HIBALDSTOW VILLAGE VOICE Volume 21 - Edition 3: June/July 2018 Adverts are designed free of charge if required. What does it cost? Full page is £24 (portrait) Half page is £12 (landscape) Quarter page is £6 (portrait) For more information contact: Sylvia Wattam 01652 652790 Send your adverts to: [email protected] Note: New adverts or changes to currernt adverts need submitting before the deadline for the next edition date shown inside the front cover. We’re Looking for Volunteers! If you’d like to help with the Village Voice, please get in touch we have a number of roles available! Email: [email protected]

HIBALDSTOW VILLAGE VOICE · 2019-01-03 · HIBALDSTOW VILLAGE VOICE Volume 21 - Edition 3: June/July 2018 Adverts are designed free of charge if required. What does it cost? Full

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HIBALDSTOW VILLAGE VOICE Volume 21 - Edition 3: June/July 2018

Adverts are designed free of charge if required.

What does it cost?Full page is £24 (portrait)Half page is £12 (landscape)Quarter page is £6 (portrait)

For more information contact: Sylvia Wattam 01652 652790Send your adverts to: [email protected]

Note: New adverts or changes to currernt adverts need submitting before the deadline for the next edition date shown inside the front cover.

We’re Looking for Volunteers!If you’d like to help with the Village Voice, please get in touch we have a

number of roles available! Email: [email protected]


Hibaldstow Medical Practice (01652) 650580

Scunthorpe General Hospital (01724) 282282

North Lincolnshire Council (01724) 296296

NHS Direct 111

National Gas Emergency Service 0800 111 999

Anglian Water 08457 145 145

Electricity - Emergency and Supply failures 0800 375 675

Police (Non-emergency) 101

Church Hall (01652) 652120/(01652) 650896

Village Hall 07583077068

Event Day Venue Time

Hibaldstow Pop-In Every Monday Church Hall 9.30am

Art Class Every Monday Church Hall 1.00pm -3.00pm

Hibaldstow W.I. 1st Tuesday of themonth Church Hall 7.30pm

Chair Exercises Every Wednesday Church Hall1.30pm -2.30pm

Astronomy Society Last Wednesday ofthe month Church Hall 7.30pm

History Club 3rd Thursday of themonth Church Hall 7.30pm

Book Club Bi-monthly on the

first Thursday of themonth starting from

FebruaryChurch Hall 7.30pm

Event Day Venue Time

Short Mat Bowls Club Every Monday Village Hall 2.00pm

Scouts Every Monday Village Hall 5.45pm

Rural Day Centre Every Tuesday Village Hall 11.00am -2.00pm

Kurling Every Tuesday Village Hall 2.00pm

Zumba Every Wednesday Village Hall 6.00pm

Short Mat Bowls Club Every Wednesday Village Hall 7.15pm

Short Mat BowlsEvery ThursdayLeague Matches

NightVillage hall 7.15pm

Event Day Venue Time

Cake and Company Last Friday of themonth

MethodistChurch Hall 2.30pm - 4.30pm

Communion andCoffee Every Wednesday Scawby Church 10.00am

Diary Dates 2018Hello, I hope you’re really enjoying the great weather, it’s still lovely while I’mwriting this! We’ve got a lot of new updates this month, GDPR comes in lateMay, that's something we’re aware of as part of the production of the villagevoice. You’ll see a few mentions in the Voice this month about looking for help,we really need new volunteers as we’ve got positions available as a Secretaryand Sub/Co - Editors, or if you’re interested in just being an extra pair of handswhen we need it please let me know!

For the next edition of the Village Voice, please submit your content for articlesand adverts by: Tuesday 10 July 2018.

DisclaimerThe opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors ofarticles and letters published with in "The Village Voice" publication do notnecessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the Editor, Producersor Committee.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations 2018)Please be aware that by submitting an article or by emailing the Editor,Producers or Committee, you are agreeing to your details being stored inaccordance to GDPR 2018 unless you specify otherwise in yourcorrespondance. No information will be passed to a third party unless writtenpermission is granted from the information owner.

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The Annual Show of Horticulture, Bakery and Craft will be held in the Village Hall,Station Road, Hibaldstow on Sunday 22nd July, at 2pm.

It is open to all residents of Hibaldstow and Redbourne, and to all club members.The Flower Arranging Classes are: My Garden Shed (max 24”x24”x24”) A Basket of Flowers (max 15”x15”x15”) Single Colour Theme (max 9”x9”x9”) A Miniature Arrangement (max 4”x4”x4) A Spray of Grasses on a sheet of A4

Photograph subjects are: Sea and Sand; Bug’s, Walls and Seed-heads.

Show schedules will be available towards the middle of June in local shops, ZenHair Salon and the Surgery. If you entered last year’s show a schedule will be putthrough your letter box.Thank you to all who helped prepare for the show last year. Hope to see you againthis year. Your help is much appreciated.

Diary of a Gardener… Top Tips!There is a theory that to prevent Blackspot on roses, there is a home remedy you mayhave in your kitchen store cupboard.

