim Roderick, Brian Rogers Stone Walling The craftspeople working on this project are affiliated to Muintir na Coille: The Coppicing Association of Ireland and the Ecological Trades Community (ETC). The Ecological Trades Community is concerned with efforts to manage resources in a sustainable manner in an atmosphere of fair trade and solidarity. It aims to “organize the gathering of ecological traders/service providers for public education and for the cross fertilization of ideas and capacity building within the ‘environmental sector’ of the economy. It aims to strengthen the isolated, marginal and obscure trades and crafts by increasing confidence through socialization and the ‘strategic skills’ notion”. We would like to thank the following for their contribution and assistance to this project. The Rogers family, Dromore West Stone Wildlife Service, Roscommon Oak & Hazel Joyce Brothers, Laghtavary/Ballyvary Hazel Ken Gill, Clongullogue, Edenderry, Co. Offaly Hazel Lorna Elms, Kilkelly Stone Sligo County Council Stone Sligo Loy Association Clay scraws Mayo County Council Grounds and materials reading list Books of Interest in relation to Vernacular Architecture. Aalen, F.H.A., Whelan, K. and Stout, M. (1997) Atlas of the Irish Rural Landscape, Cork University Press, Cork. Evans, Emyr-Estyn, (1957) Irish Folk Ways, Routledge and Keegan Paul Ltd., New York. McDonald, Frank, Doyle, Peigín and MacConville, Hugh, (1997) Ireland’s Earthen Houses, A & A Farmar, Dublin. Ní Fhloinn, Bairbre and Denneson, Gabriel. (eds). (1994) Traditional Architecture in Ireland and its Role in Rural Development and Tourism, Environmental Institute, U.C.D. Dublin. O’Danachair, Caoimhín, ‘Traditional Forms of Dwelling in Ireland’, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Vol 102, part1, 77-96. Paria, Sara and Bolton, Jason, (2000) Stone, Brick and Mortar, Wordwell Ltd., Bray, Co. Wicklow. Shaffrey, Maura and Pfeiffer, Walter, (1990) Irish Cottages, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London. Shaffrey, Patrick and Maura, (1985) Irish Countryside Buildings, O’Brien Press, Dublin. 11. Rafters of oak and ash are half notched and joined at the top for greater stability. These were usually secured by wooden pins and pegs and driven into the rafters to hold them in place. 12. Laths of hazel. 13. Double crucks of bog oak. Single crucks are more traditional in the west of Ireland. 20. These scraws from the bog which kept out the cold and the damp, acted as a fireproofer and also served as a hold for the scollops. 21. The use of vertical laths of hazel placed on horizontal bog oak purlins supported by oak, ash vertical rafters is typical of Irish thatch roof construction. This type of construction is more archaic. 22. Súgán, fine rope made from straw, or twisted broken timber fibre have been used to sew the turf scraw onto the bog oak purlins. 23. Earthen sods from the site kept out the cold and the damp, acted as a fireproofer and also served as a hold for the scollops. 24. Black leg. Cow or calf’s leg left in roof to build cattle’s immunity to the disease. 25. Canvas sheet used as a draftproofer. 26. Straw and reed finishing tied and pinned with different materials. 27. Earthen floor sometimes finished with powdered sheep dung. 28. Liscannor flag stone. 29. Kilkelly flag stone. 30. Cobbled floor. 31. Cleft oak flooring. thatch Brian Rogers The typical thatched roof had a layer of sods (either earthen or turf) on top of rafters and laths, onto which the thatch was fixed. This sod layer served as a draught-proof, an insulating layer, and a fireproof barrier. A variety of materials are used in the process of thatching such as reed, rye, wheat, oats, barley, sedge, flax, rushes and heather. Large volumes of hazel and willow, as well as bramble and snowdrops, were used as scollops (pins) and rods. Súgán (straw) ropes were used as binders. Approximately three acres of straw and 4000 scollops were needed for a typical roof. The principal tools used are still the leggat, beetle or bat, a knife, a sheep shears, and a ladder. Reed pins serve as temporary tensioning tools. A stitching needle and a stoppler and a thruster are also used. Very little fossil fuel is used to produce thatch compared to that expended on other roof types. It can be produced locally and it is constantly renewable. As such, it has many sustainable characteristics. Thatch is an intrinsic part of our Vernacular architecture but has been in very sharp decline since the late 1950’s. It faces serious threats. Water pollution and fertilisers, coupled with a change in the UV rays of sunlight, acid rain, and increased levels of rain and wind all make thatch less durable. It is also very labour intensive and therefore expensive. The production of straw and reed for thatching in Ireland is virtually collapsed and the vast majority of thatch materials are now imported. These factors combined with the lack of technical backup contribute to the current decline of thatch as a significant contributor to the social economy and as a powerful community art form 1 . Thatch has a leading edge contribution to make in matters such as developing local economies; the diversification of farming practices, the stabilisation of rural communities, ecologically sound or conscientious affordable housing, ‘Identity’ and the social economy. It is a key means of articulating Our Heritage and Culture through an exploration of Our Vernacular Architecture. Vernacular Architecture is about a sense of place; of our houses and our built environment ‘coming up out of’ and reflecting the local environment and community. It is about an architecture that interacts with, and reflects, the local. 