HOSPITAL PHARMACY CALL CHECKLIST – internal use only (Updated 23.4.10, PP) Overview of a call to a Hospital Pharmacist Min. requirements in a call. 1. In a public hosp make sure they are buying the Aspen contract products. Show contract product list and ask if they will order these products. Go through each Contract product one by one. If not buying any, find out why. Offer service and help with Aspen non- contract products. 2. If a public Hosp convince them to purchase Aggrastat - complex project. T-N purchased for ~ $1.00 per pkt 3. In a Private Hospital – Show product list (no prices & sorted A-Z by generic name). Find out what competitor products they use instead of Aspen products. Find out volumes and current unit price and find out if the Hosp Pharmacy is linked to a retail/community pharmacy or a Pharmacy buying group. Offer to get back with an Aspen price after discussing with HQ/SSM. Aggrastat/T-N see above. Offer any Hospital deals that are currently on offer (can find on ASL or call SSM).

Hospital Pharmacy Call Checklist With Summary Updated Feb 09

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Page 1: Hospital Pharmacy Call Checklist With Summary Updated Feb 09

HOSPITAL PHARMACY CALL CHECKLIST – internal use only(Updated 23.4.10, PP)

Overview of a call to a Hospital Pharmacist Min. requirements in a call.

1. In a public hosp make sure they are buying the Aspen contract products. Show contract product list and ask if they will order these products. Go through each Contract product one by one. If not buying any, find out why. Offer service and help with Aspen non-contract products.

2. If a public Hosp convince them to purchase Aggrastat - complex project. T-N purchased for ~ $1.00 per pkt

3. In a Private Hospital – Show product list (no prices & sorted A-Z by generic name). Find out what competitor products they use instead of Aspen products. Find out volumes and current unit price and find out if the Hosp Pharmacy is linked to a retail/community pharmacy or a Pharmacy buying group. Offer to get back with an Aspen price after discussing with HQ/SSM. Aggrastat/T-N see above. Offer any Hospital deals that are currently on offer (can find on ASL or call SSM).

Page 2: Hospital Pharmacy Call Checklist With Summary Updated Feb 09

HOSPITAL PHARMACY CALL CHECKLIST – internal use only(Updated 23.4.10, PP)

Hosp Pharmacy pre-call planning & preparation. See separate checklist for Hosp Pharmacist call:

Review latest Clifford Hallam (CH2) and Symbion Hosp sales data for this Hosp.if available – see ASL Hosp Resources. Note key product sales Aggrastat,T-N ,Di-gesic, Anti-biotics., Fe products. Any noticeable trends or aberrations?

Check on current hospital deals/offers from Aspen. Can find these in ASL under Hosp Resources.

Obtain Hosp Rxer intelligence about Aspen products declining and growing. Get names! Take along current product list (see list with no $ columns, Govt contract products for

Public Hosps,( see front sect of your updated Hosp project folder for both of these), recent Hosp pharmacy letters with special deals and relevant sales aids in Aspen presentation folder.

Some give-aways linked to a clinical/professional need. Not over the top though. Ask first as many Public Hosp Pharmacists do not take brand reminders. Do less than more till you know how they will be received.

Call objectives for Hosp Pharmacist (key sect. to review in this document)Show Aspen product list (use list sorted a-z by generic name as Pharmacists often talk in generic products mostly) and Aspen products on Govt contract and ask them to purchase. Offer sales message for key products and relevant sales aids. A suggested order of what to cover is listed below (work off 1st 2 objectives in all calls and then chose one or 2 more if time permits):

1. In a public hosp make sure they are buying the Aspen contract products. Show contract product list and ask if they will order these products. Go through each Contract product one by one. If not buying any, find out why. In a Private Hosp can show our product list (no prices). Find out if they are ordering competitor products, approx volumes, and price. May be able to get a deal with Aspen products after discussing with HQ/SSM.

2. If a public Hosp convince them to purchase T-N on NSW Contract from 1.12.07.Will they hold it exclusively- try. In a Priv Hosp if Pxs discharged home and no attachment with a community pharmacy we could offer the same deal.

