1 HootSuite Enterprise Analytics HootSuite Social Analytics Understanding the results of your social media campaigns is critical for success. Using the suite of enhanced social analytics tools and modules available in the HootSuite dashboard, your team can: Pinpoint strengths and weaknesses of campaigns, messaging and profiles Automate report sharing to collaboratively track social growth and success Understand audience segments to optimize engagement Tie social efforts to organizational goals and demonstrate ROI Get a better view of your social campaigns with new, more powerful analytics tools. A HootSuite Social Analytics Report. How do reporting points work? Reporting points allow you to build custom reports using the over 40 report modules shown on this info sheet. Contact the HootSuite Business Team for more information: Phone:+1 (604) 242-9042 Twitter: @hootbusiness Email: [email protected] Chat Live: hootsuite.com/enterprise

HootSuite Enterprise Analytics InfoSheet

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HootSuite Enterprise Analytics

HootSuite Social AnalyticsUnderstanding the results of your social media campaigns is critical for success. Using the suite of enhanced social analytics tools and modules available in the HootSuite dashboard, your team can:

• Pinpoint strengths and weaknesses of campaigns, messaging andprofiles

• Automate report sharing to collaboratively track social growth and success

• Understand audience segments to optimize engagement

• TiesocialeffortstoorganizationalgoalsanddemonstrateROI

Get a better view of your social campaigns with new, more powerful analytics tools.


How do reporting points work? Reportingpointsallowyoutobuild custom reports using the over 40 report modules shown on this info sheet.

Contact the HootSuite Business Team for more information:Phone:+1 (604) 242-9042Twitter: @hootbusinessEmail: [email protected] Live: hootsuite.com/enterprise

Page 2: HootSuite Enterprise Analytics InfoSheet


HootSuite Enterprise Analytics

The following modules are available to measure your performance:

HootSuite Team Analytics*

Social Network Activity Messagessent,assignedandresolvedoveraspecifiedtimeperiod for a selected social network.

Organization Activity Postssent,assigned,andresolvedoveraspecifictimeperiodforyourorganization’s social networks.

Social Network Post Details Detailsofthepostssentoveraspecifictimeperiodfora social network.

Compare Post Counts Graphofthepostssentoveraspecifictimeperiodfora social network.

Google+ Page Analytics*

Followers Google+PageFollowercountduringaspecifieddaterange.

Posts count NumberofpostsonaGoogle+Pageduringaspecifieddaterange.

Aggregated Post Comments AggregatedcommentcountofaGoogle+Pageduringaspecified date range.

Aggregated Post +1s Aggregatepost+1sofaGoogle+Pageduringaspecifieddaterange.

Aggregated Post Re-shares AggregatedpostRe-sharesofaGoogle+Pageduringaspecified date range.

Google Analytics

Twitter to Web Conversion MeasuretotalsitevisitsandoverlayTweetsfromaspecificaccount.

Twitter to Web Conversion

* Enterprise only

How do I use Reports?Reportsaredesignedtomake gathering and sharing results simple and efficient. View dynamic reports or download as a PDF for easy printing and sharing. Keep members of your organization in the loop. Reportscanbesharedwith any HootSuite user, not just team members, and automated delivery updates are available on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly and monthly basis so that everyone is up-to-date with campaign results

Contact the HootSuite Business Team for more information:Phone:+1 (604) 242-9042Twitter: @hootbusinessEmail: [email protected] Live: hootsuite.com/enterprise

Page 3: HootSuite Enterprise Analytics InfoSheet

Contact the HootSuite Business Team for more information:Phone:+1 (604) 242-9042Twitter: @hootbusinessEmail: [email protected] Live: hootsuite.com/enterprise

HootSuite Enterprise Analytics


Regional Site Traffic - Map Overlay A global heat map of visitors for your selected Google Analytics websiteprofile,foraspecifiedtimeperiod.

Traffic Sources Typesoftrafficsources(direct,search,referring)includingtop referringdomainsforyourselectedGoogleAnalyticswebsiteprofile overaspecifiedtimeperiod.

Top Content Alistofthemostpopularcontent,bypageURL,foryourselected GoogleAnalyticswebsiteprofileoveraspecifiedtimeperiod.

Sparklines Vital statistics (Pageviews, visitors, bounce rate, average time on site, %ofnewvisits)foryourselectedGoogleAnalyticswebsiteprofileover aspecifiedtimeperiod.

Post Tagging Analytics*

Outbound - Post Count & Feedback A tabular summary of the counts and feedback for the selected outbound tag(s)overaspecifiedtimeperiod

Outbound - Post Detail & Feedback A tabular summary of the posts sent and feedback received for the selectedoutboundtag(s)overaspecifiedtimeperiod.

Inbound - Post Count: A tabular summary of the counts for the selected inbound tag(s) over a specifiedtimeperiod

Twitter Profile Stats

Profile Summary TheProfileSummaryinformation(Followers,FollowingandListed)isdrawn directly from Twitter.com and represents data from the current dateindependentofaspecifieddaterange.Exportthisdatato.CSV for long term benchmarking and analysis. Daily Retweets Adailysummaryofthecountsofre-tweetsforaspecifiedtwitterhandleand date range.

