Hoe het komt dat banken, bedrijven en corporatieve overheden wereldwijd failliet zijn en iedereen zijn eigen waarde weer zélf in bezit heeft !

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Hoe het komt dat banken, bedrijven en corporatieve overheden wereldwijd failliet zijn en iedereen zijn eigen waarde weer zélf in bezit heeft !Transcript van radioshow waarin Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf dit uitlegt ( in The One People Show op 1 juli 2013 )Deze radioshow is te beluisteren via deze link:The One People 1/2 July 2013 http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thecollectiveimagination/2013/07/02/the-one-people en het volledige transcript is te vinden op:Transcript The One People Show July 1, 2013http://i-uv.com/transcript-the-one-people-show-july-1-2013/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf was één van de drie trustees van de One People's Public Trust ( OPPT ), de OPPT heeft op 18 maart 2013 hun laatste registratie bij de Uniform Commercial Code ( UCC ) gedaan, waarin Eternal Essence werd geregistreerd, zie:OPPT Tool CompleteThe OPPT, One People’s Public Trust submitted its last filing in the UCC on March 18, 2013 Reconciling everything back to Absolute Eternal Essencehttp://i-uv.com/oppt-absolute/oppt-tool-complete/ Toen de OPPT zijn/haar doel had bereikt, werd op 24 maart “I” opgericht /geregistreerd en de OPPT werd opgeheven:I and the UV Exchange UCC FILING March 24, 2013http://i-uv.com/i-uv/i-and-the-uv-exchange/ Op 7 oktober 2013 volgde de verklaring van “I”; DECLARATION OF I:The Will and The Word of Ihttp://i-uv.com/i-uv/i-declaration-the-will-and-the-word/ Op 1 november 2013 kwamen er nieuwe documenten van Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, om de veranderingen te ondersteunen:Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Releases: Banking Documents Declaration of Deposit and Her Receipthttp://i-uv.com/heather-ann-tucci-jarraf-releases-banking-documents-declaration-of-deposit-and-her-receipt/ Meer informatie en updates hierover zijn te vinden op:BWWEE: HATJ New I Declaration of Deposit Example Docs and DiscussionBWWEE = Skype room: “Bankers Working with Eternal Essence”HATJ = Heather Ann Tucci-Jarrafhttp://i-uv.com/bwwee-hatj-new-i-declaration-of-deposit-example-docs-and-discussion/ Door Aqieze op 6 november 2013 Meer informatie:- OPPT Nederland:http://oppt-nederland.info/ - I-UV.com:http://i-uv.com/ - VRIJheid Flyer ( Nederlandse vertaling van FREEdom Flyer ): http://oppt-nederland.info/index.php/nederlands/vertaald-uit-het-engels/198-vrijheid-flyer-nederlandse-vertaling-van-freedom-flyer

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Transcript The One People Show July 1 2013

Hoe het komt dat banken, bedrijven en corporatieve overheden wereldwijd failliet zijn en iedereen zijn eigen waarde weer zlf in bezit heeft !

Transcript van radioshow waarin Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf dit uitlegt ( in The One People Show op 1 juli 2013 )

Deze radioshow is te beluisteren via deze link:The One People 1/2 July 2013 http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thecollectiveimagination/2013/07/02/the-one-people en het volledige transcript is te vinden op:Transcript The One People Show July 1, 2013http://i-uv.com/transcript-the-one-people-show-july-1-2013/

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf was n van de drie trustees van de One People's Public Trust ( OPPT ), de OPPT heeft op 18 maart 2013 hun laatste registratie bij de Uniform Commercial Code ( UCC ) gedaan, waarin Eternal Essence werd geregistreerd, zie:OPPT Tool CompleteThe OPPT, One Peoples Public Trust submitted its last filing in the UCC on March 18, 2013 Reconciling everything back to Absolute Eternal Essencehttp://i-uv.com/oppt-absolute/oppt-tool-complete/

Toen de OPPT zijn/haar doel had bereikt, werd op 24 maart I opgericht /geregistreerd en de OPPT werd opgeheven:I and the UV Exchange UCC FILING March 24, 2013http://i-uv.com/i-uv/i-and-the-uv-exchange/ Op 7 oktober 2013 volgde de verklaring van I; DECLARATION OF I:The Will and The Word of I

Op 1 november 2013 kwamen er nieuwe documenten van Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, om de veranderingen te ondersteunen:Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Releases: Banking Documents Declaration of Deposit and Her Receipthttp://i-uv.com/heather-ann-tucci-jarraf-releases-banking-documents-declaration-of-deposit-and-her-receipt/ Meer informatie en updates hierover zijn te vinden op:BWWEE: HATJ New I Declaration of Deposit Example Docs and DiscussionBWWEE = Skype room: Bankers Working with Eternal EssenceHATJ = Heather Ann Tucci-Jarrafhttp://i-uv.com/bwwee-hatj-new-i-declaration-of-deposit-example-docs-and-discussion/

Door Aqieze op 6 november 2013 Meer informatie:OPPT Nederland:http://oppt-nederland.info/ I-UV.com:http://i-uv.com/ VRIJheid Flyer ( Nederlandse vertaling van FREEdom Flyer ): http://oppt-nederland.info/index.php/nederlands/vertaald-uit-het-engels/198-vrijheid-flyer-nederlandse-vertaling-van-freedom-flyer


Onderstaand transcript komt van:BWWEE: HATJ New I Declaration of Deposit Example Docs and Discussionhttp://i-uv.com/bwwee-hatj-new-i-declaration-of-deposit-example-docs-and-discussion/ en beschrijft alleen Heather's opmerkingen in deze radioshow:

Transcript The One People Show July 1 2013Heather: Yes. What we have here is essentially we went in and the banking systems (inaudible) that everyone has seen, in the different news, the different media. Theyve had some problems. In 2008, you saw a lot of bubbles and everything else and just nothing moved. No money moved, because thats what everyone was told was the value, was the money; currencies, paper, gold, silver. Really they shied away from the gold and the silver and really tried to have people focus on the paper and the coins.So essentially what has happened is that there was a public trust and it was at one time called The One Peoples Public Trust, which was the tool that was used to be able to go in and grab everyones value and return it to them near simultaneous to the grab. Essentially, the only thing that they could take was the title and ownership, but through deceptive acts and practices and fraud. So it all boils down to banking. Banking is the one thing that crosses all borders, whether perceived planetary, perceived universal. This, what some call the slavery system, was actually much greater than what everyone saw or had experienced.Thats really the cap of what occurred up to this point, was that a few of us who knew the system and knew people within the systems, everyone worked together in a collaborative effort; some quite anonymously, some with certain amounts of deniability, but everyone worked very hard to bring this to a close.So what happened was basically everything runs on commercial what is called the commercial registry Uniform Commercial Codes in the US, however all banks, all the central banks each country actually is a corporation operating under the guise of the peoples governments, from any nation that you can think of. D from Removing the Shackles, American Kabuki, Kauilapele, Brian, Lisa, Bob, Chris everyone brought that to light; was able to actually show people the documentation and where to go on these purported government sites to actually grab the corporate registries.Heather: So basically I started with that public trust on March 6 of 2011. From there I can only speak to the experience that I had its been a wild ride. There have been a lot of banker resignations. There have been whole governments that purported governments that have resigned after lunch. (Laughs). Lots of Ministry officials, lots of arrests, so you can actually see the movement. If someone were to put all those dots in one place where you can actually see them, you would see the effects.The trust tool was a huge tool and then it was retired, reconciled actually. Reconciled into what is, which is essentially every being on the planets and actually every embodiment in the universe is value. They are eternal essence. I dont get into the religions, because those are basically for my knowledge base and experience in bank, trade and financeare just tools that were used for harvesting energy, control, management of the actual value and their assets, is that every BEing is the value.So