Herbal Extract Catalogue

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  • Herbal Biosolutions Herbal Extracts



    Herbal Biosolutions

  • About Us

    Herbal Bio Solutions represents the herbal division of Scientific International,

    a Pioneer in Manufacturing & Exporting the Pharmaceutical/Biotechnological

    Laboratory Equipments around the Globe. The company since it was incepted

    way back in 2001 is flourishing with Leaps and bounds under the able

    guidance of Mrs. Meenakshi Sharma, The founder of the company. At Herbal

    Bio Solutions we have developed our core competence in the field of exports

    of natural herbs, natural plants extracts, organic herbal extracts. With efficient

    operations, focus on R & D, compliance of strict Quality norms and strong

    distribution network, we are able to embark our global presence. We

    specialize in the exports, imports & processing of Natural Herbs, Medicinal

    Plants & Crude Herbs, Herbal Extracts and Related Natural Products. We

    work to ensure profit & add value to our client's business and build long term

    relationships with our clients by providing them highest product quality,

    excellent customer service and on time delivery of the requested products.

  • Contents Acai Berry Extract ............................................................................................................................................ 5

    AKGs (Shark Liver Oil) .................................................................................................................................. 6

    Alfalfa Extract ................................................................................................................................................... 7

    Artichoke Extract .............................................................................................................................................. 8

    Bacopa Monnieri ............................................................................................................................................... 9

    Bamboo Extract ............................................................................................................................................... 10

    Billberry Extract .............................................................................................................................................. 11

    Black Kohosh Extract ..................................................................................................................................... 12

    Boswellia Extract ............................................................................................................................................ 13

    Caralluma Extract ........................................................................................................................................... 14

    Centella asiatica .............................................................................................................................................. 15

    Chamomile Chinese Extract ........................................................................................................................... 16

    Coleus forshkoli .............................................................................................................................................. 17

    Curcumin ......................................................................................................................................................... 18

    Dark Tea (Fu Tea) Extract .............................................................................................................................. 19

    Devils Claw Extract ....................................................................................................................................... 20

    Echinacea Extract ............................................................................................................................................ 21

    EPA/DHA ........................................................................................................................................................ 22

    Eyebright Herb Extract ................................................................................................................................... 23

    Ganoderma Extract ......................................................................................................................................... 24

    Garcinia Extract .............................................................................................................................................. 25

    Garlic Chinese Extract .................................................................................................................................... 26

    Giant Knotweed Rhizome Extract ................................................................................................................. 27

    Ginko Biloba Extract ...................................................................................................................................... 28

    Ginseng Chinese Extract ................................................................................................................................ 29

    Grape Seed Extract ......................................................................................................................................... 30

    Green Tea extract ............................................................................................................................................ 31

    Griffonia Seed Extract .................................................................................................................................... 32

    Guarana Extract ............................................................................................................................................... 33

    Gymnema sylvestre......................................................................................................................................... 34

    Gymnostemma Extract ................................................................................................................................... 35

  • Horse Chestnut Extract ................................................................................................................................... 36

    Hoodia Extract ................................................................................................................................................ 37

    Human Pheromones ........................................................................................................................................ 38

    Ipecac Extract .................................................................................................................................................. 39

    Kudzu/Pueraria Powder Extract ..................................................................................................................... 40

    Levodopa Extract ............................................................................................................................................ 41

    Lotus Extract ................................................................................................................................................... 42

    Maca Extract ................................................................................................................................................... 43

    Mate Dry Extract ............................................................................................................................................. 44

    Morinda Citrifolia ........................................................................................................................................... 45

    Milk Thistle ..................................................................................................................................................... 46

    Muira puama Dry Extract ............................................................................................................................... 47

    Mulberry Extract ............................................................................................................................................. 48

    Mulberry Leaf Extract (Sodium Copper Chlorophllin) ................................................................................ 49

    Neem ................................................................................................................................................................ 50

    Nettle Leaf Extract .......................................................................................................................................... 51

    Nigella sativa ................................................................................................................................................... 52

    Orchis mascula ................................................................................................................................................ 53

    Pine Bark Extract ............................................................................................................................................ 54

    Plumbago indica .............................................................................................................................................. 55

    Propolis Extract ............................................................................................................................................... 56

    Pygeum Bark Extract ...................................................................................................................................... 57

    Pyrethrum Extract ........................................................................................................................................... 58

    Reserveratrol ................................................................................................................................................... 59

    Rhubarb Extract .............................................................................................................................................. 60

    Rice Extract ..................................................................................................................................................... 61

    Rubia cordifolia ............................................................................................................................................... 62

    Saw Palmetto Extract ...................................................................................................................................... 63

    Tinospora ......................................................................................................................................................... 64

    Tribulus terrestris ............................................................................................................................................ 65

    Vegetable Shortening...................................................................................................................................... 66

    Wheat Germ Oil .............................................................................................................................................. 67

    Zinger Extract .................................................................................................................................................. 68

  • Acai Berry Extract

    The Acai Berry is an awesome fruit and have been an important component of

    food for the Amazon people of Brazil. Acai berry have the antioxidants potential

    due to the high contents of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, iron and calcium,

    that also help to fight cancer cells.The fruit, a small, round, black-purple drupe

    about 1 inch (25 mm) in circumference, similar in appearance but smaller than a

    grape and with less pulp, is produced in branched panicles of 500 to 900 fruits. The seed makes up about

    80% of the fruit (Schauss, 2006c). Two crops of fruit are produced each year. The ripe fruits are

    harvested as food. 100g of extract of the fruit contains 52,2g of Carbohydrates, 8.1g of protein, 32.5g of

    fat and 44.2g of fiber forms part of the carbohydrates portion of the fruit. Acai berry being a high fat

    content fruits also contains oleic acid, palmitic acid and linoleic acid, anthocyanins, Omega fatty acids.

    Acai berry has several health benefits such improving mental clarity, promotes sound sleep, supplies the

    body with vital vitamins, cleanse and detoxifies the body of toxins that are infectious, builds the immune

    system, enhances sexual desire and performance, help in fighting cancerous cell, reduces the aging

    process, it alleviates diabetes, helps it normalizing and regulating the cholesterol levels, helps in proper

    functioning of the heart, Stroke, Heart attack, reduces inflammation, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's

    disease, Anti ageing, increases circulation as well as improves vision, strengthening of body muscles

    and tissue, blood and body cleansing.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Euterpe oleracea

    Family Name: Arecaceae

    Common Names: Acai berry, cabbage palm, acaizeiro, Manticole Palm

    Part Used: Fruit, Root

    Habitat: heavily forested areas and are easily flooded areas

    Product offered: Fruit, Root, Extract

    Table of Contents

  • AKGs (Shark Liver Oil)

    Alkyglycerols (AKGs) are natural substances found in bone marrow and

    in mothers milk. Shark Liver Oil contains the highest levels of AKGs

    found in nature. There are 10 times more AKGs in human mothers milk

    than in cows milk. There are 1,000 times more AKGs in Shark Liver Oil than in cows milk.

    This natural substance has the ability to enhance

    the immune system by helping produce higher

    quantities of red and white blood cells and

    macrophages which are first line fighters against

    foreign matter or organisms in our body. The

    alkyglycerol found in mothers breast milk is a

    major factor in providing immune support to the

    infant. It provides infants with natural protection

    and immunity against infection as well as helping

    the continued development of their immune

    system. It has been found that breast fed babies

    are more resistant to infection throughout their

    lives because of the more abundant ingestion of

    AKGs in their early life. Deficiency of AKGs

    can lead to an immuno-compromised situation

    and lead to serious health problems.

