Heritage Celebration September 19, 1999

Heritage Celebration66a015e919c54504d7ce-99affc3c6083af9c861be6202e5f6f0f.r23.cf… · It was a momentous celebration when the mortgage was burned during a public ceremony at 3:00

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Page 1: Heritage Celebration66a015e919c54504d7ce-99affc3c6083af9c861be6202e5f6f0f.r23.cf… · It was a momentous celebration when the mortgage was burned during a public ceremony at 3:00



September 19, 1999

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Matthew 28:19-20

"Go forth therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

Photographs and data in this pamphlet have been obtained from the historic files of Speedway Christian Church.

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Because those first disciples did go throughout the world, spreading the gospel, baptizing nations, and establishing churches in ever widening circles, we are here today to CELEBRATE THE HERITAGE OF SPEEDWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH.

In order to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the dedication of the present Sanctuary, we must look back in time to the earlier disciples whose dedicated labors of faith ultimately produced this structure.

Ida Marvel

This group met faithfully every Sunday in a one room red brick

schoolhouse at 10th and Auburn.

At their second meeting 5 teachers and 21 scholars were present. The total collection was $2.13.

The year was 1917 and Ida Marvel, known as "Auntie" to a small but

growing community surrounding her home and grocery at 16th and Main Street, organized a Sunday School

with the help of Rev. W. J. Cunningham.

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In 1926, decisive steps were taken to build a church. The Marion County Christian Church Union agreed to participate in a three week evangelistic meeting, August 24 through September 12. The unique goal of this cooperative meeting was to secure committed people and pledges and erect a church in a day !

The Evangelistic meetings were held in a tent tabernacle erected at 14th and Main Streets and were enthusiastically attended by scores of members of the 38 Christian Churches of Indianapolis and vicinity. As many as 14 of the 38 churches were represented on a single night. Baptisms were conducted in a horse watering trough on Main Street.

Lem Trotter of the Speedway Reality Co. donated land at 14th and Winton for the new church. Pledges were signed and on Sunday, September 5, 1926, the ground breaking ceremony was held with the excavating and assembling of building materials starting on Monday, September 6.

One hundred volunteers supervised by C.C. Urban arrived at the building site early on Saturday, September 18. At the end of the day a Church with a capacity of 300 had not only been erected, but also a prime coat applied to the exterior, the interior was stained, lights were installed, and seats were in place. THE CHURCH BUILT IN A DAY was a reality!

Dedication services were conducted on Sunday, September 19 by Rev. Harry Davis. The 30 charter members were present and all seats were filled. The Marion County Christian Churches presented the congregation $10,000 for expenses and the church was officially named SPEEDWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH, DISCIPLES OF CHRIST.

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The fourth anniversary of the church was celebrated in 1930 with the baking of a fifty pound cake by five ladies of the congregation. A local newspaper reported that the hens in Speedway were extra busy as the cake required 5 dozen eggs, plus 3 pounds of butter and ever so much flour! At the anniversary services, 200 people were served three times around!


Photo 113 Situ rhotographer.

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Girl's Basketball Team-1930

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The Church Built in a Day

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In 1927 Howard

Anderson, 18 years of age and a ministerial student, arrived to lead these early disciples. They eagerly followed his philosophy: A church isn't a building, anyhow, a Church is people! It is people at work . . . it is people at prayer . . . it is people at study . . . it is people at play . . . it is people at work together. A church is the dream of people . . . the hopes of people . . . the aspirations of people . . . a Church is people at their best.

These early disciples dedicated themselves to serving the community through their church. Rev. Anderson viewed the church as a gathering place for everyone regardless of denomination. Graded Sunday school classes were developed; choirs, drama and music groups were formed. Even a girls' basketball team was organized. All of these people worked together to support the church program as well as the welfare of the townspeople. Money was not plentiful and many community activities such as penny suppers, fish fries, sale of homemade mush, drama and music productions were among the fundraisers. Special collections were often needed to supply coal to heat the church for Sunday services.

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Issued Every Week To Every Home In Speedway City

In 1930, Rev. Anderson mimeographed a Church newsletter which was distributed to every household free of charge. Local merchants' ads supported this publication which became known as THE SPEEDWAY FLYER.

Another way to serve the religious and social needs of the entire community.

$3500.00 was needed in 1936 to clear the Speedway Christian Church debt. On December 11, the FLYER reported that $2825.01 had been received and $625.99 was needed in the next three weeks in order to have a mortgage burning ceremony as planned in January of 1937.

It was a momentous celebration when the mortgage was burned during a public ceremony at 3:00 p.m. People of many faiths and various businesses, including the local factory, sent gifts because they considered the church an asset to the town.


