History Answers

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History Answers

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  • History PTSP-15

    Answers with Explanation

    1. A

    Varuna is the third most important diety in the Rigveda.

    Nirrti was the Goddess of death and corruption (Darkness). Nir-rta means absence of rta i.e. lawless.

    2. A

    A word Ayas means metal and not ion. Gold was much more commonly used.

    3. B

    Gold is mentioned in some of the hyms but no indication of the use of coins. They used weights of gold as gold currency.

    4. C

    5. D

    Fourth Buddhist Council: Kanishka.

    Mahayana and Hinayana sect

    Held in 1-2 AD at Kundalvana in Kashmir under Vasumitra and Asvagosha.

    6. B

    7. D

    Republics grew out of monarchies. Gana and Sangha were the names given to republics. The most important republics were Licchavis/Kurus/Panchala/Kamboja.

    8. D

    Maski is in Raichur district (Karnataka)

    Edicts are the inscriptions on the pillars of Ashoka explaining the expansion of Buddhism through sponsership of one of most powerful king and proclaims Ashokas believes in Dhamma and his efforts to develop it.

    9. B

    In eastern part inscription were written in Magadhi using Brahmi script.

    In western part inscription were written in Kharoshti script which was quite close to Sanskrit.

    10. D

    Gandhara School of Art was influenced by Greek form of sculptures.

    Charaka was one of the great lived in Kaniskas court.

    Charaka Samhita was written by Charaka which explains the Ayurvedic system of medicines.

    Satvahana kingdom was divided in Janapada which was again divided into Aharas under Amatyas. The basic unit was Grama i.e. village under headman Gramika.

    11. A

    Tolkappiyam is the earliest extant work of Tamil literature which comprises three books- The Ezhuttadikaram, the Solladikaram and the Poruladikaram.

    12. A

    Narsimhavarmana I was a Tamil king of Pallava dynasty who had invaded Vatapi after defeating the Chalukyan king

    Pulkeshin II in 642 CE.

    13. D

    14. D

    15. D

    16. C

    17. D

    The standard Harappan seals were made up of Soapstone/Terracotta/Copper.

    Harappans were well acquainted with copper and bronze.

    The most characteristics feature of Harappa was its urbanisation.

    18. A

    Lingayat movement is a distinct Shaivite tradition centered on worship of Lord Shiva in the form of Linga.

    Basava rejected the authority of Vedas and Caste system.

    19. A

    The council proceedings were conducted in Pali Canon.

    First Buddhist council was held after the death of Buddha in 483 BC.

    20. C

    Out of eight cardinal principles of Mahavira, three were based on metaphysics.

    The eight Tattava were based on metaphysics.

    21. A

  • Kalinga war was fought in the eighth year of Asokas reign. Rock Edict III describes its vividity.

    22. C

    There were two types of Courts: Dharmasthiya (Civil Court) and Kantaka Shodhana (Criminal Court).

    The judges were called Pradeshta and the Chief Justice was called Dharmadhikarin.

    23. B

    The Mauryan kings did not claim any divine origin yet Asokas was taken to be a representative of God.

    24. B

    25. C

    Prasasti is an inscription of special kind which means Praise of Allahabad pillar (Prayag Prasasti)- Samudragupta, written by Harisena.

    Eran pillar inscription - first inscriptional evidence of Sati.

    Mehrauli pillar inscription- only to be found on iron pillar.

    Junagarh rock - Skandgupta in praise of Vishnu.

    26. C

    27. C

    28. B

    Yogachara means consciousness only.

    Two school of Mahayana- Yogachara and Madhyamika.

    29. D

    Gupta emperors claimed the concept of divinity of kingship which was shown in the titles they used.

    Guptas were hereditary monarchs having a fusion of centralised bureaucracy of Mauryas and decentralised overlordship of Kushans.

    30. A

    The city of Dhillika was founded by the Tomars in 736AD. They were overthrown by the Chauhans.

