Higher Education & Scientific Higher Education & Scientific Research in Egypt Research in Egypt The Future The Future Ministry of Higher Education And Scientific Research Higher Education & Scientific Research Higher Education & Scientific Research in Egypt in Egypt The Future The Future Amr Ezzat Salama Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research

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Higher Education & Scientific Higher Education & Scientific Research in EgyptResearch in Egypt

““The FutureThe Future”” Ministry of Higher Education

And Scientific Research

Higher Education & Scientific Research Higher Education & Scientific Research in Egyptin Egypt

““The FutureThe Future””

Amr Ezzat SalamaMinister of Higher Education

and Scientific Research

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Higher Education & Scientific Higher Education & Scientific Research in EgyptResearch in Egypt

““The FutureThe Future”” Ministry of Higher Education

And Scientific Research

Mission & VisionA leading role in knowledge society.

Excellence and ability to compete.A base for creativity and innovation.

Lead for national development.

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““The FutureThe Future”” Ministry of Higher Education

And Scientific Research

Specific Objectives for Developing HE System in Egypt

A leading role in knowledge society(knowledge production (knowledge production –– Dissemination & application)Dissemination & application)

Excellence in research aptitude.Excellence in research aptitude.Significant Scientific publications.Significant Scientific publications.Community level Scientific awareness.Community level Scientific awareness.Ability to lead the future.Ability to lead the future.LifeLife--long learning & education.long learning & education.Information infraInformation infra--structure.structure.

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Higher Education & Scientific Higher Education & Scientific Research in EgyptResearch in Egypt

““The FutureThe Future”” Ministry of Higher Education

And Scientific Research

Specific Objectives for Developing HE System in Egypt

Excellence and ability to competeHigh quality Education, Efficiency and Highly committed and efficient academic society.New approaches in the higher education and scientific research systems.Flexibility and mobility within Higher education and scientific research systems.Interactive and collaborative relationships with overseas higher education and research institutions.Internationally accredited academic degrees.The ability of academic and research society of self development.

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““The FutureThe Future”” Ministry of Higher Education

And Scientific Research

Specific Objectives for Developing HE System in EgyptA base for creativity and innovation

Centers of scientific & technological excellence.A system for scientific & technological incubators, museums and parks at universities and research centers.Economic management for scientific & technological innovations and creations.Systematic programs for nurturing talents and giftedness in higher education and research system.Effective & continuous participation in scientific and technological international events.Attracting Egyptian scientists and researchers working abroad.Intellectual property rights, protection and impact.

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Specific Objectives for Developing HE System in EgyptLead for national development(Higher Education and scientific research are

considered the lead for development)Defining new dimensions for development.Defining new dimensions for development.Developing interdisciplinary & multidisciplinary fields of Developing interdisciplinary & multidisciplinary fields of specializations.specializations.Scientific research participation in development.Scientific research participation in development.Positive contribution in human development.Positive contribution in human development.Studying, analyzing and advising economic, social and Studying, analyzing and advising economic, social and developmental performance.developmental performance.Providing necessary scientific human resources Providing necessary scientific human resources needed for leading developmental projects.needed for leading developmental projects.

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Qualitative and quantitative indicators for development in Qualitative and quantitative indicators for development in state universitiesstate universities

121 61962 667Number of students in universities residence6 3335 026Cost per student *5 9842 180Universities budget (in million pounds)

162 700100 808Enrollment in graduate level education1 252 000520 000Enrollment in undergraduate level education

65 06238 840Total number of faculty members & assistant Staff278202Number of colleges

12+8 branches12+8 branchesNumber of universities


* Calculated per full time students

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Qualitative & quantitative indicators for development in Qualitative & quantitative indicators for development in other Higher Education Institutionsother Higher Education Institutions

3 234129 084

108 308

3 404------Enrollment in university level education (1994/95)


8 357



Gov. Higher



313 632

3 954


Private Higher



3 973



American University

13 741

337 975

9 019



-----Enrollment in graduate level

34 542Enrollment in undergraduate level (2003/04)

