IHE SAINT PAUL SUNDAY GLOBE, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 9, 188 ft Democratic County Convention. The Democrats of the county of Ramsey are requested to meet on Tuesday, the 11th day of May, 1880, between the hoars of 5 and 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of elect- ing delegates to a county convention to be held at the old Court House at 10 a. m. on Wednesday, May 12th, for the purpose of selecting twenty-three delegates to the Democratic State Convention on the 20th of May. The primary election in the First, Second, Thirdand Fifth wards will be at the usual place of holding elec- tions, in the first precinct of eaoh of the wards respectively. In the Fourth ward the first precinct will vote at the Ramsey street engine house, and the second and third pre- cincts at the uanal and last voting place in the third precinct In the Sixth ward the primary election will be held at J. C. Mc- Carthy's store. The representation will be as follows: First ward 6 Reserve 2 Second ward 7 Rose S Third ward 7 Mounds View 3 Fourth, Ist precinct. 5 New Canada 3 Fourth,2d A3dpr'ot. 5 White Bear S Fifth ward 6 McLean. 2 Sixth ward 5 P. H. Kmjot, Chairman of County Committee. TUB NORTH POLE. A. Detail From the Second Cavalry to Dis- cover the Article. Orders were received yesterday at depart- ment headquarters from Washington detail- ing First Lieat. 6. C. Doane, of the Second cavalry, and fifteen men to accompany the Howgate polar expedition. Lient. Daane is situated at Fort Assinniboine, M. T., and signified his willingness to accept snch de- tail, and the men hereafter to be named for the service] volunteer for the doty. As frequently stated, First Lieutenant How- gate, Twentieth infantry, on duty in the sig- nal corps, has projected the Arctic expe- dition to penetrate tho mystery of the frozen zone. As he proposes, the expedition will be absent over three years, penetrating by degrees the frozen realm. For this purpose posts will be established along the Green- land or other favorable coasts as supply oamps, and from these stations the advance will be made during the favorable seasons. Lieut. Doane will have charge of one of these stations, and being of a wonderfully adventurous spirit, he will doubt- less seek command of the northern- most station to be established. Lieut. Gustavus C. Sloan, the gallant officer who has volunteered for the perilous dnty, served during the late war with distinction, having been breveted for gallant service. He was appointed seoood lieutenant of the Sec- ond oavalry July sth, 1868, and was pro- moted to his present rank in December of 1871, The enlisted men who are to en- counter the dangers and rigor of the Arctic winters with him are men whom he knows, with whom he has conversed about the ex- pedition and they signify their willingness to meet the service. One of the old settlers of Toledo, Ohio, Mr. Wm. Henzier, druggist, sends the following communication, which we gladly publish for the benefit of many sufferers : Judging from my own experience, I must admit that the St. Jacobs Oil is an excellent remedy for Rheu- matism. For weeks I bad not been able to atep on my foot; but I used the St. Ja- cobs Oil, and all pain disappeared in a short time. The dandy collar, nothing like itin the west. To be seen at Dunn's, No. 66 Wabashaw street. IjOw Prices. Powers Bros, desire to call special attention to their announcement in another column. Their offers are bona fide and they make the broad invitation to allwho doubt the fact that their prices are lower than those of rival deal- ers, to come in and compare. Try the Star Oil Stove. Itfcia the best. Wolterstorlf & Moritz', 125 Bast Seventh street. Flscbbeln Bros.— 7 Corners. Just Received New Styleß of Sacques, Cir- culars and Ulsters. Also a large line of Linen Ulsters and Dusters, Shetland and Chenille Shawls. All to he Sold CJieap. Sewing Machine Repairs. If you have a Wheeler &Wilson Sewing Ma- chine, or an}* other, that needs repairing, send word to the Wheeler & Wilson Agency, 93 East Third street, and they will send for it and re- pair it properly. Don't give it to tinkers, they will rain it. Yon cannot get your work done properly except at this agency. Prof. Anderson, Wizard of the North, Tuesday. Facts That We Know. Ityou are suffering with a severe Cough, Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, loss oi voioe, tickling in the throat, or any affection oi the throat or lungs, we know that Dr. King's Wew Discovery willgive you immediate relief. We know of hundreds of cases ithas complete- ly cured, and that where all other medicines had failed. No other remedy can show one- half as many permanent cures. Now to give yon satisfactory proof that Dr. King's New Discovery will cure you of Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Consumption, severe Coughs and Colds. Hoarseness, or any Throat or Lung Dis- ease, if yon will call at Edward H. Biggs' drug \u25a0tore, you can get a trial Lottie free of cost, or a regular size bottle for $1. The most complete stock of shirts and sum- mer underwear in the city. For substantial make and reasonable prices these goods will not be discounted at Dunn's, No. 66 Wabashaw Btreet. AMUBEMEHTB. OPERA. HOUSE. BETUBN OF THE WONDERS. Friday & Saturday, May 14 & 15, AND Grand Family Matinee, Sat, at 2 j. m. After a trip through Texas and the entire South, with success unprecedented, will re-visit for TWO NIGHTS AND A MATINEE, HAVEKLY'S CELEBRATED New Yort Jnvenils Opera Co., And Will re-jroduce in their unequsied rendition, that ever popular Opera, 1. 