Honoring God in the Children Confided to Our Care P.O. Box 264, Salamanca, N.Y. 14779 | p: (716) 354-4555 | f: (716) 354-2055 | e: [email protected] | www.campturnerolv.org | Hhhhhhh APPLICATION: Please print and fill out all six (6) pages of the Camp Turner/OLV Charities application. Once completed, mail to: Camp Turner P.O. Box 264 Salamanca, NY 14779 You can also email the forms to: [email protected]. REFERENCE FORMS: Fill out the top section of each reference form yourself Give them to three professionals (teachers, supervisors, etc.) to complete. Please no not give them to family members, roommates, or peers/friends. Ask your references to fill out the form using as much detail as possible, then place it in a sealed envelope, sign across the seal, and mail it to the address above. You should not see the reference. Providing your references with a pre-addressed and stamped envelope is recommended. If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to call us at (716) 354-4555.

Honoring God in the Children Confided to Our Care

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Honoring God in the Children Confided to Our Care

P.O. Box 264, Salamanca, N.Y. 14779 | p: (716) 354-4555 | f: (716) 354-2055 | e: [email protected] | www.campturnerolv.org | Hhhhhhh

APPLICATION:Please print and fill out all six (6) pages of the Camp Turner/OLV Charities application.

Once completed, mail to: Camp Turner P.O. Box 264 Salamanca, NY 14779

You can also email the forms to: [email protected].

REFERENCE FORMS:• Fill out the top section of each reference form yourself• Give them to three professionals (teachers, supervisors, etc.)

to complete. Please no not give them to family members, roommates, or peers/friends.• Ask your references to fill out the form using as much detail as possible, then place it in a sealed

envelope, sign across the seal, and mail it to the address above. You should not see the reference.• Providing your references with a pre-addressed and stamped envelope is recommended.

If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to call us at (716) 354-4555.


Camp Turner Employment Application Addendum

Applicant’s Name: __________________________________________ Date: _______________ Cell Phone: ______________________ Email: ________________________________ Facebook: _______________________ Instagram: _____________________________ Twitter: __________________________ Snapchat: ______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address City State Zip Position sought: Counselor Kitchen Support Staff Admin How did you hear of this job opening? Website Advertisement Church Bulletin Social Media Other: ________________________ Are you at least 18 years of age or older? Yes No If not, how old: _______

If under 18, do you have working papers? Yes No

Community involvement: ________________________________________________________ Charitable work: _______________________________________________________________ Have you been convicted of a crime other than minor traffic violations? Yes No ____________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been investigated for child abuse or neglect? Yes No ____________________________________________________________________________ List Certifications you hold: Lifeguard WSI / PSI First Aid Wilderness First Aid First Responder EMT CPR

AED BLS Universal Precautions Blood borne Pathogens Bow hunter License Archery Instructor Horsemanship

CDL class: _______ NY State Driver License L.P.N. R.N. Babysitting Childcare ServSafe or similar

Other: ________________________________________________________________________ What experience, hobbies or skills do you have with camps or working with children? (What are you good at?) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


Why do you want to work at camp? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Please provide an honest assessment of your abilities in each area below so we can help you be successful. Note – bus drivers and dishwashers may skip this section. Cooks and Office Staff please answer at least the sections that apply to your area. 1 = Expert, I can teach others to lead 2 = Skilled, I can lead 3 = I can help, but not lead 4 = I am unwilling / unable to help at all Counselors and Assistants:

___ Child Care ___ Teaching ___ Horse - Riding Instructor ___ Stable Management ___ Horse Feeding / Care ___ Horse Grooming ___ Archery Instruction ___ Nature Instruction ___ Plant Identification ___ Animal Identification ___ Bird Identification ___ Orienteering (Navigation) ___ Rock Climbing ___ Fire-building ___ Axe and Knife Safety ___ Ecology ___ Camping / OLS ___ Fishing ___ Backpacking ___ Hiking ___ Creek-walking ___ Outdoor Cooking ___ Swimming ___ Lifeguarding ___ WSI / PSI ___ Arts and Crafts ___ Beading

___ Braiding ___ Jewelry Making ___ Painting ___ Drawing ___ Leather Working ___ Drama ___ Dance ___ Theater / drama ___ LARP ___ Sports ___ Soccer ___ Jump Rope ___ Basketball ___ Volleyball ___ Yoga / Zumba ___ Fitness / Stretching ___ Group Initiatives ___ Low Ropes Facilitation ___ Facilitation / Debriefing ___ Board Games ___ Playing an Instrument ___ Leading Songs / Skits ___ Leading Prayers ___ Planning Liturgies ___ Digital Photography ___ Eucharistic Minister