    Table of Contents

    Adults need 100 times more AKGs

    than infants. AKGs have a unique

    antioxidant effect whereby it has the

    ability to enter the cell to attack,

    prevent and reduce those free radicals

    which have penetrated cell membranes

    and tissues. Free radicals within the cell

    itself are the most dangerous. These

    free radicals can damage the DNA and

    cause healthy cells to mutate leading to

    grave health problems. AKGs also

    inhibit an essential protein which may

    be directly involved in abnormal cell


  • Alfalfa Extract A member of the pea family, is a plant said to have numerous health benefits such as antioxidants, iron,

    fiber, protein and phyto-estrogen. Alfalfa extract is commonly made from the leaves of a mature alfalfa

    plant and sold as a pill or tincture, which is a solution of the raw material,

    water and sometimes alcohol. It may lower cholesterol, alleviate pain from

    various different causes and help relieve symptoms of menopause. We

    provide a wide range of Alfalfa Extract and have carved a niche for ourselves

    in this product category. They have wide medicinal and healing properties

    and are helpful for chronic joint inflammation. It contains organic alfalfa,

    organic burdock root, organic licorice root, yucca root,vegetable glycerin, and distilled water. They are

    sourced from reliable vendors and processed in our

    state of the art facilities under the supervision of our experienced agriculturists. These extracts are

    mainly used in the Health Care, Skin Care, Oral care, Hair

    Care, Personal care, Anti Obesity and overall life style

    management industries.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Medicago sativa

    Family Name: Fabaceae

    Common Name: Lucerne, lucerne grass, chara

    Part Used: Whole herb and leaf

    Habitat: cool season perennial legume, Waste ground, disturbed sites, roadsides, railroads,


    Product offered: Leaf, Extract

    Table of Contents

    It is Used to

    Relieve Fluid Retention & Swelling

    Treat Kidney Stones

    Cardiovascular Disorders and


  • Artichoke Extract The Globe Artichoke perennial thistle originating in Southern Europe

    around the Mediterranean. It grows to 1.42 m tall, with arching, deeply

    lobed, silvery glaucous-green leaves 5082 cm long. The flowers develop

    in a large head from an edible bud about 815 cm diameter with numerous triangular scales; the

    individual florets are purple. We manufacture, supply and export a wide range of Artichoke Extract and

    have been able to develop a huge customer base all across the globe. The extract generated after

    processing has excellent healing and medicinal properties and widely used in the medical fraternity. An

    active chemical constituent, cynarin, in Cynara, causes an increased bile flow. The majority of the

    cynarin found in artichoke is located in the pulp of the leaves, though dried leaves and stems of

    artichoke also contain cynarin. This diuretic vegetable is of high nutritional value due to its properties

    that aid digestion, strengthening of the liver function, gall

    bladder function as well as the raising of HDL/LDL ratio. It

    helps to reduce the cholesterol levels that diminish the risk

    for arteriosclerosis and coronary heart diseases. Aqueous

    extracts from artichoke leaves also reduce cholesterol by

    inhibiting HMG-Co, which has been clinically proved. A reductase that has a hypolipidemic influence,

    lowering blood cholesterol, artichoke contains the bioactive agents called the apigenin and luteolin.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Cynara cardunculus

    Family Name: Asteraceae

    Common Name: Globe Artichoke, cardoon, artichoke thistle, wild artichoke, desert


    Part Used: Fruit

    Habitat: grasslands, chaparral, coastal sage scrub, riparian areas, abandoned agricultural


    Product offered: Fruit, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Is used as a Diuretic and to

    lower Cholesterol

  • Bacopa Monnieri Bacopa monnieri is a perennial , creeping herb whose habitat includes

    wetlands and muddy shores. The leaves of this plant are succulent and

    relatively thick. Leaves are oblanceolate and are arranged oppositely on the

    stem. The flowers are small and white, with four or five petals. Its ability to

    grow in water makes it a popular aquarium plant. Brahmi is a popular

    Ayurvedic herb. It is a herb with an ancient history and has been a revered

    household name in India for over 3000 years. According to Ayurvedic Text

    Brahmi is known as a most powerful brain food. It acts diuretic, cardiac and nervine tonic. It is a great

    tonic to improve memory, for treatment of asthma, hoarseness, insanity, epilepsy. It is a very effective

    tonic for the nervous system. It is considered good for heart. It helps protect the stomach from ulcer

    formation. It is a good blood purifying agent and is also useful in diarrhea and fevers. Brahmi is known

    to contain steroidal saponin Bacoside A and steroidal saponin Bacoside B. Some other constituents

    present Brahmi are alkaloids brahmine, herpestine etc.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Bacopa monniera

    Family Name: Scrophulariaceae

    Common Name: Herpestis Monnieria, Thyme Leaved Gratiola, Brahmi

    Part Used: Whole Plant

    Habitat: Grows in marshy places and cultivated south india.

    Product offered: Leaves, Whole plant, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Used as

    Brain Tonic & Cardotonic

  • Bamboo Extract Bamboo is a group of perennial evergreens in the true grass family Poaceae,

    subfamily Bambusoideae, tribe Bambuseae. Giant bamboos are the largest

    members of the grass family. We offer Bamboo extracts that are used in Chinese

    medicines for treating infections and healing. It is a low-calorie source of

    potassium and is known for its sweet taste. It as a good source of nutrients and

    protein. In Ayurveda, the Indian system of traditional medicine, the silicious

    concretion found in the culms of the bamboo stem is called banslochan and is known as tabashir or

    tawashir in Unani-Tibb the Indo- Persian system of medicine. In English it is called "bamboo manna".

    The concretion is used as a tonic for the respiratory diseases. It was earlier obtained from Melocanna

    bambusoides. Melocanna bambusoides being hard to get has been largely replaced by synthetic silicic

    acid and in most of the Indian literatures, Bambusa arundinacea is said to be the source of bamboo

    manna. The bamboo extract is the richest known source of natural silica containing over 70% organic

    silica. It is more than 10 times the level as found in the widely used Horsetail plant (Equisetum) that

    contains about 5 - 7% silica. The leaves of bamboo tree are

    stimulant, aromatic and tonic. They are- useful in

    counteracting spasmodic disorders, and arrest secretion or

    bleeding. They are also an effective aphrodisiac. The leaves

    do not have any prominent taste.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Bambusa bambos

    Family Name: Poaceae

    Common Name: Bans, Bamboo

    Part Used: Leaf, Shoot

    Habitat: tropical, subtropical and temperate regions

    Product offered: Leaf, shoot, Extract

    Uses: stimulant, aromatic and tonic

    Table of Contents

    Is used as a Stimulant, Aromatic

    and Tonic

  • Billberry Extract Bilberry is a shrubby perennial plant one to two feet in height and can be

    found in the mountains and forests of Europe and the northern United

    States. Its branches contain alternating, elliptical, bright green leaves, and

    its flowers, which appear from April to June, are reddish or pink, and bell-

    shaped. The fruit of the bilberry plant is blue-black or purple and differs

    from the American blueberry in that the meat of the fruit is purple, rather

    than cream or white. We are prime manufacturers and suppliers of

    Bilberry Extract and supply them all across the globe. This herb is used for diabetic retinopathy, macular

    degeneration, glaucoma, cataract, capillary fragility, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and mild diarrhea Its

    use has been documented for treating bladder stones, biliary disorders, scurvy, coughs, and lung

    tuberculosis. More recently, bilberry fruit extracts have been used for the treatment of diarrhea,

    dysentery, and mouth and throat inflammations. Bilberry leaf decoctions have been used to lower blood

    sugar in diabetes. Several active constituents have been

    isolated from the berries and leaves of the bilberry plant,

    including anthocyanoside flavonoids (anthocyanins),

    vitamins, sugars, and pectins, which are found in the berries,

    and quercetin, catechins, tannins, iridoids, and acids, which

    are found in the leaves. The anthocyanosides are considered the most important of the

    pharmacologically active components.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Vaccinium myrtillus

    Family Name: Ericaceae

    Common Name: European blueberry, Airelle, Black Whortles, Bleaberry Blueberry

    Part Used: leaves and fruits

    Habitat: flourishes in damp acidic soil throughout temperate and sub -arctic regions of the


    Product offered: Fruit, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Is a very effective Anti-Oxidant

    Is used for treatment of Vision

    Improvement and Glaucoma

  • Black Kohosh Extract

    Black Kohosh is an herb native to the Eastern United States. It is used for curing

    many ailments, especially those related to women's health. In the 1800's,

    physicians discovered the medicinal value of Black Kohosh and started

    including it in various remedies for fevers and arthritis. Black Kohosh is used in

    Europe as a remedy for menstrual cramps, and also for relief of menopausal

    symptoms. Black Kohosh is valuable for many different health problems. Black Kohosh also known as

    Cimicifuga racemosa, is a plant from the buttercup family that grows in the woodlands of Ontario,

    Georgia, Arkansas and Wisconsin. This herb is used for different purposes, but is best known for its use

    as an herbal supplement to decrease the side effects of menopause. We bring forth black kohosh extracts

    that assists in reducing cramps, muscular pain and helps to promote general pain relief. The extract

    consists of fresh black cohosh root, kava kava root, and jamaican dogwood bark, and organic ginger


    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Cimicifuga racemosa

    Family Name: Ranunculaceae

    Common Name: black cohosh, black

    snakeroot, macrotys, bugbane, bugwort, rattleroot, rattleweed

    Part Used: Roots, Rhozomes

    Habitat: woodland habitats, and is often found in small woodland openings

    Product offered: Roots, Rhozomes, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Is recommended for arthritis &