eternal essence some people call it a soul but it really is about energetics. Everything is about energetics. All of that value was returned, title, ownership, full custody. It never left the embodiments, but its sorta like a house. If you steal a house you either go in and possess it, but its always there; you dont move it. Or you steal it by title and paper essentially, which is what all the banks have been doing.Heather: Right. On July 25, 2012, last year, everything that was on the commercial registry everything operates under a commercial registry everything is commercial Heather: From the people who are put under commercial, the purported courts, purported corporations operating under the guise of governments are all corporate, everything is corporate. So everything to your religions, your schools, your hospitals and actually a number of hospitals have their own banks. A lot of universities are heavy into the financial area as well, finance companies. Heres what I can tell you is that the approach that we took, whether it was the public trust, there were many before us, but the ones that actually went in to close everything all the purported systems down, so that what is could actually operate absent limit, was Caleb Skinner, Hollis Randall Hilner, and then myself and through theHeather: Heather Tucci-Jarraf and through our various backgrounds and experiences, like Calebs hes got a successful company that does a lot of code writing, program writing he works in a lot of different areas, because thats also another sector that has no borders. Then Randall was around Randalls older than Caleb and I, so he was around during many different movements and has been in the bank, trade and finance in some fashion or form. So with all of that basic knowledge, we were able to go in and mine is legal, law, bank, trade, and finance and contracts which everything is a contract. Every event in your life is a contract, whether you know it or not. They get basically a contract or an agreement. The way that the system, as D had said, is basically they take your eternal essence from birth, because your body is just your vehicle that your eternal essence operates through and what it operates, is actually energy and energy IS the value system.Heather: Right, exactly. So what our approach that we took was number one, just go in and get done the parts that instead of sitting there trying to teach everyone how to go do it, we realized that it could be done by one, because its all the same facts, the same scenario, the same system. Once you know the template, they all are uniform. So that was all closed down and essentially, all this corporate or representations were cancelled, for cause; deceptive acts and practices and fraud. There was a certain way that we did that and No, we did not use the lien mechanism. We actually went in and did it a different way; its all in the paperwork. We can go over that later. Theres been a number of interviews on that, so Ill leave that to the side for now.Essentially what everyone is wanting to know at this moment is, they have all this value and nothings ever been taken from them, but it has been taken by title, by paperHeather:by paper and process and through management. If you look at where theyve invested all of their time, their money, their efforts, their energy, its in controlling the population, the public.Heather: Schools, hospitals Heather: Well, the way that they go in and from the moment that the body is created; because thats actually the notice of eternal essence in body people say embodiments, I say In body, Inbodiment and thats when the eternal essence, the soul, whatever you would like to call it, goes in and really its about that particular soul or eternal essence being able to use the energy and manifest and create. And that IS the value.So what they do is they go in and basically the birth certificate is one example where they go in and they take over the body and here you think youre just registering yourself so people know that you actually are a human BEing, a live body. Thats all sent off to the World Bank and IMF and from there, everything you do, you do actually under, youre a corporation operating under the guise of human. Then your account at the central banks is charged, basically for everything.All the systems thats where all the courts, purported courts, send all their paperwork is up to the central banks. They get credits for every transaction and contract that they do.Heather: Its by consent. No one goes to jail without their consent.Heather: Well, thats fine, Bob. Heres the thing; theres a lot of contracts that people arent made aware of. So a contract is where you know the material facts. Theres certain elements to a contract in order to have a binding contract. Then theres agreements, which legally and factually, conceptually, are different. So agreements, you dont have to disclose everything. If you can get their consent and its an unknowing, unwilling and unintentional consent, its still an agreement. Its really about asking the right questions. So the best thing to do is if someone comes up to you, Bob, with a contract that has a signature that says Bob Wright, but you know you didnt sign it and you dont even know this person, what would you say to them?Heather: If they tried to enforce it?Heather: Right. And I didnt sign that whatever it might be. So heres the thing, if anyone makes you sign anything, just your signature is whatever you want to make of it. Okay, it can be an X, it can be a thumbprint, it can be a squiggly, it can actually be Bob Wright okay! For me what I do is in law and then in legal systems because theres a difference between law and legal systems. Alright, so what happens is when I go to sign something my signature, because your signature is anything you intend to represent you. My signature is Without Prejudice, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf. And I do that because I dont know what contracts, or agreements; what kind of dealings have been done, so when I sign something Im just signing Yes sure, you need this piece of paper okay, but Im DOing it without prejudice, which means I cant be harmed, damaged or prejudiced or held to a binding contract that I have never seen and dont know all the facts to. Thats what Without Prejudice means.So Ive had, my husband in fact, was in a situation where just out of the blue all these cops show up and hes in Spain and Spain happens to not think that its part of the European Union; its Spain, its Espana.Heather: In that town. And so they were like You have to sign this. Same kind of attitude that Bob you were just illuminating to with the.Heather: traffic police. You know they were like You have to sign this, you have to sign this! And they were getting really aggressive, really pushy and my husbands not small hes six four, and no hes not an Ethiopian hes not actually Moroccan. (Laughter).And he was like I will sign anything you put in front of me. And then when he went to go sign he signed Without Prejudice and they flipped out. And all the way from the cops to the lawyers to the magistrate to the judges were flipping out that he signed Without Prejudice and he was very respectful and said No problem you put anything before me and Ill go ahead and sign it. But thats what he signed with and they were all flustered and frustrated but there was nothing that they could do. AndHeather: Yeah because he kept saying that he wanted to talk to his embassy and they were like You cant. You have no rights. Youre not Spanish.And he was like, You are part of the European Union right; because I am Italian. I am part of the European Union and he goes Were Espana!And so he told them to Google things and they told them Whats this Without Prejudice and he told them Google it!So yeah it was quite an interesting story, but heres the point. The point is YOU are the value. Thats what BEing when we talk about BEing and DOing which is a lot of its just really simple, its really basic I use those words BE and DO because those are simple.Heather: Right, so thats why its so important to BE and to DO. Its just a very simple statement. The point is if you BE and DO, especially after what was referred to as the OPPT; the Peoples Trust went in and returned everything to everyone; anytime you BE and DO it is now YOUR. There is