Office Staff: ___ Database Management ___ Answering Phones / customer contact ___ Filing ___ Security ___ Web design ___ Graphic Design ___ Bookkeeping Kitchen Staff: ___ Wholesale food ordering ___ Cooking ___ Prep work ___ Receiving ___ Food Storage ___ Serve Safe / Sanitation Everyone: ___ Dishwashing ___ Sweeping ___ Mopping ___ Cleaning bathrooms ___ Other janitorial ___ Sanitation (trash removal)

Counseling Staff only: Write a brief autobiography on a separate page (maximum 250 words). Highlight what is most important to you, what goals you have, and how working at camp may help you achieve your goals. By my signature I attest that everything written above is true and provides a complete picture with respect to each question. Signature of Applicant Date Please submit these pages with your employment application to: Camp Turner, Box 264, Salamanca, NY 14779 or email to [email protected]

Page 1 of 4

Our Lady of Victory Homes of Charity Application for Employment

Date_____/_____/______ Please answer all questions. Position Applied For _____________________________ Applicant Name_____________________________________ Telephone Number ( ) _______-_________ Alternate/Cellular Telephone Number ( ) _______- ___________ Present Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address (optional) ________________________________ Desired Salary/Hourly Rate ____________________________

Type of employment desired? Full-time Part-time (Specify Hours)_________________________________

Are you willing to work overtime? Yes No Date on which you can start work if hired ____/_____/_____

Have you previously applied for employment with Our Lady of Victory Homes of Charity? Yes No

If yes, when and where did you apply? __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Have you ever been employed by this Our Lady of Victory Homes of Charity? Yes No

If yes, provide dates of employment, location, and reason for separation from employment. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ If applicable, below list any other names by which you have been known which may be necessary to allow us to confirm your work and educational record. For example, change of name, use of an assumed name, nickname, etc. _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Education School Name and Location

(Address, City, State)

Course of Study

Graduate? Y or N

# of Years Completed


High School


College or Post College

Honors Received___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 2 of 4

WORK EXPERIENCE Please list the names of your present and/or previous employers in chronological order with present or most recent employer listed first. Provide information for at least the most recent ten (10) year period. Attach additional sheets if needed. If self-employed, supply firm name and business references. You may include any verifiable work performed on a volunteer basis, internships, or military service. Your failure to completely respond to each inquiry may disqualify you for consideration from employment. Do not answer “see résumé.”

Employer #1 _________________________________________ ____________________________________ ________________________ Name Address Type of Business

Telephone ( ) _______-_____________ Dates Employed From ___/___/___ to ____/____/____ Job Title_____________________________ Duties____________________________________________________________

Supervisor’s Name_________________________ May we contact? Yes No If no, why not? ___________________________

Reason for Leaving __________________________________________________ How much notice did you give when resigning? If none, explain. ___________________________________________________

Employer #2 _________________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________ Name Address Type of Business Telephone ( ) _______-_____________ Dates Employed From ___/___/___ to ____/____/____ Job Title_____________________________ Duties_____________________________________________________________

Supervisor’s Name_____________________________ May we contact? Yes No If no, why not? _________________________

Reason for Leaving ___________________________________________________ How much notice did you give when resigning? If none, explain. ____________________________________________________

Employer #3 _________________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________ Name Address Type of Business Telephone ( ) _______-_____________ Dates Employed From ___/___/___ to ____/____/____ Job Title_____________________________ Duties_____________________________________________________________

Supervisor’s Name_____________________________ May we contact? Yes No If no, why not? ________________________

Reason for Leaving __________________________________________________ How much notice did you give when resigning? If none, explain. ___________________________________________________

Page 3 of 4

Employer #4 _________________________________________ ____________________________________ _________________________ Name Address Type of Business Telephone ( ) _______-_____________ Dates Employed From ___/___/___ to ____/____/____ Job Title_____________________________ Duties_____________________________________________________________

Supervisor’s Name_____________________________ May we contact? Yes No If no, why not? ________________________

Reason for Leaving ___________________________________________________ How much notice did you give when resigning? If none, explain. ____________________________________________________

Have you ever been terminated or asked to resign from any job? Yes No. If yes, how many times? _____

Please explain the circumstances of each occasion. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

REFERENCES Please list the names of additional work-related references we may contact. Individuals with no prior work experience may list school or volunteer-related references.




