JULY 2010 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 1 Hotline Hotline Hotline Hotline is the official publication of District 25 Toastmasters, serving members throughout DREAM DISCOVER BELIEVE ACHIEVE SUCCEED We all join Toastmasters for different reasons. Some of us join for social reasons, because our friends are participating in the organi- zation. Some of us join because someone asked us or dragged us to our first meeting and then we are hooked. Most of us join to be make ourselves better. Only after you have been a member for a little while do you realize that this organization is not only about developing the individual; it is about people coming together to help each other become the best individuals that we can be. We continually strive to be better for our families, friends, co-workers and to be better mem- bers of our society. So how do we go about accomplishing this? One of the most effective ways is to become better communicators and leaders. As fellow members of District 25 we are here because we believe we can accomplish this and live out our dreams. Our District this year will challenge us to always DREAM, DISCOVER, BELIEVE, ACHIEVE, SUCCEED! This theme is based on a few quotes from Mark Twain. He said “whatever the mind can con- ceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” “Twenty five years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” “Human nature is the same everywhere; it deifies success, it has nothing but scorn for defeat.” We all DREAM and we aspire to live out our dreams in best way we know how. To be vi- sionaries, we must visualize what our dreams are and figure out how to realize them. In the path to realizing our dreams, we must DISCOVER who we are and what we want to achieve out of life. We journey within ourselves, but we do not journey alone. We rely on those around us to realize our what our talents are and what we have to offer the world around us. Only when we BELIEVE in ourselves, our talents, and dreams can we accomplish great things. When our fellow members believe in us and give us positive reinforcement, we are able to believe in ourselves and our ability to change. Only then can we influence others to achieve greatness. To enjoy helping others ACHIEVE their dreams is the mark of a true leader. To reach opti- mal success is not only realizing your dreams but helping those around you to achieve suc- cess. Once you have helped others to achieve, then and only then will you realize the ultimate goal … to SUCCEED! ………………………………………………….. David Martin, DTM - District 25 Governor Columns and advice: Dream, Discover, Believe ……………….1 An Incredible Year ………………………….2 Education & Training ……………………..3 Marketing ……………………………………..4 Outstanding Officer Nominations …….5 It’s Contest Time …………………………...6 Celebrate The Night ………………………12 Contact Us …………………………………...14 Opportunities to participate: Celebrate the Night ………………………..6 Test Speakers Needed …………………...7 TLI ……………………………..………….……...8 Are You The One? ………………………...15 Recognition: New Club Members ………………....9-10 New District Clubs ……………………… 12 Educational Awards …………….....13-14 Dates and Deadlines: June Club Anniversaries ………………...6 Smedley Award ……………………………10 Contest Dates …………………………..….11 Calendar of Events ………………………15 Officer Training Makeup………………...15

Hotline July 2010 Final[1] - D25 Toastmasters · able to believe in ourselves and our ability to change. Only then can we influence others to achieve greatness. To enjoy helping others

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Page 1: Hotline July 2010 Final[1] - D25 Toastmasters · able to believe in ourselves and our ability to change. Only then can we influence others to achieve greatness. To enjoy helping others


HotlineHotlineHotlineHotline is the official publication of District 25 Toastmasters, serving members throughout DREAM DISCOVER BELIEVE ACHIEVE SUCCEED

We all join Toastmasters for different reasons. Some of us join for social reasons, because our friends are participating in the organi-zation. Some of us join because someone asked us or dragged us to our first meeting and then we are hooked. Most of us join to be make ourselves better. Only after you have been a member for a little while do you realize that this organization is not only about developing the individual; it is about people coming together to help

each other become the best individuals that we can be. We continually strive to be better for our families, friends, co-workers and to be better mem-bers of our society. So how do we go about accomplishing this? One of the most effective ways is to become better communicators and leaders. As fellow members of District 25 we are here because we believe we can accomplish this and live out our dreams. Our District this year will challenge us to always DREAM, DISCOVER, BELIEVE, ACHIEVE, SUCCEED! This theme is based on a few quotes from Mark Twain. He said “whatever the mind can con-ceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” “Twenty five years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” “Human nature is the same everywhere; it deifies success, it has nothing

but scorn for defeat.” We all DREAM and we aspire to live out our dreams in best way we know how. To be vi-sionaries, we must visualize what our dreams are and figure out how to realize them. In the path to realizing our dreams, we must DISCOVER who we are and what we want to achieve out of life. We journey within ourselves, but we do not journey alone. We rely on those around us to realize our what our talents are and what we have to offer the world around us. Only when we BELIEVE in ourselves, our talents, and dreams can we accomplish great things. When our fellow members believe in us and give us positive reinforcement, we are able to believe in ourselves and our ability to change. Only then can we influence others to achieve greatness. To enjoy helping others ACHIEVE their dreams is the mark of a true leader. To reach opti-mal success is not only realizing your dreams but helping those around you to achieve suc-cess. Once you have helped others to achieve, then and only then will you realize the ultimate goal … to SUCCEED!

………………………………………………….. David Martin, DTM - District 25 Governor

Columns and advice:

Dream, Discover, Believe ……………….1

An Incredible Year ………………………….2

Education & Training ……………………..3

Marketing ……………………………………..4

Outstanding Officer Nominations …….5

It’s Contest Time …………………………...6

Celebrate The Night ………………………12

Contact Us …………………………………...14

Opportunities to participate:

Celebrate the Night ………………………..6

Test Speakers Needed …………………...7

TLI ……………………………..………….……...8

Are You The One? ………………………...15


New Club Members ………………....9-10

New District Clubs ……………………… 12

Educational Awards …………….....13-14

Dates and Deadlines:

