L THE WASHmnW TIMES THURSDAY MARCH 17 1910 Sixteen Witnesses Still to Be Heard By Com- mittee VETREES TO LEARN OF MISSING LETTERS Secretary of Interior Assistant Secretary Pierce and George Otis to Testify- By the latter part of May the Con- gressional committee to complete Its investigation of UM Balli serPin cTiot entbroglio and be rrady to submit- s report to Congress provided It Is unnecessary it appears at present to Journey to Alaska to on the ground the biggest bono of contention th Cunningham claims At the present title there are sixteen known witnesses yet to testify including t n for whom subpoenas have been Is- sued witness for the defense with As Urt rnt Secretary Pler e Chief of Field Service IL IT Schwartz Laud Com- missioner Dennett s satellites In ad ntlon Attorney Vertrees has already subpoenaed A Christensen who HU- Cerelca Glavis G W ONeil assistant itdlan of the Seattle Federal build p and Special Agent Park who win e called ulan to testify as t alleged pcovery of certain letters intoning om Gtavls official flies In a box in Federal bulldlnjr containing eff ct- C the former ebbs of nekl service Miss iil n M Shartell a stenographer has en called for light on the making of certain affidavits by coal claimants Tray Call Smith In view of the evidence as to water t iwer sites given by Chief Engineer A P Davis of the Reclamation Service it probable that Attorney Vertrees will 1O call George Otis Smith Director of the Geological the prosecution subpoenas ha already been Issued for Special Agent Bowman and Messrs Steele and Birch the latter two being officers of the Guggenheim Alaskan syndicate who gave sensational testimony as to the interest of that combine in Alaskan teal claims in a reeent hearing before tho Senate Committee on Territories Fpcclal Agent Bowman is called to tes- tify as to the letters which the de- f nsc alleges were found in Ghxvis box at In addition Pepper and Frandles are expected to call for former EE ifttc Forester 0 V Price and cxLiw Officer A AV the two I orost Service officials who with Pin- ot were discharged after the Doiriver Ittrr it is expected that tomey will have Director F II Newell of Reclamation Service c n the stand He is called particularly viUi reference to the aijt- lrewithdrawal of waterpower sites and to corroborate Englseor A P Davis To Tell of Interviews- It is considered likely hat the com- mittee on its own initiative may call exGovernor Miles C Moore ef Wash- ington one of the promoters for the Cunningham claims who ttsurec largely In the bearfngs tp date to tes- tify as to certain of his interviews with iv crotary Ballinger When committee first met Chair i an Nelson addressed letters to a num IT of magazine editors whose publica t had been muckraking in the i onsetration situation Inviting them to lp present and havo ac The defense may call a Hum r of newspaper men who have written series attacking Secretary Ballinger tM h the of animus of Ip conservation movement ae they 1 it Counsel on both sWes are chary of imouncinjf their witnesses r av he several others called bearing in p minor way on the main Counsel to Argue- It is practically certain that the tire will permit counsel to argue the at the close of the taking of evl cVnoe Probably Attorneys Brandete I rpprr and Smythe will sum up for Gad Plncbot et al and Vertrees and itEch for Ballinger The fcrm his the reputation of being seductive oratorical in such an argument and c dangerous opponent but with both Famlcis and Pepper in opposition the nrrnsic battle promises to be hot Mmbers of the committee are anxious t report thir findings at the earliest date and there seems to be liitl disposition to make the junket to Ala ska that was at first pointed out f ing the probable procedure With prophets predicting that the tea F n will not end until June 15 it is likely that Chairman Nelsons will have their report- r tdy for submission by that CAR IN COLLISION WITH AUTOMOBILE- A Capital Traction ear struck an auto- c the White Car Vompany 801 Penn f Ivania avenue al Sixth street and about 8W oclock this morning YK nt a dozen passengers on the rat TMf up but no one was hurt the automobile which was In If Ht wart Chapman was damaged The front the NIl was broken gives quick relief lOc 26c BOc How Will I Get A New Spring Is SuitI- s the question with many a man If you are keen on getting more than your moneys lot us show you a line CJJj O- or Spring Suitings were B 1211 PA AVE BALLINOER INQUIRY MAY CLOSE IN MAY hopes exam- Ine ft is to be the and the Survey- or attle Shaw the re the veral pled fa the m the side tr 1 fFf ill t y atr8 c the- n har e f ABrond tis i Difficult