Please list the names of personal references (not previous employers or relatives) who know you well that we may contact.

NAME Occupation Address Telephone

Number of Years Known

Page 4 of 4

Applicant Certification

I recognize that any offer of employment to me by Our Lady of Victory Homes of Charity (HOC) is conditional upon my successful completion of a pre-employment drug test and physical and background check, including but not limited to a criminal background check. I understand and agree that if driving is a requirement of the job for which I am applying, my employment and/or continued employment is contingent on possessing a valid driver’s license for the state in which I reside and automobile liability insurance in an amount equal to the minimum required by the state where I reside. I certify that all the information on this application, my résumé, or any supporting documents I may present during any interview is and will be complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any falsification, misrepresentation, or omission of any information may result in disqualification from consideration for employment or, if employed, disciplinary action, up to and including immediate dismissal. I also understand that, if employed, I will be an employee at will which means that either I or HOC can terminate my employment at any time for any reason, with or without notice. Applicant Signature__________________________________________________________Date___/____/____


Camp Turner Job Candidate Reference Form

Camp Turner, P.O. Box 264, Salamanca, NY 14779 Phone: 716-354-4555 Fax: 716-354-2055 Applicant Instructions: Fill out the top section of this form. Give it to three professionals (teachers, supervisors, etc.) Do not give the form to family members, roommates or peers. Ask them to complete the form with as much detail as possible then place it in a sealed envelope, sign across the seal, and mail it directly to the address above. This reference is confidential. You should not see the reference. I, the applicant, give permission for Camp Turner to obtain all appropriate information in conjunction with my application for employment. I authorize all schools which I attended, employers for whom I have worked, organizations for which I have volunteered or been associated with to release information which may provide insight into my experience, character, educational qualifications, and potential to be a successful staff member at Camp Turner. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant Printed Name Position Applying for ___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date

NOTE TO PERSON PROVIDING REFERENCE Camp Turner is a coeducational, resident summer camp serving children from seven to sixteen years of age. The work requires a great deal of energy, patience, creativity and responsibility. The information you provide will help us determine if the applicant is suitable for this type of employment. Please place the form in a sealed envelope and sign across the seal. Mail the form directly to the address above. Please do not give this form to the applicant to mail. Name of Reference: ____________________________________ Phone number: __________________________ Occupation: ___________________________________________ Employer: ______________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________ Email Address: __________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ How long have you known the applicant? ____________________ What is your relationship to the applicant? ____________________ Where is the applicant employed? ______________________________________________________________ If no longer working why did he/she leave? ________________________________________________________ Has the applicant ever been dismissed from a position? YES NO; If yes, please provide specifics ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Has the applicant been convicted of a crime? YES NO; If yes, please provide specifics ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What values does the applicant display through his or her behavior? ___________________________________________________________________________________________


What are the applicant’s strengths? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Has this applicant, in your experience, improved or detracted from the happiness of those around him or her? How? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Comment on the applicant’s emotional maturity / socialization skills: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ What area do you think the applicant needs to grow in to be a more effective employee? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Has the applicant demonstrated punctuality, reliability, work ethic? In what ways? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ How does the applicant get along with co-workers? Supervisors? The public? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you observed the applicant interacting with children? Do you have any reservations about this applicant working with children in an overnight camp setting? Would you trust him / her with your own children? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Have there been any allegations of abuse or misconduct against the applicant? YES NO If yes, please provide specifics ____________________________________________________________________________________________ By my signature I attest that everything I wrote is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature: _________________________________________ Date:___________________________________


Camp Turner Job Candidate Reference Form

Camp Turner, P.O. Box 264, Salamanca, NY 14779 Phone: 716-354-4555 Fax: 716-354-2055 Applicant Instructions: Fill out the top section of this form. Give it to three professionals (teachers, supervisors, etc.) Do not give the form to family members, roommates or peers. Ask them to complete the form with as much detail as possible then place it in a sealed envelope, sign across the seal, and mail it directly to the address above. This reference is confidential. You should not see the reference. I, the applicant, give permission for Camp Turner to obtain all appropriate information in conjunction with my application for employment. I authorize all schools which I attended, employers for whom I have worked, organizations for which I have volunteered or been associated with to release information which may provide insight into my experience, character, educational qualifications, and potential to be a successful staff member at Camp Turner. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant Printed Name Position Applying for ___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date