•Try sprinkling one handful of cornmeal around each rose plant once a month duringthe growing season.• Lightly fork in and water. Cornmeal is available from larger supermarkets.

This is said to work because a beneficial fungus grows on the cornmeal round the rootsof the plant, and this in turn inhibits Blackspot which is also a fungus.If any Blackspot does appear pick off affected leaves and dispose of them. Not on yourcompost heap as this just spreads the fungal spores.

In the rest of the garden weeds will be growing fast now, if left unchecked. Once youhave removed them by forking out by hand it is a good idea on a dry day to regularlyhoe between your plants. This not only destroys seedling weeds and prevents weedseedlings from growing but it helps to keep in moisture too. Annual weeds can be puton your compost heap but perennial weeds like Couch Grass may re-grow so are betterplaced in the council bin.

If you’d like any other tips from the village garden experts, please let us know!

Brigg Heritage CentreOpening hours Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

10:00am – 2:00pm and Saturday 10:00am – 3:00pmFollowing a grant received from Brigg BiomassCommunity Fund, a series of basic introductoryheritage crafts workshops will be introduced at the

Heritage Centre. Four week courses of two hour sessions per week are offered ata cost of £20. Creative writing will begin on 6th June, 1pm-3pm and a weavingcourse on 30th. June, 10.30am–12.30pm.

Further courses in embellished felting, calligraphy, watercolour painting, creativewriting, rug making and weaving will be repeated throughout the year onchanging days and times to suit most people. Ring the Heritage Centre for datesand times of the various courses which are open to adults and children. Thecurrent pop up exhibition is celebrating the regeneration of the Brigg’s recreationground by highlighting the sports connected to the ground, namely, cricket,football, tennis and hockey. A little of each club’s history and lots of photos frompast years should make a trip in to see the exhibition worthwhile.

Look out for our Antique Fairs in the Buttercross on Farmer’s Market Saturdaysand for our younger visitors, there are craft workshops to enjoy at the HeritageCentre itself. Children can design a milk bottle bird feeder on 26th May, Jungle Funis on 23rd. June and puppet making on 28th July. A small donation is requested. Ifyou need help tracing your family history, help is at hand at the Centre too,booking is advisable and don’t forget our attractive rooms available for hire at theCentre above the Library. In addition, the beautiful 1st floor of the Buttercross iswaiting to be hired for that special occasion or wedding ceremony. Full details forall the above are available from the Heritage Centre on 01724 296771, [email protected] or check our web site, briggheritage.org

How to contact us…Robert Jackson 01724 296771 or email us [email protected]

Don’t forget to follow us on twitter @briggheritage or check out our websitewww.briggheritage.com.

Book Club Minutes provided by Ena Fish (April’s Minutes)

Ruth and Jenny presented St Hybalds Academy with a cheque for £100 from the book club, themoney will help to buy books for the reading scheme. As usual opinions were varied when dis-cussing books.

The Cornish House by Liz Fenwick.On-line this has been described as “a sweeping, romantic debut set in Cornwall, reminiscent ofRosamindPilcher. I’m not sure that Hibaldstow Book Club would agree. One member describedit as a ‘posh Mills and Boon’, another said that the house was more interesting than the people.Maddie inherits a house in Cornwall shortly after her husband’s death where she hopes it I’ll be afresh start for herself and her step-daughter. The house is beautiful but neglected. Maddie dis-covers the stories of the women who have lived there previously. The relationship between Mad-die and her step-daughter, Hannah, is somewhat fraught and Maddie’s dream of a calm life is farfrom reality. Some comments made were ‘very enjoyable’, ‘not taxing’ and ‘not good’. Thosewho read the book scored mainly 6 or 7 out of 10. One reader gave it a 2.

The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun BythellAs the title suggests the book is the diary of a bookseller. A book club member is a frequent visi-tor to Wigtown in southwest Scotland where Shaun has his bookshop. She was looking forwardto to reading the book which she said did not disappoint. She and her husband have spent manya happy hour in Shaun’s bookshop, she in The Garden Room, he in The Transport Room. Thecat is often snoozing on the sofa by the fire. Shaun is often reading a book cocooned in the frontcorner of the shop. Out and about L and S have experienced the grumpy Post Office Man. Read-ing the book made our reader realise just how much Shaun is involved in the planning and run-ning the annual Book Festival. The everyday toils of owning and running a bookshop in a smalltown full of other bookshops, the competition from Amazon, and the eccentricities of the variedcustomers were told in an entertaining way and with a dry wit. Even though some of the bookcould seem a little repetitive L thought this added to its enjoyment. It certainly gave an insightinto the vagaries of running an independent bookshop.Although one person said the book was boring most members gave the book a score of 8 to 10out of 10 and said it was enjoyable and interesting. It never ceases to amaze me how opinionsdiffer about a book. It is not like Marmite which people love or hate; with a book it can be loveor hate with everything else in between. There is no accounting for taste.

