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Hookey Magazine

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Hookey magazine is a monthly published magazine that combines both fashion and lifestyle, aiming for Chinese students who study in the U.K. The brand values of Hookey are freedom, infinite, vitality and diversity. We are not just selling magazines, we want to convey the brand value to our readers and give them inspiration about fashion and life.

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Best super brand bags

ClothesUnique shoes

The latest fashion eventJudie vintage fain

Interview Secret of being a buyer

April£ 4.99


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Website Editor

Linming [email protected]


Hanlin [email protected]

Photographer Typograhers

Jiaji [email protected]

Art Director

Zhengjun [email protected]

Feature Editor

YuChien [email protected]

Page 3: Hookey Magazine


Fashion events

Judie affordable vintage


BB Bakery

The sexiest Chinese


best bags

specially designed accessories


T h e l i f e o f buyersClothes

comfort & style

vintage shops



Street Style


Decorate your student accommodation

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Clothes: GoodWood

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Clothes: ZARAJacket: Levi'sCap: Y-3

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Cother: TopmanTrousers: UniqloShoes: AdidasJacket: SHTICK MA1

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Clothes: Goodhood

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Clothes: ZARAtrouser: ZARAJacket: Levi's

Cap: Y-3

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In bond street adjacent to the bustling Bruton near st., lies the most famous Chinese

restaurants named Hakkasan. The restaurant has attracted attention from all walks of life when it opened. The boss Qiu Dewei (Alan Yau) contributed a lot. The most well-known Chinese cuisine chef and restaurateur who serve the queen of the UK and the President Xi Jinping of People's Republic of China. The legendary restauranteur is destined to give

在毗邻热闹繁华的邦德街附近的 Bruton St. 上,坐落着一家举世闻名的中餐馆——客家人餐厅(Hakkasan)。客家人餐厅从开张之时便吸引了各界的关注目光。究其原因幕后老板邱德威(Alan Yau)功不可没。这位最为世人熟知的中国料理厨师兼餐饮业老板曾服务于英国女王和现任中华人民共和国国主席习近平。这位传奇料理人注定将通过客家人餐厅为食客带来不一样的饮食体验。

After more than 10 years’ development, Hakka restaurant has received praise from all walks of life. The restaurant is not only gained the one star Michelin restaurant but also appraised as the sexiest Chinese restaurant. At this point, Hakka restaurant could be regarded as "the most pure blood" Michelin Chinese restaurant.

经过 10 余年的发展,客家人餐厅果然不负众望地获得了各界一致好评。除了获得一星米其林等级殊荣,还被美食杂志评为世界上“最性感的”的中国餐厅。至此,客家人餐厅可以称得上是“血统最为纯正”的米其林中国料理餐厅。

The sexiest Chinese restaurant 世界上“最性感的”中餐馆

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Hakka restaurant is permeated with the element of “sex” from the dishes to the decoration. The restaurant not only offers top Chinese cuisine, diners can also taste the “conceptional Chinese cuisine” innovated by chefs.This means that the Hakka people not only provide customers oriental food such as roast kobe beef,Australian lobster that made of fresh ingredients from all over the world, the Hakka people are also good at combining western and easertnw way, matching the sour soup, Pipa duck,and pork belly with British sparkling wine, Greek sherry, which will perfectly treat your tongue.Chefs also subtly combine both Caviar and Beijing roast Duck perfectly to create one of the special dishes: Peking Duck with Royal Beluga Caviar. When the caviar explodes in mouth and with the unique taste of Beijing roast duck, diners are feeling so sexy.

客家人餐厅从菜品到店内装潢到处都洋溢着“性感”的元素。该家餐厅不仅提供顶尖的中国美食,食客们还可以品尝到通过厨师们不断创新和尝试开发出来的“概念中式料理”。这意味着客家人不仅为食客提供来自世界各地新鲜食材制作而成的东方料理诸如烤神户牛肉 , 澳洲龙虾等,客家人们还特别擅长洋为中用,古为今用,酸辣汤、琵琶鸭、五花肉配英国气泡酒、希腊白葡萄酒,在舌尖上共谱一曲。厨师们还巧妙地将鱼子酱和北京烤鸭完美地融合在一起创造出了该店的招牌菜之一:鱼子酱北京鸭。当鱼子酱在嘴里爆涌的瞬间,配合上北京烤鸭特有的滑而不腻,食客们想不性感都难。

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Excepting the sexy food, other elements in store also give people the sense of sex. The art director of the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon design the uniform for the restaurant. Decoration with modern Chinese style also matches up with the lighting effects in store, it is no wonder that even the reservation number can also be sold in premium price.


Excelsior chef Tang Zhiwei (Tong Chee Hwee)

Every morning, fat and thick of north American black cod are delivering to the noisy market. Although he does not wear the chef uniform, but his picky eyes makes suppliers feel impresive when he is selecting seafood. If he finds the meat of the black cod is too old or fat, he will be very upset and turn the fish back to suppliers. A chef should have courage to fight with suppliers if the food is not qualified.Tang Zhiwei said "Chinese cuisine greatly depends on the quality of the ingredients, even the cooking genius is powerless if the ingredient is not good.” Cooking skill is important, but a good cuisine can not stand out without fantastic ingredients.

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精益求精的主厨唐志威(Tong Chee Hwee)


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Students who study in London probably like to explore this fascinating city combined with

the ancient and modern style after classes. When talking about London, what is the first


The venerable Big Ben ?The sparkling Thames ?Or the shopping heaven: Harrods?Now if I am telling you there is one thing you can put all of these elements that are integrated with Britain, will you like it ?

是古老庄严的大本钟?是波光粼粼的泰晤士河?还是购物天堂 Harrods?如果告诉你现在有一种东西可以把所有的这些英国元素都融为一体,你会不会觉得很赞呢?

