Page1 Dear Parish Family, We have come to the end of our tenure at Holy Trinity Church. We step down as your shepherds with heavy hearts while also looking forward to retirement. We wish that we could say farewell to you face to face. You are a great congregation, and we have been blessed to have been able to serve you as your pastoral leaders. We will return later this year as regularly worshipping members of the congregation. We ask you to continue the good work that the Lord has given you to do and has given to His entire church. While being intent on God's work, always remember the wonderful grace of God that has been bestowed on you from God the Father through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We wish our best to Larry Guenzel as he steps up to serve as your interim pastor and also wish the new pastor of the congregation the blessings of God as he or she serves Holy Trinity. We can say nothing better to end this letter than "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." (2 Corinthians 13:14 ESV) June, 2020 In This Issue: From the Pastors – pg. 1 Prayer List – pg. 3 From Council President – pg. 4 Letters – pg. 6 – 7 Worship Asst Schedule –pg. 19 Calendar – pg. 20 HOLY TRINITY Evangelical Lutheran Church ECHOES NEWSLETTER Pastors The Rev. Dr. Michael G. Tavella The Rev. N. Amanda Grimmer Staff The Rev. Dr. Dan Selbo, Bishop of the North American Lutheran Church Mrs. Jacqueline Smith, B. Mus. M. Mus., Director of Music Mrs. Deborah Mumford, Parish Secretary Worship Services Saturday at 5 pm Sunday at 9 am (Sunday Church School at 10:30 am) Holy Communion Saturday evening, Sunday morning & Festival Days Deadline for submission of material for the Echoes Newsletter is 9 am the 15th of each month Parkview & Lycoming Avenue | Abington, Pennsylvania 19001 Email: [email protected] Tel: 215.659.2642

HOLY TRINITY · e 2 Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Mission Statement Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation of people of God, bound together in love

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Page 1: HOLY TRINITY · e 2 Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Mission Statement Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation of people of God, bound together in love



Dear Parish Family, We have come to the end of our tenure at Holy Trinity Church. We step down as your shepherds with heavy hearts while also looking forward to retirement. We wish that we could say farewell to you face to face.

You are a great congregation, and we have been blessed to have been able to serve you as your pastoral leaders. We will return later this year as regularly worshipping members of the congregation.

We ask you to continue the good work that the Lord has given you to do and has given to His entire church. While being intent on God's work, always remember the wonderful grace of God that has been bestowed on you from God the Father through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

We wish our best to Larry Guenzel as he steps up to serve as your interim pastor and also wish the new pastor of the congregation the blessings of God as he or she serves Holy Trinity.

We can say nothing better to end this letter than "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." (2 Corinthians 13:14 ESV)

June, 2020 In This Issue: From the Pastors – pg. 1

Prayer List – pg. 3

From Council President – pg. 4

Letters – pg. 6 – 7

Worship Asst Schedule –pg. 19

Calendar – pg. 20

HOLY TRINITY Evangelical Lutheran Church



The Rev. Dr. Michael G. Tavella

The Rev. N. Amanda Grimmer


The Rev. Dr. Dan Selbo,

Bishop of the North American

Lutheran Church

Mrs. Jacqueline Smith, B. Mus.

M. Mus., Director of Music

Mrs. Deborah Mumford,

Parish Secretary

Worship Services

Saturday at 5 pm

Sunday at 9 am

(Sunday Church School

at 10:30 am)

Holy Communion

Saturday evening, Sunday morning

& Festival Days

Deadline for submission of material

for the Echoes Newsletter is 9 am

the 15th of each month

Parkview & Lycoming Avenue | Abington, Pennsylvania 19001

Email: [email protected] Tel: 215.659.2642

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Holy Trinity


Lutheran Church

Mission Statement

Holy Trinity Evangelical

Lutheran Church is a

congregation of people of God,

bound together in love for the

purpose of glorifying God in

worship and in fulfilling His will

through spreading the Gospel of

salvation in Jesus Christ to all


Altar Flowers

The Altar Flowers have been

presented to the Glory of God

by the people of Holy Trinity.

Altar Flowers must be ordered

no later than the Tuesday

afternoon preceding the Sunday

they are presented. They may be

ordered through the Church

Office (215-659-2642). You may

pay by placing $20.00 in a small

white pew envelope checked,

“Altar Flowers.” If you know it,

indicate your envelope number.

