St. Mary the Virgin Honley MARCH 2013 Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazine Price 40p St. George Brockholes

Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazinebtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site887/Mag 2013/Mar 13... · 2013. 5. 10. · Rev Liam Beadle, currently Assistant Curate at St Andrew’s

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Page 1: Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazinebtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site887/Mag 2013/Mar 13... · 2013. 5. 10. · Rev Liam Beadle, currently Assistant Curate at St Andrew’s

St. Mary the Virgin Honley

MARCH 2013

Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazine

Price 40p

St. George Brockholes

Page 2: Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazinebtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site887/Mag 2013/Mar 13... · 2013. 5. 10. · Rev Liam Beadle, currently Assistant Curate at St Andrew’s

Tel: 01484 660036

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Room, Honley)

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Friday, Saturday

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Page 3: Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazinebtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site887/Mag 2013/Mar 13... · 2013. 5. 10. · Rev Liam Beadle, currently Assistant Curate at St Andrew’s


Dear Friends

We are now well into the season of Lent, a time in the church’s

year when we think about self-denial, giving something up. This

will most likely be giving up something that may cause us some

discomfort. By this I mean such things as not drinking alcohol,

eating chocolate, not eating cakes or biscuits, or even worse,

giving up coffee!

Personally I have never been good at self-denial so I don’t do it

(what! And she a Priest, I hear you exclaiming).

I don’t do it because I am not good at it! What I prefer to do

is to take up more reading, usually of a spiritual nature. I love

reading so again this is not self-denial either, it is for me

attempting to go deeper into the heart of God.

I am reading a book during this Lent which is based on the

writings of Mother Julian of Norwich. Mother Julian lived in

the 14th century in Norwich and became something of a recluse.

Her small cell or room was in a church right in the centre of

Norwich which can still be visited in the church there and has

become a shrine.

Appointment announced

Rev Liam Beadle, currently Assistant Curate at St Andrew’s Enfield, has been appointed Vicar of Honley with Brockholes. The induction service will be held at St Mary’s Honley on Wednesday, 15th May at 7.30 pm with the Bishop of Wakefield. Please continue to pray for Liam as he prepares to join the Parish.

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When she prayed she experienced what she calls “showings” -

very special messages and pictures in her mind and spirit from


One of the most lovely of all her writings refers to a hazelnut,

she wrote this;

“then God showed me something small, no bigger than a

hazelnut, lying in the palm of my hand, as it seemed to me, and

it was round as a ball. I looked at it with the eye of my

understanding and thought what can this be? How can

something so small and insignificant mean anything? Then the

answer came -

God made it, God loves it, God cares for it. Everything has its being and its meaning through God’s love.”

My message to us all this Lent is that whoever we are, however

insignificant we may feel, however unrewarded or cared for,

God loves and knows us for who we are and not for how good we

may be at giving things up!

So I recommend that instead of not eating that piece of

chocolate or having that lovely glass of red wine, PRAY MORE,


Rev Jenny Barnes

Thank You

Thank you very much to all who came to celebrate my birthday - it was much appreciated! As a result of your generosity we have been able to donate £200 each to St Mary`s and Cancer Research

With love in Christ. John

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In March we remember in our Year’s Mind

From the Parish Registers

Baptism St Mary’s February 17 Poppy Camilla Hutchinson

Funerals St Mary’s February 11 James Andrew Shires St Mary’s February 15 Bob Etherington


David Greaves d. 8 March 2012

Frank Armitage d. 9 March 1996

Audrey Alice Wigfield d. 9 March 2007

Andrew Lee Raine d. 10 March 2010

Albert Senior d. 14 March 2010

Phoebe Higham d. 15 March 2007

Donald Allen North d. 19 March 1984

Lucy Millicent France d. 20 March 1989

Harry Thorpe Dronfield d. 21 March 1983

Michael Fletcher d. 22 March 2003

Philip James Taylor d. 24 March 2006

Barbara Shaw d. 25 March 2005

John Harry Lockwood d. 28 March 2003

Barrie Couch d. 29 March 2006

Margaret Green d. March 2010

Peggy Longbottom d. March 2010

John Shrigley d. March 2010

George Norman Buckley d. March 2010

Gordon Conway d. March 2012

Jenny Knutton d. March 2012

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Report on the January PCC Meeting