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A service from the BB BAKERY can make your come true. You can enjoy the English afternoon tea and meanwhile enjoy all amazing views of this city! The service is called Bus afternoon tea tour. Simply say, you are able to enjoy afternoon tea and dessert on the bus, with the bus moving, you can enjoy the city!

一项来自 BB BAKERY 的服务便可以让你一边享受地道英式下午茶的同时一边欣赏到以上提到的所有美景!这项服务名为 Bus afternoon tea tour。顾名思义,就是让你在巴士上一边享受下午茶和甜点,一边欣赏伦敦的美景!

BB BAKERY looks the same as the ordinary red London bus outside, but inside, there is totally different world, with the internal seating all converted to comfortable soft leather seats and a small table. Right here, you can not only enjoy a nice tea, but also can choose a variety of fresh juice. Excepting drink, of course, all kinds of exquisite desserts is also a lightspot. All kinds of sandwiches, mini egg cake and cupcakes, etc. In addition, The Macaron is definitely attract most people’s attention!

BB BAKERY 所提供的餐车外表与普通的伦敦红色公交车相同,只是把内部的座椅全部改装成了舒适的软皮座椅和小餐桌。在这儿,你不但能享用到正经的英式红茶,还可以选择各种新鲜的鲜榨果汁。当然除了饮料,各种精致的茶后甜点也是巴士下午茶的一个亮点。各式三明治;迷你蛋饼;纸杯蛋糕应有尽有!除此之外,最能吸引人的必然是各色各样的玛卡龙了!

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Furthermore, the bus will pass through Hyde park, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, The London eye and Harrods, simply say, all London landmark sites. You would be addicted to the view while eating and drinking.The author feels great even while writing all about it!

此外,巴士将陆续经过海德公园 , 白金汉宫 , 大本钟 , 伦敦眼以及 Harrods 等等一些列伦敦的地标景点,让你在吃着甜点喝着下午茶中充分领略英伦风光。笔者写到这里光想想都觉得爽了!

After talking so much about it, I think you must be very concerned about the price of this service. The price of BB BAKERY is quite reasonable, £45 pounds for adult and £35 for children. It is just around a good dinner’s fee, but it can bring a different experience and bring you the whole day's good mood. Take your friends or lovers now to enjoy an afternoon tea bus, friendship or love will heat up in such a beautiful afternoon.

说了这么多我想大家一定很关心这趟巴士的价格如何了。BB BAKERY 给出的价格还算是比较公道,成人 45 英镑,儿童 35 英镑。比一顿稍微上点儿档次的晚餐价格差不多,但是却能换来一整天的好心情。带上你们的朋友或是情侣一起来享受一趟下午茶巴士吧,友谊或是爱情都能在这样美好的下午时光中升温。

PS:One thing to remember, reservations are required for afternoon tea bus service.


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The unique shops in London


I believe that one of things

students who study abroad want to do is hanging out! I st i l l remember when I arrived in London, I went hanging out the very next day. However, I was nit familiar with the city, I could only go places like Harrods, Selfridges, Oxford street or Bond street. Quickly everyone would be tried of shopping all the time in these places. In this case, I am telling you my special recommendation for those stores that are not obvious to be seen in the main street. Good things always hide in corners. Today, I will introduce the famous v intage stores, i n d e p e n d e n t d e s i g n e r b r a n d s , a n d c o w b o y clothes recommended by magazines.

Let’s get start from here!

我 相 信 到 异 地 游 学 的 学 生最 想 做 的 事 情 之 一 一 定 是逛 街! 小 编 我 记 得 我 刚 出国的时候第二天就跑去逛街了,但是刚到伦敦,对于这座城市还没有过多的了解!逛 的 地 方 除 了 Harrods and Selfridges 以外只有 Oxford St. And Bond St.,当这些地方逛腻的时候该怎么办? 今天我就要带给你们我所整理的特別小攻略~将会带你们到小巷子或是一些特別新鲜的店面逛逛,今天会介绍伦敦著名的古着店,以及独立设计师品牌,还有曾经上过杂志的手工牛仔服饰店。 走~出发!

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W h e n t a l k i n g about v intage, B r i c k l a n e i s d e f i n i t e l y t h e one I have t o mention. There a r e a l o t o f interesting street art, galleries and res taurants in Brick Lane street.

首先第一站是古着 店,Brick Lane是著名得古着街,不 只 有 Market还 有 像 是 Street Art, Galleries and Restaurants.

Rokit Vintage

The best feature of this shop is that you can directly match all vintage clothes from head to toe.

今 天 要 介 绍 的 是Rokit Vintage这 间 店 的 最 大 特色 在 于 你 可 以 从头 到 脚 直 接 搭 配出浓厚的古着味,这 家 店 的 产 品 非常多,从 30 年代到 90 年代的风格服饰。

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B e s i d e s , t h e r a n g e o f products is quite wide, from 30s to 90s style, and there are all kinds of products aimed for male, female and even children. The price is amazingly inexpensive, each item is about £30, even for specially designed clothes, the price normally will not go over £200. People who like the vintage style absolutely can't miss this shop!

同时,男性女性连小孩所需的物品都包含在内,重点是价格十分合理,每件服饰大约皆 30 磅左右,物美价廉,当然特別的款式会比较高价,但通常不会高于 200 磅,喜欢古着风格的朋友们绝对不能错过!


The second store I am going to recommend is GOODHOOD. It is an indie boutique.


There are three brands of Rokit Vintage in London.(1) 101 Brick Ln, London E1 6SE TEL: 020 7375 3864(2) 42 Shelton St, London WC2H 9HZ TEL: 020 7836 6547(3) 225 Camden High St, London NW1 7BU TEL:020 7267 3046

For further informationRokit Vintage: http://www.rokit.co.ukINSTAGRAM: rokitvintage

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The style of this store is quite like the min imal ism, w h i c h i s v e r y simple and classic. City workers now are rushing all the time, so the store intends to relax us by offering simple t h i n g s b u t w i t h unique and luxury design.

