History of US Health Care System-Final Project

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  • 8/3/2019 History of US Health Care System-Final Project


    Running head: History of US Health Care System: Final Project

    History of US Health Care System: Final Project

    Antonio Abreu

    Nova Southeastern University

    BHS 3101

    Professor Maryellen Antonetti MPH, PA-C

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    History of US Health Care System: Final Project 2

    Health insurance in US

    Health care is arguably one of the most pressing concerns of governments all over the

    world. All developed countries are characterized by having elaborate healthcare systems which

    are in place to ensure that majority of the population has access to medical care when they need

    it. Arguably, health care insurance is a relatively new trend in the US. Before 1920, doctors and

    medical practitioners did not have many insights on diseases and curative techniques. As such,

    the cost of receiving medical care was relatively low and affordable to many Americans.

    However, as more discoveries were made and new techniques of delivering healthcare services

    emerged, the cost of receiving the medical treatment began to increase. As a result, many people

    could not afford quality care due to financial constraints.

    To this effect, private companies started offering health plans to their employees.

    However, the healthcare plans only covered against accidents related to travel by rail or water.

    However, these plans paved the way to more comprehensive covers that catered for other

    illnesses and injuries. In 1847, Massachusetts Health Insurance of Boston became the first

    company to offer group policies that gave comprehensive cover to its clients. Consequently, in

    1890, insurance companies started offering individual disability and illness policies to their

    clients (Northern California Neurosurgery Medical Group, 2007).

    By 1929, group insurance coverage had gained prominence in the US. Baylor Hospital

    was the first organization to enter into a contract with a group of teachers from Dallas. This

    agreement aimed at ensuring that these teachers receive room, board and medical services from

    the hospital. The teachers on the other hand agreed to pay a monthly fee in exchange for these

    services. Soon after, several life insurance companies joined this seemingly lucrative field. A

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    History of US Health Care System: Final Project 3

    precursor to future health care insurance schemes in America was Blue Cross which were the

    first to establish a health insurance similar to the modern model of the health care system in

    America today. This plan developed in 1930 advocated the payment of small premiums that

    would provide coverage for medical costs should one be hospitalized. The rationale behind this

    arrangement was that while huge medical bills were unaffordable to most people, little

    deductions over a long period of time were affordable to the majority of the population

    (Kooijman, 1999). This form of prepaid service were beneficial to both the hospital and the

    consumer especially in times of economic difficulties since neither party had to worry about the

    hospital bill being paid.

    During the Second World War, employers started offering insurance cover to their

    employees mostly as a way of attracting and retaining employees. However, this created a trend

    and became almost mandatory as strong trade unions started to negotiate for insurance packages

    for their employees. Northern California Neurosurgery Medical Group, (2007) notes that as of

    1960, private health insurance was deeply imbedded into the American health care system and

    over 70% of the citizens had some form of health care coverage.

    In 1965, the U.S government created the Medicare and Medicaid programs with the aim

    of subsidizing the escalating cost of medical services (United States Department of Health and

    Human Services, 2009). This was mainly due to the fact that private sources catered for 75% of

    their medical costs (Moon, 2006). At this rate, many citizens could not cover their medical costs.

    However, these programs proved to be effective because as at 1995, individuals and companies

    enjoyed reduced costs since they only paid about half of their medical bills while the government

    covered the rest through these programs (United States Department of Health and Human

    Services, 2009).

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    History of US Health Care System: Final Project 4

    History of Laser Eye Surgery

    In the past few decades, inventions and breakthrough scientific discoveries in the

    biological field have resulted in the prevalence of access to sophisticated equipment and

    advanced diagnostic procedures that were once only in the realm of research institutes and few

    specialist hospitals. One of these technological advancements has been in the form of laser eye

    surgery. Documented evidence indicates that over the past one hundred years, there has been an

    increased interest in refractive surgery (Taylor, 2011). By 1898, Lans, a prominent professor of

    Ophthalmology had laid out the basic principles of radial keratotomy (Taylor, 2011). Before

    1970, various eye specialists adopted different methods and techniques to treat eye related

    problems (Taylor, 2011). However, there were many complications regarding these techniques

    and in some cases, they made the situation worse.