    The name Dhillika was first recorded in the inscription of Someshwar Chauhan

    31. D

    32. D

    33. D

    34. D

    Shahi Khan of the Miri dynasty in Kashmir was the first ruler who translated Mahabharata into Persian.

    Kalhana was the court poet of Zain-ul-Abidin the Kashmiri ruler who had translated the Sanskrit poems in Persian later.

    35. C

    36. C

    37. D

    38. D

    39. C

    40. D

    Vallabhacharya- Andhra Pradesh

    41. A

    42. C

    43. C

    44. D

    Chauth and Sardeshmukhi were the tax collected by Marathas.

    Sardeshmukhi were levied on those who lived outside the Maratha kingdom as a safeguard against Shivajis forces. It was a

    kind of protection money.

    45. D

    46. B

    Narsimhadeva I belonged to eastern Ganga dynasty of ancient Utkal (present Odisha) in 1238-1264.

    47. D

    Kailasha temple was built under the Patronage of Krishna I in eight century.

    48. D

    49. A

    Ramaraya belonged to Aravidu dynasty, was defeated at battle of Talikota in 1565.

    The battle was fought between Vijayanagar and Deccan Sultans. This battle ended the empire of the only Hindu Kingdom of South i.e. Vijayanagar.

  • Akbar was the emperor at Delhi when the battle of Talikota was fought.

    50. C

    51. B

    Suddhadvaita is purely a non-dual philosophy. It is a Hindu Vaishnava tradition of worshipping Krishna.

    Advaita gives a unifying interpretation of whole body of Upanishads.

    52. B

    53. D

    Diwan-i-Khairat was created by Feroz Shah Tughlaq.

    54. B

    55. A

    The Government was placed in hands of Governor General and a council of three members one of whom should be the Commander-in-chief of the kings army.

    56. C

    Annexation of Sindh- 1842-43

    Death of of Ranjit Singh- 1839

    Annexation of Satara - 1848

    First Afghan war - 1838-1842

    57. B

    Battle of Wandiwash (1760) was fought during the seven years wars.

    The Commander from English side was General Eyre Coot and French side was General Count de Lally.

    This was the third Carnatic war.

    58. B

    Lord Cornwallis established a regular police force in India.

    Police was now given unlimited powers to arrest the suspected persons.

    Supretendent of Police at District level

    Police was Europeanized

    59. C

    The Gorkha regiment was raised by Lord Canning, the first Viceroy.

    60. D

    61. D

    62. B

    63. D

    64. D

    65. B

    Arya Samaj popularized the doctrine that the Vedas are infallible.

    66. A

    67. B

    The Champaran Satyagraha was the first appearance of Gandhi in Indian politics as leader of masses.

    68. D

    69. B

    70. A

    71. A

    72. B

    73. B

    74. A

    75. B

    Congress didnt attend the First Round Table Conference called by king George V in November 1930 and chaired by Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald.

    76. C

    77. D

    78. C

    79. C

    The Muslim league boycotted the Constituent Assembly 1945 and refused to recognise it as a valid body.

    80. C

    Burma and India was separated under Government of India Act 1935.

  • 81. A

    82. B

    83. A

    84. A

    Bagh Caves are the nine rock cut monument situated in Vindhyas in Dhar district, Madhya Pradesh.

    85. C

    86. D

    Mathura School of Art was an indigenous school comprising Sanchi, Sarnath, Bodhgaya.

    Amravati School of Art was a local school in South Deccan.

    Gandhara School of Art was influenced by Greaco Roman Art.

    87. B

    88. B

    89. A

    90. C

    91. C

    92. B

    93. D

    94. B

    Sulah-kul means co-existence of all religions.

    Din-i-Illahi was a personal religion of Akbar which he created for loyalty for himself.

    95. B

    96. A

    97. B

    98. C

    Asaf Jah was made wazir by Farruk Siyar.

    99. C


    The Wardha scheme was for basic education in the field of elementary education in India.

    It was an indigenous scheme of education in British India by Mahatma Gandhi.