The main feature in this store is that excep t c l o thes , t he re a re o the r sections such as household goods, beauty products and special small things. In the same t i m e , t h e r e a r e sports brands that col laborate wi th m o r e t h a n t w o hundred brands. The product range is extremely wide. B e s i d e s , t h e location of the store is only three blocks from the Old Street Station, which is quite convenient. Moreover, the price is very reasonable, a p p r o x i m a t e l y within £150, never higher than £500. It is indeed a good c h o i c e t o r e l a x y o u r s e l f i n t h e shop.

这间店走的是极简约 风 格, 简 单 干 净的颜色衬托出气质,享受生活的方式是忙碌现代人所缺乏的, 他 们 的 目 标 是培养我们轻松生活的独特视觉风格和重新定义豪华生活的想法。

这间店最大的特色在于除了服饰之外,店内产品也包括居家用品美容用品以及 特 色 小 物, 同 时还有和超过两百个品 牌 有 合 作, 并 且会一直更新的运动品 牌。 商 品 的 范 围非 常 广。 此 外, 距离 Old Street Station只有三条街的距离,交 通 方 便。 价 格 也十 分 合 适, 大 约 在150 磅以内,不高于500 磅。是一间让人有 愉 快 又 放 松, 值得一逛的小店。

F o r f u r t h e r information

ADRESS:151 Curtain Road London EC2A 3QETEL:+44(0)207 729 3600h t t p : / / w w w .goodhoodstore.comI N S T A G R A M : GOODHOOD

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The third stop is a manua l t a i l o r named Nudie.

T h e r e a r e a l l kinds of jeans and c l o t h e s ( s h i r t s , sweaters, t-shirts) for both men and women. Also the store provides free repairing service.

T h e s e n s e o f m a n u a l t a i l o r , c l a s s i c d e s i g n , using colors l ike b lue , b lack and g r e y. A l t h o u g h the s ty le in the store is a little bit masculine, but a lot of girls like to shop here, because they wan t to change styles sometimes. Meanwh i l e , t he average price of products is around £100-£300. So it is real ly a good choice to buy good qual i ty products w i t h a f f o r d a b l e price here.

第三站 我们来到的是 一 家 名 叫 Nudie的手工裁缝牛仔服饰专门店。

店内贩售各式男性和女性的牛仔裤和服装 ( 衬衫、针织衫、T 恤 ),也提供免费补修服务。

纯手工的质感;坚持经典;运 用 耐 穿 的 蓝 色、黑色和灰色;尽管商店的产品有些 偏 男 性 化 , 但 很多女生也喜欢偶尔变 化 不 同 的 风 格。与 此 同 时, 平 均 价格 大 约 在 100 磅 到300 磅不等,是物美价廉的好选择。

F o r f u r t h e r information

A D R E S S : 2 9 D'Arblay St, London W1F 8EPTEL: 020 7494 3655I N S T A G R A M : nudiejeanssoho

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Comfortable & Stylish

舒服又有腔调 他们都爱这么穿

London fashion street snapshot, shedding thick clothes after the cold winter, appearing

in streets of London with spring style, triggering the fashion inspiration. With the season changing, it is the right time for women to spend their money. However, lazy woman only know "buy buy buy", smart women do know "throw throw throw" and “keep keep keep”. Curious about spending the least money, but wearing the most fashionable clothes, you do need to know the principle of “Buy, Throw and Keep:" Buy for next season's trend, abandon fad style, keep those classic ones that could be worn for a life time.

The same color coat, seemingly uninteresting, but with some little tricks on the neckline, lining or belt, a huge surprise will appear. From the end of February to the beginning of April, no need to change garments all the time, a basic coat with a little surprise would be

伦敦时装街拍,褪去厚重衣物,春日混搭造型出现在伦敦街头,启发无限时尚灵感。 换季之时也是女人购物欲蠢蠢欲动之时。不过,懒女人只会“买买买”,而聪明女人还懂得


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Customizing 量“身”订做1. Body shape with long upper body and short lower body. Choosing relatively loose clothes, matching with short pants, making your entire body slender.1. 上身长下身短,多选择一些上身宽松的衣服,搭配短裤,营造整体修长的效果。

2. Body shape with short lower body and long upper body. It is alright as long as not choosing short or tight tops and dress, other types of clothes are safe to select.2. 上身短下身长,这样的身材只要不穿上身太短或太紧的服饰即可。连衣裙不要买太紧身的,其他的衣服只要搭配好颜色就不会太难堪。

3.For thin but with wide shoulder body shape. Remember not to choose tight waist or narrow shoulder clothes. This type of clothes would make you look a bit big. Try more clothes that are loose.3. 肩膀宽人略瘦,不要选择太过收腰的衣服,或是太收肩的衣服,因为这两种衣服都会凸显出倒三角而魁梧的感觉。可以多试着选择露肩而宽松的衣服。

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4. For thin but with thick waist. Avoid choosing tights or narrow waist clothes, selecting more Korean style tops and dress.4. 人瘦腰粗,避免紧身衣和收腰的衣服,可以多选择韩版风格的上衣和裙子。

5. For thin upper body and thick leg. Choosing loose trousers or skirts that just cover the knee and pick up tops that could narrow your waist, never match loose clothes with loose trousers.5. 腿粗上身瘦,多选择宽松的裤子或及膝的裙子,上衣可以选择收腰的,不要选择和裤子同宽的衣服即可。

6. Big bottom body shape. Girls like this could choose more narrow waist clothes, or like doll dress to cover the bottom in order to visually harmonize your body shape.6. 像这样的女孩儿可以多选择一些韩版收腰的衣服,或是娃娃裙类的衣服,遮挡住臀部,在视觉上可以让身材显得协调。