1, S, Pill As presented by them throughout the United States OVER 650 TIMES. New Scenery, New Wardrobe, and introducing new speoialties. General admission 75c. Gallery 50c . Reserved seats §1.00. Matinee prices 50 and 25c; reserved seats 75c. GALVAJNCKELECTRIO PLABTEB. R. P. HALL'S GUVtfO-OECmC PLABTMR. A Galvanic Battery is imbedded in a medicated plaster, and, when applied to We Doay. prodnces a constant curvemi of electricity, forming the most powerful remedial agent for the cure MRheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Headacht, Sprains, Spinal Difficulty, Ntrrvoua Instates, or Female Weakness warknown. Its effects a/o magical Sold byDruggists, \u25a0rsent by mail on receipt of 5(» cent*. Address BELL. MANN St CO., Proprietor*. U Waboab-am. Chicago. THE National iig Compariy Have opened at JVo. 34 East Third street^ second door below Cedar street, St. JPaul, a stock of Men's, Boys,' Youths 9 and Children's Clothing, Custom Made Goods, to which attention is now directed; and in doing so, the National Clotting Company Have to say that the bulk of the goods they offer for sale will equal the garments made to measure by nine- tenths of the merchant tail- ors, and at about half the cost. WE mean to give good val- ue for every dollar we re- ceive; consequently will have the confidence of our cus- tomers, who will not need other assurances from us. OUB SELECTION of Business Suits and Cassimere Pants can't be equaled in style or pvifie.Please look through our stock before pur- chasing. WE have but one price to all. National Ming Coro/pany, 34 East Third Street, ST. PAUL, MINN. MEDICAL. Fin . iiii cores Colds, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all diseases of the Breathing Organs. It soothes and heals the membrane of the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevents the night- sweats and tightness across^ the chest which accompany it. CONSUMPTION is not an incurable malady. It ia only neces- sary to have the right remedy, and HALL'S BALSAM is that remedy. DON'T DE- SPAIR OF BELIEF, for this benign specific will onre you, even though professional aid failn. HEMBI'S CARBOLIC SALVE ! Tho Most Powerful Healing Agent Ever Discovered. Henry's Carbolic Salve cures sores. Henry's Carbolic Salve allays pain. Henry's Carbolic Salve cares eruptions. Henry's Carbolio Salve healg pimples. Henry's Carbolio Salve heals braises. Auk for Henry's, and Take Other. HT-BEWABE OF OOTJNTXSniTS..^ TOWNSLETS Toothache Anoflynfi. FURNISHING GOODS. fill f . 11l & CO., 104 E. Third Street, St. Paul. Furnishing Goods and Notions. FIISTE LINKOF Hosiery, Dress Shirts, Underwear, Kid Gloves, Fancy floods, Etc. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. T>. Tt. GAECELON & CO., GRAIN AIDFEED COIISSK MERCHANTS Moll Feed a Specialty. 128 La Salle Street, Cblcajro, Illinois. Represented by E. P. Wilgua, No. 46 Jackson Btreet, St. Paul, Minn. 7-8 JLOIHIHO, SBT GOODS. HISS GOODS, SILKS, &c, &c, &c. POmsIITHERS, 91 East Third Street, Will place on center counters on NONDAY,May 10th, the follow- ing Dress Goods, at the uniform, price of 20 cents pei' yard: All Wool Debeges, Mohair Debeges, Melanges, Brocade Mohairs, Mo- liair Fancies, Plain Worsted Monties, Stripe Worsted Monties, Mixed Mohair Suitings, French Cambrics and other Desirable Goods. And the following goods at the UNIFORMPRICE OF 15 CENTS PER YARD: Silk Mixed Worsted Serges, American Debeges, Single- Fold Cashmeres, American Bunt- ings, American Brocades, Plaid Goods, Poplin Alpacas, short lengths of fine Dress Goods, &c. Many of the above goods are offered at ONE-HALF USUAL PRICES, and urillbe closed out quickly. Also now opening the following NEW GOODS ! Fine all Ji 00l Lace Buntings in Colors and Black, Plain Wool Buntings, French Buntings, French Wool Tissues, Tissue De- beges, Cashmere Debeges, "Novelty Suitings," Combination Suitings, Linen Lawns. Handsome Cotton Lawns, 10, 12 1-2 and 15 Cents. AllWool Momies, 37 1-2 cents. 45-inch French Camel Hair, all Wool, inBrownonly, at 75c, worth $1.25. 