HMI Science Analysis

HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

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Page 1: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

HMI Science Analysis

Page 2: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability

• The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study the origin of solar variability and to characterize and understand the Sun’s interior and the various components of magnetic activity.

• HMI produces data to determine the interior sources and mechanisms of solar variability and how the physical processes inside the Sun are related to surface and coronal magnetic fields and activity.

Page 3: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

Key HMI science problems

• Dynamo and activity cycle

• Emergence and evolution of AR

• Energetics and triggering of flares

and CMEs

Page 4: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

1. Convection-zone dynamics and solar dynamo– Structure and dynamics of the tachocline– Variations in differential rotation.– Evolution of meridional circulation.– Dynamics in the near-surface shear layer.

2. Origin and evolution of sunspots, active regions and complexes of activity

– Formation and deep structure of magnetic complexes.– Active region source and evolution.– Magnetic flux concentration in sunspots.– Sources and mechanisms of solar irradiance variations.

3. Sources and drivers of solar activity and disturbances– Origin and dynamics of magnetic sheared structures and delta-type sunspots.– Magnetic configuration and mechanisms of solar flares and CME.– Emergence of magnetic flux and solar transient events.– Evolution of small-scale structures and magnetic carpet.

4. Links between the internal processes and dynamics of the corona and heliosphere

– Complexity and energetics of solar corona.– Large-scale coronal field estimates.– Coronal magnetic structure and solar wind

5. Precursors of solar disturbances for space-weather forecasts– Far-side imaging and activity index.– Predicting emergence of active regions by helioseismic imaging.– Determination of magnetic cloud Bs events.

Primary Science Objectives

Page 5: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

HMI Major Science ObjectivesSolar Dynamo

Global Circulation

Irradiance Sources

Far-side Imaging

Solar Subsurface Weather

Coronal Magnetic Field

Magnetic Connectivity

Sunspot Dynamics

Magnetic Stresses

Interior Structure

NOAA 9393


Page 6: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

HMI Science Analysis Plan

Magnetic Shear


Differential Rotation

Meridional Circulation

Near-Surface Shear Layer

Activity Complexes

Active Regions


Irradiance Variations

Flare Magnetic Configuration

Flux Emergence

Magnetic Carpet

Coronal energetics

Large-scale Coronal Fields

Solar Wind

Far-side Activity Evolution

Predicting A-R Emergence

IMF Bs Events

Brightness Images

Global Helioseismology


Local Helioseismology




Vector Magnetograms



Line-of-SightMagnetic Field Maps

Coronal magneticField Extrapolations

Coronal andSolar wind models

Far-side activity index

Deep-focus v and cs

maps (0-200Mm)

High-resolution v and cs

maps (0-30Mm)

Carrington synoptic v and cs

maps (0-30Mm)

Full-disk velocity, v(r,Θ,Φ),And sound speed, cs(r,Θ,Φ),

Maps (0-30Mm)

Internal sound speed,cs(r,Θ) (0<r<R)

Internal rotation Ω(r,Θ)(0<r<R)

Vector MagneticField Maps

Science ObjectiveData ProductProcessing


HMI Data

Page 7: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

Key Features of HMI Science Plan

• Data analysis pipeline: standard helioseismology and magnetic field analyses

• Development of new approaches to data analysis

• Targeted theoretical and numerical modeling• Focused data analysis and science working

groups• Joint investigations with AIA and EVE• Cooperation with other space- and ground-

based projects (SOHO, Hinode, PICARD, STEREO, RHESSI, GONG+, SOLIS, HELAS …)

Page 8: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

JSOC - HMI Pipeline

HMI Data Analysis Pipeline


HeliographicDoppler velocity


Tracked TilesOf Dopplergrams




Tracked full-disk1-hour averagedContinuum maps

Brightness featuremaps

Solar limb parameters


Full-disk 10-minAveraged maps

Tracked Tiles


Vector MagnetogramsFast algorithm

Vector MagnetogramsInversion algorithm

Egression andIngression maps



Ring diagrams

Wave phase shift maps

Wave travel times

Local wave frequency shifts


Time seriesTo l=1000

Mode frequenciesAnd splitting

Brightness Images

Line-of-SightMagnetic Field Maps

Coronal magneticField Extrapolations

Coronal andSolar wind models

Far-side activity index

Deep-focus v and cs

maps (0-200Mm)

