2015 STRATEGIES FOR IMPLEMENTING, SUSTAINING, AND EXPANDING CONNECTED HEALTH PROGRAMS TO CAPTURE ROI MHEALTH + TELEHEALTH WORLD @WrldHealthcare #mhealth2015 JULY 20-22, 2015 • SEAPORT HOTEL • BOSTON, MA Discuss the role of wearables and sensors in connected health initiatives Explore the use of mHealth and Telehealth in procedure-based specialties Focus on the return on investment and value on investment of connected health programs Uncover the use of technology in increasing medication adherence Join a Pre-Summit Workshop for more detailed discussions on: Implementation of Connected Health Programs Evidence-Based Outcomes Network with more than 350 health care industry professionals during extended networking breaks Share ideas with professionals in others areas of health care participating in the co-located events NEW FOR 2015 To register: www.worldcongress.com/mHealth • Phone: 1-800-767-9499 • Email: [email protected] Educational Underwriters: Silver Sponsor: Gold Sponsor: CO-LOCATED WITH: INNOVATIONS IN WELLNESS AND DISEASE MANAGEMENT July 21, 2015 Boston, MA IMPROVE POPULATION HEALTH • DECREASE COSTS • INTEGRATE TECHNOLOGY Partners: Organized by: Official Mobile App Sponsor: July 21-22, 2015 Seaport Hotel Boston, MA Leverage the Benefits of Mobile Innovation in Your Digital Marketing Strategy Pharmaceutical • Biotechnology • Medical Device/Diagnostics mPharma


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2 015

StrategieS for implementing, SuStaining, and expanding ConneCted HealtH programS to Capture roi

mHealtH + teleHealtH World

@WrldHealthcare #mhealth2015

J u l y 2 0 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 5 • S e a p o r t H o t e l • B o S t o n , M a

Discuss the role of wearables and sensors in connected health initiatives

explore the use of mHealth and telehealth in procedure-based specialties

Focus on the return on investment and value on investment of connected health programs

uncover the use of technology in increasing medication adherence

Join a pre-Summit Workshop for more detailed discussions on:

– Implementation of Connected Health programs

– evidence-Based outcomes

network with more than 350 health care industry professionals during extended networking breaks

Share ideas with professionals in others areas of health care participating in the co-located events

N e w f o r 2 0 1 5

To register: www.worldcongress.com/mHealth • Phone: 1-800-767-9499 • Email: [email protected]

Educational Underwriters:

Silver Sponsor:

Gold Sponsor:Co-loCated WitH:

InnovatIons in Wellness and DIsease ManageMent

July 21, 2015Boston, Ma

I M p r o v e p o p u l a t I o n H e a l t H • D e c r e a s e c o s t s • I n t e g r a t e t e c H n o l o g y


Organized by:

Official Mobile App Sponsor:

July 21-22, 2015

Seaport Hotel

Boston, MALeverage the Benefits of Mobile Innovation in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

P h a r m a c e u t i c a l • B i o t e c h n o l o g y • M e d i c a l D e v i c e / D i a g n o s t i c s


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From Integrated Delivery Networks, Hospitals, Health Systems, and Provider Group Practices:

• Chief Medical Information Officer• Chief Nursing Information Officer• Chief Innovation Officer• Chief Technology Officer• Chief Data Officer• Chief Operating Officer• Vice Presidents and Directors of: * Telehealth/Telemedicine * mHealth/Mobile Health * Innovative Strategy * Connected Health * Clinical Innovation * eHealth

* Strategic Planning * Technology Strategy * Consumer Technology

From Health Plans:

• Chief Operating Officers• Chief Innovation Officers• Chief Technology Officers• Chief Clinical Officer• Vice Presidents and Directors of: * Care Management * System Integration

* Innovative and Advanced Technology * Provider Network Management

This conference also benefits:

• Policy Makers• Regulators• Academia• Disease Management Companies• Consultants• Telehealth and mHealth Solution Providers• mHealth App Developers• Technology Providers• Analytics Companies• Communications Companies

Who Should Attend

to RegiSteR, please visit www.worldcongress.com/mhealth • Phone: 800-767-9499 Fax: 781-939-2543 • email: [email protected]

Co-loCAted With:

InnovatIons in Wellness and DIsease ManageMent

July 21, 2015Boston, Ma

I M p r o v e p o p u l a t I o n H e a l t H • D e c r e a s e c o s t s • I n t e g r a t e t e c H n o l o g y

2 015mHealtH + teleHealtH World

S P o n S o R S h i P A n d e X e C u t i V e n e t W o R K i n g o P P o R t u n i t i e S

Benefit from face to face marketing, corporate branding, and relationship building by participating in the mHealth + Telehealth World 2015 as

an active supporter and sponsor. For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

[A-K] Chris Karassik, Business Development Manager, World Congress

P: 781-939-2419 • Email: [email protected]

or [L-Z] Suzanne Carroll, Business Development Manager, World Congress P: 781-939-2648 • Email: [email protected]

July 21-22, 2015

Seaport Hotel

Boston, MALeverage the Benefits of Mobile Innovation in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

P h a r m a c e u t i c a l • B i o t e c h n o l o g y • M e d i c a l D e v i c e / D i a g n o s t i c s


Dear Esteemed Colleague,

The health care industry is in a time of constant change; it’s seeing payment reform, an increased use of technology, and more engaged and empowered consumers. Join mHealth + Telehealth World 2015 to learn strategies to keep up with the changes occurring in the expanding connected health market, and learn strategies to capitalize on the benefits of implementing connected health into patient care.

• Explore the ROI and value proposition of existing mHealth and Telehealth programs as well as programs incorporating wearable technologies and sensors

• Understand new reimbursement opportunities under state, federal, and commercial payers

• Discuss best practices for choosing which technology meets an organization’s specific needs

• Examine how empowering consumers can lower the cost of care as well as decrease avoidable readmissions

• Uncover the proposed solutions to licensing and credentialing issues and learn when the industry should expect a change

• Discover how use of connected health with procedure-based care differs from its use with other specialties

Don’t miss the opportunity to network with experts in mHealth and Telehealth as you learn valuable strategies to bring success to your organization’s connected health programs.

I look forward to meeting you in Boston.

Curtis Lowery

Curtis Lowery, MD Executive Director, The Center for Distance Health UNIvErSITy OF ArkANSAS FOr MEDICAL SCIENCES

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dAy one – MondAy, July 20, 201512:00 pm – 1:00 pm Workshop Registration

PRe-SuMMit WoRKShoPS1:00 pm – 4:15 pm WoRKShoP A: implement or expand a Connected health Program

Organizations that are not yet offering mHealth and Telehealth services are feeling a push to catch up with the market demand. This hands-on workshop offers insight on how to get a program up and running. Learn from organizations that have gone through planning and implementation to avoid common mistakes and jump-start the program.

• Create a strategy for implementation of new programs• Understand the common mistakes made in the development of new programs and how to avoid them• Examine successful programs and determine how these successes can translate into positive results for your organization• Develop a realistic timeline for designing and executing a mHealth and Telehealth strategyAlready have a connected health program? Join this workshop to understand the difference in approach of other organizations and use this insight to expand current programs.

Joseph Brennan Director, eCare Operations SPECTrUM HEALTH

Morgan Waller, MBA, BAPsy, BSN, rN Director, Telemedicine Professional Services CHILDrEN’S MErCy, kANSAS CITy

Alex Nason Vice President, Service Development SPECIALIST ON CALL

WoRKShoP B: explore examples of Connected health Success and discover evidence-Based outcomes Health care organizations and providers are hesitant to make changes and incorporate new processes without evidence of their success in improving outcomes. Drawing from clinical cases, the hands-on workshop shares lessons learned in the adoption of an mHealth practice model for every day patient care and the key design elements of a successful connected health practice.

• Hear numerous clinical cases highlighting the effectiveness of mHealth and Telehealth in improving patient outcomes and lowering costs• Understand the limitations of connected health in real-world practice• Discuss the highest value health care applications in terms of the outcomes they provide

Dan Carlin, MD Founder, Chief Executive Officer WOrLDCLINIC


kirtana vedire Former Researcher vA TELEDErMATOLOGy

dAy tWo – tueSdAy, July 21, 2015 — MAin SuMMit7:00 am – 8:00 am Summit Registration and Morning Coffee

8:00 am – 8:10 am Co-Chairpersons’ Welcome and opening Remarks

Curtis Lowery, MD Executive Director, The Center for Distance Health UNIvErSITy OF ArkANSAS FOr MEDICAL SCIENCES

Shafiq rab, MD Vice President, Chief Information Officer HACkENSACk UNIvErSITy MEDICAL CENTEr

eXAMine the FinAnCiAl iMPACt, VAlue, And ReSouRCeS needed FoR SuCCeSSFul ConneCted heAlth initiAtiVeS

8:10 am – 8:50 am PAnel diSCuSSion: uncover the Roi of Connected health Programs

Many health care organizations are adopting use of mHealth and Telehealth to provide care to consumers, but it is still unclear what the real ROI is for these programs.

