Hold On: God Is At Work February 1, 2015 Ptr. Aumar Aguilar Most of us, at one point in our lives, have truly felt like giving up. Whether it was a relationship, a job, or troubled circumstances, sometimes quitting seemed like the easiest thing to do. Yes, a cop-out might be less burdensome, but is it truly worth it? More importantly, is it truly what God wants you to do? Throughout the first half of Joseph’s story we are bombarded with justifications he could have made had he given up. The roller coaster of circumstances, he called his life, certainly wasn’t something most of us would want to endure. His perseverance and trust in God is finally rewarded as we see the story play out with Genesis 45 at the apex of the great revelations of our Master Weaver. It is important to note that the book of Genesis was primarily written for the desert generation, who were Israelites waiting in the desert for the time God would allow them to set foot in the promised land. The story of Joseph is a great testimony of encouragement for those who were currently enduring the trying situations of their life. However, the Bible stands along from generation to generation, and its message is primarily for us as well. It teaches us to cling on to Christ promises as we put our faith in knowing he is at work in our lives. Hold On: God is at Work Around You Joseph understood that God was sovereign, and he held on to the fact that God had a plan for his life, throughout each difficult trial. “ And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you” Genesis 45:5. Strikingly, Joseph demonstrates great character as he focused not on the wrongs done to him, instead he focused on the underlying purpose of all he went through, which was for the greater good of others. When challenges come our way, it is

Hold on God is at Work

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Hold On: God Is At Work

February 1, 2015

Ptr. Aumar Aguilar

Most of us, at one point in our lives, have truly felt like giving up. Whether it was a relationship, a job, or troubled circumstances, sometimes quitting seemed like the easiest thing to do. Yes, a cop-out might be less burdensome, but is it truly worth it? More importantly, is it truly what God wants you to do?

Throughout the first half of Joseph’s story we are bombarded with justifications he could have made had he given up. The roller coaster of circumstances, he called his life, certainly wasn’t something most of us would want to endure. His perseverance and trust in God is finally rewarded as we see the story play out with Genesis 45 at the apex of the great revelations of our Master Weaver.

It is important to note that the book of Genesis was primarily written for the desert generation, who were Israelites waiting in the desert for the time God would allow them to set foot in the promised land. The story of Joseph is a great testimony of encouragement for those who were currently enduring the trying situations of their life. However, the Bible stands along from generation to generation, and its message is primarily for us as well. It teaches us to cling on to Christ promises as we put our faith in knowing he is at work in our lives.

Hold On: God is at Work Around You

Joseph understood that God was sovereign, and he held on to the fact that God had a plan for his life, throughout each difficult trial. “  And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you” Genesis 45:5. Strikingly, Joseph demonstrates great character as he focused not on the wrongs done to him, instead he focused on the underlying purpose of all he went through, which was for the greater good of others. When challenges come our way, it is best to trust that God’s plan is perfect, and our willingness to surrender to his will, ultimately allow us to experience the greatest honor, which is to be used by Him to bless others through and for Him. Romans 8:28 says God causes all things to work together for good, and indeed his good wisdom is beyond what we can foresee.

Hold On: God is at Work in You

The things Joseph went through were what made him capable of the responsibilities he had to undertake to fulfill his purpose in life. James 1: 2-4 says “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,  because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Therefore it is best to trust that God has called us

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believers for a purpose, and the trials we may experience are but refining measures in order for us to be effectively used by Him for His glory alone

Hold On: God is at Work Through You

The ultimate purpose of our being is to manifest Christ’s love to those around us. However, the path to Christlikeness is not a magical transformation overnight. Considering this, God might be using present trials to transform us into the people we ought to be, who will ultimately reveal His glory when His right time comes. Thus, we must hold fast to the hope of His love, His grace, and His sovereignty over time and circumstance. We must look in expectant joy towards the plans He has yet to reveal to us. Through times of difficulty, we must continue to persevere and trust that just as Christ suffered for the fulfillment of God’s will, so shall we submit ourselves to the plans God has for us, till the day we clearly see His purposes lived out in our lives, through his transforming grace and sovereign wisdom.

The story of Joseph is not just a story of a man holding on in faith to his God. It also remains a message of a God who holds on to us and see us through as we continue to walk in faith with Him. At times, it is tempting to be weary, it is hard to hold on, and it is impossible to see how things so unfortunate may turn out for God’s greater glory. However, our job is not to know, our job is too trust in His plan, His purposes, and ultimately His power.