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Wonderful Tokyo Trip


Japan is always a fantastic travel

site in the world. The romantic cherry blossom in April; Standing in the Roppongi, looking at Tokyo Tower; Stepping into a fairy tale world of Disneyland; Or the busy Kabukicho ( famous Japanese nightlife place), everything sounds excit ing. Apri l is the right t ime to travel to Japan. In this travel column, we will be taking you to the city where has both natural views


Tokyo tower has been a symbol of the city. The tower is 333 meters high, even higher than the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The tower lights on Tokyo Tower is designed by famous designer named Motoko Ishii. Lighting time is from the sunset to midnight, the colour of light changes with the seasons, in summer, it is white, in spring, autumn and winter, it turns to orange. There is an observatory on the tower where you can see the whole view of Tokyo through the window. At the bottom of the tower, there is a very famous wax work museum, science museum, TV studio, as ell as special shops.

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东京铁塔一直是东京城市的象征。这座高达 333 米,比巴黎埃菲尔铁塔还高的铁塔,塔上的灯光照明由世界著名照明设计师石井干子设计主持,照明时间为日落到午夜 12 点之间,灯光颜色随季节变化,夏季为白色,春、秋、冬季为橙色。塔上有瞭望台,可以透过玻璃一览整个东京的景色,塔的底部还有远东第一蜡像馆、近代科学馆和电视摄影棚,以及各种特色商铺。

Sensoji temple is the most famous and the oldest temple in Tokyo, it is also one of the highest population density places in Tokyo. There is a Buddhist statue in the temple built in 628 AD. Every year there are a lot of people coming to the temple and praying for peace, Especially around New Year time. Turning right after going into the Asakusa temple, there is a large fountain called clean hands pool. You can drink the water in the pool. Besides, you can ask for bamboo stick to see if you are lucky for the next year. if you draw a stick with unlucky label on it, you can put this stick to a certain place so that the bad luck could go away.

浅草寺是东京最著名、最古老的寺庙,也是东京人口密度最高的地方之一。据说寺内有一座在公元 628 年偶然被当地渔民打捞上来的观音金像,每年都有许多人前来寺庙祈福保平安。每逢新年前后,前来朝拜的香客,人山人海。进入浅草寺向右转,有个大喷池,名曰净手池,水是可以喝的。在浅草寺可以求个签问吉凶,如果不走运抽到了“凶”,和当地人一样系在抽签的地方就可以驱散霉运了。

The statue of Liberty does not only exist in the United States, Japan also copied one.The statue of liberty stands in the waterfront park in Odaiba. There is a only beach here in Tokyo, with a walking street along seaside and the famous rainbow bridge, there always are a lot of TV programs shooting here.


PS: Applying for Japanese visa in London is very easy, you just need to submit the schedule plan as well as an application form, no need for hotel ticket or flight ticket. The visa process is within four working days. Take all fantasy you have with Japan and let us start from here!

PS: 在伦敦递交日本大使馆的签证申请非常容易,只需要提交计划行程表以及申请表,无需酒店机票预订单,4 个工作日就可以顺利拿到签证。带上对日本的所有幻想,出发吧!


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The best bags for yourself 适合自己的才是最好的 ------ 大牌包包指南W h e n f a c i n g a variety of handbags, I believe we have the same feeling, it is really hard to d e c i d e w h i c h t o choose. Compared with different brands, price, style, which one is the best for me?


ChanelThe best colour in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you! —Coco Chanel

Chanel has many versions of description of childhood.

Chanel The best colour in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you! — Coco Chanel香奈尔自己描述的童年有很多个版本。

But what is certain is that she is the illegitimate daughter o f A lbe r t Chane l and his companions Janet Fleur. Maybe b e c a u s e o f t h i s reason, Chanel has a pivotal status in the women's luxury goods.

N o m a t t e r f o r a dinner party, or just h a v i n g f u n w i t h friends, Chanel is always a choice.

不过可以确定的是,她 是 旅 行 商 人 艾 伯特·香奈尔和他同伴珍妮德弗勒在法国小城索米尔生下的第二个私生女。或许是这样那样的原因,香奈儿在女性奢侈品中有着举足轻重的地位。无论是晚宴还是闲暇时朋友的小聚,小香香都很百搭。

HermésAs one of the oldest luxury brand, the e ffec t o f Hermés i s a l l o v e r t h e w o r l d . L o w - k e y and luxury is the best interpretation o f H e r m é s . C o m p a r e d w i t h other luxury brands s u c h a s L o u i s Vuitton or Chanel handbags, its price is the highest. It is definitely customized for rich goddess.

Hermés作为巴黎老牌奢侈品老大之一,其品牌影响力遍布了全世界。低调奢华有内涵也许就是爱马仕最好的诠释吧。相似的包包对比 LV 或 Chanel, 其价格也是最高的。简直为“女神范”量身订做利器之一。

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express their own ideas. The unique way can be seen on the Medusa’s f a c e , s h o w i n g con f idence and waiting to be seen by people.

GucciGucci is always f a m o u s f o r i t s high-level, luxury and sex. As the symbol of status and wealth, Gucci is always preferred by high class and business people.

VersaceI t a l i a n f a m o u s l u x u r y b r a n d s V e r s a c e , h a s created a unique fashion empire,

GucciGUCCI 一 向 以 高档、豪华、性感而闻名于世,以“身份与财富之象征”品牌形象成为富有上流社会的消费宠儿,一向被商界人士垂青,时尚又不失高雅。


r e p r e s e n t i n g a f a m i l y b r a n d , a s t h e h e a d o f fashion industry, Ve r s a c e l e a d s many areas in life, its unique design, unique aesthetic f e e l i n g a n d i t s strong pioneer art r e p r e s e n t a t i o n makes it popular in the world.The style of Versace is quite like Italians, they like to directly

范思哲的时尚产品统领了生活的每个领域,其鲜明的设计风格,独特的美感,极强的先锋艺术表征让它风靡全球。范思哲的风格就好像意大利人那样,他们更直接的表达着 自 己 的 理 念 想法。特立独行的方式表现在金色女蛇神 的 LOGO 上,这样一份张扬的自信,等待迎接他人的仰视吧!