1 This decline is somewhat slowed down by grants paid directly to householders wattle Joe Gowran Wattle is composed of flexible rods interwoven to form a hurdle or frame. It was sometimes covered in daub and used in wall building. These flexible rods or poles were produced by coppicing, which is the repeated cutting of hardwoods to produce crops of rods or poles. The process of coppicing* hazel to produce rods for wall weaving, in a manner that gave reasonable structural strength, was probably discovered after periods of slash and burn agriculture on the margins of natural temperate forest across central and western Europe, from c.10-7,000yrs ago. The techniques involved remain basically the same today except for the development of iron cutting tools. Hazel was abundant in semi-natural woodlands throughout Ireland when the early settlers arrived from Europe. A building culture developed which relied heavily on wattle up to Norman times and to a lesser extent up to the late seventeenth century. A major expansion in managed grassland reduced hazel resources to rocky outcrop and field margins. Clearance of hazel scrub continues to this day usually after re-colonisation onto temporarily abandoned farmland. Wattle based constructions were the preferred option of the native or ‘Wild Irish’ up to the 1600s. Round houses of approximately 4m in diameter, consisting of a double layer wall with some form of insulation (bracken or possibly wool) between the two layers, were quick and easy to construct. Therefore dwellings could be built near, or in, hazel, ash and oak woods and close to supplies of varied thatching materials. More permanent structures were designed for winter quarters while temporary dwellings were designed for summer grazing on uplands. The cultivation of hazel for construction material was banned as part of the enforcement of the penal laws as late as the 1780s. Permanent homes built of stone increasingly became the norm. The old building culture, along with the semi-natural woodlands, the language and customs, became almost extinct. The Gaelic term for woodland is ‘coill’, which specifically means a wood of predominantly Hazel and the associated species of Ash and Oak. Some inhabited dwellings still exist today which contain wattle sections within the walls. * This system is now being slowly reintroduced as an element of government policy on sustainable forest management. lime What is Lime? Lime that is used in building is made from burning Chalk or Limestone in a kiln to form quicklime. The quicklime is then added to water to form thick putty. The putty is then mixed with sand to form a lime mortar or with water and pigment to make a limewash. How does Lime work? Both lime mortar and limewash harden by a process called Carbonation. During this process water evaporates from the mix and the lime reacts with the carbon dioxide in the air forming Calcium Carbonate, which, is chemically and physically similar to the original limestone. In the past lime was made in small communal kilns, with each farm cluster having one. When the need for lime increased these small kilns could not keep up with the demand and were replaced by large kilns in quarries that could produce much greater quantities of lime. The early kilns were usually of simple construction, usually a small stone lined hole with a ventilation pipe leading away from them. These were built against a bank or fence to give the men working them suitable height to fill and manage the kiln, once filled with layers of turf and limestone, or seashells if one lived near the ocean the kiln was fired and the huge temperatures reached at the centre of the kiln were enough to burn the stone. Later around the same time as the introduction of the quarry kilns turf was replaced with coal as a fuel. Lime has been used in building throughout Europe for thousands of years. It was one of the Romans preferred building materials. It has been used in building in Ireland as a mortar, plaster and ‘wash’ right up until the introduction of the more modern cement based mortars. Lime still plays a big part in the construction industry but is no longer as important as it was. Slowly the use of lime mortars and plasters is becoming more popular as more people are looking for natural ‘breathable’ materials in the construction of their homes. Inside 1: Left of Door Inside 3: Opposite door Inside 2: Right of Door 1. Truth hole showing outer layer of wattling with non-split hazel rods. 2. Inner layer wattling of split hazel rods. 3. A skim daub consisting of 50% clay 35% lime 15% milled hemp or straw on the wattle weave. 3a. A full coat of daub consisting of 50% clay 35% lime 15% milled hemp or straw on the wattle weave. 4. Wall segment is made of turf sod. 5. Insulation materials include chopped straw, reed, gorse, moss, leaves, tannin-rich oak bark, wool, hemp etc. 6. 6-12 inches of compacted raw wool with copper sulphate mix provides a draught proof layer between the roof and the wall. 7. Bed outshot or cailleach. The cailleach is usually situated beside the hearth. 8. Lime wash over thin lime mortar. 9. Blue stone copper sulphate, Cu SO 4 , mixed with lime wash provides a hygienic anti-bacterial, anti-fungal. Copper sulphate was good for pest control because bugs dislike it and rats and mice are poisoned by it. 10. The plastering on the wall near the fireplace incorporates the shape of the wattle to create alcoves, nooks and crannies. 11. Rafters of ash and oak. 12. Horizontal hazel laths. 13. Bog oak crucks. 14. Stone wall including re-used dressed stone from Dromore West, glacial rounded stones, river rounded stones and local stone. 15. The window comes from the workhouse in Dromore West, Co. Sligo. 16. Wall segment made of clay sod. 17. Willow cowl woven in two different styles. 18. Length of oak as a mantel strut. 19. Fireplace. 26 24 21 31 19 5 7 4 17 18 19 House Building A0 9868.indd 1 25/06/2007 14:05:56