New post on The Templeton Project

The Ideological Use of a Virus (Covid-19)

A virus is not just a virus. It has become the focus of the on-

going ideological battle between the left and the right. Stop

reading this article if you think you will be disappointed,

because I do not take a political-ideological position. Rather,

I will attempt to take a Christian position.

The virus is not a Democrat, the virus in not a Republican.

I would ask the virus to confirm this, but there would be no

response. We assume the virus is not a rational being as we

think of human beings as rational. Yet, grave doubts exist in

my mind that we are rational. While the irrational has its

merits, it does not work well within the context of a political-

cultural debate.

What is playing out in America today during this Covid-19

era is the continuing ideological battle that can be configured

as two opposing armies. In many cases opinions and

judgments are not based on a concern for the general welfare

of the people, but on the political advantage that can be

gained in the war.

The Church has a role in all of this. It must show its concern

through individual believers and in its corporate life for the

welfare of congregations and, secondly, for the welfare of

everybody. How is this manifested? Among these essential

actions are a consolation of the anxious; pastoral care for

every Christian, when the need is present; amelioration of

the suffering of many people in these difficult economic

times; aid to the poor; feeding the hungry; defense of the free

exercise of religion, guaranteed by the First Amendment to

the Constitution; sacrifice in doing our Christian duty, if

necessary; bravery under fire; and witness to Christ with

gentleness and respect.

The Covid-19 virus has revealed the character level of the

nation, the church, and individuals. This happens whenever

there is a life-threatening crisis. Let us pray that we may

continue to be loyal to Christ, our Lord.

Michael G. Tavella

May 20, 2020

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Altar Flowers

The Altar Flowers have been

presented to the Glory of God

by the people of Holy Trinity.

Altar Flowers must be ordered

no later than the Tuesday

afternoon preceding the Sunday

they are presented. They may be

ordered through the Church

Office (215-659-2642). You may

pay by placing $20.00 in a small

white pew envelope checked,

“Altar Flowers.” If you know it,

indicate your envelope number.

Women’s Prayer Group

The Holy Trinity Women’s Prayer Group

will resume meeting in September.

For prayer requests over the summer

contact Rosemary Hinkle at [email protected]

The group would be honored to lift up any in need of

intercessory prayer.

Next meeting Monday, Sept. 21

7:30 PM

“All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer,

together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus,

and his brothers.” Acts 1:14

Healing Prayer

Ministry After the 9:00 AM Sunday

Service, trained members of

the Healing Prayer Team are

available in the Chapel of the

Good Shepherd to meet with

you for healing prayer.

Prayers are offered for your

physical, emotional, and

spiritual health.

Prayer List

One of the beautiful aspects of Christian Fellowship

is that we can share one another’s concerns through prayer.

Please pray for the following:

Please pray for the following individuals & their families: (we cannot add last names or

initials) Albert, Alex, Alexandr, Alexei, Alan, Allan, Allyson, Alyson, Amanda, Amy, Ann, Antonette,

Baby Brooklyn, Barb, Barbara, Barbara-Jo, Barry, Becki, Ben, Bette, Bill, Bob, Bobby, Bonnie,

Brett, Brian, Brianna, Carl, Carly, Carol ,Charles, Charlie, Christopher, Cindy, Dallas, Dan, Daniel,

Dan-Ning, Dave, David, Deb, Denise, Derek, Diane, Dick, Donna, Dottie, Drew, Ed, Eda, Edie,

Edith, Edward, Ekaterina, Eleanor, Emily, Emma, Eric, Erica, Frank, Gavin, Gene, George, Gina,

Gloria, Grace, Greg, Guy, Hank, Hannah, Harry, Helen, Henry, Igor,Irina, Isabel, Jack, Jane,

Jason, Jen, Jennifer, Jim, Joe, John, Johnny, Joseph, Joy, Joyce, Julia, Juwan, Karen, Kas, Kate,

Katie, Kathy, Keith, Kerry, Kim, Kyle, Laura, Lauren, Laurie, Leo, Levi, Linda, Logan, Lorraine,

Louise, Lynn, Maggie, Marge, Margaret, Marie, Marina, Mark, Marissa, Matt, Matthew, Max,