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A interview with a district manager of Giuseppe Zanotti Design- Priscilla Fearn访谈!与Giuseppe Zanotti Design 的区经理Priscilla Fearn !

What is your main customer?您的主要要客户群是?Mainly Local and Arabian, few American, French and Asian.主要为阿拉伯人,和少数的美国人、法国人、亚洲人。

In the past Japanese had the strongest buyer power, followed by Russian and now is Chinese. Who is your next target customer?在过去日本人和俄罗斯人拥有最强势的购买能力,而现在则是中国人,那么谁将会是你们的下个目标族群呢?Chinese and Korean, as visa situation it increased the number of Chinese in the UK.中國人和韓國人。因為簽證制度的改變,在英國的中國人將會增加。

3.What is your star products?你們的明星產品是什麼?Shoe( Sandals, Flats and High heels) with jewellery on it or sneakers with specific symbol on it. Customers will not really like a GZ logo on it but a key symbol/ signature like its gold metal tip.有著珠寶裝飾的鞋子(包括涼鞋、平底鞋和高跟鞋)或是有著特別象徵的球鞋。

How do you choose the suppliers?您如何選擇供應商?In the past were always Italain supplier but now we are cooperating with Spainish supplier for the new collection as they know the new material well about it在過去我們總是和義大利供應商合作,但現在我們和西班牙供應商合作新的產品,因為他們對於新的材質比較了解。

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How many buyers do you have? How do you usually work with buyers?你們有幾個採購者呢?您又是怎麼和採購者合作的呢?As GZ is still a small company which only has 52 stores in the world, so it doesn’t really have buyers as big companies which have buyers per country or per region. GZ is more like a designer who works with a merchandiser (maybe for the Europe) who works with a store manager to see what they need.因為 GZ 還算是個小公司,全球只有 52 家店面,所以並沒有真正像大公司一樣的採購者專門負責一個國家或區域。在 GZ 比較像設計師與經銷商工作,而經銷商再與店經理協商他們的需求。For example, in the store, in winter customers love ankle boots so we will always make sure in every winter we have ankle boots. It is a discussion between the designer team and the merchandiser. So now the buyer is not really enough but as the company will grow, it will be able to have someone to dedicate to the role.例如,以這間店來講,在冬季顧客最愛踝靴,所以我們必須確保每個冬季我們都有踝靴。這是設計部門和經銷商之間的議題。所以現在採購者還是不足的,但隨著公司的成長,將來將會有人去擔任這個角色。

How does the buyer have an impact in fashion inductry?採購者是如何影響時尚產業的呢?Buyer will be the person who can spot trends, so who has to be aware of fashion trends to know this is gonna be fashionable in few seasons, in the year or in two years and so on. To be a creative mind.採購者一定是個可以發掘趨勢的人,所以他一定要具有時尚趨勢的意識,去了解什麼將會在接下來幾季、這一年或是這兩年成為流行,必須具有創造力的想法。The store will talk more to the merchandiser to see what fits, what is the store needs, than talk to buyers. And then the merchandiser will talk to the designer. 為了了解什麼適合、什麼是這間店需要的,這間店與經銷商的互動比與採購者的互動更為密切。而後經銷商將會去與設計師討論。For example, the designer will design things which very floral or colourful, and the buyer thinks this is gonna be trendy so should be buy much, but the the merchandiser will say “no, as our main customers Arabian doesn’t like floral pattern so much, so we shouldn’t buy so much”. So it needs to balance between buyers and merchandisers, between what is trendy and what will fit coustomers(maybe too fashinable to wear). But it depends, for instance, in Paris, it is more fashionable, so if the buyer says it is gonna be very trendy then the merchandiser will need to buy a lot.例如,設計師設計了一個非常花式且色彩繽紛的東西,而採購者認為這將是流行趨勢所以應該多購入,但經銷商或許會說"不,因為我們的主要客戶阿拉伯人並沒有很喜歡花的圖案,所以我們不應該購入這麼多"。所以這必須在採購者與經銷商間、在流行趨勢與適合客戶間取得平衡點。不過也不一定,像在巴黎這個較時尚的城市,如果採購者說那將會非常流行,那麼經銷商就必須大量購入。

Who is the market leader?您認為這個市場的領導者是誰?Jimmy Choo, which media cover is strong. For example, there are so many celebraties love wearing it, they have lots of photos on Instagram and they have a good website. In-store GZ focus on customer services and always make sure that keeping on top with them.Jimmy Choo,它的媒體很全面。例如有很多名人是他們的品牌愛好者、他們在 Instagram 有很多照片、他們有很棒的網站。所以就實體店面而言,GZ 著重於客戶服務並且確保我們一直跟他們領先在前。

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How do you manage on-line store and visual store?你們怎麼經營網路商店以及實體商店?They are totally different. Some people would say “I saw an item online...” but actually we don’t have same stocks. We will try to find something similar and to be a good advisor to make custermors happy. 它們完全不一樣。有些人會說"我在網路上看到……",但其實我們的存貨完全是不一樣的,我們會試著找尋相似的產品並且當個良好的建議者去讓顧客感到開心。

Do you think it is a good thing to link on-line store and off-line store?你認為把線上商店和實體店面連結是件好事嗎?It will make everything easier but if some items can only get it in one specific store that would make it special. And also, as customers are different, their desire, shopping behaviour are different either, so not really have to.那將會使所有事情更容易,但如果某些產品你只能在某間店買到,那將會讓它變得更獨特。而且因為客戶不同,它們的需求和購買行為也會不同,所以並不那麼需要。

