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  • 8/18/2019 High variability of levels of Aliivibrio.pdf



    Annals of Microbiology


    ISSN 1590-4261

    Volume 65

    Number 4


    Ann Microbiol (2015) 65:2343-2353

    DOI 10.1007/s13213-015-1076-3

    High variability of levels of Aliivibrioand lactic acid bacteria in the intestinal 

    microbiota of farmed Atlantic salmonSalmo salar L.

    Félix A. Godoy, Claudio D. Miranda,

    Geraldine D. Wittwer, Carlos P. Aranda

    & Raúl Calderón

  • 8/18/2019 High variability of levels of Aliivibrio.pdf



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  • 8/18/2019 High variability of levels of Aliivibrio.pdf



    High variability of levels of  Aliivibrio and lactic acid bacteriain the intestinal microbiota of farmed Atlantic

    salmon  Salmo salar  L.

    Félix A. Godoy1 & Claudio D. Miranda2,3 & Geraldine D. Wittwer1 &

    Carlos P. Aranda1 & Raúl Calderón4

    Received: 10 November 2014 /Accepted: 11 March 2015 / Published online: 16 April 2015# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and the University of Milan 2015

    Abstract  In the present study, the structure of the intestinal

    microbiota of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar  L.) was studiedusing culture and culture-independent methods. Three adult specimens of  S. salar  were collected from a commercial salm-on farm in Chile, and their intestinal microbiota were studied

     by partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene of pure culturesas well as of clone libraries. Out of the 74 bacterial isolates,

     Pseudomonas was the most predominant genus among cul-tured microbiota. In clone libraries, 325 clones were obtainedfrom three adult fish, and a total of 36 operational taxonomicunits (OTUs) were identified. This indicated that lactic acid

     bacteria (Weissella,  Leuconostoc, and  Lactococcus  genera)comprised more than 50 % of identified clones in two fishes.

    This was in contrast with the high dominance of a single OTU(99 sequences) of  Aliivibrio  sp. related to the pathogenic

     Aliivibrio salmonicida species and the absence of lactic acid bacteria in the third fish, suggesting a condition of an asymp-tomatic non-healthy carrier. It is clear that molecular identifi-cation of 16S rRNA gene libraries obtained from intestinalcontent samples is effective in determining the overall

    structure of the intestinal microbiota of farmed Atlantic salm-

    on enabling detection of a minority of taxa not previouslyreported as part of the intestinal microbiota of salmonids, in-cluding the genera  Hydrogenophilus,  Propionibacterium,Cronobacter ,  Enhydrobacter ,   Veillonella,  Prevotella, and

     Atopostipes, as well as to evaluate the health status of farmedfish when evaluating the dominance of potential pathogenicspecies and the incidence of lactic acid bacteria.

    Keywords   Aquaculture . Intestinal microbiota . Aliivibrio .

    Salmon farming . Salmo salar 


    Chile is currently a worldwide leading salmon producer andthe Atlantic salmon Salmo salar  L. is one of the main Chileansalmonid farming products, constituting 182,712 tons fromJanuary to June of 2014, and comprising 64 % of total salmo-nid exports (SalmonChile 2014). It is well established that theintestinal tract of rearedfish harbors a microbiota that fulfill animportant role in immunity, nutrition, and disease control of reared fishes (Trust and Sparrow 1974; Ringø and Birkbeck 1999; Moffitt and Mobin 2006).

    To study the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract of fish-

    es, the general approach has been the use of conventionalculture methods (Ringø et al.  1995). However, it has beenfound that these methods present several disadvantages andusually onlydetect aerobics and facultative anaerobic bacteria,

     but do not detect slow-growing bacteria (Spanggaard et al.2000; Nayak 2010). Thus,molecular analysis of DNA extract-ed directly from the sample has rapidly replaced cultivation inthe study of the structure of fish intestinal microbiota.

    *   Félix A. [email protected]; [email protected]

    1 Centro i ~ mar, Universidad De Los Lagos, Camino Chinquihue km6, Casilla 557, Puerto Montt, Chile

    2 Laboratorio de Patobiología Acuática, Departamento de Acuicultura,Universidad Católica del Norte, Larrondo 1281, Coquimbo, Chile

    3 Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA), Larrondo1281, Coquimbo, Chile

    4 Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Facultad de Recursos Naturales,Universidad Católica de Temuco, Temuco, Chile

    Ann Microbiol (2015) 65:2343 – 2353DOI 10.1007/s13213-015-1076-3

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     Nonetheless, when some phenotypic properties such as enzy-matic activities need to be studied in order to understand the

     potential role of the microbiota in improving fish nutrition, it is more appropriate to study the fish intestinal microbiotacomposition by culture techniques in combination withculture-independent methods (Bakke-McKellep et al. 2007;Kristiansen et al. 2011; Askarian et al. 2012).