45-inch all Wool Herring-Bone Stripe Suitings, in Brown and Gray, at 50c, worth $1.00. New Pekin Satins, new Colored and Black Satins, Polka Satins, Brocade Silks, Morie Silks, Col- ored Gros Grain Silks, Black Gros Grain Silks, Stripe and Check Summer Silks, heavy Silk Armnres for Dolmans, &c. Cutter's Cele- brated "Pure Dye" 27 -inch Gros Grain Silks, Velvet Stripe Grena- dines, Satin Stripe Grenadines, Black and Colored Pekin Velvets, all at LOWER PRICES than any other house can offer same quali- ties. A special "Job Lot" Black and Colored Grenadines at ONE- THIRD USUAL PRICES. FUEL. Grigs, Rhodes 4 Foster, DEALEBS IN COAL & WOOD. Boal Estate Agents and Mortgage Brokers, 29 East flirt Street, St. Paul, Minn. £^-Great Seduction in Prices of Coal. TflE GBASSHOPPER SITS ON THE Sweet Potato Vine, And warbles between his smiles that the best place to find GENTS' FXJENISHING GOODS, 13 AT das. Dona's, 66 Wabashaw St., Sherman Block, between Fifth and Sixth. HATTEE- 98 East Third Street, Whose work is his best advertisement, not onlydoes jobbing and repairing, but manufactures every olass of hats. Give him a call also at , Tie LittleHat Store Aroma tie Corner, No. 35 1-2 Jackson Street. Bring in your straw hats to be bleached and altered. He has the latest styles of Blocks, and will give you a fine job . Hv^mßi KLmij jH^Bmw SB JB9 \u25a0 OMIC n a— THOROUGH, REMEDY for disorders of the stomach, torpidity of the. liver, indigestion and disturbances of the animal forces, which debilitate, it has no equivalent, and can hava no substitute. Itshould not be confounded with th« triturated compounds of cheap spirits and essential oils, often sold under the nun* of Sitters, 103 SA 1.5 BT DKCGGISTS, GBOCSKS AITD WTXB areRCIIAX IS Kverywliere. ARRIVED, "JOHNSON'S" Anotler Lot of Onr $9.50 Suits, Men's. v . ITi n¥ATT vr r PTATtrTwr TTnTN¥ SDIT IN THE NORTHWEST 66 east third street, FOR 188 MOKKY ST. PAVL, M IN N. ASK TO SEE OUR f $5.00 'Boys All-Wool Suit, Ages from Bto lit years. It is a Bargain, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGE*. The abore cot represents one of the beauti- ful Children's Carriages, with the "Koveltj Spring," froi the Celebrate! Factory of Sweet k Sob, Baffale, to York. S. G. DICKINSON, AT THE 99 CENT STORE, is Agent for is State, and keeps on band a Fall and Complete Assortment, at Prices whicb Defy all Corapetiiion. Be sure to baioine his stock before purchasing. GILDING GEO. BIAKEMOKE, THE ONLY Practical Gilder InMinnesota. All kinds of GoldFrames Made to Order. Old frames re-gilt and repaired as good as new, at very low prices. 85 WKBT THIRD STREET, ST. PAUL. Allorders by mail promptly attended to. MUBIC. Musical Instruction GrrVTEN UPOIST THE PIANO FORTE By MISS LAURA W. HALL, No. 64 Douglas St., St. Paul. Tens, - - $10.00 for 20 Lessons. Reference to parents and pupils where she has taught, and also, by permission, to PROF. H. S. SAKONI and REV. M. MoG. DANA, D.D. Also the authorized agent in St. Paul for BRAIN- ARD'S MUSICAL WORLD; subscription price $1.60 per annum. MILLINERYGOODS. An Entire New Line of the Latest Koveltiks in SUMMBE MILLINEEY GOODS NOW OPEN. The attention of Milliners is called to this, the Finest and oat Complete Stock ever offered. CACHEMERE HATS, CACHEMEBE SILKS, CACHEMERE FLOWERS, CACHEMERE LACEB& O.H\ AMEXTS. Merchants will find ours to be the Largest, Hand- somest, Cheapest and Best line of Ladies' Trimmed Hats in this market. J. OPPESBEfM & CO. {^"Fashion Plates grabs upon application. LIQUOR DEALEBB. W. L.PERKINS. MAURICE LYONS. CKstatalisliea 1859.] MISS, LYONS k Cl, REMOVED TO 31 ROBERT ST., NEAR THIRD. Wholesale Dealers In Para Kentucky Bonrton & RysWhlsiies California and Foreign Wines and Brandies. 63*- Country and City Order! 8ol1cit»d M-8S CONFECTIONERY. £\ \u25a0 STTk Ml Send one, two, three, or fli fll ftS i Si B E ! flve <iollar9 for a sample IS B S3 HB OX| expresa, of the best I B ifl I C'indiea in America, put up I H H I 9 elegantly and strictly pure. " HH m 1 B Reters to all Chicago. Ad- \u25a0 - H I\u25a0 H dress C.F.GUMHEK, 78 MADISON BTRKKT. CHICAGO. FUENITUBE. Save Room-Rent and But Burr's Patent Parlor Folding-Bed, The most Compact, Elegant and Sub' stantial. Best Steel Spring: Mattrass ; Kr folds out of sight in Bureaus, Book-Cases, Desks, &c. A. H. Andrews & Co., 195 Wabash Are., CHICAGO. Also Manufacturers of Artistic Household Furniture, Wood Mantels. i DISSOLUTION. NOTICE OF DISSOLDTION. ! The firm of Morton, Dor an &Co. is this day dis- solved by mutual consent. M. DORAN will continue the business of the late firm, and is au- thorized to collect allits demands, and will pay all its debts and liabilities. CHAS. A. MORTON, MICHAEL DORAN, A. WHARTON. Dated St. Paul, Mina., May 6, l«80. 129-131 LIVES CUBE. DRIL CLUM'S CATHARTIC. rarely vegetable, uures an onions diseases act. Ing on the Stomach, Liver and Blood. Warranted In all cases. Auk your Prugjrist for this Medicine, also for circulars. CLCXCOMPOUNDING CO., Sold by all Druggists Red Wing, Minn. MEDICAL- CURE YOURSELF ! FRE3STCH SPECIFIC. Guaranteed to cure radically diseases of certain delicate nature, either sex or condition. Price $1, sent by express to any part of the country. Full directions with each bottle. Sold only by E. L. BTAHL, Northeast corner Van Buren Btreet and Fifth Avenue, Chicago. 