r uri Sf nlF11Iut If < ifOUND HER WATCH- BETWEENTICKS t Uftwelled Timepiece of the Viscountess de 2 Varinay Recovered by Wonderful Ward 1 man Sleuth Twixt Hotel Mattresses The Vlscountisn do Vnrlnay la about J tne happiest woman In Now York She i has back her bejewelled and bocrcsted watch worth JMO Intrinsically but yaM 2 y more valuable than that to her by reason of Its associations She lost It at the Plaza Hotel the other day and waeplngly eppealecl to the police to find It They have done so and a new ward ian has covered hlmsqlf with glory Iiii The Plaza Hotel being In the Knit t Fiftyfirst street pollee precinct It fell gI > to the lot of Detective Clarke Just out of uniform and ort the pavement to 7 locate e watch Hero whs his ohnncc to make reputation Ho galloped around all the pawnshops leaving n- detaJl description of the lost watch according to the most approved rules i of the Police Department Thieves Dented Guilt j V He met all the thieves with whom he lied an Intimate acquaintance and naked them If they knew anything about the ef watch tlll following the rules of tho department They couldnt help him e tad darke decided to go ort on an en ¬ tirely original tack s flu went to the Plaza Hotel Ho called the Viscountess de Varinay She re celved him In her apartments There ia vas present the Drones Klyerstoln a friend of the Viscountess who also lives In the hotel All the servants In the employ bf the Viscountess were called In andtho I began Xou are sure lady that you did not C take the watch out of these aport meats asked the detective The Viscountess was sure Ihe had not 111 Might you hot have worn It and lost Itsi2le1oppingr inquired the sleuth fcavlnjr heardof uch thliifis before- i rHjdculoii lI responded the Viscount 1 OM l left It In ths room when I went put 4 Blie Trusted liar 3luJd- LlAb ii eald the detective with an till jT ALERMAN TU PAY- S12OO TU WUMAN Sho Stepped in His Coal Hole and Suing for Damages Jury GIVeS Her Verdict k Jacobs Wund who Will Alderman for the old Eighteenth Assembly District wtysn Bonn Richard Croker lived there I a s will have to pay JJ3X because of tha- fallur ol his manservant to put a gurd around the coalhole In the side jrsIlc ot his Twentysixth street hoiiv- itkllx he put Insome kindling wood 4 2MIM Alice T Graham nil In vest Igu tor- tor a the Charity OrganIzation Society H a ee Along on her rounds She stepped PJ Int o the coalhola and onehulf of her 4sMlqwed lhe toot J Mn tplne was bruited This was In L V Stip became Mrs Stewart after WiiHHt t hut has be en an Invalid ever- y t aixl a Jury In 4he Bupremo Court Oe FJtwjcrald presiding awarded 1 flsu2ages to her today Jo- oaJJecry Ward once the Idol of the rt U cranks wee Mrs Stewarts 4 Ag exAWerman testified In won rmaDt te never knew onything- M tI aay awefalling Into the coalhole i HMwIijkwttti until lie was served with I I i P II i1nhjjIIrL- L of mystery akin to that which he had seen William Gillotta assume in Sher- lock ¬ Holmes Who hail access to your rooms In qulre Clarke Only my maids whom I trust with all I possess said the Viscountess Black looks came from all the molds as the sleuth swept them with his feur- cninpellliiK eye Silence fell on the room and the Vlscouritena the Baroness the maids tictid thrir respective breaths while tho detective pondered Hhlihh ho whispered as he started un The woolen elilvcrft- dJles cat second sight muttere- dnn of tho maids to another The liuiotive cave her a black look Klihhhh hu demanded again more ticrcNV- AKiihi Hllotvco tell on the room The detective rose from hIs seat and moved toward the boudoir of the Viscountess hla oars scorning to prow In length unit reach out all rccnlvlng Hlowly tihe wuteh hunter moved to ranl the boudoir stopping every now ant then to listen women grew pile vlth tho intentness of their watch- ing ¬ round the lbhlf Wnlcli- Hnttrlng the boudoir the detective stopiH Hgalit and listened his eyes Rhlnlnt with great excitement Then ho aprona forward seized the coverlets on Wie bed and tumbled them back llftlnir tho tol mattress from the bed ho threw It on floor and pointed There lay the watch on the top of the loner nuittruen Tho ticks between the ticks he ex claimed I know It was there I used to work In 11 minstrel show Wonderful murmured the Vis counties and the Haroness together Tho maids crossed tKonvsclvea Well remarked the Viscountess when she hail recovered I know I didnt wear It out of the room any way When she was teen today the Via conntrj Intlstcd that some one had stolen a and then finding that It was an heirloom had sneaked back Into her apartment and hidden It between thn mattresses nut tho hotel people said they thought sho had Juat forgot- ten ¬ where she put It n DERELICT AT SEA- ODDLYABANDONED Barge Senator Penrose Oil Laden Found Seaworthy by Clyde Liner Tho Clyde line steamer New York which arrived hero today from West Indian Dots reports on Jan It that Willie In latitude 3243 longitude 7335 xho rome upwkh the derelict barge Henator Prhrose with red hog flying In the star- board rigging A hoat wax lowered