Here's a quick way to navigate to each email. Just click the link to go to the day you are after. Email #1 Thursday, OCT 16 th Email #2 Friday, OCT 17 th Email #3 Monday, OCT 20th at 12:01 AM EST Email #4 Tuesday, OCT 21 st Email #5 Thursday, OCT 23 rd Email #6 Friday, OCT 24 th Email #7 Saturday, OCT 25th Important: USE YOUR AFFILIATE LINK! The 2 different link formats that all go to the sales page. http://AFFID.visimpact.hop.clickbank.net/?id=frequency http://AFFID.visimpact.hop.clickbank.net/? lid=http://visualimpactfrequencytraining.com Simply Replace AFFID with your Clickbank ID The second link is a “cloaked” link. A regular Clickbank link will show the affiliate ID in the browser. A cloaked link will hide your affiliate ID. Try both with your affiliate ID and you will see what I mean. I recommend going with the cloaked version, but I wanted to have two different options. Back to Email Navigation

Here's a quick way to navigate to each email.visualimpactfrequencytraining.com/wp-content/... · Bodybuilding “breakdown training” was to be avoided. When muscle breakdown is

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Page 1: Here's a quick way to navigate to each email.visualimpactfrequencytraining.com/wp-content/... · Bodybuilding “breakdown training” was to be avoided. When muscle breakdown is

Here's a quick way to navigate to each email.

Just click the link to go to the day you are after.

Email #1 Thursday, OCT 16 th

Email #2 Friday, OCT 17 th

Email #3 Monday, OCT 20th at 12:01 AM ESTEmail #4 Tuesday, OCT 21 st

Email #5 Thursday, OCT 23 rd

Email #6 Friday, OCT 24 th

Email #7 Saturday, OCT 25th


The 2 different link formats that all go to the sales page.




Simply Replace AFFID with your Clickbank ID

The second link is a “cloaked” link.

A regular Clickbank link will show the affiliate ID in the browser. A cloaked link

will hide your affiliate ID. Try both with your affiliate ID and you will see what I


I recommend going with the cloaked version, but I wanted to have two different


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Here’s a Google Doc file of the email swipes. I suggest you personalize in a way that fits your list.

I use Aweber and have recently tested increasing the font size. What I have found is that size 16 or size 18 Georgia font looks great on a desktop as well as aphone.

I think many marketers use size 12 to 13 Arial. That was good advice pre-mobile, but not easy to read on phones. Andre gave me recommendation to increase to 16-18...and that is what I suggest you do as well.

Speaking of Andre, you should Google “Autoresponder Madness” and pick up his email course. Also, pay attention to the emails he sends you. He’s the best email marketer in the business.

Note: These swipes are meant as a guideline. You know your list better than I do. I never use swipes “as is”...so I recommend tweaking this email copy.

Also...I sometimes use images in my emails, because I believe that pictures can connect with your audience on an emotional level better than text alone.

...plus it is a way to make a longer email look less “intimidating”. If it looks like an email is going to take forever to read, people simply won’t read down to the bottom of the email. The picture splits that up.

That being said, many email marketers believe that pictures can reduce clickthru rates...use your best judgment!

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Email #1 Thursday, OCT 16th

The purpose of this email is to make people question the idea that muscle groups need 48-72 hours to recover....and introduce the concept of Soviet and Bulgarian style strength programming.

Subject: Why Dominant Eastern Bloc Olympic Teams...Avoid Bodybuilding Programs.

Go into any gym in the US and what do you see?

A group of people doing some version of a bodybuilding-inspired body part split routine.

An example of a 3-day split could look like this.

• Workout 1: Chest, Triceps and Shoulders

• Workout 2: Legs, Calves and Abs

• Workout 3: Back, Biceps and Forearms

An example of a 2-day split could look like this.

• Workout 1: Chest, Back, Shoulders and Abs

• Workout 2: Legs, Biceps, Triceps and Calves

The idea behind body part split training is to blitz a muscle group and let it recover for 48-72 hours.

This is “blitz, rest, and recover” model is what most of us have been taught to use to gain strength and add muscle.

...but is this the best (or only) way to train?

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The dominant Eastern European Olympic teams don’t think so.

In fact, most high level athletes don’t blitz and rest a muscle to increase their performance.

High level Olympic Athletes train their movements daily leading up to a contest.

The “athletic community” follows a different set of rules than the typical “gym based” resistance training community.

The dominant Soviet Weightlifting teams of the 70’s and 80’s found that repetition and workout frequency was the key to rapid improvements in strength and performance.

Bodybuilding “breakdown training” was to be avoided.

When muscle breakdown is avoided the muscle can worked many more times in a given period of time.

In the case of the Soviet and Bulgarian teams...they figured out a way to train each movement with 2-3X the frequency of the Western Olympic teams.

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The result?