Orangoo-largo sizo-2 doz. 350

Grapofruit, largo Toxas, 6 for 25$

Bananas, dozon -------- 200

Appluo, Wino3apa, 4 lbs.

250 Sirloin Stoak ----- 290 lb. Suiss Stoak, 4touldors

23$ lb. Chuck Roast 190 lb.

Pork Roast ------ 20$ lb.

Pork Stoak -------- 25$ lb.

Ground Door, frosh 190 lb.

Chooses full croam, 250 lb.

Ruttor, Folks, ----390 lb.



LYON'S DRY GOODS STORE 1534 Rain St. Dol. 2360


$ 1 C—N

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Through the efforts of Rev. Anderson a publicity drive was conducted via the church newsletter (the SPEEDWAY FLYER) to gain community support for the construction of a playground at 15th and Lynhurst for the young people of Speedway. In 1938, after a successful campaign, the $35,000 project was a reality that we now know as Leonard Park. At this time the SPEEDWAY FLYER was formally presented to the town of Speedway.

During World War II, the town of Speedway experienced tremendous growth and by May 20, 1945, when the Speedway Christian Church celebrated the anniversary of the beginning of the church, 800+ people were attending two services and twelve babies had been added to the Cradle Roll on the previous Sunday.

The congregation was notified June 5, 1945 that Howard Anderson had resigned effective September 1. Rev. Anderson felt that he had accomplished his vision of building a community church to fit the needs of all who wished a place to worship.

September 4, 1945, Rev. Kenneth Thorne arrived and began his ministry of eleven years. Speedway Christian Church is now in the midst

of the postwar building boom and the membership increases to 900. Sunday school overflow classes are meeting in the elementary school across the street. In return the high school is using Fellowship Hall for study hall space.

Rev. Kenneth Thorne

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A Dream That Can Be Made a Reality by You Was presented to the congregation through a publication of the building committee led by Winfield D. Wood.

"A great deal of time has been spent by a large number of

people in bringing to you a tentative plan for our new church

which we believe will meet our needs and be within our means.

In developing the architectural appearance of the new

church, much thought was given by our architects as to the

style that would take its place urbanely with the environment of

the site. It was felt that the modest character of the

neighborhood and its homey atmosphere should be reflected in

the appearance of the new edifice. To meet these requirements,

an unpretentious, rural parish type was selected Basically

Norman in character the simple beauty of the style emanates

reverence, and through the centuries has held its charm . . ."

The sanctuary will be ample in size to accommodate the number of people now worshipping at two services . . . a social room with a capacity for 250 people on the ground floor as well as a Junior Chapel . . . primary, kindergarten, and nursery rooms on the main floor and young people on the second floor.

Sketches were included as well as a detailed floor plan so the disciples could visualize their concept of a new sanctuary to accommodate the growing congregation. The challenge presented was:

YESTERDAY . . . a heritage TODAY . . . a responsibility

TOMORROW . . . an eternity of service

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The challenge was accepted and the cornerstone for the new Sanctuary was laid on July 18, 1948. Articles place in the cornerstone were:



COPY OF "THE SPEEDWAY CITY NEWS" dated September 2, 1926



The dedication of the new Sanctuary was held on September 11, 1949. While they were enjoying their new facilities, the congregation did not forget the challenge presented by the Sanctuary building committee:

YESTERDAY . .. a heritage TODAY . . . a responsibility

TOMORROW . . . an eternity of service

Under the gregarious and aggressive leadership of Rev. Thorne, the second phase of the building program was implemented and in 1955 the Church Built in a Day was razed to prepare for the construction of an educational wing to complement the new Sanctuary.

Ironically, Ida Marvel died in February of 1955.

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Sanctuary Construction — 1948

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Sunday, May 13, 1956 was the dedication of the educational wing. The completed new facilities will hold 1,000 people. There is an estimated 1400 attending at this time with 1900 members. 200 men are attending fellowship dinners and the Ladies Aid (now CWF) is comprised of 10 circles.

The notable year of 1956 also finds Rev. Thorne resigning to move to Texas and Dr. Ray Montgomery is installed as Senior Minister on March 17, 1957.

Volume 1— Issue 1 of the SPEEDWAY CHRISTIAN WEEKLY appears on December 6, 1957. Dr. Montgomery is editor. This is a welcome publication since The Speedway Flyer has not been

published by the church since 1938. Following the theme of "An Eternity of

Service" Dr. Montgomery places an emphasis upon the worship service and the needs of others. $1,000,000 is contributed to missions in the next 15 years. The church indebtedness is cleared. Six chapels are built in Zaire and in 1961 SCC

colonized the Westview Christian Church. Missions

outside the church are now the focus of energy. SCC is now sponsoring Rev. Fred Vasquez and his mission church in San Antonio as well as Dr. John Ross in the Congo.