no corporate or hidden representation that they can actually charge to because you are a full custodian. You are the sole (soul) custodian of your body, which is your vehicle and your BEing which is your eternal essence and that is where the value IS.Heather: Okay. So first off the value has always been in you. Its just been a matter of what hasnt been told. What hasnt been transparent is number one what the value is and now that you all know what the value is and it lawfully and legally has been returned. Is that youve always been able to access it. So right now its a matter of people you can either give them a fish for a day, or you can teach them how to fish; and really this is just reminding you how to fish. Cause everything thats about to be said has always been; which is why they really dont want people to be focused on knowing themselves or going within and using their tools of resonance. They need you distracted so you dont think about this stuff.So when you go in to access your value what is very important is to know this; the tools that are in the financial system are the tools; theyre representations, theyre usually a written or a physical representation of the energetics.Okay. So the financial system as far as the tools and the mechanisms are beautiful. And they are very correct because they needed to use the correct tools in order to transfer and use. The problem was they commandeered and stole things that werent theirs. And when I say they Im not talking about the purported corporations operating under the guise of government okay. Im talking about those who actually use those tools in order to commandeer. Normally people know them as the thirteen families and even within the thirteen families there were many that were trying and have assisted in making sure this all comes out. So Id really like to point that out. And there are a lot of people within those systems; agents and beneficiaries that also have been working to make sure all of this comes out.So the tools; typically people are very familiar with the bond okay. A cheque; you know the cheques you write to your grocer, or that you write for your gas, or that you write for the school, rent or whatever. Cheques are a bond; its actually a bill of exchange. Okay. I dont like the word bond because bond is bondage.Heather: Okay, in the value system what they did was they took a part of the value system, put it into a vacuum and it happened when its in the value system and its whole it actually is the enforcement and accountability; self accountability feature of the value system. When you separate it, it ends up creating a debt system; which is what people today know as the financial system. So it looks like theres limited resources. It looks like theres not enough. AndHeather: and each person is not the value and they actually have to borrow the value okay. Thats a huge part and so what I have focused on with Caleb and Randall throughout this entire time was not to just give a fish and if something happens to the person teaching how to get a fish, everyones kind of screwed.So really its about everyone knowing all the data so that they can BE creative, since it is their value, it is their body, their vehicle that they are DOing this to and I love all the DNA conversations and the supreme court in the US went in and dealt with this too. DNA is just a part of your vehicle right its part of your body. And GW Hardin brought up its not just DNA, you hear RNA, you hear all these acronyms junk DNA thats going to be an interesting revelation here very, very shortly of what that actually all is.But what I can say is this; the tools are still the same as far as accessing. But I dont like the word Bond. Its an instrument okay. Like the public trust when we went in to test the different mechanisms on how to return everything to everyone there was an acceptance performance bond. And thats a bondage right! Its a voluntary commercial indenture. Youre agreeing to be a commercial servant for whatever period of time for whatever the term of contract and terms and conditions are.So instead what I would like to do and this is what Ive been working on for release for today, which will be released today; is giving everyone the data of the value systemthe whole. And youll be able to recognize the part that was the financial system. And Im actually breaking it down so you can see how they actually made physical representations of the energetics and they didnt tell you about the energetics. And the whole value system.Then also the tools and the instruments; youll see how value actually works; which is value for value. And youll also be able to see the different tools. Because if you know what the actual value system is you know how the value for value works, like currencies for instance as an example, theyll say Oh its for instance in Morocco its something like eight and a half Dirham per dollar, or eight point two Dirham per Euro. Thats the value exchange. Well value for value is one to one unit. It doesnt matter what the units are because theyre all representations of energy.So everything is actually standard across the board, I dont care what representation one chooses to use as long as its mutually acceptable. So it doesnt matter if there are these current systems. What I would like to do is show you the bond that we actually put together for the slavery system actually to use within it because at the timeHeather: it was still standing and those that choose that they want to let other people take their value thats the tool that they can actually go in and use. And you can see the evolution of to where we are NOW; where its basically I which is the eternal essence and everyone is eternal essence and everyone controls their value and their body. Then you can see the evolution of how that bond really is just an instrument; its a transmitting utility or transmitting vehicle of the energy, of the value that youre going to transfer. Now it could be in the form of a Federal Reserve note, it could be in the form of a Yen, a Swiss Franc, it could be in the form ofHeather: Right, it could be in the form of a service. Value comes in many, many different forms. It could just be a straight energetic exchange as well. Right energy. And that way people can make an informed choice of how they want to operate their value, operate their vehicles and actually create and manifest and co-create and co-manifest.That was the approach and I want to make sure everyone knew it was about giving them the knowledge; the actual information. Because in bank, trade and finance the knowledge is the currency. The paper and the coins and the natural resources are NOT. Those are just the booty if you will; from the knowledge okay.So thats what the documents will be. And once you know the value system you know what kind of documents you need to have in place. If you think about it when you go to do a credit card application for instance, thats a declaration. It says I declare the foregoing is true and correct. Okay, so the application is actually the underwriting for a piece of plastic that shows up at your door and then the acceptance of the contract, or the agreement really, because they dont tell you all of the material facts, so its actually an agreement, is you using that piece of plastic. And youre bound every time you use that piece of plastic; so you have multiple contracts going on every time you use that piece of plastic. Your signature is actually the signature on the contract. So, what I wanted to make sure was that everyone had the basic tools and that really it is just declarations and then its also deposits.There are two representations of eternal essence which is what they have been using is business and bank. Every Imbodiment is their OWN bank. The way the system works is not just planetary its universal actually. Everyone has experience with just the planetary and then what happens is BIS was the main one that would actually take things universal. And so a lot of information is going to be coming out about that as well.We have Caleb who went in and basically created the programming and coding so that tools that we use today that we know as harvesting tools such as Skype, Twitter, Facebook, My Space all of these give you free accounts but what people dont know is all your data is being sold. So theyre