www.fowlertours.co.za DOMINICAN PILGRIMAGE Holy Land and Rome 31 August to 11 September 2014 Spiritual Director: Fr Emil Blaser OP

Holy Land and Rome - Fowler Tours€¦ · PILGRIMAGE Holy Land and Rome 31 August to 11 September 2014 Spiritual Director: Fr Emil Blaser OP. Sunday, August 31: We meet at Johannesburg

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Page 1: Holy Land and Rome - Fowler Tours€¦ · PILGRIMAGE Holy Land and Rome 31 August to 11 September 2014 Spiritual Director: Fr Emil Blaser OP. Sunday, August 31: We meet at Johannesburg



Holy Land and Rome

31 August to 11 September 2014

Spiritual Director: Fr Emil Blaser OP

Page 2: Holy Land and Rome - Fowler Tours€¦ · PILGRIMAGE Holy Land and Rome 31 August to 11 September 2014 Spiritual Director: Fr Emil Blaser OP. Sunday, August 31: We meet at Johannesburg

Sunday, August 31:We meet at Johannesburg International Airport to depart on our night-flight to Tel Aviv.

Monday, September 1:We land in Tel Aviv where we are met by our tour guide. We drive up theMediterranean coast to Caesarea, the Roman capital of Palestine wherePontius Pilate was based and St Paul was imprisoned. We then drive to thecity of Haifa and its Mount Carmel, where the Carmelite Order wasfounded and Elijah battled the gods of Baal. We then proceed toNazareth, hometown of Our Lord. After Mass in the Basilica of the An-nunciation we have time at leisure. Overnight: Nazareth

Tuesday, September 2:We visit Cana, site of Our Lord’s first miracle, where couples can renewtheir wedding vows. We go to the Sea of Galilee, around which most ofJesus’ public ministry took place. At Capernaum we can see the remainsof Peter’s house and of a fourth-century synagogue built on top of the onein which Jesus probably preached (the foundations of which we can stillsee). A Tabgha a church recalls the miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, andthe nearby chapel of Peter’s Primacy marks the place where Christ en-trusted the Church to St Peter. We drive up Mount of Beatitudes, on theslopes of which Jesus delivered his famous sermon. A highlight of the pil-grimage is the boat-ride on the Sea of Galilee on a recreation of a first-century fishing vessel, a time for both fun and for prayerful reflection.Overnight: Nazareth

Wednesday, September 3:Today we explore Nazareth, including Mary’s Well, where Our Lady drewwater (it was the town’s only well) and other sites associated with theHoly Family. We drive to Mount Tabor, site of the Transfiguration. We thenleave Galilee, where Our Lord lived, and drive to Bethlehem, where Hewas born.

In Bethlehem we visit the ancient Basilica of the Nativity, which marksthe place of Jesus’ birth. Shepherds’ Field, where the angels announcedthe birth of the Messiah to the shepherds, is one of the Holy Land’s loveli-est sites. Overnight: Bethlehem

Thursday, September 4: Jerusalem! We begin our pilgrimage to the Holy City on top of the Mountof Olives at the small chapel, now a mosque, which marks the spot fromwhich Catholics believe Christ ascended into Heaven (see His reputedfootprint in a stone there). As we walk down the mount we visit Paternos-ter Church, where the Lord’s Prayer is displayed in hundreds of languages,including several South African versions, and Dominus Flevit Church,which is on the spot where Jesus wept for Jerusalem. At the foot of themount we arrive at the Gethsemane with its ancient olive trees, and themagnificent Church of All Nations with the rock on which Jesus is believedto have prayed before His arrest. Across the street we visit Mary’s Tomb,from which Our Lady was assumed into heaven.

Crusader fortress in Caesarea

Church on the Mount of Beatitudes

Pilgrims on the Sea of Galilee

Pilgrims at the Rock of the Agony in Gethsemane

The spot of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem

Page 3: Holy Land and Rome - Fowler Tours€¦ · PILGRIMAGE Holy Land and Rome 31 August to 11 September 2014 Spiritual Director: Fr Emil Blaser OP. Sunday, August 31: We meet at Johannesburg

The Basilica of St Paul’s Outside the Walls

The Colosseum in Rome

We then drive to Mount Zion to visit the impressive Dormition Abbey,where Our Lady fell asleep, the Cenacle (Upper Room) which commemo-rates the Last Supper, and the Church of St Peter in Gallicantu, whereJesus was tried by the Sanhedrin, kept in a dungeon, and where Peter de-nounced Our Lord three times. See the steps in which we know Jesus actu-ally walked! At Ein Kerem, today a part of West Jerusalem, we rememberin two beautiful churches the birth of John the Baptist and Mary’s visit toher cousin Elizabeth, and Our Lady’s Magnificat. Overnight: Bethlehem