High-resolution v and cs

maps (0-30Mm)

Carrington synoptic v and cs

maps (0-30Mm)

Full-disk velocity, v(r,Θ,Φ),And sound speed, cs(r,Θ,Φ),

Maps (0-30Mm)

Internal sound speed,cs(r,Θ) (0<r<R)

Internal rotation Ω(r,Θ)(0<r<R)

Vector MagneticField Maps

HMI DataData ProductProcessing



Page 9: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study


Code: Doppler velocity, Lev1J.SchouS.Tomczyk

Status: needs improvements

Code: artificial dataN. MansourA. WrayR. Stein

Status: in development


Tracked TilesOf Dopplergrams


Egression andIngression maps



Ring diagrams

Wave phase shift maps

Wave travel times

Local wave frequency shifts

Far-side activity index

Deep-focus v and cs

maps (0-200Mm)

High-resolution v and cs

maps (0-30Mm)

Carrington synoptic v and cs

maps (0-30Mm)

Full-disk velocity, v(r,Θ,Φ),And sound speed, cs(r,Θ,Φ),

Maps (0-30Mm)

Internal rotation Ω(r,Θ)(0<r<R)

HeliographicDoppler velocity



Time seriesTo l=1000

Mode frequenciesAnd splitting

Internal sound speed,cs(r,Θ) (0<r<R)

Page 10: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

Global helioseismology

Code: projectJ. Schou

Status: ready to port

Code: qdotprodJ.Schou

Status: ready to port

Code: peak baggingJ.Schou

Status: needs improvements

Code: sound-speed inversionsA.Kosovichev

Status: ready to port

Code: rotation inversionJ.SchouR. Howe

Status: ready to port



Internal rotation Ω(r,Θ)(0<r<R)Heliographic

Doppler velocitymaps


Time seriesTo l=1000

Mode frequenciesAnd splitting

Internal sound speed,cs(r,Θ) (0<r<R)

Page 11: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study


Tracked TilesOf DopplergramsFiltergrams

Ring diagramsLocal wave

frequency shifts

Carrington synoptic v and cs

maps (0-30Mm)

Full-disk velocity, v(r,Θ,Φ),And sound speed, cs(r,Θ,Φ),

Maps (0-30Mm)

Ring Diagrams

Code: fastrackR.Bogart,J.Toomre D. HaberB. Hindman

Status: needs improvements

Additional funding: 0.5 FTE

Code: power spectrumR.Bogart

Status: ready to port

Code: sensitivity kernelsA.Birch

Status: in development

Code: inversionsJ.Toomre, D.Haber, B.Hindman

Status: needs improvements

Additional funding: 0.75 FTE

Code: ring fittingS.Basu, F.Hill, J.Toomre,D.Haber,B.Hindman

Status: needs improvements

Additional funding:0.75 FTE

Total Needed : 2 FTE

Page 12: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study


Tracked TilesOf Dopplergrams

Filtergrams Time-distanceCross-covariance

functionWave travel times

Deep-focus v and cs

maps (0-200Mm)

High-resolution v and cs

maps (0-30Mm)

Carrington synoptic v and cs

maps (0-30Mm)

Full-disk velocity, v(r,Θ,Φ),And sound speed, cs(r,Θ,Φ),

Maps (0-30Mm)

Time-Distance Helioseismology

Code: fastrackR.Bogart,T.DuvallJ.Zhao

Status: needs improvements (remapping issues)