Books for Thursday 7th June: How To Stop Time by Matt Haig & Eleanor Oliphant Is Abso-lutely Fine by Gail Honeyman

Books for Thursday 2nd August: The Scapegoat by Daphne Du Maurier & The Last Day byClaire Dyer

Meetings are held in Hibaldstow Church Hall at 7.30pm. Everyone welcome.


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1st Hibaldstow BrowniesWhat are Brownies?

Brownies are for girls aged between about 7 and 10 years old. Brownies are part of the Guide movement, which is the biggest youth organisation in the country. At Brownies we use games, crafts and other activities to create a fun packed programme that aims to help the development of our young girls. We try to supplement our weekly meetings with days out and trips away. Hibaldstow Brownies has been operating for many years. We meet on Monday evenings from 6:00pm – 7:30pm in Hibaldstow School. If you think you might know someone who may be interested in joining then either give me a ring or come along one Monday night.

Angela Smith - Brown Owl - 01652 654229

1st Hibaldstow & Scawby Scout GroupWant to Join Us?

If you’re aged between 6 and 18 and think you might like to join us, please contact us (details below) or pop into the Church or Village Hall on a Monday evening to find out more details. Also, if you are over 18 and can spare a few hours now and then, there is always a job that wants doing, give us a ring, or pop in one Monday, we’re nice people really. Clothing Collection – Still Collecting! We continue to collect clothing to raise funds to update and replace our Group’s equipment. As ever we would like your help collecting textiles. This includes;clothes, bags, shoes etc. Either; give it to a Beaver, Cub, Scout or Explorer, alternatively bring it to the Village Hall on a Monday evening (during term time) or give one of the leaders a ring and we’ll happily collect it. This helps raise nearly £1000 per year for the Group, which makes a huge difference to the activities we can run.

If you have any queries about anything to do with Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers,

then please contactAlan Smith (Group Scout Leader) on 01652 654229.

NORTHERN LINCOLNSHIRE AVIATION HERIT-AGENorth Lincolnshire’s aviation heritage celebrated following the success of the firstever Aviation Heritage Festival last year to celebrate the history of the airfields inNorthern Lincolnshire, another has been planned on Sunday 29 July at SkydiveHibaldstow.Supported by the council, Northern Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Forum and Sky-dive Hibaldstow are working together to host the festival at the former RAFHibaldstow airfield from 10am to 5pm.

The event will celebrate the eight airfields across Northern Lincolnshire and focus on the aviation historyof the area. The story of Northern Lincolnshire’s heritage from World War One to the present day will betold throughout the day. There will be a special Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Flypast, live music fromMiss Marina Mae and George Formby Experience, static aircraft displays, living history, tethered hot air bal-loons, food and drink stalls, children’s activities, Northern Lincolnshire aviation history exhibitions and youcan also watch skydives taking place throughout the day – plus much [email protected] or phone 01724 297356 or 01652 631500

HIBALDSTOW SHORT MAT BOWLS CLUBThe 2017/2018 Winter season has now finished and we have been rewarded for our effortsin all three Leagues that we regularly compete in.In the new Kirton Lindsey & District League we finished fourth in the League but won theKnock-out Cup Competition by beating our neighbours Scawby Short Mat Bowls Club in thefinal by 62 shots to 26 shots. As the League Chairman commented, it was not so much agame as an exhibition in bowling!!In the Humberside League we are delighted to again be Champions of Division 1 South. Wewere Runners-Up in the North versus South play-off at North Cave Indoor Bowls Centre, andgot to the Quarter-Finals of the Plate Knock-Out Competition, again held at North Cave.In the North Lincs League we became Champions of Division 1 having been unbeaten in allour league games throughout the season, and two of our players reached the final of theOpen Singles Competition. We have a good record of winning this Competition, and thisyear it is Peter Moore who gets his name on the trophy after beating Lorraine Hutchinson ina closely fought game.Congratulations to all members for their outstanding performances during a very long sea-son.In our own Club Competitions, held on a Saturday, and followed by a buffet lunch providedby the members, the winners of trophies in the various competitions are as follows:-Open SinglesWinner: Bryan Sheppard Runner-up: Valerie MooreOpen PairsWinners: Val Maycock & Gerald Hutchinson Runners-up: Lorraine Hutchinson & Jo WalkerDrawn/Knock-Out PairsWinners: Valerie Moore & Paul Wilkinson Runners-up: Val Smith & Gerald HutchinsonFlitchWinners: Valerie & Peter Moore Runners-up: Maureen & Paul WilkinsonCongratulations to all of the above. We have just started ourshorter Indoor Summer League and hope for continuedsuccess in our matches.

Activity: Chair-based ExerciseWhere: Hibaldstow Church Hall

When: Every WednesdayTime: 1.30pm-2.30pm

Cost: £3.00 Chair-based exercise is gentle exercises designed for mixed abilities to help

maintain and improve functional fitness, whilst having fun! Comfortable clothing is advised when taking part.