House Building Project - National Museum of Ireland · House Building Project ... was the case for many thousands of years in the vernacular dwellings of our ancestors. ... The Gaelic

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Page 1: House Building Project - National Museum of Ireland · House Building Project ... was the case for many thousands of years in the vernacular dwellings of our ancestors. ... The Gaelic

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1. Combed rye straw 2. Long wheaten straw3. Alcove for plant, traditionally the buachaill tí, or house leek, which has medicinal properties.4. Ships rope made from hemp fibre.

5. Exposed scollops, or hazel pins, and horizontal hazel rods, or ledgers, on the ridging.6. Thatched chimney 7. Curved wall of double wattle frame filled with insulating materials and covered in daub, lime

plastered and white washed with lime putty and water.

8. Reed thatch 9. X Shaped style scollop and rod work on ridging10. 18th century window set in stone wall11. 8 yrs old flax thatch

Outside 1: Front of House Outside 2: Half Hipped Gable Outside 3: Full Hipped Gable










Inside 4: Roof left of door Inside 5: Roof over door Inside 6: Floor right of door






















House Building ProjectThe Education and Outreach Department of the Museum of Country Lifeaims to draw attention to aspects of the Museum’s exhibitions, toincrease awareness of traditional materials and skills and to exploretheir relevance today.