    Muscle pain

    Also for symptoms during


  • Boswellia Extract Boswellia acts as a spiritual symbol and an effective medicinal herb; it

    seems to function as both an analgesic and an anti-inflammatory agent. A

    gummy oleoresin extracted from the trunk of the tree is usedto prepare

    modern herbal remedies. Reports and personal claims indicate that the

    Boswellia herb may be used in connection with joint mobility, pain, and

    stiffness, and may be a useful remedy for a variety of inflammatory

    diseases, including bursitis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

    Boswellia serrata Extract prepared by us is an effective tonic to cure

    varied vitiated conditions such as Pitta, cough, asthma. It is useful in fevers, urethrorrhea, diaphoresis,

    convulsions, chronic laryngitis, jaundice and arthritis. Gum resin is antiseptic, expectorant, anti

    inflammatory and diuretic in nature. It also helps in the treatment of bronchitis, diarrhea, jaundice,

    ringworm and other skin diseases.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Boswellia serrata

    Family Name: Bruseraceae

    Common Name: Indian Olibanum Tree, Olibanum ,

    Luban, Gond

    Part Used: Bark, Gum Resin

    Product offered: Gum Resin

    Table of Contents

    Acts as an

    Antiseptic Expectorant

    Anti Inflammatory

    & Diuretic

  • Caralluma Extract

    Caralluma fimbriata is a succulent plant in the family Apocynaceae. It has been eaten in rural India for

    centuries, raw, as a vegetable with spices, or preserved in chutneys and

    pickles, and is often found as a roadside shrub or boundary marker. It has

    been used as a portable food and thirst quencher for hunting. It is also

    used for its purported ability to suppress hunger and appetite and enhance

    stamina. It is believed to have an effect on the appetite control centre of

    the brain. Tribesmen on a day's hunt will often only pack some

    Caralluma fimbriata to sustain themselves and hence it is commonly

    known as "famine food in India.In a small clinical trial conducted in

    India, modest benefits of Caralluma fimbriata extracts were observed. In the study, 50 overweight

    individuals were given either a placebo or one gram of extract each day for 60 days. Compared to the

    placebo group, individuals receiving the extract showed no significant change in body weight, body

    mass index, hip circumference, body fat or energy intake;

    however, both appetite and waist circumference were

    reduced. The key phytochemical constituents of the herb are

    pregnane glycosides, flavone glycosides, megastigmane

    glycosides, and saponins.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Caralluma fimbriata

    Family Name: Apocynaceae

    Common Name: Makar shing

    Part Used: Stem

    Habitat: roadside shrub

    Product offered: Stem, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Used in Weight Loss Treatment

  • Centella asiatica

    Indian Pennywort is a small creeping herb with shovel shaped leaves

    emerging alternately in clusters at the stem nodes. The runners lie along

    the ground and the inch long leaves with their scalloped edges rise above

    on long reddish petioles. The insignificant greenish- to pinkish-white

    flowers are borne in dense umbels (clusters in which all the flower stalks

    arise from the same point) on separate stems in the summer. The seeds are

    pumpkin-shaped nutlets 0.1-0.2 in long. In India it is revered as a medicinal herb, and particularly in

    Manipur the full plant is eaten as food like a leafy vegetable. Indian Pennywort appears to have

    originated in the wetlands of Asia. China, India, and Malaya were probably within its original range.

    Commonly known as Jal Brahmi, medicine made from the leaves and the body of this plant is a tonic

    for diuretic and alterative usages. It subsides the symptoms of the disease and contributes to general

    health of the patient. It is further known as great tonic for the

    brain and stimulator of hair growth. The whole plant

    possesses antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifebrile,

    diuretic and galactagogic properties. Poultices made from

    the plant is recommended for contusions, closed fractures,

    sprains and tuberculosis. The main compounds in Centella

    are the triterpenes asiatic and madecassic acid, together with triterpenoid ester glycosides, known as

    asiaticoside and brahminoside, while the volatile principle in the plant contains p-cymol, b-

    caryophyllene and farnesene.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Centella asiatica

    Family Name: Appiaceae

    Common Name: Pennywort, Indian Pennywort, Artayniya-e Hindi, Jal Brahmi

    Part Used: Whole Plant

    Habitat: Grown in waterlogged places throughout India.

    Product offered: Leaves, Whole plant

    Table of Contents

    Used as an



    Anti-Febrile & Diuretic

  • Chamomile Chinese Extract

    Chamomile is a low-growing relative of the sunflower, native to Eastern

    Europe and now found all across the globe. It is mainly abundant in

    Hungary, Croatia, and Serbia. .It is mainly grown in Egypt and has an

    exceptionally high content of essential oils that have various healing and

    medicinal properties. These plants are best known for their ability to be

    made into a tea which is commonly used to help with sleep and is often

    served with either honey or lemon. Chrysin , a specific flavonoid found in

    chamomile, has been shown to be anxiolytic in rodents and is believed to be at least partially

    responsible for chamomile's reputation as a sleep aid. It is known to reduce stress. German chamomile

    is used medicinally to treat sore stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, and as a gentle sleep aid. It is also

    used as a mild laxative and is anti-inflammatory and anti-bactericidal. It can be taken as a herbal tea. It

    is also used as a mouthwash against oral mucositis. It has

    acaricidal properties against certain mites, such as Psoroptes

    cuniculi. One of the active ingredients of the essential oil

    from German chamomile is the terpene bisabolol. Other

    active ingredients include farnesene, chamazulene,

    flavonoids. The traditional use of chamomile tea is to induce

    deep sleep, an effect that has been confirmed in a study of patients undergoing cardiac catheterization.

    Chamomile stops spasms in the smooth muscles lining the stomach and intestines and contains

    chemicals that are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Matricaria recutita

    Family Name: Asteraceae

    Common Name: Chamomile, Hungarian chamomile or wild chamomile, Camomilla

    Part Used: Flowers

    Habitat: native to Eastern Europe and now found all across the globe

    Product offered: Flowers, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Acts as an anti-inflammatory,

    anti-bacterial, anti-viral & anti-


  • Coleus forshkoli The root of this plant is extensively used for a varied of medicinal purposes.

    Ancient Sanskrit texts bear the testimony to the medicinal properties of Coleus

    which has been used to treat heart and lung diseases, intestinal spasms, insomnia

    and convulsions. It also lowers blood pressure. It is antispasmodic and dilates the

    blood vessels. Trials and research have found that medicines prepared from this

    plant has the capability to treat skin conditions as eczema and psoriasis. Coleus

    is also recommended for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases including hypertension, congestive

    heart failure and angina. Medicine prepared from this plant is effectively used for the treatment of

    asthma, intestinal colic, uterine cramps as well as painful urination. Coleus is also effective for the

    treatment of the digestive system, mal absorption disorders by stimulating secretion of saliva,

    hydrochloric acid, pepsin, amylase and pancreatic enzymes. It further stimulates nutrient absorption in

    the small intestine Coleus is truly a storehouse of varied medicinal properties. It accelerates the

    breakdown of existing fat stores and promotes healthy cardiovascular function, lowers blood pressure.

    Eczema and other allergic skin conditions respond

    beautifully to medicines prepared from Coleus.. The oil is a

    rich source of fragrance and aromatherapy.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Coleus forskohlii

    Family Name: Lamiaceae

    Common Name: Coleous

    Part Used: Root

    Habitat: Grows on the dry slopes on the indian plains and in the foothills of the himalayas.

    Product offered: Roots, extract.

    Table of Contents

    Used for the treatment of

    Cardiovascular & Skin Diseases

  • Curcumin

    Curcumin is the principal curcuminoid of the popular Indian spice

    turmeric, which is a member of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae). The

    other two curcuminoids are desmethoxycurcumin and

    bisdesmethoxycurcumin. Also known as Turmeric, it is used extensively

    in foods for adding both flavor as well as color. Turmeric has a long

    tradition of use in the Chinese and Ayurvedic systems of medicine. The

    rhizome or the root of turmeric has long been used in traditional Asian

    medicine to treat gastrointestinal upset and arthritic pain. It is used as an

    anti-inflammatory agent to treat digestive disorders, osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis, and cancer and liver

    problems as well as for the treatment of skin diseases. It also aids in the healing of wounds and

    strengthens the overall energy of the body, relieves gas, dispels worms, regulates menstruation,

    dissolves gallstones and relieves arthritis. The active components of turmeric reduce the destructive

    activity of parasites or roundworms. It has been clinically

    proven that it gives a protective effect on the liver on

    animals, provides anti-tumor action and reduces

    inflammation. It also fights against infections and has

    several medicinal and healing properties.