Breathing Orn8a OilI- t I crtb makn to order for I I Ha s Co Tailors s Bard retary Ballinger sitar 1 t r Attorneys Pepper has ins f < com- a c re lr tight eti shaken FOR 7 rye ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ = DEPORTATIONS MARKING OPEN SEASON FOR CRANKS Annual Spring Influx of In dividuals Suffering With De lusions Is Men Deported to Distant Homes Costs District 500 NotedThree ¬ Washington is at all times a Mecca for cranks but tho greatest pilgrim- age Its in tho spring season of the year the in- dividual who during the winter has harbored a grievance which must presented to the oar of the President alone wends his way toward the Na- tional Capital The halls of Congress- are Invaded by philanthropists who though without money are rich in ideas fur the betterment of the nation and in addition there arc numerous the Board of Charlthp as just plain cranks Three men deported by tho Board of Chartlied are speeding today toward their respective homes at Los Angeles Cal Houston Tex and New Orleans Tho man from Los Angeles left that city three months ago to collect rare books for his library At that time he NEW MENS STORE OFFERS SOUVENIRS Fourteenth Street Haberdashery Holds Formal Opening Under Auspicious Circumstances- This week will be one of celebration- at the new Auerbach haberdasher store recently opened at 613 Fourteenth street The counters in the main aisle of the store were banked today with floral contributions from Mr Auerbachs friends During the week souvenirs will be given to the patrons in the form of a neat card showing the dates of the Washington baseball club for the season and an attractive book to be used as a telephone list Mr Auerbach had the premises re modeled from basement to roof A sky- light running almost the entire length or the ceiling with front and back win- dows eliminates dark corners and gives customers and workmen plenty of sun- light The store is such a bright one Mr Auerbach hiss christened it Tire Sunshine Shop HOMESTEAD MAYOR INSANE TOMBSTONE Ariz March 17John McLuckie said to have been mayor of Homestead Pa during the famous steel strike has been sent to an asylum He was set upon by several ruffians in Mexico several months ago and left for dead He never recovered his mental faculties One had Face Covered wfth Itching Eruption Eyesight was Raw Itching Polar Spread Over the Other Head to Feet in a Single Day Dreadful SKINTORTURES YIELD TO EASY TREATMENT- In 1907 my face broke out in a mass of itching sores which At this b others designated by the police and LfffiCU A CUBED TWO BRDTHERS finally affected corn- ing e = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ my eyesight I tried recom mended salves that cost one dollar an ounce but to no avail A friend of mine to Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment as he was sure of good results from his own experi ence I I me ¬ ¬ VN x ointment for x about fix weeks after washing the Cuticura is perfect health now I owe to the Cuticura Remedies I shall stand them as one of the blessings to the suffering thousands D 532 St Brooklyn N Y Apr 9 1909 In the middle of the night of March 30th I woke with a burning itch in my two hands and I felt as I could them apart In the morning the itching got to my and dunn day it spread all over my body was raw from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and I was in continual from tho itching I could neither lie down nor sit up I happened to see about Cuticura Reme I thought I would give them a trial I a good bath with the Cuti cura Soap and used the Cuticura put it on from my head down to and then went to bed On the first of April I felt like a new man The itching was almost gone I con Cuticura Soap and Oint ment and during completely me Frank Gridley 325 St New York City Apr 27 09 Complete External and Internal Treatment for ot infants Children and Adults eon HsU of Cuticura Sop to the Skin CUUeura Ointment 50c Heal the Skin and Cuti cura Resoirent We or In the form or Chocolata per vial of 60 to Purify the Blood Sod throughout the trorli Potter Dru fc Chem Corp Sole Trots 135 Columbus Ave Boston Mass Mal l Free 32pace Cutleura Book an author ttv on treatment of Skin and Scalp HomeMade Tonic for Spring Use From the American Family Doctor Tho man who goes to his work with winging stride clear and ruddy complexion whoso blood courses through his veins vigorously and who seems to radiate power to do things Is a healthy man Perhaps he was not so but when his system deranged he took Imme diate steps to restore himself to prime physical condition Nearly ever person needs a system tonic In the spring A good blood