THE TEESDALBMBRCURY—W1DNBSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1875. S P R I N G AND S U M M E R C L O T H I N G F. WINPENNY, HORSE MARKET, BARNARD OASTLE, Has much pleasure in announcing that his superb Stock of CLOTHING for Spring and Summer, is now ready for inspection, every department being amply supplied with first- class goods. The Tailoring Department contains the Newest and most Fashionable Materials in COATINGS, WEST OF ENGLAND and YORKSHIRE TROWSERINGS, and SCOTCH TWEEDS. ' ' Garments to order executed with despatch in all the prevailing styles, and by thoroughly skilled bands. The Hat Department is now a leading feature of this establishment, and contains the largest and best selected Stock of SILK and FELT HATS in the town. * FELTS from 2s. 6d. to 10s. 6d. LEGHORN, TUSCAN, STRAW, and other SUMMER HATS, in great variety. The Glove, Hosiery and Fancy Department abounds in novelties, and an inspection of these goods is respectfully solicited. Agent for John Fann & Co's Registered Pants, Vests and Shirts, warranted not to shrink with washing. Agent for the Simpson SEWING MACHINE, one of the best workers and wearers in the market. 4 . U P H O L S T E R Y CABINET, AND HOUSE F U R N I S H I N G E S T A B L I S H M E N T , HORSE MARKET, BARNARD OASTLE. GEORGE DODDS AND SON, fTlAKE the earliest opportunity to inform their customers and the puhlio that their new Show Rooms and X Warehouse are now open. It will he their endeavour to keep an extensive and well manufactured STOCK OP THE MOST MODERN DESIGNS lit DRAWING ROOM. DINING ROOM. AND BEDROOM FURNITURE; BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS. COTS, &c.; SPRING, HAIR, WOOL, AND STRAW MATTRESSES; BRUSSELS, TAP ESTRT, AND KIDDER CARPETS, HEARTHRUGS. OIL CLOTHS, COCOA MATTINGS, AND MATS; FENDERS, FIRE IRONS, BRUSHES, 4c. TODD'S QUININE WINE stands pre-eminent for Pnri ty and Strength. It is the beat known remedy for Indigestion, Nervous Complaints, Debility, Wasting Diseases, Ac., is recommended by the faculty. TODD'S QUININE WlNE strengthens the system. The genuine is manufactured only by Jos Tonr, Chem- ist, Carlisle, and bears his name on the Government Stamp. Sold by all Chemists. Ask for and hays only TODD'S QUININE WINE. READ DR. BARNES' NEW WORK, KirriTLXD "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH; or, the CONFIDENTIAL FRIEND." On the LAWS GOVERNING LIFE, and the CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, and TREATMENT of all diseases depending on Exhaustion of Nervous Vitality, such as Neryous Debility, Mental and Physical De- pression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head, and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, and many other ail- ments, which, i f neglected, bring the sufferers to an early Death. Together with Hints on Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Epilepsy, Hysteria, and all diseases of the Neryous and Alimentary Sys- tem. Illustrated by numerous testimonials from grateful patients who have been' restored to health through the author's instrumentality. Sent post free for 2 stamps: or by letter post 3 stamps. Special advice in all disorders peculiar to females Address, Dr J. A. BARNES, 48, Lonsdale Square Barnsbury, London, N . AN INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. O F S E W I E R Y K I N D B V T H E N6 M A C H I N E S BY A L L T HE BEST MAKERS C H E A P E S T IN T H E T R A D E . INSTRUCTIONS FREE. J . M . M O O R E , BANK, BARNARD CASTLE. BEFORE BUYING Call and see the EUROPEAN PRIZE MEDAL MACHINE, And the Cyclops (Best prin- ciple) the best Machines made. PRICB £5 10s. CASH. J. PARKINSON DRAPER. M ONKHOUSE 4 CO.'S SEWING MACHINE DEPOT, 62, BLACKETT-STREET, NEWCASTLE. SEWISQ MACHINES OF ALL KINDS. Knitting, Washing, Wringing, And Mangling Machines. j 6y The Best Machines for Dressmakers and , Tailors in Stock. Guaranteed of the Best Quality, i Design,and Workmanship. W. BARNET, NEWGATE, BARNARD CASTLE N.B.—Repairs Executed with Dispatch. R BARKER, Barnard Castle, has now secured a ; . choice selection of CLOVER AND GRASS j SEEDS, well worthy the attention of agriculturists. Agent for Langdale's celebrated Manures, Nitrate 1 of Soda, Ac | HUXLEY'S BISHOP BLAZE TOBACCO. T HIS celebrated and favourite smoking Tobacco is sold in Joz., loz., 2oz., and ±lb. packet?, by all dealers in Tobacco. To be obtained wholesale of JOSHUA BURN, agent for Barnard Castle and dis- I trict. Cope's Smoking Mixture. Will's Bristol Birds ! By Sales and Cos's Red Cross Fancy Chop, Kendal Returns, Cut, Twist, and Cavendish Tobacco, Ac, 4c. ; JOSHUA'BURN, GROCER, Horse Market, Barnard Castle. In consequence of spurious initiations Lea & Perrins Sauce, which are calculated to deceive the Public, Lea and Pcrrins have adopted A New Label, bearing tlieir Signature, thus, IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. Advice by Letter Gratis. D R. BARNES may be consulted personally or by let'er, in all private and confidential cases; and for the benefit of Nervous Sufferers who cannot visit him, he will on receiving a description of their case, enclosing a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to give his opinion upon the nature of the case, and the principles of treatment necessary to effect a perfect cures Address D r . BARNES. 48, Lonsdale Square, Barn- bury, London. N. which will be placed on every bottle of Worcestershire Sauce after this date, and without which none tST Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Blaclnxell, Loudon; and Export Oilmen generally. Retail, by dealers in sancn thrvnrnout lie World. .November, 1874. HEMING'S CHLOBODYNE T HIS is a judicious combination of some of the most powerful and valuable Medicines we possess, and will be found an effectual remedy in all cas'es of Cholera, Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Cough, I n - cipient Consumption, BronchitisV Asthma, Neuralgia, Headache, 4 c . and every case in which an Anodyne is required. Numerous Testimonials as to its efficacy may be seen on application.—Prepared only by Moop.i: (late Heminj), Chemist,3 Norfolk Street, SUNDERLAND, and sold in Bottles at Is. lid.. 2s. 9d., 4s. Gd. and 10s. A saving is effected by taking the larger sizes. By Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors in Town and Country. . JONATHAN RUTTEE, Whitesmith and Bellhanyer, BRIDGE-END, BARNARD CASTLE, B EGS to announce that over 200 KITCHEN RANGES, with Hot-air Ovens, have been made and fit up by him in the town and neighbourhood during the past few years, which is a test of their utility and superiority. Also Palisading. Tomb Bailing, Hot Water Apparatus, Piping. Spouting, 4c. QLENFIELD. GLENFIELD. THE QUEEN'S LAUNDRESS SAYS THIS STARCH IS THE BEST SHE EVER USED. QLENFIELD. GLENFIELD. " FOR THE BfOOD IS THE LIFE.' CLARKES WORLD FAMED COUGH SPECIFIC. H EMING'S COUGH SPECIFIC will be found the most efficacious remedy extant for relieving Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, Bronchitis, and all affection? of the Throat and Lung?, hawing been administered in thousands of cases during the last liO jears with unvarying success, and may with con- fidence be relied on as a Specific for the above- named complaints. Prepared only by MOORE (late Heuiing) Chemist, 3 Norfolk Street. SCXDKRLASD.— Sold in Bottles, pru* Is- lid-, 2s. Ud., and 4s. Gd., by all Chemists and Patent Mecicine "Vendors in Town and Country. "XT EHVOUS DEBILITY.—GRATIS a MEDICAL j3| WORK, showing Snffereis how they may be cured "without th? aid ->f Qyack*, Frse on receipt of postage stamp Address, SLCRETAKl, Institute of A W m y , Birmingham Trade Mark—" Blood Mixture." The Great Blood Purifier and Restorer. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, ca-inot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurry, 8fein Diseases, and Sores of all kinds it is a uever-failing and permanent cure. It Cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sore?on the K « k . Cores Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy SoresT Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Wood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellinss. Clears the Blood from all impure Matter. From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and Warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousand* of Testimonials from all parts. Sold in Bottlo* 2s. 6d. each, and in Cases, containing six times the uuantity, l i s . each—suffieieut to effect a permanent cure in the great mmority of lona-stanJing cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS through- out the United Kingdom and the world, or sent to any address on receipt of -30 or 102 stamps, by - F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High Street, Lincoln. Wholesale: All Patent Medicine Houses. NE BOX OF CLAIJKE'S B 41 PILLS is war- ranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, ineithersex. acquired orconstitutional. Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 4s. •;•,!. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors ; or sent to any address for CO stamps by the Maker, F. J. CLARKE, Consulting Chemist, High ' Street, Lincoln.— Wholesale Agents, BARCLAY & Sons, Lon- don, and all the Wholesale Houses. G IVEN AWAY for the benefit of nervous sufferers who may cure themselves by the new system of treatment, which has been successful in thousands of cases of nervous and general debility, loss of memory, fait mi? s i g h t , epilepsy, consumption, indigestion, giddiness, headache, and the long list of fearful diseases known as nervous complaints, many of which had been given up by the doctors as quite incur- able! Send four penny stamps to DR. THOMSON", 55, Bartholomew Hood, Kentish Town, London, and he will forward, post-free, six doses of the medicine, with directions for nse, by the aid of which every one may recover permanent health In a very short time, thus saving themselves from a life of misery, and the extortionate charges of those who advertise to cure these diseases. Extracts from genuine Testimonials : " My general health is so much improved that even my friends have remarked the change in my appearance. R.W." " Jtfy stomach is In a healthy state, and I can. enjoy my meals now. J.W." " I was so nervous before taking your medicine, that I was unable to write, J.T."' " The trembling of the hands and knees Is gone, T.J." " I have had no palpitation of the heart or headache, since I took it. Mrs. O .L." " My wile suffered .for yean from nervousness, giddiness in the head, pain across the forehead, and loss of appetite ; I am thankful to say your medicine cured her in a very short time. G.O." ** My friends consider your cure of my case a perfect miracle. Rev. J. Harcourt.*' B EAEDLESS FACES & BALD HEADS. A Physician w h s for thirty 3-ears has practised in Diseases of the Hair, has discovered a POMADE which he pledges his honour will in every case Restore the Hair in baldness from any cause, and produce whiskers and moustach- ios, eyebrows, i c . For general toilet use, it nourishes and preserves the hair, strengthens and prevents its falling off, checks dryness, and restores the proper colour, eradicates scurf and dandriff, keeps the head delightfully clean and cool, and the hair soft and glossy. Lsdies will find it promotes the curl and wave of the hair, and that the exquisite perfume is unique and not attainable in any other compound. Being free from any Injurious mineral or other admixture, it Is used by thousands of Mothers In the Nursery, to beautify children's hair, and prevent baldness, scurf or any failing in after life. The Recipe, in plain English, which any ono can prepare at home, for a few pence, wilt be sent free by post, on receipt of a directed envelope and six ponny stamps, by Mr. H. iLRNEsT, 17, Crown Terrace, Haverstock Hill, London. Now ready, PART I . , price 8i<L, , Of the NEW EDITION of CASSELLS HISTORY OF ENGLAND, WITH UPWARDS or 2,000 ILLUSTRATIOSrS. NOTICE.—Every Purchaser of PART I . is en- titled to receive a copy of the NBW PORTRAIT of HIE MAJESTY THE QUEEN, printed on Imperial Paper, 2ft. 6in. by lft. 10in„ produced specially for issue with toil New Edition of the History of England, i n a manner worthy of being framed and preserved. *S" The most thorough and complete Work on COOKERY ever published. In Monthly Parts, 7d. & 8Jd., and Weekly Numbers, 1 Jd., OASSELL'S DICTIONABY OF COOKERY, ILLUSTRATED WITH FULL-PAGE COLOURED PLATES And numerous ENGRAVINGS. Part L, including COLOURED PLATE, ready Oct. 85, price 8id. That the art of Cookery, upon which the happi- ness of the domestic circle so largely depends, should be so little understood in this country may be justly considered a national calamity. What is really wanted is an inexpensive means of carrying into every household throughout the land a practical knowledge of how to make the most of every article of food which the head of the household is accustomed to provide for the sustenance of the members of his home. Messrs. CASSELL PETTER & GALPIN have deter- mined, therefore, to issue the most thorough and com- plete work on Cookery ever published. CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY will con- tain nearly 10,000 Receipts, being; several thousand more than is contained in any existing work on the subject. CASSELL S DICTIONARY of COOKERY will con- tain the very latest additions to the culinary art. CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY will be thoroughly INTELLIGIBLE, DEFINITE, and PRACTICAL. CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY will con- tain full instructions for the preparation of food for CHILDREN and INVALIDS. CASSELLS DICTIONARY of COOKERY will give the most complete directions hpw to make the most of COLL) MEATS. ~ CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY will esti- mate the COST of nearly every dish. CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY will state the necessary quantities for CERTAIN NUMBERS of GUESTS. CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY wiU con- Um^BILLS OF FARE FOR EVERY D A Y I N T H E CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY wiU con- tain explanations of all FOREIGN T E R M S used i n the receipts. CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY will be a guide to thtchoice of the BEST QUALITIES of Meat Fish, Vegetables, Fruits & c CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY will be for VARIETIES of DISHES, unequaUed in extent CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY will con tain DRAWINGS of the most approved and modern shapes for Cakes, Puddings, Moulds, Tarts, Baskets, and Orna- mental Dishes of every kind. CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY will also be fully ILLUSTRATED with COLOURED as well as with plain Engravings. IN SHORT, CASSELL'S DICTIONARY or COOKERY will be, beyond question, the most COMPREHENSIVE work, and, regard being had to its contents, the C H E A P E S T WORK on the important subject of Cookery also, which has ever emanated from the press. A DVICE G-EATIS. A Medical man upward? «f twenty-six years in London practice, has publish el a work showing the true cause of Nervous, Mental, and Physical Debility, lowness of spirits, indigestion, want of energy, premature decline, i c „ with the means of cure ; where- by the following maladies are apeetlHy and permanently removed and vigorous health restored. Every form and variety of debility, lassitude, depression of spirits, loss of energy and appetite, pains in the back and limbs, timidity, self- distrust, dizziness, love of solitude, groundless fears, palpita- tion of the heart, noises in the head and ears, indecision. Impaired sight and memory, indigestion and bodily prostration of the whole system. The most important fact that these alarming complaints, may bo easily removed is clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and uniformly successful treatment as followed out by the author fully explained, by which all sufferers are enabled to cure themselves perfectly, and at the least possible cost, without takiug quack medicines, or running a doctor's bill. The. book will be sent on receipt of a stamped and directed env.lope, ay Dr. RUSSELL, 61, CLARENCE ROAD, KENTISH TOWN, LONDON. Thousands of sufferers who had fallen into a bad state, have borne grateful testimony to the value and simplicity of the advice given, which has perfectly restored them to health. * TO T H E N E R V O U S A N D DEBILITATED. E VERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOK. A New Work on the Self-Cure of all diseases, by a never failing mode of ticatment successfully practised by a Hospital PbysiciM for many years past. This Book is a true guide to sufferer* from depression of spirits, loss of memory, headache, dimness of sight, deafness, indigestion, rheumatism, pains in the back and limb*, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, cough, premature decline, consumption, prostration, lassitude, nervous debility, and any form of mental or physical weakness, resulting from loss of vitality or nerve power, which, if not arrested, ends in early death or chronic disease. In hundreds ol cases patients have cured themselves, after electri- city, quack medicines, and ordinary medical men, have failed to give relieve. A copy will be sent iree, on receipt of two penny stamps, bv the publisher, Mr. ERNEST , 17, Crown Terrace, Haverstock Hill, London. "This remarkable Work, by an accomplished Physician, will bring comfort to many who have been the victim) of qciacfes, impostors, and incapable practi- tioners."