Complete dominance over the US and other nations training each movement less frequently.

Makes sense, right?

...they got the advantage of practicing a lift 3X more than their Western counterparts.

If this proven path to strength is right in front of us, why don’t we see more people training in this manner -vs- using a body part split?

Answer: Most people attempting this are still holding on to too many “bodybuilding principles”...which sabotages their ability to dramatically improve strength levels.

Tomorrow, I’m going to send out an email that will outline the best way to trainin the gym if you want to experience the rapid results of the Eastern Bloc countries.


Your Name

PS: You don’t have to train using Olympic style lifts to benefit from this approach.

It’s the proper programming that matters most.

So you can use these same principles to improve your bench press, squat, shoulder press, etc.

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Look for an email titled “How to Avoid Muscle Breakdown to Dramatically Increase Strength”.

Email #2 Friday, OCT 17th

This email is short. It still provides solid content, but more importantly...gets them to read the sales page and anticipate the launch.

Use your AFF LINK! This is a slick way to get a head start on affiliate promotions...and although you can’t make sales, you can still place cookies.

Subject: How to Avoid Muscle Breakdown to Dramatically Increase Strength

Yesterday I talked about the fact that the Eastern European Weightlifting teams blew away the competition for decades by avoiding muscle breakdown.

By avoiding breakdown they were able to “practice” lifts with 2-3X frequency astheir competitors in the West.

Unfortunately the typical gym based routine is structured in a way where muscle tissue gets damaged.

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This is fine if muscle growth is your goal.

...but is not the fastest route to gaining strength and increasing muscle density.

In fact, the “blitz and breakdown” method can result in hitting strength plateaus that you can get stuck at for years.

...so even if gaining muscle is your goal, it makes sense to spend periods of timewhere you focus on strength and CNS activation.

So how do you avoid muscle breakdown while increasing strength?

• Lifting with low reps, well short of failure.

• Low total volume to avoid fatigue.

• Ample rest in between sets.

Why low reps?

Well...higher reps fatigue a muscle and don’t recruit as many motor neurons in a muscle as low reps.

For strength gains you are aiming to do the exact opposite:

Low muscle fatigue + maximum motor neuron recruitment.

Why low volume?

High volume routines simply deplete the energy systems within the muscle anddiminish CNS firing during a set.

So instead of lifting with maximum force…Your muscles and CNS generate justa fraction of what they are capable of.

Why ample rest in between sets?

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Your nervous system shares some things with a battery.

It needs to recharge fully to deliver maximum voltage to the muscle being worked.

Avoiding muscle breakdown is just one of the many “hacks” the Eastern Europeans used to do so well in the sport of Weightlifting.

On Monday, OCT 20th there is a program that is launching which takes decades worth of proven Easter European training methods...and combines them with traditional gym based exercises.

The program is called Visual Impact Frequency Training.

*You can visit the site if you want, but the order button will not be live until this Monday at 12:01 AM EST.

This routine is structured in a VERY unique way.

This program avoids body part splits altogether...and has you hitting each

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muscle group 4-6X per week.

Sounds a little out there, but read the sales page where it is explained in greaterdetail.

I’ll send you an email on Monday, but make sure you take the time to read the sales page.

A pretty big paradigm shift here.


Your Name

PS: The author, Rusty Moore, released this to a small group of Beta users about 6 months ago. This hasn’t been for sale outside of that small group since that time.

Although this hasn’t been available to the public yet...there is a growing buzz about this product.

Check out the sales page and read some of the testimonials from the beta users.

Visual Impact Frequency Training

Email #3 Monday, OCT 20th at 12:01 AM EST

So Monday at midnight, is really late Sunday night. I just wanted to clarify, as I've mailed for a promo 24 hours late a few times :)

This email is really just aimed at getting the click. Create some curiosity, but noneed to go nutty with content here.

Also...I created an “open loop” in the PS. This will get people anticipating your

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next email.

Subject: Visual Impact Frequency Training is LIVE!

The highly anticipated release of Visual Impact Frequency Training is here.

For this week only, Rusty is releasing this at a discount.

Visual Impact Frequency Training (Discount Link)

What makes this routine different than most programs?

• It is a routine where you hit your entire body each and every workout...every time you go to the gym.

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• Each workout is brief, aimed at maximizing hard contractions to the muscle...done by "awakening" your CNS.

• These repeated hard contractions create a tight and firm body with maximum definition...done without fatiguing the body.

• The idea is to compress 6 months of high tension, high definition traininginto just 2-3 months.

The goal is to take your current physique and upgrade your strength and CNS output, while increasing the amount of muscle tone you display.

Bottom line is that you will dramatically increase your strength by hitting each muscle group 4-6X per week.

This program is meant to be done for just 6-8 weeks.

A “plateau buster”...to use 1-2 times per year when you hit a sticking point in strength gains or muscle definition.