tonic can be made at home- at small cost Get from your druggist one ounce of kardene mix It Ji cup sugar and add pint of alcohol and 1 of hot water This simple prescription makes a full quart of the very medicine at a small cost The dose Is one tablespoonful five minutes before each meal and before retiring Kardene cleanses the blood from Ute winters accumulation of impurities arouses the torpid liver restores lost appetite clears the skin and strengthens and builds up the entire system It makes any fcel ten younger and puts condition- to handle days work with vim and vigor If your druggist kardene he can easily get It for you I with I I I I tb t itcbin o 25c1 Cleanse o e e cleans- ing I thoroughly which red Oint- ment n Dleaaes was 1k one hasp t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ was plentifully supplied with but the police was practically penniless His story was was the victim of a religious sect which had planned his According to information Los by Secretary George L Wilson of the he is a man of scholarly attainments vers ed in three or and when ho left that city was In his barring a eccentricities The man New Orleans came to Washington hi search of a Representa tive His story was also one of persecu tion at of enemies The fact he is said to have f ur wives raised a doubt in the minds of the officials of tho Board of Charities as to the status of the man from Hous ton One of the wives living In that city has informed when he left Houston he appeared to be In full control of his mental faculties Ho will be given an opportunity to explain upon his arrival whlthor he is accompanied by John F Watson The cost to the District of the doper tation of the mon was 5600 An right mind I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GREEK PEASANTS RIOTS Civil War Feared As Result- of Uprising Against Land Owners CONSTANTINOPLE larch 17A sc- rioug clash between Greek peasants and troops In which many peasants were and has at Karditsa Greece to censored messages arriving from Athens The was coincident with the land riots now in which the Christian are de- manding that the government force the big land owners mostly Turks and Mo hammedans to divide their land among thE Reinforcements are hurrying to the aid of the troops as the peasants throughout all are aroused over the shooting cf their comrades by the Civi war Js looked upon as a near possibility RACE PLAYERS RAIDED CHICAGO March 17 Two hundred and fortyone handbooks were raided and twelve hundred persons were arrest- ed by the Chicago police gambling squad in the last six months KILLED IN cla k ly pe1l ls peasants Tlv isalr ¬ ¬ ¬ < Makes Kidneys Act Fine Ending Lame Back and Bladder Misery Just a few doses will regulate your outoforder Kidneys- A real surprise awaits every sufferer from kidney or bladder trouble who takes several doles of Papes Diuretic Misery in the back sides or loins sick headache nervousness rheumatism pains heart palpitations dizziness sleeplessness inflamed or swollen eye- lids lack of and all toms of outoforder kidneys simply vanish Uncontrollable urination especially at night smarting offensive and dis colored water and other bladder mis ery ends The moment you suspect kidney or urinary disorder or feel any rheu ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ matism begin taking this harmless medicine with the knowledge that there is no other remedy at any price made anywhere else In the world which will effect so thorough and prompt a cure ae a fiftycent treatment of Diuretic which any druggist can sup plyIt is needless to feel miserable and worried because this unusual prepara tion Roes at once to the outoforder kidneys and urinary systEr distributing Its cleansing healing and ing influence directly the organs and affected and completes the cure before you realize it Your physician pharmacist banker or any mercantile will tell you that Thompson of Cin- cinnati is a large and responsible medi cine concern or your confidence Accept only Papas Diuretic fifty rent treatment nny drug store any where In the world Pape I upon lands s S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LODGE WILL GIVE BALL FOR CHARITYL- adles Liberty Lodge No 1 Inde- pendent Order Sons of Benjamin will celebrate JU twelfth anniversary by a charity ball to be give at the old Masonic Temple March a The pro- ceeds nil be distributed among the charitable organisations of Washington- At the last meeting o the lodge the following officers wetc elected Presi- dent Sadie Levy vice president Amelia Freund secretary W H Bornhoim treasurer J Einstein conductor B Klawanc islde guardian R L Gold stein and