For more information contact: Graham Ellwood 01652 650896 [email protected]

SCUNTHORPE MALE CHOIROur Harmonies have been entertaining audiences across the world over the last 93years. We want to keep this tradition going and would like to find new members tojoin us!

There are many in North Lincolnshire that perhaps wouldn't realise the strength,depth and sheer vocal talent that exists in this steel town. This choir is unique inits ability to unite an eclectic mix of men with one thing in common, and that isthe power of song.

Please Visit our new website at www.scunthorpemalevoicechoir.com or phone01469 530103 for more information.

Glanford and Lindsey Lions ClubWithout YOUR help we would not be able to assist theworthy causes we do; so a huge THANK YOU for thesupport you give us.CHARITY GOLF DAYThis year our Charity Golf Day has been organised for the 25th May 2018, at

the usual venue of Holme Hall Golf Club. Hopefully we will have some good weather and an enjoyablecompetition, whilst raising funds for those less fortunate.

LINCOLNSHIRE SHOWAgain this year we are planning to have a pitch at the Lincolnshire Show, so if you are attending theShow please come along and say hello and find out a little more what Lions do in the Community.

LIONS MESSAGE IN A BOTTLEThis is a voluntary scheme for anyone living at home, who may be reassured to know that essentialinformation would be readily available to the Emergency Services should they suffer an accident orsudden illness. The scheme ensures that vital information is available not only to identify you, but toadvise of relevant illnesses, allergies, medication and contact addresses. These bottles are providedfree of charge and if any individual or organisation are interested in finding out more please contactany Glanford & Lindsey Lions Club member.

LIONS MESSAGE IN A WALLETThe ‘Message in a Wallet’ complements the Message in a Bottle, but the information is provided in asmall plastic wallet which can be kept in your wallet or purse. The vital information is readily availableto the Emergency Services in their hour of need. Again these are provided free of charge and can beobtained from any Glanford & Lindsey Lions Club member.

PLUGSTER A ‘Plugster’ is a device that is fitted to a 13 amp electrical plug to aid extracting the plug safely fromthe socket. This helps people who find it difficult to grip a plug and pull it out the socket. Once againthese are supplied free of change by Glanford & Lindsey Lions Club.

TRAUMA LIONSAgain Glanford & Lindsey Lions Club have provided trauma Lions (small soft toy Lions) to ScunthorpeHospital A&E and Disney Ward. These soft toys can be given out by the nurses as comfort toys tobrave young children who have been admitted into hospital. The children get to keep these toy Lionsand can bring them home when discharged from hospital.

SPECTICLE COLLECTIONWe collect used spectacles for re-cycling. On collection of the spectacles we box them and send themfor recycling to a Lions Club in France to be sorted and graded before they are shipped directly to LionsEye Clinics in such places as Papua New Guinea, Chana, Nigeria and Nepal. We also support volunteersfrom the ‘Unite for Sight’ charity with the supply of spectacles to take with them on missions tocountries across the world.

WEBSITEIf you would like to know more about Glanford and Lindsey Lions Club or theInternet Club you can visit our Club's websitewww.glanfordlindsey.lions105e.org.uk to keep up to date with our Club News orcontact Lion Alan Hall on 01652 655470

June 2018 Services

If you’d like to advertisein the Village Voice, or letus know if anything you’d

like publishing pleaseemail

[email protected]


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We’re looking for yourhelp!If anyone would like to beinvolved and be part of theproduction team of volunteersplease let us know!

We’re looking for morevolunteers to deliver copies inthe village, if you could help us,especially if it’s at short notice,we want to hear from you! -Speak to Valerie andPeter on 01652654574.

Hibaldstow New Age Kurling Club Fancy a good natter?

Make new friends - learn to play Kurling? It is easy, just turn up at the Village Hall on

Tuesday from 2.00pm - 4.00pm. Here is a promise - you will be made welcome. If you do not enjoy yourself, you have a problem. We are a light hearted group of people out for a change and to make new friends.

First session FREE, thereafter £2.00 includes light refreshments. COME ON, IT IS TIME TO GIVE IT A TRY.

For more information give Gerald a ring on 01652 650524or better still, just turn up – you will be made very welcome.

HIBALDSTOW W.I.Web: www.skydiving.co.ukFacebook: ‘Skydive Hibaldstow’Phone: 01652 648837Kris Cavell - Drop Zone Manager

We’re always pleased to see new members or visitors so, if youfancy an evening of pleasant company and a varied programme,please get in touch!

We have a busy summer coming up, with thefootball world cup and Wimbledon all on thescreens in our clubhouse. During the football

we will be serving pitchers of beer burgers & beers and during Wimbledonwe will be serving strawberries & fresh cream as well as pimms & prosecco.

Our bar is open every Friday & Saturday all day until late.

We have recently launched the 10,000 feet tandem skydive for £199, givingthe extra thrill of being slightly closer to the ground for the adrenalinejunkies out there.

We have loads of events coming up this year including the BPA Uk wing suitnational championships 13-15 July, which will see wingsuiters from aroundthe world come to compete. The 4 way nationals across bank holidayweekend with a brand new format as it will start on the Friday morning andrun until completed or the Monday evening, whichever is the sooner. The 8way follows the weekend after this.