Fourteen members were present when Chairman Clive Waind opened the January meeting of the PCC with a prayer. The minutes of the September meeting were accepted before Treasurer Clive Green reported that our Common Fund for 2012 had been made in full. In addition to giving us a reduction on our 2013 share as a result of the interregnum, if we manage to pay in full again in 2013 then 25% of our arrears will be written off. Full payment again in 2014 will see the remaining 75% written off. Since our arrears amount to £22,000 then it is to be hoped that we can achieve full payment over the next two years. The minutes from the DCC meetings held during October, November and December had been circulated and were tabled at this meeting. The lack of interest in the Diocesan magazine “Awake” led to a decision to cut our order by 50%. Dates for the Annual Meetings were agreed as follows:

St George’s - Sunday April 7th St Mary’s - Sunday April 14th Parish - Tuesday April 16th

Under Any Other Business the use of accumulated interest on the Trust Fund was queried as to whether there are any restrictions on this. The Secretary agreed to consult the Diocese on this matter. Permission was given to provide a new filing cabinet to replace the old one in the vicarage. Details of the events planned as part of St George’s 150th Anniversary celebrations were circulated. A suggested revue of the days used for DCC/PCC meetings was left to the next meeting for consideration. Concern about the appointment of gay bishops was expressed by one member with the suggestion of a letter of protest to our Bishop and Archbishop. It was agreed that members be given time to consider the matter and it will be raised at the next meeting.

Cliff Green, PCC Secretary

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Electoral Roll Every six years the parish electoral roll has to be completed from scratch. This falls in 2013. Everyone who wishes to be on the roll for both St Mary’s and St George’s in 2013 will therefore need to complete a new application form. Application forms are available from the box on the table at the back of both churches. Please return all application forms to the following people by the deadlines shown:

Please note any forms submitted after the deadlines cannot be accepted. I am most grateful for everyone’s help and co-operation with this.

Jane Wardman, Parish Electoral Roll Officer

Parish Giving Corner responding to God’s love enabling mission

Please ask and we will always be happy to help on

any aspect of giving.

Clive Green and Roger Kenworthy - Parish Giving Officers

St Mary’s St George’s

Jane Wardman Elizabeth Mosley, Rosalind Watt or Margaret Kenworthy

by the end of morning service on Sunday 24th March

by the end of morning service on Sunday 17th March

The new roll for 2013 will displayed from

Sunday 31st March to Sunday 14th April

Sunday 24th March to Sunday 7th April

when it will be removed for the AGM of St Mary’s Church

when it will be removed for the AGM of St George’s Church

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ST. MARY'S CALENDAR MARCH Friday 1 2.00 pm WWDP Service at Trinity Church

7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal Sunday 3 3rd Sunday of Lent 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Parish Eucharist * 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Wednesday 6 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Pastoral Care Prayer Group Thursday 7 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 10.30 am Lent Course in Church 11.30 - 12.45 pm Lent Lunch in Parish Room 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group Sunday 10 Mothering Sunday

8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Communion with Music Group and Honley Infants School Choir 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Tuesday 12 7.30 pm Finance & Property Committee Meeting Wednesday 13 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 14 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 10.30 am Lent Course in Church 11.30 - 12.45 pm Lent Lunch in Parish Room 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group Sunday 17 5th Sunday of Lent

8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Communion (+ Children’s Club) 3.00 pm Evensong and Holy Baptism Tuesday 19 7.30 pm D C C Meeting Wednesday 20 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 21 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 10.30 am Lent Course in Church 11.30 - 12.45 pm Lent Lunch in Parish Room 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group Friday 22 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal Sunday 24 Palm Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Parish Eucharist 6.30 pm Evening Prayer