June Club Anniversaries ………………...6

Smedley Award ……………………………10

Contest Dates …………………………..….11

Calendar of Events ………………………15

Officer Training Makeup………………...15

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2 Hotline



An Incredible Year! David McCallister, DTM Immediate Past District 25 Governor Wow! What an incredible year! As a result of the hard work and dedication of each member and club, our district achieved its mission. The member is the very core of our organization. Without members we have no clubs, and

without clubs we have no district. From the beginning I wasn’t quite sure how the theme would be received much less applied if people didn’t understand the meaning behind it. Throughout the year, I quietly watched and observed our ordinary everyday leaders do extraordinary things. Individuals stepped outside of their comfort zone and not only set goals, but achieved goals. Our members were challenged to make a personal commitment to achieving a goal, and many stepped up to the plate. Over two hundred and fifty people made the commitment in the last three months to finish what they started. Those members have achieved personal growth and continue to reach for success along their journey. Even though my journey as District Governor has ended, I can say the experience was very rewarding. Yes, our district achieved Presidents Distinguished, one of only six in the world. Yes, our district achieved the highest percentage of education awards and was also ranked number four in the world. Yes, for the first time in our sixty year history, all thirty areas and divisions were distinguished or better and over eighty percent of our clubs were distinguished or better – one of only four districts worldwide to have achieved this. Yes, eve-ry record achieved in previous years was shattered across the board. That is simply amazing. All of this hap-pened because our club and district leaders not only heard but applied the theme, Remember the Member. Yes, all of those accomplishments are incredible. But what amazes me is watching our members continue to grow and transform, achieving things perhaps they never expected to achieve. Someone asked me why I wanted to be District Governor. Actually, it was never something I set out to do; it just happened. I saw the

potential of what was already good and wanted to be a part of making it even better. So, I raised my hand, and five years later I stand here on my journey. Simply put, I told this individual that the reason I do this is to see people unlock their potential and achieve great things. I’ve watched shy individuals that once would-n’t say five words blossom to corporate trainers that lead sessions while effectively communicating to their

Congratulations District 25 on achieving Presidents Distinguished District

On Saturday July 17, International President Gary Schmidt, DTM notified us that our District is Presidents Distinguished; one of only six in the world. On behalf of David, Diana, and Peggy, thank you to each and every member that contributed to this success. The journey has been long but very rewarding. I am so proud of each member and club for their commitment to excellence and keeping that commitment. It simply amazing what can be accomplished when we all remember the member. Read the official announce-ment: http://www.toastmasters.org/Members/News/Announcements/2010DistinguishedDistricts.aspx

David McCallister, DTM Immediate Past District Governor 2009-2010

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Let me introduce the education and training team to you….. Diana Patton, DTM Lt. Governor Education & Training Welcome to a brand new Toastmasters year! Your District 25 leadership has put together an incredible education and training team to support you and your club in the year ahead. The purpose of the team is to provide club officers and members with the best training possi-ble so that each member and club has the necessary tools and training to meet and exceed its goals. Hopeful-ly each and every club in District 25 has worked on its club success plan. This plan for success should be unique to each club. Our team is already in action to assist you. We have met on numerous occasions to develop and implement a plan for fulfilling our responsibility to our members. I would like to introduce the fantastic leaders on our Dis-trict 25 education and training team for 2010-2011. Steve Charters is the Training Chair for the summer training season. He worked with Bonne Stroman last training season to learn the ropes. Mariam Durrani is working with Steve to be prepared to be our Training Chair in the fall/winter. Our first Toastmaster Leadership Institute (TLI) at Texas Christian University on June 26 was a huge success, followed by another even larger crowd at Allstate in Irving on July 16. Our thanks go to the TCU and Inner Voice Toastmasters for hosting our TLIs. Area and Division contest dates have been set, and plans are being made for contest locations and flyer prepa-ration. Your Area Governors will soon convey that information to you if they have not already done so. Dean Lampman, your Contest Quality Chair, will be having training sessions at the full TLIs this training sea-son as well as during the fall/winter to encourage each club to conduct club speech contests. Contests this fall are Humorous and Speech Evaluation. Check out the district website with dates of area and division contests: http://www.d25toastmasters.org/education/speech_contests.htm Susanne Nickerson completes the contest team as the District Chief Judge. Please consider being a contest judge or chief judge. Training will be offered at full TLI and TLI Lite sessions. We could not have contests without contest chief judges or judges. Fall conference plans are well under way. Our Fall Conference Chair is Debra Sanford. You may get a call from her asking for volunteers in key roles or on the day of the conference. It takes a team of people to make a conference successful. The conference theme is “Live in the Color of Your Dreams”. Make sure you mark your calendar to attend the fall conference on November 19-20 at the Marriott Solana in Westlake, TX. Con-tinue to check back at this site as information will continue to be updated as conference plans develop: http://www.d25toastmasters.org/conference/index.htm Now is the time to “dream, discover, believe, achieve, succeed” and make you and your club the best you can be. As your Lt. Governor Education and Training, I am here to help each one of you by providing quality training, contests, and district conferences. My goal is to assist each and every club be a success according to its club success plan. One way, of course, is to work the Distinguished Club Program. What better time to plan for success than at the beginning of a new year?




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The Icebreaker

Bonne Stroman, DTM Lt. Governor Marketing In a recent speech, an experienced Toastmaster noted that in an Icebreaker, we usually talk about where we’ve been, where we are now, and where we are going. What followed was an inspiring speech about his journey through life, the support he had found in Toastmasters, and his belief that our Toastmasters fellowship had helped him along life’s way.

