Here, There and Everywhere ! ,1 Interesting Things Found in The News, Con- rtlnsed For The Headers of The Independent * By ELIZABETH SAVNDERS < vt* :«.> the home of L. ¦< aanchoil Brown. went ? »'< PC ..:;« mar.>ha! with a stow; ;. y.r :-io !:ie o:' a fireman.but . .. p,:;- Arthur. Texas! In , ii .nnr when the motor-' I P eiraaer broeio down and j ftt: V! the :.;r:n of Maruel Se-!| *, near Biiboa. Spain. Rive rich!] t; liayv Bank robbers, fieo- I L \t: k'oimr. Banco Urquijoj \ ceneeua cl their swat; I -.;:: ani.V. nay file cows'; j-.b:r 10 486- pesetas. ! I 1 c;:e<v: \V:i:te sow bolonsin?; - J- ;n of Wellington. 111.! y; b.r'h-c nitre!. The sow' I a new world ' X \ U ..nam Brijpjs. I: 1 had come : i 5 exchange for a baby sir.. »;'¦»? at:-.:' i> >u:ic!jt. a physician » -rer. -l ; i:::U of money. The [cs bill wu> paid, in Amarillo. 3.50") ;»e:inies. weighing i,.-;. whi.-h the parents saved. tf.e i: or not. but the follow- i jn .< 0:1 the Main Street cf fed. X. C.: J. G. HALL Drugs B.bies A: Cigars 1 xa1; lucky for Ray Ballard, a larden. of Porterville. Cal.. 2 it. coaioa't hake off a wad of z iedged or. his shoe. When he »ti trap" :: off with a knife; (hard buried in it a woman's t r.na set with diamonds and i Fort McHenry. Md.. Jean Hud- t daughter o." one radio opera-, 6 -t-rt of another, sat for Federal tituffiint.on. received 20 words =Jafe. rated 80'.' in the techni-i fgot an operator's license i age o: 8 itCr. v Kand. Joseph Tortora. t»><i .t.rn- -It with onti-pasto a ..ighet .. r«v? from the table. «s a sweeping gesture cf satis- j >;*.<! on a string cf sjia-! rhetti. u;xset the table. broke the spaghetti dish, fell into the debris, sashed himself deeply, went to the hospital, fainted from loss of blood. Philip Laurent owns one of the most unusual colections in Phil¬ adelphia. It consists of more than 11.000 insects, all properiy mount- .ci and indexed. A tiny city of millionaires would he created under a bill now pend¬ ing before the legislature in Florida, rhc town to be known as Surfside, would take in only the property of civ Surf Club, exclusive resort on Miami Beach. In Manhattan. Mr. and Mrs. Mil¬ ler Du.s had their two-room bunga¬ low set cn wheels, engaged Joseph Sehiro. trucking contractor to tow them to Babylon, L. I. They came to a halt in East 59th street when che driver unhitched his truck, left the bung-alow stranded because a patrolman found it had no trailer license. While courts, police and lawyers bickered over contracts,, licenses, and sanitation laws, the Durs cocked, at?, slept in the bun- galow. got a summons for parking ovcaim?. reached Bablyon two days late. In Brooklyn. Sussman Levinsky left $2,130.81 to be divided by his v. ife and six children, warning them against contesting his will: "My soul fly among you wherever you go. and will keep mv eyes open uix>n every movement of each of you. No matter where you will go and stand, either in daytime or nightime. or in your dreams. I will guard over you. and watch you. and I will whistle into your ears Oh! Oh! Which w.ll mean you have not obey¬ ed your fa'her. that you should thereafter suffer." Women cn the island of Ball hive their heads full all the time. They are not allowed to so about the villaimle-~s they carry some bur¬ den on their heads. either basket, bundle or howl. The efforts to enforce prohibition have been incst ingenious. Not long ago in California even a giant red¬ wood tree which housed a still was officially raided and padlocked! Carrots, sweet potatoes and yolks of eggs contain so much carotin, a .."..cng pigment, that persons who cu: an excessive quantity of these foods sometimes develop carotin- emia. a yellow discoloration of the skin similar in appearance to jaun¬ dice. Cow Sacred in India The cow is a sacred object of wor¬ ship in India. Cows roam the streets and may go in and out of residences and business houses alike as they please. These cows all live to en- Joy a ripe old age for a c»w is never destroyed until she dies a natural hath. Woe he unto liim who ac¬ cidentally kills a sacred cow.. Hoard's Dairyman. SHIP TO WARNER £*tdbltsha'.l 1837 p. & cWarner Company INCORPORATED /ViiiVrt Ft»h »nd Frczen Fish V7. fESH. y-i jL O 8 buck Street Fish Market Philadelphia Pa. (T Prompt rotarnj. SHIP TO WARNER A Human Interest Story By R. A. LAMB .... 1 It was long after midnight and a \ chill April wind was blowing. It c swept into the darkened doorway of I a vacant store and caused a shiver to run through a figure huddled there. t The figure was that of a homeless voung woman who had spent her, 1 last penny in the great city and had 11 chosen to suffer the hardships of ex- t posure. rather than accept charity.' < She was weak with hunger and near- t ly exhausted from tramping the l streets, but sleep was far from her j; girlish eyes. Pain and -a terrifying, t fear for the safety of another kept t her wide awake. Her sense of time had become jumbled; a minute was now a year, jj She listened in vain for the sound'j of footsteps. Only roaring vehicles < and lumbering trolleys occasionally 11 broke the eerie stillness. Over and i over she prayed for help, but it did 11 not come at once. Then another sharp pain seized her frail body., ] causing her to scream through clenched teeth. When she could i again streighten up. she managed somehow to get on her feet ... ! 1 Sometime later a lone policeman came along that way and found j1 there on the hard, dusty sidewalk, the destitute woman.with her new-1 born child. The mother was trcmb-'i ling with cold, but the infant girl was snuggly wrapped in her mother's |eld coat. j. Dawn found mother and child in a nearby hospital. They had been given the best of attention and were ¦: both sleeping soundly in a clean, warm room. For a time, at least, their troubles were over. Later in the morning. Phi/adel- [ phia newspaper reporters gathered at the mother's beside and heard her story. It was a tragic story of being left to shift for herself, while her husband sought a job in Chicago.! For two months before her baby, ! came, she had canvassed from door to door and sold candy on street' corners, earning just enough to buy a little food every day. Once her husband sent $5. when it was gone she gave up her room to keep from going in debt and slept wherever J night overtook her. mostly in vacant houses, dark doorways, ar.d rah- road stations. One would expect the brave little I woman to be quite bitter, after such an awful experience, but * ;o wasn't. She made no attempt to blameI others for her suffering. Instead, she was glad the worst was over, and j . poke hopefully of finding a job and. working hard for her baby, adding:! "Gee. wasn't it lucky the baby didn't: catch cold? She might have died."' As the story spreads, a few will j condemn this gallant soul for her j false pride, since it was pride alone j I that kept her from having proper | 'care. But none can say in truth j that she. like any good mother, is I lacking in those divine qualities, 'which make her a being apart. On a certain morning in the sum- mer of 1915. eight jitneys and two hacks were lined up at the N. S. 