In Summer 2003 we undertook a house building skills project. Skilled craftspeopleworked in the grounds of the museum to demonstrate and explain the variety ofmaterials, tools and techniques that were used at different times in building traditionalhouses in Ireland.

The resulting structure is biodegradable and was made from the sustainable, managedand renewable natural resources of wood, earth, stone and straw, locally produced, aswas the case for many thousands of years in the vernacular dwellings of our ancestors.

Tours and workshops to explain the project and demonstrate skills such as wattle weaving,thatching and lime-washing are held at regular intervals or can be arranged for groups.

For further information contact Reception or the Education and Outreach Department Booking Office

Telephone 094 90 31751Fax 094 90 31498Email [email protected] Office Hours Monday to Friday 10.00am - 2.00pm


acknowledgementsList of Building Craftspeople

Joe Gowran, Niall Miller, Clint Taylor Wattle, Oak Brian Rogers, Brian Simpson, Susanne Bojkovsky ThatchEdward Byrne & Terry McGrogan Irish Traditional Lime Company PlasteringEnda Collins, Tim Roderick, Brian Rogers Stone Walling

The craftspeople working on this project are affiliated to Muintir na Coille: TheCoppicing Association of Ireland and the Ecological Trades Community (ETC).

The Ecological Trades Community is concerned with efforts to manage resources in asustainable manner in an atmosphere of fair trade and solidarity. It aims to “organize thegathering of ecological traders/service providers for public education and for the crossfertilization of ideas and capacity building within the ‘environmental sector’ of theeconomy. It aims to strengthen the isolated, marginal and obscure trades and crafts byincreasing confidence through socialization and the ‘strategic skills’ notion”.

We would like to thank the following for their contribution and assistance to this project.

The Rogers family, Dromore West StoneWildlife Service, Roscommon Oak & HazelJoyce Brothers, Laghtavary/Ballyvary HazelKen Gill, Clongullogue, Edenderry, Co. Offaly HazelLorna Elms, Kilkelly StoneSligo County Council StoneSligo Loy Association Clay scraws Mayo County Council Grounds and materials

reading listBooks of Interest in relation to Vernacular Architecture.

Aalen, F.H.A., Whelan, K. and Stout, M. (1997) Atlas of the Irish Rural Landscape,Cork University Press, Cork.

Evans, Emyr-Estyn, (1957) Irish Folk Ways,Routledge and Keegan Paul Ltd., New York.

McDonald, Frank, Doyle, Peigín and MacConville, Hugh, (1997) Ireland’s Earthen Houses,A & A Farmar, Dublin.

Ní Fhloinn, Bairbre and Denneson, Gabriel. (eds). (1994) Traditional Architecture in Ireland and its Role in Rural Development and Tourism,Environmental Institute, U.C.D. Dublin.

O’Danachair, Caoimhín, ‘Traditional Forms of Dwelling in Ireland’, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland.Vol 102, part1, 77-96.

Paria, Sara and Bolton, Jason, (2000) Stone, Brick and Mortar,Wordwell Ltd., Bray, Co. Wicklow.

Shaffrey, Maura and Pfeiffer, Walter, (1990) Irish Cottages,Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London.

Shaffrey, Patrick and Maura, (1985) Irish Countryside Buildings,O’Brien Press, Dublin.

11. Rafters of oak and ash are half notched and joined at the top for greater stability. These wereusually secured by wooden pins and pegs and driven into the rafters to hold them in place.

12. Laths of hazel.13. Double crucks of bog oak. Single crucks are more traditional in the west of Ireland. 20. These scraws from the bog which kept out the cold and the damp, acted as a fireproofer

and also served as a hold for the scollops.21. The use of vertical laths of hazel placed on horizontal bog oak purlins supported by oak, ash

vertical rafters is typical of Irish thatch roof construction. This type of construction is more archaic.

22. Súgán, fine rope made from straw, or twisted broken timber fibre have been used to sew theturf scraw onto the bog oak purlins.