    Turmeric has been used historically as a component of Indian Ayurvedic Medicine since 1900 BC to

    treat a wide variety of ailments. Research in the latter half of the 20th century has identified curcumin as

    responsible for most of the biological activity of turmeric.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Curcuma longa

    Family Name: Zingiberaceae

    Common Name: Curcuma, Terre-mite, Terra Merita, Turmeric, Curcuma, Safran Boubou

    Part Used: Leaves, Flowers, Roots

    Habitat: Cultivated extensively in India within tropical climate

    Product offered: Roots, Leaves, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Used as a cure for Inflammation,

    GI Disorders and Skin


  • Dark Tea (Fu Tea) Extract

    Dark Tea also known as Poria cocos Brick (Fu Brick Tea) is of the top

    grade in the ancient kind of dark tea. Being a complete ferment tea, Poria

    cocos Brick Tea is the most complex and unique tea having the longest

    production processing cycle. Its products Aspergillus Cristatus is brick-like

    in appearance, with flourishing golden flowers all over and has a dark and

    shining red and strong tea soup mellow to the taste with lasting scent. Due

    to the deep ferment process involved in the dark tea manufacturing, the

    catechine contents are changed during the whole tea polyphenols. For example, 30% green tea

    polyphenols contains 20% catechines, but 30% dark tea polyphenols contains only around 6%

    catechines. The catechines in the Dark Tea contain an enormous amount of hydroxyphenols that are

    easily oxidized, congregated and contracted, which explains its good anti-oxidation effect, having an

    effect of 25-100 times as strong as those of vitamin C and E. It is widely used in medicines, agriculture,

    and chemical and food industries. This extract prevents cardiovascular disease, lowers the risk of cancer,

    and decreases blood sugar and blood pressure, as well as viruses. In the food industry, the anti oxidation

    agent is used for preserving food and cooking oils.

    Table of Contents

  • Devils Claw Extract We are rated as the topmost suppliers and exporters of Devils Claw Extract

    that are sourced fro, reliable vendors, processed and then used in various

    commercial, medical and other establishments. It got its name from the

    peculiar appearance of its hooked fruit. The plant's large tuberous roots are

    used medicinally to reduce pain and fever as well as to stimulate digestion. It

    is also known to treat arthritis as proved by the European colonists. The two

    active ingredients in Devil's Claw are harpagoside and beta-sitosterol. They possess anti-inflammatory

    properties whereas the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia recognizes the Devil's Claw as having analgesic,

    sedative and diuretic properties. Most studies related to this involve chronic use rather than acute

    treatment of pain. It is also beneficial for treating diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, arthritis and

    rheumatism. It alleviates and improves the vitality of joints as well as aids in the stimulation of ones

    appetite. It has digestive properties and reduces the increased levels of cholesterol and fatty acids in the

    blood. Devil's Claw has been recommended for treating

    diabetes, hardening of the arteries, lumbago, gastrointestinal

    disturbances, menstrual difficulties, neuralgia, headache,

    heartburn and gout to name only a few.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Harpagophytum procumbens

    Family Name: Pedaliaceae

    Common Name: grapple plant, wood spider, Devil's Claw

    Part Used: Roots

    Habitat: native to the southern part of the African continent

    Product offered: Roots, Extract

    Uses: of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, arthritis and rheumatism

    Table of Contents

    Used in the treatment of liver,

    kidneys, gallbladder, arthritis

    and rheumatism

  • Echinacea Extract

    Herbaceous flowering plants in the daisy Family. They are endemic to eastern

    and central North America, where they are found growing in moist to dry

    prairies and open wooded areas. They have large, showy heads of composite

    flowers, blooming from early to late summer. The generic name is derived from

    the Greek word, echino, meaning "spiny," due to the spiny central disk. Some

    species are used in herbal medicines and some are cultivated in gardens for their showy flowers.

    Echinacea species are herbaceous, drought-tolerant perennial plants growing up to 140 cm in height.

    They grow from taproots, except E. purpurea, which grows from a short caudice with fibrous roots.

    They have erect stems that in most species are unbranched. Both the basal and cauline leaves are

    arranged alternately. The leaves are normally hairy with a rough texture, having uniseriate trichomes (1-

    4 rings of cells) but sometimes they lack hairs. The flowers are collected together into single rounded

    heads that terminate long peduncles. All species have

    phenolic compounds called, cichoric acid and caftaric acid.

    other phenols include echinacoside, which is found in

    greater levels within E. angustifolia and E. pallida roots than

    in other species. Other chemical constituents include

    alkylamides and polysaccharides.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Species of Echinacea

    Family Name: Asteraceae

    Common Names: Echinacea, purple coneflower, coneflower, American coneflower

    Part Used: Flowers

    Product offered: Flowers, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Prescribed to fight against

    Tumor, Cough & Cold

    Stimulates non-specific immune

    system and wards off infections


    The most widely available source of EPA and DHA is cold water oily fish such as

    saimon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, and sardines. Botanical sources incluide-

    Perilla- Perilla frutescens, chia- Salvia hispanica, Flax- Linum usitatissimum,

    Lingonberry- Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Camelina- Camelina sativa, Purslane-

    Portulaca oleracea, Black Raspberry- Rubus occidentalis and Hemp- Cannabis

    sativa.. Eggs, Meat, cheese and Seal Oil are also the good sources of n3.The microalgae

    Crypthecodinium cohnii and Schizochytrium are rich sources

    of DHA. Oil from brown algae (kelp) is a source of EPA.

    Walnuts are one of few nuts that contain appreciable n3 fat.

    Acai palm fruit also contains n3 fatty acids.Omega-3 is

    also found in softgels in pharmacies and nowadays it is also

    found in combination with omega-6, omega-9 and shark

    liver oil.

    EPA, DHA is an essential fatty acid which stands for

    Eicosapentaenoic acid and Docosahexaenoic acid. This

    essential fatty acid is an Omega 3 fat, which is found in cold

    water fish. EPA DHA are highly unsaturated fat because of

    they contain 6 and 5 double bonds on their long structural


    Table of Contents

    EPA and DHA are vital nutrients

    and maintain healthy function of the

    Brain and Retina. EPA and DHA

    regulate cell activity and healthy

    cardiovascular function, Human

    growth and intellectual

    development. DHA plays a very

    important role during fetal

    development, early infancy, and old

    age. Taking EPA DHA may also

    help with mental abnormalities,

    such as Alzheimer's Disease and


  • Eyebright Herb Extract

    They are semi-parasitic on grasses. The common name refers to the plant's

    use in treating eye infections. It is derived from the native European plant

    that is common throughout Britain. Eyebright is a semiparasitic plant feeding

    off grass and other plants by attaching suckers to the roots and drawing out

    the nutrients it requires. The herb's French name loosely translates to 'throw

    away your glasses', giving treatment to its reputation as a cure for eyes. Used

    in homeopathy for the treatment of Hay fever, watery irritated eyes and nasal

    discharge, Eyebright is an anti-inflammatory and astringent. It is soothing and antibacterial and also has

    numerous other uses. Herbalists use eyebright as a poultice with or without concurrent administration of

    a tea for the redness, swelling, and visual disturbances

    caused by blepharitis and conjunctivitis. The herb is also

    used for eyestrain and to relieve inflammation caused by

    colds, coughs, sinus infections, sore throats and hay fever.

    Parts used include the leaf, the stem, and small pieces of the

    flowers. Typical preparations include a warm compress or

    tea. Eyebright preparations are also available as an extract or capsule.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Euphrasia Species

    Family Name: Orobanchaceae

    Common Name: Eyebright

    Part Used: leaf, the stem, and small pieces of the flowers

    Habitat: Have cosmopolitan distribution

    Product offered: Extract

    Table of Contents

    Used for the treatment of Eye

    Infections like Conjuctivitis

    Also finds its application as anti-inflammatory, astringent and

    anti-bacterial agent.