—Medical Journal. "There is no quackery or learned mystery in this book, but a plain exposition of the causes symptoms, and rational treatment of this pernicious class of disease, all set forth with the clearness of a practical man, who wishes to be underit-XMi, and the earnestness of a conscientious man, who only wishes to be useful." Dublin Hospital Gazette. " This work is * popular' in every sense of the word, and its worth is nnto'.d, to those who cannot, from a feeling vi shame, consult the family physician ."—Belfast Macazino. 'rHE MAGIC EEMEDT. ONE BOX 1 O F T H E VERNON PILL instantly relieves and speed- ily cures nervousness and general weakness. The first dose will convince any sceptic of its mnrvelloos power in any cases of indigestion, depression of spirits, cough, palpitation of th-- heart, rheumatism, deafness, headache, stomach and liver complaints, and all forms of nervous Irritability. It strengthens, renovates, and gives heat thy .'rone to the brain and nervous system. A box sent, post free, on receipt of four penny stamps, by Dr. VERNON, 19, Ryland Road, Kentish Town, London. Thousands of testimonials from grateful patients attest the wonderfol efficacy of the VEPXOXPILL VTERVOUS DISEASES and THEIR N causes of IMPAIRED VITH* ENERGY, PREMATURE DECLINE, FUNCTIONAL DERANGEMENTS and the various disorders of the NERVE STRUCTURES. This Kasay has been justly considered the GREATEST MEDICAL WORK OF THE AGE ; it describes the canscs, symDtoms, and mode ot treatment to be adopted to affect a permanent cure ot alt the most dangerous malaiii.s. Amongst these are NERVOUS DEBILITY leading to a thorough breaking op of the constitu- tion'; AFFECTIONS of the EYES and EARS.en.Ins In TOTAL BLINDNESS and DEAFNESS; MELANCHOLY' and DE- PRESSION OF SPIRITS, terminating in INSANITY; PAINS in the B iCK and LOINS, forerunners of FATAL AFFECTIONS OF THE K1KNEYS, &c. Dr. Vernon has for TWENTY YEARS devoted himself to this class ot diseases, and has dis- covered a most SIMPLE METHOD OF TREATING THEM, without ilieuscof any deleterious drug. I t is worthy rf not" that until recently the physician had a delicacy in treating cases of *'Debility," simply because such disorders did not re- ceive due attention, and were thus left to unqualified persons, much to the prejudice of the sufferer. Such a state of things has induce)' the author to publish bis experience for the benefit of those requiring aid from legitimate sources. Sent post free on receipt of two penny stamps, by Dr Vernon, 13, Ryland Road, Kentish Town, London. •** Orders /or Part I., •which contains a Coloured Plattt; are two/ received by all Booksellers, and at the Bookstall*. Now ready, PART I., price 6fL, of The NEW EDITION of Cassell's I llustrated Readings, comprising a Choice Selection in Prose and Verse from the Works of the Best Authors. With 400 Illustrations by eminent Artists. " The work is admirably adapted for its purpose, but it is adapted for other purposes as well, and is a book which any lover of books would be charmed to put oa his shelves. It is. in fact, a delightful miscellany of prose and verse, to which some of the greatest authors in the English language have been made to contribute."—Daily News. THE QUIVER: for Sunday Reading. NOTICE.—On October 25 if published the First Part of a Hew Volume, affording a favourable opportunityfor New Subscribers. • V * T h e YEARLY VOLUME of THE QUIVER for 1875, now ready, contains upwards of 300 Original Contributions, including Four Com- plete Serial Stories, and is enriched with more than One Hundred Original Illustrations. Super royal 8vo, 830 pages, price 7s. 6d. P" The following Almanacks and Annuals for the New Year are now in preparation :— The Quiver Christmas annual, 6d. The Stock Exchange Year-Book, 5s. Morton's Fanners' Almanack, Is. Cassell's Illustrated Almanack, Gd. The Quiver Sheet Almanack, Id. Cassell's Family Magazine. MONTHLY, Id. "'CASSELL'S FAMILY MAGAZINE' is most assuredly fflg MogOSine f o r t h e household." Civil Service Gazette. "We have DO hesitation in giving 'CASSELL'S FAMILY MAGAZINE' the first position among the monthlies for the people."—Edinburgh Ceurant. Little Folks' Magazine. MONTHLY, 6d. "'LITTLE FOLKS' is as high Ik merit as i t is wide in scope."—Daily Telcgraplu "'LITTLE FOLKS' aims not only at informing the young, but also at inducing them to become contributors."— Daily News. "'LITTLE FOLKS' is charming alike in its engravings and stories."—Standard. r A Copy MESSRS. CASSELL PF.TTER & GALPIN'S Complete Catalogue, including a List of their various New and Forthcoming; Works, will It sent post fret m application to the Publishers. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS Impurity of the Blood.—Enfeebled Existence. This maBctne tmbrann every attrlbirtiinvmi^ i and domortic remortr; it overturns the foundation Z laid by defective food and Impure ah-. In obSuctto. £77 IMUsareesrwiallv serviceable and eminently SOOOBSSL S should be kept in readiness in every family, beimr a martini % *-^™T» "* roaDg ~ 5 B Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Head- ache, and Lowness of Spirits. These Pills effect a truly wonderful change In debilitate- eonatttatiora, as they create a hearth/ appetite, correct iadi- gestion. remove excess of bile, and overcome giddiness, headaehi and palpitation of the heart. v, . " Indigestion, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. Persons sntTering from any disorders of t h e B r e r , stomaefc. or other organs of digestion, should have immediate recourse to these Pills, as there is no medicine known that acta on the* particular complain us with each certain success. Nervous Debility. Persons who feel weak, low, and nervous, may rest assurel some serious ailment is looming in the iflstanrri. aijnlnst whicn instant action should bo taken. These renowned Pills pre«er.'. the ready means of exciting energetic action on the nver.Ubera'- ing accumulated bile, nnd lifting at once a toad from the spirits and expelling a poison from the body. Hollomay't Ptilt are the bett remedy known in the world for the following diseases :— Ague Asthma Biliona Complaints Blotches on the Skin Bowel Complaints Debility Dropsy Female Irreralaritles Severs of all kinds Gout Headache Indigestion Liver Complaints Lumbago Piles Rheumatism Retention of Urine Scrofula, or King's Kvil Sore Throats Stone and Gravel Secondary Symp- toms Tic-Dolerenx Ulcers Venereal Affection. Worms of all kind! Weakness from whatever caase, ix.. ate. The Pills and Ointment nrj sold nt Professor HOLLOWirs Establishment. 638, Oxford Street, London, also In nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throo-bont the (IviUsel World, in Boxes and Poti, at Is. ljd.. Vs. »1_ 4». M.. IK. and 33s. each. The smallest Box of PDls contains four doion; and the smalktst Pot of Ointment one ounce. roll printed directions are affixed to eieli Box and Tot, and can be had in any language, even in Turkish, A.nbic. Armenian Persian, or Chinese. No. 15— S. PEOPLE'S EDITION. IMPORTANT MEDICAL WORKS. Br Da. HENRY SMITH. H EALTH LOST AND REGAINED; Or ADVICE and INSTRUCTIONS for the Cure of Debilitat- ing Diseases. By HENRT SMITH, M.D.. of the Royal University of Jena, Author of the *' Volunteer's Manual," fcc. HEALTH LOST AND REGAINED (1X4 p.p., erownsre) Is a Medical Work on the Treatment of Nervoas, Mental, and Physical Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Indigestion, Dimness of Bight, Want of Energy, Irritability, Deafness, Epilepsy, fco. resulting from Loss of Nerve-Power, which. 11 neglected, end in premature decline. Gives INSTRUCTIONS by which thou- sands have been restored to Health, Illustrated with Cases snd Testimonials from gratlful Patients; with means of ears used in each case. "There Is a dally growing necessity for soeh works as the present if we are to lie saved as a Nation from retrograding.''— Stirling Journal, Ju!y 10, 1873. The Pamphlet will be sent free hy past to any address on re- ceipt of two penny stamps. Tots BOOK is SEBT FREE TO ALL PASTS o r THE W o a L S . Free by post (102 pages), seven stamps in envelope. W OMAN; HER DUTIES, RELATIONS, AND Position. Subjects treated: Girlhood, Maidenhood. Courtship, Marriage, Motherhood, Female Education, Jtc., 4c. It is a treatise on subjects of vital importance to Woman. H.B.