Now Toastmasters never pass up a great idea. As your new Lt. Governor Marketing, I would like to use this Icebreaker format to talk about District 25’s marketing efforts: where we have been, where we are now, and where we are going. Where We’ve Been

Toastmasters’ marketing efforts focus on “Members and Clubs, Members and Clubs.” During the 2010-11 Toastmasters year, our marketing team, under the leadership of Lt. Gov. Marketing Diana Patton, did a great job of growing both “Members and Clubs.” District 25 increased our membership payments base (the total number of member payments for the two six-month payment periods) by 117.2%! And the district increased from 127 clubs to 141, or a total of 111% over our base! In other words, we are coming off of a fantastic year in District 25! Our clubs, by maintaining or increasing membership, and our marketing team, by assisting in chartering new clubs and serving as demo meeting participants, sponsors, and mentors, helped the district achieve stellar success. Many thanks to the “Members and Clubs” whose dedication brought Distinguished status to District 25. Where We Are Now

Several leads for new clubs came about towards the end of the previous year, and a number of these formative clubs have had demo meetings and will soon become newly chartered clubs. And the leads keep coming in! Since the start of the new Toastmasters year July 1st, we have had 8 new club leads that we are pursuing. We will soon be setting up demo meetings for these prospective clubs and will need helpers in the support roles of toastmaster, general evaluator, evaluator, and speaker. We will also need sponsors and mentors for these clubs. We are establishing our marketing team to assist in these leadership roles. We are holding training ses-sions for Club Sponsor/Mentor/Coach at our full TLIs. We are hosting a series of workshops for those who want to help with the District’s marketing efforts. We invite all interested members to attend and find out how your expertise can help the district achieve success. Where We Are Going

Toastmasters International sets minimum goals for each district to increase membership payments by 2% and number of clubs by 3%. As you can see from last year’s statistics, District 25 is never satisfied with the mini-mum. Ideally, we would like to have one new club for each of the 30 areas in our District so that each area can be Presidents Distinguished. And we would like for each club to add new members so that the benefits of Toastmasters can be extended to others. If we truly believe that Toastmasters is a dynamic program by which we can achieve our goals, enhance our communications skills, and build leadership for the future, we will all want to see Toastmasters flourish throughout our district, our nation, and our world. To sign up to help on the District 25 Marketing Team, contact Bonne Stroman.

[email protected] 817-597-5156

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5 Hotline



I have a FREE GIFT for you today. No, really… it’s free! Right here, in this newsletter article. Keep read-ing… I’m going to ask you a few questions. First, have you ever heard of the Toastmasters MAGIC FAIRY? No? Of course not! He/she doesn’t exist! Nope, those are REAL LIVE HUMANS in your Club who left work early to attend Executive Committee meetings every month. They ‘magically’ set up the meeting room so it was neat and inviting for members and guests. They ‘magically’ proofread the newsletter, ordered supplies, kept records of who did and won what awards, put together inspiring thoughts to give variety to the Club meetings instead of the ‘same old same old’, remembered the name of the guy/gal who visited several meetings ago and made sure that he/she got personal attention yet again. And… they did it week after week, coming to the Club despite the fact that they were worn out from a hard day at work or that they really wanted to sleep in instead of going to that TLI. And… they did it all for FREE! Second: What do your officers REALLY want? The great motivational author/speaker Dale Carnegie put it best: “There is no sweeter sound, in the English language, than the sound of one’s own name.” He knew that “people are not creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” Third: What would you do if YOU had the power to really, truly ‘FIRE UP’ those outstanding, motivating officers even more? You may have thanked them at the Club level – good idea! So… how about SHOUT-ING their names from the ROOFTOPS? Wouldn’t it be great if they went to your Area Speech Contest, and a District Officer announced their names as the BEST officers in your Area? Best in your Division? Best in ALL of District 25? Finally: What if you could do all of that in just 5 MINUTES, from start to finish? Here’s how… Carpe diem, fellow Toastmasters... SEIZE THE DAY! When you click on the freebie that I promised you above, you’ll go to the Nomination Page for Outstanding Club Officers for the immediate past six months – January through June 2010. It’ll walk you through the process of filling in the blanks and pull-down menus with the basic information. THEN… you’ll be ready to answer the BIG question: “Why does your candidate deserve this award?” In other words, what did he/she do that was above and beyond the basic requirements of their offices? Be descriptive, yet concise. Don’t worry too much about form; just let it all out. Have fun with it!

Your enthusiasm will be contagious! Finally, hit “Submit”. You’re done! The freebie? It’s right here. (If it doesn’t work for some reason, go directly to: http://www.nctcog.org/

trans/tm/awards.asp Oh, and one final suggestion: Don’t forget to take your camera along to each Contest. You’ll want to capture the look on each officer’s face as they accept their award! PRICELESS!


NEW DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 5TH http://www.nctcog.org/trans/tm/awards.asp

Happy Toastmastering, Warren R. Ehn, ACS/ALB Dist. 25 Awards Chair

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VxÄxuÜtàx g{x a|z{àVxÄxuÜtàx g{x a|z{àVxÄxuÜtàx g{x a|z{àVxÄxuÜtàx g{x a|z{à Saturday

August 28, 2010

Texas Christian University Dee J. Kelly Alumni Center

2820 Stadium Drive

Fort Worth, TX 76109

Doors Open — 6:00 pm Banquet Begins — 6:30 pm

VxÄxuÜtàx g{x a|z{àVxÄxuÜtàx g{x a|z{àVxÄxuÜtàx g{x a|z{àVxÄxuÜtàx g{x a|z{à Are you a member of District 25 Toastmasters?

VÉÅx VxÄxuÜtàx4VÉÅx VxÄxuÜtàx4VÉÅx VxÄxuÜtàx4VÉÅx VxÄxuÜtàx4 Did you complete a Communications or Leadership manual

Between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010?

VÉÅx VxÄxuÜtàx4VÉÅx VxÄxuÜtàx4VÉÅx VxÄxuÜtàx4VÉÅx VxÄxuÜtàx4 Did your club earn an award during the 2009-2010 Toastmaster year?

VÉÅx VxÄxuÜtàx4VÉÅx VxÄxuÜtàx4VÉÅx VxÄxuÜtàx4VÉÅx VxÄxuÜtàx4 Join us as we celebrate a semi-formal event for individual members and

clubs at our annual District 25 Awards Banquet!

Help us bid farewell as we honor Immediate Past District Governor David McCallister

Tickets — $25.00 each ($30.00 after August 15) TICKETS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR!

