Hinduism, the religion of India

Hinduism, the religion of India

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Hinduism, the religion of India. Not one religion. Hinduism is not one faith; it’s made up a family of religions practiced by over one billion Indians (remember the world has 6.7 billion people) However, some Indians are Sikh, Jain, or Muslim. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hinduism, the religion of India






Hinduism is not one faith; it’s made up a family of religions practiced by over one billion Indians (remember the world has 6.7 billion people)

However, some Indians are Sikh, Jain, or Muslim

Hinduism is based in India, where the Ganges River is sacred

Many places in India are sacred to Hindus


There is no central figure in Hinduism, like Jesus, Muhammad, or the Buddha.

The sacred texts are the Vedas. The language of the religion is Sanskrit

These texts were written down starting around 3000 BCE. That’s over 5,000 years ago!

Hinduism is the oldest world religion.

Is Hinduism polytheistic? almost

At the center of Hinduism is one God, the ultimate reality, Brahman.

But Brahman is so mysterious, powerful and unknowable, that Hindus express their faith by worshipping other deities, knowing it never quite measures up

Vishnu: Sustainer of Worlds

Vishnu had taken many forms to fight evil. His most popular avatars are Krishna and Rama, as well as fearsome Kalki .

Shiva: the destroyer Shiva is constantly destroying and re-creating

things. Also the protector of yoga

Consorts and children Vishnu’s wives are Lakshmi and Bhu Shiva’s wives are Parvati, Durga, and Kali. Shiva has two children: Ganesha and Skanda

How does the world work?

The world is controlled and ordered by dharma

Dharma is the law of the universe. Everyone must obey their dharma,

which will vary based on who you are: rich or poor, male or female, young or old.

If you obey your dharma, you will have good karma

You should also

Gain knowledge, through meditation, like yoga

Be devoted to one deity and pray


Hindus pray at home and at temples

And also . . .

Being successful and wealthy is good (artha)

Enjoying life: art, family, love (kama)

And when you die?

Hindus believe in reincarnation

Reincarnation is dying and being re-born as something or someone else.

All of life and world history is a cycle, called the samsara.

Divali: Festival of lights

Biggest holiday in India and last five days

Celebrates Krishna’s defeating evil

Holi Children cursed and defeated a child-eating

demon Now, young people throw colored powder at each



Cows are considered sacred Hindus don’t eat beef Most Indians are primarily


Caste system

Members of separate castes are stereotyped, and assumptions are made about their karma from past lives.

Caste system