-A Special Edition, Beautifully illustrated with En- gravings on Wood, Cloth gilt. One Shilling. NOTICE, the above medical works will be sent dirtet from the Author, in an Envelope on the receipt of the amount in stamps. Address, Dr. HENRY SMITH, 8, Burton-crescent, London. W.C. Important to Country Patients. CONSULTATION SY LETTER WITH'JUT FEE. D R. H. SMITH, the Eminent Specialist, for the cure of all Debilitating Diseases, will, for the benefit ol Country Patients who caunot consult him personally, on receive ing descriptions of their Case, send bis opinion, with advice and directions for the most successful restoration to health and vigour Address, Dr. H. SMITH, » Burton-crescent. London. W.C. ADVICE TO MOTHERS IAre yon broken In TOOT rest by a sick child suffering with the pain of euttin" teeth ? Go at once to • chemist and (ret a bottle of Mas. WrNSLoWs SOOTHIKO Snicr. It will relieve the poor sufferer immediately. It is perfectly harm- less and pleasant to taste, it produces natural, quiet sleep, by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes "as bright as a button." It soothes the child, it softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for dysentery ana diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Mrs Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup is sold by Medicine dealers ersrywhere at Is l i d per bottle.—Manufactured in Hew York, and at 4*8 Oxford-street. London. FLOBTLISS !—FOB THE TEETH ASD BHEATH.—A few drops of the Liquid "FlorLUne " sprinkled on a wet' tooth-brush produces a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or impurities, hardens the gams, prevents tartar, stops decay, gives to the teeth a peculiar pearly-whiteness, and a delightful fragrance to the breath. I t removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed teeth or tobacco smoke. "The Fragrant Floriline," being composed in part of Honey and sweet herbs, is deli- cious to the taste, and the greatest toilet discovery ot the age. Price 2s Gd, of all Chemists and Perfumers. Prepared by Henry 0 . Qsixnr, 493 Oxford-street, VALUABLE DISCOVEBT FOB TUB HATT.. If yont hair is turning £rey or white, or falling off, use The Mexican Hair Renewer," for i t vrill positively restart *n every cote Grey or White hear to its original colour, without leaving the disagreeable smell of most "Restorers." I t makes the hair charmingly beauriiuU as well as promoting the growth of the hair on bald spots, where the glands are not decayed. Ask your Chemist for " THE MEXICAN H U B HIKE WEB," pre- pared by MJSHBT C. GALLUP, 433 Oxford Street, London, and sold by Chemists and Perinmen everywhere at 3s Cd per Bottle. THBOAT ArTECnosTS AUS HOABSEKISS.—All suf- fering from irritation of the throat and hoarseness will be agreeably surprised at the almost irriTnsslUt* relief afforded by the use of " Brown's Bronchial Troches." These famous " lozenges " are now sold by most respectable chemists in this country at Is 1W per box. People troubled with a " hacking cough, a "slight cold," or bronchial affections, can- not try them too soon, as similar troubles, if allowed to progress, result in serious Pulmonary and AsthrnatuJ affections. See that the words " Brown's Bronchisl Troches" are on the Government Stamp around each box.—Manufactured by Jonx L BBOWX dt So»a, Boston, United States. Depot, 433 Oliord-street, Jjondoa- 1Timed br HtalVALO WILLIAM ATXISSOS , and P » bu » b *l"'jM Teetdnlt M*re*rv Office, Market-place, Barnard Cast*, on Wednesday, October 13th, 1873. SOUTH DURHAM No. 1101. BIRD'S ETE RETURXS. DICKIIVSOIV, TOBACCO MANUFACTURER, *2 and 24, BIGO-lfARKET. ffEWCASTLE-ON-TTlfB. A R T I F I C I A L I I I I I . J. ML DK LACET, DENTIST, ATTIKDASCI I* BARNARD CASTLE. WEDNESDATS, OCTOBER I3tfa and 27th, 187:>,' At LEES, Temperance Hotel. Darlington DAILY, at 52. Northgate. Artificial Teeth, quality and construction unsur- fixed with every recent Improvement. OAINFORD SCHOOL. PnixcirALS: REV. \V BOWMAN, in J. SELKIRK CHARLES, B.A, (Lo-D.) T HE aim of this School is to impart Sound and Liberal Education; to unite the advantages of our best Public Schools with the individual attention and health^ moral influence of a well-organised Pri- vate Institution. In accordance with this aim, the following princi- ples are carried out in the management of the various departments :— 1. A thorough foundation in ESCLISII and in GKXBUAT, KXOWLEDGE for all, whatever may be their ultimate Pursuits. This foundation is amply provided for in the Curriculum erf the lower elates. 2. SPECIAL TKAIMKG (in the Higher Classes) for SPECIAL Pntrerrs, EXAMIBATIOB, Ac. Under this head is included Preparations for the rariousPr.limln- ary Examinations, MZBICAL. LOCAL, PIUBH icaincAL, 4c. '6. The Monacs LAVCCAGBS to bo living Lan^susges in the School, and spoken constantly in the work of the Higher Classes. 4. The systematic study of NATCFIAL ScmcB, bv Ob- servation and Experiment as well as from Books. The School Work tested every half-year ; in June, by the Durham University Local Examinations ; in December, by the Cambridge Locils. Gainford has been constituted a.Ontrefor both Examinations. Prospectus, Av . forwarded en application. Gainford. April, 1875. 6 ifiVlH G OF JTE W P~R H M18 B8 I Mnesss. J. A. G. WHARTON'S BUILDERS MATERIAL DEPOT Near the Police Station, NOBTIIC. A T I , D i l l l U T O J, To Architects, Builder; Plumbers. Joiners, Contractors and the Puliiic grnrraily. M ESSRS. J . A G. WHARTON, of Darlington having found it necessary from the great demand in goods of those kinds, to open the above Depot for the convenience of their numerous ciistomers in the North of Rngland. trust to be favoured with a tinuanee of the support so loni a<voH#d to them The following are a few of the principal articles which they will keep in stock:—Wel«h and Westmorland Roofing Slates, Slate Cisterns. Scullery Sinks. Baths Slabs, Ridging, Maacers, A c ; Glased Ston Drain Pipes, Blue Terra Metallic, Terra Cotto Ornaments of every description made to order. Terra Ootta Chimney Tope. Vases. Ac.: Blue, Building, and; Paving Bricks; White and Ornamental Building Bricks; Encaustic and other Fancy Tils", B,ue. Red and Buff Floor Tiles ; Blue Roof, Rid go, and Coping Tiles, Garden Edging Tiles. Cattle Trooeb«. Laths. Hair. London, Portland, Ac. Cements ; Fire Bricks. Blocks. Tiies, Cloy. Ac, Sink Traps and Girds. Register and Shorn Stoves in Pino Coot and Berlin Black; Mantel-shams and Mantel-pieces; Kitchen Ranges of every description ; Rain Water Goods including an extensive variety of Moulded Gutters. Stable Fittings, Skylight*, gink Trans, Air Bricks. Scrapers, Bracket* for Shelving, Garden Chairs and Rollers, Newal Posts, Stair Balusters. Umbrella and Hat and Coat Stands, Water Closet, Metal, Cast-iron Force and Lift Pumps, Entrance Gats* and Boilings. Ash Pans made to order, Ac. Locks, Latches. Screws, Bolts, and every description of Builders' Ironmongery. CIIIJUCKY PIECES in Marble and Plain and Slate. Colliery Owners suoplied with Kitchen Range* and everything required for Cottage* at a groat saving in cost. JUDSON'S DYBS—18 Colours, 6d. each. RIBBONS. WOOL. 8ILK. F BATHERS, Completely Dyad in 10 minutes without soiling the hands. Full instructions supplied" Of all Chemists and Stationers. TUDSOTS DYES.—DTXISO AT IIIIII iH»assg*l (J simple DTES are mostus*?ul»nd effectual. Ribbons, silks, feathers, scarfs, lace, braid, veils, hsuiderchio/s, clouds, bemouses, Shetland shawls, or any small articles of dress eon easily be dvad in a few minutes without sailing the hands, violet, mag* mauve, purple, pink, ponceau, claret, Ac. J r UD80N*8 DYES. moroosArnic r s m rosirnas or raoTO-raisTs should be dipped in hot water and then submitted to a hot bath of -tensor's rmss. Beautiful effect* are thus produced in Groan, Pink Brown, and many other beautiful colours.—Uss Judson's Dyes for general tinting ! JUDSON'8 DYES.rosits. MASS**, rum* and SXAWEXB* may be dyed moot exquisite colours. Green, Crimson, Purple. Scarlet, fa. by oissrply dipping them in a solution of JCBOOS'S rrroa. Charming Bouquets mar be composed. JUDSON'S DYES.—-us—jici—nrs. A grxpoony Bottle of J CDSOS's DTBS. Violet, Red or Magenta, will make half a pint of brilliant writing ink in one minute by simply adding hot water. JUDSON'S DYES—POT Colouring Architectural Plans, Ac. Much trouble raay as snood m saHssisssr up colours to a uniform tint. They sassr be aaod either with a brush or pen. Boo* Pink, Canary, Crimson, Orange, Green, BUss, and 12 other shades. JUDSON'S DYES.—For skeining Wood, dOsssai with water. They sink deeply into the fibre and will •ot rob off. They form the moot oswttosaioal soarn on record. Light Brown for ssssoxSfnay iris or is excellent: No 2 Black for walnat; Osasary for satin ; also Black, Lavendor, Msg sols, sosi annoy colours. SIXPENCE PER BOTTLE, Of ~ V THE E A G L E l T75C0U&*! jQd and Hi ho boa rocontlj Wnsoh Willi SHEEEIatfl, I ssissisoo tiai VII GOOD B Ol DC : RIl B O ( IV