outside guardian L SteIner Tired Aching Swollen Feel Iorns Callouses- or Bunions Use TIZ Its Sure Quick and Certain I TIZFor Feet Sweat C Sore ¬ ¬ ¬ You Will TIZ The Most Pleasant Heracdy You Ever Tried t and Moreover It Works j last here Is instant rtlief and a j lasting permanent remedy for sore feet Xo more tired feet No more aching feet No more swollen bad snvelllnc sweaty feet Ko more corns Nor more bunions No more callouses no matter what ails your feet or what under the sun youve tried without getting relief us TIZ TIZ is totally unlike anything else for the purpose you ever heard of Its the only foot ever made which acts on the principle of drawing out all the poisonous exudations which cause sore feet Powders and other remedies merely clog up the pores TIZ cleanses them out and keeps them clean It works right off will feel better the very first time Its Use it a week and you can forget you ever had sore feet There is nothing on earth that can compare with it TIZ is for sale at all druggists 5 cents per direct if you wish from Walter Tuth er Dodge Co Chicago III Recommended and sold by ODon Hells Drug Stores Using At 4 c ou used Bldg just box- er S ¬ < W B MOSES SONS AT A FRACTION OF COST- In Quantities Sufficient for One or More Annual Clearance Sale of Small and Broken Lots 480 Pieces Regularly Sold At 15c now 500 Pieces Regularly Sold At 20c now 670 Pieces Regularly Sold At 25c now 7c 465 Pieces Regularly Sold At 35c now 8c 800 Pieces Regularly Sold At 45c now lOc 640 Pieces Regularly Sold At 50c now e 914 Pieces Regularly Sold At 75c now 15c 850 Pieces Regularly Sold At 100 now 20c Plain Ingrain Papers Regularly 25c lOc per Piece Odd Lots of Wall Burlap 50c 15c Yard FINE PRESSED PAPERS AND BORDERS Reduced from 250 to 25c per Piece Founded 1861 F Street Cor llth Wall Paper Department First Floor ABOUT THIS 5 3- T3 T 9 gP vfiaJ- Si v JJf w 4iFj Vi lR TYfiirr i T llM SSS n v6 isis0fe- g ANNUAL SALE HighGrade Wall Papers I I J 5c I 6c I 121 now j W B MOSES SONS I I I i I I I 1 l I t o s- Our i hc Regularly Y rd now A p s r I B a- r f r Y- I J ff tt A r A t3 r 4tP li t t E a I I ekllrl- a Sl N 1 s I c- t i r ae t b I i I t i e A tit ate jtti s i t re r 1 1N i 1 1 O1 t t t 1fiti t 1 i I + > > > > 631 to 639 Massachusetts Avenue make room for Summer Goods we have cut prices deeply on Desks We have many good pat- terns that are now offered at a big reduction for quick ciearance Desks of this pattern in oak or mahogany finish Exceedingly well made Hand rubbed and polished Good drawer and pigeon- holes Is complete and contains a wonderful variety of good styles and patterns A few patterns that we carried during the winter we are now eloping out at a Bedding Renovated Carpets Cleaned Furniture Upholstered Covers 0 Q 61 AFTER SUNDOWN Comes the SelfLyte- ITS MATCHHZSS YOU SUCPIiT TUBS OK THE FLOW OP GAS ar1 y u have the brightest and A SHECIAi OFFER A FelfLyt Gs Mantle value 36c and- a handsome straight or inverted gas lamp value JlW for 90 Cents- S S SHEDD BROTHER CO Plumbing Tinning tins aad Electric Se- modelisg a Specialty 432 Ninth St N W Phone Main 214315 I Guarantee This Set For 2O Years jfAg35- My patent Suction never slip or drop They fit perfectly Gold PilllTg Silver PilLn Gold Crowns ap I AM THE MAN WHO MAKES PAIN FLY insult and have your teeth pit In a perfectly healthy con Jit ion by my PAINLESS METHODS You owe it to yourself to have Tnautiful teeth Pr Wyeth and his uptodate methods make it possible JUST PAY SOMETHING WHEH CONVENIENT My terms are so sattefac arc that you can arrange o pay a little whenever convenient I AM MAKING A SPECIALTY OF PORCELAIN BRIDGEWORK This is without doubt the most beautiful and lasting work known to dental science Spaces where one or look so natural that detection is Im possible Ask to see samples of this boautifnP work No charge for Painless Extraction 427429 7th Street H W Opposite liaasbarsni Ere Over Grand Union Tea Co Appointment may be made by tale phone Open 8 A SI to S P M Sundays 10 A M to 4 P at Philadelphia Office Stn Market Sts Baltimore Once 36 W Lexington St A i BIG BARGAINS IN DESKS i- To i Now L Our of GoCarts i 25 Reduction i- I tip stnpie sight in world Ie Reatbi TIo WHY SUFFER Yifh Your Teeth Teeth 1 iA 55 J SET 100 5Oc Bridge I a 1 e eeo om oeeo oseeooeeee4 e eooee e eeeeeeso8ee e 0 O o e e e e o m O t e O 4 e a s 9 pe p S 9 g e Une t 0 r e 00 1800090000 0 91 60010 5 Ou eeeee004efOe A- fr I f R f L y f i w f- c i PSt 1 the v r r v i4 Z i i rEp r i c Ny 4y14 1 s r t ar- M 2 r 1 s vie j F r VSi s4 S5 more teeth have been lost I replace to 0 WYETH PAmLFSS DENTIST a s 8 y I I- ci ¬ ¬ + + + + ° ° ° ° ° ° ° + + ° ° °