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Wednesday 27 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 28 Maundy Thursday 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 11.30 - 12.45 pm Lent Lunch in Parish Room 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group 7.30 pm Eucharist followed by Gethsemane Watch Friday 29 Good Friday 2.00 pm An Hour at the Cross 7.30 pm Dramatic Reading (to be confirmed) Saturday 30 Easter Eve 7.30 pm Easter Vigil and Fire (*BST begins +1hr*)

Sunday 31 Easter Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Parish Eucharist No evening service APRIL Wednesday 3 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Pastoral Care Prayer Group

Service Sidespeople Reader Intercessors Serving Coffee

Mar 3

* Parish Eucharist

Sandra Dean Shirley Mitchell

Andrea Gosslin

Graham and Jane Wardman

Heather Ambler Shirley Turner

Mar 10

Mothering Sunday

Pauline and John Adams

Kirsty James

Graham and Jane Wardman

Margaret Jenkinson Shirley Mitchell

Mar 17

Family Communion

Diana and Charles Kaye

Pauline Adams

Pat and Cliff Green

Cynthia Hepper Elaine Shaw

Mar 24

Parish Eucharist

Mary Briggs Jean Cheeseman

Margaret Hay

Clive Waind

Kath Kennedy Janet Sykes

Mar 31

Easter Eucharist

Cynthia Hepper Elaine Shaw

Jennie Waind

Graham and Jane Wardman

Diana and Charles Kaye

Apr 7

Family Service

Olivine and Kevin Radford

Rebecca Noble

Graham and Jane Wardman

Gillian and Roger Greaves


Helpers Rota for 9.30 am Service

* change of service pattern: Family Service - 10th March

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Christingle 2013 In addition to a traditional Christingle Service on Sunday 3rd February during the 9.30 am service, St Mary’s also held five other Christingle services during the week of 4th February for Honley Infant and Junior School children. Over 400 children, with teachers parents, grandparents, carers and friends attended the services which were jointly led by Revs John and Jenny Barnes. With the visual aid of the giant Christingle, the children heard how the Children's Society came into being and contributed answers about what the different elements of the Christingle symbolised. The Christingle Song was sung, prayers said and Christingles which each child had made were lit. The services were very well organised, meaningful and the children, particularly from the Infants School, were impeccably behaved with their lit candles! The children had also collected change in Children’s Society candles prior to their services and these were handed over. Donations from all 6 services amounted to £1,015 for the Children’s Society – a superb effort. Many thanks to Revs John and Jenny for leading these services and those who manned buckets of water (not needed!) and helped on the days.

Heather Ambler and Alison Dean

Honley Churches Together

Lent Lunches Homemade soup with roll and tea / coffee

Thursdays, 11.30 am to 12.45 pm

until 28th March 2013 in the Parish Room, Church Street

Proceeds to the Honley Aid in Sickness Charity

All welcome

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Encounters In 1994 from September 18th - 25th we had a Mission Week in the parish. It was led by Brother William of the Community of the Resurrection with a team of Sisters, students at the college and other lay men and women. Six months before the mission week, six house groups were set up in preparation for the event. These groups met at different times of the week and in various parts of the parish to make it possible for everyone to take part. There were five meetings before the mission and one afterwards. The topics discussed, using information provided by Brother William were :- Encountering- God, the church, Prayer, the Call of God; the Cross and Resurrection and the World as Christians. The last one was held after the completion of the mission week. The mission itself involved friends from other churches in Honley and Brockholes and included talks, testimonies, prayer, hymns and choruses, quiet times and discussions. It was a huge success at the time. The group Cliff and I were part of continues to meet approximately monthly. There are only four of the original twelve members still able to attend after almost 20 years. Sadly Doreen Maude has moved away recently to be nearer her family and we have just heard of the death of Bob Etherington, our dear friend and a strong supporter of our group from its beginning. As members have moved away they have been replaced by new people. Our aim has been to continue the theme of the last meeting of the course ‘Encountering the World as Christians’. To this end we have studied many books, videos and TV programmes, articles and parts of the Emmaus Course. Resources include:- “Barriers to Belief” (Bishop Nigel), “Heaven in Ordinary” (Angela Ashwin), “Visions of Love”, “Building Bridges” and “God of Surprises” (Gerard Hughes), “Why?evil/suffering/death” (Russell Stannard), “The Unlocking” (Adrian Plass), “Everyday God” (George Guiver), “Trust and Obey” (Peter Noble).

