Featured: What Are Allergies? Grilling Guide eHow » Beauty & Personal Care » Cosmetic Surgery & Procedures » Electrolysis Hair Removal » Homemade Electrolysis for Hair Removal E Performing Electroly sis Hair Rem ov a l Electroly sis Hair Remov al Facts & Fiction Homemade Electrolysis for Hair Removal lectrolysis can get costly if the services of a skilled electrologist are used to remove hair on large areas of the body. Doing electrolysis yourself the homemade way can be cost-effective. However, it's important to choose the right tool and learn correct techniques for home electrolysis. Does this Spark an idea? Other People Are Reading Performing Electroly sis Hair Removal Electroly sis Hair Rem ov al Facts & Fiction Related Ads Electroly sis Hair Electroly sis Hair Remov al Laser Hair Remov al for Man Laser Hair Remov al Cost Hair Rem ov al Men You May Like Hudson Hotel NYC Trade Up to 20% of Deluxe Rooms Book Now for Best Rates - from $179 www.morganshotelgroup.com Shower Heads & Panels Mkt Global Trends and Market Insights Shower Heads and Shower Panels mkt www.strategyr.c Double Play με €15,17 24Mbps Internet & Φθηνό Σταθερό. Μόνο Οnline με €15,17/Μήνα! www.wind.com.gr Search More eHow By Lisa Sefcik, eHow Contributor About DIY Electrolysis Electroly sis is considered the most permanent method of hair removal. However, if you can't find a skilled electrologist in your city or lack the financial means to pay for electrolysis treatments, home treatment can be effective. However, this means acquiring the required skills so that y ou don't injure y our skin and cause infection and scarring. Before y ou decide that hom e electroly sis is for y ou, consider the area that you're treating. If it's a small area, such as the chin or upper lip, you might come out ahead by seeking the services of a professional. Home electroly sis for facial hair is ill-adv ised. Electroly sis practitioners charge by the hour. The hourly cost can range from $45 to $125. Small areas of hair, such as the brow or upper lip, can effectively be treated in an hour. Choose the Right Tools Often, consumers confuse home electrolysis devices with electric tweezers, which are a dubious method to remove hair, as hair is a poor conductor of electricity. As early as 1985, the U.S. Federal Trade Com m ission rem ov ed som e brands of electric tweezers due to deceptive advertising--in other words, the product did not work as it claimed. A home electrolysis device uses an intricate, barely-there probe (needle), which is inserted through the skin next to the hair follicle. The dev ice deliv ers an electric jolt to kill the hair root. The probe is on springs that allow it to enter the skin at a certain depth and no further. It usually takes about 20 seconds to treat each hair follicle--fiv e seconds to locate the hair root and another 15 seconds to deliver enough electricity to kill it. What to Wear to Brunch Check It Out Login Ideaf eed Project Help Spark Fashion Makeup Hair Skin

Homemade Electrolysis for Hair Removal

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permanent hair removal from home with instructions and advice

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Fea tu r ed: What Are Allergies? Grilling Guide

eHow » Beauty & Personal Care » Cosmetic Surgery & Procedures » Electrolysis Hair Removal » Homemade Electrolysis for Hair Removal


Per for m in g Electr oly sis Ha irRem ov a l

Electr oly sis Ha ir Rem ov a lFa cts & Fict ion

Homemade Electrolysis for Hair Removal

lectrolys is can get costly if the services of a skilled electrologis t are used to

rem ove hair on large areas of the body. Doing electrolys is yourself the

hom em ade w ay can be cost-effective. How ever, it's im portant to choose the right

tool and learn correct techniques for home electrolys is . Does this Spark an idea?

Other People Are Reading

Per for m in g Electr oly sisHa ir Rem ov a l

Electr oly sis Ha irRem ov a l Fa cts & Fict ion

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Electr oly sis Ha ir Rem ov a l

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Double Play με €15,17 24Mbps Internet & Φθηνό Σταθερό. Μόνο Οnline με €15,17/Μήνα! www.wind.com.gr

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By Lisa Sefcik, eHow Contributor

About DIY Electrolysis

Electr oly sis is con sider ed th e m ost per m a n en t m eth od of h a ir

r em ov a l. How ev er , if y ou ca n 't fin d a skilled electr olog ist in y ou r city

or la ck th e fin a n cia l m ea n s to pa y for electr oly sis tr ea tm en ts, h om e

tr ea tm en t ca n be effect iv e. How ev er , th is m ea n s a cqu ir in g th e

r equ ir ed skills so th a t y ou don 't in ju r e y ou r skin a n d ca u se in fect ion

a n d sca r r in g .

Befor e y ou decide th a t h om e electr oly sis is for y ou , con sider th e a r ea

th a t y ou 'r e tr ea t in g . If it 's a sm a ll a r ea , su ch a s th e ch in or u pper lip,

y ou m ig h t com e ou t a h ea d by seekin g th e ser v ices of a pr ofession a l.