Preceding all of this we have from 8-10 June jumpers from around theworld coming to take part in a big way event - where we will be flying atleast 3 aircraft in close formation and a minimum of 40x skydivers trying tobuild formations over Hibaldstow, easily seen from the ground.

On top of all that, hot foot & drinks as well as alcohol & Marshfield dairy icecreams, milkshakes & sundaes are available all day every day, from Juneuntil the end of August we operate 7 days a week. We have weekly offerson every week including cake & coffee, something for everyone. Hope tosee you pop in soon!

On 3rd April Kathleen Devai, a photographer, who specialises in capturing the essence ofSteampunk, began a talk which morphed into a very interesting open forum. She gave us aresume of her photography career – someone gave her a camera 7 years ago, she took photosin automatic mode for 2 years while she saved for a Nikon. Her favourite lens is a ‘fish eye’.She says there are no rules of photography – do your own thing. If she isn’t happy with aphotograph Kathleen will discard it. It has no second chance! Kathleen was invited to join theexclusive Ansel Adams Club which she says has only 276 members world wide. To be invitedyou have to take photographs in his style. She had to ask a friend who he was! He was anAmerican photographer and environmentalist who took black-and-white photographs of theAmerican West. The advice Kathleen gave us was to look up. You can see chimneys, stonecarvings, tree branches, clouds, and a multitude of other things. She said she is essentially apeople watcher. In her business she told us that she has met some lovely people, andHibaldstow WI are pleased to note that she thought our group were lovely too.At the meeting on 1st May, Angela Smith told us about her day, also attended by Jean Smithand Pam White, at the Annual Federation Day at the UTC in Scunthorpe. They had a veryinteresting time,the highlight being a performance by the Waddington Military Wives Choir.Apparently all the Military Wives Choirs learn the same repertoire of about 70 songs so thatwhen they move to another camp or base they can join in easily. Following this we had a livelydiscussion regarding the resolution concerning Mental Health, coming to the conclusion thatthere are no easy answers. With background work done by husband Alan,Angela provided uswith a sheet of ‘Dingbats’ to work out – which is easy if you know the answers! Once again itwas a very enjoyable evening.The next meeting is on Tuesday, 5th June at 7.30pm in Hibaldstow Church Hall when SarahTipler will be talking about encouraging children to read. The following meeting will be onTuesday, 3rd July.Come and join us. New members will be very welcome. For more information please contactPat Horton (Secretary) 01652 653916 or Christine Lakin (President) 01652 654367.

STUDY LOCALLY FOR AUNIVERSITY DEGREE!We have a 20 year highly successful track record with students of ALL ages.‘Mature’ students may be:• Looking after dependent children or the elderly but wishing for intellectualstimulation• Looking to improve job prospects or preparing for employment• Early retired and wishing to study• Seeking satisfaction through lifelong learning for pure interest and enjoymentand a love of readingWe have a range of university courses, available part time (as little as just onemodule per year) and full-time. Subjects include: English and History; SocialScience; Business Studies; Childhood Studies; Computing; Sports andHealth Studies and others.The University Centre provides:• an environment for adult students in buildings dedicated to higher education• subject specialist lecturers and small teaching groups• very high success ratesThere are no ‘up front’ fees as anyone up to the age of 60 can apply for tuitionfee loans. (Repayments only start after completing and only then if you arein employment and earning over £21,000/year)COME AND JOIN OUR LEARNING COMMUNITYFor further information, please contact the University Centre Higher EducationInformation and Advice Office on 01724 294125 or [email protected]

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St Hybald’s Church Notices: Feb/March 2018

Rogation Blessing Service: On 7th May, people from both St Hybald's andHibaldstow Methodist Church gathered to bless the parish. We blessed everyperson that lives, works or has their recreation here, and we blessedrelationships and businesses; young and old. Here's one of the prayers weprayed: "Remember, Lord, your mercy and loving-kindness towards us. Blessthis good earth, and make it fruitful. Bless our labour, and give us all thingsneedful for our daily lives. Bless the homes of this parish and all who live withinthem. Bless our common life and our care for our neighbour."

WALKING THE WAY TOHEALTHEverybody is welcome to join our free ledwalks, just turn up on the day! All walks areFREE and are no more than 3 miles.

The idea behind the walks is to improvehealth, you can take them at your own paceand make your heart beat a little faster.

For more information or a programme forwalks in 2018 contact Christine Johnson07717586380 or [email protected]

Rural Day Centre We continue to meet every Tuesday at the Village Hall between 11.00am and 2.00pm with transport provided. For further details contact Ruby on 01652 654006

Monday Pop-In Each Monday morning from 9.30am there is a pop-in coffee morning at Hibaldstow Church Hall where there is an endless supply of hot buttered teacakes and chat. Everyone is welcome. Some like to join in Morning Prayer in Church at 9.15am before joining those already in the Hall.