23. Earthen sods from the site kept out the cold and the damp, acted as a fireproofer and alsoserved as a hold for the scollops.

24. Black leg. Cow or calf’s leg left in roof to build cattle’s immunity to the disease.25. Canvas sheet used as a draftproofer.26. Straw and reed finishing tied and pinned with different materials.27. Earthen floor sometimes finished with powdered sheep dung.

28. Liscannor flag stone.29. Kilkelly flag stone.30. Cobbled floor.31. Cleft oak flooring.

thatchBrian Rogers

The typical thatched roof had a layer of sods(either earthen or turf) on top of rafters and laths,onto which the thatch was fixed. This sod layerserved as a draught-proof, an insulating layer, anda fireproof barrier.

A variety of materials are used in the process ofthatching such as reed, rye, wheat, oats, barley, sedge,flax, rushes and heather. Large volumes of hazel andwillow, as well as bramble and snowdrops, were usedas scollops (pins) and rods. Súgán (straw) ropes wereused as binders. Approximately three acres of strawand 4000 scollops were needed for a typical roof.

The principal tools used are still the leggat, beetle orbat, a knife, a sheep shears, and a ladder. Reed pinsserve as temporary tensioning tools. A stitchingneedle and a stoppler and a thruster are also used.

Very little fossil fuel is used to produce thatch comparedto that expended on other roof types. It can beproduced locally and it is constantly renewable. Assuch, it has many sustainable characteristics.

Thatch is an intrinsic part of our Vernaculararchitecture but has been in very sharp decline sincethe late 1950’s. It faces serious threats. Waterpollution and fertilisers, coupled with a change in theUV rays of sunlight, acid rain, and increased levels ofrain and wind all make thatch less durable. It is alsovery labour intensive and therefore expensive. Theproduction of straw and reed for thatching in Irelandis virtually collapsed and the vast majority of thatchmaterials are now imported.

These factors combined with the lack of technicalbackup contribute to the current decline of thatch asa significant contributor to the social economy andas a powerful community art form1.

Thatch has a leading edge contribution to make inmatters such as developing local economies; thediversification of farming practices, the stabilisationof rural communities, ecologically sound orconscientious affordable housing, ‘Identity’ and thesocial economy. It is a key means of articulating OurHeritage and Culture through an exploration of OurVernacular Architecture.

Vernacular Architecture is about a sense of place; ofour houses and our built environment ‘coming upout of’ and reflecting the local environment andcommunity. It is about an architecture that interactswith, and reflects, the local.

1 This decline is somewhat slowed down by grants paiddirectly to householders

wattleJoe Gowran

Wattle is composed of flexible rods interwoven toform a hurdle or frame. It was sometimes covered indaub and used in wall building. These flexible rodsor poles were produced by coppicing, which is therepeated cutting of hardwoods to produce crops ofrods or poles.

The process of coppicing* hazel to produce rodsfor wall weaving, in a manner that gavereasonable structural strength, was probablydiscovered after periods of slash and burnagriculture on the margins of natural temperateforest across central and western Europe, fromc.10-7,000yrs ago. The techniques involvedremain basically the same today except for thedevelopment of iron cutting tools.

Hazel was abundant in semi-natural woodlandsthroughout Ireland when the early settlers arrivedfrom Europe. A building culture developed whichrelied heavily on wattle up to Norman times and toa lesser extent up to the late seventeenth century. Amajor expansion in managed grassland reducedhazel resources to rocky outcrop and field margins.Clearance of hazel scrub continues to this dayusually after re-colonisation onto temporarilyabandoned farmland.

Wattle based constructions were the preferredoption of the native or ‘Wild Irish’ up to the 1600s.Round houses of approximately 4m in diameter,consisting of a double layer wall with some form ofinsulation (bracken or possibly wool) between thetwo layers, were quick and easy to construct.Therefore dwellings could be built near, or in,hazel, ash and oak woods and close to supplies ofvaried thatching materials. More permanentstructures were designed for winter quarters whiletemporary dwellings were designed for summergrazing on uplands.