'Passenger station, awaiting the: train from Norfolk. Seven of the (cars were Fo:ds; one was an Over- land. What I want to know is how (that Overland got in there? By the time this appears in print. Sheriff Meekins will have learn?:! that a certain stranger, now visiting) on Roanoke Island, is not the city slicker his appearance suggests, but I is really a son of M. W. Daniels. Wanchese. Wesley ran away from home in 1915, traveled far and wide, shot a rifle once or twice in France, then! returned to Baltimore and married a pretty Maryland girl. Now he's one of the white collars at the j General Electric plant in Philadel- phia, and has acquired among other j city attributes, a nine-hair, waxed j mustache. But Wesley is still a village Tar Heel, at heart. Most of his leisure i time is spent in his big garden, rais¬ ing collards and nothing but col-, lards. The Cross Country News is an- other weekly "newspaper' "that I en-, joy. It is published by our old! friend, Sears. Roebuck <& Co., and I is circulated free in this hollow of Pennsylvania. In a recent edition of this sheet, I read where the Sears Co. annual-; ly uses 5 million pounds of wrapping j paper and a half million pounds each of twine and tube rope. This. indicates somebody is really using! their catalogs for the purpose for | which they were originally intended, j ! 10 Years Ago Gurney P. Hoed, now State Bank-| ng Commissioner, was president of he Pasquotank Municipal Hospital.) n-hich was at that time facing a, ieficit because of the high rental, ;axes, and non-paying patients. The Elizabeth City Woman's Club, hen only a few months old. sent luestionnaires to every candidate .'or the office of Mayor or Alder-' nan in the municipal leection. The! luestionnairc asked how the can-j lidates stood on such subjects as a ax for a public library, women on :he school bead, public play jrounds and the planting of shade .rets. The candidates were quick :o answer, too. The Pasquotank Hosiery Co. had ;old $50,000 of new stock to local nvestors in a few days. It was in¬ n-easing its capital from $50,000 to 5150.000 and was offering $85,000, worth of new stock. The plant was; .o double its capacity with the new capital. (The company was then! line years old. Mrs. C. P. Brown had been tip- pointed to a seat on the local school board. Mrs. Brown, an active Wo¬ man's Club worker, was the first woman to hold that distinction here. The Camden Ferry Road, built at i cost of around $100,000 was prac¬ tically completed and was scheduled to be opened to traffic by the first of Juno. It was a beautiful stretch of concrete, marred only by several inches of water over several short stretches during high tides. SUNDAY DINNER I SUGGESTIONS By ANN I'ACK MAY-TIME menus will include ruch appetising dishes as rib roast of beef, fresh string beans and de¬ licious pirs mads from fresh rhubarb and Isesh strawberries combined, served -villi good old fashioned cheese. You v.ill find very good values this week in lamb and veal and there is a variety of fish to choose from. At this season of the year, before fresh vegetables from nearby gardens are abundant, it's wise to take advan¬ tage of tiie canned products. Canned tomatoes, lima beans, string beans, and red kidney beans are inexpensive rirrhf nnw This week's Sunday Dinner Menus planned by the Quaker Maid Kitchen are real May-time menus and take ndvantn.ee of seasonable foods which are plentiful this week.and there¬ fore inexpensive. Low Cost Dinner Frizzled Han Creamed Potatoes Buttered Pons Bread and Butter Anple Sauce Cookies Milk for Children Tea or ColTce Medium Cost Dinner Roast Stuffed Shoulder of Veal Scalloped Tomatoes Potatoes with Parsley Butter Piekle3 Corn Sticks and Butter J"llied Fresh Fruit Milk for Children Tea or Coffee Very Special Dinner Sardine Canape Rib Roast of Beef Olives Radishes Browned Potatoes Fresh Strinp Beans Mixed Green Salad, French Dressing Hot Rolls Butter Strawberry Pie Milk far Children Tea or Coffee Sea and Fresh Water Sea water will weigh about one and a half pounds more per cubic foot than fresh water at the same temperature. Venerable Immigrant rrohnbly the oldest immigrant to arrive in this country among the colonial settlors was John Young (a name to olTset his fame),.hoffl in the island of Burt, near London¬ derry. lie was ninety five when lie landed in Boston. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION llnriiiK ipnilifled as Aitmiiiistrator of the late III,S.I Stiikily Itr.titers, I hereby Biro notice to all iM-istiiis indebted tn lu-r estate to come for- Hiir i an male* iitiinisliato m III* until, ami those hold in--' i*l ims n.'rinst tin* samo In present tliotu for )..«>mi >:t wit!.ill twelve months from tin- ¦late ¦! this notice, in it will lie pleaded iti lair of tln ir r* coverjr. This .Uaroli LM. 1H33. .1. II. la ttOT. JR., Adinr. of Kstntc of Rosa P.\p7 Of. stoki-ly Rrotliors. NOTICE OF SEIZURE In the D! trlct Court of the United States For the Ea tern District of North Carolina Eliz'-hcth City Division UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FORD PHAETON AUTOMOBILE. MOTOR No. A3G71G74, JelzoJ fiom Pcto Walden, property of Kcnr'cV.a Bjnipaes, stored with Mann's G-rag-, Elz.-fccth City, N. C. Not-i-c I- hereby ail'n Unit lilirl Ims hi-eti filed liy lil.i'.lalit in I'io ahnrc <-lllitl.nl Court and on use th.it b.v order of tin* Court there has loon .-Gi-d in S'tnbiiry, Hates I'oipily. Not til Carolina, within tin* Kastorn ltistr:.i-t of North Carolina, olio Cold I'li.nl ii Aulonioliilo. Moli r No. A3ii71.1T I. which automobile is hold by the I'liiled Slates Marshall lor the Hast¬ en! IMstrict of North Carolina. It 1* prayed jn sa;;] libel that said property J i he r videnmrd and forfeited to the Unites! t1 9taff* ct Atactica upzn the foliowin j gi ruind*: That4 on or about the 22nd day cf March 1 1933. in Suiihury, (J.ites County. North Caro-1 lina, said car was seized by nuthorized Federal Prohibition Officer; in the course of their of- dcisil duties, while said Automobile was trans- polling intoxicating liquors. to-wit: fifty five gallons, and within the custody ami control of the said Pete Wuldcii. Notice is further given by order of Court that all Ihtsuiis having or claiming any interest in said article seized or having anything to say why the same should not he combrined and for- Midi, ap|>ear ami file their respivtive answers and defense to such liliel setting forth their in- tercst in or claim t said property libeled with the Clerk of tin- above mentioned Court ut Eli/.- ahetli City. North C.m lina. oil or before the tstli day of May ltd.!!, the same being the lime and place fixed for the return date hereon. j This "tli lay of Mav 1933. K. c. c.kddii:. Unite 1 Stales Marshal for the Eastern oMo-2t District of North Carolina. NOTICE OF SEIZURE In the District Court of the United States For the Ea.tcrn District of North Carolina Elizabeth City Division UNITED STATES OF AMERICA VS. BUICK ROADSTER AUTOMOBILE, Engine No. 1809227, stored with Mann's Garage, 11 Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Notice is hereby given that libel lias been fibd by lihcllant in the nh«.