Wednesday Morning Communion and Coffee Each Wednesday morning at 10.00am we have a said service of Holy Communion in Scawby Church with a brief thought for the day from the clergy. The service lasts around half an hour and is followed by coffee (or tea!), a biscuit and a chance to chat! New people are always welcome at his service. Why don’t you try it?

The social group for people who cando craft work and talk at the same

time meets each Thursdayfrom 2.00pm to 4.00pm

at Mayscroft, Ings Lane. Why not come and join us?

Looking for a venue to hire? Look no further! HibaldstowChurch Hall offers very competitive rates so do not hesitate

to get in touch. For more information contact:-Graham Ellwood on 01652 650896

[email protected] or Stuart Duff on 01652 652120

LUNCHEON CLUB Not really a club, just a group of local residents who enjoy going out for lunch. We put the world to rights and air all our grievances whilst enjoying a two course meal and coffee for just £8.50. We meet on the second Wednesday of the month at the Wheatsheaf and would love to hear from you. For more information ring Bryan on 01652 653754

HIBALDSTOW PARISH COUNCILEmail: [email protected]

Website: http://hibaldstowparishcouncil.org.uk/Parish Clerk: Deb Hotson

Telephone: 0784 220 1877May 2018

Planning ApplicationsTo view any planning applications, go to the North Lincolnshire Planning portal using thefollowing website: -http://www.planning.northlincs.gov.uk/plan/search/Ward: RidgeParish: HibaldstowPlanning Applications determined by North Lincolnshire Council are as follows: -

Any resident wanting to make representation at a Planning Committee must contact the rele-vant Case Officer detailed within the applications or by ringing 01724 296296 and asking forthe Planning Dept.

ExpenditureParish Council expenditure detailed monthly.

Total Expenditure to Date for 2019/19 - £2,874.45Total expenditure for 2017/18 £66,604.10 – accountinginformation is now on the website.

North Lincolnshire Council (NLC) Self Service portalhttps://northlincs-self.achieveservice.com/module/homeBy using the above link, you are now able to report any NLC issues via their portal – from potholes, dog fouling, fly tipping to bin collections. Alternatively, you can ring on 01724 297000.If you have any concerns with regards to dogs, please contact the North Lincolnshire CouncilDog Warden on 01724 297000.

HIBALDSTOW HISTORY GROUPWe had 17 members at our Annual General Meeting in April, thankyou to those members who attended. The meeting was followed byan Historical Picture Quiz which was extremely entertaining, someof us having to dig deep into our memories to find the answers!

This was followed by a buffet to conclude a pleasant evening.

As previously notified our guest speaker at our meeting on the 17 May will beBrian Peeps whose subject will be The Paddle Steamers of the River Humber, soplease come along.

In June we shall be visiting Osgodby Church. This visit will be by car share andtimes will be confirmed at our May meeting.

In July members will be invited to bring along their photographs for discussionand to determine the age and era depicted by the subject in the photograph.

Following the success of the Aviation Heritage Day last year, the History Grouphas once again decided to hold a display depicting and promoting the history ofHibaldstow. The date will be 29th July, more information nearer the time.

Meetings are normally held in the Church Hall on the 3rd Thursday ofthe month at 7.30 pm. Entrance fee is £1.00 for members and £2.00for guests. Annual subscription is £5.00.

Police ReportPlease notify ALL non-emergency concerns to the Humberside Police by telephon-ing 101. By doing this all complaints will be added to the statistics which willhopefully assist in future policing. To report crimes online via the HumbersidePolice website please use the following link: - www.humberside.police.uk/report-a-crime To view crimes in the neighbourhood log onto the following website.www.police.co.uk/

Dallisons ParkUpdate will be received at the meeting.

Best Kept Village Competition 2018The Parish Council have entered the competition again for 2018. Many businesses havecome forward to participate in the installation of hanging baskets, please let us have yourfeedback when this have been erected and if we could make any further improvements tothe look of the parish that is under the remit of the Parish Council.

Parish Council Meetings 2018/19The meetings will be held at the Village Hall (unless otherwise stated on the notices andwebsite) on the 2nd Thursday of the month as follows: -

Annual Meeting of the Parish CouncilCllr Brian Brooks was duly elected as Chairman of the Council.Cllr David Charlton was duly elected as Vice Chairman of the Council.