    The intestinal microbiota composition is known to dependon dietary factors (Gómez and Balcázar  2008; Nayak  2010;Hartviksen et al. 2014). Navarrete et al. (2013), using micro-

     biological analysis, demonstrated that specific bacterialgroups were correlated with the administered diet, andReveco et al. (2014) reported that intestinal microbiota of Salmo salar  is sensitive to dietary changes, observing that the most dominant species were Lactococcus lactis, Weissellaconfusa, and   Photobacterium phosphoreum. Otherwise,

     Navarrete et al. (2008) suggested that Atlantic salmon favors Pseudomonas establishment because this species was de-tected as the dominant component in most of the samples

    of juvenile farmed Atlantic salmon. There are other studiesthat describe the intestinal microbiota of farmed Atlanticsalmon; however, the majority of these studies are associ-ated with fingerling or juvenile stages (Bakke-McKellepet al.   2007; Navarrete et al.   2008; Cantas et al.   2011;

     Navarrete et al. 2013; Reveco et al. 2014).It has been reported that fish intestinal microbiota have an

    important role in regulating nutrient digestion, immune re-sponses, and intestinal differentiation (Bates et al.  2006;Kanther and Rawls 2010; Merrifield et al.  2010; Nayak 2010;Rayetal. 2012), so physiological and biochemical char-acterizations of the intestinal isolates are important in eluci-

    dating their functions in the gastrointestinal tract. Several stud-ies reported that freshwater fish reared in warm waters harbor 

     proteolytic, amylolytic, and cellulolytic bacteria in their diges-tive tracts (Bairaigi et al. 2002; Ghosh et al. 2002; Saha et al.2006;Karetal. 2008), whereas it was reported that an increasein proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin and chymotrypsin insalmon induces a better assimilation of proteins, as well as anincrease in the growth and stimulation of immune and endo-crine systems (Rungruangsak-Torrissen et al. 2009). Addition-ally, it has been observed that the different bacterial popula-tions composing the intestinal microbiota represent different metabolic groups, which can enhance the digestive capacity of 

    fish (Ringø and Olsen 1999). Hence, knowledge of the enzy-matic capacities of the gastrointestinal microbiota of farmedsalmon could help regulate the intestinal microbiota enhanc-ing nutrition performance of farmed fishes under intensiverearing conditions.However, only a few studies on adult salm-on are available, and knowledge of the enzymatic propertiesof the intestinal microbiota of reared salmon is still scarce.

    The main aims of this study were to investigate the com- position of intestinal microbiota of adult specimens of farmedAtlantic salmon,   Salmo salar  L. by culture and cloning

    methods, and to characterize some of the metabolic and enzy-matic capabilities of the isolated strains.

    Materials and methods


    Three apparently healthy adult specimens of Atlantic salmon(Salmo salar  L.) with an approximate weight of 2.5 kg werecollected from three different rearing cages belonging to acommercial salmon farm located at Punta Quilque, X Region,Chile (13 °C, water temperature; 32 g L-1, salinity). Sampleswere packed in sterile bags, placed on ice, immediatelytransported to the laboratory, and processed within 2 h of collection.

    Sample processing and cultured bacterial count

    Adult salmon were externally washed with sterile deionizedwater to reduce potential contamination with skin bacteria andaseptically eviscerated. Salmon intestines were aseptically re-moved and placed in sterile Petri dishes and were divided into

     proximal intestine (defined as the region between the distal pyloric caeca and widening of the intestine and the appearanceof transverse luminal folds) and distal intestine (the regionfrom the widening of the intestine and the appearance of trans-verse luminal folds to anus). Then, digesta from proximal anddistal intestine were gently squeezed out and the two intestinalsegments were thoroughly rinsed three times using 3 mL of 

     peptone water in order to collect both adherent and non-

    adherent bacteria (Ringø 1993). Culture counts of heterotro- phic bacteria were determined by a spread plate method usingTryptic soy agar (TSA, Difco Labs). Salmon intestinal con-tents samples were aseptically weighed, ground, and added to5 mL of sterile physiological saline (0.85 %) (PS) to obtain ahomogenate as previously described by Miranda andZemelman (2001). Appropriate tenfold dilution of the homog-enates in PS was prepared and 0.1 mL aliquots were inoculat-ed in triplicate onto agar plates. All plates were incubated at 20 °C for 5 – 10 days and the bacterial numbers per g of sample were calculated as described in Miranda andRojas (2007). A group of representative colonies from

    each sample was selected for purity.