Code: cross-covarianceT.DuvallJ.Zhao

Status: needs improvements

Code: travel time fittingT.DuvallJ.ZhaoS.Couvidat

Status: needs improvements

Code: sensitivity kernelsA.KosovichevJ.ZhaoA.Birch

Status: needs improvements

Code: inversionsA.KosovichevJ.Zhao, A.BirchS.CouvidatJ.ToomreB.Hindman

Status: needs improvements

Additional funding: 0.5 FTE

Total Need: 1.5 FTE

Code: deep-focus mapsT.DuvallA.KosovichevJ.Zhao

Status: needs substantial development

Additional funding: 1FTE

Page 13: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study


Tracked TilesOf Dopplergrams

Filtergrams Egression andIngression maps

Wave phase shift maps

Far-side activity index

High-resolution v and cs

maps (0-30Mm)

Acoustic Holography

Code: fastrackR.BogartD.BraunC.Lindsay

Status: needs improvements (field-effect corrections)

Code: egression-ingressionD.BraunC.Lindsay

Status: needs improvements

Code: phase shiftsD.Braun C.Lindsay

Status: needs improvements (shower glass corrections)

Code: sensitivity kernelsA. Birch

Status: in development

Code:holographic inversionsA.Birch

Status: in development

Code: Far-side imagingP.ScherrerC.LindsayD.Braun

Status: needs improvements


Page 14: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

Magnetic FieldsStokes



Full-disk 10-minAveraged maps

Tracked Tiles


Vector MagnetogramsFast algorithm

Vector MagnetogramsInversion algorithm

Line-of-SightMagnetic Field Maps

Coronal magneticField Extrapolations

Coronal andSolar wind models

Vector MagneticField Maps

Code: Stokes I,V,Lev0.5 V & LOS fieldJ. SchouS. Tomzcyk

Status: in development

Code: Stokes I,Q,U,VJ. SchouS. Tomzcyk

Status: in development

Page 15: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

Line-of Sight Magnetic FieldStokes


Line-of-sightMagnetograms Line-of-Sight

Magnetic Field Maps

SynopticMagnetic Field Maps

Magnetic Footpoint Velocity Maps

Code: LOS magnetogramsJ. SchouS. Tomzcyk

Status: in development

Code: LOS magnetic maps (project?)T. HoeksemaR. Bogart

Status: in development

Code: Synoptic Magnetic Field Maps T. HoeksemaX. ZhaoE. Benevolenskaya

Status: in development

Code: Velocity Maps of Magnetic FootpointsY. LiuG. Fisher

Status: in development

Additional funding: TBD

Page 16: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

Vector Magnetic Field

Filtergrams StokesI,Q,U,V

Full-disk 10-minAveraged maps

Tracked Tiles

Vector MagnetogramsFast algorithm

Vector MagnetogramsInversion algorithm

Coronal magneticField Extrapolations

Coronal andSolar wind models

Vector MagneticField Maps

Code: fastrackR. Bogart

Status: needs modifications for fields

Code: Vector Field Fast and Inversion AlgorithmsJ. SchouS. Tomzcyk

Status: in development

Code: Vector Field MapsT. HoeksemaY.Liu

Status: in development

Code: Coronal Field Extrapolations T.HoeksemaY.Liu, X.ZhaoC. SchrijverP.Goode K.D.Leka

Status: in development

Additional funding: 2 FTE

Code: Coronal Magnetic Field Topological PropertiesJ.LinkerV. Titov

Status: needs implementation

Code: Solar Wind ModelsX.ZhaoK.HayshiJ.LinkerP.GoodeV.Yurchishin

Status: in development

0.5 FTE

Total Need: 2.5 FTE

Page 17: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study


Filtergrams ContinuumBrightness

Brightness Images

Code: Continuum MapsSchou

Status: in development

Code: Solar Limb Parameters, Lev0.5 used to make other Lev1 products, Lev2 for science goals

R. BushJ. Kuhn

Status: in development

Code: Brightness Feature Maps(European contribution)

