Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: www.holynameusa.org, Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Jesus said to his apostles: ‘Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me’” (Gospel). 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time A June 28, 2020 New Weekend Outdoor Mass Schedule: Saturday: 8:00 pm English Sunday: 7:00 am English, & 8:00 pm Spanish Face Masks Mandatory & Please Bring Lawn Chairs Parish Office Closed Friday, July 3rd, 2020 Independence Day Saturday, July 4th, 2020 Confirmation Outdoor Mass 8am July 11th—Religious Ed. July 18th—School & Adults Religious Ed. Registration for 2020-2021 going on now. Parish Office Open For Walk-Ins Safety Protocols Will Be Followed: Face Mask Required & One Family at A Time In Lobby Online Giving For Offertory Tithing www.holynameusa.org Stained Glass Depiction of Jesus and Followers Virgen de Guadalupe Grotto Memorial Bricks, Donor Wall & Grotto Benches are still available. Please Call the Parish Office for details.

Holy Name Catholic Church · 2020. 6. 28. · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “Jesus said to his apostles:

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  • Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223

    Website: www.holynameusa.org, Phone (210) 333-5020

    Theme: “Jesus said to his apostles: ‘Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me’” (Gospel).

    13th Sunday of Ordinary Time A June 28, 2020

    New Weekend Outdoor Mass Schedule:

    Saturday: 8:00 pm English Sunday: 7:00 am English,

    & 8:00 pm Spanish Face Masks Mandatory & Please Bring Lawn Chairs

    Parish Office Closed Friday, July 3rd, 2020

    Independence Day Saturday, July 4th, 2020

    Confirmation Outdoor Mass 8am

    July 11th—Religious Ed. July 18th—School & Adults

    Religious Ed. Registration for 2020-2021 going on now.

    Parish Office Open For Walk-Ins

    Safety Protocols Will Be Followed:

    Face Mask Required & One Family at A Time In Lobby

    Online Giving For Offertory Tithing


    Stained Glass Depiction of Jesus and Followers

    Virgen de Guadalupe Grotto Memorial Bricks, Donor Wall &

    Grotto Benches are still available. Please Call the Parish Office for details.

  • Pastor: Rev. Martin F. Parayno (Office) 333-5020 (ext. 5106) Email: [email protected] Anointing: 210 367-4231 Priest in Residence: Fr. Leroy Lachica, Chaplain USAF

    Deacons: Reynaldo Hinojosa, Sr. [email protected] Joe Avila [email protected] Retired Deacons: Daniel Kearns & Roberto Ruiz Director of Ministries: Joe Lopez 333-5020 (ext. 5102) Email: [email protected] Parish Special Project: David Torres Website Administrator: Pedro Ybarra Email: [email protected] Faith Formation/D.R.E.: Irma Bickel (Office) 333-5020 (ext. 5110) Email: [email protected] Office Manager: Allan Ford 333-5020 Email: [email protected] Bookkeeper: Daryl Ang (Office) 333-5020 (ext.5103) Email: [email protected] Sacristan: Will Vilanova Assistant: John Honesto Mary Ellen Hinojosa, John Nava, Diane Calimlim & John Hogg Secretary: Anna Alvarez (Office) 333-5020 (ext. 5104) Email: [email protected] Activity Center Event Coor. : Yvonne Rodriguez 823-8688 Email: [email protected] Maintenance Facilities: TBA Legal Adviser: James Porter, J.D. Safety Coordinator (OVASE): Bee Bee Rodriguez Spiritual Counselor: Marta Ponce 649-2414

    Pastoral Council (2019-2021)

    Chairperson: David Torres, Vice Chairperson: Martha Rodriguez Secretary: Regina Robledo Members: Harry Perez, Lucy Cruz, Michael Gutierrez, Mary Jane Martinez, Suzanne M. Pedraza, Dulce Islas & James Porter, Jr.