SEATING IS LIMITED! Registration deadline is August 22—Please contact Denise with questions at

254-715-2579 or email [email protected]. Online registration:



1327 Daybreakers Club

4353 Alliance Texas Toastmasters

643446 AAFCU Flying Toasters Club

1061346 Public Health Speakers

1336005 Conservative Toastmasters Hotline

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7 Hotline


A Speech Contest Call to Action: Dream, Discover, Believe, Achieve,


By Dean Lampman, Contest Quality Chair As District 25’s fall speech contest season approaches, your District Contest Quality Chair encourages you to dream, discover, believe, achieve and succeed.

Dream: “I have a dream” was the foundational phrase of Martin Luther King’s famous civil rights speech in August, 1963. If he were with us today, Dr. King would want us to have big dreams for our fall contest sea-son; he’d know participation offers us a way to sharpen our public speaking and leadership capabilities. He’d

undoubtedly tell us to set our standards high. That might translate to a dream where we’d see representatives from every club in our district competing in both of the two contest categories: humorous speech and speech evaluation. But that’s just one example of a good vision. What else might we see in our fall speech contest dreams? Ideally, we’d find:

• Every contestant well prepared after first competing successfully in a club contest. • Plenty of contest helpers and judges working together to ensure a fair, efficient contest. • An engaging theme with appropriate decorations and refreshments for a fun event. • A room-capacity crowd of fellow Toastmasters and honored guests laughing with and cheering on

the contestants — enjoying all that makes us proud to be Toastmasters. Discover: As French novelist Andre Gide said, “One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a long time.” A speech contest offers participants (especially competitors and the Con-test Chair) a chance to stretch beyond their comfort zones and, in doing so, gain or strengthen skills. Consid-erable time and effort goes into contests, but when run properly, they can showcase the abilities of our best, brightest speakers and leaders. So now is the time for clubs to hold their contests to find out who will repre-sent them at area contests. It’s also time for area leaders and those named as Area Contest Chair to work through their contest planning checklists. Discover what’s possible when teams truly collaborate! Believe: “Some things have to be believed to be seen.” English Poet Ralph Hodgson provided that profound twist on a popular phrase. How often have you experienced the phenomenon of self-fulfilling prophecy? Can you see yourself winning your club and area contests? If so, you’ve taken the first step towards your goal. If not, good luck. You may need it. As Contest Chair, can you envision receiving accolades for a job well done? If so, that’s a good place to start. If not, add another task — attitude adjustment — to your checklist. Achieve: Your journey to contest success, in whatever form that means for you, isn’t likely to be a free or easy path. It requires good old-fashioned work — at times exhilarating and at other times exhausting. Either way, embrace your part of the work as a necessary step in a growth process. While it’s true that the best help-ing hand you’ll ever find is the one at the end of your own wrist, it’s also a fact that speech contests are team projects. You’ll do yourself and your club or area a favor if you involve your Toastmaster colleagues early and often. Please don’t hesitate to contact me, too. I’ll do my best to help. And if I can’t address your issue personally, I’ll seek out others for further assistance. Succeed: It’s a simple proposition, really. Your success will reflect fully the extent of your individual and team efforts. So just do your part and see what happens. Don’t be surprised if your outcomes exceed even your best expectations. So, here’s my question: Are you ready to dream, discover, believe, achieve and succeed this contest season? Your opportunity is on the horizon. Seize it and savor your results!

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T es t S p e a k e r s

To provide support to District 25 Area & Division contests with resource of speakers for their evaluation contests.


Travel to exotic Areas & Divisions outside your club’s Territory! Gain valuable speaking experience!

Receive Manual Speech Credit towards your CC/AC Award Evaluations improve your speaking skills!

Sign up today! www.d25toastmasters.org/education/testspeaker


Contact: Dean Lampman - [email protected]

Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI)

Does your club want to earn this awesome ribbon for your club’s banner?

⇒ Have all your club’s officers been trained in their various duties? ⇒ Do you want to attend inspirational and educational Toastmaster sessions? ⇒ Do you want to network with fellow Toastmasters? ⇒ Do you need supplies or manuals from the Toastmasters store? ⇒ Do you want to learn what other Toastmaster clubs are doing to be successful?


Check the schedule on the D25 Website

http://www.d25toastmasters.org/tli/index.htm (Click on the above link)


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Welcome to Toastmasters! June 2010 New Members

9 Hotline


Monica Aguilar Chase A-Team Luisa Almodovar Chase A-Team Morris Alucheri Chase A-Team Leidy Anderson Chase A-Team Clinton Anderson Waco Wordsmiths Cindy Ante Chase A-Team David Antonelli First Command Stuart Bailey Chase A-Team Robert Baird Conservative Toastmasters Rose Baird Conservative Toastmasters Katy Baker HEB Toastmasters Brandon Beall Technically Speaking Brian Bedsole Top Notch Toastmasters - TNT Eric Birge Granite Park Toastmasters Gavin Boone Chase A-Team Sheryl Bowie Young Street Yappers Sonya Bradley HEB Toastmasters Kathryn Breece Denton Toastmasters Lou Brewer Public Health Speakers Daniel Briggs Excellence in the Speaking Arts Christine Brockman Clearly Speaking Toastmasters Paula Brokow Six Twenty Nine Teddy Brown Six Twenty Nine Vanessa Brown Toast of Texas Beth Brown Conservative Toastmasters Matt Byars Star-Telegram Maria Cameron Southlake Reach for Success Jack Camp AAFCU Flying Toasters Jonna Chambers Clearly Speaking Toastmasters Constance Couch Chase A-Team Kim Courter AAFCU Flying Toasters Kim Couter Bell Helicopter Marjeta Daja Ryan Plaza Mehdi Dashti Energizers Toastmasters Alfreda Davis Chase A-Team Jonathan Dedrick EDS-Trinity Pamela Dorrough Power Communicators Kathleen Draper Denton Toastmasters Don Earp Bell Helicopter Matthew Edmonson First Command Ann Edwards AAFES Toastmasters Jeff Edwards Nissan Toastmasters Marilyn Ellis DFWAE Toastmasters Aracely Emmett Lonestar Toastmasters Cindy Everson Texas Toasters David Faminu Toasting for Excellence Michael Fanelli Grand Prairie Toastmasters Ayman Farchoukh Energizers Toastmasters Wayne Fields Waco Wordsmiths Anita Forester ATG Toastmasters Kimberly Freeney T-Toasters Angela Freytag Waco Wordsmiths Nakia Fuller Toasting for Excellence Robert Gaut Power Communicators Carolina Gautam Chase A-Team Richard Goen Siemens DFW Toastmasters Gabriel Gomez Chase A-Team Ignacio Gonzalez Phi Rappa Yappa Chetan Goyal Connection Communicators Jan Green Chase A-Team