In charge of the collet olllcoj vtio oji returning reportet the barge abandoned Tho crew had evidently left the barge In a great hurry OJ their personal off rets am plenty of provisIons were left behind- A boat was swinging In cHvlts hatches wero on and wMI battened down The hoisting stuck was tOne nnd there was a hole In the erk forward The vejsel was loaded with case oil und was In pPJ llrenl good1 order She was bound uuiuniiumo Cuba The liargii enator Ienroso wm las reported JIUI 9 when the left IhllnUel In tow of the Spanish steamer Nlceto for uuuntannnio d ut < o Ileovn by Train PIAJNVIKID N Jj Jan 16A man ahuIbe walking on the New Jersey Con tral Railroad hacks near Nethwwood t day was etruck by un expreu train ad u to 11JI III- JIIItLpGft UaLtI44 1 JflMESMcGREERYSGO Misses Suits Homespun and Etaniinc Suits Blouse Jackets trimmed and lined with taffeta silk Deep flounce skirts 775 Norfolk or tight fitting and semifitting box coats Lined with satin 750 Black or blue melton cloth pedestrian skirts pleated black taffetas silk skirts and black moire silk dress skirts 750 Childrens full length box and cape coats- Twentythird 575 Street JAMES McCREERY SCO Ladies Coats Rain Coats made of Oxford grey and tan covert cloth- or cravenette Various models 1200 1500 and 1850 Black broadcloth coats half or full length Double capes Lined with black- or grey satin Paletots of tan and grey broadcloth pleated or loose back 1850 and 2450- Twentythird Street FOUR KILLED RECKON LO1 Six Others Are Injured When Western Express Crashes Into Two Big Freight Engines Near Cumberland Md TRAIN MEN ARE CRUSHED < 6j ftil tn Tin KTnli World CUJnJEIlTVND Md Jan 18Ths fast Western Express on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad crashed Into two engines In the South Cumberland Hall road yards here today killing four of the trainmen and severely Injuring six other THIS IKAI- nUTLEJl > HENJAMIN engineer South Cumberland MOIlAN JAMES fireman of express Baltimore SIMMS JOHN engineer of the express crushed under engine STANNINQlOlt J H fireman South Cumberland- Two engines hail Just been tIred up In the yards and were crossing the main trucks to make a aiding when the Western Express came thundering through making thirty mlles an hour with two tnaliiea drawing a heavy train of sleepers Engineer Slmins In charge ot the first eiwinu ot the passenger train evidently dill not see the > IKln ahead of him cioamub the truck until It was too lute to stop his train Ills levers ohowed that he hud hud time to shut on the gleam and reverse the eccentrics sail apply the air brakes but he did not have time to und as Iho engine and tender buckled down wlUt the col llrton hu was imned under the wreck ¬ age The two engines of the train were plied in a conglomerate heap while thin two locomotives Which vera uinnu a blow wore com jilotoly demolished The boiler at one of the englnoa exploded Just aster the collision tItus to the confusion Tho train panienger being an abrupt top hurled nai- wnitcrs from their berths them receiving hurts and contusions but none wai seriously leer a tow minutes It was found the principal damage was contlnrd to the Brfat exclttmunt prevailed lsrsengera d from the Window of the coaches In their night were only prevailed upon to return ihen assured that all danger was over Traltlc on the through line not Inycd IOIIB except the Western KxprMs Tha In yard where there are many tracks and other trains were able to pass around this wreck on other tracks Other engines wrro secured and after an hours delay the Western Express prnerddenstwar1- PATIENT HANGS HIMSELF Iu nip Kiivtiirr Iuremftn 1nUrn Ills Mftt In lloopllnl- Oharlr < K Hayes a patient In the Manhattan State Hospital for the In suit committed suicide today by hang Ing He had been an assistant factor I foreman betor lla arrest for Insanity 11 N 5 Stern Br the Statiloiniery Department Tomorrow Special Sale of LINEN PARCHMENT PAPER 120 Sheets Square Paper Note c Larger tC 100 Long Envelopes size DO size IUI Value 75c 100 Box Enlarging the Clothing Section Clearing Sale of Boys X Suits Overcoats Youths- At Extraordinarily Low Prices roys REEEERS OVERCOATS Q Odd lots 3 to 8 years Former price 500 2 0 SAILOR SUITS Plain Blue Serges Cheviots and 3 Mixtures silk embroidery 3 to 12 yrs Former price 500 j > do NORFOLK DOUBLEBREASTED 8 VEST SUITS 5 Plain Blue indWlxtures 8 to 16 yrs Formerly 8500 to 595 15 CHILDRENS BOYS OVERCOATS Grays Tans Blues and Mixtures small sIzes wool lined embroidered designs 3 to 16 yrs Se 00 Formerly 695 to 975 YOUTHS SUITS Plain colors and mixtures YOUTHS OVERCOATS In Gray or Black 15 to 20 yrs ti Q5 Former price 1000 BOYS EXTRA PANTS in Plain Colors Checks Mixtures and Corduroys 4 to 16 yrs Former price 98c J OC West Tweety tlhird Str- eetah1ereros Aye 31st St MBMWMMW H SPECIAL SATURDAY SALE OP SHEETS AND PILLOWCASESSta- ndard goods well made of substantial muslins laun ¬ dered and ready for use Unqualified values in these staple necessaries PILLOW CASES 4x36 8c PILLOW CASES 0x36 13c PILLOW CASES hemstitched 4x36 ISc SHEETS 