Historical Context People • Greeks (Anaximander) • Darwin/Wallace • Linnaeus • De Lamarck • Malthus • Cuvier Concepts • “Scala natura” • “Lower vs. higher” or “Derived vs. primitive” • “Ex nihlio” • “Archetypes”

Historical Context

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Historical Context. Concepts “ Scala natura ” “Lower vs. higher” or “Derived vs. primitive” “Ex nihlio ” “Archetypes”. People Greeks (Anaximander) Darwin/Wallace Linnaeus De Lamarck Malthus Cuvier. Morphology. Homology. Analogy. Homoplasy. Ancestry Appearance Function. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Historical Context

Historical Context

People• Greeks (Anaximander)• Darwin/Wallace• Linnaeus• De Lamarck• Malthus• Cuvier

Concepts• “Scala natura”• “Lower vs. higher”

or “Derived vs. primitive”• “Ex nihlio”• “Archetypes”

Page 2: Historical Context


Homology Analogy


• Ancestry• Appearance• Function

Page 3: Historical Context

How are vertebrates arranged spatially that differs from urochordates (adult tunicates), sea stars and sponges?

The Vertebrate Body Plan



Page 4: Historical Context

The Vertebrate Body PlanSymmetry:





Page 5: Historical Context

The Vertebrate Body PlanVertebrate phylogeny:

*Vertebrates are a subtaxa of the phylum _________*The “Big 4” are characteristics shared by this phylum.

*Not all chordates are created equal…

What are the 4 characteristics?


Page 6: Historical Context

The Vertebrate Body PlanVertebrate phylogeny:

*Craniate Characteristics

*Vertebrate Characteristics

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Page 7: Historical Context

The Vertebrate Body PlanRegional differentiation:

* (What specialized structures occur here? )

* Coelom; lining is…Viscera; lining is…Thorax and abdomen (in some taxa)

* (_________)(What structures likely absent? What’s present? )

Page 8: Historical Context

The Vertebrate Body Plan________________

*During some stage of development (_____________)

Usually replaced by segmented vertebral column


Page 9: Historical Context

The Vertebrate Body Plan_______________________


(Which vertebrates rely on gills, which use lungs? )*Some animals (Protochordates) use gill and slits for …

Nature Genetics  27, 286 - 291 (2001) doi:10.1038/85845 DiGeorge syndrome phenotype in mice mutant for the T-box gene, Tbx1Loydie A. Jerome & Virginia E. Papaioannou

Page 10: Historical Context

The Vertebrate Body Plan_________________________

* *


Page 11: Historical Context

The Vertebrate Body PlanOther Craniate characteristics


From these a number of specialized structures are derived:

Page 12: Historical Context

The Vertebrate Body PlanOther Craniate characteristics

* *

* OviparityOvoviviparityEuvivparity

* ClosedDiffering cardiac anatomyLymphatics


Page 13: Historical Context

The Vertebrate Body PlanOther Craniate characteristics

* More common with invertebrates… vertebrates display this feature primarily in skeletal, muscular and nervous systems

* Axial/CranialAppendicular from 2 girdles

* SkeletalCardiacSmooth(Which of these synapse with motor neurons? )

Page 14: Historical Context

Evolutionary morphology

• Preadaptation• Remodeling• Bean stalks and Bushes

(Fig. 1.21)

• Grades and clades• Abundance phylogeny

(Fig. 1.25)

• Cladistics

Page 15: Historical Context


• Formation of fossils• Recovery & restoration• Fossil dating

– Stratigraphy– Index fossils– Radiometric– Geological ages