    Parish Finance Council

    Chairman: Miguel Puga Secretary: Kathryn Santella


    Joe Lopez James Porter Manuel Caballero Gary Mullhollen

    Stewardship Committee

    Chairperson: Rachel Campos Members:

    Lucy Cruz Becky Pawelek Miguel Puga Yvonne Rodriguez

    Capital Campaign Committee Chairman: Joe Lopez

    Annual Festival Committee Chairman: Miguel Puga Email: [email protected]

    Holy Name Catholic School Pre-K thru 8th

    Principal: Susie Garza 333-7356 Vice-Principal: Monica Lopez Secretary: Judy Sumner

    School Council President: Mark Delgado Vice-President: TBA Secretary: Anna Arratia


    Lucy M. Cruz Liz Trainor Manuel Vera Jr. P.T.C. President: Roger Mendiola Alumni Association: Catherine Kramer (210) 264-7134


    ACTS Core Louis Rios 573-5870 Adoration Mary Jane Martinez 445-5057 Altar Server Ministry Cecilia Ramirez 326-6902 Altar Server Ministry Assistant Gina Rios 393-0585 Altar Society Lillian Mzyk 333-5539 Bereavement Ministry Laura Garcia 269-0284 Catholic Education Ministry TBA Charismatic Prayer Group Ray Miles 633-3462 C.Y.O. Michael Borrego [email protected] Divine Mercy Cenacle Angelo Bustamante 687-9806 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Louis & Gina Rios 573-5870 Extra Ministers of the Eucharist to the Sick & Homebound Mary Shisk 333-6760 Missionary Families of Christ (CFC-FFL) John & Katherine Baxter (714)322-9215 FIAT (Faith in Action Teens): Irma Bickel 333-5020 First Friday/Saturday Devotion (Oremus): Alden Lim 296-5505 Gift Shop Rosemary Albert 333-5020 Healing Ministry Ray & Nancy Miles 633-3462 Hospitality Alex Zapata 333-8319 Knights of Columbus #8789 Ernest Pena 213-6086 Lectors Miguel Puga 854-4096 Legion of Mary Beverly Zulaica 333-7654 Liturgy Coordinator Deacon Rey Men’s Club Floyd Lutz 333-6160 Music Ministry Jun Sorio, Laura Atamosa & Eugene Jaceldo Outreach/Food Pantry Ministry Richard Rios (210)243-4475 Pilgrimage Lourdes Bugher 516-2139 Prayer Garden Leroy Garcia R.C.I.A. Deacon Rey Hinojosa Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe; Calie Avila 323-6649

    Parish Office Hours Monday thru Friday: 9AM—5PM Closed for lunch 12 Noon-1:00PM

    Gift Shop Hours Sunday: 10AM—2:30PM

    Monday thru Friday: 2PM—5PM

    Sacramental Preparation Marriage: Please make appointment with Pastor at least 6 months

    before marriage.

    Baptism: Every 2nd or 4th Sunday or by appointment. Parents and Godparents are required to attend class. Every 3rd Friday at 7 PM on

    ZOOM. Please register at Parish Office.

    Funeral: Call the Office for arrangements.

    Devotions Adoration: Every Wednesday (9 AM—5 PM)

    Benediction: T.B.D. Rosary:30 minutes before each Mass

    Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound: T.B.D.

    Outdoor Mass Schedule, Except on Wednesday Mass Daily Mass: Mon-Tues., Wed. -Friday: 7:30 AM Grotto

    Wednesday: 8 AM inside Church Saturday:8 PM (English)

    Sunday: 7AM (English) & 8 PM (Spanish) Confession: Tuesday - Friday after Mass, Outdoors

    Mass with Anointing of the Sick:

    Please call the Parish Office or talk to Fr. Martin before Mass

    Parish Ministries

    Holy Name Catholic Church San Antonio, Texas ______June 28, 2020

  • Thirteenth Sunday of

    Ordinary Time (A) June 28, 2020

    Reading I: 2 Kings 4:8-11,14-16a Responsorial Psalm: 89:2-3,16-17,18-19 Reading II: Romans 6:3-4,8-11 Gospel: Matthew 10:37-42

    Theme: “Jesus said to his apostles: ‘Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not

    worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me’” (Gospel).