Megan, Michelle, Mikhail, Mike, Mina, Myrna, Nancy, Nate, Neena, Nikki, Pat, Patsy, Paul, Paull,

Peter, Ray, Regina, Rich, Rick, Rita, Robert, Roger, Rosemary, Russ, Ruth, Ruth Anne, Sam,

Samantha, Sandy, Scottie, Sharon, Shelli, Sherri, Solomon, Stanislav, Stephen, Stover, Susan,

Suzanne, Suzie, Tex, Thomas, Tiffany, Tina, Todd, Trudy, Tyler, Valentina, Vicki, Xave, Yana,


All of the families of Holy Trinity, together with those they love and pray for; especially we pray

for: Bell, Bell-Powell, Blakes, Bolger, Brown, Caldwell, Camp, Cassady, Cassidy, Custer, Delash,

Disimone, Drobish, Duncan, Engelbert, Erb, Frank, Frezza, Greco, Gregg, Guckin, Hale, Harris,

Heller, Hendricks, Johnson, Lacy, Lewandowski, Lewis, Maieron, McCardle, Meyers, Minges,

Moritz, Mumford, Novak, Powell, Reiff, Rosa, Schenck, Sears, Shikhvarg, Smith, Spring,

Steinhofer, Sullivan, Tredinnick, Vargas, Ward, Werner, Yakscoe, Young, Yergey, Zaroli,


Please pray for the following petitions:

That God would bless and protect all members of Holy Trinity, together with those they love and pray for.

That God would guide each of us to grow in grace and that He would please send workers into the Harvest.

For all who are chronically ill and/or shut-in. For all who are fighting addiction to drugs and alcohol.

For the sick and the grieving.

For all congregations of the NALC.

For all travelers and for the dying.

For the military and their families.

For all Native Americans living on U.S. reservations.

For refugees and immigrants.

The unemployed, the underemployed & the uninsured, especially those in our own families.

All Caregivers, rescue workers, doctors, nurses, firefighters, EMTs,

For the members of the Mekane Yesus Lutheran Church in Ethiopia, and for the Nifas Silk Congregation.

For our sister congregations: Nifas Silk in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and First Lutheran in Kirkland Illinois.

For all Christians who are being persecuted for the faith throughout the world.

For the victims of rains, wildfires, earthquakes, hurricanes; for favorable weather & an abundance of crops.

For all in financial difficulty that they may be totally restored.

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Psalm 112:6

“For the righteous will never be moved;

they will be remembered forever.”

Our Christian Sympathy to

To the Duncan and Yergey families

on the death of

Karen Yergey Duncan

May 25, 2020

Support Us

Please consider a gift

of appreciated

securities to Holy

Trinity as you do

your tax planning for

this year. You may

direct questions

about how to do this

to Alan Hinkle @ [email protected]


Keep in your prayers

the following

individuals serving

in the armed forces:

Christopher Biehl Michael Boerner

Conor Gowton

Shaun Hall

Eric Henderson

C.J. Hess

John Quici

Nathan Quinlan

Vikas Shah

Jonathan Skilton, MD

Jeremy Zar


Join the Conversation!

We want to hear from you! Pastor Mandy has a blog on

which she posts regularly. This blog is embedded right

in our website at www.holytrinity.net. Your feedback

is wanted! Please come on in and check us out. At the

bottom of each blog there is space for your comments.

Let us hear from you.

Treasurer’s Report

April 30, 2020 (For the Year 2020)

Holy Trinity


Wider Church

Year to date received for

current income

$ 144,791.49 $ 18,875.02

Carry over from 2019 ($ 1, 195.17) $27,909.95

Expenses paid to date $143,911.02 $20,381.52

Surplus/(Deficit) 2020 ($314.70) $ 26,403.45

Please remember your

Church in your will.

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Dear Holy Trinity Family,

Thank you so much for the

digital worship services that

you have been doing. We

look forward to them each

week, since the church we

have been attending does not

have any online services.

Hope everyone is doing well.

God Bless,

Andrew, Alex and

August Reynolds.

Just a little note to say

thank you for all you do.

We are praying for you!

God Bless!