Daily Mentions A daily summary of mentions for a selected twitter handle and date range

Google Analytics Top Content

Google Analytics Sparklines

Post Tagging Analytics

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HootSuite Enterprise Analytics


Keyword over time Shows the frequency of your given keyword appearing on Twitter over time. All keyword modules track data from over a year retrospectively, making it easy to establish benchmarks and analyze historical data. Keywordsarefilteredforrelevancyandtoremovespam.

Compare Keywords (line) This module shows the frequency of your given keywords appearing on Twitter over time. Comparing your various proprieties, brands, products or keywords can yield valuable insights and be used to show success overtime.Keywordsarefilteredforrelevancyandtoremovespam.

Mentions by Influencers Anall-timestatofthetopinfluencerstomentionyou,basedon Kloutscores.Representsdataforthehistoryofthechosenprofileindependentofaspecifieddaterange

Compare Keywords (stacked) This module works the same as the Compare Keywords (line) module aboveexceptthatitwillshowyourkeywordsstackedinaggregate. This is useful for a product lines or mentions of related terms that can bestacked.Keywordsarefilteredforrelevancyandtoremovespam.

Compare Keywords (pie) This module is similar to the above but it displays the data in a pie chart.Itshowsthepercentageoftotalmentionsforallterms representedbyeachkeyword.Keywordsarefilteredforrelevancy and to remove spam.

Follower Growth This is a line graph of Twitter followers over a selected period of time (extendsback14days).ThisinformationisdrawnfromTwitterCounterand requires that your account either is in the top 100,000 on Twitter.com in terms of followers or that you register on TwitterCounter.

Follower Growth (aggregate) This module aggregates the follower numbers for each of your Twitter accountstogiveacomparitiveoverviewofgrowthacrosseachprofile.

Twitter Sentiment (English only) Twitter Sentiment is a valuable metric for benchmarking what people are sayingaboutagivenwordonTwitter.Itreadssentimentfromthelast100tweets that mention the chosen word.

Twitter Profile Stats Follower Growth



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Contact the HootSuite Business Team for more information:Phone:+1 (604) 242-9042Twitter: @hootbusinessEmail: [email protected] Live: hootsuite.com/enterprise

HootSuite Enterprise Analytics


Facebook Insights

Snapshot SummaryofFacebookPagebyactivity.IncludestotalLikes,friendsofFans,PeopleTalkingAboutThisandTotalReach.

Daily Likes DailylikesandunlikesofaFacebookPageduringaspecificdaterange.

Likes by Demographic - Graphical A graphic breakdown of fans by gender and age for your Facebook page.

Likes by Demographic- Tabular A tabular breakdown of fans by gender and age for your Facebook page.

Reach by Demographic A demographic breakdown of the reach of your Facebook page

People Talking About It by Demographic A demographic breakdown of the fans who are talking about your Facebook page

Gender Summary An overview of male/female distribution of fans for your Facebook page.

Likes and Reach by Region A demographic breakdown of the fans who are talking about your Facebook page

People Talking About It by Region A regional breakdown for the location of fans who are talking about your Facebook page

Likes by Source The number of people who have liked your Facebook page, broken down by source.

Likes by Language The number of people who have liked your page, broken down by language.

Per-Post Metrics Per-post metrics for your page including reach, engaged users, talking about this, and virality.

Per-Post Metrics Top 10 The top 10 posts from your page for the selected metric: reach, engaged users, talking about this, and virality.


Facebook Per-Post Metrics

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HootSuite Enterprise Analytics


Daily Post Feedback Daily likes, shares, and comments for posts to your Facebook Page, overaspecifictimeperiod.

Daily Page Activity Wallposts,videosandphotospostedtoyourpageoveraspecifiedtime.

Compare Daily Likes AcomparisonofdailylikesfordifferentFacebookPagesduringaspecifiedtimeperiod.

Compare Public Pages [Likes, Talking About] Track likes and what fans are “talking about” of the companies you follow.

Ow.ly Aggregated Click Stats

Click Summary Stats TotalClicksforalllinkssentviayourTwitterprofileinagivendaterange.

Clicks by Region Shows which country link click-thoughs originate from.

Top Referrers What site or tool people were using when they click on ow.ly links.

All Links Alllinkssentviayourtwitterprofileforaspecifieddaterange

Compare Summary Stats Compare clicks for all links sent from multiple Twitter accounts during a giventimeperiod.Thismetricletsyoucomparehowdifferentaccountsaredrivingtraffic.

Ow.ly Individual URL Stats

Click Stats Totalclicksonasinglelinkduringaspecifieddaterange.Includeswhenthe link was created and total clicks.

Report Customization

Header Text Create custom headers to separate sections of your report or inform your readers.

Paragraph Adding paragraphs allows you to do analysis of an individual module or explainsomethingtothereadersofyourreport.


Need More Information?

Your Enterprise Account Manager is available to help at any time. Contact us to learn more about social analytics and Enterprise Services to optimize measurement results.

HootSuite Business Team: +1 (604) 242-9042 Chat live: hootsuite.com/enterprise Twitter: @HootBusiness