HOLLOWAY'S PILLSteesdalemercuryarchive.org › pdf › 1875 › October-13 › ... · consider your cure of my case a perfect miracle. Rev. J. Harcourt.*' BEAEDLESS FACES & BALD HEADS

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Page 1: HOLLOWAY'S PILLSteesdalemercuryarchive.org › pdf › 1875 › October-13 › ... · consider your cure of my case a perfect miracle. Rev. J. Harcourt.*' BEAEDLESS FACES & BALD HEADS

T H E T E E S D A L B M B R C U R Y — W 1 D N B S D A Y , O C T O B E R 13, 1875.



Has much pleasure in announcing that his superb Stock of C L O T H I N G for Spring and Summer, is now ready for inspection, every department being amply supplied with first-class goods.

The Tailoring Department contains the Newest and most Fashionable Materials in C O A T I N G S , W E S T O F E N G L A N D and Y O R K S H I R E T R O W S E R I N G S ,

and S C O T C H T W E E D S . ' ' Garments to order executed with despatch in all the prevailing styles, and by thoroughly skilled bands. The Hat Department is now a leading feature of this establishment, and contains the

largest and best selected Stock of S I L K and F E L T H A T S in the town. * F E L T S from 2s. 6d. to 10s. 6d.

L E G H O R N , T U S C A N , S T R A W , and other S U M M E R H A T S , in great variety. The Glove, Hosiery and Fancy Department abounds in novelties, and an inspection of

these goods is respectfully solicited. Agent for John Fann & Co's Registered Pants, Vests and Shirts, warranted not to

shrink with washing. Agent for the Simpson S E W I N G M A C H I N E , one of the best workers and wearers in

the market. 4

. U P H O L S T E R Y

C A B I N E T , A N D H O U S E


G E O R G E DODDS AND SON, fTlAKE the earliest opportunity to inform their customers and the puhlio that their new Show Rooms and X Warehouse are now open. I t w i l l he their endeavour to keep an extensive and well manufactured





T O D D ' S Q U I N I N E W I N E stands pre-eminent for Pnri ty and Strength.

I t is the beat known remedy for Indigestion, Nervous Complaints, Debility, Wasting Diseases, Ac.,

is recommended by the faculty. T O D D ' S Q U I N I N E W l N E

strengthens the system. The genuine is manufactured only by Jos Tonr, Chem­ist, Carlisle, and bears his name on the Government

Stamp. Sold by al l Chemists. Ask for and hays only

T O D D ' S Q U I N I N E W I N E .

READ D R . BARNES' N E W WORK, K i r r i T L X D


On the LAWS GOVERNING L I F E , and the CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, and TREATMENT of all diseases depending on Exhaustion of Nervous Vitality, such as Neryous Debility, Mental and Physical De­pression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head, and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, and many other ail­ments, which, i f neglected, bring the sufferers to an early Death. Together with Hints on Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Epilepsy, Hysteria, and all diseases of the Neryous and Alimentary Sys­tem.

Illustrated by numerous testimonials from grateful patients who have been' restored to health through the author's instrumentality.

Sent post free for 2 stamps: or by letter post 3 stamps.

Special advice in all disorders peculiar to females Address, Dr J. A. BARNES, 48, Lonsdale Square

Barnsbury, London, N .




N 6 M A C H I N E S B Y A L L T H E B E S T M A K E R S



BEFORE B U Y I N G Call and see the


MACHINE, And the Cyclops (Best prin­

ciple) the best Machines made.

PRICB £5 10s. CASH.





Knitting, Washing,

Wringing, And Mangling

Machines. j

6 y The Best Machines for Dressmakers and , Tailors in Stock. Guaranteed of the Best Quality, i Design,and Workmanship.


N.B.—Repairs Executed with Dispatch.

R BARKER, Barnard Castle, has now secured a ; . choice selection of CLOVER A N D GRASS j

SEEDS, well worthy the attention of agriculturists. Agent for Langdale's celebrated Manures, Nitrate 1

of Soda, Ac |


THIS celebrated and favourite smoking Tobacco is sold in Joz., loz., 2oz., and ±lb. packet?, by all

dealers in Tobacco. To be obtained wholesale of JOSHUA BURN, agent for Barnard Castle and dis- I trict. Cope's Smoking Mixture. Will 's Bristol Birds ! By Sales and Cos's Red Cross Fancy Chop, Kendal Returns, Cut, Twist, and Cavendish Tobacco, Ac, 4c. ;

J O S H U A ' B U R N , G R O C E R , Horse Market, Barnard Castle.

In consequence of spurious initiations

Lea & Perrins Sauce, which are calculated to deceive the Public, Lea and Pcrrins have adopted

A New Label, bearing tlieir Signature, thus,


DR. BARNES may be consulted personally or by let'er, in all private and confidential cases; and

for the benefit of Nervous Sufferers who cannot visit him, he wi l l on receiving a description of their case, enclosing a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to give his opinion upon the nature of the case, and the principles of treatment necessary to effect a perfect cures

Address Dr . BARNES. 48, Lonsdale Square, Barn-bury, London. N .

which will be placed on every bottle of

Worcestershire Sauce after this date, and without which none

tST Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Blaclnxell, Loudon; and Export Oilmen generally. Retail, by dealers in sancn thrvnrnout

lie World. .November, 1874.


THIS is a judicious combination of some of the most powerful and valuable Medicines we

possess, and wi l l be found an effectual remedy in al l cas'es of Cholera, Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Cough, I n ­cipient Consumption, BronchitisV Asthma, Neuralgia, Headache, 4c . and every case in which an Anodyne is required. Numerous Testimonials as to its efficacy may be seen on application.—Prepared only by Moop.i: (late Heminj), Chemist,3 Norfolk Street, SUNDERLAND, and sold in Bottles at Is. l i d . . 2s. 9d., 4s. Gd. and 10s. A saving is effected by taking the larger sizes. By Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors in Town and Country. .

J O N A T H A N R U T T E E , Whitesmith and Bellhanyer,


BEGS to announce that over 200 KITCHEN RANGES, with Hot-air Ovens, have been made

and fit up by him in the town and neighbourhood during the past few years, which is a test of their utility and superiority. Also Palisading. Tomb Bailing, Hot Water Apparatus, Piping. Spouting, 4c.

Q L E N F I E L D . G L E N F I E L D .

T H E Q U E E N ' S




Q L E N F I E L D . G L E N F I E L D .