making quite a bit of money on your data; even if you have a free account and youre using all this, theyre selling it over. Its like your medical records. When you go in and you are with the doctor, if you read the actual paperwork, youll see where you give them permission to sell your medical records, sell your data, sell your information. They make quite a bit of money, they get a lot of stipends from corporations, from big pharma and all that data is yours.So Caleb went in and he called it the VEXS protocols. One is you own your own data. Two is if your data is out in the public its always encrypted. And three is that if its not in your control then there is an accommodation agreement contract in place; meaning you give them terms and conditions of how they can use your data. So really you now have just made took all those deceptive acts and practices which make you revenue streams you dont know about off you and your data and your value and theyre NOW YOURS.You get to choose who you want to share your information. If you want those revenue streams, then you get those revenue streams. But the point was with taking that, giving you the key to your own account, which usually those harvesting tools they just keep them and that way they can give the information and usually corporation operating under the guise of governments would come in and even corporations, straight corporations would come in and do warrants for your information on your cell phone carrier, your cell phone provider, your internet provider. They go in and serve these warrants and you have no idea that theyve gone in and actually asked for your data and your information. And so its funny because there was that big disclosure about NSA using all of those particular harvesting tools that Ive named and going and getting your data.Project XIII which is what Caleb created was a way for them to do it right. Instead of going to a place where theres possibly millions of accounts and Imbodiments sitting there and just grabbing up batches or bulk, they actually now have to go to each person and let them know Hey, I want your data. And then you sit and youre responsible for going in and being confident andHeather: Yeah and negotiating the price or saying Whats this for? You know just asking the questions. And so I love the concept of everyone BEing in charge of their own value. You are your own bank. You run your own body, your own business. You need to be responsible for it. You need the system to be able to do that. So it was really important to also have the law be what it is and thats why that last UCC filing which reconciled all of the commercial registries so that they no longer exist they may still have them up and operating, but at the same time nothing that goes in there is valid at this point and hasnt been for a while.Heather: No, no. Its the same as when you write Without Prejudice and my name, thats my signature. And just because they ask me to sign the document doesnt mean Im a party to their hidden contracts. Okay. Unless its discoverable and unless its actually disclosed to you how can you be a party to it.So even if they are still filing things they are about you Lisa for instance, youre not held accountable for it. Youre not held responsible for it. Because theyre not disclosing it to you and youre not signing on it.Heather: Right. Okay so these tools, what I wanted to do and what Ive done is actually disclose the value system and how it actually works. And also show you how they took a part of it and made it what is the past financial system. So that you know the difference and you can make an informed choice; because if you still want to operate in that way great! They dont have anything to pay you with (laughing) at this point unless they bring, continue a ponzi scheme and bring others in and use their value to pay you so it looks like they actually have something, or youre going to have that bond for instance, that tool that main operating toolHeather: Well, it was the template that we used that we were going to go use prior to taking everything to I. Even before fathoming and following the trail back to I, back to zero point. And so I would like everyone to see that. Because I want everyone its about absolute data, not one piece missing. They need to see the difference; if they want to work in a compartmentalized financial system that is a debt driven system, or if they want to work in the value system; which is the absolute energetics. And they now can actually work universal at that point. Not just planetary but universal. And then see the tools and how they actually work. How they create their bank, how they create their business and then how they actually do the transactions and transfer the energies. Those documents are what will be released tonight along with the value system data.Then you can go in, whether its Project XIII for instance, that you choose to actually do your banking and your business transactions where you actually own your own key to your own account; which Caleb is, I think its an ASA or some kind of a key where the data goes on the server for three days so that people can actually receive it and then hes actually making it so its an RSA key; which means nobody sees it at any moment. Just the people you send it to; who YOU choose. Right!Heather: Right. And so you can use Project XIII but I also want to make sure that its not limited. Everyone should be able to play and you should be able to make your own choice of who you want to play with. So if you want to walk into a bank or you want to walk into any purported government, corporation operating under the guise of government I should say, or corporation, you should be able to know how it all works so that you can walk in knowingly, willingly and intentionally and say I would like to play with you under these terms and conditions. Then negotiate from there if you choose, or just start to play, but have the same tools so theyre all uniform.So you can walk into a bank and lets say you do a declaration of deposit; which is just basically a declaration of value. Which was all OPPT the tool went in and recovered basically or set a limit, set an amount I should say, at 10 billion. It was 5 billion for every inbodiment and then 5 billion extra for anyone who declares they were damaged by the systems. And yet thats only a fraction of what they actually took, but that was enough to go in and be able to stop the systems from flowing illegally and unlawfully and allowing everyone the chance to breathe and get caught up with what the heck has been going on.Theres that to start with but theres actually more and if thats what you choose then basically you just make a declaration of what it is, and then they would have to rebut it.Heather: Well not 1 million dollars but 1 million units.Heather: Because the Dollar, the Yen, any kind of those current, what they call current funds and I love the word current because its all about energy, right? Current funds. And so if you go in, I want to make sure that people have the choice of what systems they want to use, so the tools need to be uniform across the board and when we use the value system they are. Even in the financial system those tools are the same tools, its just that youre declaring and they have to rebut it.Heather: Nice wording.Heather: Well how about I do this, how about I actually walk it through as I believe you could do it.Heather: So essentially, Im going to use Project XIII because what people dont know yet is Project XIII is actually the first that I know of entity or representation thats sitting in I, in the governing law.So Caleb, the companies that hes actually running Project XIII through are representations of him. And so those are also in I. And thats what people would usually refer to as a corporation. So for instance Im going to give you an example of how to do my IUV INchange on Project XIII as well as my IUV INchange with tools of the former systems. Okay?Heather: So on Project XIII for instance, I go in and I create an account with Project XIII and then what I do is, I do a declaration of representation saying Im creating whatever representation name you want to use, I can either use Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf, I can use BBC Corporation, I can use whatever it is as long as I declare what