    The most significant breakthrough was made in Russia in 1970s. This was in a case

    whereby Dr. Fyodorov was treating a boy whose glasses had broken and damaged his eyes

    (Taylor, 2011). This situation gave the doctor an opportunity to test the effectiveness of radial

    keratotomy. After the surgery, the doctor documented that the boys refractions were

    significantly less than they were before the injury. This discovery prompted him to do more

    research on the procedure. As a result, he came up with a formula that made refractive surgery

    more predictable than it was before (Taylor, 2011). It was not until 1978 that American

    ophthalmologist Dr. Leo Bores brought back the necessary technology for this surgery into

    America (Lasersurgeryforeyes.com, 2002). It should be noted that until 1970, lasers were

    primarily used to produce silicone computer chips in America (Lasersurgeryforeyes.com, 2002).

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    History of US Health Care System: Final Project 5

    The mode of production was referred to as Excimer laser process (Lasersurgeryforeyes.com,


    After further research, it was discovered that the Excimer laser procedure could be used

    to remove damaged tissues without the risk of heat damaging the surrounding tissues

    (Dlxguard.com, 2009). This discovery was made in 1982 by three members of an IBM research

    team (Dlxguard.com, 2009). Soon after, this technique was applied in an array of medical

    procedures and treatments. However, it was not until 1982 that Dr. Steven Trokel, an American

    ophthalmologist based in New York first conducted the first eye surgery using this technique

    (Dlxguard.com, 2009). The following decade saw scientists and researchers devoting significant

    efforts towards perfecting the technique.

    It was not until 1996 that the government finally approved laser eye surgery in the US

    (Dlxguard.com, 2009). This approval led to a surge in eye treatment options. It should be noted

    that before this approval, some eye treatment options would leave the patient immobile for a long

    period of time (six or more weeks), and the surgeries were very risky. However, laser eye

    surgery presented practitioners and patients with a less risky, time saving, efficient and

    convenient option to correcting eye problems. Arguably, if you were among the 80% of

    Americans who require vision correction, the only option before the approval of laser eye

    surgery would have been either glasses or contact lenses. However, this is no longer the case

    since these techniques enable ophthalmologists to correct eye defects such as near or

    farsightedness effectively through radial keratotomy. More research is being carried out to

    improve the technique and facilitate better and safer eye correction services in the future.

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    History of US Health Care System: Final Project 6

    Michael DeBakey: Father of cardiovascular surgery

    A life well lived is one that is lived in such a way that it makes a positive difference to

    others. Throughout history, different people have been credited for their works in regards to

    making a difference in the lives of others. Michael DeBakey is among such people in the medical

    arena. Born in 1908, in Los Angeles, this American surgeon helped develop various treatments

    and surgical procedures that have revolutionized the medical practice up to date (Notable Names

    Database, 2011). Before he died of natural causes in 2008, Michael DeBakey had performed

    heart operations in excess of 60,000 (Women's Internation Center, 2010). In addition, he had

    published more than 1,500 scientific publications that helped other practitioners understand and

    treat various medical phenomenons (Notable Names Database, 2011). His work has helped add

    decades of years to some of his patients in America and abroad. Similarly, he has trained many

    renowned surgeons across the world.

    Of his many achievements and contributions to medicine and health care, one of his

    major achievements included the invention of the roller-pump in 1932 (Notable Names

    Database, 2011). Twenty years later, this invention became an essential component during the

    development of the heart-lung machine which enabled cardiovascular surgeons to conduct open-

    heart surgeries. NNDB (2011) further reports that in 1953, Michael DeBakey introduced

    improved Dacron and Dacron-velour artificial grafts to replace damaged arteries (Notable

    Names Database, 2011). He was among the leaders in the development of artificial arteries and

    introduced the concept of bypass surgery in the healthcare sector (Notable Names Database,

    2011). He is also credited for the creation and development of the Mobile Army Surgical

    Hospitals (M.A.S.H) concept, which helped save many lives during the Korean and Vietnamese

    wars (Women's Internation Center, 2010). I personally was part of a group in Iraq that was

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    History of US Health Care System: Final Project 7

    tasked with setting up mobile medical/battle aid station as we refer to them in the Navy; trust me

    when I say a lot of logistics goes into setting them up.

    Arguably, Michael DeBakey is best known for inventing the ventricular assist device

    (VAD) that is commonly referred to as the artificial heart. He invented this device in 1968 so that

    it would help patients whose hearts had weak cardiovascular muscles pump blood by assisting

    the main pumping chamber (Notable Names Database, 2011). It should be noted that this

    invention was never intended to replace the full heart but merely to offer assistance to weakened

    hearts. However, it paved way for more research and consequently, the first artificial heart was

    developed and implanted into a human being a year later (Notable Names Database, 2011). This

    operation was carried out in 1969 by Dr. Denton Cooley who was a former colleague of Michael

    DeBakey (Notable Names Database, 2011).