  • Ganoderma Extract Ganoderma is the species of bracket fungus ha ve a worldwide distribution in both tropical and

    temperate geographical regions, including North and South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia, growing

    as a parasite or saprotroph on a wide variety of trees. Gonoderma grows at

    the base and stumps of deciduous trees, especially maple. Only two or three

    out of 10,000 such aged trees will have Gonoderma growth, and therefore

    its wild form is generally rare. Gonoderma is effectively cultivated both

    indoors under sterile conditions and outdoors on either logs or woodchip

    beds. Ganoderma lucidum produces a group of triterpenes, called ganoderic

    acid, which have a molecular structure similar to steroid hormones. It also contains other compounds

    many of which are typically found in fungal materials including polysaccharides such as beta-glucan,

    coumarin, mannitol and alkaloid. We supply and export the best quality Ganoderma Extract and have a

    huge customer base all across the world. This extract is mainly used in the treatment of a wide variety of

    illnesses including HIV/AIDS, diabetes, lung and liver

    disorders, allergies, stress and coronary disorders. The

    Reishi mushroom contains a high amount of polysaccharides

    which are essential for proper functioning of the immune

    system. They can be used as a tonic and a sedative and

    according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine; Reishi was thought to "mend the heart." It is a cardio

    tonic that supports normal blood and oxygen flow to the heart and helps exert many beneficial effects as

    an "adaptagen". They are also known to treat normal sleep, high altitude stress, cardiac and liver tonic.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Ganoderma Iucidum

    Family Name: Gonodermataceae

    Common Name: Gonoderma, Lingzhi

    Habitat: tropical and temperate geographical regions

    Table of Contents

    Can be used for cardiac

    diseases, diabetes and as liver

    and brain tonic

  • Garcinia Extract The dried rind of Garcinia cambogia , commonly known as Malabar

    Tamarind, has unique and varied use as condiment for flavouring curries,

    curingand drying fish and used as medicines for various ailments. In

    Kerala the dried rind is used to add flavor curries. In Sri Lanka, the fruits

    picked under-ripe, the thick pericarp is cut into sections which along with

    salt is used in curing and drying fish . Rich in acids it possesses marked

    antiseptic properties. The dried rind is also used for polishing gold and silver and as a

    substitute for acetic and formic acids in the coagulation of latex. A decoction of the fruit rind is very

    effective in rheumatism and bowel complaints. It is also used as a rinse for some veterinary diseases.

    An yellow translucent resin from the tree which is soluble in turpentine, gives an yellow varnish. It

    combats blood fat levels and increase metabolism helping in weight loss. Garcinia is a rich source of

    Vitamin C and has been used as a heart tonic. In Indian traditional medicine, this species was prescribed

    for edema, delayed menstruation, constipation and intestinal

    parasites. In the form of decoction, it was also used for

    rheumatism and bowel complaints. Extracts from this

    species are an ingredient in some herbal appetatite

    suppressant and energy products. It is used in weight-loss


    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Garcinia cambogia

    Family Name: Cluciaceae

    Common Name: Malabar Tamarind, Brindall Berry, Chikana Red Mango, Mangosteen.

    Part/Product Used/Offered: Fruits, Extract

    Habitat: Commonly found in the evergreen and shola forests of western ghats in India

    Table of Contents

    Used as an Anti-inflammatory

    agent and in Weight Loss


  • Garlic Chinese Extract

    Garlic has been used throughout history for both culinary and medicinal

    purposes. The garlic plant's bulb is the most commonly used part of the plant.

    Garlic has been found to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal activity.

    Garlic is also claimed to help prevent heart disease, including atherosclerosis,

    high cholesterol, and high blood pressure and cancer. It contains allicin, a

    powerful antibiotic and antifungal compound phytoncide. It also contains the sulfur containing

    compounds alliin, ajoene, diallylsulfide, dithiin, S-allylcysteine, and enzymes, vitamin B , Proteins,

    minerals, saponins and flavonoids. Furthermore a phytolexin called allixin (3-hydroxy-5-methoxy-6-

    methyl-2-penthyl-4H-pyran-4-one) was found, a non-sulfur compound with a -pyrone skeleton

    structure with anti-oxidative effects, anti-microbial effects, anti-tumor promoting effects, inhibition of

    aflatoxin B2 DNA binding, and neurotrophic effects. We are large exporters and suppliers of Garlic

    Extract that are processed in state of the art facilities under the able guidance of our skilled and

    experienced agriculturists. It is also used in treating upper

    respiratory infections (especially bronchitis), late-onset

    diabetes, urinary infections, acne, asthma, sinusitis, arthritis

    and ulcers to name only a few.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Allium sativum

    Family Name: Lilliaceae

    Common Name: Garlic, Lahsun,

    Part Used: Bulb

    Habitat: native to central Asia, cultivated all over the world

    Product offered: Bulb, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Used to treat bacterial, viral and

    cardiac diseases

  • Giant Knotweed Rhizome Extract

    Giant Knotweed Rhizome Extract, also known as Huzhang (tiger cane) or

    giant knotweed is an east Asian species (Polygonum cuspidatum),

    belonging to the Polygonaceae family. The documented uses in traditional

    Chinese medicines date to the first century BC. The contemporary medical

    uses are supported by clinical results and include acute microbial infections or viral hepatitis, chemo or

    radiation-induced leukocytopenia, atherosclerosis, and hyperlipidemia. The recent investigations

    conducted in vivo and vitro, resveratrol displayed chemo preventive effects at three critical stages of

    carcinogenesis. Specifically, resveratrol was found to induce phase II drug metabolizing enzymes

    (antiinitiation); mediate anti-inflammatory effects and inhibit cyclooxygenase and hydro-peroxidase

    (antipromotion); and induce human promyelocytic leukemia cell diferentiation (antiprogression).

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Polygonum cuspidatum

    Family Name: Polygonaceae

    Common Name: Giant Cottonweed

    Part Used: Root

    Habitat: herbaceous perennial plant, native to

    eastern Asia, Japan, China and Korea.

    Product offered: Root, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Is enriched with Anti-tussive,

    Anti-Histaminic, Hypotensive,

    Vasodilating, Cytotoxic and

    Anti-Oxidant Properties

  • Ginko Biloba Extract We are rated as the topmost manufacturer and supplier of Ginko biloba extract

    and have carved a niche for ourselves in the market. It has several medicinal

    and healing properties. One of the oldest living species of plant on earth, Ginko

    is more than 225 million years old and has been one of the ten best selling herbs

    since the past 5 years or more. They are sourced from reliable vendors and

    processed in our state of the art facilities under the supervision of our

    experienced agriculturists. The standardized extract of ginkgo leaf is presently one of the most

    frequently used plant-based medicines in Europe. The constituents included in these extracts include

    gibberellins, cytokines like substances, ginkgolic acid, bilobol, ginnol, aspartine and calcium. The leaves

    are primarily used for cerebral circulation. They are widely popular and mainly used in making tea,

    capsules and are also used in conjunction with other extracts to create different products; medicinal and

    otherwise.This natural herb has a long history in Chinese medicine. They are widely used in making nuts

    and ginkgo leaves are used to treat lung conditions (rather than mental conditions). They are sweet to

    taste, have astringent properties and are non-heating

    products. They are instrumental in stopping "leakage" of

    fluids into air passageways without creating heat, increased

    heartbeat or excitability. The leaves of Ginko stimulate the

    blood circulation and have a tonic effect on the brain thereby reducing lethargy, improved memory as

    well as an improved sense of well-being.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Gingko biloba

    Family Name: Ginkgoaceae

    Common Name: Ginkgo

    Part Used: leaves and nuts

    Habitat: shade-intolerant species, grows best in environments that are well-watered and


    Product offered: leaves and nuts, extract

    Table of Contents

    Used as a Brain Tonic

  • Ginseng Chinese Extract

    Ginseng is a slow-growing perennial plant with fleshy roots. It

    grows in the Northern Hemisphere in eastern Asia (mostly

    northern China, Korea and eastern Siberia), typically in cooler

    climates. Ginseng is characterized by the presence of

    ginsengosides. There are actually three different herbs commonly

    called ginseng: Asian or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng),

    American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), and Siberian "ginseng"

    (Eleutherococcus senticosus), the latter herb having many of the

    same effects as the first two even though it is in a different plant

    family. It active constituents are the ginsenosides and also contains Acetic acid, adenine, adenosine,

    alanine, ascorbic acid, benzoic acid, beta-sitosterol, caryophyllene, cysteine, ferulic acid, folic acid, ,

    glycine, guanidine, histidine, Isoleucine, kaempferol, magnesium, malic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid,

    salicylic acid, tannins, tyrosine, vanadium, zinc. It is used as

    adaptogen, aphrodisiac, nourishing, Stimulant, treatment of

    diabetes , as well as for Sexual disfunction in men.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Panax ginseng C.A.Mey

    Family Name: Araliaceae

    Common Name: Ginseng

    Part Used: Root

    Habitat: Cooler climates of northern hemisphere

    Product offered: Root, extract

    Table of Contents


    Adaptogen, Aphrodisiac,

    Nourishing, Stimulant

  • Grape Seed Extract Grape is a non-climatic fruit that grows on the perennial and deciduous woody vines of the genus vitis.