1 566Total number of faculty members & assistant Staff (2003/04)

6Number of Institutions

Private universitiesType

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Qualitative & quantitative indicators for Qualitative & quantitative indicators for development in higher education systemdevelopment in higher education system

59%69%Male 41%31%FemaleEnrollment in

Graduate level

64.4%67.6%Social/human sciences

35.6%32.4%Applied sciencesEnrollment in faculties & colleges

48.5%60%Male 51.5%40%FemaleEnrollment in

undergraduate level


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Growth in enrollment rates for higher education Growth in enrollment rates for higher education according to population & age group (18according to population & age group (18--23).23).

30.5%30.22 025 000672002/0321.3%20.21 233 000611995/96

16.9%18.3771 000421985/86

Enrollment in HE within the

age group (18-23)

Enrollment in university education per thousand citizen

Total Enrollment

in HE

Population (million)


• There was an increase that reached 5% through 10 years (85-95)

• Increase reached 9% throughout 6 years (96-2002)

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8%2.3157 971672002/038%1.699 216611995/96

11%2.084 560421985/86

Enrollment in graduate against undergraduate


Enrollment in graduate level per thousand citizen

Total Enrollment in

graduate level

Population (million)years

Growth in enrollment rates for graduate level education Growth in enrollment rates for graduate level education compared to population.compared to population.

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““The FutureThe Future”” Ministry of Higher Education

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Action Plan for achieving Objectives of HE SystemAction Plan for achieving Objectives of HE System

I. Maximizing higher education sector capacity.I. Maximizing higher education sector capacity.II. Quality assurance & performance based governance.II. Quality assurance & performance based governance.III. Using ICT in maximizing higher education sectorIII. Using ICT in maximizing higher education sector

capacity in education, research& administration.capacity in education, research& administration.IV. Development of higher education institutions graduateIV. Development of higher education institutions graduate

studies & scientific research.studies & scientific research.V. Faculty, leadership & administrators professionalV. Faculty, leadership & administrators professional

development.development.VI. Fostering students activities and updating ofVI. Fostering students activities and updating of


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I.I. Maximizing higher education capacity.Maximizing higher education capacity.

Needs & Facts:Increasing demand on higher education.Increasing access to students at the age group (18-23)Improving flexibility and mobility within higher education system.Satisfying the needs for life long learning and continuing education.Providing highly qualified graduates for national development. Benefiting from Higher education system as a source of national income.

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I. Maximizing higher education capacity.I. Maximizing higher education capacity.

Working on general legislative law for higher education system that encompass all higher education institutions (public, national, private…)

Preparation of the master plan for the system of higher education Institution based on social, demographic, economic, gender considerations as well as national development initiatives and international trends

(by the end of 2005)

Preparing legislations and plans

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I. Maximizing higher education capacity.I. Maximizing higher education capacity.

Improving governance of the university branches to act as independent universitiesBenha Branch, Zagazig University (Benha University) (2005/2006)Beni Seuf & Fayoum Branches, Cairo University (North Valley University) (2005/2006) Sohag Branch, S. Valley University (Sohag University) (2006/2007)Kafr El Sheikh Branch, Tanta University (Kafr El Sheik University)

Increasing access to the Egyptian state universities capacity

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I. Maximizing higher education capacity.I. Maximizing higher education capacity.

Restructuring of some faculties and colleges& creating new academic programsMaximizing the benefit from available human and material resources in the existing Higher Education Institutions to reach internationally recognized higher education systems where students are to share actual study cost Establishing progressive education academic Programs (planned to start on the school year 2005/2006 with some fields of specialization:Engineering, computer science, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacology, Education, …)

Increasing access to the Egyptian state universities capacity

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establishing a number of unique technological colleges including certified centers for professional training services that follow internationally accredited systems.

(4 technological colleges in the timeframe 2005/2007)

A university for distance education is to be established by thegovernment and funded only for the first three years where it would be independently funded afterwards through self generated resources. (First phase is to start on 2006/2007)

Increasing access to Egyptian state universities.