• Explore the ROI and value proposition of existing mHealth and Telehealth programs • Discuss the return for implementing mHealth and Telehealth solutions • Uncover the financial and nonfinancial benefits of offering mHealth and Telehealth services


Jennifer kent Director, Research Quality and Product Development PArkS ASSOCIATES


kamal Jethwani, MD, MPH Senior Director, Connected Health Innovation, PArTNErS HEALTHCArE Assistant Professor HArvArD MEDICAL SCHOOL

Lou Silverman Chief Executive Officer ADvANCED ICU CArE

to RegiSteR, please visit www.worldcongress.com/mhealth • Phone: 800-767-9499 Fax: 781-939-2543 • email: [email protected]


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pm –


5 pm

“mHealth + Telehealth World Conference is a great place to meet the shakers and movers of health care from across the industry. The most appealing feature of this conference is the size, it’s large enough to attract compelling speakers and attendees but small

enough to be able to engage in intimate conversations that are passionate and motivating about health care.” — t. neil PieRCe, JR., StRAtegiC ConSultAnt / enteRPRiSe SolutionS: gPS-enteRPRiSe MeSSAging teAM, huMAnA inC.

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to RegiSteR, please visit www.worldcongress.com/mhealth • Phone: 800-767-9499 Fax: 781-939-2543 • email: [email protected]

dAy tWo – tueSdAy, July 21, 2015 (Continued)8:50 am – 9:30 am PAnel diSCuSSion: explore Reimbursement and Financing of Connected health Programs

The rapid growth of Telehealth technologies and arrangements offers enormous benefits to the health care community, along with the opportunities for improved patient care, outcomes, satisfaction, and efficiency. It similarly offers great promise for new provider business models and arrangements. When designing a Telehealth service offering, providers and their leadership should explore the various financial opportunities and compensation models used in this area. These arrangements must be not only financially viable, but structured to comply with federal and state compliance laws and regulations.

• Hear recent changes in policy and reimbursement for connected health programs• Learn financial models and compensation methodologies for Telehealth contracts• Understand new reimbursement opportunities under state, federal, and commercial payers• Develop tools for Telehealth reimbursement policy advocacy


Nathaniel Lacktman, JD Partner FOLEy & LArDNEr LLP


Anuj Goel, JD, MPH Vice President, Legal and Regulatory Affairs MASSACHUSETTS HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION

karen rheuban, MD Medical Director, Office of Telemedicine UNIvErSITy OF vIrGINIA

Sarah Sossong Director, Mass General Telehealth MASSACHUSETTS GENErAL HOSPITAL

9:30 am – 10:15 am networking and Refreshment Break 10:15 am – 10:55 am VA PAnel diSCuSSion: Sift through technological offerings to determine the Best

Resources for the organizationAs organizations continue to implement and expand connected health programs, there are an increasing numbers of companies developing technologies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of these programs.

• Assess the market offerings for connected health • Discuss best practices for choosing which technology meets an organization’s specific needs


Matthew Squires Education Program Specialist, Store-and- Forward Telehealth National Training Center vETErANS HEALTH ADMINISTrATION


Anthony Cavallerano, OD Director, Store-and-Forward Telehealth National Training Center vETErANS HEALTH ADMINISTrATION

karen Ieong, rN, MSN Education Program Specialist, Store-and- Forward Telehealth National Training Center vETErANS HEALTH ADMINISTrATION

Guercie Jean-Baptiste, rN, MSN Education Program Specialist, Store-and-Forward Telehealth National Training Center vETErANS HEALTH ADMINISTrATION

engAge PRoVideRS And ConSuMeRS to inCReASe the PoSitiVe iMPACt oF ConneCted heAlth10:55 am – 11:35 am Bridge the Care Continuum — enable the Best Care When and Where it is needed