it is, and I put that declaration of representation so everyone knows its there, its established and Im responsible for it. Im responsible for it with my full personal liability and responsibility for anything and everything that particular representation does because its really just me DOing. That way I can communicate with any of the old tools that still may be up and running and still havent made that switch, so its a bridge.Heather: Okay? So then I would also do a declaration of representation for a bank. I can call it whatever I want. Again, Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf, you know, bank is, whatever. And, but I do a declaration of representation so everyone knows that is a representation of me. Im fully responsible and liable for anything and everything that bank does because it is me.Heather: In full transparency and I post that on my Project XIII as well. And then what I do is I go in for each of those, because you have to have some value in there to actually DO, right? Because just as you have value in you, and your bodys the vehicle, well, your bank and your representation which we discussed is a bank and a business, are just representations of you, so you need to deposit some value in there.So you do a declaration of deposit, of value deposit. And then you choose whatever sum, whatever amount of value you want. Now this is all energetics, okay, but the documents are the written representation of those energetics and its what we call in bank trade and finance the underwriting. And its very similar to when you go in, same way you actually create a brick, a mortar and brick bank. You first establish it, you go in and incorporated it, in corp, which is in body.Then you go in and you have to put value or what they call capital into that bank, right? Supposedly.Heather: And then from there you can have customers. You can open your door and then you ask them to please bring their value to your bank. Well, in this particular instance you are the value; anything that you do in the value system you draw energetic units behind everything that you do depending, and its in various amounts because its value for value, okay?So what happens is I just declare what value; and for those that who are not too keen or too comfortable or into the energetics of it yet, the OPPT went in and did that 5 billion and that 5 billion. So really out of that 10 in gold and silver, cause gold and silver actually are just representations. The gold and more will be disclosed about this coming up in various different ways, but gold is actually the representation of the eternal essence or what some people call the soul, and silver is actually the representation, the physical representation of the body, the vehicle. And more will be said about that.Heather: And so, everything; that 5 billion and that 5 billion was reserved in gold and silver, or not reserved but returned in gold and silver because thats what they all agreed to, would be payments for debt. Debt would be paid in gold and silver, and one of the most famous places to find that is the purported United States of America, Constitution of the United States of America.And then all the central banks, when they cut their currencies, they have actual dollars sent over by the Federal Reserve, they have FRNs, Federal Reserve notes, sent over to the Federal Reserve, they deposit it into their central banks and they can cut as much currency for as many Federal Reserve notes as they have.So they all agreed to that particular debt, shall be paid in gold and silver as well. That was the connection and that was the lineage between all of the purported, or the corporations operating under the guise of government. Thats why everyone has the gold and the silver. I want that to be clear.You can choose, what I would do is I would go in and say Okay, I want to make a declaration of value deposit in my bank, that Ive done a declaration or a representation for. And I would say Okay, in this particular declaration of value deposit Im putting in 100 million in gold and silver. And thats whats in my bank.Now, I also am subject to audit for any kind of business dealing or dealing that I want to do with anybody else. They have to be able to have access to my records. And we have that in the former systems, or had that in the former systems already. Thats what your auditors, your accounting firms, your banks would supposedly do was go in and audit your transactions every year.Supposedly in the U.S. for instance, they had what was called the Internal Revenue Service, and that was supposedly their purpose, their purported purpose was to go in and make sure that you paid taxes, made sure that you, your books were clean, and everything else, and there was actually a number of mechanisms for that, your state department was another one, and then you have the international equivalents.So really the systems themselves were beautifully designed except for the fact that they didnt tell you who the value really was and that they were commandeering everything. So really the tools themselves, its sort of like people say, Oh a gun kills. Well, a gun doesnt kill! Its the people operating the gun that can kill, right? Its the same thing here.These tools are actually great tools if they are done in transparency. If you add transparency to the system, and it goes back and is reunited with the value system, those tools actually operate correctly and you reunite the yin and the yang and it changes the formula, or the harmony, of those particular compartmentalized points and the ones that they dont tell you about, okay?So I would go into Project XIII and thats how I would handle it.From there, any doing I wanted to do through those representations and Ill remind you, for me right now, those representations are a bridge tool for anything that still appears to be remaining from this former system. Okay? So that way they can communicate, I can communicate, everyones happy, we can still get lots done. Yet everything I do is my intentions, as far as what I, who I choose to play with, who I engage with, you should all find someone thats like minded that wants to make things transparent and create beautiful things for the highest good of all, soHeather: That will be after.Heather: Doing the example of creating, yes.Okay, so, its important that if I cant, if I wont use these tools but Im telling someone to go use them, thats never been the approach that Ive ever done, because for me that would be deceptive in itself. So Id rather go and do this and it can be an example, just an example, one example. Okay because so many people are much more creative than I am. And I would really love to experience their creativity, but I will go in and show, and DO, because I know this, I believe this, and my molecular structure will explode if I dont go in and actually do this so people can rely upon it. As far as, this is something shes chosen to do, shes standing behind it, shes standing within it, and that way if theres any problems; youll definitely know, wont you?Heather: Its been usually the tact weve taken with the OPPT and everything else. So thats how I would do that, and then any transaction that I go to DO or play with others, it would be by contract. Heres the expressed written terms.Now for me it just depends, like theres savvy investors, or institutional investors in the old systems, and then you have non-institutional investors. Well thats just a matter of knowledge and database, right?Heather: So for me, when I go in to do a contract, depending on the savviness or the commitment of the other person in the energetics, then that depends on how much of a written representation you need of the energetic doing and transfer. That comes down to a trust issue, what most people would say trust in all of the former systems, which are the financial systems which was just a part of the value system, was all based on non-trust. And yet it was because there was no transparency. However when theres transparency, its not even a matter of trust at that point, trust becomes irrelevant because everythings clear.Heather: I hadnt even finished law school yet and the judge I worked for, Judge SypoltI loved that man. Judge Sypolt asked me, What would you like to accomplish? I said, I would love that nobody would ever need another lawyer ever