120-119 a \u25a0 m \u25a0\u25a0» Wholesale and Retail. Send for pric* 1(1 IBJ list. Goods b -nt C. O. I>. anywhere, sri §% 1X Wigs made to order ard w arranled. lIH 111 K.KCRWHAJI, \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0«\u25a0\u25a0 mm m Stat* Ntr«>«'t. / I g&g XV.Madison St. CLOTHING. 61 S-AXTSTT [P-AXJX, 61 ONE-PEICE CLOTHING 61 East Third Street, St. !Pa\il, Minn. Qp-Ordera by Mail Promptly Attended to.^B 61 SATTLER BROS. 61 Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia Is often caused by the inferior baking powders which flood the Northwest. Do not experiment upon the health of your family with the baking powders that contain Alum and other injurious sub- I stances, when for a small additional I cost you can buy of any grocer BER- I KEYS BAKING POWDER, which is I free from adulteration, made of pure I Grape Cream Tartar. When you are in need of Spices and . 1 Extracts, buy "BERKETS PURE? \u25a0I They are unequaled for Strength and I Purity. Berkey's French Breakfast Coffee you j will find the best ground coffee for the I price sold. Try the goods and you will get the I worth of your money. JJOHN 1. BERKEY & CO., RIVERSIDE MILLS, ST. PAUL, MINN. FURNISHING GOODS. NO WET GOODS! NO DAMAGED GOODS, NO AUCTION GOODS, BUT DRY, PERFECT, FRESH GOODS 1 " At Lower Prices than are Quoted by any other House i/n Town. Special Bargains this Week in HOSIERY, GLOVES, CORSETS, PARASOLS. Linen Towels at Less than Wholesale Prices, to Close Stock: GHILDEEN'S MEEINO UNDERWEAR At Less than Manufacturer's Prices. Shetland Shawls. Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Ladies' Muslin Combination Suit, a New and Desirable Garment. Fresli Goods Daily. Prices always Low. Please Call and Examine. DUTCH & ABBOTT, 49 East Third Street. LAWN MOWEH. THE CHARTER OAK I IS THE BEST. FAIEBANKS, MORSE & CO., 46 East Third Street, St. Paul. FOR ONLY $90 ! In Monthly Payments, I OFFER ELESAST NEW ORGANS, Nine stops, Large Upright cases ) extension top with or- namenttd music pocket. It certainly will not pay to buy an old organ at any price, after it has been used from 4 to 20 years, trhen a fine new one can be bought at such a bargain, Buying direct, and having small expense, I am able to sell lower than any other house in the city, and "DON'T YOU FORGET IT." New designs of "mTEY>* and Wilcox &White Organs lust received. m F. V. BINGHAM 12 W. Third St., St, Paul. GALVANIC INSTITUTE. (TBBAiaLExNT FOB DISEASES OF THB HEAD.) THE TONGUE GALVANIC INSTITUTE, for the treatment of an the various diseases of th« Head, Eye and Ear, as well m Rheumatism, Dyßp*p«ia, Dropsy, Erysipelas, Fever Sores, White Swellings, Disease oftha Kidneys, Paralysis, Fcmala weakness in all its different forms, aud^eruptions of the face and body. The above diseases axe aS speedily and permanently cured at the Institute. No Medicine Given or Knife used. Separate apartments for Ladles, withcompetent lady attend- ants. Allcommunications regarding treatment, or rights to use the Galvanic Process, which is PatanUd and offered for sale, should be addressed to the TOHGDE GALVAHIC INSTITUTE, 213 8. CLARKST., OHIOAGO, ILL., Which win receive prompt attention. Consultation and examination free. F. 3. TONGUK, M. D., Con- sulting Physician ; EDWABD TONGUE, Operator; OLUM DREW, General Manager. PENI> FOR CIRCULAR «• CLOTHING. I 1 I HISDLESBI. I Warranted Pure \u25a0Jtork Imligo dy«d in the Wont, and Color Inflexibly Permanent. The above is the printed guarantee that accompanies every Middlesex Blue Flannel Suit that leaves our store, Childxcn'«,BoyV and Men's. Our Blue Flannel Suits are better made, better trimmed, ami jit better than any ever be/ore shown in this market. BOSTON ONE-PBICE Clothing House, 43 East TMrfl ft, St. Paul. MUSIC DKALEES. I WEBER PIANOS ! Used by Emma Thursby and other first doss artists. R C. MUNGER, 71 East Third Street. JOfINIFAIRFIEU. Dealer in Road Bicycles, 219 State Street, Chicago, . m«. 89-gnn Rent paid two-and-a quarter-years bays one. II ICn 11 BEST CABINET OR PARLOR MlXlln ORGANS IN THE WORLD; win- -11l fl UV •• Rers of highest distinction at every -_. _ World's tair for thirteen yean. AND Prices, $31, $57. $66, $84, $168, to $300 and upward. Also for eiay II | M II |1 payments, £.">, a month, or $6.38 a n U 111 I111 quarter and upward. MASON & IIII 111 a. I M HAMLIN ORGAN CO., 164 Tre- -.->, .. ~ moot St., BOS ION: *6 East 14th fi D P AnlC St. (Union Sqaare), NEW YORK; U II U A II 0 250 Wabash Avonne, CHICAGO. AUTOMATIC TI[DDI\ This machine has autrmatio ten- 111/ H H I sions and antomatic apoo'tr, beeido* I I ! . I I all late improvement common to 111 1 I other machines. Material and finish flrst-daas. Is silent, fast, and will wear a lifetime. Jno. M. Falrfleld, 870 State St.. Chicago. EOAD BICYCLES SS&. \u25a0Mm

