Homework #5 • Read – – Chapter 22 Sections 1 & 2

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Homework #5. Read – Chapter 22 Sections 1 & 2. REVIEW MID-TERM EXAM. Concept #2 – Great Depression & New Deal . Lesson Essential Question #1 – How did the Great Depression reflect the interdependence of the American Economy? Vocabulary – On margin Relief Public Work programs Bonus. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Homework #5

• Read – – Chapter 22 Sections 1 & 2

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Concept #2 – Great Depression & New Deal

• Lesson Essential Question #1 – How did the Great Depression reflect the interdependence of the American Economy?

• Vocabulary – On marginReliefPublic Work programsBonus

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Causes to the Great Depression

• What were the causes to the Great Depression?

• Work with a partner to come up with a list of 5 causes to the Great Depression.

• Be prepared to share with class.

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Causes to the Great Depression


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1. How much money to Charles Ponzi steal from his investors?

2. On what day did the stock market experience the greatest crash in history?

3-5. Name three reasons for why prosperity of the 1920s ended.

6. Who emerged as leader in Germany because of the Great Depression?

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7. What were the tin-can shanties and tar-paper shacks called?

8. Who was President when the Great Depression began?

9. What soared to an all-time high when the stock market crashed?

10. The Bonus Army was made up of veterans of what war?

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• Stock market reaches a peak in September, 1929

But then…uh oh…

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Stock Market Falls• Oct. 24th, 1929

• Selling increased = prices fell = margin calls: everyone who bought on margin loses their money

• Big Bankers tried to stabilize the market but failed

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Black Tuesday Oct. 29th, 1929• Stock Market Crashes!!

• People rush the banks to get their money out. Banks can’t handle that and start closing

• Banks fall = deposits gone

• Americans lose their savings

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What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and all of your savings were


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The Great Depression

• What?A worldwide economic downturn that causes hardships for many Americans

• When?


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The Great Depression

• A gradual downward spiral- the whole economy did not collapse overnight

What caused the Depression?

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1. Stock Market Crash of 19292. Bank Failures

a over 9,000 3. Reduction in Purchasing

a. uneven wealthb. too much production

4. American Economic Policy with Europea. hawley smoot tariffB. debt payments

5. Drought Conditionsa. default on farm loans/mortgages

Causes of Great Depression

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Who was affected by the falling economy?

1. Those invested in the stock market2. Industrial workers and farmers3. Small business owners and employees4. Banks close- almost everyone is affected

By the mid 1930’s the Great Depression became a problem for entire American society

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Social Effects of the Great Depression

• Unemployment: 25%

• Homeless: those who couldn’t pay rent became drifters, moved in with relatives, or built make-shift homes “Hoovervilles” – Hoover flag– Hoover stew– Hoover blanket

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• Soup kitchens and bread lines struggled to help large numbers of hungry Americans

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Social Effects

• Finding work• Family problems• Homeless

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President Hoover’s Plan• Hoover believed that confidence in

the economy would fix the country’s problems

• Voluntary controls of business to help re-stimulate the economy

• Trickle-Down Theory

Did it work???

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Hawley-Smoot Tariff• Highest import tax in history

• Goal: to protect U.S. industries from imports. Buy MADE IN USA

• Didn’t work: Brought a slowdown in international trade

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Reconstruction Finance Corp. (RFC)• Gave government money to banks so they

could extend loans

• Prosperity at the top helps the economy as a whole

• Banks continued to fail

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• Hoover’s belief that it’s best to limit relief from the federal government was very unpopular with Americans

Problem:• Local governments and private groups could

not fix the Depression on their own

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Bonus Army

• 1932: 20,000 jobless WWI vets come to D.C. to demand their pension bonus that was promised to them

• Army was called in to force the vets out of Washington

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Class Work

• Exploring Local History Worksheet• Read “I remember….” & Christmas during the

Great Depression– Read as a class– With a partner, create your own short story about

what you remember from your life during the Great Depression

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Homework #6

• Read– Chapter 22 Sections 3, 4 & 5

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Exit Ticket

• Herbert Hoover’s plan to fix the Great Depression was to allow the economy to fix itself. Was this the correct decision? If you were President what may have you have done?