Nancy Hallman BNSF Expressed Curtis Harold Manna Toastmasters John Harrell Quicksilver Express David Harris EDS-Trinity Jeanne Hawkins AAFES Toastmasters Sean Hays HEB Toastmasters Paul Hedgpeth United Communicators Margaret Henson Waco Wordsmiths Armando Hernandez Plus-Two Toastmasters Gregory Herriott Big T Toastmasters Cynthia Hinckley Medtronic Toasters Sharon Hogg AAFES Toastmasters Joshua Holman Fish Pond Christine Hudson Las Colinas Communicators Milton Hudson Las Colinas Communicators Stacey Hula HEB Toastmasters Alan Hunn Nissan Toastmasters Hugh Jackson Grand Prairie Toastmasters Steve Jacobsen HEB Toastmasters Jim Jameson Bell Helicopter Stephanie Jeffers ATG Toastmasters Jim Jeter ATG Toastmasters Kristy Johnson Quicksilver Express Jennifer Johnson Six Twenty Nine Michael Johnston Pro A.M. Toastmasters Alanna Jones Arlington Nooners Teresa Jorden Granite Park Toastmasters Linda Jorgensen AAFES Toastmasters Cindy Joseph Granite Park Toastmasters Mark Kiefer Ryan Plaza Anita Knight Technically Speaking Sherry Kramer Connection Communicators Todd Kramer Heart of Texas Bridge Gappers Edward Lange HEB Toastmasters Jo Larkins Lonestar Toastmasters Phyllis Latham AAFES Toastmasters Loc Le Texas Wesleyan Spellbinders Lisa Lee Toast of Texas John Leonard Thumbs Up Toastmasters Judy Lewis Chase A-Team Tania Lewis Top Notch Toastmasters Dorothy Little AAFES Toastmasters Cristian Lopez Lake Vista Toastmasters Rose Madrid Medtronic Toasters Rasesh Maniar Las Colinas Communicators Todd Marble Thumbs Up Toastmasters Erin Marckwardt AAFES Toastmasters Araceli Martinez Burleson Toastmasters JoeAnn May TCU Toastmasters Jennifer Mazur Las Colinas Communicators Phillip McCoy Lonestar Toastmasters Kerry McGeath Southlake Reach for Success Ida McKinley Texas Toasters Clayton McQuage Burleson Toastmasters Jim Melfi Ryan Plaza Charles Mencke Top Notch Toastmasters Pamela Morgan Weatherford Linda Morris AAFES Toastmasters Rondina Muncy Southlake Evening Durras Nared Texas Toasters

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Welcome to Toastmasters! June 2010 New Members




Lori Nigh Top Notch Toastmasters Tabatha Offutt-Powell Public Health Speakers Stella Ogunleye Nissan Toastmasters Quincy Opdycke Weatherford Bruce Orr Fly to Excellence Cheri Overs AllianceTexas Toastmasters Stephanie Parker Chase A-Team David Partain Waco Wordsmiths Brendon Payne Northwest Tarrant Jenna Pecor Toast of Texas Rey Perkins Pro A.M. Toastmasters Cynthia Pfledderer Southlake Reach for Success Lauren Pham AAFES Toastmasters Diana Pittman Speaking With Class Julie Punches EDS-Trinity Pete Quentin Chase A-Team Dennis Regan Clearly Speaking Toastmasters Reagan Renner Manna Toastmasters Roy Richards Chase A-Team Stephanie Ricker Texas Toasters Jamey Rider Medtronic Toasters Phillip Ristau Southlake Reach for Success Shannon Robards AAFES Toastmasters Martha Roe Six Twenty Nine Cherie Rudolph-Feasley Las Colinas Communicators Edber Ruiz Chase A-Team Darla Ruiz Star-Telegram Karen Sanuw Heart of Texas Bridge Gappers Joseph Schaeffer Bell Helicopter Christine Scott Waco Wordsmiths

Wayne Sekerke Medtronic Toasters Denise Shirlee Young Street Yappers Milli Smith Toast of Texas Dwayne Smith Nissan Toastmasters Rita Smith Longhorn Toastmasters Sathish Sundaramoorthy Oration Plus Toastmasters Karen Talbert Toast the Blues Toastmasters Tiffany Tallie-Jackson Chase A-Team Karin Taylor AAFES Toastmasters Carl Thomas Daybreakers Charlotte Thomas Nissan Toastmasters Matt Thompson Clearly Speaking Toastmasters Rosita Timmons Afterburners Steven Timmons Afterburners Jennifer Tucker Southlake Reach for Success Brandy Tyson Texas Toasters Eduardo Uribe Ryan Plaza Marilyn Van Zandt Bell Helicopter Kenneth vanderHorst Waco Wordsmiths See Vang Toast of Texas Abe Varughese HEB Toastmasters Darrell Vickers Heart of Texas Bridge Gappers Tonie Volcy Chase A-Team Dale Walker Nissan Toastmasters Anthony Warenskjold Bell Helicopter Carla White Plus-Two Toastmasters Ralph White Excellence in the Speaking Arts Heather Williams Toast the Blues Toastmasters Jean-Pierre Yoboue ATG Toastmasters Werner Zorman Connection Communicators


August 1 August 1 August 1 August 1 –––– September 30September 30September 30September 30

Now that your club has Beat the Clock and added new members in May and June, it’s time to gear up for another membership building contest! The Smedley Award is in honor of the founder of Toastmas-ters, Ralph Smedley. This contest provides an opportunity for your club to revitalize membership, come together to achieve a common goal through teamwork and be recognized and rewarded in the process.

