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During Assembly on 05 October 2015 year 5 and 6 decided the values below summed up ‘Britishness’

As a school we identify and learn about these British values :

• democracy • the rule of law • individual liberty • mutual respect • tolerance of those of

different faiths and beliefs


Britain is a democracy – this means that the people in Britain vote for the people who make the laws and decide how the country is run. If we didn’t have a democracy, just one person might be able to make all the laws and that would not be fair.

The rule of the law

In Britain we have a police force who make sure people do not do the wrong thing and break the law – this means that we are safe.

Individual Liberty

In Britain, as long as we do not break the law, we can live as we choose to and have our own opinions about things.

Mutual Respect

We might not always agree with other people, but we try to show respect for their thoughts and feelings.

We can give respect to others and we can expect other people to show us respect.

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

In Britain we accept that other people might have different beliefs than ours and they may believe in different religions.

After a series of lessons in Year 6 Evie created this piece of work about British Values.

British values and the curriculum


Each Year the children in years 2-6 vote for their class counsellor.

The school’s History curriculum in Year 3 covers Ancient Greece and the origins of democracy.

The rule of the law As part of the

school’s history curriculum Year 4 learn about the Magna Carta, and the creation of the British Legal system.

The school has close links with the local Police station who make regular visits to school

The school has a consistently applied behaviour policy. Children’s learning behaviour and conduct are excellent.

Individual Liberty

During school council meetings councillors have the opportunity to air their viewpoints.

Rich and meaningful opportunities for independent learning are provided for in the EYFS.

During lunch and playtimes children have access to a variety of independent activities.

After assemblies children are often given opportunities to discuss their opinions and thoughts on the school blog.

Mutual Respect Children treat their peers

and adults with respect throughout school. During PE lessons children are taught sportsmanship. Children work very well in groups and in pairs during other lessons. They treat each other fairly.

In guided reading lessons children encounter characters with varied backgrounds, points of view and different life experiences.

Throughout the year the school raises money for different charities. Recently raising over £3000 for the NSPCC, harvest collections for The Wood Street Mission amongst many others.

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Children throughout school visit places of worship, recently children have visited a church, synagogue and Buddhist centre. Recent talks given by visitors include the Muslim, Buddhist and Christian faiths.

Through RE children study any faiths found in Britain today.

British traditions

In lessons and assemblies we celebrate British national events, festivals and traditions. After an assembly on remembrance over 20 children responded to the question ‘Why do we remember?’