Lindsey Age UKAge UK Lindsey is an independent charity which has been based in Horncastle for over 20years. Its aim is to work with and for all older people across East and West Lindsey in Lin-colnshire and Northern Lincolnshire helping to make later life a fulfilling and enjoyableexperience.They offer a wide range of support to older people and their families including domesticand gardening help through our Home Support Service, a free confidential Informationand Advice Service, Befriending and community events.They also have two Information and Advice Centres in Louth and Horncastle and over inScunthorpe they manage the Lifestyle Centre, which has a cafe and an outside cateringarm. Age UK Lindsey also manages the Community Transport Service in North Lincoln-shire.There have been 19 visits to residents within Hibaldstow and advice provided to all over£38k of benefits/funding to be obtained. The Parish Council have provided a donation of£50 to the organisation.If you require any further information or advice call 01507 524242 or visit the website athttps://www.ageuk.org.uk/lindsey/about-age-uk-lindsey/

Do you want to help with the production of this village magazine? We’re alwayson the look out for volunteers! Send us an email for more information [email protected]


The group held another open morning on Saturday 24th March 2018 – with thetheme Protect your Property, the Safer Neighbourhoods team gave out free lightsand cycle marking kits and leaflets about protecting your property from crime.PCSO Kev Horsfall was also on hand for residents to talk to. The aim was also forlocal clubs and societies and local businesses to show what they had to offer

For those unable to attend please see the following links:

https://www.immobilise.com/ - you can register your property on this site, whenitems are recovered the police can search it and return it to you.

https://www.humberside.police.uk/campaign/my-community-alert - know what isgoing on in your area.

The morning was also supported by the Scouts, Guides, Brownies and Cubs,Glanford Lions, the litter picking group, parish council and village hall committee,Angela Powell lettings and refreshments were provided by Karu Limited.

Please feel free to come to any meetings and look out for future drop-inmornings.

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June 2018 Articleby Reverend David Eames

July 2018 Services

On 22nd June, the Church of England commemorates St Alban, known as the firstmartyr of Britain. Alban has a tenuous connection with us as the Duke of St Albans isone of the Patrons of our group of parishes.

Little is known for sure about Alban, even his date of death has been variously given asaround either 209, 251, or 304 AD. But the story of his martyrdom varies less, with thefullest account given in Bede's . Alban lived in Verulamium (now StAlbans) and was possibly a Roman soldier and might have been a leading citizen of thecity but he was not a Christian. He. At that time the small but increasing Christiancommunity began to be persecuted by the Roman authorities and one day a Christianpriest, who was fleeing for his life, came to Alban's house seeking refuge. Over the fewdays that the priest was in his house, Alban, impressed by the priest's faith anddevotion, converted to Christianity. Eventually the authorities came to Alban's house tosearch for the priest, Alban put on the priest's clothes and handed himself over to thesoldiers.

Alban was brought before a judge and despite being threatened, whipped and tortured,he refused to make sacrifices to the Roman gods or deny his faith so he was sentencedto be beheaded. Bede records some miracles that occurred: firstly, Alban stopped ariver so that they could cross it, and he caused a fountain of water to flow near wherehe was beheaded. Seeing the first miracle the executioner was converted and thenbeheaded too, and the man who replaced him, after striking the fatal blow, becameblind. St Alban's Cathedral stands on the believed site of the execution.

Alban's actions are echoed in the actions of the French police officer, Arnaud Beltrame,who on 23rd March this year offered himself in exchange for the hostages in an Islamicterrorist attack in Trèbes, and died the next day. Beltrame's heroism was motivated bythe Christian faith to which he had been converted ten years ago. Fr Dominique Arz,national chaplain of the gendarmerie, said “The fact is that he did not hide his faith,and that he radiated it, he bore witness to it. We can say that his act of self-offering isconsistent with what he believed. He...bore witness to his faith to the very end.”

Despite the common accusation that religion causes more violence in the world, no-where in the New Testament are Christians encouraged to kill in order to spread thefaith. In fact the opposite is true. Jesus said ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple mustdeny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to savetheir life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it” (Matthew 16:24-25).John wrote “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters” (1 John 3:16). TheChristian faith is something worth living for and something worth dying for becausedeath for those who believe in Jesus means resurrection to eternal life.

N.R.P. Services Hedge Cutting and Removal Garden Clearances Laying of Gravel Turfing Fences Erected and Repaired Light Tree Pruning External Painting Concreting Patio Repairs Grass Cutting For more information ring


GREENFIELD PET SHOP Food, Treats, Bedding, Toys etc for

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Friends of Hibaldstow AcademyFriends are busy raising money to go towards a trim trail forthe school. The money from the Co-op and school fundraisingevents means that we already have £2000 to put towards thisfantastic outdoor area.We would like to contribute another £3000 so we will beholding a school disco at the end of this term and next. In

addition to this we are planning a cake stall and have the next Bag 2 Schoolcollection. If you have any good quality unwanted clothes, please put them in aplain bin liner and drop them off at the school gates for 9amon Tuesday 12 June.

We are planning a very exciting fundraising event in July, look out for details onthe Friends Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/friendsofhibaldstowacademy

Brigg Markets Weekly Markets are held in Brigg on Thursday and Saturday, along withother annual charitable markets and fairs. Brigg Farmers Market is held inthe Market place on the fourth Saturday of the month.

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HIBALDSTOW WAR MEMORIAL CLUB33 West Street, Hibaldstow. Tel: 01652 655450

Membership RatesThe cost of joining is

£2.00 for senior citizens (of state pension age) per yearand £3.00 for other members per year.

There is an initial administration charge of £1.50 and £2.00 respectively.New members are always welcome — feel free to collect a membership form from behind the bar.