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A report on church attendance, books on other Faiths, “Christianity 2000 years on” (TV), “Humphries in search of Faith (TV)”, “Transforming Lives” (video). We are limited by space and are unable to open the group to anyone but if you would like to know more about us, borrow any of the books or start a similar group, please let me know. What happened to the other Encounters Groups? Do any of you remember the Mission Week or the one preceding it called ‘Roots’? Is it time for another one?

Pat and Cliff Green and friends

Choir News Perhaps you have noticed the difference in the choir stalls - at least I hope so. Not just the increase in numbers but the fact that we again sing in four part harmony under the leadership of Jennie Waind. We now have 7 sopranos, 4 altos, 2 tenors and 4 basses. We rehearse on Monday evenings in church; at the moment preparing for the services leading up to and including Easter Day which will very soon be upon us. We are also and anticipating an interesting and informative Dicoesan evening at St Barnabas, Crosland Moor, We are always open to suggestions regarding any favourite music, but the hymns for each service are chosen by the priest who is officiating. As well as thanks to Jennie, we must not forget our organists Jean, Vernon and Michael - services would not be the same without them.

B Shirley Turner, Choir Secretary

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The Triennial General Meeting went very well and was followed by an MU Marriage Quiz which was both interesting and fun. The Meeting agreed the following Branch officials: Andrea Green as Branch Co-ordinator, Suzanne Dufton - Secretary, Alison Dean - Treasurer and Programme compilers - Jennie Waind and Suzanne Dufton. We are also pleased to welcome Joan Coates to the Committee, along with Pauline Adams and Shirley Mitchell. The Programme for 2013 is published and any non-members wishing to receive a copy please ask. On Sunday 17th February we were delighted to be enrolling four new members and one transferring member. We would love to welcome more new members - if you would like to know more about Mothers Union please have a chat to one of the Committee. On Thursday 21st March at 7.30 pm the Deanery Lady Day Service is at All Hallow’s Church, Almondbury. The nights should be getting lighter and I hope as many of you as possible will attend. If you require transport, please don’t be afraid to ask me. On 3rd April Cynthia Warrington will be talking about the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. You may know about Mary Stapleton`s campaign to collect bras for the YAA, so why not come along and find out about what happens next. Everyone is welcome. Celebrate Mother’s Day and buy an ethical gift to support MU’s “Make a Mother’s Day Campaign”. Further details are on the Notice Boards and there will also be a collection in Church at the Mother’s Day Service on 10th March. Anyone else wishing to contribute to the collection please see Alison Dean. Finally, congratulations to Reg Bailey, Chief Executive of MU, who has been awarded the CBE in the New Year’s Honours list for his services to children and families. Reg has been involved in the MU campaign ‘Bye Buy Childhood’ concerning the commercialisation of children.

Andrea Green, Branch Co-ordinator

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Thursday Coffee Each Thursday morning there is an informal, drop in coffee morning held in the Parish Room from 10.00 am - 11.30 am. Everyone is welcome to call in for a drink and a biscuit where they are assured of a warm welcome, good coffee and friendly conversation. Coffee is just 50p (although donations above this are welcome). Proceeds after expenses are all donated back to church funds. The session is staffed by volunteers on a rota run by MU. Thank you to all those who have helped in the past and continue to provide this service.