    There is always life, sparkle, and excitement in love. You pursue with passion and grit that you most want and desire. Religion as a whole has turned so rigid that it turns people away. In a way, love has died. Organized religions had turned into monuments and the list of prohibitions that members had to follow.

    Jesus Christ introduced us to what faith in him meant. It is founded on love as true and as strong as the love you have with your family, indeed more. Fundamental to discipleship and following of Christ is to discover the basis of love, the basic nature of who we are. The foundation and integrity of who we are is part and parcel of God who created us out of love and purpose. Without God, nothing is about us. Indeed, all the issues (freedom, both personal and communal) we complain about. St. Augustine tells us that the love of God is the best. He says, “To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.”

    “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Leaving family for the sake of greater is actually discovering and expanding the capacity of the heart to love authentically. In the Gospel, Jesus challenged all those who love God, to see beyond what they already had achieved in love. God’s love is pure, true, and unconditional. Anyone who loves God becomes the best lover. St. Teresa of Avila says, "It seems to me that one loves very differently from others when one has learned the great difference between this world and the other one."

    As baptized in Christ, we profess to love God with all our heart, our mind, our soul, and our strength. In short, love Him with all our being. We are not afraid even of death. “We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life” (Romans 6:4).

    Let us pray, God our Father, we thank for creating and loving us in your Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. May we love one another the way you love us, Amen.

    Decimotercer domingo del tiempo ordinario (A) 28 de junio de 2020

    Lectura I: 2 Reyes 4: 8-11,14-16a Salmo responsorial: 89: 2-3,16-17,18-19 Lectura II: Romanos 6: 3-4,8-11 Evangelio: Mateo 10: 37-42 Tema: "Jesús dijo a sus apóstoles:" Quien ama a padre o madre más que a mí no es digno de mí, y quien ama a hijo o hija más que a mí no es digno de mí" (Evangelio).

    Siempre hay vida, brillo y emoción en el amor. Persigue con pasión y determinación lo que más desea y desea. La religión en su conjunto se ha vuelto tan rígida que aleja a las personas. En cierto modo, el amor ha muerto. Las religions organizadas se habían convertido en monumentos y en la lista de prohibiciones que los miembros tenían que seguir.

    Jesucristo nos presentó lo que significaba la fe en él. Se basa en un amor tan verdadero y tan fuerte como el amor que tienes con tu familia, de hecho más. Fundamental para el discipulado y el seguimiento de Cristo es descubrir la base del amor, la naturaleza básica de quienes somos. El fundamento y la integridad de quienes somos es parte integral de Dios que nos creó por amor y propósito. Sin Dios, nada se trata de nosotros. De hecho, todos los problemas (libertad, tanto personales como comunales) nos quejamos. San Agustín nos dice que el amor de Dios es lo mejor. Él dice: “Enamorarse de Dios es el mayor romance; buscarle la mayor aventura; encontrarlo, el mayor logro humano.”

    “Por esta razón, un hombre dejará a su padre y a su madre, y se unirá a su esposa; y se convertirán en una sola carne” (Génesis 2:24). Dejar la familia por el bien de todos es descubrir y expandir la capacidad del corazón para amar auténticamente. En el Evangelio, Jesús desafió a todos los que aman a Dios, a ver más allá de lo que ya habían logrado en el amor. El amor de Dios es puro, verdadero e incondicional. Cualquiera que ama a Dios se convierte en el mejor amante. Santa Teresa de Ávila dice: "Me parece que uno ama de manera muy diferente a los demás cuando se aprende la gran diferencia entre este mundo y el otro.”

    Como bautizados en Cristo, profesamos amar a Dios con todo nuestro corazón, nuestra mente, nuestra alma y nuestras fuerzas. En resumen, ámenlo con todo nuestro ser. Ni siquiera tenemos miedo a la muerte. "De hecho, fuimos sepultados con él a través del bautismo en la muerte, de modo que, así como Cristo resucitó de la muerte por la gloria del Padre, nosotros también podríamos vivir en una vida nueva" (Romanos 6: 4).