" FOR T H E BfOOD IS T H E L I F E . '



HEMING'S COUGH SPECIFIC wil l be found the most efficacious remedy extant for relieving

Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, Bronchitis, and all affection? of the Throat and Lung?, hawing been administered in thousands of cases during the last liO jears with unvarying success, and may with con­fidence be relied on as a Specific for the above-named complaints. Prepared only by MOORE (late Heuiing) Chemist, 3 Norfolk Street. SCXDKRLASD.— Sold in Bottles, pru* Is- l i d - , 2s. Ud., and 4s. Gd., by all Chemists and Patent Mecicine "Vendors in Town and Country.

" X T EHVOUS DEBILITY.—GRATIS a M E D I C A L j3 | W O R K , showing Snffereis how they m a y be cured

"without th? a id ->f Qyack*, Frse on receipt of postage s t a m p Address, S L C R E T A K l , I n s t i t u t e o f A W m y , B i r m i n g h a m

Trade M a r k — " Blood M i x t u r e . "

The Great Blood Purifier and Restorer. For cleansing and clearing the blood f r o m all i m p u r i t i e s ,

ca-inot be too h i g h l y recommended. For Scrofula, S c u r r y , 8fein Diseases, and Sores o f all k i n d s

i t is a uever-fai l ing and permanent cure. I t Cures o ld Sores.

Cures Ulcerated Sore?on t h e K « k . Cores Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy SoresT Cures Cancerous Ulcers . Cures W o o d and S k i n Diseases. Cures Glandular Swe l l in s s . Clears the Blood f rom a l l impure M a t t e r . F r o m whatever cause ar is ing.

A s th is m i x t u r e is pleasant t o the taste, and Warran ted free f rom any th ing injur ious t o the most delicate cons t i tu t ion o f either sex, the proprietor solicits sufferers t o give i t a t r i a l to test i t s va lue .

Thousand* o f Testimonials f rom all parts . Sold i n Bot t lo* 2s. 6d. each, and i n Cases, conta in ing s ix t imes

the uuan t i t y , l i s . each—suffieieut to effect a permanent cure i n the great m m o r i t y o f lona-stanJing cases, B Y A L L C H E M I S T S and P A T E N T M E D I C I N E V E N D O R S t h r o u g h ­ou t the Uni ted K i n g d o m and the w o r l d , or sent to any address on receipt of -30 or 102 stamps, by -

F . J . C L A R K E , Chemist , H i g h Street , L i n c o l n . Who le sa l e : A l l Patent Medic ine Houses.

NE BOX OF C L A I J K E ' S B 41 PILLS is war-ranted to cure a l l discharges f rom the U r i n a r y Organs,

i n e i t h e r s e x . acquired o r c o n s t i t u t i o n a l . Grave l , and Pains i n the Back . Sold i n Boxes, 4s. •;•,!. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors ; or sent to any address for CO stamps by the M a k e r , F . J . CLARKE, Consul t ing Chemis t , H i g h

' Street , L inco ln .— Wholesale Agents , BARCLAY & Sons, L o n ­don, and a l l the Wholesale Houses.

GI V E N A W A Y for the benefit of nervous sufferers w h o may cure themselves b y the new system

o f t rea tment , w h i c h has been successful i n thousands o f cases o f nervous and general d e b i l i t y , loss o f memory , fait mi? s i g h t , epilepsy, consumption, indigest ion, giddiness, headache, a n d the long l i s t o f fearful diseases k n o w n as nervous c o m p l a i n t s , many o f w h i c h had been given up by the doctors as qui te incur ­able! Send four penny stamps t o D R . THOMSON", 55, Bar tho lomew Hood, K e n t i s h T o w n , London, and he w i l l forward, post-free, s ix doses o f the medicine, w i t h direct ions for nse, by the a id o f w h i c h every one may recover permanent hea l th I n a ve ry short t ime , thus saving themselves f rom a life o f mise ry , and t h e extort ionate charges o f those w h o advertise to cure these diseases. Extrac ts f rom genuine Test imonials : " M y general hea l th is so much improved t ha t even m y friends have remarked the change i n m y appearance. R . W . " " Jtfy stomach is In a heal thy state, and I can . enjoy m y meals n o w . J . W . " " I was so nervous before t a k i n g y o u r medicine, t ha t I was unable to w r i t e , J.T."' " The t r embl ing o f the hands and knees Is gone, T . J . " " I have had no palpi ta t ion o f the heart or headache, since I took i t . M r s . O . L . " " M y w i l e suffered

.for y e a n from nervousness, giddiness i n the head, pain across the forehead, and loss o f appetite ; I a m t h a n k f u l t o say y o u r medicine cured her i n a very short t i m e . G . O . " ** M y friends consider your cure o f m y case a perfect mi rac le . Rev . J . Harcourt .* '

BE A E D L E S S F A C E S & B A L D H E A D S . A Physician w h s for t h i r t y 3-ears has practised i n

Diseases o f the H a i r , has discovered a P O M A D E w h i c h he pledges his honour w i l l i n every case Restore the H a i r i n baldness f rom any cause, and produce whiskers and moustach-ios, eyebrows, i c . F o r general toi let use, i t nourishes and preserves the ha i r , strengthens and prevents i t s f a l l i ng off, checks dryness, and restores the proper colour, eradicates scurf and dandriff, keeps the head del ight ful ly clean and cool , and the ha i r soft and glossy. Lsdies w i l l find i t promotes the c u r l and w a v e o f the ha i r , and t ha t the exquisite perfume is unique and no t attainable i n any other compound. Being free from any Injur ious minera l or other admix tu re , i t Is used by thousands o f Mothe r s I n the Nurse ry , to beautify chi ldren ' s h a i r , and prevent baldness, scur f or any fai l ing i n after l i f e . The Recipe, i n p la in Engl i sh , wh ich any ono can prepare a t home, for a few pence, w i l t be sent free by post, on receipt o f a directed envelope and s ix ponny stamps, by M r . H . i L R N E s T , 17, C rown Terrace, Haverstock H i l l , London .

Now ready, P A R T I . , price 8i<L, , Of the NEW EDITION of


2,000 ILLUSTRATIOSrS . N O T I C E . — E v e r y P u r c h a s e r of P A R T I . is en­

t i t l ed to rece ive a copy of t h e N B W P O R T R A I T o f H I E M A J E S T Y T H E Q U E E N , p r i n t e d o n I m p e r i a l P a p e r , 2ft. 6 i n . b y lft. 10in„ produced specia l ly for i s sue w i t h t o i l N e w E d i t i o n o f the H i s t o r y of E n g l a n d , i n a m a n n e r w o r t h y of be ing f r a m e d a n d p r e s e r v e d .

* S " The most thorough and complete Work on COOKERY ever published.

In Monthly Parts, 7d. & 8Jd., and Weekly Numbers, 1 Jd.,




Part L , including COLOURED PLATE, ready Oct. 85, price 8id.

That the art of Cookery, upon which the happi­ness of the domestic circle so largely depends, should be so little understood in this country may be justly considered a national calamity. What is really wanted is an inexpensive means of carrying into every household throughout the land a practical knowledge of how to make the most of every article of food which the head of the household is accustomed to provide for the sustenance of the members of his home.

Messrs. CASSELL PETTER & GALPIN have deter-mined, therefore, to issue the most thorough and com­plete work on Cookery ever published.

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y o f C O O K E R Y w i l l con­tain nearly 10,000 R e c e i p t s , being; several thousand more than is contained i n a n y exis t ing work on the subject.

C A S S E L L S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K E R Y w i l l con­ta in the very l a t e s t a d d i t i o n s to the cu l ina ry art .

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K E R Y w i l l be thoroughly I N T E L L I G I B L E , D E F I N I T E , a n d P R A C T I C A L .

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y o f C O O K E R Y w i l l con­ta in fu l l instructions for the preparation o f food for C H I L D R E N and I N V A L I D S .

C A S S E L L S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K E R Y w i l l give the most complete directions hpw to make the most o f C O L L ) M E A T S . ~

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K E R Y w i l l esti­mate the C O S T o f nearly every dish.

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K E R Y w i l l state the necessary quantit ies for C E R T A I N N U M B E R S o f G U E S T S .