    Bacterial isolation

    Seventy-four isolates were recovered as a representative sam- ple of the intestinal cultured bacterial community of farmedsalmon. From these, 26 strains were recovered from specimen1 (17 and nine strains from the proximal and distal intestine,respectively), 25 strains from specimen 2 (14 and 11 strainsfrom the proximal and distal intestine, respectively) and 23

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    strains from specimen3 (nine and 14 strains from theproximaland distal intestine, respectively). The strains were randomlyselected from plates with TSA medium and purified threetimes in TSA medium and stored at  −85 °C in Tryptic soy

     broth (Difco Labs) supplemented with 50 % glycerol (2:1)until use (Gherna 1994).

    Bacterial identification by 16S rRNA sequence analysis

    Isolates were identified by bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequenceanalysis. For amplification of the 16S rRNA genes, crudeDNA extracts were obtained from pure bacterial isolates usingthe Wizard genomic purification kit (Promega, Madison, WI,USA). The 16S rRNA gene was amplified by the polymerasechain reaction (PCR) using primers 27F 5’-AGAGTTTGATCMTGGCTCAG-3’, 1492R 5’-TACGGYTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3’, and 907R 5’-CCGTCAATTCMTTTGAGTTT-3’ (Lane 1991). PCR products were purified using the Wiz-ard SV Gel kit and PCR Clean-up System (Promega) andsequencing of amplicons was performed by Macrogen (Seoul,Korea). Identification of partial sequences was performedusing the NCBI BLAST (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ ), andstrains were considered to belong to the same genus whensimilarities in their sequences were   ≥97 % (Rosselló-Moraand Amman 2001). The partial 16S rRNA gene sequenceswere submitted to the Genbank database and assignedaccession numbers JF743668 to JF767415.

    Phenotypic characterization of isolated strains

    The phenotypic tests of Gram's stain, cell morphology, andoxidase production were determined according to the proce-dures described in Barrow and Feltham (1993). Additional

     phenotypic characteristics were determined by using the API20E system (bioMérieux, Marcy-l’Etoile, France), and strainswere inoculated according to the manufacturer ’s instructions.API 20E strips were incubated at 20 °C for 48 h.

    Enzymatic activity of isolated strains

    Enzyme production by the salmon intestinal strains were de-terminedutilizing the API ZYM system (bioMérieux), accord-

    ing to the manufacturer ’s guidelines. Briefly, isolated colonieswere cultured overnight in Tryptic soy broth, centrifuged at 5000  g  at 4 °C and resuspended in sterile 0.8 % (w/v) NaClsolution to obtain a turbidity of 6 McFarland (1.5 – 1.8×109 CFU mL−1). This suspension (65  μ L) was added to eachcapsule, and the test strips were incubated for 8 h at 20 °C.Following incubation, one drop of ZYM A (API; tris-hy-droxymethyl-aminomethane, hydrochloric acid, sodiumlauryl sulphate, H2O) and one drop of ZYM B (API; fast 

     blue BB, 2-methoxyethanol) were added to each capsule and

    the color allowed to develop for 5 min and test strips wereread. All assays were performed twice.

    16S rRNA gene library construction and sequencing

    From a sample of 200 μ L of the homogenate of the completeintestinal content containing the proximal and distal intestine

    (1:1), bacterial DNA was extracted using the QIAMP DNAStool kit (QIAGEN), according to the manufacturer ’s guide-lines. Bacterial DNA was verified by the amplification of afragment of rRNA 16S gene using the 27 F and 907R univer-sal primers, as was previously described and visualized with1 % agarose gels. PCR products were purified from agarosegels with the Wizard SV Gel kit and PCR Clean-up System(Promega) and cloned using the TOPO TA vector according tothe procedures indicated by Invitrogen. Cultures of 

     Escherichia coli JM 107 strain were made competent usingthe Transform Aid Bacterial Transformation Kit (Fermentas),following the manufacturer ’s guidelines. Each clone was pick-

    ed and cultured in LB broth with ampicillin for 16 h. To isolate plasmidic DNA with the insert, 100 μ L of liquid culture wascentrifuged at 6000 g  for 30 min, the medium was discarded,and the pellet was resuspended in 100  μ L of sterile water,incubated at 95 °C for 30 min to produce cellular lysis, andthen centrifuged at 6000 g  for 30 min. Finally, 5  μ L of thelysate was amplified to detect the occurrence of the insert,using the M13F and M13 R primers. PCR products wereverified in 1 % agarose gels, purified and sequenced byMacrogen (Seoul, Korea).

    Sequence analysis

    Partial sequences for chimeras using the Chimera Check pro-gram from RPD (Ribosomal Database Project) (http:// fungene.cme.msu.edu/FunGenePipeline/chimera_check/ form.spr ) were analyzed. Clone sequences in this study werealigned using the INFERNAL aligner from RDP, secondary-structure aware aligner (Nawrocki and Eddy  2007). Se-quences with similarities over 97.0 % were defined as one

     phylotype, i.e., one operational taxonomic unit (OTU). Thetaxonomic affiliation of the aligned sequences was performedwith Bayesian rRNA Classifier software from the RDP data-

     base, using a confidencethreshold of 80 % (Wang et al. 2007).