By adding five new, dual or reinstated members to your club in August or September, the club will receive a special Smedley Award ribbon to display on your club’s banner, as well as one item of your choice from The Successful Club Series, The Better Speaker Series, The Successful Club Series, The Better Speaker Series, The Successful Club Series, The Better Speaker Series, The Successful Club Series, The Better Speaker Series, or The Leadership ExcellenceThe Leadership ExcellenceThe Leadership ExcellenceThe Leadership Excellence

SeriesSeriesSeriesSeries. . . . Please remember, members must have a join date of August or September to make your club eligible for this award. Additional information regarding this contest, as well as other membership

building contests, is available in TI’s membership programs flier (Item 1620).

A special thank you to those that provided locations for

Toastmaster Leadership Institute training sessions:

⇒ Baylor – Waco ⇒ TCU – Ft Worth ⇒ Allstate – Irving ⇒ Texas Wesleyan University – Ft Worth

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11 Hotline


Warren Ehn article

Don’t know what area your club is in ?

Go to the District website to find out


2101 Fall Contest Schedule by Area/Division Humorous and Speech Evaluation Speech Contests

Area Governor Date Day Contest

11 McAdams 9-Oct Sat Evening

12 Hudgins 25-Sep Sat Morning

13 Morgan 11-Sep Sat Morning

14 Nigh 24-Sep Fri Evening

15 Cravins 16-Sep Thu Evening

21 Zimmerman 17-Sep Fri Evening

22 Toombs 21-Oct Thu Evening

23 Cole 8-Oct Fri Evening

24 Ashford 16-Oct Sat Evening

25 Sokol 15-Oct Fri Evening

31 TBD 23-Sep Thu Evening

32 Loney 9-Oct Sat Morning

33 Turner 9-Oct Sat Afternoon

34 K. Boepple 16-Oct Sat Afternoon

35 S. Boepple 16-Oct Sat Morning

Area Governor Date Day Contest

41 Lenox 18-Sep Sat Morning

42 Vance 18-Sep Sat Afternoon

43 Garcia 2-Oct Sat Evening

44 Heinzman 2-Oct Sat Morning

45 Fanimokun 14-Oct Thu Evening

51 Kincaid 25-Sep Sat Evening

52 Agbese 11-Sep Sat Evening

53 Liptak 22-Oct Fri Evening

54 Adams 9-Sep Thu Evening

55 Mann 30-Sep Thu Evening

61 Stoick 10-Sep Fri Evening

62 Bark 1-Oct Fri Evening

63 Beene 2-Oct Sat Afternoon

64 Mims 25-Sep Sat Afternoon

65 Buckley 7-Oct Thu Evening

Div. Governor Date Day Contest

A Quick 6-Nov Sat 3:00 PM

B Walker 5-Nov Fri 7:00 PM

C Perez 30-Oct Sat Morning

D Hansen 6-Nov Sat 10:00 AM

E Hinckley 30-Oct Sat Afternoon

F Leake 29-Oct Fri 7:00 PM

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Chase A-Team

Club #1504200 Division C- Area 31

Chase 4501 New York Ave. Arlington, TX 76018

Thursday, 2:30 PM Corporate Club

Welcome New Club to District 25 Toastmasters—June 2010!

Flower Mound Toastmasters

Club #1476720 Division F- Area 62

First United Methodist Church 3950 Bruton Orand Blvd. Flower Mound, TX 75022

Every other Thurs., 7:00 PM

Open Club

Stoneridge Toastmasters

Club #1521025 Division D- Area 44

AAFES 8901 Autobahn Dr. Dallas, TX 75237

Tuesday, 2:00 PM Corporate Club





Celebrate the Night Do you know where you will be on Saturday, August 28th? Come join us as we recognize individuals and clubs that have achieved education and leadership goals from July 1, 2009 thru June 30, 2010. Our theme this year is “Celebrate the Night” and what a night it will be! This spectacular evening will be held at the beautiful Dee J. Kelly Alumni Center at Texas Christian University and will be filled with lively music, delicious food and warm camaraderie. Also, we will be bidding a fond farewell to our Immediate Past District Gov-ernor David McCallister in a fiery roast and once properly “cinched” will honor him with a

tribute for a successful year as a President’s Distinguished District Governor. For those clubs that have 8 members/guests, we will provide reserved seating with your club’s name prominently displayed on the table. This is an opportunity for you to dress in your finest semi-formal at-tire. Ladies are encouraged to wear “After 5” and gentlemen to be dapperly groomed in coat and tie. Last year, we sold out ahead of the event and because of our tremendous year, expect to be sold out even earlier. The cost for this fantastic evening is $25.00 if purchased before August 15th. Ensure your attend-ance by registering online today at www.d25toastmasters.org. See you there………..