HighGrade Wall Papers - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-03-17/ed-1/seq-6.pdfL THE WASHmnW TIMES THURSDAY MARCH 17 1910 Sixteen Witnesses Still

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Sixteen Witnesses Still to

Be Heard By Com-



Secretary of Interior Assistant

Secretary Pierce and George

Otis to Testify-

By the latter part of May the Con-

gressional committee to completeIts investigation of UM Balli serPincTiot entbroglio and be rrady to submit-

s report to Congress provided It Isunnecessary it appears at

present to Journey to Alaska toon the ground the biggest bono of

contention th Cunningham claimsAt the present title there are sixteen

known witnesses yet to testify includingt n for whom subpoenas have been Is-


witness for the defense with As Urt

rnt Secretary Pler e Chief of FieldService IL IT Schwartz Laud Com-

missioner Dennett s satellites In adntlon Attorney Vertrees has alreadysubpoenaed A Christensen who HU-Cerelca Glavis G W ONeil assistant

itdlan of the Seattle Federal buildp and Special Agent Park who win

e called ulan to testify as t allegedpcovery of certain letters intoningom Gtavls official flies In a box in

Federal bulldlnjr containing eff ct-C the former ebbs of nekl service Miss

iil n M Shartell a stenographer hasen called for light on the making of

certain affidavits by coal claimantsTray Call Smith

In view of the evidence as to watert iwer sites given by Chief Engineer AP Davis of the Reclamation Service it

probable that Attorney Vertrees will1O call George Otis Smith Director

of the Geologicalthe prosecution subpoenas ha

already been Issued for Special AgentBowman and Messrs Steele and Birchthe latter two being officers of theGuggenheim Alaskan syndicate whogave sensational testimony as to theinterest of that combine in Alaskanteal claims in a reeent hearing beforetho Senate Committee on TerritoriesFpcclal Agent Bowman is called to tes-tify as to the letters which the de-f nsc alleges were found in Ghxvisbox at

In addition Pepper andFrandles are expected to call for formerEE ifttc Forester 0 V Price andcxLiw Officer A AV the two

I orost Service officials who with Pin-ot were discharged after the DoiriverIttrr it is expected thattomey will have Director FII Newell of Reclamation Service

c n the stand He is called particularlyviUi reference to the aijt-lrewithdrawal of waterpower sites andto corroborate Englseor A PDavis

To Tell of Interviews-It is considered likely hat the com-

mittee on its own initiative may callexGovernor Miles C Moore ef Wash-ington one of the promoters for theCunningham claims who ttsureclargely In the bearfngs tp date to tes-tify as to certain of his interviews withiv crotary Ballinger

When committee first met Chairi an Nelson addressed letters to a numIT of magazine editors whose publicat had been muckraking in thei onsetration situation Inviting them tolp present and havo acThe defense may call a Humr of newspaper men who have writtenseries attacking Secretary BallingertM h the of animus ofIp conservation movement ae they1 it

Counsel on both sWes are chary ofimouncinjf their witnessesr av he several others called bearing inp minor way on the mainCounsel to Argue-