HISS GOODS, Men's.IHE SAINT PAUL SUNDAY GLOBE, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY9, 188ft Democratic County Convention. The Democrats of the county of Ramsey are requested to meet onTuesday, the

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Page 1: HISS GOODS, Men's.IHE SAINT PAUL SUNDAY GLOBE, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY9, 188ft Democratic County Convention. The Democrats of the county of Ramsey are requested to meet onTuesday, the


Democratic County Convention.

The Democrats of the county of Ramsey

are requested to meet on Tuesday, the 11th

day of May,1880, between the hoars of 5

and 7 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of elect-ing delegates toa county convention to beheld at the old Court House at 10 a.m. onWednesday, May 12th, for the purpose ofselecting twenty-three delegates to theDemocratic State Convention on the20th of May. The primary election

in the First, Second, Thirdand Fifth wardswillbe at the usual place of holding elec-tions, in the first precinct of eaoh of thewards respectively. In the Fourth ward thefirst precinct willvote at the Ramsey streetengine house, and the second and third pre-cincts at the uanal and last voting place inthe thirdprecinct In the Sixth ward theprimary election will be held at J. C. Mc-Carthy's store.

The representation willbe as follows:First ward 6 Reserve 2Second ward 7 Rose SThird ward 7 Mounds View 3Fourth, Ist precinct. 5 New Canada 3Fourth,2d A3dpr'ot.5 White Bear SFifth ward 6 McLean. 2Sixth ward 5

P. H.Kmjot,Chairman of County Committee.


A.Detail From the Second Cavalry to Dis-cover the Article.

Orders were received yesterday at depart-ment headquarters from Washington detail-ing First Lieat. 6. C. Doane, of the Secondcavalry, and fifteen men to accompany theHowgate polar expedition. Lient. Daane issituated at Fort Assinniboine, M.T., andsignified his willingness toaccept snch de-tail,and the men hereafter to be named forthe service] volunteer for the doty.As frequently stated, First Lieutenant How-gate, Twentieth infantry, on duty in the sig-nal corps, has projected the Arctic expe-dition to penetrate tho mystery of the frozenzone. As he proposes, the expedition willbe absent over three years, penetrating bydegrees the frozen realm. For this purposeposts willbe established along the Green-land or other favorable coasts as supplyoamps, and from these stations the advancewillbe made during the favorable seasons.Lieut. Doane will have charge of one ofthese stations, and being of a wonderfullyadventurous spirit, he will doubt-less seek command of the northern-most station to be established.Lieut.Gustavus C. Sloan, the gallant officerwho has volunteered for the perilous dnty,served during the late war with distinction,having been breveted forgallant service. Hewas appointed seoood lieutenant of the Sec-ond oavalry July sth, 1868, and was pro-moted to his present rank in December of1871, The enlisted men who are to en-counter the dangers and rigor of the Arcticwinters with him are men whom he knows,withwhom he has conversed about the ex-pedition and they signify their willingnessto meet the service.

One of the old settlers of Toledo, Ohio, Mr.Wm. Henzier, druggist, sends the followingcommunication, which we gladly publish forthe benefit of many sufferers : Judging frommyown experience, Imust admit that the St.Jacobs Oilis an excellent remedy for Rheu-matism. For weeks Ibad not been ableto atep on my foot; but Iused the St. Ja-cobs Oil, and all pain disappeared in a shorttime.

The dandy collar, nothing like itin the west.To be seen at Dunn's, No. 66 Wabashaw street.

IjOw Prices.Powers Bros, desire to call special attention

to their announcement in another column.Their offers are bona fide

—and they make the

broad invitation to allwho doubt the fact thattheir prices are lower than those of rivaldeal-ers, to come inand compare.

Try the Star Oil Stove. Itfcia the best.Wolterstorlf & Moritz', 125 Bast Seventhstreet.

Flscbbeln Bros.— 7 Corners.Just Received

—New Styleß of Sacques, Cir-

culars and Ulsters. Also a large line ofLinen Ulsters and Dusters, Shetland andChenille Shawls. Alltohe Sold CJieap.

Sewing Machine Repairs.

Ifyou have a Wheeler &Wilson Sewing Ma-chine, or an}* other, that needs repairing, sendword to the Wheeler &Wilson Agency, 93 EastThird street, and they will send for itand re-pair itproperly. Don't giveit to tinkers, theywillrain it. Yon cannot get your work doneproperly except at this agency.

Prof. Anderson, Wizard of the North,Tuesday.