again. So, please help me accomplish my goal.Heather: Yeah exactly. So, thats how I would do Project XIII with my bank, my representations, which Ive designated or Ive identified as a business in order to have that bridge, tool between the old tools while theyre closing out, or just redefining themselves to what they really are which is a representation of eternal essence and the INbodiment, and then I would just do my transactions.Then what happens is all the declarations that Ive put on my account for Project XIII, thats the underwriting. Its the same as a bill of exchange, its the same as an insurance contract because if someone needs to collect upon thateverything is digital, whether you think things are digital or not, I can tell you everything in bank, trade and finance is digital. The written representations or the physical representations that you have they are still accounted for digitally and they actually are tracked digitally. Those are just for your comfort so that you feel that you have some kind of say over eitheryou have some security. That you have cash in your pocket or coin in your pocket and yet they play with that every day which is what we saw with the LIBOR scandal. One day you have ten dollars in your pocket and the next its not worth ten dollars, its worth ten cents.So, thats how I would do it, and thats how I am going to do it, and these are actually the documents that Im talking about, these declarations, the underwriting which is also the physical asset and originals would be delivered to whoever youre working with.Now, there is an interesting patent two actually, one was from Bank of America, the other was from Visa. Bank of America purportedly in 2011 filed a patent for, regarding the universal value exchange.Heather: Right, and you know I was working with intel at that time, very closely in 2011 and yet, and there was a period of time when there was like, no communication, it was through Courtsmart, which they would listen through all the different cases as we were in there and everything else. But basically that patent was never disclosed. So, you know, could it have been backdated? Yes. Could it have existed and I just didnt know about it? Yes.However, it was very interesting that it was the UV Exchange and thats when I changed everything to Ixchange, and now Im just, you know, Im having fun with it but at the same time really want things to represent what they actually are, which is INchange. Not Empower but IMpower. Not ENbodiment but INbodiment. Theres something energetically, thats taken away when you use the EX or the EN. So really its a matter of getting creative, and thats what I really desire, and am manifesting for everyone else is that they can be creative and know that they are safe, know that they are the power and the value to actually be creative. Okay?So all of these documents are whats going to be released tonight, and those actually are the same kind of tools that they use when you go to sign up for a credit card. When you go to sign up for an account at a bank, when you go to sign for a car, or a house, these are the same tools; theyre all declarations. The only thing thats different is you know who the value is, you know where the value is, plus all the underwriting for at least the 5 billion and 5 billion were done by OPPT.So Im going to make sure that on Project XIII theres an account for I, with all of the former OPPT, all the filings that were done, thats all the underwriting for at least that 5 billion and that 5 billion so people can actually point to it.We retired OPPT, we reconciled it to the I, and so energetically we need to take down the website but its all sitting there, all that documentation is still out there, but its in the transition phase as far as me making sure that the tools are out so everyone has them, they can use them without undue influence, okay? And then I want to make sure that all thats mirrored so you dont have to have an account on Project XIII to access that. Thats very important, its choice.Heather: Freedom of choice. So now lets move to, what I am going to do, and this is going to be fun, I love this part.So you have these former tools right! They appear to still be operating and you can hear me now and believe me later. Some actually have access to this information and are already calling. So its a matter of making sure that they can operate a certain DOing is about to be done between Deutsche (Bank) which ends up with not such a good situation for HSBC (Bank), Wells Fargo (Bank). HSBC (Bank) just took over 51% minimum of the ownership of Wells Fargo (Bank), Citibank, JP Morgan and there were a couple others. So, really its all just HSBC (Bank).Yet on the inside since 2009, the insiders have been trying to sell those HSBC (Bank) branches for ever. Then Ive been contacted, or we at the public trust have been contacted, in 2011 trying to get us to meet with Wells Fargo (Bank), HSBC, the Saudis, the Pakistani family was involved that smelters all of the gold. They were trying to get us to meet and nothing was transparent so none of the meetings happened. I bring all of this out because a lot of disclosure will be coming out about those here very shortly and how basically they plan on taking the same girl and putting a different party dress on her, and yet having certain banks fall.Now heres the thing: if certain tools, if a tool sector falls all of it has to fall. You cant just say One of them is going to survive. Sort of like that bad bank situation that the wonderful purported US Treasury our Timothy Geithner supposedly thought up. He was going to create a bad bank, and put all the bad assets in it and then leave the banks healthy. Right!Heather: And so this all goes into Basel III. Basel III is a BIS (Bank for International Settlements) tool when the corporations were lawfully, legally, well lets just say they where existing purportedly lawfully and legally and yet it just took a matter of one person recognizing they werent and doing something about it. So Basel III really was a matter of keeping things supposedly in-ground because theres nothing that they could actually pull out. It was always being pulled out and then gone, taken off planet!Okay, so for gold, silver, natural resources, everything else, so that was really a way for them to sort of have even more non-transparency. And, actually one of the testers, the Basel III certified testers, I call him Doctor Death. Esse Segundo released some files within the bank, trade and finance experiences that I had. So people can actually see and have transparency and context, more absolute context to what we are talking about with the value system verses a part of the value system thats been in a vacuum. Okay, so what happens is that I would like to really go in and make sure that they arent putting a different party dress on the same girl and then trying to tell you that it is something totally different.So what I would do is actually take those same documents that I was talking about on Project XIII and I would actually take them into a bank and say, I want to assist you. But we are going to do this transparently and you are going to do it under the terms and conditions that I deem okay.In bank, trade and finance it was known in the upper echelons that you could just take a promissory note, secure it on the commercial registry, take those two documents in and basically you loan money over to the banks. Now the banks are required to convert that, because if they cant convert that theyre insolvent. Which means they cant actually be open for business. So, in 2010 I got a lot of calls because guys that were actually doing that and where within the system, or within the club all of a sudden started having a really hard time.Heather: Yep! Couldnt get there stuff monetized anymore, or converted really is what it was. So in the US they would issue what is called a 1099 OID (Original Issue Discount). So, Heather goes in, does a promissory note, does a security agreement, not even a security agreement but a registry on notice of that value and the bank would send that up to the Federal Reserve and the Federal reserve would have to account for the Federal Reserve notes that theyd have to print-off in order to convert that to Federal Reserve notes for me. You usually had a one to one, but they would do an