54x90 3Sc SHEETS 60x90 41c SHEETS 72x90 45c SHEETS 81x90 55c Special 8I A n Saturday UNBLEACHED MUSLIN 44 extra heavy worth 5c at per yard 3c OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS ORQSj SHOES 350 per pair The Best for Women Smart enough to complete the most fashionable street costume sensible enough to lend absolute comfort to sporting attire and dainty enough to meet the prevailing demands of evening dress JAMES McGREERY SCO Twentythird Street MARCONI PLAN- SCRHTGTTEST Arrives at Cape Cod and Pre ¬ pares to Send Wireless Mes ¬ sages from There to His StaI ion in Cornwall England WORKS AT HIGHEST SPEED- s eil Ths Rvvnlnr World WEUKI EET Mass Jan UMar coat and his assistants arrived at the South AVellfleet station today The party were taken In carriages to the hick aide of tho cape whore the big towers loom conspicuously and otter luncheon Mr Marvonl bepyin the work of perfecting matters for the trans- mission ¬ of signals to England It Is the Intention of the Inventor to lintel the work here as quickly as pos- sible ¬ and take a steamer next week for the other side of the Atlantic and with that Idea In view he will probubly not stay here longer than three or tour dae whether or not he succeeds In getting the Welltleet station In working order If arrangements cannot be perfected between now anl Wednesday he said 1 shall leae nutters III charge of my nuUtuntB find proceed to Kngland Marconi Is extremely he has to ny- MARCONI MAKES DEALS- Said In lima Arranged tet Handle Commercial Cable a- aoJmKo12ftJIuHttal L katt- i that Signor Marconi has made an ar- rangement ¬ with the Commercial Cable Company to handle all his American business and that ho has also contracted with the government to transmit mes- sages ¬ from the United States to points In Alaska The station for the transmission of Alaskan messages will be near Seattle MARCONI OFF FORCAPE COD Inventor Paste Through Boston on lib Way ti Station BOSTON Mass Jan 16Sig Mar coal arrived here last night from Sidney C tl and today will continue his Jour Ity to the American station at South Wellrtrel on Cape Cod tJOMANTRIESTO DIE Jlniule Cameron TaUes Carbolic I Acid at Cone Iilunil Mamie Cameron thirty years old of West Fifteenth street and Mermaid ave- nue Coney Island Is a prisoner at the Klnxs Oounty Hospital on a charge of attempted suicide Her groans attracted others In the house to her room early today and It was found that abe had swallowed car- bolic acid She refused to make any statement to the police or the doctors at the hospital ENGLAND WORRIED BY CUBA IIVEHPOOU Jan 18At a special meeting of the Itverpool Chamber of Commerce today called to consider the proposed reciprocity treaty between the United States and Cuba U was announced that foreign Secretary Iansdowne would receive Important deputations from the various Ohambers- of Commerce of the United Kingdom Jan n lor the purpose of discussing the matter The sfMJUiv troB JycrttteUid Uie 3- J J j thet1 erdJo New York Fastest 1 T Satisfaction Guaranteed or tirowlng Store alE S r 1 S T Money Promptly RcJundcd Saturday Was Ner So Important Until We Started Our Great Four Hour SalesSatu- rday never before meantso much to the thrifty buyer as it does today Our plan of giving four hour specials has brought more and greater money than New York ever knew There have been many but they have not succeeded to anywhere near such a degree as we have because they I have not had the sturdy unmatchable values such as we have ottered Imitation is surest proof that our sales are of deepest illpor- tanceAnother Great Bargain for Girls Tosiltvcly From 9A M Till I P M Only I Stylish full Length 5 Goats at 198- If If you have looked anywhere else for coats this season you will appreciate all the- e forcibly what an Immense bargain this is There Is a broad selection of these j both In color and size Full le ncth of heavy English melton cloth with either hcle or 1 9 8 double cape and inverted pleat Monte Carlo back kimono reverse cuff and ve collar Shown In blue cadet brown Oxford sage green and red Sizes 4 to 14 A e good 5 coat special tomorrow a- tUnmatchable Offers for Women I > Positively from 9 A M Till J P M Only Womens 350 Walking Skirts for 149Th- ese are wlnterweUht walking skirts in the popular slot seam flare style the bottoms are trimmed with sevenInch scalloped 1 bands with fourteen rows of stitching the material Is a heavy L49 wool cheviot shown in black and shades of gray various lengths and waist bands worth 350 special for four hours tomorrow at TourHour Sale of Winter WaistsAb- out 600 waists in the lot In several different materials Includ ¬ ing allwool French flannels fancy camelshalr plaids and wool habit cloth made with the broad shoulder effect In several styles plaited black and various colors 49c worth from 89c to 125 each special for four hours tomorrow at Great Values in Boys Clothing Positively from 9 A 5M Till I P SFA O- nlyBoys3 350 Russian OverGoats 139 r It is the best value we ever knew of in the way of Boys Overcoats The Russian blouse style is very popular