Friday, September 5: This is the day we follow the Stations of the Cross, the Via Dolorosa inJerusalem. The Way of the Cross culminates in the Church of the HolySepulchre, our faith’s most sacred site. Here you can touch the rock wherethe cross stood and pray in the tomb from which Our Lord rose from thedead. We also visit the lovely St Anne’s Church, a Crusader church on thesite of the home of Saints Anne & Joachim, parents of the Blessed Virgin,and the Pools of Bethesda, where Our Lord cured the lame man. We seethe Western (or Wailing) Wall, the remnant of the Jewish Temple whichwas razed by the Romans in 70 AD.After lunch we drive to visit the Qasr El Yahud baptismal site on the RiverJordan, which for many years was off-limits to pilgrims. At the Dead Sea,the lowest point on earth, we can float on the mineral-rich water.Overnight: Bethlehem

Saturday, September 6: We leave Jerusalem and, like the two disciples, go towards Emmaus andthen visit Jaffa, where St Peter’s Church overlooks the Mediterranean Sea.We then proceed to Tel Aviv Airport for our journey to Rome. Overnight:Rome

Sunday, September 7:Today we tour Christian Rome. We have the opportunity to salute the Do-minican Order when we visit their mother church, the Basilica of SantaSabina, the oldest extant Roman basilica, completed in 432. We go intothe Catacombs, the long underground cemeteries which the early Chris-tians used as a place of hiding to escape persecution. We visit the basili-cas of St John Lateran, the pope’s cathedral as Bishop of Rome, St MaryMajor, one of the oldest churches in the world, having originally beenbuilt in the fifth century, and St Paul’s Outside the Walls, where archae-ologists have found what most probably is the tomb of St Paul and whereevery pope in history is depicted in mosaic medallions. Overnight: Rome

Monday, September 8:Today we explore two sides of Rome: the ancient and the baroque. In themorning we focus on the ancient sites, such as the Capitol, the religiousand political centre of the city, the Roman forums, the Arch of Constan-tine and the Colosseum (unfortunately only from the outside). Afterlunch we discover the Rome of the Renaissance: the Trevi Fountain, Pi-azza di Spagna with its theatrical staircase of the Trinity of Mounts (alsoknown as the Spanish Steps), Navona Square, and so on, as well as thePantheon, which was built in the second century. Overnight: Rome

St Peter’s Church in Jaffa

Baptismal site on the River Jordan

Dungeon in the Church of St Peter in Gallicantu

Page 4: Holy Land and Rome - Fowler Tours€¦ · PILGRIMAGE Holy Land and Rome 31 August to 11 September 2014 Spiritual Director: Fr Emil Blaser OP. Sunday, August 31: We meet at Johannesburg

The Sistine Chapel in the Vatican

Papal audience with Pope Francis

A pilgrimage is a prayerful time...

Mass will be celebrated every day

St Peter’s Square

Tuesday, September 9:Today is our Vatican day! We visit St Peter’s Basilica with its many reli-gious and artistic treasures, including the tombs of Saints John XXIIIand John Paul II (as they will be by then). We visit the Vatican Mu-seum, which houses the Sistine Chapel and some of the most impor-tant art collections in the world. We will have reservations to skip thelong tourist lines at both St Peter’s and the Vatican Museums.In the afternoon we visit Castel Gandolfo, where the popes traditionallystay during summertime. Overnight: Rome

Wednesday, September 10:Today we see the pope at his weekly general audience (if he is not travel-ling that day). In St Peter’s Square is driven around in the popemobile, sowe can get a good look at him.After the audience we will have lunch, some leisure time and a finalMass before we make our way to the airport to catch our flight home.

Thursday, September 11:After an unforgettable journey we land in South Africa, physically tiredbut spiritually refreshed!

Est. Price: R 31,900* (sharing, ex-Jhb; subject to currency, airport tax fluctuations)

Includes: All flights ex-Johannesburg (incl. airport taxes), accommodation in 3-star hotels or better (sharing) with breakfast and dinner, lunches (in Holy Landonly), transfers, travel insurance, travelling on air-conditioned luxury buses,English-speaking tour guides, entrance fees, preparation material.Excludes: Tips (these are set and mandatory), visas, personal expenses, travelto and from O.R. Tambo Airport/Jhb.

30 passengers minimum.

A deposit of R3,500 secures your place on this unforgettable pilgrimage.

Name of Account: Fowler ToursBank: Standard BankAcc no: 07 307 535 3 (current account)Branch code: 026509

Beneficiary Reference: ‘Dominican 2014’ plus your name

Please no cash deposits

For booking form or for more information, please contact Gail at076 352-3809 or 021 551-3923 or

[email protected] or fax 086 672-9225


The Canonisation pilgrimage will be ledby Fr Emil Blaser, a Dominican priestand director of South Africa’s onlyCatholic radio station. He knows Romevery well, and has led pilgrimages in theHoly Land.