    For phylogenetic tree construction, sequences of clones fromfish 2 classified as  Aliivibrio sp. were clustered at 97 % se-quence identity into OTUs, and aligned with 16S rRNA se-quences of the type strains of all species of the genus Aliivibriodeposited in Genbank (NCBI) using Muscle in the MEGA 6software (Tamura et al.  2013). Phylogenetic tree was con-structed by the Maximum Likelihood method based on theTamura-Nei model with 1,000 resampling bootstrap analysesusing MEGA 6 software (Tamura et al. 2013). The partial 16SrRNA gene sequences obtained have been deposited in

    Ann Microbiol (2015) 65:2343 – 2353 2345


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    GenBank and assigned the accession numbers HQ897283-HQ897612.

    Diversity indices

    Biodiversity indices were estimated from clone sequences and

    isolated strains. Simpson and Shannon indices were calculatedusing software EstimateS 9.1 (http://viceroy.eeb.uconn.edu/ estimates/ ).


    Total cultured bacteria

    In general, intestinal samples of the studied salmon exhibitedsimilar cultured bacterial levels, with bacterial counts on TSAdecreasing from the foregut to the hindgut. Bacterial counts

    from proximal portions were always 1 log higher than those of the distal portions of fish intestine. Proximal portions of fishintestines were >105 CFU g−1, whereas samples from distal

     portions of the intestines from all fishes ranged from 103 to104 CFU g−1, as indicated in Table 1.

    Diversity of cultured intestinal microbiota

    Using culture methods, 74 strains were isolated from intestinalsamples of farmed Atlantic salmon,  S. salar . Then the repre-sentative isolates were identified based on 16S rRNA gene

    sequencing including Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, andFirmicutes phyla. Most of the isolated cultured bacteria belonged to the Proteobacteria Phylum, with a high number of representatives of the  γ-proteobacteria group. Among the-se, Pseudomonas (31 strains), Acinetobacter  (11 strains), and

     Psychrobacter  (seven strains) were identified as the most im- portant genera among the cultured intestinal microbiota; theywere being detected in all the sampled fishes (Table 2). Nosignificant differences among the three sampled fishes as wellas between bacterial strains isolated from proximal and distal

     portions of the intestine were detected, with a noticeable low

    incidence of gram-positive organisms, belonging to theStaphylococcus and Bacillus genera (Table 2).

    Enzymatic and metabolic properties of cultured intestinal


     No notable differences in the enzymatic profiles obtained bythe API ZYM tests were observed among the intestinal micro- biota strains from the sampled fishes. A high incidence of strains exhibiting the ability to produce the alkaline phospha-tase, esterase (C4), esterase lipase (C8), leucine arylamidase,valine arylamidase, acid phosphatase, and naphthol-AS-BI-

     phosphohydrolase enzymes (Table 3) was observed. On theother hand, the production of the   β-glucoronidase, N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase,  α -mannosidase, and α -fucosidaseenzymes was rare (Table 3). When salmon intestinal strainswere analyzed for their capacity to assimilate various sub-strates, no notable differences among fish samples as well as

     between strains isolated from different intestinal portions weredetected. A high incidence of assimilation of citrate, malate,glucose, and mannose, contrasting with a lower assimilationof phenyl-acetate, adipate, and maltose was observed(Table 4).

    Diversity of intestinal microbiota by molecular cloning

    When intestinal microbiota were studied by using 16S rRNAcloning, 325 clones were selected and analyzed, mainly fromfishes 1 and 2 (118 and 143 sequences, respectively). Animportant degree of variability in the taxonomic diversity of 

    clones obtained from intestinal samples of sampled fishes wasdetected (Fig.   1). A significant dominance of   Weissella(48.3 %) and   Leuconostoc   (22.0 %) genera was observedamong the intestinal clones from fish 1, whereas  Aliivibrio(81.1 %) was the most dominant genus among the intestinalclones from fish 2. However, no dominance was detectedamong the intestinal clones from fish 3, though  Weissella(25.0 %),   Aliivibrio   (15.6 %),   Leuconostoc   (12.5 %),

     Acinetobacter  (10.9 %), and   Lactococcus (10.9 %) were themore frequent genera (Fig. 1). Using cloning methodologiesto identify the salmon intestinal microbiota, an important in-cidence of lactic acid bacteria in fish 1 (78.0 %) and 3 (50.0 %)

    was observed. I t was comprised of the   Weissella, Leuconostoc, Lactococcus, and Enterococcus genera, whereasonly 0.7 % of the intestinal microbiota of fish 2 correspondedto lactic acid bacteria (Fig. 1).