    Grape seed extracts are industrial derivatives from whole grape seeds that have a great concentration of

    vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid, and OPCs. They are a great source of antioxidants. Our Grape Seeds

    Extracts are an excellent source of oligomeric proanthocyanidins and have been the subject of clinical

    research all over the world particularly in France for their antioxidant activity. antioxidants are vital in

    the development of collagen including skin, connective tissue and vascular walls. Natural way

    standardized grape seed extract is a high potency(95%) polyphenol extract. It has Anti-ageing, anti-

    allergenic, anti-allergic, anti-atherogenic, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-carcinogenic, anti-cavity, Anti-

    enzyme, anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, anti-oxidant, anti-tumour, anti-viral,

    capillary protective, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, vasodilatory properties.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Vitis vinifera.L

    Family Name: Vitaceae

    Common Name: Grape seed, Muscat

    Part Used: Fruit, Seed

    Habitat: grown in warm, temperate regions of the world

    Product offered: Fruit, Seed, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Used as an Anti-Oxidative, Anti-

    bacterial, Anti-aging and Anti-

    carcinogenic Agent

  • Green Tea extract

    Green tea extracts are herbal derivatives from green tea leaves (Camellia

    sinensis), Containing antioxidant ingredients mainly green tea catechins (GTC)

    . Green tea is the second largest beverage in the world. In India and China green

    tea is a great source of medicinal usage. Green Tea is a store house of antioxidant

    properties. Several compounds extracted from green tea including catechins

    which contain an enormous amount of hydroxyl phenols that are easily oxidized, congregated and

    contracted, explains its good anti-oxidant properties. Our Green Tea Extracts confirm to the accepted

    anti-oxidation effect and is 25-100 times as strong as those of vitamin C and E. Our Green Tea Extract

    has varied use in medicines, agriculture, chemical and food industries. This extract prevents

    cardiovascular disease, lowers the risk of cancer, and decreases blood sugar and blood pressure, as well

    as viruses. In the food industry, the antioxidative agent used for preserving food and cooking oils. Green

    tea extracts are present in the form of Strong infusions, Soft extracts, Dry extracts and Partly purified

    extracts. The catechins includes epigallocatechin gallate

    (EGCG), epigallocatchin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG)

    and epicatechin (EC). Of which, EGCG accounts for more

    than 40% of the total content. Green tea extract is 20 times

    more antioxidant-active than Vitamin C. The biochemical

    properties include antioxidant, anti carcinogen, anti-inflammatory, and anti-radiation.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Camellia sinensis

    Family Name: Theaceae

    Common Name: tea plant, tea tree, and tea shrub.

    Part Used: Leaves

    Habitat: cultivated across the world in tropical and subtropical regions

    Product offered: Leaves, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Effective against Oxidation,

    Cancer, Aging & Bacteria

  • Griffonia Seed Extract We are large exporters and suppliers of 5 HTP Griffonia Seed Extract that

    are processed in state of the art facilities under the able guidance of our

    skilled and experienced agriculturists. The Griffonia is a woody climbing

    shrub native to West Africa and Central Africa. It grows to about 3 m and

    bears greenish flowers which are then followed by black pods. These extracts

    are mainly used in the Health Care, Skin Care, Oral care, Hair Care, Personal

    care, Anti Obesity and overall life style management industries and are sourced from reliable vendors.

    The parts used for extracting include the herbs leaves, flowers and its roots and have several medicinal

    and healing properties. The seeds of these plants are mainly used as an herbal supplement for their 5-

    Hydroxytryptophan content. 5-Hydroxytryptophan also known as 5-HTP is an important building block

    for the human body to form serotonin. Serotonin plays an important role in the body as a

    neurotransmitter to transport signals between neurons in the nervous system. It also has a legume lectin

    called GS4.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Griffonia simplicifolia

    Family Name: Fabaceae

    Common Name: Griffonia

    Part Used: Seeds

    Habitat: Found mostly in thickets, usually associated with mounds of the termite

    Macrotermes on plains, in forests, in secondary vegetation and on old farms.

    Product offered: Seeds, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Effective against Mild Insomnia,

    Migraine Headaches and Weight


  • Guarana Extract

    Guarana is a shrub or small tree native to Venezuela and northern Brazil, known for

    the high stimulant content of the fruit. The name 'Guaran' comes from the Guarani

    tribe that lives in Brazil. It has divided compound leaves, flowers yellow panicles,

    fruit pear shaped, three sided, three-celled capsules, with thin partitions, in each a

    seed like a small horse-chestnut half enclosed in an aril, flesh coloured and easily

    separated when dried. The seeds of Paullinia Sorbilis are often used or mixed with those of P. Cupana.

    They break with an irregular fracture, have little smell, taste astringent, and bitter like chocolate without

    its oiliness, and in colour like chocolate powder; it swells up and partially dissolves in water. A

    crystallizable principle, called guaranine, identical with caffeine, which exists in the seeds, united with

    tannic acid, catechutannic acid starch, and a greenish fixed


    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Paullinia cupana, Kunth

    Family Name: Sapindaceae

    Common Names: Paullinia, Guarana Bread,

    Brazilian Cocoa, Uabano, Uaranzeiro, Paullinia Sorbilis.

    Part Used: Seeds

    Habitat: Brazil, Uruguay.

    Product offered: Seeds, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Has multiple Dimensions like Nervine Tonic

    Narcotic stimulant


    Febrifuge Leucorrhoea


    Weight Loss Agent &

    Smoking Cessation Aid

  • Gymnema sylvestre Gymnema sylvestre is a herb native to the tropical forests of southern and

    central India where it has been used as a naturopathic treatment for diabetes.

    Large climbers, rooting at nodes, leaves elliptic, acuminate, base acute to

    acuminate, glabrous above sparsely or densely tomentose beneath; Flowers

    small, in axillary and lateral umbel like cymes, pedicels long; Calyx-lobes long,

    ovate, obtuse, pubescent; Corolla pale yellow campanulate, valvate, corona

    single, with 5 fleshy scales. The major bioactive constituents of Gymnema

    sylvestris are a group of oleanane type triterpenoid saponins known as gymnemic acids. The latter

    contain several acylated (tigloyl, methylbutyroyl etc.,) derivatives of deacylgymnemic acid (DAGA)

    which is 3-O-glucuronide of gymnemagenin (3, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28-hexahydroxy-olean-12-ene)2. The

    individual gymnemic acids (saponins) include gymnemic acids I-VII, gymnemosides A-F,

    gymnemasaponins. We manufacture, supply and export a wide range of Gymnema sylvestere and have

    been able to develop a huge customer base all across the


    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Gymnema sylvestre

    Family Name: Asclepiadaceae

    Common Names: Periploca Of The Woods, Gudmar

    Part Used: Whole Plant, Leaves

    Habitat: Throughout india, in dry forest upto 600m.

    Product offered: Leaves, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Used to keep Hyperglycemia,

    Obesity, High Cholesterol Level,

    Anemia and Digestion under


  • Gymnostemma Extract

    The Gynostemma extract is also known as Jiaogulan extract. It has the

    properties to treat various skin problems making it effective as an

    antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It has also been said to have

    aptogenic qualities. The active markers are Gypenosides. Sometimes

    called Southern Ginseng, Jiaogulan, is a plant that grows wild in south

    central China. Its chemical composition and function is similar to ginseng

    in that it is an adaptogen and antioxidant, but unlike ginseng, it also contains many health-giving

    saponins, trace minerals, amino acids, proteins, and vitamins. For hundreds of years it has been used as a

    medicinal and energizing tea in the local regions where it grows. The local Chinese people call it the

    Immortality Herb.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Gynostemma pentaphyllum

    Family Name: Cucurbitaceae

    Common Name: Jiaogulan, Gymnostemma,

    Southern Ginseng

    Part Used: Leaves

    Habitat: grows wild in south central China

    Product offered: Leaves, Extract

    Uses: adaptogen, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, detoxifier, expectorant

    Table of Contents

    Can be used as an Adaptogen,

    Anti-oxidant, Anti-inflammatory,

    Detoxifier and Expectorant

  • Horse Chestnut Extract The horse chestnut tree grows 80 feet (25 meters) tall with leaves in clusters

    of 5 to 7 and has white flower spikes growing at the ends of its branches. The

    name of the tree has many stories associated with it, but no real consensus

    has been reached. When the tree was brought to Britain in 1616 from the

    Balkans, it was called horse chestnut because the Turks would feed the seeds

    to their ailing horses. Horse chestnut seeds are the most commonly used plant part for making medicinal

    remedies and herbal

    preparations. The seeds of the horse chestnut contain a chemical saponin known as aescin, which in

    clinical studies has been reported to promote increased blood circulation. Aescin has the ability too

    promote blood circulation through the veins by increasing the tone in the walls of the veins, whereby

    enabling blood to flow unrestricted. It has the ability to promote blood circulation and has become a

    popular treatment, both topically and internally, for both chronic venous insufficiency and varicose

    veins. Bark contains coumarins, fraxin, scopolin, aesculetin,

    quercetin, sterols, tannins, and saponins

    Leaves contain coumadins, aesculin, scopolin, fraxin,

    stigmasterol, beta-sitosterol, rutin. Traditionally the leaves

    and bark are used as a tea and can also be used to make

    tinctures, creams and infusions. The whole nut is preferred over the leaf and bark when used for external

    applications. Sometimes the leaf and bark are combined with other herbs to make cough syrups. The

    whole nuts are poisonous and are only to be used for external application. The whole nuts are not for

    internal use, unless administered by a qualified practitioner. It is not recommended pregnant woman and

    should not be applied to broken or abraded skin.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Aesculus hippocastanum

    Family Name: Sapindaceae

    Common Name: Horse-chestnut or Conker tree.