    Oremos, Dios Padre nuestro, te agradecemos por crearnos y amarnos en tu Cristo Jesús y en el Espíritu Santo. Que nos amemos los unos a los otros como nos amas, Amén.

  • Pastoral Reflection By James Porter, Jr., Pastoral Council Member

    Amen, I say to you, “Forever Will I Sing the Goodness of the Lord” (PS 89). As this week’s Responsorial Psalm Proclaims and Glorifies Our Faith in the Lord! The first reading describes how our unselfish acts, and hospitality can produce Good fruits with dedicated Faith and Humbleness. His Fruits Not given to us as a compensation, rather a promise of Gods Abundant Love and Mercy, and his commitment to each of his Children and their Prayers. The second reading goes much deeper to the core of what are Baptism means. By being Baptized into Christ, we also were Baptized into his Death. We were buried with him into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the Glory of the Father, we too might live a newness of life. We must have no fear of Death, and consider ourselves dead to sin. And distance each part of us from earthly ways and focus our Hearts and Minds to the Spiritual (Heavenly) ways in which he designed us. So we can Live Forever with God through his Son Jesus Christ.

    What a Journey it has been with Our Faith in 2020 so far. Our Lord is sending a message to each of Us: To turn to Him in all our Struggles, Obstacles, and most importantly Our Loss in Faith and sense of distance during this Secluded Time of this Pandemic. We are so Blessed to come together again and partake in Our Love for God, and Holy Communion with our Brothers and Sisters. He has silenced the World, and Forced us to bend Our knees and ask for a miracle. I pray for all the people that don't know Our Lord. And that they allow God's Light to Shine upon the darkness within them. And be blessed with the Mercy and Grace of our Lord, that He Light their Heart with a Holy Fire, that no darkness can survive. Jesus, I Trust in You. Come, Holy Spirit Come.

    Monday, Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles: ACTS 12:1-11; PS 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9; 2 TM 4:6-8, 17-18; MT 16:18; MT 16:13-19

    Tuesday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time: AM 3:1-8; 4:11-12; PS 5:4B-6A, 6B-7, 8; PS 130:5; MT 8:23-27

    Wednesday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time: AM 5:14-15, 21-24; PS 50:7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 16BC-17; JAS 1:18; MT 8:28-34

    Thursday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time: AM 7:10-17; PS 19:8, 9, 10, 11; 2 COR 5:19; MT 9:1-8

    Friday, Feast of Saint Thomas, Apostle: EPH 2:19-22; PS 117:1BC, 2; JN 20:29; JN 20:24-29

    Saturday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time: AM 9:11-15; PS 85:9AB AND 10, 11-12, 13-14; JN 10:27; MT 9:14-17

    Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: ZEC 9:9-10; PS 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13-14; ROM 8:9, 11-13; CF. MT 11:25; MT 11:25-30

    Parish Mission Statement: To unite our Parish family to grow in faith, love, and charity as we become active stewards in our church and community.

    New Weekday Mass Schedule

    Monday 7:30 am Communion Service in Our Lady of Guadalupe Grotto Tuesday 7:30 am Mass in Our Lady of Guadalupe Grotto Wednesday 8:00 am Mass inside the Church followed by Adoration of the Holy Eucharist until 5 pm. Thursday 7:30 am Mass in Our Lady of Guadalupe Grotto Friday 7:30 am Mass in Our Lady of Guadalupe Grotto

    Confession will be outdoors after Mass

    Please bring your Lawn Chairs when Masses are outdoors and Face Masks are Required for Mass & Confession. Thank You for your Cooperation.