Trinity Lutheran Church

Joppa, MD

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NOTES OF THANKS (continued)

Special Message of Thanks and Offer for Prayer

On Friday of Memorial weekend, the church received a phone message from Advancing

Native Missions. This is the Virginia-based Christian organization through which Holy

Trinity Lutheran Church Women sent their fall Thank Offering directed to Pastor Martin

Luther in India to use to feed the colony of impoverished people suffering from leprosy.

Advancing Native Missions was so appreciative of our gift to “the least of these,” and wants

us to know that they personally “thank Holy Trinity's Lutheran Church Women for their

generous support” and to let us know that they (at ANM) are and have been praying for Holy


The caller then offered that if we have any specific prayer requests, we may either call

their dedicated line for prayer at 540-456-7111 or email their dedicated line for prayer at

[email protected]. This is a sincere offer, so we hope anyone at Holy

Trinity who feels so moved to make requests will do so.

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Congratulations & welcome to God's World!

Julian Benjamin Freer

Born April 28, 2020

8 lbs., 21 inches long

Congratulations to first time parents

Brian and Julia Freer

and proud grandparents

Bruce and Maureen Freer


Memorials received

Dick Erb

Louise Shiffer

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The Adult Christian

Breakfast Fellowship Would like to extend wholehearted thanks

for the wonderful 2019 – 2020 season we just had!

Especially a big thanks to Charlie Tolton for help with

equipment setup and Bob Miller and Al & Sandy Schmidt

for being the "greatest Kitchen Elves" EVER!

To everyone who graciously donated their

time and efforts by being a presenter and all who attended!

We look forward to an educational & entertaining

Fall/Winter season of 2020 – 2021

Ideas for a topic of interest? Email Allan Shikhvarg at

[email protected] or call (215) 885 – 1772

We’d love to hear from you.

See you the second Saturday in September…

Be looking for updates in the September Echoes! _____________________________________________________________________________

Summer is a great time to

Re-read your old favorite book

or explore something new

Our collection is on display

on the book cart in Fellowship Hall.

Remember – at Holy Trinity you choose your book,

sign it out, and return it when it is convenient for you.


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Holy Trinity is hosting a

Blood Drive for the Red Cross

Friday, July 10th,

1:30 PM to 6:30 PM

* The need for blood never takes a vacation * Every 2 seconds someone in the US needs blood * Type O blood is the most requested by hospitals * You can donate blood every 56 days * 16 year-olds can donate with parent permission

Contact Karen McGovern (267) 968-5485 to schedule an appointment.


Good Friday

Men’s Devotional Group

Mark your calendar & don’t miss out

on the Men’s Devotional Group Meeting.

We meet on the second Wednesday of the month.

Join us Wednesday, June 10th at 7:30 PM

Due to current State mandated restrictions

we will be having a virtual meeting via Zoom

Interested in participating please contact

Tom Schied (215) 517 - 5505

or email him at [email protected]

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The Bread of Heaven Pantry is OPEN

We reopened on Thursday, May 7, 2020

Our biggest challenge is resupply as the items we usually give out are items

in short supply. If you are able, please purchase any of the following items

when you do your own shopping and drop off in the office vestibule:

Canned tuna or chicken, rice, canned green beans, corn, peas or carrots,

canned fruit or applesauce, pasta sauce and pasta, PB & J, drink mixes such

as Kool-aid, lemonade, ice tea, soap, toothpaste, tea, mac & cheese, soup,

sweetened and unsweetened cereal or oatmeal, bread, toilet paper, and paper


We appreciate all of your past support for this vital ministry.

In Christ,

Heidi Simmons

Will resume when in person worship resumes.

At that time Tom Schied will be presenting

the last 3 videos in the series

The Life and Ministry of the Messiah by Ray Vander Laan.

If time permits, before summer break,

Pastor Guenzel will lead a study of 1 Peter,

the source of the Second Readings

in worship through the Easter Season.

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Regarding the LCW's Giant Gift Card Program…

If you don't happen to shop at the Giant you could buy the cards to donate to the Bread of Heaven Food Pantry…

Every card purchased goes to help the LCW provide scholarships for the women of Holy Trinity…

It's easy to order, contact Deb in the church office by phone (215) 659-2642 or email [email protected]

Card purchases are offered in any denomination…

We have plenty on hand or can easily order more!