While the locations and technologies underpinning patient monitoring and surveillance change as a patient transitions across care settings, many of the clinical challenges remain the same. In this session, discuss these challenges, explore the similarities across the care continuum, and learn strategies to achieve efficiency and effectiveness.• Determine what information is required and at what resolution and frequency• Uncover who should receive this information• Examine the clinical decision support context that should be applied

Andrew Malcolmson Strategic Marketing Director, Remote Patient Monitoring, Respiratory, and Monitoring Solutions MEDTrONIC/COvIDIEN

11:35 am – 12:15 pm increase Provider Participation and engagement in Connected health Programs

Many providers understand the benefits of connected health and are quick to engage in these programs; however, some are still hesitant to change their processes and workflows to incorporate new technologies and practices. • Understand the hesitation of providers to adopt these new technologies• Examine ways to communicate the benefits of connected health programs to providers to gain interest• Uncover innovative ways to keep providers engaged in the long runModerator:

John Campbell Chief Information Officer SPAULDING rEHABILITATION NETWOrk


Jeffrey Benabio, MD Physician Director, Healthcare Transformation kAISEr PErMANENTE

Edward Martinez Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer MIAMI CHILDrEN’S HOSPITAL

Shafiq rab, MD Vice President, Chief Information Officer HACkENSACk UNIvErSITy MEDICAL CENTEr

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to RegiSteR, please visit www.worldcongress.com/mhealth • Phone: 800-767-9499 Fax: 781-939-2543 • email: [email protected]

dAy tWo – tueSdAy, July 21, 2015 (Continued)12:15 pm – 1:15 pm

luncheon Keynote: evaluate Mobile Self-Management – delivering Value Where it Matters MostMobile programs are an effective way to overcome barriers to self-management and have brought about opportunities to deliver health education in an efficient and effective manner. However, with so many apps in the market, it can be difficult evaluating which mHealth solutions engage and motivate consumers while also meeting the needs of the organization.

• Explore ways to overcome barriers to mHealth adoption• Discover critical requirements – from the user perspective – for sustained engagement and behavior change progress• Consider how to evaluate mHealth innovations for best company and user satisfaction

Connie Mester, MPH Founder and Chief Executive Officer THrIvE 4-7

1:15 pm – 1:55 pm PAnel diSCuSSion: explore innovative Strategies to increase Consumer engagement

Connected health programs cannot improve outcomes or lower costs if the consumer is not engaged in the process. Discuss how to engage consumers, both initially and over the long term, as consumers are becoming more involved in their health care.

• Recognize what motivates the evolving health care consumer • Identify innovative strategies to engage consumers at the start and throughout their continued care


David Inns Chief Executive Officer GrEATCALL


Gregory r. Weidner, MD Medical Director, Primary Care Innovation and Proactive Health, CArOLINAS HEALTHCArE SySTEM

Pamela DeSalvo Landis Assistant Vice President, Information Services CArOLINAS HEALTHCArE SySTEM

Seth Bokser, MD, MPH Associate Chief Medical Information Officer UNIvErSITy OF CALIFOrNIA, SAN FrANCISCO

1:55 pm – 2:35 pm empower Consumers through Self-Care and use of emerging technology

Connected health technologies encourage consumers to be more actively involved in managing their own care. With the right tools, and collaboration with their care providers, consumers are empowered to contribute to their own care and positively impact their health over time.

• Uncover best practices for empowering consumers and encouraging self-care• Explore technologies that collect both clinical and lifestyle data to track compliance with care plans• Understand how empowering consumers can lower the cost of care as well as decrease avoidable readmissions

John Bojanowski President HONEyWELL LIFE CArE SOLUTIONS

Paul H. kim, MD Founder PrEvI MEDICAL GrOUP, INC

2:35 pm – 3:20 pm networking and Refreshment Break

diSCoVeR the Role oF WeARABleS And PAtient-geneRAted dAtA in ConneCted heAlth PRogRAMS3:20 pm – 4:00 pm

ShARed SeSSion

outline the Benefits of Wearable technologies in health CareThe introduction of wearable technologies has brought a lot of discussion about their potential in various industries. Understanding their place in the health care industry requires a focus on the real use of these technologies and their impact on patients and caregivers.