    In his pursuit for perfection, Michael DeBakey together with another colleague invented

    the Jarvik artificial heart (Notable Names Database, 2011). This heart was first fitted into a

    human being in 1982 (Notable Names Database, 2011). Later on in the 90s, Michael DeBakey in

    collaboration with NASA developed a miniaturized heart pump (Notable Names Database,

    2011). This pump was so small that it could easily and comfortably be implanted in a child.

    These are among the key contributions that the renowned surgeon and physician made during his

    lifetime. Besides this, he was best known as being a Good Samaritan, a pioneer and a dedicated

    statesman who strived to ensure that every person had a chance to live a long and healthy life

    (Women's Internation Center, 2010). The WIC website states that Dacron arteries, arterial

    bypass operations, artificial hearts, heart pumps and heart transplants are common procedures in

    today's medicine, thanks to Dr. DeBakey (Women's Internation Center, 2010). This statement is

    true as has been elaborated in this essay.

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    History of US Health Care System: Final Project 8

    Health care reforms in the U.S

    The US government has always taken a keen interest in the healthcare provision of its

    citizens. Kovner, Knickman and Jonas (2008) state that this idea of government involvement in

    the health concerns of the citizens can trace its existence from as far back as the 17th century

    (Koyner, Knickman, & Jonas, 2008). It is recorded that as early as the beginning of the 19th

    century, a majority of American citizens were worried about the affordability and availability of

    health care (Koyner, Knickman, & Jonas, 2008). It is for this reason that the public healthcare

    option was conceived in the late 1800s (Koyner, Knickman, & Jonas, 2008). However, it was in

    the era of President Theodore Roosevelt that health reforms took a definite shape. His

    monumental declaration that "Nothing can be more important to a state than its public health:

    the state's paramount concern shouldbe the health of its people (Sebelius, 2009). Highlighted

    his dedication towards achieving a system that he perceived would afford the population the best

    opportunity to acquire health care. Roosevelts continuous commitment to a national health

    insurance plan through from 1912 was one of the key factors that shaped the public health

    insurance policies in the United States (Koyner, Knickman, & Jonas, 2008).

    Kooijman (1999), states that as of 1935, the efforts for national health insurance were

    greatly derailed by medical practitioners who were greatly opposed to the arrangement

    (Kooijman, 1999). This opposition stemmed from a misguided perception of what health

    insurance implied. The practitioners mistook the national health insurance for a socialistic

    system of medical practice whereby the government would limit the fee they received for their

    services (Kooijman, 1999). This widespread lack of support for the system led to the exclusion

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    History of US Health Care System: Final Project 9

    of a national health insurance plan in the social security act thus dealing a great blow to the

    public option (Kooijman, 1999).

    In 1994, then, US President Clinton made a move to provide universal coverage through

    an employer mandate in 1994 (Singer, 2009). However, his administration was against a public

    insurance option which they deemed to be too expensive (Singer, 2009). President Bush also

    dealt a blow to the universal health care system by his move to veto a proposed health insurance

    program (Singer, 2009). He perceived the plan as a move towards a socialized health care system

    which would be unwanted since it would end up benefiting people who did not need any

    assistance (Singer, 2009).

    The public option received a new lease of life with the election of President Obama in

    2008 (Singer, 2009). One of his major campaign policies was the wide spread reforms in the

    health care system. This has been perceived to be one of the major factors that led to his election.

    President Obama sees a shift towards a healthcare system that is both affordable and places value

    on quality service as the solution to the troubled system currently in place. His emphasis is on the

    affordability of health care for all American citizens through the adoption of a public option that

    would offer competitive prices to the people and therefore greatly regulate the health insurance

    market. However, his aim towards this has been marred by opposition from senators and

    financial institutions (Singer, 2009).

    Vaccination: A preventive measure for all ages

    Over the past few years there have been an increase in the number of diseases that affect

    human beings. As such, researchers and medical experts have dedicated most of the available

    resources to ensure that both preventive and curative measures are put in place in a bid to avoid

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    History of US Health Care System: Final Project 10

    further spread of the various diseases that pose a serious risk to the human race. The major

    challenge being faced globally is creating awareness of the diseases and controlling or containing

    their spread. Throughout history, vaccination has proven to be an effective strategy against many

    life threatening infections and ailments.