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Concept #2 – Great Depression & New Deal

• Lesson Essential Question #2 – – How did government policies during the Great

Depression affect the stability of the economy? – How did the Great Depression affect economic

growth and stability in the United States?• Vocabulary –

– Fireside chat

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Comparing Two Plans

• President Hoover and President Roosevelt had two very different approaches to dealing with crisis of the Great Depression.

• Create 2 lists comparing/contrasting their two plans.

• Be prepared to share with class.

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Comparing Two PlansHerbert Hoover Franklin Roosevelt

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1. What disease was FDR stricken with? 2. When did FDR become President? 3. What was the name of the FDR’s plan for the

Great Depression?4-6. Name three of the programs that FDR

passed during his first 100 days.

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7. What was the name given to the people who advised FDR?

8. What disaster did the farmers deal with in the 1930s?

9. What group set up codes for fair practices – prices, production levels…?

10. Name one of the programs established to give citizens more jobs.

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Franklin D Roosevelt

• Born to wealthy NY Family• Law school, Asst Sec of Navy• Married 5th cousin Eleanor Roosevelt• 1921 – Polio• 1928 – Governor of New York

• 1932 – Democractic nominee for President

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Election of 1932• Franklin D. Roosevelt,

Democrat, wins by a huge margin over Hoover– Promised New Deal

• Help jobless, farmers & elderly

• Represented hope for some Americans

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First Hundred Days

• Between March and June 1933 FDR and Congress put into effect programs to create jobs and get the economy going– FDR – “take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it

and try another. But above all try something.”• Why do you think FDR said this? Why was it so

encouraging for America?

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Help the Banks

• 2nd day in office – “Bank Holiday”• FDR orders all banks to close and passes the

Emergency Banking Act

• Create insurance for bank deposits

Finally, deposits > withdrawals!

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Fireside Chats

• FDR – speak to American people over radio – 30 speeches while in office

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3 Goals for New Deal

1. Relief for the unemployed2. Plans for recovery 3. Reforms to prevent another depression

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1. Reduce Unemployment and give Relief

• Use government money for public works programs

• These programs gave jobs to the unemployed and built up the nation’s infrastructure at the same time

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Relief• Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA):

Provided federal gov. money to those in desperate need

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• Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)– Hired unemployed single men 18-25– Worked outdoors

• Works Progress Administration (WPA)– Jobless to build hospitals, schools, parks,

playgrounds and airports– Critics

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2. Helping Businesses• National Industrial Recovery Act (1933): set codes and regulations for

businesses to stop falling prices• National Recovery Administration (NRA): blue eagle stamp• Public Works Administration (PWA): hired workers• Agricultural Adjustment Act –

– Paid farmers not to grow certain crops– Paid famers to plow under surplus

• Rural Electrification Administration (REA) – extended electric lines to rural areas

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3. Prevent Another Depression

• Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC)– Insured savings accounts

• Securities and Exchange Commission (1934): regulates the stock market

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Class Work

• FDR Political Cartoon Analysis• Letters from Listeners

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Homework #7

• Read – – Chapter 23 Sections 1 & 2

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Exit Ticket

• Will FDR’s plan, the New Deal, work? What flaws/benefits do you see in his plan?

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Concept #2 – Great Depression and New Deal

• Lesson Essential Question #3 – What criticism were there of FDR and the New Deal?

• Vocabulary – Collective bargainingSit-down strikeDeficit spending

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What were the successes and failures of the New Deal?

• Work with a partner to come up with a list of at least 5 successes and/or failures of the New Deal

• Be prepared to share with class.

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Successes/Failures of New Deal

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1. What act was passed by Congress in 1935 to spur labor?

2. What new kind of strike did workers begin to use?

3. What was Huey Long’s nickname? 4. Where did Father Coughlin speak to the

American people?

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5-7 What three groups was the Social Security Act setup to help?

8. Who won the 1936 election?9. What occurred on “Black Monday”?10. What happened in 1937?

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How Successful was the New Deal?

Success: Many Americans benefited from the relief and employment programs

Failures: limited success in helping all Americans, did not fix the root economic issues

• Women were discriminated against by many of the New Deal programs: they received lower wages and less access to the relief and jobs

• African Americans faced segregation in the South and discrimination in the North that prevented them from being able to take advantage of the new programs

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Criticisms of the New Deal

From the RIGHT-FDR is a communist! Stop taxing the rich!