3. Find out their attitude to Dextroproxyphene and Paracetamol combinations in analgesia. If not interested move on. If used find out what combinations do they use (ie Digesic or Capadex)? Find out volumes per month. If Capadex can offered Di-gesic at a cheaper rate. Do not give a price until cleared with National Sales Mgr or SSM.

4. Aspen CV products – Using Aggrastat (check CH2 data 1st) other GPIIb/IIIa on protocol? Rapilysin ask if on formulary. Can get info on competitors for an offer on price.T-N see above. Tritace & Cardizem check contract ACEI & CCBs.

5. Offer other Aspen products, see current deals in recent Hosp mailings. Include Venofer.

6. Get info on Hosp: purchasing Decisions (ie buyer), Hosp Formulary, size of Hosp (see templates), Depts. to see, reps protocol, opportunities for our products and Service for Pharmacy. A must on the first call. Keep records in Hosp project folder.

7. Update Pharmacist on all products to be discussed in the Hospital with different Depts., as part of the requirements of the reps protocol. Outline any new Aspen products.

8. Build good relationships with Hosp Pharmacy. Help out wherever possible. Offer to call them if new Aspen deals are available or out of stock occurs. In the future can they help you with competitor details?

9. Advanced. Other specific products requested from Aspen marketing and HQ.

Page 3: Hospital Pharmacy Call Checklist With Summary Updated Feb 09

HOSPITAL PHARMACY CALL CHECKLIST – internal use only(Updated 23.4.10, PP)

10.Advanced. Find out key Aspen products used in the Pharmacy and opportunities for price bundling if appropriate volumes can be increased. Look for an opportunity to review some key products for this Hospital and how these may provide clinical and cost benefits for this Hospital.

Actual Call – Hosp Pharmacist: Why are we seeing you today – What’s in it for your Hospital. We would like to add value to

our products (website especially). On first call, Aspen who are we. Our international position. Aspen like to keep good stock

levels at wholesalers. Product list (helpful on first call) and NSW Contract list for public Hosps.

Educate ourselves on this Hosp Pharmacy Dept (esp. on first call). We’d like to learn more about your Dept so we can keep our information relevant to this Hospital’s needs. Some info we may need (not all on the first call):

o Hospital Pharmacy buying decisions - how are these made in this Hospital (is there a Hosp Pharmacy buyer? If so try and meet, may be even provide a free lunch!)

o Wholesaler for Hosp – v.important as we can confirm Hosp sales thru. this wholesaler.

o If a private Hosp, ask if buying is shared with a Community pharmacy. If so we need to be careful not to offer Hosp prices. Check with Manager if this occurs.

o Influence of Area/State Boards & Govt contract prices - for Govt Hosp only. o New products - what’s the procedure for listing on your Hosp. Formulary. o Protocol for reps in Hosp and on Wards. Protocol for samples requested in Hospo Find out any Ward Pharmacist (can also find out when in a Dept.).o Keep a record of this information. o If a private Hospital send this information onto State Sales Mgr as well for a data

base on Private Hospitals. For public Hosps -Will they purchase Aspen products on NSW State contract? If not why.

Refer to Pharmacy call objectives, previous page. Offering a discount or special deal on an Aspen products. Can’t confirm any pricing

until check with HQ (SSM, RKK and Trevor) FIRST!. Before discussing with HQ, ask Pharmacist for details on:

o volumes /mth or yr + what will the Hosp offer to purchase from Aspen in return for the discount/deal.

o Does the Hospital want to bundle several products together for a discount?o Is the Hosp part of a bigger buying group?o Is any discounted stock to be sold through a retail store or is all for Hosp impress


Products to discuss - options Aspen products provided free: T-N . Will they buy it? If not how do we change it. Di-gesic Rxed? Are they comfortable with this combination? Volumes per month. Key

Depts. You may find some surprises. If Capadex, get price and quantity. Remind that Di-gesic & Capadex are not bioequivalent and therefore not directly substitutable. Check with SSM/NSM for any current special price for Di-gesic for that Hospital. If already dispensing Di-gesic alone don’t offer a better price.