I. Maximizing higher education capacity. I. Maximizing higher education capacity. (Cont.)(Cont.)

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Establishing specialized national universities supported by professional organizations/stakeholders.

University for Engineering sciences.Political, Administrative and E-commerce sciences University (Banks, Insurance companies & chambers of commerce unions.Medical and pharmacological sciences universities.

Establishing a National UniversityA national project that is adopted by civic society institutions, stakeholders and individuals. (First phase starts 2006/2007)

Increasing access through establishing National Universities (non-profit)

I. Maximizing higher education capacity. I. Maximizing higher education capacity. (Cont.)(Cont.)

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Developing standards, specifications and criteria for establishing new private universities &r higher institutes.Modifying legislative laws of private universities (act no. 101 for 1992) to encompass national universities and other new forms of universities that local communities might initiate.Awarding preliminary approval for establishing new private higher education institutions according to developed master plan and regulating legislations.

Increasing access in private universities and higher institutes.

I. Maximizing higher education capacity. I. Maximizing higher education capacity. (Cont.)(Cont.)

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II. Quality assurance & performance evaluation.II. Quality assurance & performance evaluation.Needs & Facts:

An institutional system for performance evaluation and quality assurance within higher education institutions A national system for performance evaluation and quality assurance through an external body (independent agency).

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II. Quality assurance & performance evaluation.II. Quality assurance & performance evaluation.

An institutional system for performance evaluation and quality control within higher education institutions:

Creating common culture for quality & trust in higher education outcomes.Establishing a center for performance evaluation and quality assurance in all higher education institutions. (2004-2007)Working on a set of academic reference standards for a number of 450 academic programs. (2004-2007)All state or private higher education institutions are to carry out a periodical self-assessment study. (2004-2009)Developmental engagements for maximizing points of strength and improving points of weaknesses based on the self assessment reports recommendations and feedback.

(30% of HE Institutions 2004-2007)applying for accreditation (10% of HE institutions until 2008)

Applying performance evaluation and quality assurance systems

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II. Quality assurance & performance evaluation.II. Quality assurance & performance evaluation.

Supporting and restructuring an efficient higher education data management and statistical studies unit.

Creating a fund for educational reform and development (the presidential decree has been issued)

Establishing an independent national association for quality assurance and accreditation.

Establishing external quality assurance and accreditation system

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III. Using ICT in improving the educational and III. Using ICT in improving the educational and institutional performance in higher education institutional performance in higher education sector and research institutions.sector and research institutions.

Needs & Facts:Needs & Facts:Integrating e-management / e-government in all higher education institutions.Continuous development for academic and scientific programs, curricula and methods of teaching.Introducing new forms and modes of education that respond to the increasing demand on HE sector.Increasing accessibility for international knowledge resources and libraries.ICT training for academic and administrative staff to raise their competencies in dealing with communication, information and multimedia technology.

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Increasing students’ self-learning capabilities and e-communication among higher education stakeholders.

(10% of curricula in HE sector 2006-2007)

Completion of e-management system in HE institutions and its networking with EUN. (until 2007)

Enhancing the infrastructure of Egyptian Universities Network (EUN) to cover all HE institutions (until 2006)

Supporting and improving ICT needed infra structure

III. Using ICT in improving the educational and institutional III. Using ICT in improving the educational and institutional performance in higher education sector and research performance in higher education sector and research institutionsinstitutions

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The development of ICT service provider centers that support The development of ICT service provider centers that support higher education. higher education. (2004(2004--2007)2007)

■■ ICT training centers for training faculty members and ICT training centers for training faculty members and researchers.researchers.

■■ Centers for knowledge resources, eCenters for knowledge resources, e--periodicals, eperiodicals, e--books to be books to be managed by the EUN and national information network.managed by the EUN and national information network.

■■ Centers for production of eCenters for production of e--courses and ecourses and e--learning programs.learning programs.

Supporting and improving ICT needed infra structure (Cont.)

III. Using ICT in maximizing higher education sector III. Using ICT in maximizing higher education sector capacity in education, research& administration.capacity in education, research& administration.