\v entitled Court ami cause that by order of the Court there has be< ii seized in the vicinity of South .M ils, Camden County, North Carolina, within the Eastern District of North Carolina, one Itiiiek Itoudster Automobile, Engine No. 1S09227, which automobile is held by the United Suites Marshal for the Eastern District of North Carolina. It ;s prayed in said libel that said property be c/idemmil ami f.irfeitisl to the United States of America npon the following grounds: That en or about the 22ml day of Mareli 193H. in the vicinity of S-mill .Mills, North Carolina, said ear was seized from unknown l paitv, by authori/ed Federal Officers in tiie [course of their official duties, while said auto- uiobiK was engaged in unlawfully removing ami concealing spirituous liquors upon which a tax! was due and unpaid in violation of Section) 11 s 1. Title 2fi United States Code Annotated.. Notice is further given by order of Court that all person* having or claiming any interest! in said article seized m having anything to say why tin salilc stem Id le»t be ci u lemmd alid for- foiled, appear ami tile tin ir respective itiiswcrs. 'a id dcfctlMc to sueii libel setting forth their ill- tercst -in or claim t said property libeled with the Clerk of the ulmve mentioned Court at KHz- abetli City, North Carolina. n or before the! |sth day id May 1933. the same being the. time and .luce hereby fixed for the rdtim date! hereon. This ."th day of May 1933. M. C. IJ EDDIE. United States Marshal fer the Eastern cMo 2t District of North Carolina. NOTICE OF CEIZURE In the District Court of the United States For the Ea ten District of North Carolina Eliz'bcth City Division UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs. FORD COUPE. MOTOR No. 12940363. :oiicd from Willie Boyd, rteres with Mjiui's G;r. go. Elizabeth City. North Carolina. Notice is hereby given that libel has been filed by liivellant in lie* above a-nfit).-«! Court and cause that by order «I Use Court there« jbas |mhi seize I in Date* C.unity, North Car ». lina. wdhiti the Modern Disltici of North Carolina. eiie F id Coiii e. Motor No. 129 {11363. which atr .tnobi!" i; In Id by the United Stales Mai -ha I fur the Ea-t-nii District! jit Nor:b Carolina. It .. played in said libel that s'id pr -p'Ttv 'Ir e ,'nleiiilUsl and 1 .»! «i* »-.l to the United States Aii.«ri a isyv. ii the t 1lowing ground*:! That .1? or ab. ur the 2lt!i day .f Man h 1933. in Date* County, North Carolina. Mid car was veize-l by atlt 'orized Feleral Prohib'- tiou Officers, in the course of their official dlltii'% while -aid .nit.mobile was trail |»mting intoxicating liquor*. t »-wit: t«si galh-in, and witldli the etMndy an I :i*rol it the said Willie Itoyd. Notice is turtle r given by nrdir of Court tliat all |hts..»!s having or <daimiiig any inter st .j. -lid .u'.icli' vixci it lur ing anything to say vvlij the same should II >t be n letUlied and for¬ feited. apjH.ir and lib* tint. p«h|native aiiswm A!|d dcfiu** to siudi IIIh-I h. 11In- »rtli their in- It rest in or (aim -.id roper: y lil.ebd with the Clerk the above mentioned Court at Eli/.- '.hctli Pity, North Carolina, rti or before the h IStli clay of May 1P3.3, the cainr bring tlic rime ami place fixed for tlie return rlatf; icreon. This 5th day of May 1033. k. r. dedDie, En'ted States Marshal for the Eastern ;M3-2t District of North Carolina. NOTICE OF SEIZURE In the District Court of the United States For the Eastern District of North Carolina Elizabeth City Division UNITED 8TATES OF AMERICA VS. CHEVROLET COUPE, MOTOR No. 1B01880, seized from Victor P. Brown, stored with Mann's Oarage, Elizabeth City, North Caro¬ lina. Notice is hereby given that lihel bos been filial by libellunt in the above entitled Court and cause that by order of the Court there lias been seized in Xunhury, Dates County, North Carolina, within the Eastern District of North Carolina, one Chevrolet Coupe. Motor No. 1 .'ill IK SO. which automobile is held Ivy the l'nited Stales Marshal for the Eastern District of North Carolina. It is prayed in said liliel that said property be condemned and forfeitisl to the 1'uitisl Stati-s of America main the following a rounds: That 011 or about the 24th day of March l!i:t:t, in Suiibury, Dates County, North Caro¬ lina. saiil car was scived by authorized Enteral Prohibition Officers in the course of their official duties, while said automobile was IransiK.rtiltg intoxicating liquors, to-wit: thirty gallons, and within the custody and control of the said Victor 1'. Drown. Notice is further given by order of Court that all persons having or claiming any interest ill said article .seized or having anything to uy why tin' same should not be rondemnnl and for¬ feited, apiiear and file their restiective answtrs ami defense to such libel setting forth their ill- lerest in or claim to said property libeled with tlie Clerk of the above uientluued CouD at Eliz¬ abeth city, North Carolina, on or before the IS1I1 day of May 11)33, the suua- bring the time and place fixed for the return date hereon. This ."tli day of May 11133. K. C. D.EDDIE, l'nited States Marshal for the Eastern cM5-2t District of North Carolina. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executor of the late lirrtha I,. Dial trey, 1 hereby give notice to all persons iuilelited to her estate to come for-, ward and make immediate settlement, and | those holding claims against the same to pre- j sent them for payment within twelve months j from the date of his notice, or it will be I pleaded in bar of their recovery. This April 1st. 11133. JOHNNIE GODFREY, pApT tit. Executor. NOTICE of SALE SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Ity virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by Kate Cartwriglit ami husband C. C. Cnrtwright. for certain puriaiscs therein ex pre sed. which said deed of trust hears date f .lull P1I1. 1II2"1. and i> registered in the Register of Duds Office for this county, in llook lit at Page lid. 1 shall oil the 22nd day if May. IP33. at 12 o'clock M. offer Tor ,ule for rnsti. at ti p rcnrtll-.n»» ri.i-r. it I tiablio auction tlic rtopprty drccr.hh ;n said' Icpti of trnet, Hoti'iditl en the nor.1i 1>y l it of rnocli. I.iidfard: on the can by Sr.utli Ibi.pl St.. on | the south by lot of 11. It. S.sIIh try anj I K. I.. Sawyer, formerly the H. r. c.xlfrey lol, and on the west by lot of It. J|. f Bailey, and ln imt same pr.ii>erty conreyed j to said Kate I'artwriulii. by K .1.. Sawyer' and others by deed dated July tlth, 1 !'J Dated and ik.sted Apr.I 21. It'll.*). < 4. 11. I.KIOII. j cA2S-dt. Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE 8ALE OF VALUABLE LAND By virtue of two deeds of trust executed [ to the undersigned by \V. II. Bnreo ami wife I Mildred May, fur certain purposes therein I rxprwseJ, wliicli said deeds of trn-d hear date I of May Hist, 1 «.:*.! am! June 20th. 1032. I and are registered in Bonks 77 ami Page a00 and *1. at Page 240. reflectively, I shall on May 22nd. 10.1.1. at 12 o'clock M. offer for sale, at the courthouse d«K:r in Kli/.