Higher education policy development of the Republic of Moldova Ana GUŢU Prime Vice-Recteur Free International University of Moldova

Higher education policy development of the Republic of Moldova

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Higher education policy development of the Republic of Moldova. Ana GUŢU Pr ime Vice-Recteur Free International University of Moldova. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Higher education policy development of the Republic of Moldova

Higher education policy development of the

Republic of Moldova Ana GUŢU

Prime Vice-RecteurFree International

University of Moldova

Page 2: Higher education policy development of the Republic of Moldova

Essential values of the universitas europea, called today to contribute at the formation of a new universality, a new humanism, are already defined:

freedom of thought and research ,

Didactic, scientific and organizational autonomy,

democratic participation and societal responsability,

innovation and transparency.

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The mission of the university

Pope Alexander IV to the University from Paris, who declared in april, 1255 that the university should be dedicated to „researching, teaching and the education of the students associated in complete freedom with their teachers sharing common love for knowledge” (Alexander IV, 1958: p.602).

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Bologna Process, after 8 years from it’s start, had a succes realised not only on the base of interstate treaties, but a succes formed by the universities and education ministries.

The European academic community fixed concrete objectives and realized them in a short period of time, operating with transformations in higher education systems, in universities ’ organization, in curricula’s design, elements that had a significant impact over the society through the students.

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New Bologna Strategies – (after 2010):

At institutional/national level:Reorientation of the university

curricula contents over different age categories (demographic problem) – the wide access assurance at higher education studies.

The development at the university level of some activities network, documents, organizational entities for the academic integrity promotion (Declaration from Bucharest, 2004)

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The quality pentalateral





Financial efficiency Academi

c integrity


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Legislative cadre after RM’s adhesion at the Bologna

Process, in may 2005 Education law from 1995, law amendments

from may 2005. The establishment of the 2 university cycles – Bachelor degree and Master Degree.

Education Code Project elaborated and prezented to the Government.

The list of the professional formation domains at the Bachelor Degree cycle, adopted by the Parliament in may 2005, the Plan-cadre elaborated by the Ministry of Education, the government decision about the organization of the Master Degree studies adopted in december 2007

The national guide of theTransferable Credits in base of ECTS adopted by ME in 2005

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Deficiencies in legislationThe lack of a clear and exhaustive legislation in higher education domain

The existing incoherence between normative documents that regulates the higher education system activity from RM (Doctor’s degree problem)

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Macro – institutional deficienciesThe Ministry of Education does

not assume the responsibility for the management competences of the university research, this function being fulfilled by the Academy of Sciences of RM and CNAA

Too many higher education institutions – 14 state inst. and 16 private inst. – for 3 mln 300 thousand inhabitants

Insufficient financing of the higher education institutions

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Intra – institutional deficiencies

A high number of students in series and flaws

Directions and university curricula in one.

Education process centered on teacher not student

The lack of quality management systems based on transparency, anonymous surveys and participatory activities of the students

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The university centered on the student„The student has to be the

outset in the organization of the higher education and in the formation of the university, not the teacher’s knowledge. The university has to be the institutional projection of the student and the two it’s dimensions are: it’s improvement ability to obtain knowledge and the necessities fulfillment of the student in specific knowledge for life” (Ortega y Casset, 1930: p.86).

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Solutions Permanent dialogue between ME

and higher education institutions in the spirit of the Recomandation No 1762 of PACE concerning the academic freedom.

(Parlamentary Assembly. Recommandation 1762 (2006).//http://assembly. Coe.int/docuemnts/adoptedtext/ta06

Art. 4. The assembly of PACE rreaffirms the right to academic freedom and autonomy

Art 11. Subsidiarity, transparency and quality assurance are preconditions.

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SolutionsThe adoption of the

Education Code in spirit of the adopted documents at the Bologna, Praga,Berlin, Bergen, London, Louvain- la Neuve meetings of higher education ministers and others. european regulator documents

The augmentation of the role of the Rectors Council from RM

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Solutions The creation of the National

Agency of the Quality Evaluation in the Higher Education and Research

The transfer of the management competences of the research from Academy of Sciences to ME and renaming it in Ministry of Education and Research

The unification of some public higher education institutions

The suspension of activity of some higher education institutions

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RecommendationsWide emissions în in mass media about the progression of the higher education reform.

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Concentration of the universities efforts in promotion and correct interpretation of Bologna reform among students and teachers.

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RecommendationsThe dynamization of

the interactive communications between universities and ME by the creation of an university experts and governmental cadres network responsable for Bologna reform.

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Le due Torri

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„The university is the promoter of the european humanist traditions, it’s permanent care is the universal cognoscibility for the realisation of it’s vocation through the politic and geographic borders transcendence” (Magna Charta Universitatum, 1998).

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Sources AIU Horizons, mai 2007, vol.2-3. AIU Horizons, octobre 2007, No- 13-14, p. 14-17 Comité Directeur de l’Enseignement supérieur et de

la Recherche(CDESR), 7-ème session plénière, Strasbourg, 6 – 7 mars 2008, « L’université entre humanisme et marché: redéfinir ses valeurs et fonctions pour le XXI-e siècle. Rapport et Conclusions de la Conférence de lancement (Strasbourg 20-21 novembre 2007).

Declaraţia de la Bucureşti despre Valorile şi Principiile Etice ale învăţământului Superior din Europa, adoptată în cadrul Conferinţei Internaţionale “Dimensiunile Etice şi Morale ale învăţământului Superior şi ştiinţei din Europa 2-5 septembrie 2004, Bucureşti, România; http://www.almamater.md/articles/879/index.html, consultat la 10 septembrie 2007.

Higher Education Governance between democratic culture, academic aspirations and market forces. Synopses of presentations. Strasbourg, 22-23 september 2005.

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Sources Harvey L. and Green D. Defining quality. In

Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 18 (1), 1993.

Il ruolo delle Universita nello Spazio Europeo dell’Instruzione e della Ricerca. Sapienza Universita di Roma, 22 giugno 2007.

Olsen J. P.and Gornitzka A. Comprendre la signification du changement dans la gouvernance de l’université. Organisation et performances de l'université. In: AIU Horizons fevrier 2006, Vol.11.4-12.1, p.1,2,10.

Ortega y Casset J. Mision de la Universidad. In : Revista de Occidente, First Edition, Madrid, 1930.

Magna Charta Universitatum. Bologna, Italia, settembre, 1998. http://www3.unibo.it/avl/charta/charta.htm, consultat la 3 septembrie 2007

Alexander IV. Letter to the University of paris, on the April 14, 1255. In: Introdaction. Bullarium Diplomatum. Vol.III, Torino, 1958.

London Communique, May 18. http://www.cicic.ca/docs/bologna/2007LondonCommunique.en.pdf, consultat la 25 mai 2007.

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Thank you for your attention!

Ana GUTUPrim- VicerectorFree International University of


[email protected] site : www.anagutu.net