Room Hire is available at low ratesMembers Fee £25.00 and Refundable Cash Deposit of £75.00

Non-Members Fee £35.00 and Refundable Cash Deposit of £75.00Sky Sports is available and two channels can be watched on different TVs in two rooms.

Accountancy ServicesCHRISTINE HUNSLEY


Wyndyridge, 57 West Street,Hibaldstow, Brigg,North Lincolnshire

DN20 9NY

Tel/Fax: 01652 654057Email:

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HIBALDSTOW ASTRONOMICALSOCIETYOur April meeting saw our chairman, Tony, give a talk about the HubbleDeep Field Project. The amazing images showed just how big ouruniverse truly is. We also had another clear night on our observingsession last month.

Our meeting on the 23rd May will be the AGM followed by a short talk.

The June meeting on the 27th will feature a talk on the Cassini spacemission to Saturn by Lee Twigger.

As summer approaches the nights get shorter but our observing sessions continue. But no need to stayup late as we will be observing the Sun using our special solar telescope. This is the only safe way todirectly look at the Sun as these telescopes have special filters to stop the harmful rays & heat gettingthrough. Its very important to never look at the Sun unless you know what you are doing as even veryshort looks can cause immediate damage to your eyes

We meet in the Church Hall on Church St, doors open from 7.15pm ( admission £3 for non members)& all are welcome.

For more information contact Tony on 01652 659839 or [email protected]


Looking for a venue to hire?

Look no further! Hibaldstow Village Halloffers very competitive rates so do not hesitate to get in

touch.For more information contact:-

Elaine Broomhall on01652 652227

[email protected]

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St Hybald’s RegisterWEDDING 24.3.18 at 12noon bet Graham

Wilson and Alison Howard

FUNERAL 11.4.18 at 1pm of Kathleen AliceBarrett

If you have any events coming up (even if they’vealready happened) and you would like to let people knowabout them please contact us so that we can spread thenews!

[email protected]

We serve a variety of homebaked products, along withother snacks and lightbites.

Why not visit our familyrun people and pet friendlytea room! We’re on WestStreet, Hibaldstow!

Our opening hours are:

Monday 10-5Tuesday ClosedWednesday 10-5Thursday ClosedFriday 10-5Saturday 10-5Sunday 10-4

Grade 1 listed Cadney church is one of the oldest churches in the area and well worth a visit, the church will have a lovely flower display.

There will be raffle, tombola, cakes, light lunches and refreshments in Howsham Village Hall. Refreshments will also be available at Cadney church hall.

A free minibus service will run throughout the day to take visitors between Cadney and Howsham, and visitors are encouraged to park in Howsham and take the bus to Cadney. The minibus has been very kindly paid for by Caistor and district Lions. Scarecrows will be popping up in the Open Gardens and all around both villages and there will be woodturning demonstration in Howsham Park too.

All proceeds are to be shared between local good causes including Lindsey Lodge Hospice, Cadney church, Howsham Park, Howsham Village Hall and our local LIVES group.

OPEN GARDENS Sunday 17th June – 11.00am to 5.00pm

A good range of gardens will be open around the two neighbouring small rural villages of Cadney and Howsham.

Howsham has won CPRE Northern Lincolnshire’s Best Kept Village Competition several times in recent years. There will be lots of lovely country gardens of all shapes and sizes open in both Cadney and Howsham.

Plant sales:Plant sales in both Cadney and Howsham. Cost: £4.00 per adult, accompanied under 16s free.

How to get event passports:Tickets and maps available from Howsham Village Hall and Cadney church hall

Contact the organisers:Phone: 01652 678 763Email: [email protected] for Howsham is LN7 6LA, the postcode for Cadney is DN20 9HS


Patchwork, Quilting and CreativeEmbroidery classes at Kirton inLindsey Town HallHeather at LetsBcreative is an experienced patchworkand quilt maker and is holding two sessions per month onthe 1st and 3rd Thursdays from 6 to 9pm.

The first Thursday is an informal club, ideal for bringingalong those unfinished projects or those that you havereached an impasse with, or just to come along and craftwith like-minded friends. We are totally open to newideas and are happy to combine Creative ContemporaryEmbroidery into the mix. Cost: £10 per session.

The 3rd Thursday is a more formal ‘workshop’ tointroduce you to a ‘technique’ of Patchwork and Quilting.The ‘technique’ runs for a while and develops whilst youprogress. You start off with simply looking at a‘technique’ and then over a time limited period (limitednumber of workshops) you explore what you can do withthe technical knowledge. You have use of specialisedtools at the workshops to develop your skills. Cost: £25per session.

Booking is essential so give Heather a call on: 07738420123

If you want to see more of what Heather does, check outher Facebook page: HeatheratletsBcreative.

Would you like to volunteer to be our newsecretary or co-editor?

Email: [email protected] for more details!

Do you know someone who’s looking for work experience who’d like to help out with the publication?

Do you have a few hours to spare and like to learn something new?

Get in touch!