Morning Worship 20 th Sunday after Pentecost October 26, 2014, 10:00 a.m. GATHERING AROUND THE WORD PRELUDE Medley: His Eye Is On The Sparrow; O Happy Day Traditional WELCOME AND CONCERNS OF THE CHURCH The Lord be with you. And also with you. INTROIT * CALL TO WORSHIP Casey Nolan One: God, we know you are with us. Many: From everlasting to everlasting, you are God. One: You have showered your love upon all generations, since the beginning of time. Many: From everlasting to everlasting, you are God. One: Guide us now in this time of worship and into the week ahead. Many: From everlasting to everlasting, you are God. All: Let us worship God Almighty! * HYMN Morning Has Broken No. 469 CALL TO CONFESSION Rev. Harrington PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) Everlasting God, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Since the creation of the world, you have nurtured us with your love. And yet we acknowledge that we do not always share your love with others. We are selective about who we choose as neighbors . . . only those who are clean, who look like us, who seem safe. Loving God, teach us to love you more. For in loving you, our lives will show love to all others, even as your love encompasses all your creation, in all generations. Have mercy upon us, and in this time of silence, help us to love you more fully. Leader: Trusting your mercy, we lift these prayers to you in the name of Jesus Christ, our redeemer. Amen. ASSURANCE OF PARDON *RESPONSE OF PRAISE Gloria Patri No. 567 Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Amen. Amen. *All who are able are invited to stand. Please turn off electronic devices.

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Morning Worship 20th Sunday after Pentecost

October 26, 2014, 10:00 a.m.

GATHERING AROUND THE WORD PRELUDE Medley: His Eye Is On The Sparrow; O Happy Day Traditional WELCOME AND CONCERNS OF THE CHURCH The Lord be with you. And also with you. INTROIT * CALL TO WORSHIP Casey Nolan Mary Lynn Rawls One: God, we know you are with us. Many: From everlasting to everlasting, you are God. One: You have showered your love upon all generations, since the beginning of

time. Many: From everlasting to everlasting, you are God. One: Guide us now in this time of worship and into the week ahead. Many: From everlasting to everlasting, you are God. All: Let us worship God Almighty! * HYMN Morning Has Broken No. 469 CALL TO CONFESSION Rev. Harrington PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison)

Everlasting God, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Since the creation of the world, you have nurtured us with your love. And yet we acknowledge that we do not always share your love with others. We are selective about who we choose as neighbors . . . only those who are clean, who look like us, who seem safe. Loving God, teach us to love you more. For in loving you, our lives will show love to all others, even as your love encompasses all your creation, in all generations. Have mercy upon us, and in this time of silence, help us to love you more fully.

Leader: Trusting your mercy, we lift these prayers to you in the name of Jesus Christ, our redeemer. Amen.


Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

*All who are able are invited to stand. Please turn off electronic devices.

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PROCLAIMING THE WORD ANTHEM Festive Praise Allen Pote “Sing to the Lord a song of praise, a wonderful, marvelous song. Sing to the Lord with joy in your heart, a wonderful, marvelous song. Alleluia, amen! Come, rejoice, as you sing you will lift up your voices in praise and thanksgiving to God. Sing all of the heavens, sing of the glory of God. Sing of the earth, rejoice! Sing of the marvelous glory of God. Sing a new song with the lute and the harp. Make melody with the sound of the lyre. It is good to give thanks to the Lord, sing praises, O rejoice and be glad for the Lord is our God.” Chancel Choir CHILDREN’S WORSHIP As the children first through third grades gather and recess to the Chapel for Children’s worship, the congregation is invited to join in singing:

What does the Lord require of you? What does the Lord require of you? To seek justice, and love kindness, and walk humbly with your God. (repeat)

Congregation: The peace of Christ be with you. Children: And also with you.

What does the Lord require of you? What does the Lord require of you? To seek justice, and love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.

The children will return to join their families at the Doxology.

PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION READING FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT Deuteronomy 34: 1-12 Pew Bible pp. 191-192 READING FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT Hebrews 11:13 Pew Bible pp. 225-226

This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

SERMON The Obituary Dr. Brown

RESPONDING TO THE WORD * HYMN Breathe on Me, Breath of God No. 316 * AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into

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heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER (unison) . . . “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.” Amen.

SHARING OUR FAITH Kathy Graham OFFERTORY Never Alone Anthony Evans * DOXOLOGY No. 592

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

* PRAYER OF DEDICATION (unison) From: Pilgrim Uniting Church of Australia We make our offerings, small and large, with the hope and confidence that all we do, all we offer, all we say, all we think, and all we hope will take root in this world and be the source of new expressions of God’s love, of God’s justice, of God’s character, of God’s mission, and of God’s reign. May God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven through us, alongside us, despite us, and for us. Amen.

* HYMN There Is A Balm In Gilead No. 394

BEARING AND FOLLOWING THE WORD INTO THE WORLD * CHARGE AND BENEDICTION * CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place, I can feel his mighty power and his grace. I can hear the brush of angels’ wings, I see glory on each face. Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place. Amen.

POSTLUDE God Be With You Till We Meet Again Ralph Vaughan Williams

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The Worship Service Notes The Session of South Mecklenburg Presbyterian Church meets on the fourth Sunday of the month at 11:15 a.m. in the Chapel to receive new members. If you have interest in membership, please speak to one of the pastors following today’s service. The flowers in the Sanctuary today are given to the glory of God and in celebration of Kemp Garand’s 10th birthday by Scott, Meg and Margaret Garand.

Worship Teams Elders and Deacons: Ed Cho, Rich Fuller, Lisa Gilleland Ushers: John Luby Head Usher; Deb Holzmeister, Chris & Tanya Rossouw, Bob Williamson, Rodney Young Acolyte: Joanna Alford A/V: Brad Alford

Hospitality Teams Greeter: Trey Plunket Welcome Center Host: Kim Dracon Coffee Ground Hosts: Robert & Ellen Clark, Emily Williams Lemonade Hosts: The Maguire Family

We offer preschool children’s worship for children 3-years old through kindergarten in their Sunday school classrooms each Sunday during the 10 a.m. Worship Service. Children from 3-years old through kindergarten need to interact physically with their world. They learn primarily by seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and feeling. Hearing God’s stories, singing God’s songs, praying prayers and experiencing God’s love are all acts of worship. Please drop off your child in his or her Sunday school classroom: 3 and 4 year olds in room 5, and kindergarteners in room 10. THOSE NOT WISHING TO RETAIN THEIR COPY of this worship bulletin are asked to place it at the end of the pew to be recycled. Please take your copy of the SMPC Weekly home as a reference to future opportunities to become more engaged in the life of our faith community.

Dr. Matthew S. Brown, Pastor Rev. Lynne M. Frech, Associate Pastor

Rev. Katherine B. Harrington, Associate Pastor Audrey McConnell, Director of Music

SOUTH MECKLENBURG PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 8601 Bryant Farms Road, Charlotte, NC 28277-1615

[email protected] 704-544-0404 www.smpchome.org