It is practically certain that thetire will permit counsel to argue the

at the close of the taking of evlcVnoe Probably Attorneys BrandeteI rpprr and Smythe will sum up forGad Plncbot et al and Vertrees anditEch for Ballinger The fcrm

his the reputation of being seductiveoratorical in such an argument and

c dangerous opponent but with bothFamlcis and Pepper in opposition thenrrnsic battle promises to be hotMmbers of the committee are anxious

t report thir findings at the earliestdate and there seems to be

liitl disposition to make the junketto Ala ska that was at first pointed outf ing the probable procedure

With prophets predicting that the teaF n will not end until June 15 it is

likely that Chairman Nelsonswill have their report-

r tdy for submission by that


A Capital Traction ear struck an auto-c the White Car Vompany 801 Pennf Ivania avenue al Sixth street and

about 8W oclock this morningYK nt a dozen passengers on the rat

TMf up but no one was hurtthe automobile which was In

If Ht wart Chapman was damaged Thefront the NIl was broken

gives quick relief lOc 26c BOc

How Will I GetA New Spring



the question with many aman If you are keen on gettingmore than your moneyslot us show you a line CJJj O-or Spring Suitings were B

1211 PA AVE





ft is to be the









fa them

the sidetr1

fFf ill

ty atr8



har e


ABrond tis i

Difficult Breathing

Orn8a OilI-t



makn to order for

II Ha s Co Tailors


retary Ballinger sitar










com-ac re














> ¬





Annual Spring Influx of In dividuals Suffering With Delusions Is Men Deported to Distant

Homes Costs District 500


Washington is at all times a Meccafor cranks but tho greatest pilgrim-age Its in tho spring

season of the year the in-

dividual who during the winter hasharbored a grievance which mustpresented to the oar of the Presidentalone wends his way toward the Na-tional Capital The halls of Congress-are Invaded by philanthropists whothough without money are rich inideas fur the betterment of the nationand in addition there arc numerous

the Board of Charlthp as just plaincranks

Three men deported by tho Board ofChartlied are speeding today towardtheir respective homes at Los AngelesCal Houston Tex and New Orleans

Tho man from Los Angeles left thatcity three months ago to collect rarebooks for his library At that time he


Fourteenth Street HaberdasheryHolds Formal Opening Under

Auspicious Circumstances-This week will be one of celebration-

at the new Auerbach haberdasher storerecently opened at 613 Fourteenth street

The counters in the main aisle of thestore were banked today with floralcontributions from Mr Auerbachsfriends During the week souvenirs willbe given to the patrons in the form ofa neat card showing the dates of theWashington baseball club for the

season and an attractive book tobe used as a telephone list

Mr Auerbach had the premises remodeled from basement to roof A sky-light running almost the entire lengthor the ceiling with front and back win-dows eliminates dark corners and givescustomers and workmen plenty of sun-light The store is such a bright oneMr Auerbach hiss christened it TireSunshine Shop


McLuckie said to have been mayor ofHomestead Pa during the famous steelstrike has been sent to an asylum Hewas set upon by several ruffians inMexico several months ago and left fordead He never recovered his mentalfaculties

One had Face Covered wfth ItchingEruption Eyesight was

Raw Itching Polar SpreadOver the Other Head to Feetin a Single Day Dreadful


In 1907 my face broke out in a massof itching sores which

At this


others designated by the police and



finally affected










my eyesight I triedrecom

mended salves thatcost one dollar anounce but to no availA friend of mine

to CuticuraSoap and CuticuraOintment as he wassure of good resultsfrom his own experience I





VN x ointment forx about fix weeks after

washing the Cuticurais perfect health now

I owe to the Cuticura RemediesI shall stand them as one ofthe blessings to the sufferingthousands D 532St Brooklyn N Y Apr 9 1909

In the middle of the night of March30th I woke with a burning itch inmy two hands and I felt as I could

them apart In the morning theitching got to my and dunn

day it spread all over my bodywas raw from the top of myhead to the soles of my feet and I wasin continual from tho itching Icould neither lie down nor sit up Ihappened to see about Cuticura Reme

I thought I would give them atrial I a good bath with the Cuticura Soap and used the Cuticura

put it on from my head downto and then went to bed Onthe first of April I felt like a new manThe itching was almost gone I con