Honley Band News The Band has started a Beginners Band for anyone who would like to learn a brass instrument. Come along and try an instrument and see if you like it with instrument loan and free tuition. Suitable for children over 8 years old and adults. Every Monday night at the Band Room, Berry Croft, Honley 6.30 pm - 7.10 pm. Call Liz Illidge on 304754 for more information or just turn up on the night. Everyone in the band would like to thank all those who collected the Examiner Wish tokens for them. We raised £374 and received a cheque at a special presentation evening at the John Smith Stadium. The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 14th March at 7.30 pm in the Bandroom. There will be a Spring Concert at Trinity Church, Honley on Sunday 19th May at 2.30 pm. This will feature singers from Honley Infant and Junior Schools and pieces from our newly formed Training Band. Tickets £5 adults/£3 children. The Band are also available to play at any local events/fairs/weddings etc - please ring Liz on 304754 for details.

Liz Illidge, Secretary

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MARCH Friday 1 2.00 pm Women's World Day of Prayer Service at Trinity Church, Honley Saturday 2 11.00 am Brockholes History Weekend until 4.00 pm displays in Church and Village Hall Sunday 3 3rd Sunday of Lent 11.00 am Family Communion Service 12 noon Brockholes History Weekend until 4.00 pm displays in Church and Village Hall Sunday 10 Mothering Sunday 11.00 am Family Communion Service 6.00 pm Sung Evensong Tuesday 12 7.30 pm D C C Meeting at Crodingley Thursday 14 6.30 pm A D Meeting in Church Friday 15 7.30 pm Village Trust Beetle Drive in the Village Hall Sunday 17 Passion Sunday 11.00 am Parish Communion 2.00 - 4.00 pm Children’s Event (150th Celebrations) Sunday 24 Palm Sunday 11.00 am Parish Communion 7.00 pm Handel’s Messiah conducted by Noel Clarke (150th Celebrations) Friday 29 Good Friday 12 noon Stations of the Cross Sunday 31 Easter Day 11.00 am Parish Eucharist for Easter APRIL Sunday 7 Sunday after Easter 11.00 am Family Communion Service followed by St George’s Annual Meeting



Diary Date Brockholes Carnival on Saturday, 6 July Please come – your support would be most welcome.

Brockholes Village Trust

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Thank You Thank you to everyone who has sent cards, phone calls and good wishes as well as offers of help and taking on some of my tasks while I have been “under the weather”. I’m still trying to find out who left a beautiful bunch of daffodils on the doorstep!

Elizabeth Mosley


Brockholes History Weekend

Saturday 2nd March 11.00 am – 4.00 pm Sunday 3rd March 12.00 noon – 4.00 pm

At the Village Hall and St George’s Church

Admission free Refreshments available

Discover the History of Brockholes and its Surrounding Area Historic displays celebrating St. George’s Church 150th anniversary

prepared with Brockholes J & I School.

Bring your old photos and memorabilia of the village in conjunction with the Holme Valley Sharing Memories Group and

Two Valleys Radio.

Fifteen minute slide shows and films of old Brockholes will be presented at various intervals during the weekend as well as

displays of historical interest.

A chance to research local family history with Huddersfield and District Family History Society.

A performance by Brockholes School Choir at 11.30 am on

Saturday in the Church for the official opening of ‘Brockholes Past’.

Kath Haigh, Brockholes Village Trust and Kate Drake

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The February AD meeting fell on St Valentine’s Day. Whether ‘love was in the air’ or the fact that it was the teacher/parents review meetings in School that evening, making it difficult for children to be brought and collected, but numbers were just 13. Caroline led the session and the children had great fun in their ‘sewing bee’ making lovely sewn and embroidered purses. Some additional helpers came along giving the children a 3:1 ratio of adult guidance, which proved invaluable in the standard of the final products. Many thanks to these ladies. Next meeting March 14th when Comic Relief will be the theme.

A D Leaders


Beetle Drive and Supper

Friday 15 March, commencing 7.30 pm in Brockholes Village Hall

Admission £4 adults, £2 children, or £10 family group Supper: pie and peas or veggie pizza Contact: Pam 664061 or Kath 662870

150th Anniversary: Children’s Event Sunday 17th March in the afternoon. Many thanks to School who distributed the invitations and collected the replies. A fun afternoon is planned to allow the children to have their own time of ‘celebration’. 150 years must seem an unimaginable length of time to them! Numbers are restricted so pre-booking ONLY please.