This period of time also began a history of ordinations at Speedway Christian Church - more disciples going out into the world.

Dr. Ray Montgomery —1957

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1956 ROBERT HUBER— Timothy

1961 ROBERT KINTNER — Music Minister '59-61

1961 JOHN L ANDRAE — Associate Minister '58-69

1962 ARTHUR VERMILLION — Associate Minister '61-71

1964 FOSTER HOTCHKISS — Music Minister '62-68

1968 BARTON UPDIKE — Timothy

1975 JOSEPH RIDENOUR — Music Minister 73-89

Interim Associate '96- 1980 DENA WOLDRUFF — Associate Minister '78-90

1981 TOM MCGILLIARD — Timothy

1981 MARY LYNN DELL — Phoebe

1982 GARY MCCORMICK — Timothy

1987 SANDY STROH — Organist '73-88

1987 W. CHRIS DODSON - Timothy

1991 CAROL WILSON — Phoebe

Interim Associate Minister '90 1992 LINDA PATRICK ROSEBROCK - Phoebe

1997 JENNI CROWLEY — Phoebe

A new Associate Minister was called

in June of 1974 to serve with Dr.

Montgomery. Young Rev. Andrew

Crowley traveled `up north' from

Georgia-and he's still here!

After serving twenty-two years, Dr.

Montgomery retired in January

of 1979, and Andy Crowley was named

Senior Minister of Speedway Christian

Church. This year marks twenty-five years

of service at SCC for Dr. Crowley—

twenty years as Senior Minister.

Trying for a new record of longevity?

Rev. Andrew P. Crowley 1974

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Speedway Christian Church has been a constantly changing entity, always flexing to meet the needs of the community and its ever changing congregation.

During these past twenty-five years there have been changes within the church structure to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the congregation and community: the renovation of the organ, replacement of the heating and cooling system, installation of an elevator to assist the handicapped, construction of a parking lot (the membership is now widespread geographically), and the

acquisition of adjacent property on 14th Street to accommodate support group meetings.

Recognizing that our future is in our youth, Dr. Crowley instigated a major change in the education department and promoted a plan whereby the children and youth may attend worship services in the Sanctuary with their parents before going to their respective Sunday school groups.

Additional worship services have been implemented, one on Thursday evening, another at 8:00 a.m. Sunday morning, in addition to the regular 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. services to accommodate the changing work schedules and family life styles of the membership.

An active Evangelism program is underway to attract new members to sustain the current membership. Today's society is extremely mobile in comparison to the society of disciples who settled in this area and founded and nourished this institution.

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As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of our Sanctuary, we must not forget the HERITAGE of yesterday, the sacrifices and hopes of the first group of Speedway Disciples. The future holds a CHALLENGE for us. We should always remember the importance of our "church family" relationships — from the youngest to the eldest. Through continued Christian service, we can accept the RESPONSIBILITY to meet the CHALLENGE.

Shall we C E L E B R A T E?

+++++ 1999 — HERITAGE CELEBRATION YEAR +++++ February 14 — Penny Lunch (recall earlier fund raisers)

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May 27 - Ice Cream Social and 50 pound cake (4th anniversary commemoration)

July 4 - Special Service and Brunch

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Community Organizations using SCC facilities Opportunity Day

Leisure Hour, Girl Scout Leaders, Brownies Blood Bank

WIAMI Piano Recitals

Music Groups Within the Church Chancel Choir

Messengers Choir Cheerful Notes

Amen Choir Joyful Ringers


Educational Opportunities Within the Church Graded Sunday School — all ages Special Topic discussion groups

Youth Groups — Chi Rho and CYF Summer Church Camp Program

Vacation Bible School — all Ages Christian Women's Fellowship

Tuesday Bible Study

Misison Opportunities Within the Church Habitat for Humanity

Mission projects of CWF, Chi Rho, CYF All Church Missions — Blankets

Cleveland Children's Home, Food Bank

Long term church indebtedness - none Church annual budget - $540,000.00

Worship attendance — 400 Current participating members — 909

Current non-participating members — 788

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Staff — September 19, 1999

Dr. Andrew P. Crowley — Senior Minister

The Reverend Joe Ridenour — Minister of Pastoral Care

The Reverend Adam Kirtley — Associate Minister

The Reverend Jack L. Fox- Minister of Music and Worship

Pauline Vermillion — Coordinator of Christian Education

Kris Workman —Administrative Assistant

Shirley Ewing — Secretary

Debbie Vines — Secretary

Jason-Paul Channels —Youth Ministry Intern