NOTE TO PERSON PROVIDING REFERENCE Camp Turner is a coeducational, resident summer camp serving children from seven to sixteen years of age. The work requires a great deal of energy, patience, creativity and responsibility. The information you provide will help us determine if the applicant is suitable for this type of employment. Please place the form in a sealed envelope and sign across the seal. Mail the form directly to the address above. Please do not give this form to the applicant to mail. Name of Reference: ____________________________________ Phone number: __________________________ Occupation: ___________________________________________ Employer: ______________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________ Email Address: __________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ How long have you known the applicant? ____________________ What is your relationship to the applicant? ____________________ Where is the applicant employed? ______________________________________________________________ If no longer working why did he/she leave? ________________________________________________________ Has the applicant ever been dismissed from a position? YES NO; If yes, please provide specifics ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Has the applicant been convicted of a crime? YES NO; If yes, please provide specifics ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What values does the applicant display through his or her behavior? ___________________________________________________________________________________________


What are the applicant’s strengths? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Has this applicant, in your experience, improved or detracted from the happiness of those around him or her? How? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Comment on the applicant’s emotional maturity / socialization skills: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ What area do you think the applicant needs to grow in to be a more effective employee? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Has the applicant demonstrated punctuality, reliability, work ethic? In what ways? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ How does the applicant get along with co-workers? Supervisors? The public? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you observed the applicant interacting with children? Do you have any reservations about this applicant working with children in an overnight camp setting? Would you trust him / her with your own children? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Have there been any allegations of abuse or misconduct against the applicant? YES NO If yes, please provide specifics ____________________________________________________________________________________________ By my signature I attest that everything I wrote is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature: _________________________________________ Date:___________________________________


Camp Turner Job Candidate Reference Form

Camp Turner, P.O. Box 264, Salamanca, NY 14779 Phone: 716-354-4555 Fax: 716-354-2055 Applicant Instructions: Fill out the top section of this form. Give it to three professionals (teachers, supervisors, etc.) Do not give the form to family members, roommates or peers. Ask them to complete the form with as much detail as possible then place it in a sealed envelope, sign across the seal, and mail it directly to the address above. This reference is confidential. You should not see the reference. I, the applicant, give permission for Camp Turner to obtain all appropriate information in conjunction with my application for employment. I authorize all schools which I attended, employers for whom I have worked, organizations for which I have volunteered or been associated with to release information which may provide insight into my experience, character, educational qualifications, and potential to be a successful staff member at Camp Turner. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant Printed Name Position Applying for ___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date

NOTE TO PERSON PROVIDING REFERENCE Camp Turner is a coeducational, resident summer camp serving children from seven to sixteen years of age. The work requires a great deal of energy, patience, creativity and responsibility. The information you provide will help us determine if the applicant is suitable for this type of employment. Please place the form in a sealed envelope and sign across the seal. Mail the form directly to the address above. Please do not give this form to the applicant to mail. Name of Reference: ____________________________________ Phone number: __________________________ Occupation: ___________________________________________ Employer: ______________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________ Email Address: __________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ How long have you known the applicant? ____________________ What is your relationship to the applicant? ____________________ Where is the applicant employed? ______________________________________________________________ If no longer working why did he/she leave? ________________________________________________________ Has the applicant ever been dismissed from a position? YES NO; If yes, please provide specifics ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Has the applicant been convicted of a crime? YES NO; If yes, please provide specifics ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What values does the applicant display through his or her behavior? ___________________________________________________________________________________________


What are the applicant’s strengths? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Has this applicant, in your experience, improved or detracted from the happiness of those around him or her? How? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Comment on the applicant’s emotional maturity / socialization skills: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ What area do you think the applicant needs to grow in to be a more effective employee? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Has the applicant demonstrated punctuality, reliability, work ethic? In what ways? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ How does the applicant get along with co-workers? Supervisors? The public? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you observed the applicant interacting with children? Do you have any reservations about this applicant working with children in an overnight camp setting? Would you trust him / her with your own children? ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Have there been any allegations of abuse or misconduct against the applicant? YES NO If yes, please provide specifics ____________________________________________________________________________________________ By my signature I attest that everything I wrote is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature: _________________________________________ Date:___________________________________