What is the difference between customers in Bejin and London?倫敦的客戶和北京的客戶不同點在於?Asian prefer classic items which can be worn over and over, so they will have to provide 50% of classic items in China. However, in the UK only need 30% of classic items.亞洲人偏好可以穿戴很久的經典款,所以在中國它們必須提供 50% 的經典款產品,而在英國卻只需要 30% 的經典款產品。

Are you planning to extend stores?你們有計畫開分店嗎?Yes. In the Sloane Square store, there are 80% local customers. For the new store which near Bond street(American love shopping there) will be much bigger and we aim at 60% tourists and 40% local.有的,在我們這間店面 80% 都是當地客戶。而我們在 Bond street 附近的新店面將會比這還要大,我們的目標客戶是 60% 觀光客和 40% 當地人。

Are you happy with the role of buyer?您做為一個採購者快樂嗎?Yes, as it effects how much money you will make. Buyer has to choose the right products, right size and to know what you missed to adapt the customers based. If you do, you will make money; if you don’t, you won’t make money.是的,因為它影響著你能賺進多少錢。採購者必須選擇對的產品和對的尺寸,以及了解你們錯過了什麼銷售以至於能迎合客戶的需求。如果你了解,你就能賺錢,反之亦然。

As we watched from films/TV, buyers always have a good quality life. Is that true?我們從電影或電視裡看到的,採購者總是有著高品質的生活。這是真的嗎?Buyer is a creative position and hard-working job, if you don’t choose the right products you won’t make money so you will need to do many background works to analyse what sold well and bad. So yes, buyer is treated well and you worth it if you do it well.採購者是個需具有創意且困難的工作,如果你選錯了產品你就賺不了錢,所以你必須做很多前置作業,去分析什麼賣得好與不好。所以,對的,採購者薪資優渥,但你是值得它的,如果你做得很好。

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Would you reccommend people to be a buyer?您會推薦別人當一個採購者嗎?You need to be passionate in the industry as it is a hard-working job. If you want to get the right products, you need to spend time in store to see what influent your brand, you need to analyse other brands, what’s going well in the store. It has lots of work, so you need to be passionate about fashion and please the customers.你必須對這個產業報有非常的熱情,因為他並不是一份輕鬆的工作。如果你想選對的產品,你必須花時間在店裡去看什麼東西影響了你的品牌、你必須去分析其它牌子,以及在店裡有哪些方面是做得好的。還有很多很多工作,所以你必須對時尚充滿熱情並且懂得取悅你的客戶。

Is that easy to enter the industry as a buyer for a just graduated person?對於一個剛畢業的學生而言,進入這個產業當一名採購者容易嗎?No, it’s hard. Will start to be an assistant buyer first, then to learn and proof yourself.不,很難。你必須先從助理採購者開始做起,然後去學習並且證明你的能力。When we were leaving, the manager said to us again “What you saw in the stock is not as luxury as you saw in store, so if you want to work in the industry you must be passionate and hard-working on the job.”正當我們要離開時,經理又對我們說了一次"你在存貨間看到的並非跟你在店面看到的一樣奢華,所以如果你真的想在這個行業工作,你必須對這份工作抱有熱情並且非常努力"。

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Wearable technology in Fashion 可穿戴的时尚设备

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Wearable technology in Fashion 可穿戴的时尚设备

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Competition in the f a s h i o n i n d u s t r y i s q u i t e f i e r c e nowadays, more and more retailers begin to find ways to attract people's at tent ion in other areas. As people are car ing with healthy problems more and more. The wearable device has become more and more popular.



I n r e c e n t y e a r s , App le becomes a trend and has had a large number of crazy fans. Not only for MacBook, iPad, iPhone, even apple watch has become an essential equipment. One more interesting th ing i s t ha t , t he last August, when foreign construction w o r k e r n a m e d Dennis Anselmo was eat ing lunch af ter work, he suddenly felt unwell. At that time, he thought it was just because of the tiredness. Luckily he wore an Apple Watch, therefore he looked at heart rate on the watch, finding the heart rate is 210 times / minute!


苹 果 公 司 近 年 来 大势 甚 好, 越 来 越 多的“ 果 粉 ” 开 始 依赖 于 苹 果 公 司 的 产品。不仅购入了全套的 MacBook,iPad,iPhone,连 apple watch都已成为人们必不可少的装备。一件更有趣的事情是,早在去年八月的时候,一位名 叫 Dennis Anselmo 的外国建筑工人在忙完了早上的工作吃午餐的时候,突然感觉身 体 不 适。 在 当 时,他认为只是普通的疲劳而已。但因为其刚好 佩 戴 了 一 个 Apple Watch,因此就拿出来看了一下心率,发现竟然达到了惊人的 210 次 / 分钟!

So people help him call an ambulance. Aid man said: This is a sign of acute heart disease, if he was not sent to the hospital immediately, it was likely to take away his life!

GALAXY GEARSamsung, as Apple's biggest competitor, of ten compared by consumers. Based on the different system that they use.

于是有人赶紧帮他叫了救护车。急救员则表示:这是急性心脏病的前兆,如果不是因为提前发现并送往医 院 的 话, 很 有 可能会立马夺去他的生命!

GALAXY GEAR三星作为苹果公司最大的竞争对手,经常被消费者拿来与之对比。

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C o n s u m e r s w h o prefer Android system will naturally go for Galaxy Gear. FITBITFitbit is the market l eader who takes account the large proportion of market share. of wearable e q u i p m e n t . F r o m the health point of view, it is a wonderful thing that you can see the movement in a day via bracelet. Fitbit allows you to monitor their health on the equipment. Meanwh i l e , F i t b i t has its own app, so you can synchronize the data on phones, tablet computer and laptops. The most interesting thing is that you can even add your friends on the app and compete with your friends.