-: abeth City, at public action, for cash the' property described in said deeds of trns*s, to-. wit: » First Traet: Locate! in Pr.i7ld.oicc Township, and beginning in renter of the road running from Shipyutd Ferry lt« ad j past Miles Smith -o» and lev Culi»cpper, at the eastern comer if said Culpepper wo::ds, I thence S. 48% \V. 12.00 ehs., thence I S. 11 K. 7.20 eh*.. t.» line of lot No 4.! in the David Smiths: n hoiei ]partition. | thence along line of lots .1 atld I on said I partition X. 48*4 K. 3s. 10 ehs.. thence N. 0214 \V. .1 ehs. theme N. 3.1% \V. 7 ehs., thence S. 7" \V. 23 ehs., to afore¬ mentioned mad, thenee down said road to beginning, containing 07 acres, more or less. Seetoid Traet: All the right, title and interest (being a one fifth undivided in-j terer.t) to and ill all tlie swamp lajul in 1 said county, which L. K. Smitlisoli (grantor j of Iteiij. Dunford) inherited from his latiier D. J. Smithson. All the foregoing lands, being the same lands c-.n vcyed to: M. B. Sample hy Said Benjamin Dunford and wife hy deed recorded ill B >ok j .11 at Page Ibfl, and being third tract c niveycd hy M. B. Sample to Nannie Scott Sample by deed duly rocanlwl in Book 74 at l'ave 4Jl.1 and same lands conveyed to Mildred May Bareo by Nannie Scott Sample and huslmml. Third Tract-: Beginning in the center of Shipyard Ferry Uoad at the c iriicr of» the Will. Jackson land, thence N. 4(1 K. 1 (I.oil ehs., thence S. 44% K. 11.Otl ehs.. thence N. 14 K. 11.So cos., to a lane, thence N .14% W. .1.8(1 ehs., to rent 4 of Shipyard Uoad .thence N. .11 IV. 24.22 ehs., to corner of lot No. 3 above referral to 011 said Smitlisoli plat, as platted by W. F. Pritehard. See B ok 32 Pages (18- r,!». ti.enee ul .ng said lot No. .1 a. jht said plat, N. 44 W. to a juniper stake, in line of j lot No. .1 011 said plant; theiiee S. 48 ^4 W. 4 1.11 ehs.. thence S. .13% K. 12.78' ehs. to the la-ginning. j Fourth Tract: Beginning in center of, road running from Ferry It. ad past Miles j Smiths,#n and Leo C11.pepper, at the corn* r j of I t No. -3 ah .vc referred to thence S. | (is W. down lim of marked trees to Lcin Jackson heirs land, Cuiice N. 13 \V. to! lands i f Lie Cnlfsipper. thenee N. 8S !',. j 23..1(1 ehs., to the «fon mentioned rofid. tlii-iuv S. 23 I.r :>:) ).;. el.,., t. lb.* I besto* i f *o: I. iT i- . *"."» or u4» I'sfth rncr. iKut.u<M ..it i... % t.a.l leading to Shipyard I'.rry. .in tl* west by St . Hizhw.iy. hadin: :t:m Fair- , alieth ("itv ** s ttrli Mill., on the north , by the l.-ids of tli» loirs of I.em .Jackson, itrr'il, an l 011 tin* east by Istnls. ot the heirs of David Smiths,.11. deo'd. routsonny j 11 seres, tin re or lis-. Dated sn.l is.sted April "2nd. lf>33. J. It f.KUfff. .A2N-D. Trustee. . » NOTICE TO CREDITORS J In the District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina No. 19S-B In The Mcttcr of Pinel Jackson Vaugit *. Bankrupt. The p. titioil ¦{ i'in ¦! Jackson Yailahin, rf Ahoskic. II. 11 ford C..nnty. North Carolina. I'or 11 full dbc.utrxc in Itaiikruptey, lis It'IS Inni tiled ill said Ci.urt. it is untcri.l by tin Court that a hearing be had oil the 3111 day of June, lbltlt. before II. siorah'.e I. M. Mtvk- ins, Jiidye of said Court si Illi/ainUi City, Ninth Carolina, at tin o'e! m-1; f.ir-*uiM.n, and that all known creditors and other imthhio . illI en Old loaV ap|s'*r a! a,, id time and lilsi-r ami sliosv jiist eaii-e. if my they luio. why the prayer of the said !> I it loner Jivllld iiuf, !*. mauled. This 3d day of May 11133. .S. A. ASMil. Clerk Itv .1. !'. illO.VII'SON*. Deputy 1 lis It I*. S. Irfsiriet Court. ' cMy5-2t Mli.-almh City. N. C. N07ICC TO CREDITORS In the District Court, Lastern Oistrict of North Carolina No. 19S-0 In The Mr.ttcr of of William Joseph Vanghan, Bankrupt. The INtilioii if William J..Soph v,1lrah:lrf, ' r.f Ahiokie, Hertford County, Nnrlh Ctrohi.n. for a full ihwh.i ra'e in Itankruiitcy. hati'ij lieeti tiled ill said C.,urt. il is onh-ri.l by the Ci.lir' thai a Ilea rill; Is. had mi llio olii day- of June. 11133. I.. I. re II. in.rali'e I if. Meek- ins. Jodie 1*1' .aid Court at Kliaslietli .ftly. North Carolina, at tin o'rloek lor and that all known credit. 1- and other im-moiij Interested may appear ai said time atnl nl.vo 11111I show just cause, if any they have, why the. prayer of tin- said pdilii iier should tint be mauled. This 3d day of May 11133. S. A. ASIIK. Clerk I'.y J. I'. TliMMI'SON.' IliHmfr Clrek C. S. Distriel Court, cMy."-2t Klixahetii Cits', N. C. fJOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION llavini: nualifieil as Administrator of the laic St-i ioy il Illicit I hereby live notice to all persons in Jellied to lor estate to c .me for¬ ward ami make ininosliate *11 count, ami these hoMiuit claims ar.aiii-t lite same to pre¬ sent them tor iiayinetit within twelve months trnm the date 11' this notice, or it wilt lie pleaded ill bar ef tin ir recovery. This March 1, 11133. .1. runs. r.AMft. pApMfit A-In. in is! ratirl WOOL .WANTED . Top Market Prices. Spot c.t. :i. W. C. GLOVEft. Elizabeth City, N. C. cMy3-it _ WILLIAM H. BANKS, S«y. ¦ IFREMIAH T. MOWER, Treas. B WILLIAM H. CORNELL, Pres. JE ^ | Wallace, Keeney, Lynch Corp. m .. * n( Wallace & Keeney and Lynch * co A Consolidation of Wallace «. I . That Will Continue to | An Independent Organization and Efficient Organ,zat.o 1 Make a Specialty of _,T _,0 I I NORTH CAROLINA FISH I WRITE FOR CARDS AND STF/NC,LS YORK CITY I ¦-jjl ulton Wholesale ^'Rh Market ."" EDWIN S. HUFF THE SHAD MAN PHILADELPHIA, PA. . . I 16 Dock Street Fish Market ^SfortK Carolina Shad A Specialty: ¦. F. P. LARKIN, INC. j Wholesale Commission Dealers in I! FRESH FISH |: NORTH CAROLINA SHAD A Dock Street Fish Market Philadelphia, Pa. |; ji ~ =j! 1 W. H. MtORMICK & CO. j Wholesale Fish Dealers 10 DOCK STREET FISH MARKET PHILADELPHIA Over GO Years Continuous Service to Fishermen CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED I Jos. A. Wilson & Sons, Inc. I (Successors to Jos. A. Wilson) Wholesale Commission Dealers in Fresh Fish North Carolina Fish Our Specialty ! NO. 6 DOCK STREET FISH MARKET PHILADELPHIA, PA. ¦ Est. 1859 by CALEB IIALEY SAMUEL C. HALEY ! Caleb Haley & Co. ! Wholesale Commission Dealers in and w ». v' . Shippers of all Kinds of Fish t North Carolina Fish a Specialty ... 14 Fulton Fish Market New Yotk ; ' * * ' : .. y rVn i . C. V. Sparks & Company ! Wholesale Commission Fish Dealers Consignments Solicited ; SHAD AND STURGEON OUR SPECIALTIES 5 Dock St. Fish Market PHILADELPHIA, PA. ! = 1; ¦ ACME FISH COMPANY | WHOLESALE COMMISSION FISH DEALERS ~ ! ! DAILY RETURNS I DOCK ST. FISH MARKET PHILADELPHIA, PA.: i . , =». . * ....______........... Chesebro Brothers & Robbins, Inc. Leads the Market In Handling North Carolina Fish Nos. 1,2 and 3 FULTON FISH MARKET, ..... -NEW YORK J1-13W.