• Explore the benefits of wearable sensor technology deployed in clinical studies and discuss the future of this technology• Uncover the role of wearable technology in improving outcomes for chronic and acute conditions for patients and care networks• Examine the increasing value of a wearable technology platform approach

Simon Hall Managing Consultant PA CONSULTING GrOUP

Maulik D. Majmudar, MD Associate Director, Healthcare Transformation Lab MASSACHUSETTS GENErAL HOSPITAL

Chris Steel Senior Partner PA CONSULTING GrOUP

4:00 pm – 4:40 pm

ShARed SeSSion

uncover the Roi of incorporating Wearable technologies and Sensors The new buzz in health care technology is the use of wearables and health sensors, but many are still in the early stages of seeing what impact they have on the patient care, member engagement, and population health.

• Review where and how these technologies are currently used by health plans• Discover what interventions have found the most success after implementing these technologies and how they have impacted programs• Discuss the ROI on incorporating this additional technology

Lori Huss Director, Wellness Capabilities HUMANA

hosted by:

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to RegiSteR, please visit www.worldcongress.com/mhealth • Phone: 800-767-9499 Fax: 781-939-2543 • email: [email protected]

dAy tWo – tueSdAy, July 21, 2015 (Continued)4:40 pm – 5:20 pm

ShARed SeSSion

Keynote AddReSS: incorporate Consumer-generated data into Workflows and Care PlansThe introduction of new consumer-centered health care technologies – such as wearables, medical devices, and remote monitoring devices – brings about additional data on consumers.

• Consider ways to incorporate additional data with minimal disruption in workflows and efficiency• Discuss what to do with this additional information once it is collected and available• Examine the impacts of HIPPA on utilization of consumer-generated data

Joseph C. kvedar, MD Vice President, Connected Health PArTNErS HEALTHCArE

5:20 pm – 6:20 pm Cocktail and networking Reception

dAy thRee – WedneSdAy, July 22, 20157:30 am – 8:00 am Morning Coffee

8:00 am – 8:15 am Co-Chairpersons’ Welcome and Review of Previous day

Curtis Lowery, MD Executive Director, The Center for Distance Health UNIvErSITy OF ArkANSAS FOr MEDICAL SCIENCES

Shafiq rab, MD Vice President, Chief Information Officer HACkENSACk UNIvErSITy MEDICAL CENTEr

eXAMine hoW RegulAtoRy deCiSionS iMPACt CuRRent PRogRAMS And the FutuRe oF the induStRy8:15 am – 9:00 am

ShARed SeSSion

explore the Regulation of Pharmaceutical Apps, Medical device Software, and Clinical decision Support (CdS) SoftwareThe FDA has been working to clarify the scope of its regulation over mobile health over the last few years. A September 2013 Guidance spelled out its oversight for some of the most common mobile medical apps; January 2015 Draft Guidances addressed oversight of apps for general wellness and ones that may be accessories to medical devices; and a February 2015 Final Guidance deregulated medical device data systems (including many mobile apps). Another guidance is expected to be issued soon providing clarity around apps that guide the appropriate use of drugs, many of which would be categorized as Clinical Decision Support software. In this session, gain an update as to what mobile health technology is regulated, what’s not, and what may still be under consideration to be regulated.

• Outline the eight types of apps developed by pharmaceutical companies for use in conjunction with one of their drugs – Identify the types of borderline products that FDA did not wish to regulate, or are so low risk they do not merit FDA oversight• Delve into which of these groups of apps currently are, or may be, regulated – Understand which apps are regulated as a part of FDA’s drug labeling• Examine the considerations around regulation of Clinical Decision Support for either patients or health professionals• Analyze the impact of the September 2014 International Medical Device Regulators Forum document on Software as a Medical Device as it relates to

the potential FDA regulation of medical device software• Learn about the bills currently being considered by Congress that would clarify the rules for pharmaceutical companies looking to help doctors and

patients make more appropriate use of drugs

Bradley Merrill Thompson Attorney EPSTEIN, BECkEr, & GrEEN P.C.