    Part Used: Whole nuts, bark, flower, and leaves

    Habitat: widely cultivated throughout the temperate world.

    Product offered: Nuts, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Uses: To treat circulatory

    disorders, hemorrhoids &

    Swollen veins

  • Hoodia Extract The leafless, spiky and succulent plant, an indigenous plant from South

    Africa, Hoodia gordonii is an effective agent for appetite suppression and

    according to scientific trials has the capability for tricking the brain by

    auto suggesting that food has already been ingested. We have been

    successfully preparing medicines from this plant using scientific

    methodology. The stem "core" of the Hoodia gordonii species has very

    strong molecule dubbed "P57" which works on an area of the brain called the hypothalamus in a way

    similar to, but 10,000 times as potent as glucose which "alerts" the body that it is satiated and no longer

    needs any feeding Thus Hooda restricts food craving leading to decreased appetite. As a result one

    simply eats less. It is great aid to sliming without any adverse effect.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Hoodia gordonii

    Family Name: Apocynaceae

    Common Names: hoodia, xhooba, khoba,

    Ghaap, hoodia cactus, South African desert cactus

    Part Used: Stem

    Habitat: grows primarily in the semi-deserts of South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and


    Product offered: Stem, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Obesity and Weight can be kept

    under control

  • Human Pheromones

    Androstadienone (delta 4,16-androstadien-3-one), manufactured by us is one

    of the most well received pheromones among all pheromones because of its

    capability to affect the behavior or physiology of the receiver. Post

    Menstrual Stress can play havoc with a woman's emotional and

    physical health. Androstadienone has far reaching effect on women, suffering from the debilitating

    effect of PMS stress. It not only relieves PMS syndrome, but also acts as a great mood enhancer for

    victims who tend to get irritable and reclusive. It results in a feeling of intimacy, comfort and a

    feeling of caring. For this reason this product has earned the sobriquet 'love pheromone'.

    Androstadienone with its strong male fragrance with a sweaty odor activates the sex hormone of a

    woman. Copulins are female group of hormones that precipitates male sexual urge. This hormone is a

    shortchain fatty acids produced by the vagina. This hormone secrets naturally in the woman's sexual

    organ to arouse men's sexual urge. Copulins , by itself has no primary function except that it acts as a

    catalyst by accelerating or initiating increased testosterone level in men by 150per cent. Usually a man

    can smell Copulin in a woman which results in an instant arousal. In that way Copulins serves to invite

    male sexual advances/interest.

    Table of Contents

  • Ipecac Extract

    Shrubby plant about a foot high, found in most parts of Brazil, growing in clumps or

    patches, in moist, shady woods. It is also found in New Granada and in Bolivia. The

    plant has a slender stem, Fibrous rootlets, which grows partly underground and is

    often procumbent at the base, the lower portion being knotted. Ipecacuanha roots are

    collected in India, during the months of January and February, when the plant is in

    flower and are prepared by separation from the stem, cleaning and hanging in

    bundles to dry in the sun. The drug is known in commerce as Brazilian or RioIpecacuanha.

    The name of the plant is the Portuguese form of the native word, i-pe-kaa-gune, which is said to

    mean 'road-side sick-making plant. Ipecacuanha occurs in commerce as slender and somewhat tortuous

    closely annulated pieces, which seldom exceed 6 inches in length and 1/4 inch in thickness. It varies in

    color from very dark brown to dark red. The root is hard and breaks with a very short fracture. The drug

    has a bitter taste, but only a slight, rather musty odour. The chief constituents of Ipecacuanha root are

    the alkaloids Emetine, Cephaelin and Psychotrine. Other constituents are a crystalline saponin- like

    glucoside, an amorphous, bitter glucoside, which is a modification of tannin, and is known as

    Ipecacuanhic acid, choline, resin, pectin, starch, sugar, calcium oxalate,odorous, fatty matter and a

    disagreeable-smell in volatile oil. Alkaloids, Emetine and cephaline both act locally by irritating the

    gastric mucosa and centrally by stimulating the medullary chemoreceptor trigger zone to induce

    vomiting.In large doses, Ipecacuanha root is emetic; in smaller doses, diaphoretic and expectorant, and

    in still smaller, stimulating to the stomach, intestines and liver, exciting appetite and facilitating

    digestion. When inhaled, it causes sneezing and a mild inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane.

    Toxic doses cause gastro-enteritis, cardiac failure, dilation of the blood-vessels,severe bronchitis And


    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Brot.) A. Rich

    Family Name: Rubiaceae

    Common Names: ipecac

    Part Used: Root and rhizome

    Habitat: grow in clumps or patches, in moist, shady woods

    Product offered: Root, Rhizome, Extract

  • Kudzu/Pueraria Powder Extract

    Kudzu root is derived from the kudzu vine in Asia has been used for in

    traditional Chinese medicine to reduce alcohol intake and hangovers. The

    Kudzu root Extract is a rich source of isoflavones. puerarin, daidzein, and

    daidzin. It is a unique herb containing natural compound called silymarin.

    The Kudzu/ Pueraria Powder Extract is used as remedy for diaphoretic,

    antispasmodic, muscle relaxant, antipyretic and also for fevers caused by heat in colds and influenza and

    for stiff neck. Kudzu contains a number of useful isoflavones, including daidzein (an anti-inflammatory

    and antimicrobial agent). Daidzein is a cancer preventive and is structurally related to genistein (an

    antileukemic agent). Kudzu is a unique source of the isoflavon puerarin. Kudzu root compounds can

    affect neurotransmitters (including serotonin, GABA and glutamate). It has shown value in treating

    migraine and cluster headache. It is recommended for allergies and diarrhea.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Pueraria lobata,

    Family Name: Fabaceae

    Common Name: Kudzu

    Part Used: Root

    Habitat: climbing, coiling, and trailing vine native to southern Japan and southeast China.

    Product offered: Root, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Is used as a Diaphoretic, Anti-

    spasmodic, Muscle Relaxant and


  • Levodopa Extract

    Mucuna is a genus of around 100 accepted species of climbing vines and

    shrubs, found worldwide in the woodlands of tropical areas.The leaves are 3-

    palmate, alternate or spiraled, and the flowers are pea-like but larger, with

    distinctive curved petals, and occurring in racemes. Like other legumes,

    Mucuna plants bear pods. They are generally bat-pollinated and produce seeds

    that are buoyant sea-beans. These have a characteristic three-layered appearance, appearing like the eyes

    of a large mammal in some species and like a hamburger. Mucuna pod hairs are a common ingredient in

    itching powder.L-dopa, 5-HTP, nicotine, Hallucinogenic tryptamines 5-MeO-DMT, bufotenine,

    dimethyltryptamine and beta-Carboline 6-MeO-Harmane has been found in Velvet Bean -M. pruriens.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Species Of Mucuna -M. pruriens, Mucuna macrocarpa.

    Family Name: Fabaceae

    Common Names: Velvet Bean

    Part Used: Beans, Pods

    Habitat: woodlands of tropical areas

    Product offered: Beans, Extract

    Uses: urinary tract, neurological and menstruation disorders, constipation, edema, fevers, tuberculosis,

    ulcers, Parkinson's disease and helminthiases like elephantiasis.

