Hour Long Warmup #Ellen O’Brien Floorwork Resting o 15 min of constructive rest using Alexander technique o Lying on back, a little head rest, arms wrapped around chest w/ hands on shoulders (or hands on chest to open chest), don’t think o Walk past that tree of chattering monkeys Releasing (Taking Inventory) o Release the belly o Release the low back o Release the tongue and jaw o Release the shoulders o Give in to gravity o Release the muscles of the pelvic floor (opposite of pooping) Breathing o Observe the breath Outgoing relaxes Ingoing energizes Breathe in courage, exhale fear o Exhale on a quiet, voiceless “F” FORWARD PLACEMENT o 3 Deep cleansing breathes on the fluffy “F” o Return to natural breathing o Observe the breath Vocalizing o Exhale on a fluffy “F” and add voiced sound “Fuh- huh” o “Fuh-huh-huh” Warming up the vocal folds o “Hummmmmmmmah” – sustained, forward, vibrate eye sockets Stretching Maintain a touch of sound throughout “Fuh” “Fuhuh” Humumumah”, yawn freely Bring knees up, drop them to left

Hour Long Warmup - Actor's Voice

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Hour Long Warmup#Ellen OBrienFloorwork Resting 15 min of constructive rest using Alexander technique Lying on back, a little head rest, arms wrapped around chest w/ hands on shoulders (or hands on chest to open chest), dont think Walk past that tree of chattering monkeys Releasing (Taking Inventory) Release the belly Release the low back Release the tongue and jaw Release the shoulders Give in to gravity Release the muscles of the pelvic floor (opposite of pooping) Breathing Observe the breath Outgoing relaxes Ingoing energizes Breathe in courage, exhale fear Exhale on a quiet, voiceless F FORWARD PLACEMENT 3 Deep cleansing breathes on the fluffy F Return to natural breathing Observe the breath Vocalizing Exhale on a fluffy F and add voiced sound Fuh-huh Fuh-huh-huh Warming up the vocal folds Hummmmmmmmah sustained, forward, vibrate eye socketsStretching Maintain a touch of sound throughout Fuh Fuhuh Humumumah, yawn freely Bring knees up, drop them to left Drop head to the right Knees right, head left Open book of knees for passive groin stretch Return to constructive rest (knees up) Right knee into chest, hug close and exhale Left knee to chest, hug close and exhale Hold both knees and rock back and forth, around, massage lumbar region of back Cruciform Cross-Body Stretch Knees still up Feldenkrais Arms stretched out in cross Slide right arm across chest to left hand, always in contact, slide back fully open Opposite Do it as fast as you can back and forth Dig heels into ground, then towards your face, back and forth, should end up nodding yes while its happening Side fetal position Roll onto stomach Stretch neck and cheek by laying your head on one cheek, then switch Stretches all 7 bones (cervical) that are attached to your cranium Move into kneeling fetal position Reach arms out in front and stretch (baby pose), move head towards floor at all times All fours, neutral table Rotate hands and get stretch in forearm Alternate between cat and cow In pushup, rotate spine like its a jump-rope Add Fitzmorris in floorwork (tremoring) Move from all fours into Fitzmorris spine and shoulder release Table position, hands beneath shoulders, knees beneath hips Lift spine up between shoulderblades like a straight iron pole Drop it Remember to releaseTremors All fours arm tremor Planking Downward facing dog, pedaling feet Bend elbows in and towards the thighs Pitch the weight forward, knees off the floor slightly TREMOR BREATHE Side fetal position with hands as pillow and yawn (Resting is super important, or you get tense) Roll onto back, stretch, scrunch and stretch, starfish Relax, starfish, relax, starfish, give into gravity Fitzmorris hammock On back, feet on floor, knees bent, lift hips a fingers width off the floor Cobra tremor (on stomach, pushing