    When the number of genera per sample was considered ameasure of richness, it was observed that the not culturedmicrobiota from fishes 1 and 3 exhibited remarkable richnessvalues greater than those of the cultured intestinal microbiota,whereas fish 2 showed the opposite due to the high incidenceof representatives of   Aliivibrio genus.

    Table 1   Heterotrophic plate counts (Mean±SD of 3 replicates) fromintestinal content samples of farmed salmon Salmo salar  L

    Sample Intestine section Cultured count±SD (CFU g−1)

    Fish 1 Proximal 5.23×105±5.77×103

    Distal 3.07×104±3.46×103

    Fish 2 Proximal 2.27×105±2.52×104

    Distal 7.67×103±1.53×103

    Fish 3 Proximal 3.07×105±7.50×104

    Distal 1.77×104±2.08×103

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    Table 2   Identification of cultured intestinal microbiota of farmed salmon Salmo salar 

    Phylum and/or Class Genus similarity (%) Similarity (%) Number of strains

    Fish 1 Fish 2 Fish 3

    P (n=17) D (n=9) P (n=14) D (n=11) P (n=9) D (n=14)

    α -Proteobacteria   Agrobacterium   91.3 – 99.4 1 1 2 1

    α -Proteobacteria   Brevundimonas   100.0 1

     γ-Proteobacteria   Acinetobacter    98.8 – 100.0 3 2 2 1 3

     γ-Proteobacteria   Lelliottia   100.0 1

     γ-Proteobacteria   Luteimonas   98.2 – 98.3 1 1

     γ-Proteobacteria   Pseudomonas   97.5 – 100.0 9 5 5 6 1 5

     γ-Proteobacteria   Psychrobacter    98.7 – 100.0 1 1 1 4

     γ-Proteobacteria   Stenotrophomonas   99.0 – 100.0 2 1 2

    Actinobacteria   Brachybacterium   99.6 1

    Actinobacteria   Kocuria   99.8 – 99.9 1 1

    Actinobacteria   Microbacterium   97.4 1

    Actinobacteria   Rhodococcus   100.0 1

    Firmicutes/Bacilli   Bacillus   94.6 – 

    100.0 1 1Firmicutes/Bacilli   Staphylococcus   98.1 – 100.0 2 1

     P  Proximal section of intestine, D Distal section of intestine

    Table 3   Enzymatic activities of intestinal microbiota of farmedsalmon determined using the APIZYM system (bioMérieux)

    Activity Percentage of enzymatic activity

    Fish 1 Fish 2 Fish 3







    Alkaline phosphatase 94.1 100.0 100.0 92.3 100.0 91.7Esterase (C4) 64.7 54.5 60.0 76.9 91.7 83.3

    Esterase lipase (C8) 88.2 81.8 90.0 92.3 83.3 66.7

    Lipase (C14) 47.1 18.2 20.0 23.1 16.7 0.0

    Leucine arylamidase 94.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

    Valine arylamidase 82.4 45.4 40.0 76.9 66.7 58.3

    Cystine arylamidase 17.6 18.2 10.0 30.8 16.7 8.3

    Trypsin 64.7 81.8 60.0 76.9 50.0 16.7

    α -Chymotrypsin 29.4 18.2 20.0 7.7 33.3 0.0

    Acid Phosphatase 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 91.7

     Naphthol-AS-BI- phosphohydrolase

    94.1 100.0 80.0 100.0 91.7 91.7

    α -Galactosidase 11.8 9.1 10.0 7.7 8.3 8.3

    β-Galactosidase 23.5 18.2 20.0 30.8 16.7 8.3

    β-Glucoronidase 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3

    α -Glucosidase 29.4 27.3 30.0 38.5 33.3 16.7

    β-Glucosidase 41.2 54.5 30.0 46.2 25.0 8.3

     N -Acetyl-β-glucosaminidase 17.6 0.0 0.0 7.7 0.0 0.0

    α -Mannosidase 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.4 0.0 0.0

    α -Fucosidase 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.7 0.0 0.0

    Gelatinase* 35.3 45.4 100.0 69.2 58.3 41.7

     P  Proximal section of intestine, D Distal section of intestine, * Determined using the API 20NE system

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    A total of 113 clones classified as Aliivibrio sp.andclusteredinto 14 OTUs were analyzed to provide phylogenetic informa-tion. Phylogenetic analysis shows a dominant OTU (represent-ed by clone NG1) containing 99 sequences (87.6 % of allsequences), which is closely related to pathogenic species

     Aliivibrio salmonicida and Aliivibrio logei (Fig. 2).When diversity indices of the salmon intestinal clones were

    estimated, fish 3 presented the highest diversity, with Simpsonand Shannon-Wiener diversity indices of 0.86 and 2.22, re-spectively, contrasting with the lowest diversity of intestinalmicrobiota of fish 2 with Simpson and Shannon-Wiener di-

    versity indices of 0.32 and 0.68, respectively (Table  5). Oth-erwise, no important differences in the number of genera wereobserved between the fishes 1 and 3 (16 and 14, respectively),

    whereas only six genera were detected among the intestinalmicrobiota of fish 3 (Table  5). When diversity indices of clones from intestinal samples were compared to those of the cultured bacteria, the not cultured bacterial diversity indi-ces were slightly higher than the cultured ones of fishes 1 and3, but in fish 2 diversity indices of cultured bacteria weredouble the diversity indices of intestinal clones (Table 5).