Cuticura Soap and Ointment and duringcompletely me Frank Gridley 325

St New York City Apr 27 09Complete External and Internal Treatment for

ot infants Children and Adults eonHsU of Cuticura Sop to the SkinCUUeura Ointment 50c Heal the Skin and Cuticura Resoirent We or In the form or Chocolata

per vial of 60 to Purify the BloodSod throughout the trorli Potter Dru fc ChemCorp Sole Trots 135 Columbus Ave Boston Mass

Mal l Free 32pace Cutleura Book an authorttv on treatment of Skin and Scalp

HomeMade Tonicfor Spring Use

From the American Family DoctorTho man who goes to his work withwinging stride clear and ruddy

complexion whoso blood coursesthrough his veins vigorously and whoseems to radiate power to dothings Is a healthy man Perhapshe was not so but when hissystem deranged he took Immediate steps to restore himself to primephysical condition

Nearly ever person needs asystem tonic In the spring A

good blood tonic can be made at home-at small cost Get from your druggistone ounce of kardene mix It Jicup sugar and add pint of alcoholand 1 of hot water This simpleprescription makes a full quart of thevery medicine at a smallcost The dose Is one tablespoonful fiveminutes before each meal and beforeretiring

Kardene cleanses the blood from Utewinters accumulation of impuritiesarouses the torpid liverrestores lost appetite clears the skinand strengthens and builds up the entiresystem It makes any fcel ten

younger and puts condition-to handle days work with vimand vigor If your druggistkardene he can easily get It for you





tb t itcbin

o25c1 Cleanse


e e










hasp t





was plentifully supplied withbut the police waspractically penniless His story waswas the victim of a religioussect which had planned hisAccording to information

Los by Secretary GeorgeL Wilson of the heis a man of scholarly attainments versed in three or and whenho left that city was In hisbarring a eccentricitiesThe man New Orleans came toWashington hi search of a Representative His story was also one of persecution at of enemiesThe fact he is said to have f urwives raised a doubt in the minds ofthe officials of tho Board of Charitiesas to the status of the man from Houston One of the wives living In thatcity has informed whenhe left Houston he appeared to be Infull control of his mental faculties Howill be given an opportunity to explainupon his arrival whlthorhe is accompanied by John FWatsonThe cost to the District of the dopertation of the mon was 5600


right mind








Civil War Feared As Result-

of Uprising AgainstLand Owners

CONSTANTINOPLE larch 17A sc-rioug clash between Greek peasants andtroops In which many peasants were

and has atKarditsa Greece to censoredmessages arriving from Athens

The was coincident with theland riots now inwhich the Christian are de-manding that the government force thebig land owners mostly Turks and Mohammedans to divide their land amongthE

Reinforcements are hurrying to theaid of the troops as the peasantsthroughout all are arousedover the shooting cf their comrades bythe Civi war Js looked uponas a near possibility


and fortyone handbooks were raidedand twelve hundred persons were arrest-ed by the Chicago police gamblingsquad in the last six months


cla kly

pe1l ls


Tlv isalr





Makes Kidneys Act Fine EndingLame Back and Bladder Misery

Just a few doses will regulateyour outoforder

Kidneys-A real surprise awaits every sufferer

from kidney or bladder trouble whotakes several doles of Papes DiureticMisery in the back sides or loins sickheadache nervousness rheumatismpains heart palpitations dizzinesssleeplessness inflamed or swollen eye-lids lack of and alltoms of outoforder kidneys simplyvanish

Uncontrollable urination especiallyat night smarting offensive and discolored water and other bladder misery endsThe moment you suspect kidneyor urinary disorder or feel any rheu





matism begin taking this harmlessmedicine with the knowledge thatthere is no other remedy at any pricemade anywhere else In the world whichwill effect so thorough and prompt acure ae a fiftycent treatment ofDiuretic which any druggist can supplyIt is needless to feel miserable andworried because this unusual preparation Roes at once to the outoforderkidneys and urinary systEr distributingIts cleansing healing anding influence directly the organsand affected and completes thecure before you realize it

Your physician pharmacist bankeror any mercantile will tell youthat Thompson of Cin-cinnati is a large and responsible medicine concern or yourconfidence

Accept only Papas Diuretic fiftyrent treatment nny drug store anywhere In the world












adles Liberty Lodge No 1 Inde-pendent Order Sons of Benjamin willcelebrate JU twelfth anniversary by acharity ball to be give at the oldMasonic Temple March a The pro-ceeds nil be distributed among thecharitable organisations of Washington-