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K E R Y w iU con-U m ^ B I L L S O F F A R E F O R E V E R Y D A Y I N T H E

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K E R Y wiU con­ta in explanations o f a l l F O R E I G N T E R M S used i n the receipts.

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K E R Y w i l l be a guide to t h t c h o i c e o f the B E S T Q U A L I T I E S o f Meat Fish, Vegetables, F r u i t s & c

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K E R Y w i l l be for V A R I E T I E S o f D I S H E S , unequaUed i n e x t e n t

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K E R Y w i l l con t a i n D R A W I N G S of the most approved and modern shapes for Cakes, Puddings, Moulds , Tar t s , Baskets, and Orna­mental Dishes o f every k i n d .

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K E R Y w i l l also be fu l l y I L L U S T R A T E D w i t h C O L O U R E D as well as w i t h p la in Engravings.

IN SHORT, C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y or C O O K E R Y w i l l be,

beyond question, the most C O M P R E H E N S I V E work , and, regard being had to its contents, the C H E A P E S T W O R K on the important subject o f Cookery also, which has ever emanated from the press.

A D V I C E G-EATIS. A Medical man upward? « f twen ty - s ix years i n London practice, has

publish e l a w o r k showing the t rue cause of Nervous, M e n t a l , and Physical D e b i l i t y , lowness of sp i r i t s , indigest ion, w a n t o f energy, premature decline, i c „ w i t h the means o f cure ; where ­by the fol lowing maladies are apeetlHy and permanent ly removed and vigorous health restored. Every form and va r i e ty of deb i l i t y , lassitude, depression of s p i r i t s , loss o f energy and appetite, pains i n the back and l imbs , t i m i d i t y , self-d is t rus t , dizziness, love o f so l i tude , groundless fears, pa lp i ta­t ion of the heart , noises i n the head and ears, indecision. Impaired s ight and memory , indigestion and bodi ly pros t ra t ion o f the w h o l e system. The most i m p o r t a n t fact t ha t these a la rming complaints, m a y bo easily removed is clearly demonstrated, and the ent i re ly new and u n i f o r m l y successful t reatment as fol lowed out by the au thor f u l l y explained, by w h i c h a l l sufferers are enabled to cure themselves per fec t ly , and a t the least possible cost, w i t h o u t t ak iug quack medicines, or r u n n i n g a doctor's b i l l . The. book w i l l be sent on receipt of a stamped and directed env. lope , ay D r . R U S S E L L , 6 1 , C L A R E N C E R O A D , K E N T I S H T O W N , L O N D O N . Thousands o f sufferers w h o had fallen in to a bad state, have borne grateful tes t imony to the value and s imp l i c i t y o f the advice g iven , w h i c h has perfectly restored them to hea l th . *

T O T H E N E R V O U S A N D D E B I L I T A T E D .

EV E R Y M A N H I S O W N D O C T O K . A N e w W o r k on the Self-Cure o f a l l diseases, by a

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' r H E M A G I C E E M E D T . O N E B O X 1 O F T H E V E R N O N P I L L ins tan t ly relieves and speed­

i l y cures nervousness and general weakness. The first dose w i l l convince any sceptic o f i ts mnrvel loos power i n any cases o f indigestion, depression o f sp i r i t s , cough, pa lp i ta t ion o f th--heart , rheumat i sm, deafness, headache, stomach and l ive r complaints , and a l l forms of nervous I r r i t a b i l i t y . I t strengthens, renovates, and gives heat thy .'rone t o the brain and nervous system. A box sent, post free, on receipt of four penny stamps, by D r . V E R N O N , 1 9 , Ryland Road, Kent i sh T o w n , London . Thousands o f test imonials from grateful patients at test the wonderfo l efficacy o f the VEPXOXPILL

V T E R V O U S D I S E A S E S and T H E I R N causes o f I M P A I R E D V I T H * E N E R G Y , P R E M A T U R E D E C L I N E , F U N C T I O N A L D E R A N G E M E N T S and t h e various disorders o f the N E R V E S T R U C T U R E S . This Kasay has been jus t ly considered the G R E A T E S T M E D I C A L W O R K OF T H E A G E ; i t describes the canscs, symDtoms, and mode ot t rea tment to be adopted to affect a permanent cure ot al t the most dangerous mala i i i . s . Amongst these are N E R V O U S D E B I L I T Y leading to a thorough breaking op o f the cons t i tu ­t ion ' ; A F F E C T I O N S o f the E Y E S and EARS.en . Ins I n T O T A L B L I N D N E S S and D E A F N E S S ; M E L A N C H O L Y ' and D E ­PRESSION OF S P I R I T S , t e rmina t ing i n I N S A N I T Y ; P A I N S i n the B i C K and L O I N S , forerunners of F A T A L A F F E C T I O N S OF T H E K 1 K N E Y S , & c . D r . Vernon has for T W E N T Y Y E A R S devoted h imsel f to this class ot diseases, and has dis­covered a most S I M P L E M E T H O D OF T R E A T I N G T H E M , w i t h o u t i l i e u s c o f any deleterious d rug . I t is w o r t h y r f not" t ha t u n t i l recently t h e physician had a delicacy i n t rea t ing cases o f * ' D e b i l i t y , " s imply because such disorders d id not r e ­ceive due a t ten t ion , and were thus left t o unqualified persons, much to the prejudice of the sufferer. Such a state o f things has induce)' the author to publish bis experience for the benefit of those requi r ing a id from legit imate sources. Sent post free on receipt o f t w o penny stamps, by D r V e r n o n , 13, Ryland Road, Kent ish T o w n , London.

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Hollomay't Ptilt are the bett remedy known in the world for the following diseases :—

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B r D a . H E N R Y S M I T H .

H E A L T H L O S T A N D R E G A I N E D ; Or A D V I C E and I N S T R U C T I O N S for the Cure of D e b i l i t a t ­

i n g Diseases. B y H E N R T S M I T H , M . D . . o f the R o y a l Un ive r s i t y o f Jena, Author o f the *' Volunteer ' s M a n u a l , " fcc.

H E A L T H LOST A N D R E G A I N E D (1X4 p .p . , e r o w n s r e ) Is a Medica l W o r k on t h e Trea tment of Nervoas , M e n t a l , and Physical D e b i l i t y , Lowness o f Spi r i t s , Indiges t ion , Dimness of Bigh t , W a n t o f Energy , I r r i t a b i l i t y , Deafness, Epilepsy, fco. resu l t ing f rom Loss o f Nerve-Power, w h i c h . 11 neglected, end in premature decline. Gives I N S T R U C T I O N S by w h i c h t hou ­sands have been restored to H e a l t h , I l l u s t r a t e d w i t h Cases snd Test imonials f rom g r a t l f u l Pa t i en t s ; w i t h means o f ears used i n each case.

" T h e r e Is a da l ly g r o w i n g necessity for soeh w o r k s as the present i f we are to lie saved as a Nat ion f rom retrograding. ' '— Stirling Journal, Ju!y 10, 1873.

The Pamphle t w i l l be sent free hy past t o any address on re­ce ip t o f t w o penny stamps.


Free by post (102 pages), seven s tamps i n envelope.

WO M A N ; H E R D U T I E S , R E L A T I O N S , A N D Posi t ion. Subjects t r e a t e d : G i r l h o o d , Maidenhood.

Courtship , Marr iage , M o t h e r h o o d , Female E d u c a t i o n , Jtc., 4c . I t is a treatise on subjects of v i t a l impor tance to W o m a n .

H . B . - A Special E d i t i o n , B e a u t i f u l l y i l l u s t r a t e d w i t h E n ­gravings on W o o d , C l o t h g i l t . One S h i l l i n g .

NOTICE, the above medical w o r k s w i l l be sent d i r t e t f rom the A u t h o r , i n an Envelope on the receipt o f the amoun t i n stamps.

Address, D r . H E N R Y S M I T H , 8, Bur ton-crescent , London. W . C .

I m p o r t a n t t o Coun t ry Patients. C O N S U L T A T I O N S Y L E T T E R W I T H ' J U T F E E .