    Most of the currently available information on the intestinalmicrobiota of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar  refers to the earlystages of growth, mainly juveniles (Navarrete et al.  2008,

    Table 4   Metabolic activities of intestinal microbiota of farmedsalmon determined using the API20NE system (bioMérieux)

    Substrate assimilated Percentage of metabolic activity

    Fish 1 Fish 2 Fish 3

    P (n=17) D (n=9) P (n=12) D (n=14) P (n=10) D (n=11)

    Glucose 76.5 100.0 91.7 92.9 90.0 63.6

    Arabinose 64.7 88.9 83.3 85.7 70.0 63.6

    Mannose 70.6 88.9 83.3 92.9 90.0 81.8

    Mannitol 52.9 88.9 83.3 92.9 80.0 45.4

     N-acetyl glucosamine 70.6 77.8 83.3 85.7 60.0 45.4

    Maltose 29.4 11.1 41.7 35.7 30.0 45.4

    Gluconate 64.7 88.9 91.7 85.7 80.0 63.6

    Caprate 94.1 77.8 75.0 85.7 60.0 72.7

    Adipate 52.9 55.6 25.0 50.0 10.0 9.1

    Malate 94.1 100.0 100.0 92.8 90.0 72.7

    Citrate 82.4 100.0 100.0 85.7 90.0 81.8

    Phenyl-acetate 23.5 22.2 0.0 0.0 10.0 18.2

     P  Proximal section of intestine, D Distal section of intestine












       R  e   l  a   t   i  v  e  a   b

      u  n   d  a  n  c  e

    Fish 1 Fish 2 Fish 3

    Acinetobacter Aeromonas 

    Aliivibrio Atopostipes  

    Bacillus Citrobacter  

    Cronobacter Enhydrobacter 

    Enterobacter Enterococcus 

    Enterovibrio Hydrogenophilus 

    Lactococcus Leuconostoc 

    Photobacterium Prevotella 

    Propionibacterium Pseudomonas 

    Stenotrophomonas Streptococcus 

    Unclassified   Veillonella 

    Vibrio Weissella  

    Fig. 1   Relative abundance of  bacterial genera in 16S rRNAgene clone libraries constructedfrom DNA obtained fromintestinal microbiota of farmedAtlantic salmon (Salmo salar  L.).Genus-level classification was based on the Classifier tool of theRibosomal Database Project 

    (http://rdp.cme.msu.edu/ classifier/classifier.jsp)

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    2009; Cantas et al. 2011), but knowledge of intestinal micro- biota of adults of Atlantic salmon is still scarce. To our knowl-edge, this is the first study of the intestinal microbiota of adult S. salar  from intensive farming in Chile.

    Most of the previous studies analyzing the cultured fractionof intestinal microbiota of Atlantic salmon using TSA, report-ed similar levels of cultured bacteria as found in this study(Yoshimizu et al.  1976; Huber et al.  2004). Other authorsreported lower levels of cultured counts from salmon intestine

    samples such as Navarrete et al. (2008) who found meanvalues ranging from 5.01×102 to 6.31× 103 CFU g−1 of intes-tinal content in juveniles of reared Atlantic salmon, and Ringøet al. (2014) who found mean values of 4.17×102, 1×103 and2.82×102 CFU g−1 of proximal, midintestine and distal intes-tine of   S. salar , respectively. In other studies, total viablecounts were determined from adherent and digesta frommidintestine (4.26×103 – 9.77×103 CFU g−1 and 4.07×103 – 1.62×105 CFU g−1, respectively) and distal intestine (8.32×103 – 2.57×104 CFU g−1 and 9.77×103 – 2.63×105 CFU g−1,respectively) of juveniles of   S. salar   fed with various

    experimental diets (Bakke-McKellep et al.  2007), whereasHovda et al. (2007) determined bacterial levels in different sec-tions of the Atlantic salmon gut finding 7.94×103 CFU g−1 inthe foregut, and 5.01×103 CFU g−1 in the midgut.