Here,There Years Ago...somehow to get on her feet...! 1 Sometime later a lone policeman came along that way and foundj1 there on the hard, dusty sidewalk, the destitute woman.with

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Page 1: Here,There Years Ago...somehow to get on her feet...! 1 Sometime later a lone policeman came along that way and foundj1 there on the hard, dusty sidewalk, the destitute woman.with

Here, Thereand Everywhere !,1 Interesting Things Found in The News, Con-

rtlnsed For The Headers of The Independent*


I < vt* :«.> the home of L. ¦<

aanchoil Brown. went ? »'<

PC ..:;« mar.>ha! with a stow;

I;. y.r :-io !:ie o:' a fireman.butI. .. p,:;- Arthur. Texas! In ,

ii.nnr when the motor-' I

P eiraaer broeio down and j

Jftt: V! the :.;r:n of Maruel Se-!|I*, near Biiboa. Spain. Rive rich!]t; liayv Bank robbers, fieo- IL \t: k'oimr. Banco Urquijojt\ ceneeua cl their swat; I

K-.;:: ani.V. nay file cows';

Ij-.b:r 10 486- pesetas. ! I

11 c;:e<v: \V:i:te sow bolonsin?;I- J- ;n of Wellington. 111.!ly; b.r'h-c nitre!. The sow'

I a new world

M' X \ U ..nam Brijpjs.

I: 1 had come : i

5 exchange for a baby sir..»;'¦»? at:-.:' i> >u:ic!jt. a physician» -rer. -l ; i:::U of money. The[cs bill wu> paid, in Amarillo.

3.50") ;»e:inies. weighingi,.-;. whi.-h the parents saved.

tf.e i: or not. but the follow-i jn .< 0:1 the Main Street cffed. X. C.:

J. G. HALLDrugs

B.bies A: Cigars

1 xa1; lucky for Ray Ballard,a larden. of Porterville. Cal..2 it. coaioa't hake off a wad ofz iedged or. his shoe. When he»ti trap" :: off with a knife;(hard buried in it a woman'st r.na set with diamonds and

i Fort McHenry. Md.. Jean Hud-t daughter o." one radio opera-,6 -t-rt of another, sat for Federaltituffiint.on. received 20 words=Jafe. rated 80'.' in the techni-ifgot an operator's licensei age o: 8

itCr. v Kand. Joseph Tortora.t»><i .t.rn- -It with onti-pasto

a ..ighet .. r«v? from the table.«s a sweeping gesture cf satis- j>;*.<! on a string cf sjia-!

rhetti. u;xset the table. broke thespaghetti dish, fell into the debris,sashed himself deeply, went to thehospital, fainted from loss of blood.

Philip Laurent owns one of themost unusual colections in Phil¬adelphia. It consists of more than11.000 insects, all properiy mount-.ci and indexed.

A tiny city of millionaires wouldhe created under a bill now pend¬ing before the legislature in Florida,rhc town to be known as Surfside,would take in only the property ofciv Surf Club, exclusive resort onMiami Beach.

In Manhattan. Mr. and Mrs. Mil¬ler Du.s had their two-room bunga¬low set cn wheels, engaged JosephSehiro. trucking contractor to towthem to Babylon, L. I. They cameto a halt in East 59th street whenche driver unhitched his truck, leftthe bung-alow stranded because a

patrolman found it had no trailerlicense. While courts, police andlawyers bickered over contracts,,licenses, and sanitation laws, theDurs cocked, at?, slept in the bun-galow. got a summons for parkingovcaim?. reached Bablyon two dayslate.

In Brooklyn. Sussman Levinskyleft $2,130.81 to be divided by hisv. ife and six children, warning themagainst contesting his will: "Mysoul fly among you wherever yougo. and will keep mv eyes open uix>nevery movement of each of you. Nomatter where you will go and stand,either in daytime or nightime. or

in your dreams. I will guard over

you. and watch you. and I willwhistle into your ears Oh! Oh!Which w.ll mean you have not obey¬ed your fa'her. that you shouldthereafter suffer."

Women cn the island of Ball hivetheir heads full all the time. Theyare not allowed to so about thevillaimle-~s they carry some bur¬den on their heads. either basket,bundle or howl.

The efforts to enforce prohibitionhave been incst ingenious. Not longago in California even a giant red¬wood tree which housed a still was

officially raided and padlocked!

Carrots, sweet potatoes and yolksof eggs contain so much carotin, a

.."..cng pigment, that persons whocu: an excessive quantity of thesefoods sometimes develop carotin-emia. a yellow discoloration of theskin similar in appearance to jaun¬dice.

Cow Sacred in IndiaThe cow is a sacred object of wor¬

ship in India. Cows roam the streetsand may go in and out of residencesand business houses alike as theyplease. These cows all live to en-

Joy a ripe old age for a c»w is never

destroyed until she dies a naturalhath. Woe he unto liim who ac¬

cidentally kills a sacred cow..Hoard's Dairyman.


£*tdbltsha'.l 1837

p. & cWarner CompanyINCORPORATED


Ft»h »nd FrczenFish

V7. fESH. y-i

jL O

8 buck Street

Fish MarketPhiladelphia

Pa. (T

Prompt rotarnj.


A Human InterestStory



It was long after midnight and a \

chill April wind was blowing. It c

swept into the darkened doorway of Ia vacant store and caused a shiverto run through a figure huddledthere. tThe figure was that of a homeless

voung woman who had spent her, 1last penny in the great city and had 11

chosen to suffer the hardships of ex- t

posure. rather than accept charity.' <

She was weak with hunger and near- t

ly exhausted from tramping the lstreets, but sleep was far from her j;girlish eyes. Pain and -a terrifying, tfear for the safety of another kept ther wide awake.Her sense of time had become

jumbled; a minute was now a year, jjShe listened in vain for the sound'jof footsteps. Only roaring vehicles <

and lumbering trolleys occasionally 11

broke the eerie stillness. Over and i

over she prayed for help, but it did 11not come at once. Then anothersharp pain seized her frail body., ]

causing her to scream throughclenched teeth. When she could iagain streighten up. she managedsomehow to get on her feet ... ! 1Sometime later a lone policeman

came along that way and found j1there on the hard, dusty sidewalk,the destitute woman.with her new-1born child. The mother was trcmb-'iling with cold, but the infant girlwas snuggly wrapped in her mother's

|eld coat. j.Dawn found mother and child in a

nearby hospital. They had beengiven the best of attention and were ¦:

both sleeping soundly in a clean,warm room. For a time, at least,their troubles were over.

Later in the morning. Phi/adel-[ phia newspaper reporters gatheredat the mother's beside and heard herstory. It was a tragic story of beingleft to shift for herself, while herhusband sought a job in Chicago.!For two months before her baby,

! came, she had canvassed from doorto door and sold candy on street'corners, earning just enough to buya little food every day. Once herhusband sent $5. when it was goneshe gave up her room to keep fromgoing in debt and slept wherever Jnight overtook her. mostly in vacanthouses, dark doorways, ar.d rah-road stations.

One would expect the brave little Iwoman to be quite bitter, after suchan awful experience, but * ;o wasn't.She made no attempt to blameIothers for her suffering. Instead,she was glad the worst was over, and

j . poke hopefully of finding a job and.working hard for her baby, adding:!"Gee. wasn't it lucky the baby didn't:catch cold? She might have died."'As the story spreads, a few will

j condemn this gallant soul for her

j false pride, since it was pride alone jI that kept her from having proper |'care. But none can say in truth

j that she. like any good mother, is

I lacking in those divine qualities,'which make her a being apart.