9:00 am – 9:45 am

ShARed SeSSion

CASe Study: utilize technology and unique Partnerships to improve Medication AdherenceMedication non-adherence accounts for approximately $300 Billion in avoidable health care costs. Improving medication adherence has many benefits – preventing adverse health outcomes, managing the progress of chronic disease, lowering costs, and improving star ratings – but it is not an easy task. In this case study, hear about a new approach being tested to improve medication adherence for heart attack survivors where researchers are evaluating a series of behavioral and economic motivational tools to improve medication adherence.

• Leverage new technology to monitor medication adherence, including a Bluetooth-enabled pill bottle that communicates wirelessly with the research servers• Explore behavioral economics tools that include reminders sent via text message and email

Aaron Smith-McLallen Lead Research Scientist, Client Solutions INDEPENDENCE BLUE CrOSS

Judd B. kessler, PhD Assistant Professor, Business Economics and Public Policy UNIvErSITy OF PENNSyLvANIA

9:45 am – 10:30 am networking and Refreshment Break

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to RegiSteR, please visit www.worldcongress.com/mhealth • Phone: 800-767-9499 Fax: 781-939-2543 • email: [email protected]

dAy thRee – WedneSdAy, July 22, 2015 (Continued)10:30 am – 11:15 am discuss the Current and Future impact of Regulations, licensing,

and Credentialing on Connected healthIssues of licensing and credentialing prevent providers from delivering care to those outside of their practicing state, even though mHealth and Telehealth increases access to providers across the country and around the world. Additional regulatory activities are also arising that have an impact on the expansion of connected health programs.

• Understand the recent “Model Policy” adopted by the Federation of State Medical boards and how it impacts connected health programs• Discuss the proposed solutions to licensing and credentialing issues and when the industry should expect a change• Uncover the activities around defining the establishment of a doctor-patient relationship and the impact on prescribing

Humayun J. Chaudhry, DO, MACP President, Chief Executive Officer FEDErATION OF STATE MEDICAL BOArDS

Catherine Zebrowski, PhD, MPH Deputy Director, Telehealth Program NATIONAL CENTEr FOr TELEHEALTH AND TECHNOLOGy

11:15 am – 12:00 pm explore the Current State of mhealth Privacy and Security

According to industry reports, an estimated half billion people across the globe will be using mobile health apps this year. Mobile health solutions have the potential to dramatically change the delivery of health care — tackling challenges such as disparate access to care, federal budgetary constraints, and care coordination — and encouraging patients to take a more active role in their health. However, the most cited concern relating to the widespread adoption of these technologies is the inherent privacy and security threats. In order for mHealth to become an integral part of the health care delivery system, patients need to have confidence that their personal health information will remain confidential and secure. Health care has been identified as the hot target for cyber threats and intrusions and regulatory agencies domestically and abroad have been far outpaced by the industry’s technological advancements.

• Understand the complex regulatory landscape facing mHealth in the areas of privacy and security, at both a national and international level• Identify the threat landscape and the particular vulnerabilities and areas of concern associated with mHealth devices and applications• Discover the proactive measures organizations can incorporate into their product development, marketing, distribution, and operations to minimize

privacy and security risks and enhance regulatory compliance.• Examine the policies, procedures, contract provisions, and insurance coverage that organizations can adopt in order to minimize their downside risk

associated with mHealth privacy and security threats kristi kung, JD


Edward J. Grogan, MS.IST, CHCIO, CPHIMS, CCE Vice President, Information Services, Chief Information Officer CALvErT HEALTH SySTEM

deVeloP A StRAtegy And PRoCeSSeS FoR eXPAnSion Within the ConneCted heAlth MARKet12:00 pm – 12:45 pm PAnel diSCuSSion: explore the expansion of mhealth and telehealth Programs

As initial connected health programs are implemented and organizations start to see results, hospitals, health systems, and health plans then look to expand programs to other populations, specialties, and facilities.• Understand current programs and future expansion of these programs • Assess opportunities for the organization and prioritize these opportunities• Explore strategies for adapting implementation plans to new programs


Nirmal Patel, MD, MPH Chief Medical Information Officer TELADOC


Alan C. roga, MD Founder, Chief Executive Officer STATDOCTOrS

David Severance, MD Corporate Medical Director QUADMED

Judd E. Hollander, MD Associate Dean for Strategic Health Initiatives, SIDNEy kIMMEL MEDICAL COLLEGE; Vice Chair, Finance and Healthcare Enterprises; Department of Emergency Medicine, THOMAS JEFFErSON UNIvErSITy

12:45 pm – 1:45 pm

lunCheon Keynote: unlock the Power of telehealthThe Telehealth industry is going through unprecedented growth. What was once a fringe concept is now the most exciting advancement in health care. As changes in reimbursement and regulation drive interest and adoption, technology advancements are putting tools in the hands of clinicians, and rapidly expanding clinical applicability. The result is broad adoption across the health care ecosystem throughout the care continuum.