its hard to get enough of them at regular prices to keep pace with the demand et this offer for four hours is close to half value Sizes 3 to 8 years Strictly allwool materials In blue brown tan gray olive and mixtures made ofkerseys meltons cheviots and coverts With or without redlined hoods Belted C backs silk velvet collars two rows of brass buttons made to button high at neck Well L39 C made triple warp Italian lining extra long Only one coat to each customer None Sent CODa nd No Mall Orders S Boys 4 ThreePiece Suits 198 They are cut In mannish fashion and made of allwool cheviots <hd casslmeres In S patterns of latest designs 3button sack coat with singlebreasted vest wide French facings semimilitary special back sewed entirely with silk pants have patent bands and flattaped S SL sizes 8 to 15 1 98 NoMaUOdelNoneCOD Great Sacrifice Mens Clothing 4 Offers from 9 A SM Tilt J P 8H Only Mens 3 Trousers Special at 150T- hese are great values and there are plenty to last for four hours tomorrow but dont come later than 1 P M Strictly allwool worsteds and casslmerej In very neat stripe effects many exclusive pat j 50 terns each a model of perfection and equal to custom make the trimming and- workmanship 0 ire of the finest 3 values sizes from 30 to 38 waist all lengths i Mens 8 Suits Special at 450Si- zes 33 to 38 56 Suits exceptionally well made but marked down from higher priced stocks for quick clearing Woollen materials In various mixtures of cheviots and 450 cassimeres including many black thlbet suits fine mercesized Italian lining wide French facings raised seams semimilitary cut special for four hours at f Mens 15 Overcoats Reduced to 8 A fine showing of Overcoats lengths 42 44 46 Kerseys and Meltons in blue black and gray strictly all wool with silk velvet collars Workmanship fit and finish 8 00 exactly what you would expect to get at 1500 sizes 34 to 44 special for four hours tomorrow at 0 Shoes for Boys and Girls for four Hours OnlyO- n Sate from 9 A M Till I PM To8VIorro Youll buy several pairs when you see what good qualities these are It is Quality that makes the offering so important Other good stores are asking and getting double price for equal grades br Shoes made with double soles heavy winter weight uppers and toe Boys caps Lace style with spring heels sizes ay to 13Y special per pair for Girls Stylish Shoes with good durable heavy leather in the uppers and f 69 C double soles Exactly the shoe the girls need for present outdoor wear sizes 7 to it special J School Rubbers for Girls at 19c per PairT- he entire 806 pairs In this purchase ought to be gone In four hours at this price Goodstrong Rubber with I9c spring heels Sizes 11 it Hi 12 12Y 13 Oy on special tables at per pair WILL COME HIGH MAYBE Senator Fitzgerald Would Tax Them Heavily and Would Pre ¬ vent Printing of Portrait- sBILLBOARDS flpKltl to Tht Ermine World AIJJANY Jan 16Senator John C Fitzgerald of the Eleventh New York District has Introduced a bill that Is an antlcartoon antibillboard antipatent medicine advertisement measure rolled- In one The bill makes It necessary to obtain a license to place advertising matter on any fence wall or structure throughout the State The license fee In cities of the Drat class Is fixed at 2500 In cities of the second class at 11000 and for all towns < village l at MO Fitly per cent ot the license fee Is to go to the locality wttere the advertisement II displayed and the remainder to the State The bill makes It unlawful to paintp- 01st print circulate a likeness or pho- tograph ¬ ot any living person the consent of sUck person Oences for advertisements are restricted to six feet In height A violation Is deemed a mis- demeanor I Kaisers Sou Visits Hie CIRr- ST PETEnsDUna Jan 16The Ger ¬ un Crown Prince Frederick WJnIa- vt J t t > Cj JANITORS WIVES THIS IS fOR YOU Dont Slap the Gentle Sewing Maid Unless You Want to Pay for It Advice to Janitor1 wives1 Never slap- a colored maidservant In the face even though the provocation be great It cost the husband ot Mrs Maggie Cplson juni K today In Magistrate Dreenfl court to right a gentle slap Tha trouble started over the placing of wastepaper In the dumbwaiter and ended In a basement row at No 23S Wet Ftftfcflfth street Jlosa Taylor the creamcolored com- plainant ¬ lives with her mistress upon the third floor She placed a quantity of wastepaper In the waiter during the morning period yesterday when the custom of the list U to remove garbage- at ijbt- Doiit you ever do that again shouted the wife of the monarch ot the flit up the shsft I shall do BI I please retortedthe maid titan she came downstairs and re- newed ¬ the Her face was slapped by the Jsnlfress and the Is suauce followed Magistrate Preen In the West side Court held that U- a 1 rwSI her authority 1Q h It- c < tS t hT- I iiW II Never mind the Why or Wherefore i r- Bath 7 10 Robes for- t 365 I < i cxM9rh- rec Cor IStb SI J BROADWAY I Cor Canal St y Stores Near Cbamben 4- y = n 4 World Want Ads hare a healthy i tone I b31U1 Ii wealth i oua- I awi + J I 61 IIi tt JJJ y 0 d- d 1 ill