基于他们系统的不同,偏爱安卓系统的消费者 自 然 会 选 择 Galaxy Gear。FITBITFITBIT最为行业巨头,占据穿戴设备行业最多 的 市 场 份 额。 从 健身 的 角 度 出 发, 可 以看见自己一整天的运动历程是一件非常棒的 事 情, 你 可 以 随 时在 FITBIT 的手环上监测 自 己 的 健 康 状 况,同 时,FITBIT 有 一 款APP, 可 以 让 你 在 手机, 平 板 以 及 电 脑 上随 时 同 步 数 据。 最 有趣 的 是, 你 甚 至 可 以在 APP 上添加你的好友, 与 你 的 好 友 进 行一场健康的 PK。

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4 tips for decorating your student bedroom

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布置学生寝室的 4个小技巧

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Student bedrooms play a important role in students life of university. Although you have restriction on decorating your room, there are only so many ways you can rearrange the furniture in your room. Here are 5 tips for changing your student bedroom from hovel to haven.


1.Brighten up your bed把床变明亮You will definately treat your bed like your sofa, so do using bright, colourful bedding and put a few cushions and throws to brighten it up. Do not worry, it will not cost you much to do this: Ikea does a striped grey quilt cover and pillowcases set for £30, while M&S sells Vintage Style Bird Print Bedding Set that include a duvet cover and two pillowcases for around £20.你的床就像你的沙发一样,选择明亮且色彩丰富的寝具,并且放置几颗靠枕和毯子去明亮你的房间。别担心,那不会让你的荷包大缩水。在 IKEA 你可以找到灰色横条纹床包组只售价30 英镑;而你在 M&S 可以以大概 20 英镑的价钱买到一个乡村风小鸟印花的床包组,里面包括了一个被罩和两个枕头套。

If you can’t afford cushion covers, you can also easily sew them by yourself, using any cheap material that you like from any fabric stores, then mix-and-match contrasting colours look interesting and relaxed. 如果你无法负担枕套的价钱,你也可以运用你在布料店里看到喜欢的任何便宜材质,自己很简单地缝纫几个。Moreover, it is also a good idea to make your bed look like a chaise lounge by piling up the cushions. By making your bed lesser bed-like and more like a lounge, your room will become the chilling out hub of the house, it is just perfect for late night gossip sessions.另外,摆放几颗靠枕让你的床看起来像张躺椅一样也是个好的选择。让你的床看起来越不像张床,越像个小交谊厅,你的房间就会变成一个可以令你释放压力的场所,而那刚好是适合深夜讨论八卦的最佳选择。

2.Choose for floor lamps选择落地灯Proper lighting will go a long way towards making a room feel cosy – especially useful for late-night gatherings, or when you’re catching up an essay at 3am. You can invest in cheap floor lamps from Argos – you can pick up a large tube-shaped one for £11.24 or use Fairy Light with your creativity.适合的灯光将会帮你的房间营造出温暖的感觉,特别是在深夜里的聚会,或是当你被论文追赶着到凌晨三点的时候。你可以从 Argos 购买到便宜的落地灯,选择一个 11.24 英镑的长管状落地灯,或是运用你的创造力去装饰小灯泡。

3.Decorate your walls装饰你的墙Posters and framed pictures are always a good idea, but hanging things on the walls is often not allowed. If you can get away with it, use white tack or invest in no-hole picture hanging strips for minimum damage. Command does a range of damage-free projects, you can go and have a look. 运用海报和有框的照片一直都是很好的想法,但是在墙上悬挂物品经常是不被允许的。如果你可以避免它,就选用些白色大头钉或是免穿孔的挂勾去降低破坏吧! Command 有很多无痕的产品,去那寻找你要的产品吧!

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Many students decorate their walls with a collage of photographs, postcards and pictures torn from magazines, which can immediately personalise a blank space and covers up nasty marks on walls. If allowed, you can also use temporary wall decals or stickers. 很多学生会利用照片、明信片或是杂志里的图片去拼贴装是他们的墙,这可使一面空空荡荡的墙瞬间有个自己的风格,并且覆盖了墙上的那些小污点。如果可行的话,你也可以运用些暂时性的墙面装饰或是贴纸去打造属于你自己风格的墙。

If you're really worried about that deposit or you wanna something more interesting and creative, you can go for the easier, funner and more temporary framing option - washi tape! Make cool shapes, mix and match prints or colours to display your pictures and enrich your blank wall.如果你很担心花费或是你想尝试些有趣且有创造力的东西,那你可以试试看纸胶带,这个最简单好玩且属于较暂时性的边框作为选择!做个特别的形状,并且混合搭配图案或是颜色去展示你的图片,同时丰富你那冷冰冰的墙。

There are lots of choice on the High Street which offer a wild range that help you decorate your wall, but look at the gold map! It is a special and meaningful idea for your wall, isn’t it?你可以从一些平价连锁店选择许多不同的商品去装饰你的墙,但是看看这个金色的地图!不觉得它是个很特别且很有意义的墙面装饰吗?

A scratch map helps you to memorise your traveling footprints一个帮你记忆你的旅行足迹的刮刮式地图This is an amazing idea that you should definitely go for it. The map are painted gold, and then you scratch countries off when you've been to them - like you would a scratch card - to reveal the colour of the country underneath. You can go for Scratchmap for only £13.95.这是个超棒的方法你一定得试试!这个地图是用金色着色的,刮掉那些你去过的国家,就像刮刮乐一样,刮去后你就会看到在那个国家下不同的颜色。你可以用 13.95 英镑在Scratchmap 买到它唷!