Status: in development

Code: Averaged Continuum MapsBush

Status: in development

Solar limb parametersper image for Lev0.5

Brightness Synoptic Maps

Tracked full-disk1-hour averagedContinuum maps

Code: Brightness Synoptic MapsScherrer

Status: in development

Solar limb parameters

Brightness featuremaps

Page 18: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

Coronal andSolar wind Properties

Surface Plasma Flows

HMI Science Analysis Plan – Magnetic Topics

9-3A Magnetic Shear

1-1A Tachocline

3-1B Differential Rotation

2-1C Meridional Circulation

4-1D Near-Surface Shear Layer

6-2B Active Regions

7-2C Sunspots

12-3D Magnetic Carpet+Heating

10-3B Flare/CME Mag. Config

11-3C Flux Emergence

13-4A Coronal Energetics AIA]1

14-4B Large-scale B, Ph+Cor

15-4C Solar Wind + Evol, Struct

16-5A Far-side Activity Evolution

17-5B Predicting A-R Emergence

18-5C IMF Bs Events



Vector Magnetograms

Line-of-SightMagnetic Field Maps

Coronal Magnetic FieldExtrapolations (non MHD)

Vector MagneticField Maps

Magnetic Data Products


HMI Data

5-2A Activity Complexes, Cycle

8-2D Irradiance Variations

19 Topology Structure over AR



Benevolenskaya, Bai




JBeck, YLiu,

XPZhao, KHayashi

YLiu, Schrijver







Hayashi, LM


Schrijver, YLiu







THoeksema, JSchou, HAO

YLiu, JSchou,*HAO


RBush, JSchou 20 B-Polar, Large/Small Int Benevolenskaya

Page 19: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study

Incomplete Magnetic Topic Group Affiliations (Please Sign Up!!)Tachocline - AKosovichev

Meridional Circulation - AKosovichev

Differential Rotation - AKosovichev

Near-surface Shear Layer - JBeck

Activity Complexes – Benevolenskaya, Bai, Hoeksema, Hayashi, Hurlburt, Gaizauskus, JHarvey

Active Regions – THoeksema, EBenevolenskaya, TBai, KHayashi, NHurlburt

Sunspots – TBai, THoeksema, EBenevolenskaya, NHurlburt

Irradiance Variations – RBush, TBerger, PBoerner

Magnetic Shear – YLiu, JBeck, KHayashi, AKosovichev, VYurchyshyn

Flare/CME Magnetic Config – Hayashi, LM, YLiu, XPZhao, Bai, Kosovichev, UC-B, HWang

Flux Emergence – YLiu, JBeck, Benevolenskaya, Hayashi, LM, BLites, Leka, HWang

Mag. Carpet & Heating [AIA#1] – KHayashi, KSchrijver, JBeck, EBenevolenskaya

Coronal Energetics [AIA] – KSchrijver, YLiu, Benevolenskaya, XPZhao, Hayashi, Leka, MCheung, UC-B, HWang

Large-scale B – Ph. + Cor. - KHayashi, THoeksema, EBenevolenskaya, XPZhao

Solar Wind – Evol+Struct. - Hayashi, Hoeksema, XPZhao, MWSO, CISM, Fuselier, Mikic

Far-side Activity – PScherrer, CLindsey, DBraun, SAIC

Predicting AR Emergence - TBai

IMF Bs Events – XPZhao, YLiu, KHayashi, VYurchyshyn, Hu, SFuselier, ZMikic

Magnetic Topology – YLiu, MSU-DLongcope, Barnes, SAIC-Titov

Polar & Multi-scale Field – EBenevolenskaya, THoeksema

Page 20: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study




Global helioseismology

Ring Diagrams 2.0 FTE

Time-Distance Helioseismology 1.5 FTE

Magnetic Fields

Vector Magnetic Field 2.5 FTE

Page 21: HMI Science Analysis. Primary Goal: Origins of Solar Variability The primary goal of the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) investigation is to study


• HMI will provide key data to study the Sun’s dynamics and magnetism: subsurface flow maps and photospheric vector magnetic fields.

• The HMI data analysis plan includes a standard pipeline processing and interactive data analysis tools.

• The analysis pipeline is being developed by the Co-I team, using existing techniques and software.

• However, to fully utilize the science potential of HMI additional funding is necessary for Co-I’s teams (in particular, for helioseismic imaging of the deep interior/tachocline, and coronal/heliospheric magnetic field analysis and models).