• Understand consumer Telehealth experience, technology and adoption drivers• Learn about the recent arrival of Telehealth 2.0 technologies and their impact on care across the health care ecosystem• Recognize technology requirements of patient-initiated and provider-directed Telehealth• Review key industry developments driving exponential growth and adoption

roy Schoenberg, MD Chief Executive Officer AMErICAN WELL

hosted by:

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dAy thRee – WedneSdAy, July 22, 2015 (Continued)1:45 pm – 2:30 pm CASe Study:

examine effective governance of Connected health and develop an enterprise StrategyWhen implementing or expanding a connected health program, organizations must assign governance and develop a system strategy in order to be successful. In this session, hear how one large organization has created an enterprise imaging strategy for managing clinical imaging content and the issues it has faced.

• Discuss the imaging challenges facing larger organizations and identify opportunities to optimize image acquisition, workflow, management, access, and storage• Identify steps for establishing an enterprise governance structure that provides direction and oversight for a multi-facility, multi-department image management program• Understand the benefits an enterprise imaging strategy can enable when tightly integrated to the EMR and which provides access to all types of clinical

images regardless of type or point of acquisition

Lou Lannum Director, MyPractice Imaging Solutions CLEvELAND CLINIC

kimberley Garriott Program Manager, MyPractice Imaging Solutions CLEvELAND CLINIC

2:30 pm – 3:15 pm CASe Study: utilize Connected health in Procedure-Based Specialties

Many connected health programs began with a focus on primary care specialties, and now have expanded to specialty care. Even so, most of these programs have not yet incorporated connected health technology in procedure-based specialties. In this session, hear from an organization that has incorporated connected health into care centered around procedures. • Explore how mHealth and Telehealth can be used to serve a patient both before and after surgery• Discover how use of connected health with procedure-based care differs from its use with other specialties• Uncover the impact on cost and convenience for these services

Matthew T. Harting, MD, MS Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatric Surgery UNIvErSITy OF TExAS MEDICAL SCHOOL, HOUSTON

3:15 pm Close of Summit

to RegiSteR, please visit www.worldcongress.com/mhealth • Phone: 800-767-9499 Fax: 781-939-2543 • email: [email protected]

Co-loCated WitH:

InnovatIons in Wellness and DIsease ManageMent

July 21, 2015Boston, Ma

I M p r o v e p o p u l a t I o n H e a l t H • D e c r e a s e c o s t s • I n t e g r a t e t e c H n o l o g y

July 21-22, 2015

Seaport Hotel

Boston, MALeverage the Benefits of Mobile Innovation in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

P h a r m a c e u t i c a l • B i o t e c h n o l o g y • M e d i c a l D e v i c e / D i a g n o s t i c s


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to RegiSteR, please visit www.worldcongress.com/mhealth • Phone: 800-767-9499 Fax: 781-939-2543 • email: [email protected]

Enhance your company’s visibility and impact at mHealth + Telehealth World 2015. Make a lasting impact with one of our sponsorship and branding opportunities. Choose from one of our creative interactive branding programs and let our team custom design an approach that meets your goals.

Hospital/ Provider 30%

Health Plan 9%

Media 6%

Academic/Association/Research/Gov’t 14%

Media/Research/ Academic/Gov’t 11%





Pharma/ Med Device







+ t












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C-Suite/President/Medical Director 23%

Other 12%


aud ience demograph ics

2 01 5

mHealtH + teleHealtH World

educational underwriters

Silver Sponsor and Keynote luncheon host:

gold Sponsor:Associate Sponsors

official Mobile App Sponsor


CoNSider a SPoNSorSHiP PaCKaGe available opportunities include:

• Premier level packages (Platinum, Gold and Silver) • Underwriting a prominent session where you can present to the entire conference delegation • Hosting a private

boardroom dinner • invitation only breakfast or lunch focus groups • Hosting a networking cocktail reception or refreshment break • turn-key exhibit space (table, chairs, standard

electric included) • advanced working-group webinar or white paper broadcast • 1-on-1 meetings facilitated on site

For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact: [A-K] Chr is Karass ik , Bus iness development Manager, Wor ld Congress • P: 781-939-2419 • Chr is .Karass [email protected]

or [l-Z] Suzanne Carrol l , Bus iness development Manager, Wor ld Congress P: 781-939-2648 • Suzanne.Carrol [email protected]

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07/20/2015StandardConference $ 1895.00 $ 2195.00 $ 2495.00Conference + One Workshop $ 2095.00 $ 2395.00 $ 2695.00HOSpital & HealtH SyStemS / HealtH planSConference $ 795.00 $ 995.00 $ 1295.00Conference + One Workshop $ 995.00 $ 1195.00 $ 1495.00GOvernmentConference $ 495.00 $ 495.00 $ 495.00Conference + One Workshop $ 695.00 $ 695.00 $ 695.00WebCaStWebcast Only $ 995.00Webcast plus Flash drive $ 1095.00Webcast archive on Flash drive $ 995.00

Fee for conference includes welcome coffee, lunch, reception, refreshments, and web-based conference documentation available pre- and post-event, accessible through password-protected website. Checks in U.S. funds drawn from U.S. bank payable to: WC Research Inc. No personal checks accepted. Verification may be required for rate approvals. Please contact us should you have any special needs.

sPeCiaL teaM DisCoUnts: Your organization may send ONE executive FREE for every three delegates registered. All registrations must be made at the same time to qualify. To register your team, contact us at 800-767-9499.

PaRtiCiPant sUbstitUtion anD CanCeLLations: Your registration may be transferred to a member of your organization up to 24 hours in advance of the conference. Cancellations received in writing on or before 30 days prior to the start of the event will be refunded, less a $395 administrative charge. No refunds will be made after this date; however, the registration fee less the $395 administrative charge can be credited to another World Congress conference if you register within 6 months from the date of this conference. In case of conference cancellation, World Congress’ liability is limited to refund of the conference registration fee only. World Congress reserves the right to alter this program without prior notice.

satisFaCtion gUaRanteeD: World Congress stands behind the quality of its conferences. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the conference, a credit will be awarded towards a comparable World Congress conference of your choice.

WEBSITEWorldCongress.com/ mHealth

RegisteR now!E-MAILwcreg@ worldcongress.com

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World Congress500 West Cummings Park, Suite 5200Woburn, MA 01801HL15028

VenUe: seaport Hotel 1 seaport Lane, boston, Ma 02210 (617) 385-4000 http://www.seaportboston.com Room Rate: $269 Cut-off Date: 7/1/15Please mention WC Research/World Congress when registering to receive this special rate!

SavE uP To $300 wHEn you rEgiSTEr by JunE 19, 2015! www.worldcongrESS.com/mHEalTH

PHONE800-767-9499781-939-2400 outside the U.S.

t o P R e A S o n S t o A t t e n d :

To register: www.worldcongress.com/mHealth • Phone: 1-800-767-9499 • Email: [email protected]

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mHealtH + teleHealtH World

@WrldHealthcare #mhealth2015

J u l y 2 0 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 5 • S e a p o r t H o t e l • B o S t o n , M a

SavE uP To $300 wHEn you rEgiSTEr by JunE 19, 2015!

Discuss the current and future impact of regulations, licensing, and credentialing on connected health

explore the roI and value proposition of existing mHealth and telehealth programs

understand new reimbursement opportunities under state, federal, and commercial payers

Discover innovative ways to increase provider and consumer engagement

examine the use of mHealth and telehealth technologies to improve medication adherence

assess opportunities for expansion of connected health programs

Calvert Health System Carolinas Healthcare System Cleveland Clinic Federation of State Medical Boards

Humana Independence Blue Cross Massachusetts General Hospital northwestern Medicine

partners HealthCare university of Virginia Veterans Health administration

…and many more!

h e A R l e S S o n S l e A R n e d A n d B e S t P R A C t i C e S F R o M :

StrategieS for implementing,

SuStaining, and expanding

ConneCted HealtH programS to Capture roi

Follow us on Twitter:@WrldHealthcare #mhealth2015