Facts That We Know.Ityou are suffering with a severe Cough,

Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, loss oivoioe, tickling in the throat, or any affection oithe throat or lungs, we know that Dr. King'sWew Discovery willgive you immediate relief.We know of hundreds ofcases ithas complete-ly cured, and that where all other medicineshad failed. No other remedy can show one-half as many permanent cures. Now to giveyon satisfactory proof that Dr. King's NewDiscovery will cure you of Asthma, Bronchitis,Hay Fever, Consumption, severe Coughs andColds. Hoarseness, or any Throat or Lung Dis-ease, if yon willcall at Edward H. Biggs' drug\u25a0tore, youcan get a trial Lottiefree ofcost, or aregular size bottle for $1.

The most complete stock of shirts and sum-mer underwear in the city. For substantialmake and reasonable prices these goods willnot be discounted at Dunn's, No. 66 WabashawBtreet.




Friday & Saturday, May 14 &15,AND

Grand Family Matinee, Sat, at 2 j.m.Aftera trip through Texas and the entire South,

with success unprecedented, willre-visit for TWONIGHTS AND A MATINEE,


New Yort Jnvenils Opera Co.,And Will re-jroduce in their unequsied rendition,

that ever popular Opera,

1. 1, S, PillAs presented by them throughout the United States

OVER 650 TIMES.New Scenery, New Wardrobe, and introducing

new speoialties.General admission 75c. Gallery 50c . Reserved

seats §1.00.Matinee prices

—50 and 25c; reserved seats 75c.




AGalvanic Batteryis imbedded ina medicatedplaster, and, when applied to

We Doay. prodnces a constant curvemi of electricity,forming the most powerful remedial agent for the cureMRheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Headacht, Sprains,Spinal Difficulty,Ntrrvoua Instates, or Female Weaknesswarknown. Itseffects a/o magical Sold byDruggists,\u25a0rsent by mail onreceipt of 5(» cent*.

Address BELL. MANNSt CO., Proprietor*. UWaboab-am. Chicago.


National iigCompariy

Have opened at JVo. 34 EastThird street^ second doorbelow Cedar street, St. JPaul,a stock of Men's, Boys,'Youths 9 and Children'sClothing, Custom MadeGoods, to which attention isnow directed; and in doingso, the

National ClottingCompany

Have to say that the bulk ofthe goods they offer for salewill equal the garmentsmade to measure by nine-tenths of the merchant tail-ors, and at about half thecost.

WE mean to give good val-ue for every dollar we re-ceive; consequently willhavethe confidence of our cus-tomers, who willnot needother assurances from us.

OUB SELECTION of BusinessSuits and Cassimere Pants can'tbe equaled instyle or pvifie.Pleaselook through our stock before pur-chasing. WE have but one priceto all.

National MingCoro/pany,

34 East Third Street,ST. PAUL, MINN.


Fin. iiii

cores Colds, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Asthma,Croup, Whooping Cough, and all diseases ofthe Breathing Organs. It soothes and healsthe membrane of the Lungs, inflamed andpoisoned by the disease, and prevents thenight- sweats and tightness across^ the chestwhich accompany it. CONSUMPTION isnot an incurable malady. Itia only neces-sary to have the right remedy, and HALL'SBALSAM is that remedy. DON'T DE-SPAIR OF BELIEF, for this benign specificwillonre you, even though professional aidfailn.


CARBOLIC SALVE !Tho Most Powerful Healing Agent

Ever Discovered.Henry's Carbolic Salve cures sores.Henry's Carbolic Salve allays pain.Henry's Carbolic Salve cares eruptions.Henry's Carbolio Salve healg pimples.Henry's Carbolio Salve heals braises.

Auk for Henry's, and Take N« Other.HT-BEWABE OF OOTJNTXSniTS..^


Toothache Anoflynfi.FURNISHING GOODS.

fillf.11l& CO.,

104 E. Third Street, St. Paul.

Furnishing Goodsand Notions.


Hosiery, Dress Shirts,Underwear, Kid Gloves,




128 La Salle Street, Cblcajro, Illinois.Represented by E. P. Wilgua, No. 46 Jackson

Btreet, St. Paul, Minn. 7-8



&c, &c, &c.

POmsIITHERS,91 East Third Street,

Willplace on center counters onNONDAY,May 10th, the follow-ing Dress Goods, at the uniform,price of 20 cents pei' yard: AllWool Debeges, Mohair Debeges,

Melanges, Brocade Mohairs, Mo-liair Fancies, Plain WorstedMonties, Stripe Worsted Monties,Mixed Mohair Suitings, FrenchCambrics and other DesirableGoods.

And the followinggoods at theUNIFORMPRICE OF15 CENTSPER YARD: SilkMixed WorstedSerges, American Debeges, Single-Fold Cashmeres, American Bunt-ings, American Brocades, PlaidGoods, Poplin Alpacas, shortlengths offine Dress Goods, &c.

Many of the above goods areoffered at ONE-HALF USUALPRICES, and urillbe closed outquickly.

Alsonow opening thefollowing

NEW GOODS !Fine all Ji00l Lace Buntings in

Colors and Black, Plain WoolBuntings, French Buntings,French Wool Tissues, Tissue De-beges, Cashmere Debeges, "NoveltySuitings," Combination Suitings,LinenLawns.