Note: Rusty warns that this program isn’t for novices. You should have at least2 years experience with resistance training. Even better if you have trained in a commercial gym environment for at least 5 years.

Here’s the link again.

Visual Impact Frequency Training (Discount Link)


Your Name

PS: This program covers some pretty radical concepts, that are quite different than what you will read on most fitness sites or magazines.

Over the next few days, I want to address a few of these topics.

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Here’s one…

Many of us have been taught to push to failure or past failure when trying to add strength in a lift.

There are some incredible benefits to avoiding failure for periods of time throughout the year...when maximum strength is the goal.

Will discuss in detail tomorrow.

Email #4 Tuesday, OCT 21st

This email is content showing people the benefit of training short of failure. So many people push the idea that a set is a waste of time if failure isn’t achieve.

This is meant to show people that this is not always the case...and outlines a different approach to strength training.

It ends with an open loop in the PS section which gets them curious to read the next email.

Subject: Avoiding Failure When Training for Maximum Strength?

You may have been taught that terminating a set short of failure...means the set was not productive.

Here’s why this is false:

When you train to failure you tend to fatigue the muscle fibers.

When continue to lift in a way that fatigues the smaller muscle fibers...you will have a hard time accessing the larger powerful fibers in the following sets.

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The reason for this is The Henneman’s Size Principle:

Under load, motor units are recruited from smallest to largest. In practice, this means that slow-twitch, low-force, fatigue-resistant muscle fibers are activated before fast-twitch, high-force, less fatigue-resistant muscle fibers.

The problem with lifting to failure is that you are fatiguing the slow twitch fibers.

Why is this a problem?

If the slow twitch fibers are fatigued, you will have a tough time reaching the stronger high-force fibers in any followup sets.

You are unable to “skip past” the smaller fibers to reach the larger more powerful fast twitch fibers.

That isn’t how muscle fiber recruitment works.

If the smaller muscle fibers are fatigued, they act as a roadblock to accessing your more powerful fibers.

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Visual Impact Frequency Training uses an approach that keeps the muscles fibers fresh…

• Lifting in a way that energizes the muscle fibers from set to set.

• Increasing the signal from the neural pathways to the muscle, instead of blocking your ability to generate maximum force.

What if every set that you completed in the gym hit the stronger, harder to access muscle fibers?

You would gradually increase the mind-to-muscle link to the fibers that generate the largest amount of force.

What if you activated the strongest fibers in your muscles...without fatigue and breakdown?

No fatigue and breakdown would mean less recovery.

This would allow you to train each movement with greater frequency.

...and is also the formula the Eastern Europeans used to reach unheard of levels of strength and explosiveness.

Visual Impact Frequency Training combines decades of cutting edge real world strength training research, while using traditional bodybuilding “gym” lifts.

Instead of hitting each muscle group 1-2 times per week...you are now able to work each muscle group 4-6 times per week.

With 2-3X the frequency, your body builds strength at a rapid pace.

Workouts just last 45-60 minutes, but strength goes through the roof.

For this week only, Rusty Moore is offering his program at a discount.

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Visual Impact Frequency Training (Discount Link)

He was going to limit the discount to the first 500 copies, but since the buzz has been building about the release of this product he decided to keep the discount open until the end of this week.

Great innovative product with a unique looking sales page!


Your Name

PS: The CNS (Central Nervous System) can only fire hard for roughly 10 seconds.

It takes a strong pulse from the CNS to reach your largest muscle fibers. So in reality, you can only get maximum muscle fiber recruitment for sets that last 10seconds (max).

Tomorrow, I’ll talk about an interesting approach to ensure that each warm-up set maximizes your nervous system’s ability to generate maximum force in your heavier sets.

Look for an email titled “How to Awaken Your Nervous System With Your Warm-up Sets”

Most people are doing warm up sets that hinder their ability to generate maximum force.

I’ll outline a much better approach if explosive strength is your goal.

Here’s the link to Rusty’s course again:

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Visual Impact Frequency Training (Discount Link)

Email #5 Thursday, OCT 23rd

I like to take a day off when doing a week long promo. Tuesday’s email was kind of long...so on Thursday I think it would be good for a shorter content email.

This is another useful email whether they buy my course or not. I like to mainlyhave helpful emails that also presell courses.

This will also end with an open loop...because that is never a bad idea :)

Subject: How to Awaken Your Nervous System With Your Warm-up Sets

The majority of the people in a gym do pyramid sets when working their way up to the heaviest weights.

An example of a pyramid setup for the bench press.

• 135 X 10 reps

• 185 X 8 reps

• 205 X 6 reps

• 225 X 3 reps

• 135 X 12+ reps

According to former Soviet Olympic Coach, Vladimir Zatsiorsky:

“Pyramid Training has been virtually abandoned by Olympic-caliber athletes. The ascending part of such a routine induces premature fatigue, while the descending portion is not efficient since it is performed in a fatigued state. Since 1964, pyramids have been virtually excluded from the training of elite strength athletes.”