________________________________________________________________ To all Circle members and the kind ladies of Holy Trinity who support our Lutheran Church Women, Circles were not able to meet for the most recent three months -- April, May and June. That means no offerings were collected. Our annual LCW budget depends on these contributions to provide programs and special events for all. We pray that you will help us through this difficult time by making a contribution. Please send your offerings to the office: Attn: Joy Alderfer, 2086 Parkview Ave., Abington, PA 19001 With much appreciation, Rosemary Hinkle, President.

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Lutheran Church Women’s Circle Bible Study

Lutheran Church Women’s Circles Go Social in June The activity year culminates for Circles in June before taking a summer break

and reconvening in September. There is no topical study this month.

Rather, we gather for a special lunch or dinner and enjoy our time of fellowship and

socializing together. If you have not gotten to a circle yet, we invite you to select one that

meshes with your schedule and come meet the ladies in a particular group.

All Circles love to welcome visitors and new members! Visiting is not a commitment.

The plans for each Circle are listed here. Please contact the designated Circle Leader

if you have any questions. If you are not in a circle at this time please contact one of

the circle leaders listed below. For more information about the LCW contact president,

Rosemary Hinkle (215) 887 - 4954 or email her at [email protected]

or Deb in the office at (215) 659 - 2642 or email her at [email protected]

Miriam Circle – TBD

Leader: Sandy Schmidt (215) 657 - 5065 [email protected]

Hannah Circle – Sunday, June 28 at 2 p.m. @Cindy Biehl's 152 Bunker Hill Rd., Ottsville

Contact: Deb Mumford (267) 210 - 1789 [email protected]

Eve Circle – Thursday, June 11 at 7:00 p.m. Virtual Zoom meeting contact Sharon for details

Leader: Sharon Koch (215) 355 - 7875 [email protected]

Ruth Circle – Wednesday, June 10 at 7:30 pm Virtual Zoom meeting contact Nancy for details

Leader: Nancy Necker (215) 884-2123 [email protected]

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Summer Means Start Thinking Shoe Boxes

for Operation Christmas Child Holy Trinity has been filling Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes since 2007.

And we certainly believe that the Lord is blessing us to continue that tradition this year!

These boxes are important in two major ways: Initially, they bring much needed

school supplies, toys, and accessories to boys and girls around the world where they are

victims or poverty, war, famine, and/or disasters. Tens of thousands are currently living in

refugee camps. Secondly and of lasting importance, they enable us to be the loving hands

and feet of Jesus as each and every shoe box includes the Gospel story presented in a

child's language and in a culturally appropriate way. Usually shoe box gifts are distributed

by local pastor partners to open hearts to Jesus and church doors to entire families.

Not knowing what the future holds health wise, please prayerfully consider

packing more individual shoe boxes than usual this year. We certainly plan to hold

our annual shoe box packing party in November, BUT if the local health status changes, we

will need your individual support more than ever. So please invite family and friends to join

you in packing more boxes. As stores can hopefully reopen this summer (Walmart and

Target have been open), please remember to include shoe box items on your list when you


If you have been collecting empty shoe boxes, please leave them on the stage or in

the office with Deb.

Boxes for all ages and genders are welcome, but there is a particular need for boxes for boys

10 - 14 years old. Next needed are boxes for 2 - 4 year of boys and girls.

Please NO PLASTIC CONTAINERS, which typically crack in transit; ONLY cardboard

shoe boxes, unless you purchase the specially made plastic boxes from Samaritan's Purse.

Ideas of Where to Make Economical Purchases (as they reopen):

Jane’s Cottage, 1771 Old York Road, just south of Craft-Givnish Funeral Home

Jane will order quantities for you at reduced prices.

Dollar Tree, 200 Blair Mill Road, #5, Horsham

Michaels Sign up in store to receive weekly coupons to use.

Kids’ sections at TJ Max

Dollar(s) section at Target

Walmart school supplies super sale usually starts by mid-July.

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NO toothpaste, candy/food, breakable containers, lotions/liquids permitted.

Also, no items with US flags and nothing suggesting war.

Need for Boxes 10-14 Year-Old Boys

This age group receives the fewest contributions,

in part because many people have trouble with ideas for this age.