HER Stern erdJor uri SfifOUND nlF11Iut If < HER WATCH- BETWEENTICKS t Uftwelled Timepiece of the Viscountess de 2 Varinay Recovered by Wonderful Ward 1 man Sleuth Twixt Hotel Mattresses

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Page 1: HER Stern erdJor uri SfifOUND nlF11Iut If < HER WATCH- BETWEENTICKS t Uftwelled Timepiece of the Viscountess de 2 Varinay Recovered by Wonderful Ward 1 man Sleuth Twixt Hotel Mattresses

r uriSf nlF11Iut If <



Uftwelled Timepiece of the Viscountess de2 Varinay Recovered by Wonderful Ward1 man Sleuth Twixt Hotel Mattresses

The Vlscountisn do Vnrlnay la aboutJ tne happiest woman In Now York She

i has back her bejewelled and bocrcstedwatch worth JMO Intrinsically but yaM2y more valuable than that to her byreason of Its associations She lost Itat the Plaza Hotel the other day andwaeplngly eppealecl to the police to findIt They have done so and a new ward

ian has covered hlmsqlf with gloryIiii The Plaza Hotel being In the Knit

t Fiftyfirst street pollee precinct It fellgI> to the lot of Detective Clarke Just out

of uniform and ort the pavement to7 locate e watch Hero whs his ohnncc

to make reputation Ho gallopedaround all the pawnshops leaving n-

detaJl description of the lost watchaccording to the most approved rules

i of the Police Department

Thieves Dented GuiltjV He met all the thieves with whom he

lied an Intimate acquaintance and nakedthem If they knew anything about the

ef watch tlll following the rules of thodepartment They couldnt help him

e tad darke decided to go ort on an en ¬

tirely original tacks flu went to the Plaza Hotel Ho called

the Viscountess de Varinay She recelved him In her apartments There

iavas present the Drones Klyerstoln a

friend of the Viscountess who also livesIn the hotel All the servants In theemploy bf the Viscountess were calledIn andtho I began

Xou are sure lady that you did notC take the watch out of these aport

meats asked the detectiveThe Viscountess was sure Ihe had not

111 Might you hot have worn It and lostItsi2le1oppingr inquired the sleuthfcavlnjr heardof uch thliifis before-

i rHjdculoii lI responded the Viscount1 OM l left It In ths room when I wentput

4 Blie Trusted liar 3luJd-

LlAbii eald the detective with an tilljT



Sho Stepped in His Coal Hole

and Suing for Damages JuryGIVeS Her Verdict

k Jacobs Wund who Will Alderman forthe old Eighteenth Assembly Districtwtysn Bonn Richard Croker lived thereI

as will have to pay JJ3X because of tha-

fallur ol his manservant to put agurd around the coalhole In the sidejrsIlc ot his Twentysixth street hoiiv-itkllx he put Insome kindling wood

4 2MIM Alice T Graham nil Invest Igu tor-tor

athe Charity OrganIzation Society

H a ee Along on her rounds She steppedPJ Int o the coalhola and onehulf of her

4sMlqwed lhe tootJ Mn tplne was bruited This was In

L V Stip became Mrs Stewart afterWiiHHt t hut has be en an Invalid ever-

yt aixl a Jury In 4he Bupremo CourtOe FJtwjcrald presiding awarded

1 flsu2ages to her today Jo-oaJJecry Ward once the Idol of the

rt U cranks wee Mrs Stewarts

4Ag exAWerman testified In won

rmaDt te never knew onything-M tI aay awefalling Into the coalhole

i HMwIijkwttti until lie was served with

I I i P II



of mystery akin to that which he hadseen William Gillotta assume in Sher-lock


HolmesWho hail access to your rooms In

qulre ClarkeOnly my maids whom I trust with

all I possess said the ViscountessBlack looks came from all the molds

as the sleuth swept them with his feur-cninpellliiK eye Silence fell on the roomand the Vlscouritena the Baroness themaids tictid thrir respective breathswhile tho detective pondered

Hhlihh ho whispered as he startedun

The woolen elilvcrft-dJles cat second sight muttere-

dnn of tho maids to anotherThe liuiotive cave her a black lookKlihhhh hu demanded again

more ticrcNV-AKiihi Hllotvco tell on the room The

detective rose from hIs seat and movedtoward the boudoir of the Viscountesshla oars scorning to prow In lengthunit reach out all rccnlvlng

Hlowly tihe wuteh hunter moved toranl the boudoir stopping every nowant then to listen women grewpile vlth tho intentness of their watch-ing


round the lbhlf Wnlcli-Hnttrlng the boudoir the detective

stopiH Hgalit and listened his eyesRhlnlnt with great excitement Thenho aprona forward seized the coverletson Wie bed and tumbled them backllftlnir tho tol mattress from the bedho threw It on floor and pointedThere lay the watch on the top of theloner nuittruen

Tho ticks between the ticks he exclaimed I know It was there I usedto work In 11 minstrel show

Wonderful murmured the Viscounties and the Haroness togetherTho maids crossed tKonvsclvea

Well remarked the Viscountesswhen she hail recovered I know Ididnt wear It out of the room anyway