actual discount so they would make money. So basically that 10 percent we always hear about, them getting 10 per cent interest out of any notes that come out of the Federal Reserve; well that would be your discount. So if I did one for 100,000 then Id get one for 90,000. You know 90,000 would be deposited into my account.So it is kind of the same thing here. You go in and say, Hey Ill do this, but it should be value for value and maybe those will be my terms. Give me 100,000, Ill deposit value. So heres my Declaration of Representation, so that you know, these are my representations and its something that your system can actually communicate with.Then I give them my Declaration of Value deposit and I say Open me an account and heres the value. So I dont even have to deal with the central banks anymore, I dont have to deal with Federal Reserve Notes because its value for value. But if the bank feels more comfortable, thats fine.Heather: Okay, so I would go into the bank and I would say Heres my Declaration of Representation, here is my Declaration of Value Deposit. What Im willing to deposit into your bank and heres all of the underwriting.So I would probably just use the OPPT underwriting for the 5 billion and the 5 billion until that was either gone. I dont plan on not DOing anything, so Im going to actually increase that value. However, I can go in and deposit whatever I want in there.Say, Open me an account, heres my under writing, heres my value. They dont even have to go to the Federal Reserve or any purported central bank, because it is the actual value. But if they feel more comfortable converting it and I know the Federal Reserve notes are empty, so what I am willing to do is say, Yep I will take your funny money, I will take the paper and I will use it as a tool.But I know it is my value thats in that tool. So I will go ahead and underwrite that tool, but I get the use of it and I determine the use I will use it for. And they have NO say over how I am going to use it, yet I am responsible for how I use it, because if I damage anyone I am going to end up paying someone in whatever tool that I have thats demanded by the damaged party. I am responsible for that okay.So here we have this very different scenario with the value system verses the financial system yet the financial system is actually WITHIN the value system. Its just harmonized when its in the whole.Heather: Well were going to find that out arent we?Heres the thing, Ive discussed this several times especially over the last two weeks. We know that at this point, and I am low balling this, there is an estimated that 18 to 20 million people who know about the OPPT files right now. So lets just say that if even just one million people take this and run with this, if even 200,000 people in the USA all walk in tomorrow to their bank and put this down on the counter and say, Hi, Id like to deposit some of my value please and thank you.What do you think is going to happen? Even better yet, what if everyone gets together and they all decide, Hey lets all go to such and such a bank. And such and such a bank has in the twelve hour period, like I say has 200,000 people all show up saying, Guess what! We are going to deposit our value.All it takes is one bank to play. As soon as Lisa goes in and says, I went into the Mum and Pop bank here and they did it. Every single person on this planet is going to be flying into the same bank and saying We wanna play too.Heather: Well heres the awesome thing; when you go in and they say No! They just prove that they are insolvent. Because everything youre presenting to them are actually things that are in their system and thats what their system ran on. So when they reject it and they say Oh no, this isnt valid, this isnt this or that. They actually deem their own paper and their own system invalid, because its the same paper and its the same stuff that youre doing.Heather: Well it doesnt matter if they reject it, or they dont, either way its screwed okay; because they just invalidated all their own paper. So theyre watching this very carefully.Lets say you take the Courtesy Notice tool that had gone out that Chris Hales talks about all the time and Ken and Scott BartleI love them so much. They went in and created this tool cause Scotts gone through a lot of these experiences right? And this is the tool that he came up with.What I loved about the Courtesy Notice, and before that the OPPT at one point had played around with whats called The Pledge. So its always kinda the same thing and I think Chris Hales talks about a Bond and a Note, okay? Im not hip on Bonds, its just bondage for me. They forgot the age. Right?And so for me the Courtesy Notices were an excellent tool to go in and on one side show the former systems how awake the people were becoming and I can tell you out of all the countries were given, well not countries, the corporations operating under the guise of governments, were freaking out. Now they werent gonna show you that, but it started to come out and all of the same collection agencies, purported collection agencies knew about the Courtesy Notices. People started to report the different kind of experiences and reactions that they were getting. It created a huge tidal wave, because all of a sudden what was beautiful about it was it showed them how many people were not just awake, but they were BEing and DOing. And because of those UCC filings, which even if people dont understand what happened, the point was the systems DID.And when you BE and DO they cant BE and DO. They cant steal your BEing and DOing. And then on the flip side it was a great tool because it actually helped the people exercise their BEing and their DOing muscles.Heather: Right! So now at this point whats beautiful is that I never did a Courtesy Notice. I will say that right now, I never did a Courtesy Notice. I did, during the investigations toy around, play with and actually experience certain mechanisms that were similar to it and really it was just a notice. But stuff thats in the notice, all the compartmentalized points, I had gone into experience and so thats why I could recommend the tool Chris, Scott and Ken Bartle put together and I was really interested to watch how it actually went and I did go over it and make sure that at least the OPPT filings were in there so that it wasnt just fluff they were bringing in.It was actually a beautiful mechanism and so the thing is though, when its time, when you decide what you really want to accomplish, the tools may change. They may not serve after a certain point, or they may evolve into something else. For me the Courtesy Notice was great to watch you guys exercise and watch the systems actually have notice of how many people were waking up around the world. Australia was, purportedly the last report from the intel guys was that Australia was freaking them out the most at that point.Heather: Well you guys had too many movements quote unquote, and thats what I never, never resonated with the concept OPPT was ever a movement, I only saw it as a tool, and yet I think that the movement is the energy.Heather: Alrighty then. So heres what I would like to say is that when, for me, this isnt about destroying things, this is about building. And this is about repurposing. So what I would like to do is I know certain plans, which is to basically have HSBC be the sacrificial lamb and with that, because of the mergers that recently took place and the takeovers, is you have a lot of banks in there yet Deutsche Bank is supposedly the golden child which is all the Austrian families and everything else. And they have Clearwire; which is basically like Euro, aaah is it Euroclear? Which is like a clearing house, its a digital clearing house and Swift. And basically Clearwire was Deutsche Bank, ABN AMRO or Deutsche Bank and someone else, and thats their in-house. They dont even tell you that its actually them. You have to do some digging to be able to find that out. So they have their hands in every single part of it which means they can control the distribution. And if one bank is going to fall, legally and lawfully all of them should fall.And what Id like to do is you have such great people that have a lot of experience in that sector just like accounting, law, education, medical. Just because someones in a field that