Pat Quick Awards Banquet Chair

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Club Div. Area Award Date Club

1440249 A 15 CC 6/23 George F. Arndt Northwest Tarrant Toastmasters

5718 F 65 CC 6/24 Alison M. Attanasio Motorola

3692 E 52 CC 6/18 Irene H. Barnard Lakeside

621025 F 64 CC 6/8 Jennifer C Bevans Keller Communicators

6332 C 33 CC 6/15 Sara D. Boepple Grand Prairie Toastmasters

7694 C 32 CC 6/29 Chuck Burke MidCities Achievers

114 C 32 CC 6/17 Maria Cadic Fly to Excellence

7351 D 42 CC 6/30 Richard Child Fish Pond

6191 F 61 CC 6/24 Gary Yuan Chiu Afterburners

771978 B 24 CC 6/25 Chandita Choudhury Connection Communicators

771978 B 24 CC 6/25 Mahmood S Chowdhry Connection Communicators

6191 F 61 CC 6/26 Linda Coleman Afterburners

7694 C 32 CC 6/24 Peggy A. Corino MidCities Achievers

7277 D 43 CC 6/21 Denise Corley Baylor Orators Toastmasters

643446 C 32 CC 6/30 Kim Courter AAFCU Flying Toasters

3178 F 61 CC 6/29 Jack J. Dale Longhorn Toastmasters

1440249 A 15 CC 6/23 Brenda Daniels Northwest Tarrant Toastmasters

1082726 A 12 CC 6/24 Jennifer Dodd Medtronic Toasters

676842 D 43 CC 6/3 Mary L. Feltman Heart of Texas Bridge Gappers

643446 C 32 CC 6/2 Suzy J Finigan AAFCU Flying Toasters

1184 C 33 CC 6/29 Abdillahi Foum Expressionaires

897575 F 61 CC 6/15 Jen Friedberg Star-Telegram

7274 E 55 CC 6/29 Shannon Gann Unique Toastmasters At Vista Ridge

1071 A 13 CC 6/4 Dawn Garrett Abilene Toastmasters

879088 F 65 CC 6/16 Arnold T Glasford BNSF Expressed Toastmasters

5496 A 11 CC 6/7 Jeremy L. Good Cowtown Toastmasters

3178 F 61 CC 6/30 Jacquelyne Griffin Longhorn Toastmasters

3546 D 42 CC 6/4 James Bradley Hansen Waco - Early Birds

7351 D 42 CC 6/30 Raymond Harper Fish Pond

2008 A 15 CC 6/17 George Frank Hellstern Quicksilver Express Toastmasters

4538 C 33 CC 6/17 Peggy J. Holloway Power Communicators Toastmasters

1061347 F 62 CC 6/18 Yvette M. Jones Public Health Speakers

1061347 F 62 CC 6/18 Vanessa Joseph Public Health Speakers

4225 B 22 CC 6/23 Clay G. Kiesling Shining Stars

2975 F 65 CC 6/28 Edward J. King BNSF Toastmasters

1327 A 13 CC 6/14 Mary L. Korona Daybreakers

7277 D 43 CC 6/18 Sandi L. Lane Baylor Orators Toastmasters

778421 E 55 CC 6/30 Cristian Lopez Lake Vista Toastmasters

1002109 D 43 CC 6/11 Russell William Mailen Waco Wordsmiths

5297 F 63 CC 6/1 David Martin Golden Triangle Toastmasters

1082726 A 12 CC 6/30 David McCallister Medtronic Toasters

7514 C 31 CC 6/7 Denise M McConnell Arlington Nooners Toastmasters

5496 A 11 CC 6/21 Ginae B McDonald Cowtown Toastmasters

9595 A 14 CC 6/13 Jeff McFall Tip Top Toastmasters

349 A 11 CC 6/14 Charles Roy Mencke Plus-Two

5496 A 11 CC 6/6 Ricardo Miller Cowtown Toastmasters

5555 A 14 CC 6/25 Marah Nelson TCU Toastmasters

6810 C 32 CC 6/8 Mark Stephen Novak Bell Helicopter

Congratulations to our fellow Competent Communicators


13 Hotline


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JUNE 2010 HALL OF FAME (continued)