The cultivation of hazel for construction materialwas banned as part of the enforcement of the penallaws as late as the 1780s. Permanent homes built ofstone increasingly became the norm. The oldbuilding culture, along with the semi-naturalwoodlands, the language and customs, becamealmost extinct. The Gaelic term for woodland is‘coill’, which specifically means a wood ofpredominantly Hazel and the associated species ofAsh and Oak. Some inhabited dwellings still existtoday which contain wattle sections within the walls.

* This system is now being slowly reintroduced as an element ofgovernment policy on sustainable forest management.


What is Lime?

Lime that is used in building is made fromburning Chalk or Limestone in a kiln to formquicklime. The quicklime is then added to waterto form thick putty. The putty is then mixedwith sand to form a lime mortar or with waterand pigment to make a limewash.

How does Lime work?

Both lime mortar and limewash harden by a processcalled Carbonation. During this process waterevaporates from the mix and the lime reacts withthe carbon dioxide in the air forming CalciumCarbonate, which, is chemically and physicallysimilar to the original limestone.

In the past lime was made in small communal kilns,with each farm cluster having one. When the needfor lime increased these small kilns could not keepup with the demand and were replaced by largekilns in quarries that could produce much greaterquantities of lime. The early kilns were usually ofsimple construction, usually a small stone lined holewith a ventilation pipe leading away from them.These were built against a bank or fence to give themen working them suitable height to fill andmanage the kiln, once filled with layers of turf andlimestone, or seashells if one lived near the oceanthe kiln was fired and the huge temperaturesreached at the centre of the kiln were enough toburn the stone. Later around the same time as theintroduction of the quarry kilns turf was replacedwith coal as a fuel.

Lime has been used in building throughout Europefor thousands of years. It was one of the Romanspreferred building materials. It has been used inbuilding in Ireland as a mortar, plaster and ‘wash’right up until the introduction of the more moderncement based mortars. Lime still plays a big part inthe construction industry but is no longer asimportant as it was. Slowly the use of lime mortarsand plasters is becoming more popular as morepeople are looking for natural ‘breathable’materials in the construction of their homes.

Inside 1: Left of Door Inside 3: Opposite doorInside 2: Right of Door

1. Truth hole showing outer layer of wattling with non-splithazel rods.

2. Inner layer wattling of split hazel rods.3. A skim daub consisting of 50% clay 35% lime 15% milled

hemp or straw on the wattle weave.3a. A full coat of daub consisting of 50% clay 35% lime 15%

milled hemp or straw on the wattle weave.

4. Wall segment is made of turf sod. 5. Insulation materials include chopped straw, reed, gorse,

moss, leaves, tannin-rich oak bark, wool, hemp etc.6. 6-12 inches of compacted raw wool with copper sulphate mix

provides a draught proof layer between the roof and the wall.7. Bed outshot or cailleach. The cailleach is usually situated

beside the hearth.

8. Lime wash over thin lime mortar.9. Blue stone copper sulphate, Cu SO4, mixed with lime wash

provides a hygienic anti-bacterial, anti-fungal. Coppersulphate was good for pest control because bugs dislike itand rats and mice are poisoned by it.

10. The plastering on the wall near the fireplace incorporates theshape of the wattle to create alcoves, nooks and crannies.

11. Rafters of ash and oak. 12. Horizontal hazel laths.13. Bog oak crucks. 14. Stone wall including re-used dressed stone from Dromore West,

glacial rounded stones, river rounded stones and local stone.15. The window comes from the workhouse in Dromore West,

Co. Sligo.

16. Wall segment made of clay sod.17. Willow cowl woven in two different styles.18. Length of oak as a mantel strut.19. Fireplace.











House Building A0 9868.indd 1 25/06/2007 14:05:56