When she was teen today the Viaconntrj Intlstcd that some one hadstolen a and then finding that Itwas an heirloom had sneaked back Intoher apartment and hidden It betweenthn mattresses nut tho hotel peoplesaid they thought sho had Juat forgot-ten


where she put Itn



Barge Senator Penrose Oil

Laden Found Seaworthy by

Clyde Liner

Tho Clyde line steamer New Yorkwhich arrived hero today from WestIndian Dots reports on Jan It thatWillie In latitude 3243 longitude 7335 xhorome upwkh the derelict barge HenatorPrhrose with red hog flying In the star-board rigging

A hoat wax lowered In charge of thecollet olllcoj vtio oji returning reportetthe barge abandoned Tho crew hadevidently left the barge In a greathurry OJ their personal offrets amplenty of provisIons were left behind-

A boat was swinging In cHvltshatches wero on and wMI batteneddown

The hoisting stuck was tOne nndthere was a hole In the erk forwardThe vejsel was loaded with case oil undwas In pPJ llrenl good1 order She wasbound uuiuniiumo Cuba

The liargii enator Ienroso wm lasreported JIUI 9 when the left IhllnUelIn tow of the Spanish steamer

Nlceto for uuuntannniod

ut < o Ileovn by TrainPIAJNVIKID N Jj Jan 16A man

ahuIbe walking on the New Jersey Contral Railroad hacks near Nethwwoodt day was etruck by un expreu trainad u to 11JI III-

JIIItLpGft UaLtI44 1


Misses Suits

Homespun and EtaniincSuits Blouse Jacketstrimmed and lined withtaffeta silk Deep flounceskirts

775Norfolk or tight fitting and

semifitting box coatsLined with satin

750Black or blue melton cloth

pedestrian skirts pleatedblack taffetas silk skirtsand black moire silk dressskirts

750Childrens full length box

and cape coats-





Ladies Coats

Rain Coats made of Oxfordgrey and tan covert cloth-or cravenetteVarious models

1200 1500 and 1850Black broadcloth coats

half or full length Doublecapes Lined with black-or grey satin

Paletots of tan and greybroadcloth pleated orloose back

1850 and 2450-

Twentythird Street


RECKON LO1Six Others Are Injured When

Western Express CrashesInto Two Big Freight Engines

Near Cumberland Md


< 6j ftil tn Tin KTnli WorldCUJnJEIlTVND Md Jan 18Ths

fast Western Express on the Baltimoreand Ohio Railroad crashed Into twoengines In the South Cumberland Hallroad yards here today killing four ofthe trainmen and severely Injuring sixother



HENJAMIN engineer SouthCumberland

MOIlAN JAMES fireman of expressBaltimore

SIMMS JOHN engineer of the expresscrushed under engine

STANNINQlOlt J H fireman SouthCumberland-

Two engines hail Just been tIred upIn the yards and were crossing themain trucks to make a aiding whenthe Western Express came thunderingthrough making thirty mlles an hourwith two tnaliiea drawing a heavy trainof sleepers

Engineer Slmins In charge ot the firsteiwinu ot the passenger train evidentlydill not see the > IKln ahead of himcioamub the truck until It was too luteto stop his train Ills levers ohowedthat he hud hud time to shut on thegleam and reverse the eccentrics sailapply the air brakes but he did nothave time to und as Iho engineand tender buckled down wlUt the colllrton hu was imned under the wreck ¬age

The two engines of the trainwere plied in a conglomerate heap whilethin two locomotives Which vera uinnua blow wore comjilotoly demolished The boiler at oneof the englnoa exploded Just aster thecollision tItus to the confusionTho trainpanienger beingan abrupt top hurled nai-wnitcrs from their berthsthem receiving hurts and contusionsbut none wai seriously leer atow minutes It was foundthe principal damage was contlnrd tothe Brfat exclttmunt prevailedlsrsengera d from the Windowof the coaches In their nightwere only prevailed upon to return ihenassured that all danger was over

Traltlc on the through line notInycd IOIIB except the Western KxprMsTha In yardwhere there are many tracks and othertrains were able to pass around thiswreck on other tracks

Other engines wrro secured and afteran hours delay the Western Expressprnerddenstwar1-


Iu nip Kiivtiirr Iuremftn 1nUrnIlls Mftt In lloopllnl-

Oharlr < K Hayes a patient In theManhattan State Hospital for the Insuit committed suicide today by hangIng He had been an assistant factor

I foreman betor llaarrest for Insanity11 N


Stern Br theStatiloiniery Department

Tomorrow Special Sale ofLINEN PARCHMENT PAPER120 Sheets Square Paper Note c Larger tC100 Long Envelopes size DO size IUI

Value 75c 100 Box

Enlarging the Clothing SectionClearing Sale of

Boys X Suits Overcoats Youths-

At Extraordinarily Low Pricesroys REEEERS OVERCOATS QOdd lots 3 to 8 years Former price 500 2 0SAILOR SUITS Plain Blue Serges Cheviots and 3Mixtures silk embroidery 3 to 12 yrs Former price 500 j> doNORFOLK DOUBLEBREASTED 8 VEST SUITS 5Plain Blue indWlxtures 8 to 16 yrs Formerly 8500 to 595 15CHILDRENS BOYS OVERCOATS Grays Tans Blues andMixtures small sIzes wool lined embroidered designs 3 to 16 yrs Se 00

Formerly 695 to 975YOUTHS SUITS Plain colors and mixturesYOUTHS OVERCOATS In Gray or Black 15 to 20 yrs ti Q5