    In this study, the dominant genera identified among thecultured intestinal microbiota isolated using TSA mediumwere  Pseudomonas,   Acinetobacter,   and  Psychrobacter (41.89, 14.86, and 9.46 %, respectively). This is in agreement with Navarrete et al. (2008) who reportedthat microbiota from

    untreated Atlantic salmon in Chile were mainly composed of  Pseudomonas,  Acinetobacter ,   Bacillus,  Flavobacterium, Psychrobacter , and  Brevundimonas. This also agrees with amore recent study by Cantas et al. (2011), which reported adominance of representatives of the genera   Pseudomonas,

     Acinetobacter, and  Psychrobacter  among the gut bacteria of  juvenile Salmo salar , identified by bacterial culturing and 16SrRNA PCR techniques. In addition,  Pseudomonas  sp. and

     Acinetobacter  sp. have previously been reported as constitut-ing an important part of the intestinal microbiota of salmonids(Cahill 1990; Ringø et al. 2005; Romero and Navarrete 2006;

    Fig.2   Phylogenetic tree showingthe relationships between 16SrRNA sequences of classifiedOTUs as  Aliivibrio according toRDP from fish 2 and 16S rRNAsequences of thetype strains of allspecies of the genus  Aliivibriodeposited in Genbank (NCBI). A bootstrap analysis was performed

    with 1,000 repetitions. Sequencesof clones are represented by opencircles and sequencesrepresentatives of the genus

     Aliivibrio are represented by filledcircles. Numbers in parenthesesindicate the number of sequences per OTUs

    Table 5   Diversity of culturedand not cultured intestinalmicrobiota of farmed salmon

    Fish 1 Fish 2 Fish 3


     Number of strains or clones 26 118 25 143 23 64

     Number of genera or OTUs 7 16 10 6 9 14

    Simpson diversity index 0.66 0.72 0.76 0.32 0.83 0.86

    Shannon-Wiener index 1.42 1.77 1.87 0.68 1.96 2.22

    CM  Cultured microbiota, UM  Uncultured microbiota using 16S rRNA clone libraries

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    Hovda et al. 2007). Furthermore, recent reports have demon-strated the presence of different  Psychrobacter  species in thealimentary tract of Atlantic salmon (Ringø et al.2006a; 2008),as well as the distal portion of the intestine of Arctic charr (Ringø et al. 2006b).

    In this study a high proportion of the isolated bacteria fromthe intestinal content of Atlantic salmon exhibited enzymatic

    activities, suggesting a potential role in the degradation andassimilation of nutrients, contributing to the nutrition of rearedsalmon, but the low bacterial counts suggest a poor contribu-tion of bacterial enzymes to the degradation of macronutrients.Furthermore, it is important to note that intestinal transit isshort, and the rearing temperature is much lower than thoseused for in vitro enzymatic assays and the API ZYM profilesare insufficient and other enzymatic assays are required toevaluate the possible contribution to digestion by gut micro-

     biota. More research is required to understand the potentialfunction of intestinal microbiota as a source of digestive en-zymes in farmed salmon, and the feasibility of its use in en-

    hancing nutrient utilization and growth rate when they are fedwith formulated diets.

    As has been noted, when intestinal microbiota were studied by using culture-dependent methods, most of the cultured or-ganisms belonged to the  γ-subclasses of the proteobacteria( Pseudomonas sp. and   Acinetobacter  sp.), in contrast to theintestinal microbiota revealed by the results of direct cloningmethods, that exhibited a predominance of lactic acid bacteria,which comprised more than 36 % of the identified clones.This proportion could have been higher, but for the unexpect-ed high dominance of representatives belonging to the

     Aliivibrio genus in fish 2. The fact that lactic acid bacteria

    from fish are commonly slow growing, requiring growth con-ditions on agar-media at lowtemperatures for up to four weeks(Ringø and Gatesoupe 1998), would explain why lactic acid

     bacteria were only detected from 16S rDNA clones libraries,and not from the intestinal microbiota obtained after culturedon TSA, given that this medium is not suitable for growth of this bacterial group.

    It is well established that lactic acid bacteria constitute a part of the native microbiota of fish (Ringø 2004; Hovda et al.2012; Ringø et al. 2014). Our results are in agreement with arecent study, showing the taxonomic affiliation of DGGE

     band sequences from the midintestine and distal intestine con-

    tent of Atlantic salmon.This study is based on known se-quences of 16S rRNA genes that indicated a high dominanceof lactic acid bacteria mainly composed of the  Weissella and

     Lactococcus genera, whereas   Photobacterium was the most representative of  γ-proteobacteria (Reveco et al. 2014). Alongwith this, within the lactic acid bacteria there is a high domi-nance of the genus Weissella from specimens 1 and 3. Variousstrains belonging to this genus have previously been proposedas potential probiotics for various fish species (Cai et al. 1998;Balcázar et al. 2008) However, recent cases of Weissellosis in

    salmonids (Liu et al. 2009; Figueiredo et al. 2012), as well asthe experimental development of disease after its inoculation,demonstrated the role of the primary pathogen of some strainsidentified as   Weissella   sp., confirming Weissellosis as anemerging disease in rainbow trout aquaculture (Marancik et al. 2013; Welch and Good 2013).