Page 5: Holy Land and Rome - Fowler Tours€¦ · PILGRIMAGE Holy Land and Rome 31 August to 11 September 2014 Spiritual Director: Fr Emil Blaser OP. Sunday, August 31: We meet at Johannesburg

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RESERVATION FORM(one form per person, photocopies of form are permitted):

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Account Name: Fowler Tours Bank: Standard BankAccount no: 07 307 5353Branch code: 026509Name of trip: Dominican Pilgrimage

Holy Land and Rome: Led by Father Emil Blaser OPDuration: 31 Aug to 11 Sep 2014 ex-JhbCost: Estimated: 31,900 (subject to fluctuations)

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Page 6: Holy Land and Rome - Fowler Tours€¦ · PILGRIMAGE Holy Land and Rome 31 August to 11 September 2014 Spiritual Director: Fr Emil Blaser OP. Sunday, August 31: We meet at Johannesburg

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N.B.: Passports must be valid SIX months following the return date of the trip.

3.) PAYMENT TERMS & SCHEDULE:Deposit R3,500 to book. The deposit is non-refundable. A final invoice, reflecting the final price, will be issued 60 days prior to departure. Final Payment must be made within five days of invoicing. BANK DETAILS AS ABOVE. N.B.: Bank charges for cash deposits will be charged to you.

4.) TERMS AND CONDITIONS:I have received, read and agree to the TERMS & CONDITIONS and the Liability clausebelow, pricing terms, and payment terms outlined on this side of the form. I understand that the cancellation terms and penalties cannot be waived for any reason. If I decline to purchase travel insurance, I understand that there is no monetary recourse for any flight cancellations or delays by the airlines and I agree to the cancellation terms and penalties.

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Reservation form - Page 2

Page 7: Holy Land and Rome - Fowler Tours€¦ · PILGRIMAGE Holy Land and Rome 31 August to 11 September 2014 Spiritual Director: Fr Emil Blaser OP. Sunday, August 31: We meet at Johannesburg


THE PILGRIMAGE PRICE INCLUDES:• Roundtrip airfare from Johannesburg return; final amount subject to change• Airport & border taxes• Full accommodation as stated in the itinerary • Breakfast and dinner (plus lunch, if so specified)• Travel insurance (surcharge applies for travelers aged 70+)• Roundtrip airport transfers in destinations and luxury coach for all touring • Guided by certified local tour guides/director• Services of local tour operator• Private Masses in holy sites • All entrance fees as per itinerary • Study material

THE PILGRIMAGE PRICE EXCLUDES:Mandatory tips, hotel taxes (if applicable), visa costs, private expenses excluded

PRICING TERMS: As per booking form

PAYMENT TERMS: In order to meet deposit schedules with suppliers for this tour, Fowler Tours charges a non-refundable deposit.Full invoice is issued 60 days before departure; payment of which is due within FIVE DAYS.

CANCELLATION POLICY: All cancellations must be received in writing. No refunds of deposits, except at the discretion of FowlerTours.

TRAVEL INSURANCE: Fowler Tours will arrange for travel insurance. Surcharges apply travellers over the age of 69.

PASSPORT: A valid passport is required of all passengers. Please apply for your passport immediately as passports are taking along time to process. Make sure to have it in your possession at all times while on tour. It must be valid for 6 months fol-lowing the return date of the trip or boarding may be denied or entry into the destination may be forbidden. Please provideFowler Tours with a copy or clear scan of the inside page of your passport (showing your name and photo) at the time ofreservation. Fax copies not acceptable.

GROUP AIR: Due to the airlines’ reduced capacity and restrictive group reservation terms, group air reservations are often difficultto coordinate. The number of connections, length of layovers, and all conditions surrounding air travel cannot be guaranteed andmay change before departure. Seat Requests: Please note that group seats are assigned “at the discretion of the airline”, althoughevery effort will be made to fulfill requests. SPECIFIC SEAT ASSIGNMENTS CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE GUARANTEED. Seatnumbers will not be advised until check-in at the airport.

DOMESTIC TRAVEL TO JOHANNESBURG: You are responsible for your own arrangements to and from Johannesburg ORTambo Airport.

ITINERARY: The Itinerary is tentative and represents what we are planning for you, however it is subject to confirmations frommany organisations. Because of changes in local schedules, we may need to alter specified events, dates and/or venues to better fitthe overall plan.

TIPS: Gratuities for your guides, driver and hotel staff, and hotel taxes (if applicable) are excluded. These are mandatory. You willbe advised of the total cost of these before departure, and all monies will be collected by the tour leader who will then distributethem to the various recipients.

ROOMS: Tour prices are per person sharing. Single rooms at an extra rate are limited and are available first come-first served untilthe supply is exhausted.

LUGGAGE: Baggage is at owner’s risk throughout the tour.

HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: Travellers must be medically and physically fit for this tour. This tour requires significant walking, asmotor coaches are not permitted to pick up and drop off in front of major attractions. The tour is not wheelchair accessible. Any spe-cial limiting medical conditions or equipment must be advised in writing, for evaluation of feasibility, at the time of making your reser-vation.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Fowler Tours may take photographs or film of its trips and trip participants, and participant grants Fowler Toursexpress permission to do so and for Fowler Tours to use such for promotional or commercial use.

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Cancellation Policy by request or see www.fowlertours.co.za