  • New Outdoor Weekend Mass Schedule

    Saturday: 8:00 pm English Sunday: 7:00 am English Sunday: 8:00 pm Spanish

    Please Bring Your Lawn Chairs & Face Masks

    Holy Name Church Attendance Procedures We ask for Christian patience and understanding during these difficult and challenging times. It is imperative that each of us strictly abide by these procedures to prevent contamination and/or spread of the Covid-19 to one another. For the safety of all, these procedures are mandatory and must be adhered to for Mass attendance. Anyone who cannot comply are asked to leave. Holy Name Catholic Church Procedures will follow the Archdiocese of San Antonio Guidelines for Mass Attendees and are as follows: 1. If you are feeling sick, we ask that you stay safe at home. We highly encourage those who are most vulnerable to continue to participate in mass via live stream or website (holynameusa.org).

    2. Wash hands thoroughly before coming to the church.

    3. Everyone must have their temperature taken before entering the church when applicable. Anyone with a fever will not be allowed entry. Anyone coughing or sneezing may not be allowed entry.

    4. All must wear a face mask that covers both nose and mouth before entering the church and throughout the Mass. No exceptions except for infant children.

    5. Bring hand sanitizer, your own missal or other mass aids to church.

    6. Always maintain 6 feet between you and others not in your cohabitating family.

    7. Follow the instructions of the ushers as you enter and leave the Church.

    8. When guided by the ushers to receive communion, is the only time you may temporarily reposition your mask to consume the Host, then immediately recover.

    9. Seating will be on a first come first served basis for now, Mass capacity will be dependent on the number of attendees in each group, we can Safely seat. 10. Unfortunately, there will be no saving of seats. We ask that you ensure you enter with whomever you want to sit with. Once seated we cannot allow anyone to reposition because it will compromise the 6-foot separation distance.

    11. After receiving Communion, we need everyone to maintain in their seats until the ushers direct your row towards the exits. We ask that you please be patient, as we are doing our best to maintain exiting in an orderly manner.

    12. Finally, we ask that you be very patient with us, especially our volunteers who did not establish these procedures, but are only following them. They are giving of their time to help us conduct Mass, without volunteers this Mass would not happen. Thank you.

  • Events for the week of June 29th—July 5th

    Public Masses has started. Please follow all safety protocols which is in the bulletin and our website, www.holynameusa.org. Wearing a face mask properly is mandatory. Thank you for your cooperation.

    Monday, June 29, 2020 7:30 am Communion Service in Our Lady of Guadalupe Grotto

    uesday, June 30, 2020 7:30 am Mass in Our Lady of Guadalupe Grotto

    Wednesday, July 1, 2020 8:00 am Mass in Church 9am-5pm Adoration of the Holy Eucharist in Church

    Thursday, July 2, 2020 7:30 am Mass in Our Lady of Guadalupe Grotto

    Friday, July 3, 2020 7:30 am Mass in Our Lady of Guadalupe Grotto All Day Parish Office Closed

    Saturday, July 4, 2020 Independence Day 8:00 pm Outside Mass in English

    Sunday, July 5, 2020 7:00 am Outside Mass in English 8:00 pm Outside Mass in Spanish

    Mass Intentions for the week of June 29th—July 5th

    Monday, June 29, 2020 Communion Service

    Tuesday, June 30, 2020 Mass in Grotto

    Wednesday, July 1, 2020 Mass in Church

    Thursday, July 2, 2020 Mass in Grotto

    Friday, July 3, 2020 Mass In Grotto

    Saturday, July 4, 2020 Outdoor Mass

    Sunday, July 5, 2020 Outdoor Mass

    Sanctuary Lamps for the week of June 28, 2020


    Envelope Collection 6/21/2020………………………….…………………..………...…...…….……...……….…...........................….…..$1,826.00 Loose Monies 6/21/2020…………………………………………………………………………..……………………….………………………………$738.00 Online Donation 6/21/2020………………………………………………………………………….……..………..……….........…..…....……..$1,301.00 Father’s Day 6/21/2020…………………………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………..$271.00 First Communion 6/21/2020………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………$371.00 Total Collection 6/21/2020…………………….……...………………………….................................................$4,507.00

    Online Giving: We encourage parishioners to sign up for online giving. Please inform the Parish office if you are interested or go to www.holynameusa.org.