On a certain morning in the sum-

mer of 1915. eight jitneys and twohacks were lined up at the N. S.

'Passenger station, awaiting the:train from Norfolk. Seven of the

(cars were Fo:ds; one was an Over-land. What I want to know is how

(that Overland got in there?

By the time this appears in print.Sheriff Meekins will have learn?:!that a certain stranger, now visiting)on Roanoke Island, is not the cityslicker his appearance suggests, but

I is really a son of M. W. Daniels.Wanchese.Wesley ran away from home in

1915, traveled far and wide, shot a

rifle once or twice in France, then!returned to Baltimore and marrieda pretty Maryland girl. Now he'sone of the white collars at the jGeneral Electric plant in Philadel-phia, and has acquired among other jcity attributes, a nine-hair, waxed

j mustache.But Wesley is still a village Tar

Heel, at heart. Most of his leisure itime is spent in his big garden, rais¬ing collards and nothing but col-,lards.

The Cross Country News is an-

other weekly "newspaper' "that I en-,joy. It is published by our old!friend, Sears. Roebuck <& Co., and Iis circulated free in this hollow ofPennsylvania.In a recent edition of this sheet,

I read where the Sears Co. annual-;ly uses 5 million pounds of wrapping jpaper and a half million poundseach of twine and tube rope. This.indicates somebody is really using!their catalogs for the purpose for

| which they were originally intended, j


10 Years AgoGurney P. Hoed, now State Bank-|

ng Commissioner, was president ofhe Pasquotank Municipal Hospital.)n-hich was at that time facing a,ieficit because of the high rental,;axes, and non-paying patients.The Elizabeth City Woman's Club,

hen only a few months old. sentluestionnaires to every candidate.'or the office of Mayor or Alder-'nan in the municipal leection. The!luestionnairc asked how the can-jlidates stood on such subjects as a

ax for a public library, women on

:he school bead, public playjrounds and the planting of shade.rets. The candidates were quick:o answer, too.

The Pasquotank Hosiery Co. had;old $50,000 of new stock to localnvestors in a few days. It was in¬n-easing its capital from $50,000 to5150.000 and was offering $85,000,worth of new stock. The plant was;.o double its capacity with the new

capital. (The company was then!line years old.

Mrs. C. P. Brown had been tip-pointed to a seat on the local schoolboard. Mrs. Brown, an active Wo¬man's Club worker, was the firstwoman to hold that distinction here.

The Camden Ferry Road, built ati cost of around $100,000 was prac¬tically completed and was scheduledto be opened to traffic by the first ofJuno. It was a beautiful stretch ofconcrete, marred only by severalinches of water over several shortstretches during high tides.



MAY-TIME menus will include ruchappetising dishes as rib roast

of beef, fresh string beans and de¬licious pirs mads from fresh rhubarband Isesh strawberries combined,served -villi good old fashioned cheese.You v.ill find very good values this

week in lamb and veal and there is a

variety of fish to choose from.At this season of the year, before

fresh vegetables from nearby gardensare abundant, it's wise to take advan¬tage of tiie canned products. Cannedtomatoes, lima beans, string beans,and red kidney beans are inexpensiverirrhf nnwThis week's Sunday Dinner Menus

planned by the Quaker Maid Kitchenare real May-time menus and takendvantn.ee of seasonable foods whichare plentiful this week.and there¬fore inexpensive.

Low Cost DinnerFrizzled Han

Creamed Potatoes Buttered PonsBread and Butter

Anple Sauce CookiesMilk for Children Tea or ColTce

Medium Cost DinnerRoast Stuffed Shoulder of Veal

Scalloped TomatoesPotatoes with Parsley Butter

Piekle3Corn Sticks and Butter

J"llied Fresh FruitMilk for Children Tea or Coffee

Very Special DinnerSardine Canape

Rib Roast of BeefOlives RadishesBrowned PotatoesFresh Strinp Beans

Mixed Green Salad, French DressingHot Rolls Butter

Strawberry PieMilk far Children Tea or Coffee

Sea and Fresh WaterSea water will weigh about one

and a half pounds more per cubicfoot than fresh water at the same


Venerable Immigrantrrohnbly the oldest immigrant to

arrive in this country among thecolonial settlors was John Young(a name to olTset his fame),.hofflin the island of Burt, near London¬derry. lie was ninety five when lielanded in Boston.


llnriiiK ipnilifled as Aitmiiiistrator of the lateIII,S.I Stiikily Itr.titers, I hereby Biro notice toall iM-istiiis indebted tn lu-r estate to come for-Hiir i an male* iitiinisliato m III* until, ami thosehold in--' i*l ims n.'rinst tin* samo In present tliotufor )..«>mi >:t wit!.ill twelve months from tin-¦late ¦! this notice, in it will lie pleaded itilair of tln ir r* coverjr.

This .Uaroli LM. 1H33..1. II. la ttOT. JR.,Adinr. of Kstntc of Rosa

P.\p7Of. stoki-ly Rrotliors.


In the D! trlct Court of the United StatesFor the Ea tern District of North Carolina

Eliz'-hcth City DivisionUNITED STATES OF AMERICA

FORD PHAETON AUTOMOBILE. MOTORNo. A3G71G74, JelzoJ fiom Pcto Walden,property of Kcnr'cV.a Bjnipaes, stored withMann's G-rag-, Elz.-fccth City, N. C.

Not-i-c I- hereby ail'n Unit lilirl Ims hi-etifiled liy lil.i'.lalit in I'io ahnrc <-lllitl.nl Courtand onuse th.it b.v order of tin* Court therehas loon .-Gi-d in S'tnbiiry, Hates I'oipily.Not til Carolina, within tin* Kastorn ltistr:.i-t ofNorth Carolina, olio Cold I'li.nl ii Aulonioliilo.Moli r No. A3ii71.1T I. which automobile is holdby the I'liiled Slates Marshall lor the Hast¬en! IMstrict of North Carolina.

It 1* prayed jn sa;;] libel that said property J ihe r videnmrd and forfeited to the Unites! t19taff* ct Atactica upzn the foliowin j gi ruind*:

That4 on or about the 22nd day cf March 11933. in Suiihury, (J.ites County. North Caro-1lina, said car was seized by nuthorized FederalProhibition Officer; in the course of their of-dcisil duties, while said Automobile was trans-polling intoxicating liquors. to-wit: fifty fivegallons, and within the custody ami control ofthe said Pete Wuldcii.

Notice is further given by order of Courtthat all Ihtsuiis having or claiming any interestin said article seized or having anything to saywhy the same should not he combrined and for-Midi, ap|>ear ami file their respivtive answersand defense to such liliel setting forth their in-tercst in or claim t said property libeled withthe Clerk of tin- above mentioned Court ut Eli/.-ahetli City. North C.m lina. oil or before thetstli day of May ltd.!!, the same being thelime and place fixed for the return datehereon. j

This "tli lay of Mav 1933.K. c. c.kddii:.Unite 1 Stales Marshal for the Eastern

oMo-2t District of North Carolina.


In the District Court of the United StatesFor the Ea.tcrn District of North Carolina


VS.BUICK ROADSTER AUTOMOBILE, EngineNo. 1809227, stored with Mann's Garage, 11Elizabeth City, North Carolina.