    When comparing diversity of the intestinal microbiota of 

    farmed Atlantic salmon obtained by analysis of the 16S rRNAgene of cultured strains and clone libraries, the diversity of clone libraries was higher than those from the cultured micro-

     biota, with the exception of fish 2, which exhibited an unex- pectedly high dominance of  Aliivibrio representatives whenits clone library was identified. Despite the absence of externaland internal symptoms of vibriosis when fish 2 was sampled,there was a high incidence of  Aliivibrio genus in the intestinalmicrobiota, suggesting that the sampled fish was under aninitial stage of infection by this strain. On the other hand, theabsence of  Aliivibrio  in the cultured microbiota is probablydue to the use of TSA medium without addition of NaCl.

    Currently, Aliivibrio genus comprises five species: A. fischeri, A. logei,  A. salmonicida,  A. wodanis, and   A. finisterrensis(Beaz-Hidalgoetal. 2010).Fromthesespecies, A. salmonicida(Egidius et al. 1986),   A. wodanis  (Lunder et al.  2000), and

     A. logei  (Benediktsdottir et al. 1998) have been associatedwith disease in Atlantic salmon. Furthermore, it has beendemonstrated that  A. salmonicida is able to colonize the fishintestinal tract (Hansen and Olafsen   1999). Further studiesare needed to determine whether high levels of   Aliivibriospp. as observed in fish 2, are detrimental to the sanitarystatus of reared salmon under intensive conditions, becausethe increase in the concentration of this genus could be a

    response to an infection with a pathogenic   Aliivibrio  straincausing an imbalance in the structure of the intestinalmicrobiota.

    It is important to note that fish 2 not only exhibited aremarkably higher level of   Aliivibrio   sp. than that ob-served in the other two sampled individuals, but alsoshowed almost an absence of lactic acid bacteria, contrast-ing with the observations in the other sampled fishes. It must be noted that the importance of the interaction be-tween lactic acid bacteria and pathogens in the intestinesof salmon species prevents intestinal cellular damage(Ringø et al. 2010).

    In a previous study, it was demonstrated that   Vibrio( Aliivibrio)   salmonicida  can colonize the salmon intestine,which creates healthy carriers (Bjelland et al. 2012), but thisstate only occurs without the bacteria dominating the ubiqui-tous gut microbiota. In this study, the high predominance of 

     Aliivibrio in the intestinal microbiota of fish 2 suggests that fish 2 was an asymptomatic non-healthy carrier, but the other two sampled individuals were healthy carriers. It is important to note that all sampled fishes had the same origin and rearinghistory. The only difference was that they came from different 

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    cages from adjacent cage blocks belonging to the samecompany.

    The use of PCR-based identification of cultured organismsin combination with cloning of 16S rRNA genes, amplifieddirectly from salmon intestinal samples, are necessary to prop-erly study the structure and some functions of salmon intestinalmicrobiota. With this procedure, it must be noted that only the

    cultivation-independent analysis could detect a minority taxanot previously reported as part of the intestinal microbiota of salmonids, including the Hydrogenophilus, Propionibacterium,Cronobacter ,  Enhydrobacter ,   Veillonella,  Prevotella, and

     Atopostipes genera, contributing to the knowledge of the mi-crobiota of the digestive tract of farmed Atlantic salmon.

    In a previous study, it was found that the microbial intesti-nal community composition varies significantly in individualAtlantic cod specimens caught at a single location, and theauthors suggested that such high variation among specimensis due to a complex combination of factors (Star et al. 2013).The observed high variability is not unexpected, but further 

    studies are required to understand these variations.In conclusion, this study permitted acquisition of knowl-

    edge of the structure of intestinal microbiota of  S. salar  cul-tured under intensive rearing conditions. There was evidenceof a high variability of levels of  Aliivibrio sp. among individ-uals collected from different cages of the same farm. The high

     predominance of a single clone of  Aliivibrio sp. related to the pathogenic A. salmonicida and A. logei species in a sampledfish suggest its infection by an  Aliivibrio  strain capable of avoiding fish defense mechanisms and proliferating in theintestinal environment previous to the production of notice-able symptoms of disease. In addition, the absence of lactic

    acid bacteria in the intestine of this individual is probablyrelated to its high load of  Aliivibrio. It is clear that molecular identification of 16S rRNA gene libraries obtained from intes-tinal content samples is effective in determining the overallstructure of the intestinal microbiota of farmed Atlantic salm-on enabling evaluation of thehealthstatusof farmedfish whenevaluating the dominance of potential pathogenic species aswell as the incidence of lactic acid bacteria.

    Acknowledgments   The comments and suggestions of one anonymousreviewer are greatly appreciated as they helped to improve the presenta-tion of this work.


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