    Upcoming Second Collections: July 5, Altar Society; July 19, Parish Maintenance; August 2, Parish Maintenance & August 16, Assumption Seminary

    Other Collections:

    Mass Intentions 6/21/2020…………………………………………………..………………………………..……………………………...…...………$30.00 Altar Society, Candle box 6/21/2020………………………………………………………………………………………………..………..…………$65.00 Grotto Donations & Paver Purchases 6/21/2020……………………………………………………………….………….…….…………….$2,000.00 Maintenance Envelopes 6/21/2020………………………………………………….……………………….…………..…..……...……..…..……$120.00 Quince/Baptism/Funerals (Church Use) 6/21/2020……………………………………………………………………..……………….………$50.00 Mass Attendance 6/21/2020……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..……….……… 377 Total Expenses 6/21/2020…………………………………………..…………….…………….……..…..…………...…….$6,579.85

  • Announcements 1. Please consider making Offerings for tithing online at www.holynameusa.org, Thank You.

    2. Missalettes are available at the Parish Office for at-cost donation. Breaking Bread with the songs is $5.00 and the bilingual missalettes, Unidos en Christo-United in Christ is $2.00. This is due because of the COVID-19 virus to prevent the chance of spreading the virus among each other. The missalettes will be yours to bring to Mass and to take home. 3. Thank you Rudy Tabbutt & Family for your donation of Clorox Wipes to Holy Name.

    4. Confirmation Mass Update: Saturday July 11th and 18th at 8am. Emails have been sent if you have not received please call the parish office. 5. Holy Name wants to thank our volunteers especially Raymond & Rebecca Elizondo for their sanitation ministry helping everyone stay healthy. We do need more help so please call the Parish Office at 210-333-5020 as we can coordinate with our other volunteers, Thank you. 6. Ushers & Cleaning Crews Needed!!! Please Help Volunteer as Ushers and For the Cleaning Crews to help keep our fellow worshipers safe. We Need New Volunteers To Protect Our Elders. Please Call the Parish Office at 210-333-5020. 7. Please Donate Cleaning Supplies. Sanitizers, Face Masks, Gloves, Disinfectant Aerosols/Wipes & Bleach Is Greatly Appreciated. 8. 2020 Archbishop’s Appeal, “Accompany with Joy, Give with Grace,” is the willingness to listen deeply to the experiences, needs, joys, and hardships of another. Holy Name Catholic Church’s Goal is $21,664.00. We encourage everyone to give to the 2020 Archbishop’s Appeal. Right now we have 85 Donors and we are 71.34% to our goal. You will evangelize and share Christ’s love through acts of kindness, help the formation of seminarians and deacons, care for retired clergy, and protect God’s most vulnerable– the hungry, homeless, elderly, unborn, sick, prisoner, and lonely. Every dollar counts, Thank You. 9. Holy Name Men’s Club: After waiting to see if the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic would clear up and obviously it hasn't we are forced to cancel the Kickapoo day trips until we are back to normal. Please contact Pedro Ybarra at (210) 441-2285 or email at [email protected] and let him know if you would like a refund for tickets purchased or if you would like to let the funds to ride until the next time we can schedule. Refunds may take a little time but will be issued as soon as possible. Another option would be to donate the funds to our parish since this crises has put a terrible shortage on the weekly tithes income. Thank you for your continued support of our parish and the Holy Name Men’s Club 10. DON’T BE SCAMMED!!! Please ignore scammers who are taking advantage of this pandemic crisis. They are getting our Holy Name Parish numbers/emails from the bulletin and are posing as Fr. Martin, Deacons, Office Staff, Ministry Leads or people in dire need of assistance. They are asking for personal information, gift cards, apple tunes & money. Please do not fall victim to these scammers. If you have questions please call the Parish Office first at 210-333-5020. Thank you.

  • 2020-2021 Religious Education

    Religious Ed hours are Monday— Friday 9am—2pm.