4.Get a board购置一块板子You can choose both corkboard and whiteboard, they are both handy. With them, you can either pin your lecture timetable, your gig tickets or any cards, photography on it. Also, they can be used for everything from brainstorming essays to games of Sudoku. It can not only help you memorize things but also decorate your room. Many student rooms already come with a board, but you can easily buy them for £2.09 on Amazon. However, an expanse of cork always looks boring, so cover it with pretty paper or a big piece of fabric that you like.你可以选择购入软木塞板或是白板,它们都很方便。有了它们,你可以把你的讲座时刻表、票券或是任何卡片和照片钉上去。不仅仅如此,它们可被用在每个地方,不管是从论文的脑力激荡或是到数独游戏。它们不仅可以帮你记忆事情,还可装饰你的房间。虽然有许多学生的房间本来就附有一块记事板,但你也可以花 2.09 英镑在 Amazon 轻松的买到它。不过,一块大的软木塞板看上去特别空洞,所以选择一张漂亮的纸或是一块你喜欢的布料去装饰它吧!

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Handmade—No reason to dislike手工制作


The brand was born in the United States Los Angeles by a jewelry designer Nick Orlando in Denmark. The company now have studios in New York and Copenhagen. The superior material of products such as in stones, beads and accessories are collected by the designer from all over the world.

设计师品牌 Nialaya

Nialaya 品牌由出生于丹麦的独立珠宝设计师雅尼克·奥兰多在美国洛杉创建,公司目前在纽约和哥本哈根都设有工作室。尼拉雅的产品中珍贵上乘的石头,珠子,配饰等原材料均由设计师亲自采集于世界各地。

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Nick worked for famous brand Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger, he enjoys fashion, luxury goods and all beautiful things. Due to the needs of work, he often travels to Asian countries, these experience makes his art of work filled with exotic features. Bali, Thailand and India have become an inspiration for the designer. Nick personally selects precious and rare stones, beads, and give them a life.

雅尼克曾先后就职于世界著名服装品牌“拉尔 夫· 劳 伦 Ralph Lauren” 和“ 汤 美 费 格Tommy Hilfiger”, 他非常享受时尚,奢侈品以及一切美好的事物,由于工作的需要,他经常游走于远东国家,这些游历另他的设计品味更加广阔并充满异域特色。巴厘,泰国,印度已经变成了设计师寻找创意 , 获得灵感的地方,在这里,雅尼克亲自选取珍贵而罕有的天然石头,珠子,吊饰等并赋予它生命。

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Based on the inspiration of the designer, Nialaya has special creativity. When Jannik was walking along a seaside city in India, he accidentally met a wizard called Nialaya. The wizard encouraged him to pursue his dreams, rather than blindly chasing for money. Jannik understood greatly, soon when he finished the journey, he established a jewelry company. He named the company Nialaya, in order to remember the person who gave him the inspiration. Jannik set out for design and created the vitality for each product. Finally, products received great comments in Hollywood owing to its great handmade design. Every gem has the power to stimulate the spirit of self-healing. Every piece of work has power to purify your heart.

基于设计师的灵感来源,Nialaya 具有着别具匠心的创意。Jannik 在旅行印度的一个海滨城市时,他偶然遇到了一个名为 Nialaya 当地巫师,巫师鼓励他去追求自己的梦想,而不是一味地追逐金钱收益。Jannik 由此深有体会,在他的旅行回来后创办了珠宝公司。他将公司命名为“Nialaya”,其含义是纪念曾提供对生活的洞察力给他的人。 Jannik 开始着手设计并且赋予每一个产品极强的灵动力和治愈力。皇天不负有心人,因为每件首饰都是手工串成无需使用机械或批量生产,所以在好莱坞大受好评。每个一颗宝石都附有刺激着精神的自愈能力 ; 每件成品的作品都富含着净化般的神圣。

Nialaya continue its global expansion, it has been existing for more than 90 countries. The company has selected the best jewelry store, clothing shop, 5 stars hotel and high-level department store in the world to sell its products, including Harrods, Harvey Nichols and Selfridges. Also, includes NK in Stockholm, OnPedder in Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, Ibiza hotel in Ibiza, SLS hotel in Beverly hills and DNA stores cosmopolitan in Las Vegas. Besides, the company opened a second flagship store in Tokyo's luxury Omotesa shopping area in 2014, and planned to do further expansion to the senior jewelry market in Asia. Nialaya opened the first flagship store in 330 he str. in Manhattan, New York in 2015.

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Nialaya 继续发展并专注于自己的全球扩张,已在 90 个国家目前在售。该公司已经选择了世界上最好的珠宝店,时装店,5 星级酒店和高端百货商场的 300 来容纳自己的藏品。这些零售商包括 Harrods 百货公司,Harvey Nichols 和 Selfridges 百货公司,甚至包括NK 在斯德哥尔摩,OnPedder 在香港,新加坡,北京,上海,伊维萨大酒店在 Ibiza,SLS 酒店在比佛利山庄和 DNA 商场在拉斯维加斯柯梦波丹。该公司在 2014 年开设了第二家旗舰店在东京的豪华 Omotesa 购物区,并计划进一步扩大到亚洲高级珠宝市场。 2015 年 Nialaya 开设了位于 330 布利克街在曼哈顿他们的第一个纽约旗舰店。

Warm tip:From the United States to the U.K, postal delivery is about 1 week time, at the same time, the price on websites is not including taxes. If you have interest in it, do not miss it!

For further informationhttp://www.nialaya.com

温馨小提示:从美国到英国邮递时间大约 1 周左右,同时网站中的售价并不含税,当付款时是需要包含关税的。感兴趣的朋友千万不要错过哟 ~ http://www.nialaya.com

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China Student26"black is my attitude."

KoreanStudent26"Love life, love fashion."

ChinaTourist24"London is an amazing city, I am addicted to it."

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ChinaArtist25"I am what I am."

ChinaStudent27"I am marketing director."

ChinaStudent27“Fashion is my best friend.”

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