    In the United States, vaccines were used to eradicate life-threatening conditions such as

    polio and small pox. Arguably, the rise and fall of small pox is among the best feat when it

    comes to medical breakthroughs. The origin of the disease is not well known but it is believed to

    have originated from Africa and spread through other parts of the world. However, it was

    reported in most parts of America in the 17


    and the 18


    centuries. The fall of the scourge came

    through the realization that the people who survived the disease became immune for life. This

    knowledge led to the development of the process known as variolation (Brannon, 2004). This

    process involved infecting a healthy person with a mild form of small pox in the hope that he/she

    would develop some immunity against the disease in the future.

    The process worked and people underwent this process. Statistics indicate that 2-3% of

    people who underwent this process died of smallpox (Brannon, 2004). However, the majority

    survived and the number of people infected by this disease reduced significantly. Edward Jenner

    is credited for being the inventor of the first small pox vaccine (Brannon, 2004). The English

    physician observed that milkmaids who developed cowpox were less vulnerable to small pox. As

    a result, in 1796, the physician took a pustule sample of the cowpox infected maid and inoculated

    an 8 year old boy with it (Brannon, 2004). Six weeks later, Jenner exposed the subject to

    smallpox. To his own amazement, the boy did not show any symptoms of the disease. It is from

    this result that Jenner came up with the word vaccine. The word came from the Latin word

    vaca, which means cow (Brannon, 2004).

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    History of US Health Care System: Final Project 11

    Initially, many practitioners and people criticized his work but as his success rate

    increased; his method was rapidly adopted by other practitioners. Statistics indicate that at the

    wake of 1800, more than 100,000 people were already vaccinated against the disease. In

    America, the last outbreak of the disease was reported in 1949 (Brannon, 2004). The outbreak

    only affected eight people and claimed one life. However, the disease still claimed lives in other

    parts of the world.

    As a result, the world health organization initiated a campaign in 1967 (Brannon, 2004).

    The main purpose of this campaign was to promote awareness and eradicate smallpox in all

    regions of the world. This goal was realized in the ten years that followed. This was attributed to

    the massive vaccination efforts that ensued during that period (Brannon, 2004). Consequently,

    the last case of smallpox was reported in Somalia in 1977. However, measures were taken to

    ensure that everyone was vaccinated against the disease.

    Subsequently, in 1980, the World Health Assembly finally declared the world free from

    this killer disease (Brannon, 2004). It should be noted that by the year 1972, America had

    already vaccinated all its citizens but continued to vaccinate military personnel who were at risk

    of infection due to the nature of their job (Brannon, 2004). Vaccinations have been used to create

    immunity against other diseases. As a result, the infant mortality rate has decreased significantly

    across the world as compared to the situation a century ago.

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    History of US Health Care System: Final Project 12


    Brannon, H. (2004, September 25). Smallpoxhx: About.com. Retrieved August 5, 2011, from

    About Corporation Website:


    Dlxguard.com. (2009). Retrieved August 5, 2011, from Dlxguard.com:http://www.dlxguard.com/history-laser-eye-surgery

    Kooijman, R. (1999). The Pursuit of National Health: the Incremental Strategy toward National

    Health Insurance in the United States of America. Atlanta: Rodopi Edition.

    Koyner, A., Knickman, J., & Jonas, S. (2008).Health Care Delivery in the United States. New

    York: Springer Publishing Company.

    Lasersurgeryforeyes.com. (2002).History: Laser Surgery for Eyes. Retrieved August 4, 2011,

    from Lasersurgeryforeyes Corporation: http://www.lasersurgeryforeyes.com/history.html

    Moon, M. M. (2006).Medicare: A policy primer. Washington: The Urban Institue Press.

    Northern California Neurosurgery Medical Group. (2007, October 11).Medical History and

    Ethics: History of Health Insurance in the United States. Retrieved August 5, 2011, from




    Notable Names Database. (2011). People: Michael DeBakey. Retrieved Ausgust 4, 2011, from

    Notable Names Database Corporation Website:


    Sebelius, K. (2009, August 15). healthcare.gov. Retrieved August 4, 2011, from Health Care

    Goverment Website: http://www.healthcare.gov/healthreform

    Singer, P. (2009, July 15).New York Times. Retrieved August 4, 2011, from Ney York Time

    Website: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/19/magazine/19healthcare-t.html?_r=1

    Taylor, J. (2011). Types: History. Retrieved August 04, 2011, from Laser Eye Surgery network:


    United States Department of Health and Human Services. (2009).About: Health and Human

    Services History. Retrieved August 4, 2011, from U.S. Department of Health and Human

    Services: http://www.hhs.gov/about/hhshist.html

    Women's Internation Center. (2010).Bio: Debakey. Retrieved August 04, 2011, from Women's

    Internation Center Organization: http://www.wic.org/bio/debakey.htm