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Investing in e-training of qualified personnel in the field of HE and scientific research through centers of excellence.

Integrating internet 2 service as a pioneer experience for the first time in Egypt in some universities and research centers.

Enhancing networking with different governorates through using fiber optics and increasing number of computers at both theoretical and applied faculties.

Using e-learning technology in developing educational content for faculties of computer sciences and engineering.

Cooperating with the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology

III. Using ICT in maximizing higher education sector III. Using ICT in maximizing higher education sector capacity in education, research& administration.capacity in education, research& administration.

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Supporting the effective teaching of science and math

Participating in Open source software environment (MIS, Digital libraries, applied fields).

Cooperation with UNESCO in E-learning training programs.

Urging students and human resources in higher education institutions to improve computer skills through ICDL or equivalent training.

UNESCO initiatives in supporting HE

III. Using ICT in maximizing higher education sector III. Using ICT in maximizing higher education sector capacity in education, research& administration.capacity in education, research& administration.

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IV. Development of graduate studies & scientific IV. Development of graduate studies & scientific research in higher education institutions research in higher education institutions Enhancing and developing academic & research Enhancing and developing academic & research community performance inside and outside community performance inside and outside universities.universities.Preparation of academic society human resources in Preparation of academic society human resources in HE & research institutions.HE & research institutions.Directing graduate studies and research topics to Directing graduate studies and research topics to market research needs and development plans.market research needs and development plans.Fostering lifelongFostering lifelong--learninglearning skills and attitudes.skills and attitudes.Supporting scientific and research productivity & Supporting scientific and research productivity & knowledge base of academic society.knowledge base of academic society.

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Encouraging community and granting institutions to support graduate studies students.

Establishing a fund for supporting technological and scientific research.

Establishing an institution for academic publishing and translation on an internationally renowned level in collaboration with international publishers.


Restructuring graduate studies systems using credit hours system that guarantee active study all year round maximizing the use of available resources. (2006/2007)

Development of graduate studies and research systems capabilities.

IV. Development of graduate studies & scientific IV. Development of graduate studies & scientific research in higher education institutionsresearch in higher education institutions

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V. Faculty, leadership & administrators V. Faculty, leadership & administrators professional development.professional development.Faculty and leadership development to support Faculty and leadership development to support academic & institutional efficiency & effectiveness.academic & institutional efficiency & effectiveness.Reinforcing the importance of self professional Reinforcing the importance of self professional development for required competencies & skills.development for required competencies & skills.Training academic leaderships for modern Training academic leaderships for modern management systems for HE institutions.management systems for HE institutions.Studying possible alternatives & options for Studying possible alternatives & options for improving faculty members compensations.improving faculty members compensations.

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Currently implemented projects within the scope of HE Currently implemented projects within the scope of HE strategic plan (phase I: 2003strategic plan (phase I: 2003--2007)2007)

Available fund (million dollar)Available fund (million dollar)•• Quality Assurance & Accreditation Project (QAAP). Quality Assurance & Accreditation Project (QAAP). 6 6 •• Faculty & Leadership Development Project (FLDP). Faculty & Leadership Development Project (FLDP). 66•• Higher Education Enhancement Project Fund (HEEPF). 1Higher Education Enhancement Project Fund (HEEPF). 122•• Information and Communication Technology Project (ICTP). 10.5Information and Communication Technology Project (ICTP). 10.5•• Technical colleges Project (TCP). Technical colleges Project (TCP). 1717•• Faculties of Education Project (FOEP). Faculties of Education Project (FOEP). 1414•• TransTrans--European Mobility Programme for University studies 33(European Mobility Programme for University studies 33(€€))

(Tempus (Tempus –– MedaMeda III)III)

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Second National Conference on Developing Second National Conference on Developing Higher EducationHigher Education

(evaluating, monitoring and reformulating HE strategic plan)

Goals ■ Evaluating enhancement projects.■ Reviewing and updating the strategic plan.■ Approving implementation programs until 2017.

Expected to take place on June 2005.