Former price 1000BOYS EXTRA PANTS in Plain ColorsChecks Mixtures and Corduroys 4 to 16 yrs Former price 98c J OC

West Tweety tlhird Str-

eetah1ererosAye 31st StMBMWMMW H


SHEETS AND PILLOWCASESSta-ndard goods well made of substantial muslins laun ¬dered and ready for use Unqualified values in thesestaple necessariesPILLOW CASES 4x36 8cPILLOW CASES 0x36 13cPILLOW CASES hemstitched 4x36 IScSHEETS 54x90 3ScSHEETS 60x90 41cSHEETS 72x90 45cSHEETS 81x90 55c

Special 8I A n SaturdayUNBLEACHED MUSLIN 44 extra heavy

worth 5c at per yard 3cOPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS

ORQSjSHOES350 per pair

The Best for Women

Smart enough to complete the most fashionablestreet costume sensible enough to lendabsolute comfort to sporting attire anddainty enough to meet the prevailingdemands of evening dress

JAMES McGREERY SCOTwentythird Street



Arrives at Cape Cod and Pre ¬

pares to Send Wireless Mes ¬

sages from There to His StaIion in Cornwall England


seil Ths Rvvnlnr WorldWEUKIEET Mass Jan UMar

coat and his assistants arrived at theSouth AVellfleet station today Theparty were taken In carriages to thehick aide of tho cape whore the bigtowers loom conspicuously and otterluncheon Mr Marvonl bepyin the workof perfecting matters for the trans-mission


of signals to EnglandIt Is the Intention of the Inventor to

lintel the work here as quickly as pos-


and take a steamer next week forthe other side of the Atlantic and withthat Idea In view he will probubly notstay here longer than three or tour daewhether or not he succeeds In gettingthe Welltleet station In working order

If arrangements cannot be perfectedbetween now anl Wednesday he said

1 shall leae nutters III charge of mynuUtuntB find proceed to Kngland

Marconi Is extremely hehas to ny-


Said In lima Arranged tet HandleCommercial Cable a-

aoJmKo12ftJIuHttalL katt-i

that Signor Marconi has made an ar-rangement


with the Commercial CableCompany to handle all his Americanbusiness and that ho has also contractedwith the government to transmit mes-sages


from the United States to pointsIn Alaska

The station for the transmission ofAlaskan messages will be near Seattle


Inventor Paste Through Bostonon lib Way ti Station

BOSTON Mass Jan 16Sig Marcoal arrived here last night from SidneyC tl and today will continue his JourIty to the American station at SouthWellrtrel on Cape Cod


Jlniule Cameron TaUes CarbolicI Acid at Cone Iilunil

Mamie Cameron thirty years old ofWest Fifteenth street and Mermaid ave-nue Coney Island Is a prisoner at theKlnxs Oounty Hospital on a charge ofattempted suicide

Her groans attracted others In thehouse to her room early today and Itwas found that abe had swallowed car-bolic acid She refused to make anystatement to the police or the doctorsat the hospital


IIVEHPOOU Jan 18At a specialmeeting of the Itverpool Chamber ofCommerce today called to considerthe proposed reciprocity treaty betweenthe United States and Cuba U wasannounced that foreign SecretaryIansdowne would receive Importantdeputations from the various Ohambers-of Commerce of the United KingdomJan n lor the purpose of discussingthe matter

The sfMJUiv troB JycrttteUid Uie


J j

thet1 erdJoNew York Fastest 1 T Satisfaction Guaranteed ortirowlng Store alE S r 1 S T Money Promptly RcJundcd

Saturday Was Ner So Important Until We Started

Our Great Four Hour SalesSatu-rday never before meantso much to the thrifty buyer as it does today Our plan of giving four

hour specials has brought more and greater money than New York ever knew There have beenmany but they have not succeeded to anywhere near such a degree as we have because they I

have not had the sturdy unmatchable values such as we have ottered Imitation is surest proofthat our sales are of deepest illpor-

tanceAnother Great Bargain for GirlsTosiltvcly From 9 A M Till I P M Only I

Stylish full Length 5 Goats at 198-

IfIf you have looked anywhere else for coats this season you will appreciate all the-e forcibly what an Immense bargain this is There Is a broad selection of thesej both In color and size Full le ncth of heavy English melton cloth with either hcle or 1 98double cape and inverted pleat Monte Carlo back kimono reverse cuff and ve collar

Shown In blue cadet brown Oxford sage green and red Sizes 4 to 14 A egood 5 coat special tomorrow a-

tUnmatchable Offers for Women I


Positively from 9 A M Till J P M Only

Womens 350 Walking Skirts for 149Th-ese are wlnterweUht walking skirts in the popular slot seam

flare style the bottoms are trimmed with sevenInch scalloped 1

bands with fourteen rows of stitching the material Is a heavy L49wool cheviot shown in black and shades of gray various lengthsand waist bands worth 350 special for four hours tomorrow at

TourHour Sale of Winter WaistsAb-out 600 waists in the lot In several different materials Includ ¬

ing allwool French flannels fancy camelshalr plaids and wool habit cloth made withthe broad shoulder effect In several styles plaited black and various colors 49cworth from 89c to 125 each special for four hours tomorrow at