torso up from ground) Bow tremor (on stomach, reach behind to feet, make body into boat) Fitzmorris dying cockroach Legs and arms straight up Grab toes, push heels towards ceiling Press towards back wall Can let go of toes, stretch All fours table, rock back into frog w/ heavy head Walk hands to feet, lift hips, straighten legs, then back into frog Frog crow headstand Walk hands back, hang from hips, sacral hang Slowly roll up spine (Linklater) come to standingStanding Stack your domes (arches of feet, pelvis, chest, mouth, cranium) Look over left shoulder, right shoulder, head straight down, lift back up Velvet rope arms or spaghetti arms (flop them around uselessly, just move shoulders) Standing tremor lean back at knees and hips, hold arms out Spiderman stand feet and head against wall, arms all the way up, lift arms away from wall while keeping head against wall Remember to BREATHE even while doing stuff, and vocalize! Standing, yawning, lifting heart, looking at horizon Inventory tongue, jaw, belly, lower back, shoulders, pelvic floor Samurai stance (wide strong knees) cow and cat (arch and curve back) Warming the body Countertorsion Samurai pose (lean right in low samurai pose, inhale while turning head to left, travel left while not lifting hips or turning staying on one plane, exhale while turning body to match head, repeat) 9 attitudes Reverse undulation (follow bug up ceiling, above head, falls onto chest, goes down leg, across floor, up wall) Undulation (flow to sacral hang, energy goes up body, first pops knees, second time pops hips, then chest, then head, then all) Swinging clubs (hand up to sky, let gravity take it down and swing in front of face, go around back of head and then lift back up to sky. One hand does each setRelaxing the Face A thousand mosquitos on the face BIG BIG BIG tiny tiny tiny (cat butt) Horse lips (hpppp) Brrrrr Horse driving a motor boat (back and forth) Drop the jaw (village idiot) Take thumbs and gently massage tongue root Home alone (hands sweep down jaw, huge open face) Lean over and shake face and tongue like gargling waterOpening the Throat Clearing/opening the channel Massaging the neck in the back In the front, with kitten mittens and baby fingers, move trachea Lift the velum (sail) Darth Vader (koh) Chewing gum Yawn and stretchGrowing and Freeing the Breath Inhale, exhale, observe the breath, etc. Inventory, release Lift one arm up and stretch over the other side, stretch your side, pound (pat) out your side with your floppy hand, both sides Warming the body with the diagonals (reach, reach, reach, reach) Slackjawed gorilla (Uhhhhh while pounding chest) Massage nose to left, to right, massage face gently Siren up and down on ng Y Buzz Eeeeeeeee (forward placement, hard palate is making a buzz), guy who invented it would say yahyahyahyah instead of Eeeee Go through vowels Eeeeeayyyyyyyahhhhhhh Fiiiii fiiiiii fooooo fummmm Robot voice Please dont leave me, I need you Please leave immediately Leave me alone I dont need this grief Deep green seas bring feelings of relief Choir boy (falsetto) fohConsonant Sounds T t t t t t t t t t tah | d d d d d d d d d d dah | t t t tah | d d d dah S sah | z zah (noise Ss) R rah | l lah (shit) Th tha | the tha F fah | v vah P pah | b bah H h h h happy M mah | n nah Ruh-ruh-ruh-ring-ing-ing-ing Sh sha | zh zhah Ch cha | j jah K kah | g gah Uh-huh is your real voiceTongue Twisters Rubber baby buggy bumper Handy dandy Canadian candy Coco couldnt get a coconut cookie in the congo The hours of our orations are ordered by our oldsters To sit in solemn silence

Gary Logan, Kirsta, Linklater, Martha, Arthur Lessak, Sicilty Barry (running around saying monologue), Patsy Rodenburg, Jacque La Coque, Dody de Santo, Chris Cherry, Edith Skinner, Darrell James

26 min Nasa nap

Awareness of body in space proprioception

My tongue is always at roof of my mouth, tongue tension