150th Anniversary: Messiah Enjoy another St George’s performance of the Messiah under the guidance of Noel Clark. Sunday 24th March at 7.00 pm. An evening not to be missed. Further Dates 150th Anniversary - Sunday 28th April Flower Festival May - weekend of 17th/18th May in Church Summer Serenade - 9th June

Kate Drake


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News from Brockholes School Hello from everyone in Year 1 (ages 5-6) at Brockholes School! In Year 1 this year we have discovered gravity! No, not exactly, but we have been finding out what makes things fall to earth when we drop them and what happens when we let cars go down slopes. We have had fun building higher and higher slopes. We measured how much farther the cars travelled each time. Some of them wouldn’t even move on a slope made with one brick, but with three bricks they travelled 93cm! We heard a story about a bear who wanted to sail a boat. He didn’t know what to use as all the boats he found were too big for him. We tested all sorts of things to find out whether they would float or sink and what we could use to make a good boat for bear to sail. Some things surprised us and only sank a little bit, so they floated near the surface of the water. We made boats and tested them with bear inside. We used plastic to keep the boats waterproof. Even then, some boats still toppled over or got wet inside. Later, we are going to drop teddy out of an aeroplane and see if we can slow his fall to earth. We don’t want him to damage himself! We have a fabulous reading den in the classroom which one of the children in Year 5 has made for us. In our class many of the children are enjoying and progressing through our reading award scheme. As you can see the children have been extremely busy and have learnt lots of new things. They may be one of the youngest classes in the school but they work extremely hard and have lots of fun too. We are all looking forward to going to the Toy Museum later this term to find out about different toys from the past.

Mrs Henderson

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Easter Bunny A man was driving down a country lane when suddenly a rabbit darted out into the road. The man couldn't stop and hit the rabbit head on. Soon a woman drove up and asked why he was crying in the road. The man said, "I have done something horrible, I’ve run over the Easter Bunny". The woman told him not to worry, reached into her handbag for something and then walked over to the lifeless bunny. She sprayed something onto it and stood back. A moment later the bunny sat up, shook itself, and hopped slowly into the woods. Then it stopped, turned, and waved at the man and woman. Then it hopped on another 10 feet, stopped, and waved. It did this over and over until it was finally out of sight. The man was bewildered. "Whatever have you done to that rabbit?” The woman explained: “Used my harespray. It revitalises hare and adds permanent wave."

Parish Pump

What love is this? (Jn 19:25, 1 Jn 4:18) Love to watch, Love to care, Love that for a lifetime Is there, Is there, Never withdrawn, Poured out through the years, Standing through danger,

Casting out fear. Love as near perfect, Reflecting its source, The love of a mother Of course, Of course, The love of a mother, Of course. Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother…

By Daphne Kitching

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Where will you buy yours? Congregations, schools and individuals are supporting the Real

Easter Egg 2013 campaign and helping change a life.

Of the 80 million chocolate eggs expected to be sold in the UK, the

Real Easter Egg is the first and only Fairtrade egg to explain the

meaning of Easter on and in the box. Now in its third year, the Real

Easter Egg 2013 has a free activity pack in the box which includes

the Easter story, activity poster, free i-video download and a sticker

set. The resurrection text from Mark can also be found inside the

lid along with the greeting “Happy Easter!”

With each sale of The Real Easter Egg a donation is made to

Traidcraft Exchange to support some of the poorest farmers in the

world. More than £40,000 has been donated so far. A Fairtrade

Premium is also paid to farmers allowing them to invest in their

community buying everything from school books and solar panels,

to providing fresh water supplies.

“It is encouraging to hear many lives have been changed by people

receiving a Real Easter Egg. It is proof that the events of Easter,

including the death and resurrection of Jesus, have the power to

open minds, change lives and offer real hope,” says David

Marshall, founder of the Meaningful Chocolate Company. “It is also

a boost for charitable giving, Fairtrade and the work of trade justice.