    Registration is going on now!! Registration forms are on line and at the parish office. You may fill them out and email to [email protected] or drop off at the office.


    To our First Communion Candidates June 28, 2020

    Confirmation Mass Update: Saturday July 11th and 18th at 8am

    Emails have been sent. If you have not received information please call the office or email, [email protected].

    Come join SHINE youth! This group is aimed towards middle and high school students. Young Adults interested in leading as well as learning more about their faith are welcomed.

    Shine will meet in the Grotto. Social Distancing and Mask will be required for the safety of all.

    For more information or questions: Cynthia Gloria (210) 414-8860 [email protected]

    Holy Name Catholic School Mrs. Salazar Cameron Alonzo Teresa Borrego Nicholas Contero Lilly Eng Aaron Gonzales

    Guy Garza Evan Huron Vincent Lerma Emily Munoz Luke Perales

    Emma Rodrigez Nicholas Rodriguez Jason Sanchez Victor Ramos Alyssa Soto

    Gabriella Tovar Gabriella Velasco Violet Villarreal


    June 28th, Saint of the Day

    Irenaeus was born in Asia, most probably in the city of Smyrna, in the first part of the 3rd century; in 177, he went to the Roman region of Gaul in Western Europe. As a young man he was a disciple St Polycarp,

    who had learned the Gospel from St John the Apostle. St Irenaeus was a true witness of the Gospel in a time of harsh persecution. In order to evangelise the Celtic and Germanic tribes, he learned the languages of the people, whom the Romans considered barbarians. As a pastor he was distinguished on account of his missionary zeal and the richness of his doctrines. He confronted the heresy of “gnosticism,” a philosophical/religious movement that said the faith taught in the Church was only symbolic. Two of Irenaeus’ major writings have come down to us: Against Heresies and The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching. Defender of the Faith Irenaeus’ life was marked by the defence of doctrine and missionary zeal. In Against Heresies he writes: “The Church, having received this preaching and this faith, although scattered throughout the whole world, yet, as if occupying but one house, carefully preserves it. She also believes these points [of doctrine] just as if she had but one soul, and one and the same heart, and she proclaims them, and teaches them, and hands them down, with perfect harmony, as if she possessed only one mouth. For, although the languages of the world are dissimilar, yet the import of the tradition is one and the same. For the Churches which have been planted in Germany do not believe or hand down anything different, nor do those in Spain, nor those in Gaul, nor those in the East, nor those in Egypt, nor those in Libya, nor those which have been established in the central regions of the world.” Immortality and the Vision of God For Irenaeus, who explained the truths of the faith with clarity and force, the Apostle’s confession of faith is the key for interpreting the Gospel: “But [God’s] splendour vivifies them; those, therefore, who see God, do receive life. And for this reason, He, [although] beyond comprehension, and boundless and invisible, rendered Himself visible, and comprehensible, and within the capacity of those who believe, that He might vivify those who receive and behold Him through faith. For as His greatness is past finding out, so also His goodness is beyond expression; by which having been seen, He bestows life upon those who see Him. It is not possible to live apart from life, and the means of life is found in fellowship with God; but fellowship with God is to know God, and to enjoy His goodness. Men therefore shall see God, that they may live, being made immortal by that sight, and attaining even unto God.”


  • Holy Name Catholic Church Census

    Holy Name Catholic Church will be doing a census for all our Parishioners to update any changes.


    1. Are you still a Parishioner here at Holy Name? YES____ NO____ 2. Do you still reside at the same address? YES____ NO____ New Address______________________________________________ 3. Do you have an email address? EMAIL:__________________________________________________ 4. Do you have the same phone number? YES____ NO____ PHONE:____________________ PHONE:______________________ 5. Do you want to receive Offertory Envelopes? YES____ NO____ 6. Do you want to give Online? YES____ NO____

    Please reach out to us to update your information or if you want to join Holy Name as a new Parishioner so we can better serve you and stay connected.

    Parish Office: 210-333-5020. Thank you for being part of our family and community.



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