Hom e electr oly sis for fa cia l h a ir is ill-a dv ised. Electr oly sis

pr a ct it ion er s ch a r g e by th e h ou r . Th e h ou r ly cost ca n r a n g e fr om $4 5

to $1 2 5 . Sm a ll a r ea s of h a ir , su ch a s th e br ow or u pper lip, ca n

effect iv ely be tr ea ted in a n h ou r .

Choose the Right Tools

Often , con su m er s con fu se h om e electr oly sis dev ices w ith electr ic

tw eezer s, w h ich a r e a du biou s m eth od to r em ov e h a ir , a s h a ir is a poor

con du ctor of electr icity . A s ea r ly a s 1 9 8 5 , th e U.S. Feder a l Tr a de

Com m ission r em ov ed som e br a n ds of electr ic tw eezer s du e to

deceptiv e a dv er t isin g --in oth er w or ds, th e pr odu ct did n ot w or k a s it

cla im ed.

A h om e electr oly sis dev ice u ses a n in tr ica te, ba r ely -th er e pr obe

(n eedle), w h ich is in ser ted th r ou g h th e skin n ex t to th e h a ir follicle.

Th e dev ice deliv er s a n electr ic jolt to kill th e h a ir r oot . Th e pr obe is on

spr in g s th a t a llow it to en ter th e skin a t a cer ta in depth a n d n o

fu r th er . It u su a lly ta kes a bou t 2 0 secon ds to tr ea t ea ch h a ir

follicle--fiv e secon ds to loca te th e h a ir r oot a n d a n oth er 1 5 secon ds to

deliv er en ou g h electr icity to kill it .

What to Wear toBrunch

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Fashion Makeup Hair Skin

Page 2: Homemade Electrolysis for Hair Removal

Electr oly sis Ha irRem ov a l Dem on str a t ion

Electr oly sis Ha irRem ov a l for Differ en tEy ebr ow Ty pes

Electr oly sis Br ea st Ha irRem ov a l Pr ep

Electr oly sis Ha irRem ov a l Ma ch in eSett in g s

Electr oly sis Ha irRem ov a l Pr ocedu r e

Gr ou n d for Electr oly sisHa ir Rem ov a l

Hom e electr oly sis dev ices ca n be pu r ch a sed on lin e u n der br a n ds su ch

a s On e Tou ch Hom e Electr oly sis. Th a t pr odu ct costs a bou t $2 5 in

2 009 a t dr u g stor es or bea u ty su pply sh ops. Som e people bu y

pr ofession a l electr oly sis m a ch in es. Bu t be a w a r e th a t in som e sta tes,

it 's illeg a l to pu r ch a se a n d u se th ese m a ch in es if y ou a r e n ot a tr a in ed

electr olog ist .

Helpful Home Electrolysis Tips

If y ou 'v e n ev er per for m ed electr oly sis on y ou r self befor e, pr a ct ice on a

sm a ll a r ea of skin , su ch a s on a leg or th ig h . Th e A m er ica n Medica l

A ssocia t ion 's Com m ittee on Cu ta n eou s Hea lth a n d Cosm etics

r ecom m en ds th a t y ou on ly tr ea t a r ea s of th e skin th a t a r e a ccessible,

su ch a s th e low er a r m s a n d leg s. Th e A MA a dv ises th a t y ou n ot u se

h om e electr oly sis on y ou r fa ce; th is r equ ir es u se of a r ev er se h a n d

dir ect ion . Per for m ed im pr oper ly , t r ea t in g fa cia l h a ir y ou r self ca n

r esu lt in m a r ked sca r r in g .

Keepin g y ou r equ ipm en t clea n is of pa r a m ou n t im por ta n ce. Disin fect

th e pr obe of th e dev ice w ith a lcoh ol ea ch t im e befor e it is u sed,

especia lly if y ou sh a r e th e dev ice w ith oth er s. Keep ster ile tw eezer s

h a n dy so y ou ca n r em ov e ea ch h a ir follicle a fter it is tr ea ted. Cov er

th e w or k a r ea in clea n tow els so y ou ca n r est y ou r equ ipm en t on th em

w h en y ou w a n t to ta ke a br ea k.

Tr ea t n o m or e th a n on e squ a r e in ch of h a ir a t on e t im e. If y ou 'r e

g ett in g sta r ted w ith h om e electr oly sis, g iv e y ou r self a cou ple of da y s

a fter th e fir st tr ea tm en t to see h ow y ou r skin r ea cts. Nev er tr ea t a

h a ir m or e th a n tw ice in th e sa m e h om e session . A s w ith a n y m eth od

of h a ir r edu ct ion , y ou w ill n ote r eg r ow th th a t r equ ir es a ddit ion a l

electr oly sis tr ea tm en t.

Un for tu n a tely , w h ile h om e electr oly sis is cost-efficien t , m a n y w om en

ex per ien ce m or e pa in a n d post-tr ea tm en t in fla m m a tion th a n if th ey 'd

sou g h t th e ser v ices of a pr ofession a l. Som etim es h om e electr oly sis

doesn 't w or k. Th e m or e h a ir y ou h a v e, th e less ch a n ces y ou h a v e for

su ccess.

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