Great Values in Boys ClothingPositively from 9 A 5M Till I P SFA O-

nlyBoys3 350 Russian OverGoats 139 r

It is the best value we ever knew of in the way of Boys Overcoats The Russian blousestyle is very popular its hard to get enough of them at regular prices to keep pace with thedemand et this offer for four hours is close to half valueSizes 3 to 8 years Strictly allwool materials In blue brown tan gray olive and mixtures

made ofkerseys meltons cheviots and coverts With or without redlined hoods BeltedC backs silk velvet collars two rows of brass buttons made to button high at neck Well L39C made triple warp Italian lining extra long Only one coat to each customer None Sent

CODa nd No Mall OrdersS

Boys 4 ThreePiece Suits 198They are cut In mannish fashion and made of allwool cheviots <hd casslmeres In S patterns of

latest designs 3button sack coat with singlebreasted vest wide French facings semimilitary

specialback sewed entirely with silk pants have patent bands and flattaped S

SLsizes 8 to 15 1 98


Great Sacrifice Mens Clothing4

Offers from 9 A SM Tilt J P 8H Only

Mens 3 Trousers Special at 150T-hese are great values and there are plenty to last for four hours tomorrow but

dont come later than 1 P MStrictly allwool worsteds and casslmerej In very neat stripe effects many exclusive pat j 50terns each a model of perfection and equal to custom make the trimming and-


ire of the finest 3 values sizes from 30 to 38 waist all lengths i

Mens 8 Suits Special at 450Si-zes 33 to 38 56 Suits exceptionally well made but marked down from higher priced

stocks for quick clearing Woollen materials In various mixtures of cheviots and 450cassimeres including many black thlbet suits fine mercesized Italian lining wide Frenchfacings raised seams semimilitary cut special for four hours at


Mens 15 Overcoats Reduced to 8A fine showing of Overcoats lengths 42 44 46 Kerseys and Meltons in blue black

and gray strictly all wool with silk velvet collars Workmanship fit and finish 8 00exactly what you would expect to get at 1500 sizes 34 to 44 special for fourhours tomorrow at 0

Shoes for Boys and Girls for four Hours OnlyO-n Sate from 9 A M Till I PM To8VIorro

Youll buy several pairs when you see what good qualities these are It is Quality that makes theoffering so important Other good stores are asking and getting double price for equal grades

br Shoes made with double soles heavy winter weight uppers and toeBoys caps Lace style with spring heels sizes ay to 13Y special per pair

for Girls Stylish Shoes with good durable heavy leather in the uppers and f 69Cdouble soles Exactly the shoe the girls need for present outdoorwear sizes 7 to it special J

School Rubbers for Girls at 19c per PairT-

he entire 806 pairs In this purchase ought to be gone In four hours at this price Goodstrong Rubber with I9cspring heels Sizes 11 it Hi 12 12Y 13 Oy on special tables at per pair



Senator Fitzgerald Would TaxThem Heavily and Would Pre ¬

vent Printing of Portrait-


flpKltl to Tht Ermine World

AIJJANY Jan 16Senator John CFitzgerald of the Eleventh New YorkDistrict has Introduced a bill that Is anantlcartoon antibillboard antipatentmedicine advertisement measure rolled-In one

The bill makes It necessary to obtaina license to place advertising matter onany fence wall or structure throughoutthe State The license fee In cities ofthe Drat class Is fixed at 2500 In citiesof the second class at 11000 and for alltowns < village l at MO Fitly per centot the license fee Is to go to the localitywttere the advertisement II displayed andthe remainder to the State

The bill makes It unlawful to paintp-

01st print circulate a likeness or pho-tograph


ot any living personthe consent of sUck person Oences foradvertisements are restricted to six feetIn height A violation Is deemed a mis-demeanor

IKaisers Sou Visits Hie CIRr-ST PETEnsDUna Jan 16The Ger¬

un Crown Prince Frederick WJnIa-vt





Dont Slap the Gentle Sewing

Maid Unless You Want to

Pay for It

Advice to Janitor1 wives1 Never slap-a colored maidservant In the face eventhough the provocation be great

It cost the husband ot Mrs MaggieCplson juni K today In MagistrateDreenfl court to right a gentle slap Thatrouble started over the placing ofwastepaper In the dumbwaiter andended In a basement row at No 23S

Wet Ftftfcflfth streetJlosa Taylor the creamcolored com-


lives with her mistress uponthe third floor She placed a quantityof wastepaper In the waiter during themorning period yesterday when thecustom of the list U to remove garbage-

at ijbt-Doiit you ever do that again

shouted the wife of the monarch ot theflit up the shsft

I shall do BI I please retortedthemaid

titan she came downstairs and re-


the Her face wasslapped by the Jsnlfress and the Issuauce followed Magistrate Preen In

the West side Court held that U-a


rwSI her authority 1Q

h It-



tS t hT-I iiW

II Never mind the Whyor Wherefore i


Bath7 10



365 I <i

cxM9rh-rec Cor IStb SI JBROADWAY I Cor Canal St yStores Near Cbamben 4-

y= n


World Want Ads hare a healthy itone

Ib31U1 Ii wealth i oua-

I awi + JI 61 IIi



0 d-d 1