may have not been operating transparently doesnt mean the actual people within it are all bad.Heather: Or all have bad intent. Okay? So what I would like to do is be able to go in and say Yep! I would love to have your expertise, your experience, Im willing to pay you a service fee and Im actually willing to go in and venture with you. Lets go in and make some money, lets go in and create.I dont even need to have lineages acts as a custodian cause why? I AM the custodian of my value. But I would like to have some people to go play with. So if theyre willing to play I will go ahead and make sure that they have value in their bank, but theyre going to do things transparently and were gonna do it together. So that I know every step thats being taken and they can grow and they can actually heal all the other intent thats been operating there.Heather: Oh well, I told you what I was gonna go do. Im personally am gonna go and HSBC and I have not always had the best relationship.You can see in the Paradigm Report where HSBC and those investigations that I didnt put into Paradigm Report which were Citibank, Pandeet and the Black Ops accounts. As well it was with Villarreal Marcos and things that were stolen by Reuben. And then you have Wells Fargo which was under the guise of Marca Ritso; which was in Panama, a Panama shell company and thats Knights of Malta and all of that. And so that went all the way up to the directors, they brought it in Switzerland. I didnt put those in because they were still pending at the time. Yet, here I have Wells Fargo now that is basically HSBC operating by the families. The old mans taking basically all the banks in and then basically going to let them die, which was part of the ferreting out plan, the shaking it out.Like Swiss-Indo is just a tool to ferret out all those with certain agendas. The old man and a lot of the elders, a lot of people have been working on making sure this all ends! The experiments ended and the interrupted purpose proceeds again.So I wanna go in and I would like to have some fun, those that wanna have fun, great! I know that HSBC and I have not had the best relationship, I have no hard feelings with the manoeuvres that they took, especially against my family, although breaking down the door with ten armed men was a little unnecessary with Loie who was on chemo at the time and alone at home, very sick.Heather: Yeah it was, you know, and then we had the whole Seattle PD and the test site for militarizing your police department. It was justit wasnt a good thing. So what I would like to do is go in and clear the air and just say, and transparently so everyone can see what it is Im going to do. There is no questions. They can see. And when I say theres no questions, I mean I give the data and do the DOing transparently. For instance, my Project XIII Caleb made public. Itll just be made public so everyone can see and I stand behind and people know that whatever I post on there I stand behind. I want everyone to be able to see and watch.You know at that point. So what I would like to do is go in and say HSBC here we go. I know its the sacrificial lamb, but at the same time it is not acceptable for me to have this pick and choose and put a different dress on the same girl. Now the ferreting out tools have been awesome. And yes, that was a part of the Absolute Plan was used to have the banks basically consolidate and then have it ferret out who was doing what. What was it? Madam Woo was supposed to be the head of Wells Fargo and then that got taken of the table the minuteHeather: the minute that we started talking about Madam Woo (laughing) being the head of Wells Fargo. So what I would like to do is just go in and say Lets go play. Lets be creative. Lets be imaginative.And Im willing to go ahead and repurpose things. And if things dont choose to be repurposed thats okay too, because Im just gonna stand by their side as they walk out. As they cease to exist by their own choice. At the same time, for me, this is what I know for me, within; is that every perceived role played a part in making sure we got here. So for me there is no bad or good there is no evil or holy. There IS just what IS; which is eternal essence is having a simultaneous experience through many IMbodiments. Theres no, for me, there are perceived galactics, perceived angelic realms and yet for me its all ONE density.So these are just what I know for me within, so Im going to act accordingly. Why would I go in and try to destroy anything? I just want to make sure its all transparent and that it is, everyone has access to the same transparency. And then everyone can have fun as they choose. So thats what Im going to be DOing with Project XIII. All of these instruments, Ill call them instruments or transmitting utilities or vehicles, written representations of who I AM and what I DO. And anyone who wants to play the same or we can figure out a way we can mutually PLAY together, then great Im all for it.Heather: Yeah, well I mean a lot of people have asked me this whole time about enforcement, right! And with the value system being disclosed today theyll be able to see what I call INforcement. And its about the energetics. So really all the banks have not they dont say Boo without family approval. Because theres only supposedly thirteen families, but theres the value, or the energies, the IMbodiments behind them that actually manage them. So really your families end up being the equivalent in bank, trade and finance of a broker right, or an agent! So what I really strived to do was to make sure that everything was transparent so that all the perceived roles were seen for what they were; roles.Heather: You know were either ALL ONE and I do and I say and I think ONE, or Im just full of, excuse my language, bullshit. So Im not there. I am there for all the perceived roles. I love playing with and then all you guys found that out when you came to Morocco. The Divines, I dont care whether its Divines and as I define Divine; its someone who sees themselves as divine and requires something less than divine to support that role. Right! So I dont care who comes before me, and Im still willing to play, but its gonna be done transparently. And the results have always been wonderful. And Ive had a great experience; at least on my end, didnt I? I guess it wasnt so fine for the others, but you know, I had a great time. And I love each and every one of them no matter what the perceived role is. So Im gonna go and have some fun, anyone who wants to have fun; lets do it, but lets do it transparently.Ill make sure that everyone has access to at least the value system and the tools and at least the stuff that I know. And theres a lot of stuff out there that other people know that theyre going to be bringing out as well. Why; because you guys are willing to BE and DO and youve already shown them that. Thats what this whole December 25 onwards has been. Youve been showing and giving them notice that you guys are BEing and DOing and its not the old adage that the families would use, or that agents would use, The people are stupid. The people are irresponsible. Ive seen such beautiful responsible, such beautiful intelligence, both what people would call spiritually and intellectually. Its gorgeous. Ive had such, the best time and I really thank everyone with my eternal energy, my eternal love, peace, gratitude. Ive had the best time and I would love to have some more fun.Heather: And what I would like to see is because the public trust site we took that down so that energetically everything could be closed and the words, the thoughts and the actions were all harmonious, so what I will say is this, Im going to put these out on the I logo. These are documents that I am actually using and that way people can just see an example and they can recognize the documents for what they are in the former financial system. They can actually see those and recognize them from that system. And I really want people to make an informed choice. So Im not telling people to go and DO anything. DO what resonates WITHIN. But I will put the documents out and the tools that I know, that Ive used and that I know the value system to be. And then everyone dissect it. Discuss it. Take it apart and figure out what is true for YOU using your tools of resonance WITHIN. Okay.