Notice is hereby given that libel lias beenfibd by lihcllant in the nh«.\v entitled Courtami cause that by order of the Court therehas be< ii seized in the vicinity of South .M ils,Camden County, North Carolina, within theEastern District of North Carolina, one ItiiiekItoudster Automobile, Engine No. 1S09227,which automobile is held by the United SuitesMarshal for the Eastern District of NorthCarolina.

It ;s prayed in said libel that said propertybe c/idemmil ami f.irfeitisl to the UnitedStates of America npon the following grounds:

That en or about the 22ml day of Mareli193H. in the vicinity of S-mill .Mills, NorthCarolina, said ear was seized from unknown lpaitv, by authori/ed Federal Officers in tiie[course of their official duties, while said auto-uiobiK was engaged in unlawfully removing amiconcealing spirituous liquors upon which a tax!was due and unpaid in violation of Section)11 s 1. Title 2fi United States Code Annotated..

Notice is further given by order of Courtthat all person* having or claiming any interest!in said article seized m having anything to saywhy tin salilc stem Id le»t be ci u lemmd alid for-foiled, appear ami tile tin ir respective itiiswcrs.

'a id dcfctlMc to sueii libel setting forth their ill-tercst -in or claim t said property libeled withthe Clerk of the ulmve mentioned Court at KHz-abetli City, North Carolina. n or before the!|sth day id May 1933. the same being the.time and .luce hereby fixed for the rdtim date!hereon.

This ."th day of May 1933.M. C. IJ EDDIE.United States Marshal fer the Eastern

cMo 2t District of North Carolina.


In the District Court of the United StatesFor the Ea ten District of North Carolina


vs.FORD COUPE. MOTOR No. 12940363.:oiicd from Willie Boyd, rteres with Mjiui'sG;r. go. Elizabeth City. North Carolina.

Notice is hereby given that libel has beenfiled by liivellant in lie* above a-nfit).-«! Courtand cause that by order «I Use Court there«

jbas |mhi seize I in Date* C.unity, North Car ».

lina. wdhiti the Modern Disltici of NorthCarolina. eiie F id Coiii e. Motor No.129 {11363. which atr .tnobi!" i; In Id by theUnited Stales Mai -ha I fur the Ea-t-nii District!

jit Nor:b Carolina.It .. played in said libel that s'id pr -p'Ttv

'Ir e ,'nleiiilUsl and 1 .»! «i* »-.l to the UnitedStates Aii.«ri a isyv. ii the t 1lowing ground*:!

That .1? or ab. ur the 2lt!i day .f Man h1933. in Date* County, North Carolina. Midcar was veize-l by atlt 'orized Feleral Prohib'-tiou Officers, in the course of their officialdlltii'% while -aid .nit.mobile was trail |»mtingintoxicating liquor*. t »-wit: t«si galh-in, andwitldli the etMndy an I c» :i*rol it the saidWillie Itoyd.

Notice is turtle r given by nrdir of Courttliat all |hts..»!s having or <daimiiig any inter st.j. -lid .u'.icli' vixci it lur ing anything to sayvvlij the same should II >t be e« n letUlied and for¬feited. apjH.ir and lib* tint. p«h|native aiiswmA!|d dcfiu** to siudi IIIh-I h. 11In- »rtli their in-

It rest in or (aim t» -.id roper: y lil.ebd withthe Clerk the above mentioned Court at Eli/.-

'.hctli Pity, North Carolina, rti or before the hIStli clay of May 1P3.3, the cainr bring tlicrime ami place fixed for tlie return rlatf;icreon.This 5th day of May 1033.

k. r. dedDie,En'ted States Marshal for the Eastern

;M3-2t District of North Carolina.


In the District Court of the United StatesFor the Eastern District of North Carolina

Elizabeth City DivisionUNITED 8TATES OF AMERICA

VS.CHEVROLET COUPE, MOTOR No. 1B01880,seized from Victor P. Brown, stored withMann's Oarage, Elizabeth City, North Caro¬lina.

Notice is hereby given that lihel bos beenfilial by libellunt in the above entitled Courtand cause that by order of the Court therelias been seized in Xunhury, Dates County,North Carolina, within the Eastern District ofNorth Carolina, one Chevrolet Coupe. MotorNo. 1 .'ill IK SO. which automobile is held Ivythe l'nited Stales Marshal for the EasternDistrict of North Carolina.

It is prayed in said liliel that said propertybe condemned and forfeitisl to the 1'uitislStati-s of America main the following arounds:

That 011 or about the 24th day of Marchl!i:t:t, in Suiibury, Dates County, North Caro¬lina. saiil car was scived by authorized EnteralProhibition Officers in the course of theirofficial duties, while said automobile wasIransiK.rtiltg intoxicating liquors, to-wit: thirtygallons, and within the custody and control ofthe said Victor 1'. Drown.

Notice is further given by order of Courtthat all persons having or claiming any interestill said article .seized or having anything to uywhy tin' same should not be rondemnnl and for¬feited, apiiear and file their restiective answtrsami defense to such libel setting forth their ill-lerest in or claim to said property libeled withtlie Clerk of the above uientluued CouD at Eliz¬abeth city, North Carolina, on or before theIS1I1 day of May 11)33, the suua- bring thetime and place fixed for the return datehereon.

This ."tli day of May 11133.K. C. D.EDDIE,l'nited States Marshal for the Eastern

cM5-2t District of North Carolina.


Having qualified as Executor of the latelirrtha I,. Dial trey, 1 hereby give notice toall persons iuilelited to her estate to come for-,ward and make immediate settlement, and |those holding claims against the same to pre- jsent them for payment within twelve months jfrom the date of his notice, or it will be Ipleaded in bar of their recovery.

This April 1st. 11133.JOHNNIE GODFREY,

pApTtit. Executor.


Ity virtue of a deed of trust executed tome by Kate Cartwriglit ami husband C. C.Cnrtwright. for certain puriaiscs therein ex

pre sed. which said deed of trust hears datef .lull P1I1. 1II2"1. and i> registered in theRegister of Duds Office for this county, inllook lit at Page lid. 1 shall oil the 22ndday if May. IP33. at 12 o'clock M. offer

Tor ,ule for rnsti. at ti p rcnrtll-.n»» ri.i-r. it Itiablio auction tlic rtopprty drccr.hh ;n said'Icpti of trnet,

Hoti'iditl en the nor.1i 1>y l it of rnocli.I.iidfard: on the can by Sr.utli Ibi.pl St.. on |the south by lot of 11. It. S.sIIh try anj IK. I.. Sawyer, formerly the H. r. c.xlfreylol, and on the west by lot of It. J|. fBailey, and ln imt same pr.ii>erty conreyed jto said Kate I'artwriulii. by K .1.. Sawyer'and others by deed dated July tlth, 1 !'JDated and ik.sted Apr.I 21. It'll.*). <

4. 11. I.KIOII. jcA2S-dt. Trustee.