778421 E 55 CC 6/30 Jean Ogletree Lake Vista Toastmasters

3178 F 61 CC 6/29 Kathleen J Payamipour Longhorn Toastmasters

6572 F 62 CC 6/28 Aldean T. Pearson Texas Wesleyan Spellbinders

629 B 21 CC 6/30 Diana Elizabeth Pittman Six Twenty Nine

6572 F 62 CC 6/30 Diana Elizabeth Pittman Texas Wesleyan Spellbinders

1082229 E 53 CC 6/3 Marcellus J. Rainey Texas Toasters

3692 E 52 CC 6/27 Bini Rajbhandari Lakeside

594840 A 13 CC 6/25 Ida L Rodriguez Toast the Blues Toastmasters

7407 C 35 CC 6/3 Mary Roth Pro A.M. Toastmasters

3055 E 52 CC 6/20 Amelinda Salas Denton Toastmasters

7514 C 31 CC 6/7 Sophy Sam Arlington Nooners Toastmasters

8055 B 25 CC 6/2 Thomas Saulsberry Las Colinas Communicators

1386263 B 22 CC 6/29 Pamela Saunier Toasting for Excellence

2975 F 65 CC 6/29 Marty A. Schlenker BNSF Toastmasters

4354 F 64 CC 6/14 Rick Sharon AllianceTexas Toastmasters

305 E 51 CC 6/7 Nengwei Tom Shih Wichita Falls

6810 C 32 CC 6/30 Katie Sterling Bell Helicopter

2008 A 15 CC 6/3 Carl T. Stevens Quicksilver Express Toastmasters

1002109 D 43 CC 6/14 Brian Michael Tabaka Waco Wordsmiths

4538 C 33 CC 6/23 Venzula D Tate Power Communicators Toastmasters

692498 D 41 CC 6/28 Katie Roberta Thieme Texas Stars

7694 C 32 CC 6/24 Marshal Tolle MidCities Achievers

778421 E 55 CC 6/30 Rogers R. Vigne Lake Vista Toastmasters

778421 E 55 CC 6/30 Michelyn Washington Lake Vista Toastmasters

6332 C 33 CC 6/28 Claude A. Watson Grand Prairie Toastmasters

3055 E 52 CC 6/17 Lin C. Weinberg Denton Toastmasters

768318 E 53 CC 6/23 Michael Steven Weingartner Speaking With Class

1061347 F 62 CC 6/8 Sherry Williams Public Health Speakers

1336005 E 52 CC 6/8 Michael Zerger Conservative Toastmasters

Club Div. Area Award Date Club

5718 F 65 CL 6/24 John G. Bergs Motorola

760 F 62 CL 6/14 LaDonda Boswell T-Toasters

2564 F 61 CL 6/25 Chris Brosovic Energizers Toastmasters

1184 C 33 CL 6/30 Mark A. Cheeks Expressionaires

1425633 E 54 CL 6/24 Oliver Ray Cozby FNI West End Speakeasy

1440249 A 15 CL 6/23 Brenda Daniels Northwest Tarrant Toastmasters

918987 F 65 CL 6/14 James S. Gaertner Fossil Creek Toastmasters

1137495 B 25 CL 6/2 Catherine Elizabeth Gilstrap Toast Captains

7351 D 42 CL 6/29 Jamie Gipe Fish Pond

3178 F 61 CL 6/30 Jacquelyne Griffin Longhorn Toastmasters

761119 B 23 CL 6/24 Curtis D Harold Manna Toastmasters

5297 F 63 CL 6/30 David Martin Golden Triangle Toastmasters

808279 A 15 CL 6/28 David E. McCallister ATG Toastmasters

1429458 A 11 CL 6/25 David E. McCallister Technology Toasters

706449 D 44 CL 6/8 Taiwo Adeola Olajide Burleson Toastmasters

6497 B 23 CL 6/30 Julie K O'Neal Phi Rappa Yappa

629 B 21 CL 6/30 Diana Elizabeth Pittman Six Twenty Nine

988129 F 64 CL 6/23 Mark E. Rachels Eagle 1

5440 A 13 CL 6/23 Barbara Rollins Clearly Speaking Toastmasters

918987 F 65 CL 6/14 Pamela Salvador Fossil Creek Toastmasters

3006 B 25 CL 6/24 Gary M. Samuelson Oration Plus Toastmasters

2008 A 15 CL 6/18 Carl T. Stevens Quicksilver Express Toastmasters

2008 A 15 CL 6/25 Michael David Stewart Quicksilver Express Toastmasters

5297 F 63 CL 6/30 Mary Walker Golden Triangle Toastmasters

4355 A 15 CL 6/1 Larry A. Weatherholt Fighter Enterprise Toastmasters

1365936 B 23 CL 6/28 Jeffrey W. Young Toast of Texas

Congratulations to our fellow Competent Leaders





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15 Hotline


District 25 Calendar of EventsDistrict 25 Calendar of EventsDistrict 25 Calendar of EventsDistrict 25 Calendar of Events

August 2010 1111 Smedley Club Promotion Starts—Ends September 30, 2010 11111111----14141414 Annual Toastmasters International Convention JW Marriott—Palm Desert, California 28282828 District 25 Awards Dinner—TCU, Fort Worth, Texas 31313131 Last day to have officers trained for DCP credit

September 2010 1111----31313131 Area Contest Begin 3333 Begin paying club dues online 30303030 Smedley Club Promotion Ends Submit Semi-Annual Club Dues

October 2010 1111----31313131 Area Contest Continue 23232323 District Executive Committee Marketing Workshop 22222222 Division Contests Begin

Hotline Staff

Newsletter Editor Chuck Mencke, CC

[email protected]

Publisher David Martin DTM

[email protected]

Public Relations Officer Matt Daniel, CC, ALB

[email protected]

Photographer Mark Novak, DTM

[email protected]

Hotline is published monthly and is avail-able to the members of District 25 Toast-masters and clubs. Subscription availa-ble for one year at the price of $36 for those wishing to receive their newsletter delivered via postal mail. Back issues

are available online at www.d25toastmasters.org/newsletter.

Newsletter Submissions or Letters to the Editor

[email protected] Are You The One? Do you remember when you first joined Toastmasters? Did you have any idea what the timer was supposed to do or why you kept getting clicked or dinged for saying an “Ah” or “Um?”

How about when you gave your first speech or when you worked through the complex manual?

Who helped you? Who was your mentor? Did they help you ascertain how the Toastmasters program works?

Now, imagine an entire room full of brand new Toastmas-ters. Are you the one to step up and volunteer serving the members of a new club as their club mentor? Do you have a passion to see others reach for success? If so, consider volunteering to serve as a club mentor for a newly char-tered club. Within the next four weeks, at least five new clubs will be chartered and each one will need a mentor to help guide them along for the next six months or so.

Up to two mentors may be assigned to each club. Consid-er finding a buddy in your club to help mentor the club to-gether.

Not only do you receive credit towards your Advanced Leader Silver award, you also get the opportunity to meet new people and be a part of their success.

Are you the one?

If so, or for more information about the club mentor pro-gram and serving in that role, please contact District 25 Lt. Governor Marketing Bonne Stroman, DTM: [email protected]


Division Sponsored Officer Training

Makeup Dates!

August 7, 2010—Abilene, TX—9:00 AM


August 10, 2010—Lewisville, TX

Refreshments 6:30 PM—Training 7:00 PM http://www.d25toastmasters.org/pdfs/DivBTLIAug2010.pdf

August 11—Fort Worth, TX

Refreshments 6:15 PM—Training 6:45 PM http://www.d25toastmasters.org/pdfs/DivATLIAug2010.pdf

August 16, 2010—TWU, Fort Worth, TX

Refreshments 6:00 PM—Training 6:30 PM

August 19, 2010—Sabre Campus, Southlake, TX

Refreshments 6:00 PM—Training 6:30 PM http://www.d25toastmasters.org/pdfs/DivFTLIAug2010.pdf

LAST CHANCE! August 29, 2010—Stacy Furniture, Grapevine, TX

Refreshments 2:00 PM—Training 2:15 PM

For a complete schedule: http://www.d25toastmasters.org/tli/index.htm