DR. H . SMITH, the Eminent Specialist, f o r the cure o f a l l D e b i l i t a t i n g Diseases, w i l l , for the benefit o l

Coun t ry Patients w h o caunot consult h i m personal ly , on receive ing descriptions o f t he i r Case, send bis op in ion , w i t h advice and direct ions for the most successful restoration t o hea l th and vigour

Address, D r . H . S M I T H , » Burton-crescent . L o n d o n . W . C .

ADVICE TO MOTHERS I—Are yon broken In TOOT rest by a sick child suffering with the pain of euttin" teeth ? Go at once to • chemist and (ret a bottle of Mas. WrNSLoWs SOOTHIKO Snicr. I t wi l l relieve the poor sufferer immediately. I t is perfectly harm­less and pleasant to taste, i t produces natural, quiet sleep, by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes "as bright as a button." I t soothes the child, i t softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for dysentery ana diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Mrs Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup is sold by Medicine dealers ersrywhere at Is l i d per bottle.—Manufactured in Hew York, and at 4*8 Oxford-street. London.

FLOBTLISS !—FOB THE TEETH ASD BHEATH.—A few drops of the Liquid "FlorLUne " sprinkled on a wet' tooth-brush produces a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or impurities, hardens the gams, prevents tartar, stops decay, gives to the teeth a peculiar pearly-whiteness, and a delightful fragrance to the breath. I t removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed teeth or tobacco smoke. "The Fragrant Floriline," being composed in part of Honey and sweet herbs, is deli­cious to the taste, and the greatest toilet discovery ot the age. Price 2s Gd, of all Chemists and Perfumers. Prepared by Henry 0 . Qsixnr, 493 Oxford-street,

VALUABLE DISCOVEBT FOB TUB H A T T . .— I f yont hair is turning £rey or white, or falling off, use The Mexican Hair Renewer," for i t vrill positively restart *n every cote Grey or White hear to its original colour, without leaving the disagreeable smell of most "Restorers." I t makes the hair charmingly beauriiuU a s well as promoting the growth of the hair on bald spots, where the glands are not decayed. Ask your Chemist for " T H E MEXICAN H U B H I K E WEB," pre­pared by MJSHBT C. GALLUP, 433 Oxford Street, London, and sold by Chemists and Perinmen everywhere at 3s Cd per Bottle.

THBOAT ArTECnosTS AUS HOABSEKISS.—All suf­fering from irritation of the throat and hoarseness wi l l be agreeably surprised at the almost irriTnsslUt* relief afforded by the use of " Brown's Bronchial Troches." These famous " lozenges " are now sold by most respectable chemists in this country at Is 1W per box. People troubled with a " hacking cough, a "slight cold," or bronchial affections, can­not try them too soon, as similar troubles, i f allowed to progress, result in serious Pulmonary and AsthrnatuJ affections. See that the words " Brown's Bronchisl Troches" are on the Government Stamp around each box.—Manufactured by Jonx L BBOWX dt So»a, Boston, United States. Depot, 433 Oliord-street, Jjondoa-

1 T i m e d b r H t a l V A L O W I L L I A M A T X I S S O S , and P » b u » b * l " ' j M Teetdnlt M*re*rv Office, Market-place, Barnard Cast*,

on Wednesday, October 13th , 1873.


No. 1101.


D I C K I I V S O I V , T O B A C C O M A N U F A C T U R E R ,

*2 and 24, B I G O - l f A R K E T . ffEWCASTLE-ON-TTlfB.

A R T I F I C I A L I I I I I .



At L E E S , Temperance Hotel. Darlington—DAILY, at 52. Northgate. Artificial Teeth, quality and construction unsur-

fixed with every recent Improvement.

O A I N F O R D S C H O O L . P n i x c i r A L S :



TH E aim of this School is to impart • Sound and Liberal Education; to unite the advantages of

our best Public Schools with the individual attention and health^ moral influence of a well-organised Pr i ­vate Institution.

In accordance with this aim, the following princi­ples are carried out in the management of the various departments :— 1 . A thorough foundation in ESCLISII and in GKXBUAT,

KXOWLEDGE for all, whatever may be their ultimate Pursuits. This foundation is amply provided for in the Curriculum erf the lower elates.

2 . SPECIAL TKAIMKG (in the Higher Classes) for SPECIAL Pntrerrs, EXAMIBATIOB, Ac. Under this head is included Preparations for the rariousPr.limln-ary Examinations, MZBICAL. LOCAL, P I U B H i c a i n c A L , 4c.

'6. The Monacs LAVCCAGBS to bo living Lan susges in the School, and spoken constantly in the work of the Higher Classes.

4. The systematic study of NATCFIAL ScmcB, bv Ob­servation and Experiment as well as from Books. The School Work tested every half-year ; in June,

by the Durham University Local Examinations ; in December, by the Cambridge Locils. Gainford has been constituted a.Ontrefor both Examinations.

Prospectus, Av . forwarded en application. Gainford. Apr i l , 1875.

6 ifiVlH G O F JTE W P~R H M 1 8 B 8


Mnesss. J. A. G. WHARTON'S B U I L D E R S M A T E R I A L D E P O T

Near the Police Station, N O B T I I C . A T I , D i l l l U T O J ,

To Architects, Builder; Plumbers. Joiners, Contractors and the Puliiic grnrraily.

MESSRS. J . A G. WHARTON, of Darlington having found it necessary from the great demand

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Register and Shorn Stoves in Pino Coot and Berlin Black; Mantel-shams and Mantel-pieces; Kitchen Ranges of every description ; Rain Water Goods including an extensive variety of Moulded Gutters. Stable Fittings, Skylight*, gink Trans, Ai r Bricks. Scrapers, Bracket* for Shelving, Garden Chairs and Rollers, Newal Posts, Stair Balusters. Umbrella and Hat and Coat Stands, Water Closet, Metal, Cast-iron Force and Lif t Pumps, Entrance Gats* and Boilings. Ash Pans made to order, Ac. Locks, Latches. Screws, Bolts, and every description of Builders' Ironmongery.

CIIIJUCKY PIECES in Marble and Plain and Slate.

Colliery Owners suoplied with Kitchen Range* and everything required for Cottage* at a groat saving in cost.

JUDSON'S DYBS—18 Colours, 6d. each. RIBBONS. WOOL. 8 I L K . FBATHERS,

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T U D S O T S DYES.—DTXISO AT I I I I I I iH»assg*l (J simple DTES are mostus*?ul»nd effectual. Ribbons, silks, feathers, scarfs, lace, braid, veils, hsuiderchio/s, clouds, bemouses, Shetland shawls, or any small articles o f dress eon easily be dvad in a few minutes without sailing the hands, violet, mag* mauve, purple, pink, ponceau, claret, Ac. JrUD80N*8 DYES.—moroosArnic r s m rosirnas or r a o T O - r a i s T s should be dipped in hot water and then submitted to a hot bath of -tensor's rmss. Beautiful effect* are thus produced in Groan, Pink Brown, and many other beautiful colours.—Uss Judson's Dyes for general tinting ! JUDSON'8 DYES.—rosits. MASS**, rum* and SXAWEXB* may be dyed moot exquisite colours. Green, Crimson, Purple. Scarlet, fa. by oissrply dipping them in a solution of JCBOOS'S rrroa. Charming Bouquets mar be composed. JUDSON'S DYES.—-us—jici—nrs.—A grxpoony Bottle of J CD SOS's DTBS. Violet, Red or Magenta, will make half a pint of brilliant writing ink in one minute by simply adding hot water. JUDSON'S DYES—POT Colouring Architectural Plans, Ac. Much trouble raay as snood m saHssisssr up colours t o a uniform tint. They sassr be aaod either with a brush or pen. Boo* Pink, Canary, Crimson, Orange, Green, BUss, and 12 other shades. JUDSON'S DYES.—For skeining Wood, dOsssai with water. They sink deeply into the fibre and will •ot rob off. They form the moot oswttosaioal soarn on record. Light Brown for ssssoxSfnay iris or is excellent: No 2 Black for walnat; Osasary for satin ; also Black, Lavendor, Msg sols, sosi annoy colours.

S I X P E N C E P E R B O T T L E , Of ~



E A G L E l

T 7 5 C 0 U & * ! j Q d a n d H i ho boa r o c o n t l j

Wnsoh Wi l l i SHEEEIatf l , I

ssissisoo t i a i



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B O ( I V