WORLD WAR 1 1914 - 1919 The “Great War”

Hist 017 Week 10 Wwi w2014 for Bb

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WORLD WAR 11914 - 1919

The “Great War”

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 Total War

  Paths of Glory (1957)

  International War of Attrition

  Mobilization of all resoures to !estroy ri"al#s a$aity to

ontinue resistane

  %o&batants (sol!iers) ' nono&batants (i"ilians)


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  %asualties &ilitary ' i"ilian* 37 million

  9.7 million &ilitary ' 6.8 million i"ilians +ille!

  ,ntente Po-ers (Allies Great .ritain /inlu!in0 %ana!a

2rane 3ussia later Italy ' 4) lost 5.7 million sol!iers

  %entral Po-ers (Austro6un0arian ,&$ire Ger&any

later tto&an) lost 4 million

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Military Alliances 19th C.

  Blackadder Goes Forth

  1879 Ger&any ' Austria6un0ary Dual Alliance 

  188: inlu!e Italy in Triple Alliance;

  189: Franco-Russian Alliance 

  19<= .ritain ' 2rane Entente Cordiale (buffer)

  19<7 .ritain ' 3ussia Anglo-Russian


  “Moral bli0ation>

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Arms Race (258-259)

  ?aiser Wilhel& II i&$erial e@$ansion >a $lae in

the sun;”

   a"al 3ae

  19<: .ritain &ilitary alliane -ith Ba$an li&itGer&an olonial 0ains in east;

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Setting War in Motion: The Black Hand (p. !1"

   Assassination of Arh!u+e 2ranis

2er!inan! ' -ife o$hie Bune :8191= by .osnian se$aratist “.la+

6an!” Gabriel Prine$

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 #uly Crisis (191$"

   A6 !eli"ere! !ul" #lti$atu$ to erbia Buly :C 191=;

  1< !e&an!s

  3eDuire! erbia to a!&it Austrian offiials to su$$ress

a0itation ' to ta+e ation a0ainst $ersons in"ol"e! in&ur!er;

  erbian re$ly oniliatory; Ei!nFt &atter;


Buly :8 191= A6 !elare! -ar a0ainst erbia;

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%o&ino 'ect: War )y '*tension


  2rane (3ussia)

  Ger&any in"a!es neutral .el0iu&

  .ritain (2rane) !elare! -ar .ritish olonies at -ar 

  Ba$an (.ritain) at -ar -ith Ger&any A6 !elares -ar on


  Italy (Ger&any ' Austria6un0ary) neutrality May 1915

si!es -ith Allie! ,ntente;

  4;; $oliy absolute neutrality until 1917 (Allies)

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Schliefen Plan(p. !+!,- !+/"

  Ger&an :front -ar senario

  %onDuer 2rane (Western 2ront) before 3ussia


  Ger&an &isste$

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A Peoples War

  Mass enthusias&;


  HPalFsF re0i&ents

   A0e* 1C5


Trainin0 in han! to han! o&bat

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Weapons o0 the irst World War

  Jar0efiel! 0uns






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Weapons o0 the irst World War

  .oltation rifle

  Mahine 0uns

  Poison 0ases  (see han!out)

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Machine 2uns

  ( All %uiet on the &estern Front ('*))

  Pri&iti"e !e"ie to start

  =<<<< s&allalibre roun!s $er &inute

(fe! "ia beltLstri$);



ee!e! oolin0  Grou$e! for Eefensi"e $osition;

  1 &ahine 0un 8< rifles;

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!erman" !rasps #al$e o%&achine !$n're

  6ira& Ma@i&

  I&$ro$er WarfareN

  Gas fro& $o-!er e@$losion in 0un artri!0e

reate! reoil

  Ger&any* se$arate &ahine 0un o&$anies

to su$$ort infantry battalions;  .attle of Passen!ale 1917

   A!a$te! to airraft 1915

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 Theatres o0 War (p. /+3"

  ,astern 2ront* CO &illion &en !ie! in fi0htin0 9O &illion

-oun!e! loss of 0o"ern&ent;

  3a$i! &o"e&ent

   Au0ust 17 191= 3ussia in"a!e! ,astern Prussia;


 Austria atta+e! Polan! beaten ba+ by 3ussians;  “Winter War”

  3ussian in!ustry unable to &anufature ne- eDui$&ent;

  1917 3ussian I&$erial Ar&y#s offier or$s !e&oralize! %i"il

War (3ussian 3e"olution)

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War a Sea(p. 4+4,"

  .ritish na"y

  ub&arine -arfare


1915* Ger&an subs tor$e!o .ritishsu$$ly shi$s

   A&erian resistane urbe! Ger&ans

until 1917al&ost -on -ar  4 entry turne! ti!e

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Ol *s+ ,e .echni/$es0

  l!* infantry a!"ane! in line a"alry oneonone


  e- * &ahine0un stron0hol!s trenh &ortars

fla&ethro-ers tan+s;  Mortar 


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hemical War%are

  %hlorine 0as

  Mustar! Gas

+in blisters sore eyes "o&it

Internal ' e@ternal blee!in0

= or 5 -ee+s !ie of &ustar! e@$osure

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Daners o% .renches (4!+4"

  (see han!out)

  ni$er fire

  1LCr! of Allie! asualties fro& 1st !ay in trenhes

  Mu! fleas lie rats 0er&s

  Trenh fe"erF or Htrenh footF !ea!ly

  4nhealthy !iet

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3ale o% he Somme 191(p. 4+4"

  .ritish atte&$t to en! stale&ate of trenh -ar 

  Boint .ritish2renh ation


  3eality "ery !ifferent

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.acics o% he Somme 

  .ritish e@$lo!e &ine on Ger&an front

  191I foota0e

  .ritish -ait : &inutes or!ere! o"er the to$

  Push throu0h barbe! -ire Ger&ans shoot &ahine

0un fire at easy tar0ets

  8= .ritish battalions atta+e! in 1st hour) but no lear

$lan after

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,e%o$nlan Reimen

  Jt; %ol; 6a!o- or!ere! to a!"ane

  "er the to$ fro& reser"e trenh

  Pi+e! off by Ger&an &ahine 0unners

  =< &inutes* : offiers ' 58 &en !ea!


  4nrealisti r!ers

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Small #icories 6 7insih a he Somme

  Groun! ta+en by Allies Ja+ of Allie! reser"e su$$ort

  %asualties in 1 !ay Q1<<< offiers +ille! 18<<<O;

Woun!e! or &issin0* 57 <<<


 What -ent -ron0N 1) 2aile! to s&ash Ger&an front lines:) : &inute !elay

C) Atta+ $lan ri0i!

  I&$at on $ere$tions of -ar 

  .y 1918 Allies able to ounteratta+ e@hauste! Ger&ans

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  Ger&any ' Western $o-ers (?ultur "s;




 Ger&ans &ilitarists 'barbarians

  “To &a+e -orl! safe for !e&oray;”

  Ger&an 2renh ,n0lish Italian3ussian stereoty$es

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Aroci" Sories 6 Realiies

  Ger&ans (+illin0 babies) .el0ians ' 2renh

(ille0al sni$in0 0ou0in0 PW eyes) 3ussians

(uttin0 off -o&enFs breasts ' le0s);


4nreliable testi&ony;  3eal Ger&an War %ri&es

  Ger&any use! $ro$a0an!a !efensi"ely


  ational self!eter&ination

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  “hell sho+e!”

  Rer!un hell ho+ it has been e!itorialize! but it still

sho-s that -oun!s -ere not all $hysial -arnin0*


  +aths of Glor" (',)

  Rolunteers bon!e! by e@$eriene