Handsome Cotton Lawns, 10,121-2 and 15 Cents.

AllWoolMomies, 37 1-2 cents.45-inch French Camel Hair,all

Wool,inBrownonly,at 75c, worth$1.25.

45-inch all Wool Herring-BoneStripe Suitings, in Brown andGray, at 50c, worth $1.00.

New Pekin Satins, new Coloredand Black Satins, Polka Satins,Brocade Silks, Morie Silks, Col-ored Gros Grain Silks,Black GrosGrain Silks, Stripe and CheckSummer Silks,heavy Silk Armnresfor Dolmans, &c. Cutter's Cele-brated "Pure Dye" 27-inch GrosGrain Silks, Velvet Stripe Grena-dines, Satin Stripe Grenadines,Black and Colored Pekin Velvets,allat LOWER PRICES than anyother house can offer same quali-ties. A special "Job Lot" Blackand Colored Grenadines at ONE-THIRDUSUAL PRICES.


Grigs, Rhodes 4 Foster,DEALEBS IN

COAL & WOOD.Boal Estate Agents

and Mortgage Brokers,

29 East flirt Street, St. Paul, Minn.£^-Great Seduction inPrices of Coal.


Sweet Potato Vine,And warbles between his smiles that the best place

to find


13 AT

das. Dona's, 66 Wabashaw St.,Sherman Block, between Fifth and Sixth.


98 East Third Street,Whose workishis best advertisement, not onlydoesjobbingand repairing, but manufactures every olassof hats. Give him a call also at ,

Tie LittleHat Store Aroma tie Corner,No. 35 1-2 Jackson Street.

Bring in your straw hats to be bleached andaltered. He has the latest styles of Blocks, and willgive you a fine job.

Hv^mßi KLmij jH^Bmw SB JB9

\u25a0 OMIC—n a—

THOROUGH, REMEDYfordisorders of the stomach, torpidity of the. liver,indigestion and disturbances of the animal forces,which debilitate, ithas no equivalent, and can havano substitute. Itshould not be confounded withth«triturated compounds of cheap spirits and essentialoils,often sold under the nun*of Sitters,


areRCIIAX IS Kverywliere.

ARRIVED, "JOHNSON'S"Anotler Lot of Onr $9.50 Suits, Men's. v.ITi n¥ATTvrr PTATtrTwr TTnTN¥

SDIT IN THE NORTHWEST 66 east third street,FOR 188 MOKKY ST. PAVL, MINN.


f $5.00'Boys All-Wool Suit,

Ages from Bto lit years. Itis a Bargain,


The abore cot represents one of the beauti-ful Children's Carriages, with the "KoveltjSpring," froi the Celebrate! Factory of Sweetk Sob, Baffale, to York.


99 CENT STORE,is Agent foris State, and keeps on band aFall and Complete Assortment, at Prices whicbDefy all Corapetiiion. Be sure to baioine hisstock before purchasing.



Practical GilderInMinnesota. Allkinds of

GoldFrames Made to Order.Old frames re-gilt and repaired as good as new, at

very low prices.

85 WKBT THIRD STREET, ST. PAUL.Allorders by mail promptly attended to.


Musical InstructionGrrVTEN UPOIST THE


St. Paul.

Tens, - - $10.00 for 20 Lessons.Reference to parents and pupils where she has

taught, and also, by permission, to PROF. H.S.SAKONI and REV. M.MoG. DANA,D.D.

Also the authorized agent inSt. Paul for BRAIN-ARD'S MUSICALWORLD; subscription price $1.60per annum.

MILLINERYGOODS.AnEntire New Lineof the Latest Koveltiks in



The attention of Milliners is called to this, theFinest and oat Complete Stock ever offered.



CACHEMERE LACEB&O.H\ AMEXTS.Merchants willfind ours to be the Largest, Hand-

somest, Cheapest and Best line of Ladies' TrimmedHats inthis market.

J. OPPESBEfM & CO.{^"Fashion Plates grabs upon application.


CKstatalisliea 1859.]


Wholesale Dealers InPara

Kentucky Bonrton &RysWhlsiiesCalifornia and Foreign Wines and Brandies.

63*-Country and City Order! 8ol1cit»d M-8S


£\ \u25a0 STTk Ml Send one, two, three, orflifll ftS i SiB E!flve <iollar9 for a sample

IS B S3 H B OX| expresa, of the best

I B iflIC'indiea in America, putupIH HI9 elegantly and strictly pure."

HH m 1 B Reters to all Chicago. Ad-\u25a0

-H I\u25a0 H dress C.F.GUMHEK,


FUENITUBE.Save Room-Rent and But

Burr's Patent Parlor Folding-Bed,The most Compact, Elegant and Sub'

stantial. Best Steel Spring: Mattrass ;

Krfolds out ofsight inBureaus,

Book-Cases, Desks, &c.A.H. Andrews &Co.,195 Wabash Are., CHICAGO.

Also Manufacturers ofArtisticHousehold Furniture, Wood Mantels.



The firm of Morton, Doran &Co. is this day dis-solved by mutual consent.

M. DORANwillcontinue the business of the late firm, and is au-thorized to collect allits demands, and willpay all itsdebts and liabilities.