I hope individuals will hunt out a Real Easter Egg this year.”

For information on where you can buy a Real Easter Egg see the

egg hunter, provided by Google, at the website:


In Focus, Church of England monthly newsletter

Fairtrade Fortnight: 25th February - 10th March

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Material for Publication

All contributions to future editions of the Magazine welcome.

e-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 01484 323832

Address: 26 Croft Court, Honley, Holmfirth HD9 6HB

Deadline for the April issue: Wednesday 20th March

Home Fire Safety Checks

Firefighters now spend much of their time visiting people in their homes completing a Home Fire Safety Check together with the occupier of the house. During the visit, the firefighters will inform and give practical, common sense advice to eliminate or reduce the risk of fire happening in the home. They can also discuss a practical fire escape plan to make sure that if the worst does happen, you can escape safely. An additional benefit is the installation of smoke detectors, free of charge, within homes which have been assessed as being most at risk from fires, together with the instruction on their use and maintenance will make sure that occupants are warned of a fire in plenty of time so they can make their escape. Over the last five years West Yorkshire Fire Service have visited over 300,000 homes and installed over 450,000 smoke detectors completely free of charge. In addition to the 10 year smoke detectors the fire service also fit special alarms for the deaf and hard of hearing. To book your free Home Fire Safety Check visit the website and use the online request form at: www.westyorksfire.gov.uk Anyone who is interested but is unable or cannot use this facility – please ask me and I would be happy to request the free fire check on your behalf.

Alison Dean

Page 22: Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazinebtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site887/Mag 2013/Mar 13... · 2013. 5. 10. · Rev Liam Beadle, currently Assistant Curate at St Andrew’s

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Page 23: Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazinebtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site887/Mag 2013/Mar 13... · 2013. 5. 10. · Rev Liam Beadle, currently Assistant Curate at St Andrew’s

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Page 24: Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazinebtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site887/Mag 2013/Mar 13... · 2013. 5. 10. · Rev Liam Beadle, currently Assistant Curate at St Andrew’s

VICAR Vacant - please contact Churchwardens HONORARY ASSISTANT Rev John Barnes and Rev Jenny Barnes 660876 PRIESTS 71 Woodhead Road, Honley Dean Henry Stapleton MBE 666629 20 Marsh Gardens, Honley PCC SECRETARY Cliff Green, 24 Marsh Gardens, Honley 664277 PCC TREASURER Clive Green, 7 Peregrine Court, Netherton 662607

SUNDAY SERVICE 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 am Family Service (1st Sunday) Family Communion and Children's Sunday Club (3rd Sunday) Sung Eucharist (2nd 4th 5th Sundays) 6.30 pm Sung Eucharist (1st Sunday) Evening Prayer (other Sundays) WEEKDAY SERVICES 9.30 am Wednesdays, Holy Communion CHURCHWARDENS Clive Waind, 1 Derwent Road, Honley 661320 John Dean, 23 Woodroyd Avenue, Honley 664347 DCC SECRETARY Cliff Green, 24 Marsh Gardens, Honley 664277 DCC TREASURER Pauline Adams, 6 Spring Dale, Honley 663510 VERGER John Adams, 6 Spring Dale, Honley 663510 PARISH ROOM HIRE Cyril Minett 660651 WEB SITE http://honleystmary.btck.co.uk POSTCODE HD9 6AH

SUNDAY SERVICES 11.00 am Parish Communion (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Family Service with Communion (1st Sunday) 6.00 pm Compline (1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Sung Evensong (2nd Sunday) CHURCHWARDENS Margaret Kenworthy, 8 Crodingley, Thongsbridge 687169 Rosalind Watt, 7 Smithy Place, Brockholes 663783 DCC SECRETARY Julie Booth, 44 Riverholme Park, Brockholes 662060 DCC TREASURER Roger Kenworthy, 8 Crodingley, Thongsbridge 687169 ORGANIST & Verena Wood, 85 Brockholes Lane, Brockholes 664406 CHOIRMISTRESS