If you choose to pack boxes for these boys, here are some ideas:

$5 backpacks from Five Below that can be folded in thirds Flashlight with 2 sets of batteries

ball cap or visor Notebook or pad of paper (5” x 8”)

Definitely a ball! Pencils, sharpener, pens

crayons/colored pencils Ruler, eraser, glue stick, scotch

tape, scissors Calculator

Marbles, Glo sticks, fold-up Frisbees, yoyo Mini hammer, screw driver set, etc.

Puzzles, Lego or K-Nex kits Socks, gloves

Coloring books, maze books Stuffed animal: tiger, lion, dog, etc.

Vehicles (larger ones sell for $4-$5 each in Rite Aid) Soap, toothbrush

Nail clippers, Band-Aids, chap sticks, tissue pack, comb washcloth or sports towel

Also Need More Boxes for 2-4-Year-Olds small stuffed animal, puzzles, cars & trucks (age appropriate)

tiny purses & barrettes for girls ball, spinning tops

size 4T/4 T-shirts; socks & gloves puppet washcloths, soap,

child’s toothbrush coloring books & crayons

decorative Band-Aids child sunglasses

stickers musical toys

5”x8” pad of construction paper child scissors

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Meet @ The Mumford Home 213 Fair Oaks Avenue, Horsham PA

Join us for our end of the year

Cook-out & swim party!

5:00 - 7:0 0

Youth Ministry

July 12 Youth Group

(rain date TBD) 2 PM to 7 PM


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June Worship Assistants Schedule

June 7

Usher 5 Greeter Kevan Berkovitz, Linda Frezza

Presenters of Gifts

Charlie & Sue Tolton and Marilynn Murphy

Count 3 Acolyte Becca Nilsen

Christophers Deb Mumford Crucifer Kevan Berkovitz

Healing Prayer Kathy Ingerson

Lectors -- Sat Karen McGovern Sun Nancy Necker

Communion Assistants

Linda Borkowski Tom Schied

June 14

Usher 1 Greeter John & Anita Ickler

Presenters of Gifts

The Ischinger Family

Count 4 Acolyte Charlie Tolton

Christophers Nancy Necker Crucifer Steph Powell

Healing Prayer Sue Tolton

Lectors -- Sat Linda Cassady Sun Kevan Berkovitz

Communion Assistants

Jim & Nancy Necker

June 21

Usher 2 Greeter The Ischinger Family

Presenters of Gifts

The Ickler Family

Count 1 Acolyte Julia Gregg

Christophers Mike Breslin Crucifer Frank Ganther

Healing Prayer Nancy Ischinger

Lectors -- Sat Karen McGovern Sun John Bleimaier

Communion Assistants

Mark & Erica Affleck

June 28

Usher 3 Greeter Don & Linda Borkowski Presenters of Gifts

The Schied Family

Count 2 Acolyte Sherry Breslin

Christophers Sue Tolton Crucifer Charlie Tolton

Healing Prayer Deb Mumford

Lectors -- Sat Linda Cassady Sun Linda Borkowski

Communion Assistants

Dave Tolton Deb Mumford

If you cannot serve please contact someone on the list for that particular service team and find a replacement.

If you cannot find a replacement contact the office (215)659-2642 or email Deb at [email protected]

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* Father's Day, June 21, 2020


2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

7:30 AA


2 3 7:30 Virtual Council Meeting

4 10 Bread of Heaven

5 6 Digital Worship

7 HOLY TRINITY Digital Worship




7:30 Virtual Ruth Circle

11 10 Bread of Heaven

7:00 Virtual Eve Circle


13 Digital Worship


Digital Worship




7:00 Virtual Evangelism meeting

18 10 Bread of


6:30 Eve Circle

7:00 Men's Devotion



5:00 Holy Communion

21 PENTECOST 3 9:00 Holy Communion Plus Digital Worship HAPPY FATHER’S DAY




25 10 Bread of




5:00 Holy Communion


9:00 Holy Communion Plus Digital Worship

2:00 - Hannah Circle at Cindy Biehl's



"As soon as they put forth leaves, you see it and know for yourselves that summer is now near." Luke 21:30

SPECIAL DATES: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love,

* Trinity Sunday, June 7, 2020 JOY, peace."

* Flag Day, June 14, 2020 Galatians 5:22 * First day of summer, June 20, 2020