At the last meeting o the lodge thefollowing officers wetc elected Presi-dent Sadie Levy vice president AmeliaFreund secretary W H Bornhoimtreasurer J Einstein conductor BKlawanc islde guardian R L Goldstein and outside guardian L SteIner

Tired Aching SwollenFeel Iorns Callouses-

or Bunions Use TIZ ItsSure Quick and Certain



Sweat C





You Will TIZ The MostPleasant Heracdy You Ever Tried t

and Moreover It Works j

last here Is instant rtlief and a j

lasting permanent remedy for sore feetXo more tired feet No more achingfeet No more swollen bad snvelllncsweaty feet Ko more corns Nor morebunions No more callouses no matterwhat ails your feet or what under thesun youve tried without getting relief

us TIZTIZ is totally unlike anything else for

the purpose you ever heard of Its theonly foot ever made which actson the principle of drawing out all thepoisonous exudations which cause sorefeet Powders and other remediesmerely clog up the pores TIZ cleansesthem out and keeps them clean Itworks right off will feel betterthe very first time Its Use it aweek and you can forget you ever hadsore feet There is nothing on earththat can compare with it TIZ is forsale at all druggists 5 cents per

direct if you wish from Walter Tuther Dodge Co ChicagoIII Recommended and sold by ODonHells Drug Stores










AT A FRACTION OF COST-In Quantities Sufficient for One or More

Annual Clearance Sale ofSmall and Broken Lots

480 Pieces Regularly Sold At 15c now500 Pieces Regularly Sold At 20c now670 Pieces Regularly Sold At 25c now 7c465 Pieces Regularly Sold At 35c now 8c800 Pieces Regularly Sold At 45c now lOc640 Pieces Regularly Sold At 50c now e

914 Pieces Regularly Sold At 75c now 15c850 Pieces Regularly Sold At 100 now 20c

Plain Ingrain Papers Regularly 25c lOc per Piece

Odd Lots of Wall Burlap 50c 15c Yard

FINE PRESSED PAPERS AND BORDERSReduced from 250 to 25c per Piece


F StreetCor llth

Wall Paper Department First Floor




gP vfiaJ-Si v JJf w4iFj Vi lR TYfiirr iTllM SSS n v6 isis0fe-g


HighGrade Wall PapersI





















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631 to 639 Massachusetts Avenue

make room for Summer Goods we have cutprices deeply on Desks We have many good pat-terns that are now offered at a big reduction for quickciearance

Desks of this pattern inoak or mahogany finishExceedingly well madeHand rubbed and polishedGood drawer and pigeon-holes

Is complete and contains a wonderful variety of goodstyles and patterns A few patterns that we carriedduring the winter we are now eloping out at a

Bedding Renovated Carpets CleanedFurniture Upholstered Covers

0 Q 61


Comes the SelfLyte-ITS MATCHHZSS


ar1 y u have the brightest and

A SHECIAi OFFERA FelfLyt Gs Mantle value 36c and-a handsome straight or inverted gas

lamp value JlW for90 Cents-

S S SHEDD BROTHER COPlumbing Tinning tinsaad Electric Se-

modelisg a Specialty432 Ninth St N W

Phone Main 214315

I Guarantee This SetFor 2O Years


My patent Suctionnever slip or drop Theyfit perfectly

Gold PilllTgSilver PilLnGold Crowns



insult and have your teethpit In a perfectly healthy conJit ion by my

PAINLESS METHODSYou owe it to yourself to have

Tnautiful teethPr Wyeth and his uptodate

methods make it possible


My terms are so sattefacarc that you can arrangeo pay a little whenever



This is without doubt the mostbeautiful and lasting work known todental science Spaces where one orlook so natural that detection is Impossible Ask to see samples of thisboautifnP work No charge for PainlessExtraction

427429 7th Street H W

Opposite liaasbarsni EreOver Grand Union Tea Co

Appointment may be made by talephone

Open 8 A SI to S P MSundays 10 A M to 4 P at

Philadelphia Office Stn Market StsBaltimore Once 36 W Lexington St

A i





Our of GoCarts i

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stnpie sight in world



WHY SUFFERYifh Your Teeth


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