Homeostasis v2.0- A New Approach to Explaining the Stress Response

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  • 8/8/2019 Homeostasis v2.0- A New Approach to Explaining the Stress Response


    Homeostasis v2.0: A new approach to explaining the stress response

    January 7, 2011

    Every person experiences the physiological effects of stress. An increase in blood pressure, an

    upset stomach, focused attention, and increased breathing rate are all common effects of a stress

    response. Whether it is sitting in traffic, being placed on hold, or filling out confusing tax forms, many

    daily activities come with these noticeable changes in body arousal and behavior. Many people do not

    even have to be in a stressful situation to experience these bodily changes. The anticipation of an

    important meeting or deadline, exam, or life event may also result in the same stress response.

    Everyone knows these feelings, but why does this happen?

    Through evolution, humans have adapted to environmental stressors by developing

    physiological stress response system. Due to the fact that early man did not have to worry about paying

    off a mortgage or giving an important speech, the stress response system adapted to various natural

    stresses that were common in an uncivilized world. This stress response system is commonly referred to

    as the fight or flight response. When faced with a predator in the wild, an animal must instantly decide

    whether to fight its attacker or flee to save its life. This automatic response system is very similar in both

    humans and animals. The stress response focuses on the bodys instant need to mobilize its energysupply when faced with a threat in order to power the muscles most effectively. In civilized society

    where safety is ensured, people do not need to run from predators (with exceptions, of course) and

    more commonly experience stressful situations similar to anticipating giving a speech or planning for

    ones financial future. Even these events may result in the same feelings as though one were being

    chased by a saber-toothed cat. However, this stress response was naturally intended to be activated for

    a short period of time. Chronic stresses,, such as going to a job that you hate for ten consecutive years,

    are very dangerous to the body and may result in several stress related diseases. For a long time,

    researchers thought this stress response was governed by a process called homeostasis.

    Homeostasis seeks to explain the stress response by comparing the body to a balance. The body

    seeks to maintain a balance between internal and external activities. When an event affects the body,the body must react in order to counter-act the event. For example, when a person gets hot, the skin

    perspires to moisten and cool itself. Homeostasis relies on two main ideas; that there is an optimal level

    for each bodily function and that some regulatory mechanism at the site of the event is responsible for

    returning the affected system to its optimal level. This action-reaction way of looking at the stress

    response has failed to account for more complex responses from the body as a whole. First, it fails to

    take into account differences in optimal bodily levels in different environmental settings and second, it

    fails to explain the stress response in anticipation of a stressful event.

    A more unified bodily perspective of the stress response built on the idea of homeostasis is

    more effective at explaining this phenomenon. This more unified perspective looks at bodily responses

    as a whole in order to regulate the body and maintain optimal bodily levels. This concept is known as

    allostasis. Allostasis follows that the optimal bodily levels may be different in different conditions, for

    example, from when a person is sleeping and when a person is running a marathon. Also, allostasis does

    not rely on localized regulatory control mechanisms in order to maintain optimal levels. Allostatic

    change occurs on a bodily scale and may involve multiple bodily systems to restore optimal levels or to

    anticipate stressful events. Rather than the skin perspiring in order to cool in the homeostatic view, the

    allostatic view would explain this response by employing multiple body systems. The allostatic view

    would say the skin became hot and then sent impulses through the nerves to the brain. The brains

    regulatory mechanisms then send messages back to the skin to begin to perspire by drawing moisture

  • 8/8/2019 Homeostasis v2.0- A New Approach to Explaining the Stress Response


    away from other areas of the body. This view explains how multiple body systems are employed to

    respond to stress. This model also explains how prolonged activation of the stress response is

    responsible for causing wear and tear on the bodys systems.


    Sapolsky, R. M. (2004). Why Zebras dont get ulcers: The acclaimed guide to stress, stress-related

    diseases, and coping (3rdedition). New York: W. J. Freeman & Company. ISBN: 0-8050-7369-8.