1 Consulting by HIR GmbH Power PmX task force TPMU HIR Method & Tools for Fit Gap analysis Based on a Powermax APML example

HIR Method & Tools for Fit Gap analysis - checkvision.de · 1 Consulting by HIR GmbH Power PmX task force TPMU HIR Method & Tools for Fit Gap analysis Based on a Powermax APML example

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1Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

HIR Method & Tools for Fit Gap analysis

Based on a Powermax APML example

2Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Base for all: The Processes

Main processesLevel 1

Sub processesLevel 2




Alignment of processes & SAP + NN functions

HIR-Method for Template Checks, Fit Gap-Analysis, Change-, Quality- & Risk- Management etc.

Sub processesLevel 3

Process stepsLevel 4

• Customized Objects

• Custom Development

Objects (RICEFW)

3Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Business Process Master Lists BPML => see Examples

1. The SAP Development Team should deliver the Process lists, covered by SAP releases 1, 2 and 2.1. On the other hand we should collect the existing Process lists of the factories.

2. Based on this existing Process lists we have to completethe missing processes for our factories in one common Excel file.

3. This new complete list is our BPML (= Specification) => Alstom Process Master List = APML Checklist=> Release necessary, Process Owner Organization?

4. Based on this APML checklist we manage our Fit Gap-Analysis . That means we compare our

„Requirement Profiles“

with the

„Performance Profiles“

of the different releases R1, R2 and R2.1 (=> Workshops with the Subject Matter Experts SME´s?).

Base for all: The detailed Process listHIR-Method for Template Checks, Fit Gap-Analysis, Change-, Quality- & Risk- Management etc.

4Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Organisation structures

Business processes

Prozess Kundenaufträge erfassen und verwalten

Data structures

System functions

Factory Requirements SAP Performance

Base for all: The detailed Process listHIR-Method for Template Checks, Fit Gap-Analysis, Change-, Quality- & Risk- Management etc.

5Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Organisation structures

Business processes

Prozess Kundenaufträge erfassen und verwalten

Data structures

System functions

Factory Requirements SAP Performance

Base for all: The detailed Process listHIR-Method for Template Checks, Fit Gap-Analysis, Change-, Quality- & Risk- Management etc.

APML checklist

6Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU



Prozess Kundenaufträge erfassen und verwalten


APML checklist

Base for all: The detailed Process listHIR-Method for Template Checks, Fit Gap-Analysis, Change-, Quality- & Risk- Management etc.

Factory Requirements SAP Performance

7Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Checklist with Requirement Profiles

Checklist with PMx Release-performance Profiles

Analysis / Evaluations

System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4

Materialwirtschaft Gesamt

System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4

Materialwirtschaft Gesamt

Checkvision - the tool for our job

8Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

9Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Requirement ProfilesIn each chapter you can tick/check an own Requirement Profile for each factory and one or more additional common profiles for factory groups:

- Not relevant- Nice to have- Important- Very important- Must (KO)

10Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Performance ProfilesFor each process (= question) the Development Team has to deliver the rigth answer:

- No, not covered (out of scope or covered in a complete other way)- Yes, but …(with comment, e.g. RICEFW - object)- Yes, fully covered (by customized or developed objects)

11Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

12Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Benchmark AnalysisEvaluation on all levels as a summary or specific for each chapter: Result as „Degree of Performance %“

13Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Benchmark AnalysisThe Star Diagram is one way to show the differences and the gaps of the releases in an overview. Here an other example with FELIOS and Primavera. FELIOS supports Production Planning und Shop Floor processes very much better, but on the other hand PRIMAVERA supports Project Controlling.

14Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Benchmark AnalysisThe Bar Chart is an other way to show the differences on a summarized process level.

15Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Benchmark AnalysisThe Traffic Ligth Chart shows the details on the lowest process level.

16Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Last Step

17Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Project Steps

Ok, that´s good, but we have to understand that!

18Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Process - Performance - Indicators KPI`sDefinition / adjustment for Alstom necessary

2. SAP - FunktionalitätUnterstützt SAP den definierten Prozess gut?

3. NN-System - FunktionalitätUnterstützt das NN-System den definierten Prozess gut?

1. Process definitionIst der Prozess klar definiert und dokumentiert?

4. Datenqualität - InputIst die Input-Datenqualität für den definierten Prozess gut?

5. Nutzung End-UserBeherrschen und nutzen die End-User die Tools SAP/NN für den definierten Prozess gut?

6. Datenqualität - OutputIst die Output - Datenqualität des definierten Prozesses gut?

7. Management InvolvementSteht das Management hinter dem definierten Prozess und dem Tooleinsatz?

8. Prozess OwnershipIst die Prozess Ownership eindeutig klar und wird sie mit entsprechender Kompetenz gelebt?

10. IT & TechnikIst die IT-Infrastruktur und der IT-Support für den Prozess in Ordnung?

9. Key UserGibt es für den Prozess & die Tools Key User mit fachlicher Kompetenz und zeitlicher Verfügbarkeit?

Project KPI ´́́́s Draft/Examples

19Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

We have to define the KPI´s for• central organisation and local interfaces• tasks and responsibilities• relation to standard line organisation

20Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

It´s the same APML checklist, but normaly we use a higher level to check the other KPI´s

Level 2

Two Functionality KPI´s for SAP and FELIOS

21Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

Project status in form of “Degrees of Performance %”What´s the status?

Where are the “Needs for action”?

22Consulting by HIR GmbH

Power PmX task force TPMU

BPML & Project - KPI`s

Base for the process oriented Fit Gap-Analysis for

1. Development for Release Waves (Template Releases)2. Central Deployment3. Local Deployment for single Pilot- or Roll Out-locations

=> Localisation necessary