A.WHARTON.Dated St. Paul, Mina.,May 6, l«80. 129-131



CATHARTIC.rarely vegetable, uures an onions diseases act.

Ing on the Stomach, Liver and Blood. WarrantedInall cases. Auk your Prugjrist for this Medicine,also forcirculars. CLCXCOMPOUNDING CO.,

Sold by allDruggists Red Wing, Minn.



Guaranteed to cure radically diseases of certaindelicate nature, either sex or condition. Price $1,sent by express to any part of the country. Fulldirections with each bottle. Sold only by E. L.BTAHL,Northeast corner Van Buren Btreet andFifth Avenue, Chicago. 120-119

a \u25a0 m \u25a0\u25a0» Wholesale and Retail. Send for pric*1(1IBJ list. Goods b -nt C. O. I>. anywhere,

sri §%1X Wigs made to order ard w arranled.lIH111 K.KCRWHAJI,\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0«\u25a0\u25a0 mm m Stat* Ntr«>«'t.

/I g&g XV.Madison St.



61East Third Street, St. !Pa\il,Minn.Qp-Ordera by MailPromptly Attended to.^B


Dyspepsia !Dyspepsia

Is often caused by the inferior bakingpowders which flood the Northwest. Donot experiment upon the health of your

family with the baking powders thatcontain Alum and other injurious sub-

Istances, when for a small additionalIcost you can buy of any grocer BER-

IKEYS BAKING POWDER, which isIfree from adulteration, made of pure

IGrape Cream Tartar.When you are in need of Spices and

. 1Extracts, buy "BERKETS PURE?

\u25a0I They are unequaled for Strength andIPurity.

Berkey's French Breakfast Coffee you

j will find the best ground coffee for theIprice sold.

Try the goods and you will get theIworth of your money.







"AtLower Prices than are Quoted by any other House i/n

Town. Special Bargains this Week in


Linen Towels at Less than Wholesale Prices, to Close Stock:GHILDEEN'S MEEINO UNDERWEAR

AtLess than Manufacturer's Prices.Shetland Shawls.Ladies' MuslinUnderwear.Ladies' Muslin Combination Suit,

a New and Desirable Garment.Fresli Goods Daily. Prices always Low. Please Call and Examine.

DUTCH & ABBOTT,49 East Third Street.



FAIEBANKS, MORSE & CO.,46 East Third Street, St. Paul.


ONLY $90 !In Monthly Payments,



Nine stops, Large Uprightcases ) extension top with or-namenttd music pocket. Itcertainly willnot pay to buy

an old organ at any price,after ithas been used from 4to 20 years, trhen a fine newone can be bought at such abargain, Buying direct, andhaving small expense, Iamable to sell lower than any

other house in the city, and"DON'T YOU FORGETIT."

New designs of "mTEY>*and Wilcox &White Organslust received. m

F. V.BINGHAM12 W. Third St., St, Paul.



for the treatment of an the various diseases of th«Head, Eye and Ear, as well m Rheumatism,Dyßp*p«ia, Dropsy, Erysipelas, Fever Sores, WhiteSwellings, Disease oftha Kidneys, Paralysis, Fcmalaweakness in allits different forms, aud^eruptions ofthe face and body. The above diseases axe aSspeedily and permanently cured at the Institute.No Medicine Given or Knife used. Separateapartments for Ladles, withcompetent lady attend-ants. Allcommunications regarding treatment, orrights to use the Galvanic Process, which is PatanUdand offered forsale, should be addressed to the


Which winreceive prompt attention. Consultationand examination free. F.3. TONGUK, M.D., Con-sultingPhysician ;EDWABD TONGUE, Operator;OLUMDREW, General Manager.




Warranted Pure\u25a0Jtork Imligody«din the Wont, andColor InflexiblyPermanent.

The above is the printed guaranteethat accompanies every MiddlesexBlue Flannel Suit that leaves ourstore, Childxcn'«,BoyV and Men's.

Our Blue FlannelSuits are better made,

better trimmed, ami jitbetter than any everbe/ore shown in thismarket.


Clothing House,43

East TMrfl ft, St. Paul.



Used by Emma Thursbyand other firstdoss artists.

R C. MUNGER,71East Third Street.


Road Bicycles,219 State Street,

Chicago, .m«.89-gnn

Rent paid two-and-a quarter-years bays one.IIICn11 BEST CABINET OR PARLORMlXlln ORGANS INTHE WORLD; win--11l flUV

••Rers of highest distinction at every

-_._ World's tair for thirteen yean.

AND Prices, $31, $57. $66, $84, $168, to$300 and upward. Also for eiay

II|MII|1 payments, £.">, a month, or $6.38 an U 111 I111 quarter and upward. MASON &IIII111 a. IM HAMLINORGAN CO., 164 Tre-—

-.->, .. ~ moot St., BOS ION: *6 East 14thfiD P AnlC St. (Union Sqaare), NEW YORK;UIIU A II0 250 Wabash Avonne, CHICAGO.

AUTOMATIC TI[DDI\This machine has autrmatio ten- 111/ H H I

sions and antomatic apoo'tr, beeido* I I!.IIall late improvement common to 111 1Iother machines. Material and finishflrst-daas. Issilent, fast, and willwear a lifetime.Jno. M. Falrfleld, 870 State St.. Chicago.