By virtue of two deeds of trust executed [to the undersigned by \V. II. Bnreo ami wife IMildred May, fur certain purposes therein IrxprwseJ, wliicli said deeds of trn-d hear date Iof May Hist, 1 «.:*.! am! June 20th. 1032. Iand are registered in Bonks 77 ami Pagea00 and *1. at Page 240. reflectively, Ishall on May 22nd. 10.1.1. at 12 o'clock M.offer for sale, at the courthouse d«K:r in Kli/.-:abeth City, at public action, for cash the'property described in said deeds of trns*s, to-.

wit: »

First Traet: Locate! in Pr.i7ld.oiccTownship, and beginning in renter of theroad running from Shipyutd Ferry lt« ad jpast Miles Smith -o» and lev Culi»cpper, at

the eastern comer if said Culpepper wo::ds, Ithence S. 48% \V. 12.00 ehs., thence IS. 11 K. 7.20 eh*.. t.» line of lot No 4.!in the David Smiths: n hoiei ]partition. |thence along line of lots .1 atld I on said Ipartition X. 48*4 K. 3s. 10 ehs.. thenceN. 0214 \V. .1 ehs. theme N. 3.1% \V.7 ehs., thence S. 7" \V. 23 ehs., to afore¬mentioned mad, thenee down said road to

beginning, containing 07 acres, more or less.Seetoid Traet: All the right, title and

interest (being a one fifth undivided in-jterer.t) to and ill all tlie swamp lajul in 1said county, which L. K. Smitlisoli (grantor jof Iteiij. Dunford) inherited from his latiierD. J. Smithson. All the foregoing lands,being the same lands c-.nvcyed to:

M. B. Sample hy Said BenjaminDunford and wife hy deed recorded ill B >ok j.11 at Page Ibfl, and being third tract

c niveycd hy M. B. Sample to Nannie ScottSample by deed duly rocanlwl in Book 74at l'ave 4Jl.1 and same lands conveyed to

Mildred May Bareo by Nannie Scott Sampleand huslmml.Third Tract-: Beginning in the centerof Shipyard Ferry Uoad at the c iriicr of»

the Will. Jackson land, thence N. 4(1 K.1 (I.oil ehs., thence S. 44% K. 11.Otl ehs..thence N. 14 K. 11.So cos., to a lane,thence N .14% W. .1.8(1 ehs., to rent 4 ofShipyard Uoad .thence N. .11 IV. 24.22ehs., to corner of lot No. 3 above referralto 011 said Smitlisoli plat, as platted byW. F. Pritehard. See B ok 32 Pages (18-

r,!». ti.enee ul .ng said lot No. .1 a. jht said

plat, N. 44 W. to a juniper stake, in line of jlot No. .1 011 said plant; theiiee S. 48 ^4W. 4 1.11 ehs.. thence S. .13% K. 12.78'ehs. to the la-ginning. j

Fourth Tract: Beginning in center of,road running from Ferry It. ad past Miles jSmiths,#n and Leo C11.pepper, at the corn* r jof I t No. -3 ah .vc referred to thence S. |(is W. down lim of marked trees to LcinJackson heirs land, Cuiice N. 13 \V. to!lands i f Lie Cnlfsipper. thenee N. 8S !',. j23..1(1 ehs., to the «fon mentioned rofid.tlii-iuv S. 23 I.r :>:) ).;. el.,., t. lb.* I

besto* i f *o: I. iT i- . *"."» or u4»I'sfth rncr. iKut.u<M ..it i... %

t.a.l leading to Shipyard I'.rry. .in tl*west by St . Hizhw.iy. hadin: :t:m Fair- ,

alieth ("itv ** s ttrli Mill., on the north ,

by the l.-ids of tli» loirs of I.em .Jackson,itrr'il, an l 011 tin* east by Istnls. ot theheirs of David Smiths,.11. deo'd. routsonny j11 seres, tin re or lis-.Dated sn.l is.sted April "2nd. lf>33.

J. It f.KUfff..A2N-D. Trustee. .


NOTICE TO CREDITORS JIn the District Court, Eastern District of

North CarolinaNo. 19S-B

In The Mcttcr of Pinel Jackson Vaugit *.Bankrupt.

The p. titioil ¦{ i'in ¦! Jackson Yailahin,rf Ahoskic. II. 11 ford C..nnty. North Carolina.I'or 11 full dbc.utrxc in Itaiikruptey, lis It'ISInni tiled ill said Ci.urt. it is untcri.l by tinCourt that a hearing be had oil the 3111 dayof June, lbltlt. before II. siorah'.e I. M. Mtvk-ins, Jiidye of said Court si Illi/ainUi City,Ninth Carolina, at tin o'e! m-1; f.ir-*uiM.n, andthat all known creditors and other imthhio .

ill I en Old loaV ap|s'*r a! a,, id time and lilsi-rami sliosv jiist eaii-e. if my they luio. whythe prayer of the said !> I it loner Jivllld iiuf,!*. mauled.

This 3d day of May 11133..S. A. ASMil. ClerkItv .1. !'. illO.VII'SON*. Deputy1 lis It I*. S. Irfsiriet Court. '

cMy5-2t Mli.-almh City. N. C.


In the District Court, Lastern Oistrict ofNorth Carolina

No. 19S-0In The Mr.ttcr of of William Joseph Vanghan,

Bankrupt.The INtilioii if William J..Soph v,1lrah:lrf, '

r.f Ahiokie, Hertford County, Nnrlh Ctrohi.n.for a full ihwh.i ra'e in Itankruiitcy. hati'ijlieeti tiled ill said C.,urt. il is onh-ri.l by theCi.lir' thai a Ilea rill; Is. had mi llio olii day-of June. 11133. I.. I. re II. in.rali'e I if. Meek-ins. Jodie 1*1' .aid Court at Kliaslietli .ftly.North Carolina, at tin o'rloek lor andthat all known credit. 1- and other im-moiijInterested may appear ai said time atnl nl.vo11111I show just cause, if any they have, whythe. prayer of tin- said pdilii iier should tintbe mauled.

This 3d day of May 11133.S. A. ASIIK. ClerkI'.y J. I'. TliMMI'SON.' IliHmfrClrek C. S. Distriel Court,

cMy."-2t Klixahetii Cits', N. C.


llavini: nualifieil as Administrator of the laicSt-i ioy il Illicit I hereby live notice to allpersons in Jellied to lor estate to c .me for¬ward ami make ininosliate *11 count, amithese hoMiuit claims ar.aiii-t lite same to pre¬sent them tor iiayinetit within twelve monthstrnm the date 11' this notice, or it wilt liepleaded ill bar ef tin ir recovery.

This March 1, 11133..1. runs. r.AMft.pApMfit A-In. in is! ratirl

WOOL .WANTED . Top MarketPrices. Spot c.t. :i. W. C. GLOVEft.Elizabeth City, N. C. cMy3-it


IFREMIAH T. MOWER, Treas.B WILLIAM H. CORNELL, Pres. JE^| Wallace, Keeney, Lynch Corp.m

.. * n( Wallace & Keeney and Lynch * coA Consolidation of Wallace «.

I. That Will Continue to| An Independent Organization and Efficient Organ,zat.o1 Make a Specialty of



I16 Dock StreetFish Market

^SfortKCarolina Shad A Specialty:


F. P. LARKIN, INC. jWholesale Commission Dealers in I!


Dock Street Fish Market Philadelphia, Pa. |;ji

~ =j!1 W. H. MtORMICK & CO. j

Wholesale Fish Dealers


Over GO Years Continuous Service to Fishermen


I Jos. A. Wilson& Sons, Inc.I (Successors to Jos. A. Wilson)

Wholesale Commission Dealers in Fresh Fish

North Carolina Fish Our Specialty!




CalebHaley&Co. !Wholesale Commission Dealers in and w ». v' .

Shippers of all Kinds of Fisht

North Carolina Fish a Specialty ...

14 Fulton Fish Market New Yotk ; '

* *' :

.. y rVn i.

C. V. Sparks & Company !Wholesale Commission Fish Dealers

Consignments Solicited ;


= 1;¦





=».. *


Chesebro Brothers & Robbins, Inc.Leads the Market In Handling North Carolina Fish

Nos. 1,2 and 3 FULTON FISH MARKET, ..... -NEW YORKJ1-13W.