Page 4: Hospital Pharmacy Call Checklist With Summary Updated Feb 09

HOSPITAL PHARMACY CALL CHECKLIST – internal use only(Updated 23.4.10, PP)

o Keflex Formerly on NSW State Contract (250+500mgs). If buying generics get pricing and quantity used., discuss with SM. RK or TZ.

o Ceclor CD+Susp Now on NSW State Contract ( 375mgs caps) If buying generic get pricing and quantity used.

o Injectable + IV list. Outline that Aspen have just taken over CSL injectable antibiotics, namely:

Austrapen (ampicillin) injection 0.5g and 1g Moxacin (amoxycillin) injection 0.5g and 1g Flopen (flucloxacillin) injection 0.5g and 1g

Likewise we have taken over some of the Lilly injectable antibiotics, namely: Vancocin (vancomycin hydrochloride) 1g and 0.5g Dec 08 Spec deal on

500mg IV while stocks available Keflin (cephalothin sodium) 1g …. Kefzol (cephazolin sodium) 1g ….. Mandol (cephamandole nafate) …..unavailable Also have Ciprofloxin 100mgs/50ml & 200mg/100ml in bags for infusion

o .Find out current IV antibiotic s used and quantity. We will try and better the price if we get volume. Get back to Mgr, RK or TZ for price confirmation before anything is offered initially.

o A/b wheels, oral and IV, should be well received.o Synercid if a Teaching Referral Hosp

Gastro productso ORSo Tazac Now on State contract and the opportunities for not just anti-secretary action

– also possibility for gastric motility via Clincial papers eg Zarling etalo Gastrostopo TUMs – maternity applications especially

Corticosteriods o Explain regular out of stock from competitors.

CV Productso Aggrastat. Check on Tender (Ok for NSW). Price is cheapest GPIIb/IIIao Rapilysin. Use many fibyrolytics in this Hosp (expect more in rural hosps)?No need

for dose adjustment for weight. Special price $1,390 for 2 bolus dose (get back to HQ if price is an issue)

o Tritace. Any opportunity for all doses to be available. Easy for clinicians to know dose with colour. Tender may preclude this from happening.

o Cardizem. Check on Tender.o Triasyn (ramipril + felodipine). Check on use of combination antihypertensives. ACE

+ CCB preferred combinationo Aldomet. Check on Tender.

Transiderm-Nitroo Available at no cost to Public Hosps. Discuss writing on patch. Find out there

preferred nitrate patch + Imdur use. TCAs.

o Go through sales promotion see if any interest.o Find out if any psych units attached.

Contrast Media (for those who’ve done contrast media training)o Note NSW Contract Aspen products: Hexabrix, Dotarem, Lipodol, Patent Blueo NSF in MRI Gadolium CM – offer Dotarem ($22.95)

Page 5: Hospital Pharmacy Call Checklist With Summary Updated Feb 09

HOSPITAL PHARMACY CALL CHECKLIST – internal use only(Updated 23.4.10, PP)

Iron Productso F H as an alternative to Ferrosigo Venofer for IV Haemolysis – can offer $65 per 5 amps (May 07).

Dermo and wound care productso Flaminal range (often handled by diff dept. Ask abt approval.o Neotigason. Asko OTC Dermo products. Dermeze SFW, Oitment, Phisohex (on contract

usually),Covitol, Wound Care

o Flaminal Hydro and Forte. How to get on formulary? Do wound products (active) have a different formulary? If so how to get on, get names?

ERIK, Aspen website.o Show anatomical teaching resources, o click news, o Physician resources

Pharmacist’s questions on other Aspen Products. Service, anything we can do to help you? Can we start building up our knowledge of all Tender prices with Qs to Pharmacists and


WARD PHARMACIST Getting to know the ward pharmacists esp. surgical/orthopedic wards.  Is Di-gesic being

used? When pre/or post op? for how long post op? Is it being prescribed on discharge? If not Di-gesic what is being used and by whom?  Is there a particular registrar who is anti- Di-gesic for example?

Post Call – Hosp Pharmacist: Record the call on Time to Note, a web based CRM (software) if it was a significant Hosp

and a Director of Pharmacy. Or follow advice of your SSM on this matter.