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Here’s a “Zatsiorsky inspired” setup of the bench press.

• 135 X 5 reps

• 185 X 4 reps

• 205 X 3 reps

• 225 X 2 reps

• 245 X 2 reps

Each set is to be done as explosively as possible.

Lifting lighter weights with maximum force, hits the large powerful fast twitch fibers without using maximum weight.

Reps are low, since maximum CNS output can only be maintained for around 10 seconds.

Since each set aims for maximum CNS output...while avoiding fatigue...your nervous system “awakens” from set to set.

By the time you hit your heavier sets, you are ready to roll!

Your CNS is primed to lift the heaviest possible weight.

Give this approach a try.

I guarantee you will notice a difference in strength output.

Your Name

PS: This is just one of many principles covered in Rusty Moore’s newest courseVisual Impact Frequency Training.

...but the biggest paradigm shift in Rusty’s program is muscle recovery.

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You might be thinking that training the same muscle groups and lifts with only 24 hours worth of rest, will lead to over-training.

Tomorrow I’m going to show you the “recovery guidelines” that the Soviet and Bulgarian athletes used to allow them to practice each lift daily.

You will want to read this if you still believe that a muscle must be rested for 48-72 hours before it gets trained again.

Email #6 Friday, OCT 24th

This email is meant to get people to question the idea that a muscle takes 48-72to recover. I definitely recommend that you use the image I provided.

This is also the point where I recommend you include a timer to reinforce scarcity. The cheapest and best performing email timer I have used is the EmailCountdown App.

It’s just a one-time $9 fee...and you will more than make up for that in this one promo.

Subject: Full Muscle Recovery in 24 Hours or Less?

How is it possible that the athletes of the former Soviet Union were able to train a muscle 2-3X as often as their Western counterparts?

Well...they followed these recovery guidelines.

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The key to their dominance was using small-to-medium training loads. This allowed them to “practice” each lift often.

Traditional bodybuilding style training always aims for large to extreme workloads.

...which is why body part splits have to be used.

With such a large amount of breakdown, it becomes necessary to rest 3-4 days before you work the same muscle group again.

What happens when you use smaller training loads?

You are able to go back to the gym the following day, so there is no need for using split training.

You are able to train your entire body each workout.

You may be thinking that this would result in a 2 hour workout.

Remember...the training loads must be small.

We are talking 4-5 sets per muscle group. This type of workout only takes 40-45 minutes...and you will feel energized once you are finished, instead of feeling beat down.

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In Visual Impact Frequency Training, Rusty Moore has laid out an entire blueprint based on doing this low volume high frequency training in a commercial gym environment.

Although Eastern European principles and guidelines are followed.

...you won’t be doing Olympic style lifts.

The routine is based on traditional gym lifts like Bench Press, Alternate Dumbbell Curls, Triceps Extensions, etc.

Also...no supersets or circuits or anything like that.

If you have access to a commercial gym, or a home gym with enough equipment to do heavy basic traditional bodybuilding exercises...you will be set.

The program is being launched to the public a limited discount.

This discount ends at midnight this Saturday.

Here’s the link to get the discount:

Visual Impact Frequency Training (Discount Link)


Your Name

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PS: If you read sales page (especially the bullet points), you will definitely get asense that this isn’t a generic muscle building type of program.

PPS: Also...this isn’t meant to be done year-round and replace your current favorite lifting program.

It’s an 8-12 week cycle meant to blast through strength plateaus and greatly improve muscle density.

...so when you get back to a more traditional program, you will be able to lift much heavier weights and get more out of those routines.

Get this and use it 1-2 times per year, whenever your current routine has stalled and you want to break through plateaus.

Visual Impact Frequency Training (Discount Link)

Email #7 Saturday, OCT 25th

At this point you are simply giving a brief summary of what the program is about along with a link and some scarcity.

You can choose to send out one or two emails.

Typically if I’m still getting a steady stream of sales, I email 2X on the last day. If sales have slowed down a bit, I simply mail once.

Subject: Last Chance to Get “Visual Impact Frequency Training” for $37.

The special launch discount of Visual Impact Frequency Training ends tonight at midnight.

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...less than 24 hours left until the price gets raised.

This is a great 8-12 week approach to breakthrough strength plateaus.

This new strength will basically help you get a lot more results when you go back to your favorite gym routines.

I recommend using this as a “go-to” routine to use 1-2 times per year, when youhit a prolonged sticking point with your current routine.

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It’s a well-designed innovative program that gets my highest recommendation.


Your Name

Here’s the link again:

Visual Impact Frequency Training (Discount Link)

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