    Table of Contents

  • Lotus Extract Lotus, a water plant grows in the mud of shallow ponds, lagoons, marshes

    and flooded fields. It is native to parts of the Middle East, Asia, Australia

    and New Guinea. It can grow to a height of up to 6 m depending on the

    depth of water. It is found throughout China. The lotus leaves are disc-

    shaped and up to 90 cm wide. They either float on or protrude above the

    surface of the water. It has long leaf stalks that are scattered with small

    bumps. Both leaves and leaf stalks are eaten as vegetables in China. The

    Lotus extracts are used for treating summer heat syndrome and dampness accumulations. They also

    contain the lotus alkaloids with hypotensive effect. The lotus leaf has become popular for lowering

    blood lipids and treating fatty liver; it is commonly combined with cartages, which promotes blood

    circulation and lowers blood fats, for that purpose. This powder is suitable for medicine to control/

    adjust blood lipids, codeine and expectorant, and


    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Nelumbo nucifera

    Family Name: Nelumbonaceae

    Common Name: Indian Lotus, Sacred Lotus, Bean of India

    Part Used: The flowers, seeds, young leaves, and roots

    Habitat: grows in the mud of shallow ponds, lagoons, marshes and flooded fields

    Product offered: Extract

    Table of Contents

    Can be used as Expectorant and


  • Maca Extract

    Maca is an herbaceous biennial or annual plant native to the high Andes and Peru. It

    is grown for its fleshy hypocotyl, which is used as a root vegetable and medicinal

    herb. The green, fragrant tops are short and lie along the ground. The thin frilly

    leaves are born in a rosette at the soil surface, and are continuously renewed from

    the center as the outer leaves die. The off-white, self-fertile flowers are borne on a

    central raceme, and are followed by 45 mm siliculate fruits, each containing two

    small (2-2.5 mm) reddish-gray ovoid seeds. The seeds, which are the plant's only

    means of reproduction, germinate within five days given good conditions. The seeds have no dormancy,

    as maca's native habitat remains harsh year-round.In addition to sugars and proteins, maca contains

    uridine, malic acid, and its benzoyl derivative, and the glucosinolates, glucotropaeolin and m-

    methoxyglucotropaeolin. The menthol extract of maca tuber also contained (1R, 3S)-1-

    methyltetrahydro-carboline-3-carboxylic acid, a molecule which is reported to exert many activities on

    the central nervous system.The nutritional value of dried

    maca root is high, similar to cereal grains such as rice and

    wheat.Average composition- 60% carbohydrates, 10%

    protein, 8.5% dietry fiber, and 2.2% fats.Maca is rich in

    essential minerals, especially selenium, calcium, magnesium

    and iron, and includes fatty acids including linolenic, Plamitic and oleic acids, and 19 amino acids , as

    well as polysaccharides.Maca's reported beneficial effects for sexual function could be due to its high

    concentration of proteins and vital nutrients. Maca contains a chemical called p-methoxybenzyl

    isothiocyanate, which reputedly has aphrodisiac properties.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Lepidium meyenii Walp.

    Family Name: Brassicaceae

    Common Names: maca-maca, maino, ayak chichira, ayak willku

    Part Used: root

    Habitat: at higher altitudes of Peru and Bolivia

    Product offered: Root, Extract

    Has its uses as an adaptogen

    and in infertility problems of


  • Mate Dry Extract

    It is native to subtropical South America, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, and

    South Brazil. It is Often served as a tea or an infusion with different fruit

    juices.The yerba mate plant is a shrub or small tree growing up to 15 meters

    tall. The leaves are evergreen, 711 cm long and 35.5 cm wide, with a

    serrated margin. The flowers are small, greenish-white, with four petals. The

    fruit is a red drupe 46 mm in diameter.Mate contains xanthine derivatives, caffeine, theobromine and

    theophylline, the major being caffeine. Caffeine content varies between 0.7% and 1.7% of dry

    weight(compared with 0.49.0% for tes leaves, 2.5-7.6% in guarana, and up to 3.2% for ground coffee),

    theobromine content varies from 0.3-0.9%; theophylline is present in small quantities, or can be

    completely absent.A substance previously called "mateine" is a synonym for caffeine (like theine and

    guaranine).Mate also contains elements such as potassium,

    magnesium and manganese.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Ilex paraguariensis

    Family Name: Aquifoliaceae

    Common Names: Erva mate or yerba mate,

    yerba mate, erva-mate

    Part Used: Leaves

    Habitat: Subtropical Regions

    Product offered: Leaves, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Is a very good Anti-Oxidant,

    Anti-Obese, Smooth Muscle

    Relaxant, Anti-Carcinogen and


  • Morinda Citrifolia Indian mulberry, commonly known as Noni, is a bush mostly found in the

    tropical regions of the world, such as Hawaii and also in some parts of

    India. In India, the powdered extracts from roots, leaves and fruit of the

    plant have been traditionally used as a sedative and for many other

    medicinal purposes. The plant can grow up to 9 m tall, and has large,

    simple, dark green, shiny and deeply veined leaves. It is used for treatments like joint pains, immune

    problems, pain relief, cellular regeneration and more. Noni fruit rich with numerous enzymes (proteins)

    and alkaloids has great body nourishing properties. Scientific researches have shown that Noni fruit

    stimulates the immune system, regulating cell function and cellular regeneration of damaged cells. It is

    particularly useful in supporting the nervous and structural systems (especially pain in joints) and for

    skin health. Noni has further such properties that are beneficial in fighting fatigue, depression, sexual

    dysfunction and arthritis. Noni Fruit is most well known for is the compound alkaloid proxeronine,

    which is believed to be a precursor to xeronine. Xeronine is

    an alkaloid, which is believed to activate dormant enzymes

    and support healthy cell function. Noni Fruit undoubtedly

    have properties that are beyond dispute. Noni Fruit is an

    excellent source of beneficial acids, Vitamin C and

    alkaloids. The fruit is taken for lumbago, asthma and dysentery. The bark of the Morinda produces a

    reddish purple and brown dye used in making batik.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Morinda citrifolia

    Family Name: Rubiaceae

    Common Name: Noni, Indian Mulberry

    Part Used: Fruits, Leaves & Roots

    Habitat: grows in shady forests as well as on open rocky or sandy shores

    Product offered: Fruits, Leaves, Roots, Extract.

    Table of Contents

    Is Prescribed for Joint pain,

    Immune Problems, Pain Relief

    and Cellular Regeneration

  • Milk Thistle

    Milk thistle is a member of the sunflower family native to a narrow stretch

    of the Mediterranean. Now, for centuries, it has been widely cultivated

    throughout Europe. Presently it is a common weed in California. In North

    America, Milk thistle was introduced as a coffee substitute, but its shiny

    black seeds covered with feathery tufts have a far longer history in herbal

    medicine. The edible thistles were given the name silybum by Dioscorides, a Greek physician who

    served in the roman army over 1,900 years ago. The thistle with white coloring on its leaves became

    known as the "milk" thistle. It contains Silymarin (silibinin, silydianin, and silychristin), vitamin e

    (tocopherols), and about 90% fatty acids. It is used as whole seeds or seed powder, encapsulated or used

    to make an infusion. The most convenient form has been either an alcohol or glycerin extract.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Silybum marianum

    Family Name: Asteraceae

    Common Name: Milk Thistle

    Part Used: the threshed, dried seed.

    Habitat: grows in dry, sunny areas

    Product offered: Seeds, Extract.

    Table of Contents

    Acts as an Anti-oxidant and Anti-

    inflammatory agent

    Is also used for Gall Bladder


  • Muira puama Dry Extract

    Muira puama, also called "potency wood," is a small tree that grows to 5 m high

    and is native to the Brazilian Amazon and other parts of the Amazon rainforest.

    The small, white flowers have a pungent fragrance similar to jasmine's. The

    olacoides variety is usually preferred, as it has a higher content of lupeol (one

    of the plant's active phytochemicals). A completely different species of Brazilian tree, Liriosma ovata,

    also known by the common name of muira puama (and is often sold in commerce as such); however, it

    is a completely different tree with a different phytochemical makeup.The main plant chemicals found in

    muira puama include: alpha-copaene, alpha-elemene, alpha-guaiene, alpha-humulene, alpha-muurolene,

    alpha-pinene, alpha-resinic acid, alpha-terpinene, arachidic acid, allo-aromadendren, behenic acid, beta-

    bisabolene, beta-caryophyllene, beta-pinene, beta-resinic acid, beta-sitosterol, beta-transfarnesene,

    borneol, campesterols, camphene, camphor, car-3-ene, caryophyllene, cerotic acid, chromium,

    coumarin, cubebene, delta-cadinene, dotriacontanoic acid,

    elixene, ergosterols, eugenol, essential oils, gamma-

    muurolene, hentriacontanoic acid, heptacosanoic acid,

    lignoceric acid, limonene, linalool, lupeol, melissic acid,

    montanic acid, muirapuamine, myrcene, nonacosanoic acid,

    para-cymene, pentacosanoic acid, phlobaphene,

    stigmasterols, trichosanic acid, and uncosanic acid.

    Product Details

    Botanical Name: Ptychopetalum olacoides

    Family Name: Olacaceae

    Common Names: Muira Puama, MaraPuama, Marapama, Potency Wood, pau-homen,


    Part Used: Bark and root

    Habitat: Inhabitant of Brazil

    Product offered: Bark, Root, Extract

    Table of Contents

    Is administeres for Sexual

    Dysfunction, Nerve Tonic, PMS,

    Anti-oxidant, Anti-depressant &


  • Mulberry Extract Mulberry extract contains moranoline, a key active that delays

    carbohydrate absorption and promotes healthy blood sugar

    levels already within normal range. Mulb