From the LEFT-FDR hasn’t limited poverty! We need to re-distribute income!

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Criticisms of New Deal

• Huey Long – Senator of LA– “Kingfish” – championed poor– “Share our wealth”

• Francis Townsend – CA Doctor– “Government turned back on older citizens”

• Father Coughlin – radio priest• Liberty League

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FDR and Supreme Court

• 1935 – Supreme Court entered debate over New Deal Laws– FDR defended plan

• 1935 – NIRA unconstitutional• 1936 – AAA Cancelled• Jan 1937 – FDR tried to raise number of

justices from 9 to 15

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Labor Reforms

• Wagner Act– Collective bargaining – 1930s – 3 million to 9 million

• Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO)• Sit-down strike• Minimum wage

– Fair Labor Standars Act• 40 cents an hour, max 44 hours a week• No children under 16 yrs old

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Social Security

• 1935 – Social Security Act– Pension system for older people – Unemployment insurance– States given money to support dependent children

and people with disabilities • Critics

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New Deal – Good or Bad?

• Critics– Power of

government increased

– Deficit spending– Unions to powerful– Recovery did not

occur until 1941• With what?

• Supporters– Government must

meet needs of all citizens

– Programs necessary – Government must

regulate industries

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Class Work

• Court Packing Cartoon Analysis• Early 100 Day Cartoon Analysis

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Homework #8

• Read – – Chapter 23 Section 3

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Exit Ticket

• Do you agree or disagree with the critics of FDR and the New Deal? Why or why not?

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Concept #2 – Great Depression and New Deal

• Lesson Essential Question #4 – How did the Great Depression and New Deal impact the different groups in America and popular culture?

• Vocabulary – Dust bowlMigrant workersEthnic Group

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How do these works reflect the 1930s?

• Migrant Mother Falling WaterDorothea Lange Franklin L Wright

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Quiz1-2. What political party had African Americans

shown their loyalty to until the Great Depression? Why?

3. Why did FDR back away from equal rights for all citizens, especially blacks?

4. What happened to 400,000 Mexican-Americans, some who were American Citizens?

5. How did the lives of Native Americans improve?

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6-7. Name two pieces of literature that were popular during the 1930s.

8-9. What two superheroes were born in the 1930s?

10. What movie came out in 1939 where a poor farm girl from Kansas was taken away over the rainbow by a tornado?

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The Dust Bowl• During the 1930’s dust storms and drought plagued the Great Plains

• Destroyed the farmland of already suffering American farmers

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What led to the Dust Bowl? Severe drought and poor weather + years of over-plowing = destruction

of land

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conditions in the mid-west led to a migration of farming families westward to California

“Okies” & “Arkies”

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Women during Great Depression

• Employment Problems– Lack of jobs– Lower wages

• Active First Lady – Eleanor Roosevelt– “eyes and ears of President”– Career

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African Americans during GD

• Racial Prejudice– 1930s – first to lose jobs– Help from First Lady

• FDR’s Black Cabinet– Robert Weaver, Mary M Bethune

• Demand for Equal Rights

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Mexican Americans• How were they utilized during WWI? • Depression – 400,000 rounded up and sent

back to Mexico– Stayed – education own children – WHY?

Asian Americans• Refused service at businesses• Resented for taking scarce jobs• Number of immigrants reduced

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Native Americans and the ND

• When did Native Americans become citizens? • 1930s – Indian New Deal

– Control of own affairs– 1934 – Indian Reorganization Act– Government ended policy of destroying religions

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Popular Culture• Radio – “furniture that talks”

– Radio programs: “soap operas”– Halloween 1938 – Orson Welles read The War of

the Worlds • Silver Screen

– Disney – Snow White and Seven Dwarfs– 1939 – Judy Garland: The Wizard of OZ– Gone with the Wind

• Literature– John Steinbeck – The Grapes of Wrath– Richard Wright – Uncle Tom’s Children

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Class work

• Dust Bowl Activities – Must complete 21. Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt2. What did Government do about the Dust

Bowl? 3. What Happened Here?4. What did they do?

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Homework #9

• Study for Quest on Great Depression and New Deal

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Exit Ticket

• How will the Great Depression have a lasting impact on America? What will bring us out of this terrible time?

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QUESTGreat Depression and New Deal